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Tigers hope to end streak By CHARLIE COLLINS Asst. Sports Writer Clemson comes to Carolina Saturday in hopes of ending Carolina's three game winning streak over the Tigers. In coach Hootie Ingram's second year at the Atlantic Coast conference school, Clemson has improved over its 1970 record of three wins and 8 losses, and currently is 4-6. - "We're disappointed that we lost six," said Ingram, "but we've made progress. N.C. State is probably our only disappointment this season." Underdog State's win over Clemson was only the Wolfpack's third of the season. 0 "We just went through the motions in that game. The guys wanted to play but lust didn't; I can't really put my finger on it," said the Tiger coach. "We didn't deserve to win." With disappointments aside, however, Clemson and Ingram now look to their final game; the game tabbed by Carolina coach Paul Dietzel as the "'second half of the season." "One thing we have done all season, with the exception ot the State game," said Ingram, "is play good defense. The Tigers defense is lead by All-ACC candidate Larry Hefner at linebacker and defensive tackle Frank Wirth. Hefner will be joined by sophomore linebackers Luke Deanhardt and John Rhodes. Deanhardt was an outstanding performer on the fresh man team which went 4-1, and Rhodes is a red-shirt sophomore. Wayne Baker and Charlie Mayer hold down the end positions and Ralph Daniel balances the 218 (ave.) pound line at tackle. The Clemson secondary facing USC's Glenn Morris consists of Ben Anderson at monster man, Jeff Siepe and Bobby Johnson at corner backs, and Dale Henry in the safety position. Anderson sees the defense's main job as stopping Carolina's Dick Harris. "He puts a whole new dimention in their offense. We're going to have to contain him and that's a problem. "We know we'll have to do more than stop Harris," added the junior defensive back, "but if we can stop him, that will be a good starting point." With Harris, Carolina has improved its offense tremendously, while Clemson has a record setter for its own offense in quar terback Tommy Kendrick. The senior playmaker has broken nearly every Clemson passing record prior to the 1971 season and has 3,863 passing yards for his career. Kendrick's top receivers are flanker Don Kelly, and tight end John McMakin who have caught 18 passes for 505 yards and 26 for 391 yards, respectivly. The Tigers also have a respectable rushing game to com pliment their passing lead by tailback Ricky Gilstrap. Clemson has rushed and passed for 1398 yards in both departments. Statistically the Gamecocks should win this game. But statistics have seldom held out in past Clemson-Carolina games, it is doubtful that any of the 57,000 fans coming to this game ex pect it to happen Saturday. MAKE YOUR MORNING UNIQUE One egge, grits, Jellys, Coffee 45c ~ - OUR sPECIAL And a choice of Two W nCa.boldcoc eggs, ham, bacon n rS rbee sek or sausage. 85c sre ihFec Full breakfast icehtrlscofer menu 85c Ieta 16 And Under R sa rn atesSrie Breakfast served 7 TryA inersilerfst MON. SPAGestaur MantSac . WED. CHOWaM.INroFried Ricec9 THURS SPAGElT&rMeaSaye st99k FRI Fenc T ast C oie o 5syr p laors. 85e o 111Gre S1(Bt0e31i n Assembly) ___ Harris chosen captain Dick Harris, who gained All America recognition as a defensive back and kick returner for nearly three years before switching to offense and scoring three touchdowns in his first game at tailback, is the overwhelming choice of his teammates as South Carolina's football captain for 1971. Gamecock seniors are named by head coach Paul Dietzel to serve as individual game captains through the first 10 games, with the permanent captain elected by the squad prior to the traditional season ending game with Clemson. Harris was the overwhelming choice in balloting held earlier this week. Harris has been a starter for the Gamecocks at defensive left halfback and a kickoff and punt return specialist until last week's game. Harris responded to offense by scoring all three Gamecock touchdowns in the 24-7 victory, rushing 108 yards in 21 at tempts, and catching three passes. For his career, Harris holds the NCAA record for kickoff return yardage, 1,804; for total kick return yardage, 2,562; and total number of returns, 144. your bag ? let your sweet hMppy! We're only 4 blocks away -- only Two-hour service S e.m.