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PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE LITERARY SOCIETIES Terms $1.50 a Year Entered at Columbia, S. C., postofficc November 20, 1908 as second class mail matter. SATURDAY, NOV. 19, 1922. ,iDITORIAL STAFF. S. T. Sparkman Editoi G. H. Wittkowsky Associat< J. E. Millard Associat< BUSINESS. J. S. Nunamaker Manager The Editors Mourn. Verily there is great sorrow in the editorial roonis of this, the yellow sheet of the University of South Car olina. The resonant, manly voice of N r. Wittkowsky, the able assistant ed itor from the metropolis of Kershaw county-. has been husky for more than a week with some great sorrow. and from time to time his chest is shaken by heart-retnling sobs, and the most pitiful nioans issue from his lips. For some time we were unable to fathom the reason for the terrible distress of otir colleague, but yesterday we hap liened to pick up a Camden Chronicle in which was recorded the grewsome tale of tile slaughter of eleven lads. the flower (if the Camden youth, when they failed inl an assault tipoi the City by the Sea. The final count was 45 to 0. It's a hard world, but Witt tirmly' believes that if Camden's referee had been (In tIle field lie wotildil't have lost that ditme that lie so daringly wagered nIII outcome oi the contest. Alid ye editor makes it unanimotus for the mourners' corner, for did not tht' ('0b1t1thia Hligh School team lose to smie wretched, unlettered aggregatioti in Batesburg last FIriday by a score of V) to 0? AlH of which goes to prove that, if ye editor had his way about it. all high school gaies that were expected to he W"ln Wiuld be played at home; and we even heard this generalization with re e crence to some colleges. Chickens Come Home. As Hill Shakespeare once said in a fiie outburst of poetic fancy, "The chickens will come hiome to roost." This faniious trash was well illustrated last week when dozens of old Caro lina men flocked back to the campus to see the Furman llornet dittne till in proper style. It was a real pleasure tit see tile caipus dotted with the per sonlalitics of yesteryear. Prominent among the returning chickens was Professor W. J. ("Slick trick") Gaines of 4he Darlington H.igh school faculty. Gaines is remembered as Mne of the best scholars, pool ar tists,. and allrotind good fellows who ever g raced our campus. ''eaching Seems tI agree with Bill, financially as wellI as othle rwise. lHe is evident ly lie IDarl inrgo,n ''glass oif fashiion and mold of form." liming thei it her old meni back wIlomti we had tIle pleasure of seeiing were ('haril ie lazeltoin. Ge'iorge Tlaybor' now of thle Geoi rgetowin hamr. Wheittstone. Hi. K. Sanders. Professor I,utke (Cox and 'Tack I Torton. WN. General Football Review. ''Te fottballI seas ii is nowv wellI past lie hal f wa r ma rk . in fact theit baskt ball players amre be(gininilg tii limbter til as tihe end of N ovembetr. andi Th'aiiks. givinlg dlay d a ws nearer. lin siome' piarts oif this biroadl landi fte pot iif football dope' has ceased to bioil so enlergeticall y. while ini others it boils moiire fiercely thaii ever. Chiampijionisips art' lin the verge of beiing decide'd; te'ams have lost that wVere e'xpec'tted toi wVin andl vice versa. One of the most important gamnes in thie IEast Saturday w~as the ct'ilst lbt tweent lIa rvarid and P rinct'tni. Th'lis was the first oif the clashes biet ween the "Big Three" of tile E-astern teams. antd fte Tligers tutrninrg ('rinisoni umible's inti scores defeated the H arvard eleven 10 to 3; this was the first time Princeton ha:s dcfeauted<lte C rimisoni on itn owni fieldi since 1805. Next Sa'turday te' Ti gers must face the' Bulldogs of Yale the myvthIicalI chamipionshiip of the F.ast at Mae While the~ Harvard- Priinceton hattle' was being fouight .there were several othi er major contests taking place. Cornell was scoring a smashing victory over Dartmouth, 23 to 0; LaFayette decisive ly defeated Rutgers 33 to 6; and Pitts burg was winning a sensational victory over Pennsylvania, 7 to 6. Army and Notre Dame fought to a scoreless tie, while the Navy defeated St. Xavier of Cincinatti 52 to 0. Syracuse added a touch of international triumph when they downed McDill of Canada, 32 to 0. Yale using its second and third string men downed Maryland, 45 to 3. In the South Auburn who leads the scoring for the season won an easy victory from Tulane; Georgia Tech downed the Georgetown Hilltoppers; adii(erbilt defeated Kentucky; the Uni versity of North Carolina won a decis ive victory over the V. M. 1. calets thereby striking them off of the list of iderated teams. The strong V. 1>. 