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I 1987-88 USC Basketball Preview s8 THE GAMECOCK Monday, November 16, 1987 t Parker's back to help Lady jiMfc ERIC HEWITJ/The Gamecock Guard Martha Parker led the Lady Gamecocks in scoring this past season. Banner looks to domii : 1 . ; ,__^r^ffi jvi:r . fi -:i v "':- ] - -S -C ?'^7^'"?- .Tl-'SI ~~ ~ /RIC HF.WITT/The Gamec. -k# I SC.'s Schonnu Banner led the Lady (iamecocks in rebounding this past spiunn Illlllllllltlllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll WUSC-FM ALTERNATIVE 90.5 I \r iTl' l~T7 T1 v.rx >\i\ i\ Jisr -J' aa, s " ' : S CHILI CHEESE DOG | : : m w OUR REGULAR Sl/L </\N OVt RSIZE q 2 '/?LB. CUSTOM MADf , ,\Ll BEEF FRANK) ? 0 SERVED WITH MUSTARD, SECRET RECIPE <$ # CHILI, ONIONS & MELTED CHEESE 1 JH4 ! o ~{g|w m ?GBi R<-'g. Price 1.44 @ m MS m 11? LIMIT 2 2 X PUR COUPON! Y EXPIRES 11-21-87 Z I : ? . * < Gamecocks II. UU'llAUn DUI.'I.'V mm j a?avyBirki?a^ Staff writer It seems like USC guard Martha Parker has been at the top of the key, helping run the Lady Gamecock offense, for years. In fact, the 5-foot-9-inch Columbia native is just a junior. Maybe it's because her on-court composure and concentration always makes her appear wise beyond her years. It's one of the reasons she has started since her freshman season. Parker's all-round play will be a key to the Lady Gamecocks' success this year, though Parker says otherwise. "This team is loaded this year," Parker, who led the team in scoring (15.5 points per game) this past Year. said. "We want to inst keen on getting better." The lineup this year is dominated by veterans, while a group of highly regarded recruits add depth to a team that has big plans. Still, Parker has to be considered a team leader by virtue of ability. "1 guess that's natural but it's not gonna be just me out there," Parker said. "Nobody's going to be the big leader out there." Parker's contribution in practices is just as important as the effort she gives in games. Freshman guard Sherry David, who goes up against Parker in scrimmages, will attest to it. "It's tough, but it helps," David said. "You have to play her like you're playing a big person." nate inside By MATTHEW ROBERTS Staff writer Success is a word that the l.ady Gamecocks basketball team is hoping to become very familiar with this season. The talented Lady Gamecocks are predicted to finish near the top in the Metro Conference. One of the reasons for the predicted success of the Lady Gamecocks is sophomore center Schonna Banner. Banner, a 6-foot-3-inch childhood education major, is a multi-faceted player who averaged 15 points per game and a team-leading 6.3 rebounds per game this past year. Banner is being touted as one of the better young players in the Metro Conference by being named the "Metro Conference Newcomer of ihf Yrar" and aUn hv oalhprino All Metro tournament honors. She has lofty aspirations for the Lady Gamecocks this season. "I don't see any problem in winning 20 games, and I think we have enough talent and teamwork to win the Metro title this year," she said. One of the keys to the Lady Gamecocks success will be the inside play of Banner. "I'm trying tc become physically stronger which will help my inside game. 1 think my quickness and good reach will give me an advantage under the basket," she said. The Lady Gamecocks will be facing stiff competition in highly ranked opponents such as Tennesse, UNC, and North Carolina State. 1 i Ti ML f A>1 I M These things listed are geared only tc not the problem; it is a symptom o We don't use df We deal i not tti 1 ITS NOT YOUR FAUl ; i -800I 1 Piedmont I ) I 222 S. Herlong A\ , | 803/ ' I M)I"W Lady Gan says 20-wi By RICHARD BREEN Staff Writer vi think a 20-wm season is realistic for this team. I'm going to go ahead and put the pressure on us by saying it." USC head women's basketball coach Nancy Wilson said that at Press Day. Most coaches aren't that bold; they tend to punctuate preseason predictions with "maybe" and "hopefully." Wilson's determination only emphasizes that the Lady Gamecocks arc expecting big things this year. They have lost only one player off this past year's 18-12 squad, have a letterwoman returning from injury and boast a great recruiting class. Leading the attack again this year is junior