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FlBp.tinns >< <***? Gray said Washington and Fink did sur- tiona prisingly well in the race and should be happy dent' mttli tlio rAi'iiltc oncp Via KioH Ki oo rr\ fViot r\A\rl* wiiu iuv i vauiiOf uv^wuuov, nv iiuu iivui u inui ^>uoil their campaigns had not been as well organiz- Th ed as Snell's and German's efforts. distri German collected the most votes in eight with of the 10 districts, and Snell won one district. 805 Ham, who had described himself as a "joke Lafe candidate"throughout the election, tied with Snell in the Law School district to share win- PI ning honors in the last polling area. won "I THE SIMS district, the only all-female runo voting district on campus, proved to be ex- Tow tremely important to Prioleau and the ed," secretary candidates, Gray said. Ai Although Hassell won nine of the 10 Ron districts, a strone showing bv Hall in the elect Sims area placed her in the runoffs. Hill of hi received 237 votes in Sims compared to 1- and for Hassell and 72 for Tommy Geddings. Tow Had Geddings finished stronger in the G; Sims area, he probably would have gone into won the runoff against Hassell, Gray said. largt "You have just got to keep building. If very you take a beating like Geddings took, it's kind of tough to recover," he said. "I got IN THE final vote tally, Hassell received greel 766 votes, or 37.4 percent; Hall, 663 votes, or coun 32.8 percent; and Geddings, 593 votes, or said. 29.8 percent. A r'liuicau uciiciiicu iium a Miung uiiimi in sonn the Sims district also, outpolling Lasch 237 dicat votes to 145. Lasch was also soundly Priol defeated in the Towers district, 114 votes to said. Prioleau's 219. Be After this election, "1 don't see any way tions that future candidates could ignore those numl districts," Gray said, adding tradi- receh Hrnf ID ui ay continued from page 4 _i in adding Student Government will not con-| Djj sider dissolving the empty seats because sea( ''everyone has a right to fairM fun l representation." I q I Three students were elected to Senate seats | icpicscnung waae tiampton Hotel and I jjj University Inn, two dorms that are scheduled I to close next semester. sea "The students in those dorms have a right 1 1 to representation as well, since the new i s Senators are inaugurated March 30. If those run seats are eventually dissolved, those students ' will probably get priority consideration for seat other jobs in the Student Government if the run< new president decides to do so," Gray said. ^au Blossom Street Continued f individual students involved in raising funds the L for the project, he said. cond own, Students should be willing to help improve belie the looks and safety of a major roadway fund through their campus, and the project will not ? benefit USC's students as much as anyone grou else, Walker said. U? cond HOWEVER, BOB Dixon, co-chairman of been S FLUSH! MEET ERICA TONG IN | BOOKSTORE ON WEDN 7th. SHE WILL BE SIGNI 2 3:30-4:30 P.M. DON'T MISS IT! K ? ? The GAMKCOCK is the student newspaper of the University of South Carolina > and is published three times a week oa n , Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays dur- I IIGpSTG I ing the fall and spring semesters ani , jj'tSECCrHri'lTrnCT Ti nrrmj un ncunrHiiajrs during uuin sumrner sessions, with the exception of BT university holidays and examination , jmhHiim?J Periods. & '! Opinions expressed in the (iAMO gk. |; COCK are those of the editors and not L j^LLt, those of the University of South CarollaK. The Board of Student Publications and Communications It the publisher of th? GAMECOCK. The Student Media vJ?-' Department Is the parent organization of NBB' jS Jhe CiAMF.COCK. WtBp ( flange of address forms, subscriptloa i requests and other correspondence shouH i\fi he sent to the GAMECOCK, Drawer A, Frftiral University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. 