1. team took the crippled N. C. Staters into camp by a goodly margin, while Washington and Lee, although defeated by Center chalked herself up as the fourth team to cross the Colonels goal line this season. - And now for the home team. Dope was absolutely spilled all over the face Of the earth Saturday when the Car lina Gamecocks slated to lose to the Furman Hornets by a touchdown or so, turned loose in full blast and easily downel the Baptist eleven, 27 to 7. This was a suirprise to everyone e-xcept the most ardeit of Carolina fans who said they expected it all along. While Carolina team was snowing the IHornets under, the Clemson Tigers were invad ing the City ly the Sea and taking the Citadel litlldogs into camp by the score ,f 18 ti) 1). \\'ofTord met I)avidson at 'harett t' sainle da and met with . decisive defeat. M. "Y" Council Meeting. The "Y" council held its regular weekly meeting at Flinn Hall Mondav night. The atteinlance was somilewhat better than usual. Plans for the "Y" work for the week were t forth. Iaiely the Wediesday night meeting and the bible classes for Friday night. The report from the hi le classes was enicouraging, as an inl crease inl attendance was reported. 228 lielI having beein preseit inl bible classes last Friday night. The Y. M. C. A. will give a recep ti M'onday night, Nov. 20. ill loinor of the Secretary and his recent bride. The facultv anld the student body are iivited. Ir. Rell anl Robert Hope are in At laitic City. N. J.. this week represent iIIg the Uiversity at the natioinal V. . C. colveition. 'I'le meetiiig was adjirned after Ill busiiiess matters were disposed with. F. K. "Greece" Gaydon Active of Late. The last few days before the Flr nianl game there was no more active Imain inl this stctionl of the counitr-V than one Clint ("Greece") Graydon. who was here. there ida everywhere propo gatiig Iiis pet theory, etititled "'We're goiina heat Ui'urmian," which themr\. had a most thorough aiil cmplete 'proof and verification ,in last Satturday after an on, thle htirdein if the song being ' aroel i na 27--'rmani 7..nd that's why "Gre'c'" is jtuist abe lit the liappiiest man ini the state of Socuth Carolina at this very rniniute'. 'Yhlere we're a whle clot o~ef thing s t hit wvenit to make up theit meo'al e and tight of the ('arolinia team wlieni it weiit on t'heield andI swept that IIuricnie off its feet ini th lit'r st few noinutes of play. Andm eon'e of the moe st impio rtant ontes was te feeliing oftheit te'aim t hat thet enire i sit dent body' aind t'ver'y alunus of thet uive'trsit y w.a s right 1behiind lhem, hull ing for victo ry' withI lt te eon v ic't ion t hat v'ic't r wi as comeitiig. "r'e'e''' G raydon,i has hint in theit last few~ wveeks wo' rkinig- uip hat et'ii t siasmi ationcg t' aiunni aind stitdeiit s toe thlit white heat't t hat ciarrit'd itT the gameut liy a lig st'ore'. \\'t' have' do ubl ted very' se'rio uisly3 whttitr th lit olicy t' of ext ended praist' fo r e'ach ind(ividiual iiaii is a goodit thiiig ni te very eve of a harid gamt'e-as a miatte'r tif fat't wt' art' still e'xceediingly3 dioilbt ful as to wheitther thet beitst i'e suIt s aie te e Inobltaiined in this fashuioin, hut what we dIo want to say is that i c etry alumniuus was as much behiind (te football tteaii of C'arolinia as is (Clint G raysomn, if every' studeiit was strongly behiind tlit teani as lit is. we wouldn't have lost to eithter North Carol ina, Cle'mson or Sewaiice. Fifteen for "Greece" Grav7don, boys !Whether lit is speakiing in' the chape'l, ini the (Clarei sophic society, or on the State Houitse steps, you can always he sure that lie is for Carolina, heart and soul, first, last and alwavsa S.i Snipee ShowsGoodSpirit. Aside front the nrits and demerits of the difficulty between Snipes and the Carolina football coaches, which have not and will not be discussed in this paper, we think that, in justice to the man who has played star ball for Car olina, some mention should be made of the manner in which "Rock" has con ducted himself since being asked to turn in his uniform. On the eve of the biggest game of the year Snipes could have hurt the morale of the team very considerably, I had he seen fit to do so. But he did i not and we firmly believe that his at titude, in appearing before the student I body and showing that lie didn't intend to he a "sorehead" contributed as much I as any one thing to putting the punch and life into the team that was respon sible for Furnians overwhelm;ing de feat. Whether or not "Rock" was in the right with the coaches, lie certainly cleared the atnosphere a great deal with I his littl talk in chapel the day before I the game. and the rousing cheers that I the student body gave him at the end t bore witness to their appreciation of his eff(IIts to pit Carolina on top in tie scrap with the l1aptists. And per halls soneic of y.ou)I noticed that lie was in the Carolina sectioln and took part m1, the sIake Iance that was staged Ie twevin halvecs. it was hard. but it wa1s the Ianly thing to di . -00 Attendance at the Furman t Game. T large at-tendance at the Carolina FIriiIan game was fairly indicative of tle interest taken in this c.