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"1 ti ito Y:v"ws Scheduled Next Week Placement interviews fQr wee] of Oct. .2 have been schedule and. students may contask con pany representatives throug schools where interviews are s up. Monday, Oet. 28 Cutier-Hamner, Inc., will hav a representative in School of Er gineering to talk 'with electries and mechanical engineers. Lockheed Aircraft Corporatiot Georgia Division, will recruit I School of Engineering for aern nautical and mechanical engineer Tuesday, Oet. 29 Representatives from West Vil ginil Pulp and Paper Compas will Interview chemical, mechan cal and electrical engineers an chemists in School of Engineerin from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and in D partment of Chemistry from p.m. to 5 p.m. Insurance Company of Nort America Companies will intervie majors in business administratioi engineering, liberal arts and la in B.A. building. National Cash Register Co. wi be in School of Business Adminii tration to interview accountin majors. Wednesday, Oct. 30 Insurance Company of Nort America Companies will continu interviewing in the B.A. building Representatives of General Telh phone Co. of Southeast will it terview mechanical, electrical an< civil engineers in the School o Engineering from 9 a.m. to 1 and accountants, personnel assist ants and industrial relations (Is bor) majors in B.A. building from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Union Carbide Chemicals Cc will Interview engineers and chem ists in the School of Engineering Thursday, Oct. 31 Union Carbide Chemicals C< will continue interviews in th School of Engineering. Representatives of Motoroli Inc., will talk with mechanical an eledtrical engineers and physicist in School of Engineering. FrIday, Nov.. 1 United States Steel Corporatio will be in School of Engineerin to talk with engineers, chemista physicists and mathematicians. Bfg Thursday (Continued from page 1) feathers. Shortly afterwards "TI State" newspaper began to refe to the USC team as the "Ganm Cocks." Later the two words wei joined. Originally the game was held a 11 a.m. in order to allow the norse dIrawn carriage-riding spectator a chance to reach their homes be fore nightfall. As transportatio: Improved game time became late in the day and in 1913 the kickof was boosted to 12 a.m. And It wa not until 1986 that the game g gan at 2 p.m. At first it was considered quit un-ladylike for Carolina women t participate In the pep rally or pa rade during the "Big Thursday celebration. When women finall; were allowed to join In the cele bration the people of Columbi; stared with open-mouthed astor ishment. Members of the Blue Key Fra terittes of Carolina and Clemsoi have made several stabs at get ting the rivalry a little more of the "friendly" ide. In 1947 the; planned some pre-game activities but they did not Include the burn Ing of the Clemson Tiger. Only few of the students attended th activities while 1,500 students late in the wear, on their own, got to gether and held an elaborat Tiger-burning ceremony. Mer Queeme The Blue Xef chapters' next at tempt was much more suewessful In 1948 they donated a rotatinj trophy to be awarded annually te the winning schoL The trophi has become part of the Clqsson. Carolina tadition. ?evhaps the gamne will loh ltth of it. teams after the game be. glas to rotate between the twa unt4 the H Friday, Novi1. In. the fre*bman' 'i tia e1etio ikeq 196 votes and Dick James, 194 pipeing thenim in today's rim't. For vice-president Jack Taylor re ceived 124 votes and Gene Dyson, 95. Carmen Cherry with 200 votes and Joe .Harper with 116 votes are running for the office of secre tary-treasurer. In the run-off for historian are Jo Kirven with 108 votes and Pat Moss with 96. Boopa Pritchardo 87 votes, and Bobby Morris? 