University of South Carolina Libraries
Is By SUSAN ROSS News Editor Those who know Communism and those who once lived it are here this week to discuss it. From all over the world former communists and scholars have come together to share in formation and experiences. Some have come anonymously, some openly. It took two years to bring them together in what may be the first meeting of its kind. The Institute of International Studies is sponsoring this gathering through Saturday, which, as far as the institute can determine, "has _ never been equaled." "These are the most Duke tici opens M Upperclassmen will be able to pick up coupon books and Duke tickets in the Naval Armory Monday and Tuesday from 8 to 5. Underclassmen may pick up their tickets during the same times Wednesday. Both picture ID cards and treasurer's fee cards will be required. Students will piek up fee cards from a table immediately to their right as they enter the Naval Armory. The cards will designate. class standing. If a student's class. standing has changed due to summer school, he can have the. class standing changed on the card by paying a $5 fee. After picking up the fee card the student will fill out a form and receive his coupon book. Picture ID, fee card and coupon book will be required to get a ticket. Students honored (Continued from Page 1) vice president of the American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism. * ** Dorothy Ann Manigualt is one of 29 Negro journalism students in the nation to win American Newspaper Publishers Association Foundation scholarships. Miss Manigualt's $500 stipend is part of $15,075 made available for scholarships through the program this year. Eight secondary school teachers from Germany attended a week of lectures this summer by University professors to better understand the American Education system. Dr. Donald E. Weatherbee was in Europe this summer as a visiting professor at the Free University of Berlin. He also visited USC's International Study Research Associates and lectured in Germany, Norway and Sweden. Dr. Delmar B. Pockat, former assistant dean of the School of Education, has been named dean of the School of Education of Middle Tennessee State Univer sity. Pockat, who joined the USC faculty in 1964, assumed his position with the Murfreesboro, Tenn., school July 1. HELP WANTED Part time work for man or woman student. Must have home currently in Columbia area and drivers license. Non-dull work, knowledge of Photography helpful but not necessary. Large old Columbia c'ompany. Only apply if you need work. Loafers stay-a-way. Near U.S.C. $1.60 per hour. Apply Manager P.O. Box 6707. Columbia. S.C. 29206. Brittons will be closed Sept 13 due to a Religious Holiday. sees Re distinguished scholars in the whole world of the Communist movement," said Richard L. Walker, director of the institute. They will discuss the education, training and other components of Communist cadre development programs, according to an in stitute publication. The institute hopes to publish findings and "spirit further study of related aspects of the world Communist movement." Communist cadres are explained by the publication as those in structed to "encourage conditions favorable for enhancing the appeal of Communism..." "Some received their training in the Rome of the world Communist ket rush onday Individual date tickets are $6. Season date books for the first four games are $12. To get a date ticket a student will be required to show four things; his date book, his coupon book, picture ID and fee card. Tickets for away games may be bought at the ticket office at 503 Main St. so RECORDS Complet Across from the Horseshom 911 Sumter St. SOMET Take gift shops, when you're looking Gibson's on Salu I aren't too big on nari company here are a fI Chanel. Dior, Arder Cards. Now you knoi TI --1969-70 5 1-3-5-7-9 d(s) movement-Moscow or Peking; other have been trained in seminaries in their own coun tries," Walker said. "The former recipients of cadre instruction will participate by recalling and communicating information through essays and discussion, he said. Computer deals freshman cards A total of 2505 freshmen have entered Carolina according to T. Luther Gunter of the Computer Center. Their schedules were completed by the computer last night and will be reviewed by their different deans this morning. "We try to give everyone a balanced schedule," Gunter