(oItest. And it is certainl that at least half the Cr(Vowl was more than repaid for going. It was a game which will linger for mally a day ill die mjinds of the six th(ilusatid lt. 1141ite who saw it. The Imanagemetit of tit' .\thletic As- I iation is to be ci oIIgIattlated on the CXeCelleit arrangenets that were made t to accmmodate and hatdle the crowd. A InImb t-t sections l'f new bleach ers were thrown iup and all the bleach- . er seats were iuItnbered. ()i other I 1ecasionis there has en timch e-itIt Sion in the mal,ter of finding seats at I the games. We noted with pleasure that this difliculty was iobviated at this I game. W. I Carolina Licks the Citadel. i t (Coninued from Page One) f Cart)lina started slo)\wly. and the Ca- I dets showed a short drive that carried the hall to the twenty yard line as the first qIarter ended. IIere a couple of I iasses were grounided and the oinly Citadel ehance for a score was lost. .\.lex Waite puit the Gamecock in the lead a few minutes later when lie scoiped up a fumble and ran some thir ty yar(s for a touchdown, all that was neewded to) plit tlit gamet 4)n ice. The ( ftirst hal f en ded lit'fore' theit Ca ro lina, teatn gut ging at all. A-\t te very first I a dIrive to thet twett yard hine went fort tiatght when'i a iunbI I'oi st the badl and1( the c'hiaince for a stcore. T'he re'str ofite firist half was cioliorless with theit excep t ioni of A\lex 's neat hit of work that co utntt'd for- thei fitrst markt'r. lIn theit stecond hal f the ('arolIina elev ent came b ack on theit field as if the ies initended-i to start sometIhng tight a way, 8till I Tollanid's run of some forty y ardlsy featurinig the dlrive~ that placed-o thit' Gamecoct'itks mn iosittiom ti st'ire. A Itull in the oiffenise' 'in the ftifteen yard1 linet I bire p tithis tea-pa rty anid the (Game cioitk to ok an'othier lapse untilI the last 1 quarttrc. Hlere. ('onsistenit plhugginig ear- ' ii-i the h allI over for a ireal honest -to-a guiodn ess tiouchdown. Raceho(r' Amnbs Wingfi You can get it at The Sa ripped off a twentyfive yard gain to the Fifteen yard line. Four downs carried he ball to the six yard line and Cita lel punted out to the forty yard line, Rhame returning 10. Parler made a >eautiful pass to Meyer that put the ball mily 9 yards back from the goal line. lolland took five, but on the next play ie was a bit too anxious and Carolina xvas penalized five for "backfield in notion." This helped in the long run [or Bill's ire was up now and on the ery next play he twisted and squirm A past the last Blue and Wiite man mnd crossed the goal line with a clear oad ahead. This was the touchdown hat Carolina really earned and it made he Garnet and Black rooters feel a xhole lot better over the outcome of lie game. The stars were not numerous. Bill JIolland carried the bulk of the Caro ila offense oil his massive shoulders, md performed right nobly in hi-, role )f chief ground gainer of the day. Ambls imade a coupl.! of nice runs hut vas not u) to his usual standard. Par er played the best gaine lie has put lp his year. aid his judgment in running he team was far the best lie has shown his season. Joe Wheeler was a tower if strength on the defense. breaking ip play after play with the regularity md hard tackling that makes him a error to opposing backfields. Harry ,ightsey and Alex Waite also played r4o(1, consistent gaines in tle line. and :rankie 'llever injected a hit of life luriing his short stay at elnd. l1'eterkin, the left tackle for the los -rs. put tip a strong defensive game birmghoitu. aid few gains were made hrough him. Fuller and Weinberg daye(d the best hall in the Citadel hack ield. 