68 votes, were in t today's run-off election to fill a vacancy on Student Council from the .B u a i n e s s Administration e School. Homecoming Queen a Libby Bagnal, 202; Gloria Baker, 28; Anna Boswell, 180; Saundra i, Carney, 67; Wray Davis, 198; i Nancy - Estridge, 165; Augusta - Mason, 184; Julie Petosky, 189; s. Betsy Quinn, 69; Janie Lee Robinson, 98; and Joyce Kline, .118. y, Freshman Class President , Brad Hildebrand, 28; Dick d James, 194; Barry Kiger, 47; E. g V. Kimbrell, 24; Mike Quinn, 196; . and Jack Stone, 170. 2 Freshman Veep Bob Allison, 51; Gene Amick, h 82; Dave Bradham, 37; Tony Brooks, 31; Skippy Canady, 52; Gene Dyson, 95; Allen Jenkins, N 64; William Marshall, 12; Ken Osbourne, 7; Randy Rankin, 25; Faye Rhodes, 44; Anna Taylor, 23; . and Jack Taylor, 124. g Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Blackstock, 101; Car men Cherry, 200; Ann Gilmer, 43; J Jo Harper, 116; Nathan Jolly, 66; Henry Martin, 57, and Betty Me Innis, 64. Historian Larry Barringer, 52; Frank Easterling, 38; Barbara Hazzard, 60; Gloria Hoper, 84; Jo Kirven, 103; Bob Lofgren, 73; Pat Moss, 96; Sonny Phillips, 50; Marty Price, 89; and Jill Ryon, 61. Student Coni Ab Avinger, 30; Gary Banks, 61; John Cloyd, 18; Harry Cotton, 52; Alan Edney, 9; Johnny Hagins, 86; Bobby Morris, 68; Boopa Pritchard, 87; and Gene Odom, 47. Invitation Given T o Paper Eating s All Carolina students are invited by The Gamecock staff to visit the Wade Hampton Rotel Coffee Shop n immediately after the game to morrow to watch three members of the Clemson Tiger eat their own editorial page in payment for hav ing supported the losing team. Roy Williams and Jim Herring will be the proud hosts at the occasion and Charles Spencer, Carol Hughes, and Jerry Ausband will e be the guests as representatives r of the bill country. e Carolina'S t (Continued Johnson at center. In the back a do the signal calling for the and Frank Destino at the half r fullback. f Quarterbacks W. L. Striei s also slated to see aCtion in the sophomore in eligibility who h aseason but hasn't seen action, Coach Frank Howard at ( will start with Ray Masneri an ,and Harold Olson at tackle, 2andidate John Grdljan at gui er. Calling the plays for the Barbary, with Harveyr White i - Others in the Clemson bac Charlie Horne at the halfbacle f ullback. ,~Add all the rivalries of th, students together and the'a rHURSDAY. No other state COR NEL BARBEl ACROSS FRu , IN CORNELL A Support th That Supporti "Let Us Use Your He NEW BLUE KEY MEMBER of Russell House. Kneeling fr from left Dick Stanland, Carre Bobby Bunch, Lawton Rogers at banquet in November. (Stag Blue Ke Studenth Eleven members were recent initiated into Blue Key, nation honor fraternity, Lewis Crome President, has said. The new members include ti following men: ROBERT MICHAEL BUNCI biology (pre-med) major fro Summerville is a member of t) varsity football team, was fresl man class vice-president; sophi more class president; junior clai president; senior class presiden a member of Kappa Sigma Kapp, and a member of Sigma C] FOURTEEN PIECEE Jimmy Farr For Homecc Jimmy Farr and his orchestr will play for the Homecomin Dance Friday, Nov. 1 from 9 1 1 p.m. at the Russell House Caf teria, Gary Rhinesmith, dan( chairman, has said. Tickets for the dance will I $1.25 stag or drag in advance< $1.75 at the door. During intermission at ti dance Carolina's Homecomir1 Queen will be announced. She w: be presented with a bouquet< roses by Bob McNair, student boc president. Also at intermission time Sa Stillwell, President /of IFC, w present trophies to the fratern ties and sororities judged durir1 the afternoon as having the bel roma page 1) field, Stan Spears will probabi first unit, with Alex Hawkirl ack posts and Don Johnson a land and Sammy Vickers ar game, and Steve Satterfield, as dressed for every game thi will also be available if neede< ilemson has indicated that b~ dl Bill Few at ends, Jim Padgei Jim Payne and all-conferent trd