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Heads and Tails BY JONATHAN HUGHES/THE GAMECOCK __ ____v \ \ THIS COMIC PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED FROM APRIL, 2002 Buttercup Festive! by eluott g. garbauskas WARNING 'STX/crt.'j 4-DulT-S .1 HOROSCOPES ARIES You’d rather do innovative financial planning than spend all day counting beans. Unfortunately, the latter is required first. Count those beans now. TAURUS Finish the tasks you’ve been worried about. Get them out of the way, and do a good job on them. There’s a test coming tomorrow. GEMINI Review your travel plans again. The more potential j problems you can negotiate now, the more fun you’ll have this weekend. CANCER Once you have your routine down, the job gets a lot easier. Establish your basic structure now, with input from wise friends. LEO Next week it starts getting easier for you to be in control. Meanwhile, renew old alliances, and don’t argue with the boss. VIRGO Don’t squander your money, even if you feel flush. The more you save now, the more you’ll have to spend this weekend on fun and games. LI B RA If you can stand to be frugal just a little while longer, you’ll be glad you did. If you must buy a treat for yourself or a loved one, take time to find the best deal. SCORPIO You may have to rely on a partner to get your meaning across. By now, you and this other person should be on the same wavelength. If not, make adjustments. SAGITTARIUS Play by the rules and get the job done. Oner encouragement to those who are stuck. Be patient. Victory may not come until next week. CAPRICORN Did you know that Capricorn is the sign of going from rags to riches? Hardships make you stronger, and you eventually succeed. So take heart, no matter where you are within the process. AQUARIUS You’ve made your move, you’ve taken your stand, and now you can settle down. Work out the kinks in your new routine. Make yourself comfortable. PISCES You’re pretty good at “putting up with,” but fixing the problem is better. It’s time to hit the books again. And this time, be more patient. CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 60s do 5 Talon 9 Lean lover of rhyme 14 Signaled 15 Uncommon 16 “Common Sense" writer 17 Attendance 19 Saturn feature 20 Shade tree 21 Decoy 22 Dusk 23 Destiny 24 Wild talkers 25 1994 animated Disney film 29 Alabama school 30 Night before 31 Places of refuge 35 Planet 36 Tad’s dad 37 Censor 38 Without: Fr. 39 Part of UF 40 French part of South America 41 19th-century industrial exploiter 43 Baseball eauiDment specialists 47 CSA soldiers 48 Agamemnon’s father 49 Fossil-fuel 50 Pugilist’s punch 53 Tilts 54 “The Miracle Worker” Oscar winner 56 _Hawkins Day 57 Seed cover 58 Toe tip 59 Grace enders 60 Risque 61 Singer Moffo DOWN 1 Pine 2 Tank up 3 Twenty quires 4 Peculiar 5 Piece of crisp bread 6 Actress Bacall j ! © 2003 Tribune Media Services, Inc. 04/30/03 All rights reserved. 7 “Rule Britannia” Solutions composer 8 Drench 9 Type of poetic rhythm 10 Fence coating 11 Remove lather 12 Enrage 13 Tries out 18 Eau_, Wl 12 Rational ?3 Errors >4 Split 15 Some putouts ?6 Island undulation ?7 Black, in poetry >8 Skewered entree 31 Aka 32 Raise 33 Vegas gambling game 41 Wakes 50 San _ 34 Bridge 42 Amatory Capistrano 36 Celebrant robes 43 Light wood 51 Related 37 Champers 44 Mr- T’s outfit 52 Actor Lugosi 39 “The Seven Little 45 Business 54 Golf score 46 Bight of_ 55 Recombinant to Tremendously 49 Singer Irene letters CALENDAR weanesaay, «prn ju HAWAIIAN LUAll BLOCK PARTY: Strom Thurmond Wellness Center. 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. “INVINCIBLE”: Nickelodeon Theatre, 937 Main St. 3,7 and 9:30 p.m. NONSTOP HIP-HOP LIVE JUSTUS LEAGUE SHOWCASE FEATURING LITTLE BROTHER: New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St. 10 p.m. $7 general admission. $5 with college ID. SALIVA WITH PACIFICER AND SHINEDOWN: Uncle Doctors, 1734 Mobile Drive. Thursday, May 1 “INVINCIBLE”: Nickelodeon Theatre. 7 and 9:30 p.m. BINDLESTIFF FAMILY CIRCUS AND BURLESQUE SHOW: New Brookland Tavern. 9 p.m. $10 for general admission, $8 if in costume. MOUNTAIN ROCKS SERIES FEATURING BEYOND BRAILLE WITH ALL OUT OF FINGERS AND THE KEROUACS: Senate Park, 931-B Senate St. The former Marvelous 3 front man will perform with the Verve Pipe’s Brian Vander Ark. DAdam Cullum and Lanky. Saturday, 7:30 [~) p.m. Jammin' Java, 1530 Main St. $10. Adam Cullum is also headlining a show Friday night at the Lettuce Lounge with David Stagg. 8 p.m. $3. WEEKLY ADVICE COLUMN: WHAT’S UP Parent-boyfriend relationships Q: My girlfriend’s parents really don’t like me. They are rich and think that their daughter is throw ing her life away on someone like me. I’m going to school on schol arship and plan to be a nurse. I will be the first in my family to graduate from college. My girl friend has a totally different atti tude and loves me for who I am. My concern, though, is when she goes home for the summer, her parents’ constant “brainwashing” will drive a wedge between us. A: Parents often have a picture of whom they want their child to marry. Sometimes this choice is based on external factors such as money, culture, age, appearance or intrinsic qualities including values, beliefs and personality. Your girlfriend seems to have great faith in you, and that is what matters. Our suggestion is to have as much faith in her ability to see you for who you are, as you do in your own ability to accomplish your goals. In time, her parents may change their minds once they see that you two have a loving re lationship and are a positive in fluence on each other. For further advice, contact: USC Counseling Center Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 777-5223 7th floor Byrnes Building -1 1 * No more tests. No more quizzes. No more papers. Graduation time is finally here. And now that it s time to celebrate, what better way than with a beautifully decorated cake from the Publix Bakery? For you. And your favorite graduate. P2O0. i^rfQFF j ... i Publix Bakery 1/4 Sheet Cake or Larger j Offer good only at your Publix at Rosewood Shopping Center. i Limit one deal per coupon per customer i J Coupon effective April28 - May IS, 2003. LU85S88 | I.--.-..-...........-------------------.------_ Publix. WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE* 4 l ' t