29208. TEST PREPA Subscription rates are $15.00 for (I) SPECIALISTS S year, $8.00 per fall or spring semester an4 . . . .... $3.00 for both summer sessions. Third in Mnr^T?!?n class postage paid at Columbia. S.C. ,n M?r" Th8n 120 Ma|0f f he GAMECOCK Is a licensed student nut<irt? n (organization of (he University of South wanHMMMHii Carolina and receives funding for Undent . ; ptiiviij fee?. N ?? ik/r _ illy vote and can make or break a stu- me s campaign for a Student Government ion Two ie two candidates each won five voting 7. icts. The final vote count was Prioleau ciVcll. 1,110 votes, or 54 percent; Lasch with a -jyr votes, or 39 percent, and James /\.1VU mina with 132 votes, or 6 percent. SCllO UOLEAU SAID he was surprised he requ without a runoff. knew it was rinse. <;n I exr?*rteri a >ff. When I found out that Sims and the COIY1' ers had come through, I was very pleashe said. J n excellent campaign staff, chaired by oJjHl aid Hughes, played a large part in his 1 OA ion, he said. While he concentrated most JL-oU is campaigning on the Sims area, Hughes 1-80 the rest of his committee worked to win ers votes, Prioleau said. 2 p.] ray said he was not surprised Prioleau "fvv because the candidate had appealed to a 1I11U. ; to number of students and he had a strong campaign organization. iE DIDN'T just get the black vote; he votes from the independents and the JBV cs. He didn't make the mistake of simply I ting out a whole block of people," Gray E W([4I poll of 50 students conducted by SG per- I el Wednesday night was an accurate in- p [ n r of tho plAl>rinn koMlico if rk<Mirn^ tlinl H I ? 1 vr? v11v WV-IIV/II I7VV.UUOV. 11 dllUVYVU Lliai A%TiV eau had a slight edge over Lasch, Gray fl pTSTf cause Baker ran unopposed, the ElecCommission did not tabulate the | QUII ?er of voles the treasurer candidate 1 IF YO /ed. esults Continued from page 6 I 11 itrinf 1 f\ t 1 (Criminal Justice) f off: William Rogers I POSH ry Byers strict 17 B t 1 (Law School) j, | n Upton (winner) h off: S. Blades I 3 I If you 5ff: Paul Agnew I we re 'ct}'1 1 James I roin page a ISC-oriented subcommittee, said USC is i ucting a large fund-raising drive of its \ and university administrators said they ve "we should not be trying to solicit s" from alumni and students. "We are joing to try to solicit monies from these ps at this time," he said. >C once before benefited from a project lucted by an organizaton that has since merged with Vista. THE UNIVERSITY i IESDAY, MARCH NG BOOKS FROM J Csc ^ university # bookstore ^ ? ? ??#? ?##% /r fonMarcl^U^^84^| HJ| ^W^i?raHBMiaHigaH8S!8MBfflMli Call 0?ys Evenings & Weekends _____ aAj-H. I IBM Mm 1A1Q ? p? " Ij" 1 "u " uuuioiuii oi. tional Center Columbia, SC 29201 1 ration 256-0673 INCE 1938 ; er Permanent Centers US Cities & Abroad Y State CALL TOll FRJf 800 773 1 7S7 dical Scholarship i i.i J : i anu uiree year meuicai lable to students curren \ approved school of mi larships provide full pa^ lired fees, $579 per mor ving, money for equipm mission as an officer in fou qualify? Take a mm Ration. Call your Navy 1 0-922-2135 in South Ca 0-845-5640 in Georgia b m., Monday through Th rmation. Houses is lot pie to join STf AK MOUStJ _ . , ^ # Myrtle Beai MCY'S MEANS QUALITY IN PF U ? Have integrity? ? 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These /ment ot tuition and ith to ease the cost ent rental, and a the Navy Reserve, ute to find out at no Representative at rolina, or etween 9 a.m. and ursday, for more 4 lUINCY'S urly Employees pj 3d Systems, Inc., owner- | n 11 i n r>?/ ' o P Q m i i w UUII lb y o i u 11111 y uiuuix Dking for a few hourly peoour growing team in the ch units for the summer. 10DUCTS AND PEOPLE ners satisfied? , thru Sept. 9, you may just be the person Contact: Mickey Gist or Phil Bahakel, at 1 ?untain JER - 99* "J 3 and Ig. drink) i 1 I 'Gamecock 1 SPeCIALTY FAST FOOOS 2nd Floor Russell House jgl mm M MM HH MR