and Donnie Bunton at cer a Tigers will probably be BI lated to see action. kfield include Bob Chatlin an -positions and Rudy Hayes a a players, coaches, alumni am grand total amounts to BI ran malte that statement! L ARMS 2 SHOP )M CAMPUS RB BUELDINGO ,. Businoe Your School d mn O., mineut' S . . Eight of Blue 'Key's new nen am left are Driek Simkins, Mac avis, H1 Teague, Bob Rogers, Sinelair Lewis, and Dick Smith.. Blue Key will torni f Photo by Ken Sturgeon.) y Selects E For Memi lyI social fraternity. al WILLIAM McALHANY DAVIS, r,J biology (pre-med) major from Columbia is a member of Sigma ie Nu social fraternity, correspond ing secretary of Kappa Sigma I, Kappa and secretary of the South m Carolina Student Christian Asso ie ciation. - WILLIAM KEATING HAND$L, 3- journalism major from New York is City, is a member of Sigma Chi t, social fraternity, The Gamecock a, staff, Sandlapper staff, Newman iI Club, and the Carolina Veterans Will Play ming Dance a homecoming displays. g Farr's 14 piece orchestra is com o posed of musicians formerly with Les Brown, Tony Pastor, Raymond Scott, Jack Teagarden, Hal Mc e Intyre and others. Farr himself has formerly fea e tured with Glenn Miller, 'Dean ir Hudson and Johnny Long. iInfluenza, ;Colds Put 75 In Infirmary i-. Approximately 75 Carolina stu ,dents are in bed with colds and at flu, according to University Phy - sician Dr. R. B. McNulty. The infirmary is filled with pa tients and sick students are being housed In the penthouse of Student yUnion Building. iDr. McNulty urged all students to get the free flu vaccine from it the infirmary during the holidays or after returning from the week eend. Shots will be given each day afrom 9 a.m. till noon and from a 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. e DRADI 1RECORI d *Prhas 10 d Receive Orn G * Purchase 10 45 Receive One F. *Prhas 10 Exter Receive One Free "All Purchase. With Stop In For Your Free LOOK - BROS BRADFORD RI 1225 Matl there are grouped on the patio' and Bill Handel. StaQding are and Pete Martin. Absent were ily initiate its new members at even )ership Association. SINCLAIR E. LEWIS, history major from Charleston, is presi dent of the Cotillion Club, member of Student Council, Kappa Sigma Kappa, "Y", and has held the office of treasurer currently with that of Lt. Commander in Sigma Nu social fraternity. PETE MARTIN. history major from Spartanburg, is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fra ternity, debate team, Student Council, rules chairman for inter fraternity council, and critic for Euphradian Society. LESLIE LAWTOIN ROGERS, JR., electrical engineering student frony Conway, is a member of the var sity football team, NROTC stu dent, and a member of Sigma Chi social fraternity. ROBERT ELLISON ROGERS, accounting major from Florence, is a member of Student Council, Cotillion Club, treasurer of Phi Kappa Sigma social fraternity, Jr.-Sr. "Y" and Kappa Sigma Kappa. JOHN ELDRED SIMKINS, JR., electrical engineer, from Spartan burg, is a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fraternity, Kappa Sigma Kappa, "Y", Canter bury Club and a member of the NROTC. RA LPiH STEW ART SMITH, jour nalism major from Charlotte, N. C., is a member of Sigma Chi social fraternity, the Sandlapper staff, and The Gamecock staff. RICHARD CAUSEY STANLAND), JRl., chemical engineering student from Georgetown, is a member of Sigma Nu social fraternity, Kappa Sigma Kappa, Student Council and Honor Board. CARROLL GLENN TEAGUE, psychology major from Union, is secretary of Sigma Chi social fraternity, freshman class histor ian, sophomore class vice-presi dent, treasurer of Student Body, member of Student Council, presi dent and vice-president of Alpha Phi Qmega. ODD'S ~CLUD . 