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Ya Got moec0 Headquarters for * LEVIS * ACME BOOTS * KHAKIS * LEATHER VEQ * PARTY ITEM "You Nan Corner Lady an Graysi WEL( NEW ST Visit our sto new fall British Walker Shc Enro Shirts PBM Suits London Dav 1307 M The 1211 Col SA~ limit 1211 C (/2 Block Oppoi CC Present this coupon ] ta See i most anything! TS & JACKETS S ie It. d Assembly Sts. Men's 5l S store 'OMES UDENTS re for all the fashions es & Sport Coats Fog id Chadwick Sweaters [ain Street Whoppe; a new home a ege Street - < gers are bigger at Burger Ku CUT ALONG DOT TED LI one to a customer OLLEGE STREET ite Campus 'Horseshoe) - LUMIA. S. C. w of Burger King window. Limited NOT G( iirm====mmmdsmm CUtT ALONG DOTTED LINU ledicated 'uesday Two of Carolina's newest icilities were dedicated in honor f two outstanding South 'arolinians Tuesday afternoon. The ten-story dormitory com >lex at the corner of South Bull and 'atawba streets was named in ionor of Jeff B. Bates. The Life Sciences Wxiilding at the orner of Sumter and Green treets, which houses the school of harmacy and department of >iology, will be named in honor of )avid Robert Coker. Bates. a 1917 USC graduate, was Sout h Carolina State Treasurer From 1M40 until his death in 1966. President of the Alumni Association from 1951 to 1953. he was president of the University of South Carolina Educational 'oundation from its inception in 1958. Coker. a member of the USC Board of Trustees for 27 years (1911-1938). was an 1891 Carolina graduate. lie was widely ac claimed as the South's foremost agricultural statesman. Bates llouse. as the new men's residence complex will he known. will be open for occupancy for the first time this fall. The building will house 549 students. Dining facilities have a seating capacity of 250. Coker Life Sciences building. (ollplete(d in 1962. is a three-story structure of traditional desig with an exterior of natural brick. It cont ains 35.000 square feet of space for classrooms, laboratories and Im-1ulty offices WILDEWOOD STABLES LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS THRU ADVANCED RIDERS ENGLISH SADDLE Stable - 787-517' ofr 787-53914 'has t Block from U.S.C.) 'EN OU UY leaosa Kneo HE THSYOUPONy )OD AFTER OCT. 1.jf k Founded Jin. 30. 1908 with Robert Elliott Gonz (AMEC(KK is published by and for the students of I triweekly during the college year except during holida: The opinions expressed herein do not necessaril: ministration. the faculty or the student lxxlv as a whole Offices of THE GAMECOCK are in lRoom 308 of the campus Phones ire 777-4249 i Editor -in-Chief) 777 4220 777-8178 (N6wsroom) TIlE GAMECOCK is represented nationally by N! Service. Inc The publication is a member of Associati - (illegiate Press Association. Subscription rates are $8 1 EDITOR-IN-CF Carl Stepp ASSOCIATE EDITOR BUS Mike Krochmainy MANAGING EDITOR ..... ASST. MANAGING EDITORS"----. NEWS EDITOR -------------................. SPORTS EDITOR.''-'''-.------.---. ASST. NEWS EDITOR ----............ - ASST. SPORTS EDITORS -".....Diai FACULTY EDITOR----'- ......... CHIEF OF REPORTERS -------......... CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER ........ ADVERTISING MANAGER........ ASST. ADVERTISING MANAGER CIRCULATION MANAGER ...... A BOL) EXPLODES A ONE-EYED MAJOR AND HIS ODDBALL -' HiEROES1 f' 1 PANAVISIONA TECHNICOLORV SHOWS 1:10.3:05 5:05-7:00-9 PM ADULTS $l.5r STUDENTS $125 SUNI 4 1. IhuOridysvI' b Spt alss>n r <ca\ 4 . " r--O l tll r 44.- .. and fiihds t (on h -,u Jo rC lcmed fr r I hrill y la Nr Ian dr y - 14- a nno 4autr ] ales as the first editor, Til he University of South Carolina s and examinations. reflect the views of the ad Hussell llouse on the University ( Business and Advertising) and itional Educational Advertising i-d Collegiate Press and the S.C. )er year IIEF INESS MANAGER Jack Padgett .......- Jim Wannamaker . ' Ed Chen, Fred Monk ....... ............ Susan Ross ......................Jim Haney ............Kitty McCaskill ne Claypoole, Bruce Honick ............... Sherry Shealy ........... Alyce Youmans ........... Chuck Keefer ---..........Glenn Godfrey ............. Bobby Hitt ...................... M ike Fox BEST-SELLER ON THE SCREEN! JUl rt !- UXUILIOUS NEW II netto N 5 . E. .. 'A'PPA GA LLO Gr<tov.y I Do \>J INE ERCL EANERS~ from Men's Towers Lrd at Sunshine r rt'tlt '.1) I )A t a .it i'o eta tc hargv) < lat to /Pit Editor Personal if you've been at Carolina for s that this year's Gamecock loo :hanged It in an effbrt to make thi! ?ach Carolina student. We have stopped capitalizing e You don't capitalize every word i -eason you should have all capital The new way Is easier to read. We have eliminated the black This makes the paper less dull an >n the eyes and more pleasant t We intend to be more aggressi nteresting. We plan to stand up Freedom of the press. We are present you the news, accuratel) We will raise hell. We will praise ?ncourage. You will find The Gamecock diff Ike it. Let us know if you ha ;uggestions. We will be good; we will be bad. dull. Be a hi Join The Gan MAFF BODY SHIRTS THE SHAPE OF SHIRTS TO COME IS HERE Authentic styling with torso fit. Long point collar. A large selec tion in solids, s tripes arid f ancies. from $ / Wha slaci COur I hey with They, fabr MA YOS fal touch Dme time, you may find ks different. We have ; paper more personal to ach word in a headline. 1 a sentence; there is no ized words in headlines. lines between columns. d grey, making it easier D read. e, more exciting, more or the students and for journalists working to , thoroughly, fearlessly. We will offend. We wI erent. Let us know if you te it. Let's hear your But we hope we won't be Bro iecock staff t's the last word in men's (s? Flared leg pants of se! Anid h.i.s has them. cling, way (down. Then out warning they flare out. come in great new fashion cs. Sound OUt in a pair of Bottoms by h is. from $ 1426 Main Fdy 3 30 -9:0