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U-Driv-It Systeml of Columbia, Inc. Rent a Ford SYSTEM Drive it Yourself 2132 Main St. Phone 33861 "Quality Shoes" "Popular Prices" Hall-Reese Shoe Co. 1431 Main St., Columbia, S. C. 10% Discount--University Students For YOUNG MEN'S SUITS I Go to Tom Hook's WALTERS 'SHOE SHOP! 1420 MAIN STREET 1First Class Service given Uni versity Men Dave Means Barber Shop 1314 Main St. Phone 7421 McMASTERS I Athletic Goods "1324 Main St., j ~ COLUMBIA, S. C. Capital Cafe "Nearest Restaurant to University" Your Patronage will be Greatly Appreciated Food of Best Quality Excellent Service 1210 MAIN STREET LOAF AT GITMAN'S BOOK SHOP Nothing but Books You can tiever tell * * * From where you sit * * * flow your picture is * * * Going to look. * * * For example I came * * * To Columiall with the * * * Avowed determination never * * * To fall for a girl * * * Again. * * * And I meant it because * * * I had been inl love * * * With a girl back * * * Home who was a sad * * * Disappointment * * * ''o mie. * * * And it seemed to me that * * * It always turneId out * 4 * That way that girls * * * Were very unsatisfactory * * * Animals and I decided * * * 'I'hat tiey were really 4* * Not worth whil . * * * But it happened that * * * The old lady called Fate * * * Had stacked the cards * * * And not in thy favor. * * * Because the prettiest * * * Girl came here to visit. * * * And after a while * * * I met her. ** * Say did you ever read * * * About how the American * * * Champion with the gloves * * * A Mr. Dempsey * * * T'apped a gink named * * * Car- Pong-Ti-Aye gently * * * lut Ifily and how the * * * French champion hit the * * * Ring wvith all his * * * A\mbiitions * * * ShiatteredL( ad went out * * * For the coiut ? * * * W\ell I went out but * * * Not like Carpentier * * * Fo r the count of teni * * * Hut am muchl longer * * * P eriodi of t ime and * * * Helieve me I'm still out * * * Cold. * * * hut I ami ghlad to have fallen * * * For her and I hope to * * P ersulade her some (lay * * * * * * I thank you1. Siblhic. --:o: Y. M. C. A. Council Meeting On November 6. Thie Y. M. C. A. council held its reg ular meeting Mlond(ay night, November 6, at 7 :00 o'clock. The meeting opened with song aund prayer and tihe various committees rep)ortedl on the work of the "Y " Mr. Jnhnsn on ron tha e 6-r nancial drive put on ill the past fev weeks had not been successful and thi: of men had Iot been secn. One mal of imlen hlad not beenl seell. One ma from each tenement was appointed t< see those mnen who had not vet subscrib ed to tile Y. M. C. A. drive. Mr. R. M Smith anilnonlled that Dean Baket Would speak at the Wednesday, nigh meeting of the V. N. C. A. R. M Hiope reported that oll Monday night November 20. 1922. the Y. M. C. A will give a reception ill ionor of 'Mr and Mrs. R. G. lli. Mr. Sherrill re ported a good meeting of the fresh Ment coun1cil. 1'lans were discussed to send a (de gate tto Atlantic City to the Inter natioa16 I V. M. C. A. Colventionl. Thi: council me eting was well attended an< it is to be hoped that tile Ien will con Iinue to bte regular ill attendance The mlleeting closed with SeIltelc( pray-ers. R. M. H. The iigher .Journalism.-Reporter I have coie to interview you, sir." Great Statesnian----"Well, go bacl and write your interview ad let ie set It. The Y Home < 1604 Bryan's Boo] 1440 f The e1uIA new dressers square t qualities all the Fl4 J.] Red R C Red "The Law Association." The Law Association .held its regu lar meeting Thnrsday night in the Moot Court room. having at bar a I breach of contract case. The plaintiff was represented by Mr. McRae and Mr. Marshall while the defense by N- r. Abbott and Mr. Wingate. Both sides had spent much time in pr, nara tion and the showilig was indeed very cre-ditable. The presiding judge (law yer Rice of Columbia) at the coplile tion of the case commented very fa - vorably as to the ability of both sides. The points of law seemed evenly di vided. the judge saying it was extreme lv hard to arrive at a conclusion. lie finally held for the defendant. Mr. "Pat" Adams was elected to the iollice of court crier and to show his appreciation of the high honor bestov . ed uponl him gave a short talk which was very uch enjoye(l. The Law Association is looking tor ward v'cry much to the coming mock trial and reception. The attorneys are working hard for the trial, while com inittees are making necessary arrange ments to have Chicora and Columbia girls galore. All association men are urged to be there and do their hest in oung Men f COLLEGIAN CL( Main Street COLUMBIA,,; c Store and P Vlain Street, Columbi; Florsheim "Fe Florsheim selected for its distinctive lines oe and sole trim-ha that make a shoe g looks to make it d >rsheim Shoes are exceptior values at today's prices L. Mimnaugh & 4 olumbia's Leading Department Stor ambler Coal "Burns Witbo ()LUMBIA ICE AND FUEL PLAN Phone 4345 Rambler Ice m. Fez naking this the best reception ever ield at the old .university. H. S. L. 000 One Hundred Proof. Prof. Rucker, (In Evidence): Gen lemen, I remember perfectly signing i deed to a piece of land under the following circumstances: A relative >f mine. having asked me about it. had -ne sign the deed while sitting on the veil at my farm in Anderson County, Ind I was under the impression that he (iced was witnessed by two members o)f my household, but later the deed became the subject of litigation, and I took the stand in Elberton, Geor -ia. to testify. I was asked by the ex imining attorney where the deed was executed, atid altho I was ready to swear that it had beei executed in An lerson, when I looked at the (Iced, gen tlemen, much to my amazement, I saw that it had been executed in Elberton, (Georgia, and was witnessed by two nen of whom I had never heard. :entlemen, I can't explain how such i thing happened. Ole Lady DePass: "Professor, you nean you were in Georgia, and thought vou were in Anderson?" Siblik. s Shop )THES ;.C. rinting Office I. by good -semi all the ood and ifferent tal Co. B. it Worry" T PlasPe