'LP Albums ReFree R.P.M. Records 'e ided Play Records in 6 Month. Apply"C Membership Card and, YSE - LISTEN/ ECORD SHOP0 m Street Ailf' is at dt*; hthe Ma Service on Nov. 11 for Is bermu. Withdrawals Duoe :t4 -1 Any student planning 1o with dr*w from a clasq must Ao so by 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21, Regis trar H. O. Strohecker has safd. Coat *ad Wateh Found -A coat and watch are being held At the housing office, Hogsing. Di rector Blackle Kincaid has said. 'It *as lost during the panty raid," he said. The owner may pick them up at the housing office. * -. * Parker 51 Lost An amber-brown Parker 51 foun tain pen with a silver cap has been lost in the area' between Davis College and Sloan College since Oct. 15. The findpr, should call Patsy Green, AL 8-6578 or turn in the pen at 1600 Pendleton Street. A reward is offered. * a * Shirt Winners David Gregory and William Oan ada of Ten. 25-86 are winners of the shirt given bi-weekly by the housing 9ffice to the male students having e neatest room, Housing Director glackie Kincaid has said. " . * Initiates Address Society The new members of the Eu Democrats On Campus Organize The organizational meeting of a University Young Democratic Club was held by 48 interested stu dents on Oct. 17 in the Russell House. Felix Wheeler, chairman of the Richland County Democratic party, addressed the group as to the purposes and functions of a Democratic club on a college cam pus. Dick Riley, a University law school student and vice-president of the Young Democrats of South Carolina represented the state or ganization at the meeting. A temporary slate of officers was elected to plan and publicize a November ralhy at which a mem ber of the state Democratic Party will address. Officers elected were Fred LeClerq, president; Pete Martin, vice-presIdent; Sam Men denhall, executive committeeman; Fred Day, secretary; Frank East erling, Robert Bell, Billy Watson and Sammy Stillwell wvere elccted to the membership and publicity committee. Appointments to a presidential advisory committee will be made prior to the Novem ber rally. RENTALS -SALES TRY OUR ONESTOF LAUND DRY CI FINISHED ED 301 Laundry & . 734 Harden - A black l t~ 4; , E4 book s lost aIn ba r glasses a set, w base ideptificatlon. There is a $10 ward. Two Males Are Barred From Games Two male Carolina students were barred from attending any University athletic events this semester after appearing before the Discipline Committee Thbrs day, Prof. Coleman Karesh, com mittee chairman, has said. The two men were conimanded to turn in their tickets for Uni versity athletic contests and were denied the privilege of - attending any Carolina athletic events at home or away for the remainder of the semester. The men were convicted on charges of drunkenness. The charges arose after an in cident at the Carolina-Furman football game Oct. 12 when the students were removed from Car olina Stadium. USC Band (Continued from page 3) band shows at halftime. Pre-game activities include a performance by the Clemson Senior Platoon, a crack outfit with a national reputation, and the presentation of the Carolina Block "C" club sponsors. Raise Colors The colors will be raised by a unit from the University NROTC while the Carolina and Clemson bands join in a mass formation to play the National Anthem. The first Carolina band was formed in 1921 according to Frank Welbourne, treasurer of the Uni versity and charter member of the band. The organization was made up of about eight persons on cam pus who like to play and, accord ing to Welbourne, the group "made more noise than music." Welbourne, a student at the time, played the slide trombone. Through the years the band has progressed to a marching as well as a concert band that now marches 6) members In ten ranks and six files. So far this year, the band has performed at the Duke-Carolina game,- the Furman game and the Columbia Fire Prevention parade. MAL WEAR FOR IlEN -lin. * nssse COMPLETE 'SERVICE. ROMAT EANING LAUNDRY Dry Cleaners -Five Points u, T AnWRs>