guard Martha Parker. Parker led the team in scoring with playing a lot of young people." Several youngsters will see playing time for USC again this year, but will flfil fli M ! m n rruviiw, prui;iii;e9 yiu ' Lady Gamecock head basketball co ' a 20-win season for her team is a st mmm. >ward weight control, but the weight itself is f an underlying disease, an eating disorder. ugs, diets or gimmicks. with the disease, le symptoms. -T ... YOU'RE NOT ALONt ss2 255-1818 Medical Center /e. Rock Hill, SC 29730 329-1234 * 1986 The foder Institute. IrK f necock hei In season ' i j.j pomis per game wnne earning All-Metro Conference honors. Also returning arc the secondleading scorer, Schonna Banner; the third-leading scorer, Monica Williams; the fourth-leading scorer Lisa Diaz; and point guard Dawn Raab. Clearly, the Lady Gamecocks aren't lacking experienced hands. "One of the strengths will be the numbers we will be able to use," Wilson said. "Last year, we were be more responsible for adding depth than bearing the brunt of production. "All of them will eventually contribute," Wilson Said. The depth they add will be seen in a more uptempo offense and defense, she said. "We're going to run the ball more," Wilson said. "We're going to use more full-court pressure and man-to-man defense." Monica Williams, named the Lady Gamecocks' best defensive player this past year, will lead the defense from the forward position. The 5-foot, 10-inch senior from Heath springs was second on the team in rebounds with 173. USC's leading rebounder, Banner, will again play center. Peggy Glass will add versatility at center and for wara as win ner sister Laura. Laura missed this past season with abdominal pains, but returns healthy this season, giving the Lady Gamecocks added height (6 feet 2 inches) at center and forward. Wilson said all four of the veteran backcourt players can post up. "We may run into people bigger than us, but physically I don't think it's going to be a problem." Larriane rrazier, a 3-1001, 11-incn forward also returns, giving USC allaround ability and another senior to count on. ctice ach Nancy Wilson instructs her players rong possibility tw n S< \V * <r / \}? ' Be a plas CASH PAID FOR It's easy < Hyland Pla 1620 Ge Hours Mon. ? Fri. I 7:30 a.m. ? 5:30 p.m. Call today for inform t (? (Jl (tj (J* (tj tf* (I* <J* (J* (Jl (J* (t* <J* ( vj) yj) ip >p >[) vj) vj) Q) Vp >P vj) Cp Cp ^ Q) Q) vj) Vp vj) vP V, $ This Coup s $$10.00 D ? Up to $25.0 $ $100 per mc $ j Bring this < $ $10.00 fir: $ $ (One coupc (r (t (J* (f <? (t* (f* (t* (I* (h (J* (T* (? (T* (Is ^ ^ ^ | 1 CJ) vp *p Cp Cp ?J) Cp Cp Cp vj) Cp Cp CJ) Cp Cp Cp Cp Cp Ct) Cp Cp Cp? id coach 'realistic' Diaz and freshman Karen Middleton add backcourt depth and a threat from three-point range, which is in its first year of use in women's play. "For us it's going to be a good thing because we have a couple of people that can shoot it," Wilson said. Many of Diaz's baseline jumpers this past year would have counted as three-pointers. Natalie Williams Howard returns for her sophomore season appearing bigger and stronger, while freshman Sherry David adds more depth. Sherry David, Ann Gardner, Beverly Hawkins and Treka McMillian round out a talented squad of incoming freshman. "I feel we have a very solid base for the future to build the team on," Wilson said. A 20-win prediction may mean that some of that future is now and Wilson thinks the Lady Gamecocks and Memphis State should be the best teams in the Metro Conference this season. "Anybody who wants to see good women's basketball should come see us," Wilson said. USC opens its season Nov. 27-28 in Orlando, Fla., at the Sunshine Classic. The home opener is Dec. 1 against UNC-Charlottc. 9 V B ?*ERIC HEW ITT /The Gamecock during a recent practice. Wilson said ; > eed me extra ash??? ;ma donor ^ t EACH DONATION and it's safe isma Center rvais Street Appointme. <ts available but not necessary /"\ r? a /~\ y\ /-* /n ation i P <4) vj) vP vj) ?4> Cp vP CP CP Cp Vp Cp Vp Vp Cp CP Cp CP vj) vP u) on is worth $ OLLARS$$ j iO per week or $ >nth is possible $ I $ *; $ . coupon for a $ $ 5t-time bonus jjj >n per person) $ ' J $ *.? ^ (t| <? rfj (t> <t* ct* c? (? (2* (t c? (1* <1* (I* (J <J* (J* <J* (? 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