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j Bloom County 11/ ff ?K.5... /tiy MOUJH oti oh oh Feets ukc OH OH... VELCRO... \ 'a M f 2^ I *v- - d?i Lima ZM ? M tkim PICAYUNE '5 COMIC OKAY.. $01 OCT A LflTl? srRirrrx is a tap mm tway. soosep wtm my n/rvKE rr IN LAW5 LAST NKrHT... OKAY' mo minutes i can snu. co rr ^ Pm' to veaplint. r?- ru. jvsr whip m a/rs j .**:! / /-/5 ivwp _ I _ / Hm/ - "77'-^A \r^t ' Shoe P]W I neW TC A^K Wj_J At?? <tCV R?P6R?lN< ^pt Afl2CTTWl?N?W / JP TtfTWEVcOtNrANi s^rAXg^cM... ?A?WRETicemen J||#'J|il ^ 1 ttwaw I. ~ vsssiBs THIS YEAR PUT I for I Room Wfirinfiftf jj We sine* H Berke Breathed Wf imemrr fox A IF Mty 191CNT vmKieymentJ'A \ nm W/Co^nNue^ |^f( { [gJt ^ I MMOHM Lmfci S6M - ) iS FVR 660R06 6HVLTZ.' r._ U XAN FWKXJ5/ ' 8 MR5 5MLTZ PHILOXMlCflL! ' 1 1 RMBBHRV ? 1 Hopae6SN M eeoM rv h OKAY-A (*16.. I ff"r t\ R6AR ITS UOLY HCflP... HOP A OflO... A ' > MO A0O</r warr f \ ..PENCKS,ink.. f\ WHAT'5 FVUNY ?? \ CLOCK...IN LfiMS.. 00 ((', < TAM.JN-LfMS.. HOME.^ Jeff MacNelly r m 'tokmow. ?i> \ f WAIT "L. x SET MVHANR? | '.- -"^ ON THAT TKAVEU A6 MT. \ j,;'. - ^^^ AN END TO YOUR ention a je to circumstance Change Day for c has been i iay, November 12t Hours will rer srely regret any inc Far Side M y I "Up! Up! Take me up!" Colleaiate Crossword 4-f HHi ! ~r { Mr r r p" in MMri I?~t====?l tt~ mdu< 19 Ur jy 77 T5 bg'7 Sh gg ii8K~ZZZlft! h Ql.t.-irJ Jul nit Col Irgiatr < *M IS ACROSS 18 Non-comercia) 2B Curved . _ network 29 Unvarii 1 becomes aim ?0 [mp|sh 31 Revolu1 6 decorative con- ?) journal1st general talners Jacob 33 Parslmt 11 Stately dance 22 catch, as a line 35 Suit 12 Hatred drive 37 Coach'" 14 Metric land measure 24 facility (2 wds, 16 lampoons 26 Italian numeral 41 Conmon 17 Soviet cooperative ?0 Upset 42 Re4ds DEADLY HABIT. ^ II Reside iange bui Semester s beyond our cont hanges between bi moved from h to Friday, Noverr nain the same. convenience this m i I Gary Larson ??<? ... !.' ^ I p j & ^ f.?->-'-?>^v?%?/ ,# jJ r "My boy made the frame." 44 Vane direction 27 Tropical fruit 45 Block Illegally 30 Switch position 47 Compositions for 32 Art of printing l,a / *hhr \ 48 Batting 34 A short while ago 49 Lanchester and (2 wds.) Maxwell 35 Beautiful women 51 Be nosy 36 Pertaining to 52 Walked In water disputation 53 Go back over 38 Guides 55 Nail polishes 39 West coast ball a 57 Figure of speech club 58 Irks 40 Exigencies 59 Latin for dog 41 Sumer drink 60 Lively dances 43 Coins of India 46 Italian city DOWN 48 Dromedary 50 Spahn's teammate 1 Science 52 Salary 2 Feeds the kitty 54 Roman 151 3 Twofold 56 Compass direction 4 Poetic contraction 5 Doing a dance 6 Feudal tenant 31MM 51 iP^r^rOIW 7 Santa jrfanfo TT V>1 11 H 1 [? 8 Location ?TT[TIh|V n TMTpTvj>itII 31b 9 Monsieur Zola rtlitotytw B a H|lpfj>] VI $1 1iT 10 Finish skin dlvlngiTnnvpli s iltnpMd]Tr!p 11 Variety of sheep 5.5 letter 13 Sixes, In Spanish /Mvl1|'ll ? H Y ?d voice 14 Scarum's counter- Iff W t V n T w ntlTROnuJi Llonary War p?t 11 3 1 H jl T d^U U H n 1 16 Ending for snickerT]7| a] ? >ny 19 Surround with 77 T ~i "H j T "a 7 ^Mntlt Ml^l trouble ? "5 ? T T v si I h| v|XI :>! a|M| ; strategy 22 Discharged In a |S n h T n yll ' steam B| s i si vl aBs <1 nt vl hHHW iufflx 23 Periods of rule 26 Work In burlesque m Great American Smokeout ; \ _ _ AMfTOCAN nj^ii' Nov.20 ygc5ff ' ?r'~~r~?v 1'!11,1 '"''!' '''!!'!'!""! ? J? ' 87 I * uildings B|| 1 iber 14th. i|| ay cause. ^1 i