'he game by plays: VIRSAl' P1FRIOD. Citadel w\on the toss and elected to lefend hI le north goal. \Wheeler icked to Sheppard oii Cita(lel's 40 ard line. Weinberg and Fuller ushed live yards and Fuller made the irt firstdown 'If the gaie. Citadel ent two plays into the line and then ried an end witholuit making ten ards and Fuller punted. The kick kas olit of hounds at the line of scrim mld Rhame added three more. Hol and made it first down. Sizemore m)k one yard aid Holland onlie more. -uiller intercepted a pass ol Citadel's 5 yard line. Three smashes gained all ole yard for the lhtlldogs aii( iller kicked to Carolina's ten yardi iie. Carolina's first effort resulted n1 a live yard loss and \Whieeler kicked i his own 45 yard line. Weinberg ailed to gain, but Fuller clipped off 5 yards. Wheeler stopped Fuller t the line on the next play. Fuller hot a pass to I,ee for a ten yard gain. tiller failed to gain and Coker caught O'viigton ftrom behind. The period nded with the hall ol Carolina's 20 ard line. SHICOND PERIOD. Two passes failed and Carolina took he ball. Wheeler kicked to Cita es 30 yard line. Fuller made five ards and( Covington added four. niller miadle first dlowni on his ownVi 40 ard line. Covington failed a try f the line. Fuller fumled, Waite ecovleinig and dlashinig 30) yards to) lie first t ouchdlowni o(f the gatie. 'eterkini bdocked 1-1)1land's attempultedl lace kick for the extra point. \'hieeler kicked ovwer thle go al 1linte and was Carolina's hallI oin its 20) yard ie. WVoodson stopjpedl Cvinigton eit houit a gain. Two miore line tries ailed and Fuller kicked toi Sizemuore ni (arolinia's 0 yardl line. IBrice and( hollandl imade live yards bietween hiemi anid Whee(*ler kicked ouit of lundi(s onI C'itadel's 10 yard line. 'biree line pllays gainledl11 butle yard td Full er k ickedl to Sizemocre in mnid eld(. 1Ilolland buicked four and Brice eld's Dru 1443 Main Street Late Book i The State Newspap,. B..:ldin. added four more. Ambs made first down. Brice clipped off three as Citadel was off side. With the ball on Citadel's 25 yard line, Carolina fum bled and Citadel recovered. Coving ton and Weinberg made a first down in three plays. Fuller and Weinberg rushed eight yards in three plays as the half ended. THIRD PERIOD. Covington kicked to Carolina's 20 yard line, Sizemore returning ten. Ambs made four yards off tackle and Holland broke through for a dash of 37 yards to Citadel's 29 yard line. Brice an( Holland made five yards and a pass, Holland to \Vaite, made a first down. Anbs gained but a yard. Weinberg intercepted a Carolina pass on his 15 yard line. Three drives into the line failed to gain an inch and Fuller kicked out of bounds on his own 40 yard line. Ambs made two and Holland the same. A forward pass grounded Carolina fumbled and recovered on the next play, but the ball went over. Citadel hit the line in vain and Fuller kicked to Carolina's 40 yard line Anb,; failed Holland took six and Ambs made it first down. no gain and here the period ended with the hall in midfield. FOURTH PERIOD. A forward pass was grounded to start the final perid and Wheeler kicked to Citadel's 20 yard line. Citadel could not gain aidl Fuller kicked to Carolina's 40 yard line. Anibs made nine irounld his right end and Holland mnade it first down. Brice plnged five and Anibs added two. Rhame made it first down on Citadel's 40 yar(d line. Amtbs got away around his Ieft end for 25 yards, placing the ball on Citadel's 15 yard line. Caro lina made Inly nine yards in four smashes into the line and the ball went over on Citadel's six yard line. ,ine. Holland made five hut on the next play Carolina was penalized five yards for having backs in motion and the hall was again on the nine yard line. Iolland broke through and ran for the touichdown. Holland kicked a goal from placement. Covington kicked over the goal line and Carolina put the ball in play on the 20 yard line. Three plays netted five yards and Wheeler kicked to White on Citadel's 30 yard line. White fumbled and Simmons recovered for Carolina. Three hurried passes grounded and White intercepted the fourth on Citadel's 20 yard line as the game ended. Carolina ( 13) Citadel (0) W aite............ l'.... .... Cantey F,Amunds......... ,T... .... Peterkin McM illan........LG... .... Sheppard W heeler......... C ..... ..... Temple Ilightse - .........RC.... .... Holmes Sillmnons .........R.T.. ..... Wagener Coker............F...... ...... Lee Parler............Q I.... ..... W hite Rhane...........L1.... .. Covington HTo4laid.........RH.. ... . Weinberg Sizeniore.........FB.... ..... Fuller Score b)v periods Carolina ..........0 6 0 7-13 Citadel...............0 0 0 0-. 0 Carolina scoring: Touchdown: Waite. Hiol land. Tlry for point a fter touchdlown, Hlollantd, (goal from p)lace ment ). Carolinma subst itot ions: Chap pelle for Simmons, Itrice for Rhame, Woodso(n for M cMil lan. Ambins for~ Par Ier. Meyer for Coker, McMillan for Woodson, Simmons ,for Fdtmundls, Rhiame for Brice, McKee for Mc MIillani. Parler for Anmbs. Coker for MIeyer. I aker for Sizemore. Citadel sub)stitultions: Henson for Lee.,ILee for Benson. H oward for Sheppard, Mc - D)owell for WVeinherg. Referee, Von.. Kolitzt ( Carolina ). Umpire, P'reg nal I ( Charleston. H ealinesmuan, Rickenblach,er (Auburn). Time of pe riods. 12. 15, 12, I5. SStore Store