said. "For example, we try to give three classes on one day and two on the next. "Working with the master schedule that we have we do the best we can. We also try to leave the students an hour for lunch," Gunter continued. He added that the computer does not take into consideration the distance between classes. Gunter did not think that new sections would have to be added due to the large number of fresh men. UNDS i, TAPES, CA e Selection, Good' Special Orders iMES APPEARANCES ARE JUST TI for instance, you 'Il agree that substan for something special. da is solid with special gifts to give or ie dropping, but just to let you know w of our regulars: Dansk Designs, Zen :, Lanvyin, Russell Stover Candies ai where we stand so tune us In soon.6 241 SA L le Carolina, tudent Discoun Sidney Poitier in his most exciting role! Founded Jan. 30. i9s with Roleri GAMECOCK is publialhed by and for ta triwekly during the college year excep 111e opinions expressed herein dor ministration. the faculty or the student b Offices of THE GAMECOCK are in R camPus. Phones are 7774249 (Editor-in-( 777-8173 (Nk"sroom). 711K GAMECOCK is represented nal Service. Inc. The publication is a memb Collegiate Press Association. Subscriptic EDITOI Cal ASSOCIATE EDITOR Mike Krochmalny MANAGING EDITOR....... ASST. MANAGING EDITC NEWS EDITOR................ SPORTS EDITOR....... ASST. NEWS EDITOR...... ASST. SPORTS EDITORS. FACULTY EDITOR.........., CHIEF OF REPORTERS.. CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER, ADVERTISING MANAGEF ASST. ADVERTISING MAI CIRCULATION MANAGER Send The Gamecock Home OF SSETTES Vibes Ask About Our "Glad to sell you something plan." IA T ce tops form to keep. We te keep good Uth Casettes, id Hallmark IB50N ,S UI)A IN lVE POINTS ,Fox, Ritz t Cards NOW 0 The Big "'Eve rybodysi [ IAbsolutely no one under 18 1-3-S-7-9 4 Elliott Gonzales as the first editor, THE , students of the University of South Carolina during holidays and examinations. ot necessarily reflect the views of the ad. Ddy as a whole. om 308 of the Russell House on the University 'ilef). 777-4220 (Business and Advertising) and lonally by NAtional Educational Advertising w of Associated Collegiate Preks and the S.C. n rates are $8 per year. t-IN-CHIEF -1 Stepp BUSINESS MANAGER Jack Padgett ...........Jim Wannamaker RS.............. Ed Chen, Fred Monk ............................... Susan Ross .............................. Jim Haney .......................... Kitty M cCaskill Pia ne Claypoole, Bruce Honick ..............................Sherry Shealy ......................... Alyce Youmans ........................... Chuck Keefer L..................... Glenn Godfrey 4AGER .......................Bobby Hitt ............................ Mike Fox I TO 13VING T A MOST UI NATIVE GI . Sea Turtle Shells - 1 . Lead Crystal - Czec .Wooden Toys -- We . Imari China - Japa .Hand Carved Boxes Plus NA TIVE G WE IMPOR T OUR G 41 HOT 252-6698 Welcome Back The N SALE...Good One.... alkin." About QQiu ITaawomav Editor One moi We normally feel administi proven guilty. That's why each things will be different, tha realities, that change will com We hope Carolina students wil Student government is hopef, thusiastic and pledge to stand ul want to see them do it. Slater has a new manager, than a year. But the food servi against it: for curtailing its I Russell House cafeterias. The administration still sa students. We hope it heeds The parking situation seerr distribution of athletic coupon other, deeper problems. A new year brings new hol today's college student, does r promises. We hope the admir government have action to ba 7(WAVELED TU 4LE CAWPOLINA FTS ...1 IIcoA .PeweUr /olvka o stG/mn . hep iTSAV[L[ATIE] EL CSHER1AT (AOE FROLLECT Fitimny G SmeockS Whn STdentI IF J IRE AN RASTE V Mah tudet Andiences -e time ators are innocent until semester brings hope that t promises will become e naturally. I not be let down this year. il. All the officers are en > for their constituents. We the third manager in less ce already has one strike iours of business in non ys it wants to listen to them, not just listens. s worse, not better; th s isn't settled; there are )e. Hope, in the mind of o1 allow for many broken istration and the student :k up their optimism. r COMNUNITY - India, Mexico orld - U-S-A kins - New Zealand V eapons - Africa vare - Portugal aere 'RICES NGS TO YOU ~COUBA, S. C. 3rices Prevail ROBERT YVGHN MAlARA '-3.