-2 p.m.. 1908 l~ GCSS Gamec Well, another football season is finally drawing to an end and for the Gamecock Soothsayer that fact is indeed fortunate. The poor prognosticator's pearly predic tions have plunged to a below .700 percentage for two straight weekly picks. Last week, 31-16-1, .659 (Oh, for shame); for the season, 366-135-5, .730; Rumor had it that the Soothsayer wouldn't dare return to again do his thing, but return he did. Earlier in the year, the annual Clemson-Carolina classic ap peared as if it would once again be a tight, heated clash of the rivals. That was before, Coach Dietzel decided to unleash his number one weapon: a Tiger killer named Dickie Harris. This weekend, the doomed Tigers prance into the Cockpit expecting to once again engage in a close battle. Unfortunately for any Tiger fans that might exist, the game has ended before it starts, for that Tiger killer will lead his own Safari across the goal line several times. USC 38, Clemson 13. In the week's second biggest clash, Oklahoma battles number one- ranked Nebraska in what is really the game to determine the top college football team in the nation. Much has been said of Nebraska's defense, and their fine offense which can both run and pass. However, not quite enough has been said of Oklahoma's crushing running game, and Nebraska will learn you can't score when the other team controls the ball. Nebraska's defense will stop Oklahoma far short of their early season goal of a 1,000 yard rushing game, but they won't stop them short of victory. Oklahoma 24, Nebraska 18. Orange Bowl bound Alabama I blocks.for a quality job. t4onday through Friday. p asom St. UT onE eOuan= Pe A picks :ocks visits Auburn in a real clash of southern powerhouses. Auburn's offense should score behind the combo of passer Pat Sullivan to receiver Terry Beasly, but against the rallied defense of Bear Bryant's third ranked team they won't score too often. Alabama 24, Auburn 21. Another late season clash of rivals finds Georgia whumping Georgia Tech. Georgia's rugged squad rambles to Georgia Tech to battle the Yellow Jackets who have experienced a somewhat disap pointing season. The Bulldogs won't make it any less disap pointing. Georgia 42, Georgia Tech 10. Penn State travels to Tennessee and finally has the chance to prove that they can beat an established team, like the Vol squad, just as easily as they romp over some of the weaker eastern schools. For Penn State, it's a chance to pick up several votes in the weekly pools, for Penn State it's recognition. Lydell Mitchell may not run for another five scores, but don't bet against it. Penn State 38, Ten nessee 20. The others; EAST: Army 20, Navy 6; Boston College 40, Holy Cross 3; FlorIda 17, Miami (Fla.) 13; Florida State 24, Pittsburgh 10; Morgan State 23, Rutgers 14; Virginia Tech 27, VMI 20. MIDWEST: Cincinnati 39, Louisville 3; Rice 28, Baylor 23. SOUTH: Tampa 35, Florida A&M 10; Mississippi 17, Mississippi State 16; LSU 34, Tulane 15. WEST: Arizona State 27, Arizona 17; Colorado State 10, New Mexico State 7; New Mexico 43, Hawaii 3; SMU 24, TCU 22; West Texas State 41. Springfield 40; Redskins 49, Eagles 0. Wrestlers lose match to Furman Carol)pa's wrestling club lost Its first match of the season yesterday to Furman by a score of 454. The only points scored by the Gamecocks were through a pin by Martin Brown in the 134 pound class. The Belton sophomore pinned his man in the first period while leading 3-0. Unable to fill all the weight classes, the Gamecocks had to forfeit two weight classes, and the experience of the Furman wrestlers overpowered Carolina as they registered five pins in the match. "You Names It We Franm. It" THI HOUSS @0 20,m PICiTLUSe 'MIS 3? 12y mei Aw.