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BIJOU THE?TK TODAY ""The Rosary" Seven Reel Selig Feature Bene?t of Building Fund of Catholic Church. Palmed? TIhi@iii?r^ TODAY "THE BURGLARS BABY" Two Heel Dom. "DOT ON THE DAY LINE BOAT" ruin. "JEANNE OF THE WOODS" Victor, Featuring Mary Fuller. "BEHIND THE SCREEN" ?slur Two Heel Cornelly. "There'll be SOME Vaudeville at the Palmetto Next week. Pnikston. THE ?NDE1SO TODAY "THE SMUGGLERS" 2 Reel Biograph. "SAVED BY HER HORSE" Selig. "WHOSE WAS THE SHAME" Essanay. The folio' :ng prices, f. o. b. De troit effective August 2nd. Ford Runabout . . $390 Ford Touring Car . $440 -No assurance given against an ad vance in these prices at any time and no further reduction prior to Au gust 1st, 1916. See them at our North Main St. store TODD AUTO SHOP F R E E Paint to Churches Until further notice, we will give FREE on? sixth of the paint bought by Churches, or for Churches; and further We will GUARANTEE oar prices ss Cheap or Cheaper than cay other home is selling any Standard grade of paints. Here's the pince end the tune to paint your Church and save One Sixth the cost of the paint. Guest Paint Co. West Earl Street t-x Anderson, S. C. P. HILLHQUSE MEETS INSTANT DEATH WAS ELECTROCUTED AT SUBSTATION ON TRIB BLE STREET FUNERAL TODAY at 6 O'clock-Interment in Greenville Friday. Mr. John P. Hlllheuse, eldo?? child of Mr?. Lila Hillhouse o? 722 Eliza beth street, was instantly killed yes terday morning at ll o'clck in the new switch house of the Southern Public Utilities company at the substation on Tribble street when several thousand volts of electricity passed through ni* lindy. Funeral services will De held this afternoon at t) o'clock ut the resi dence <>n Elizabeth street conducted by Itev. E. Witherspoon Dodge. The remains will be taken to Greenville on tho 8:30 car Friday morning and in forment will bc made in the cemetery there. Mr. Ililihouse was 21 years of age and a Junior at the Georgia school of Teehnology. During the summer mouths he was employed by the Southern I^ibllc Utilities company ami this summer he lind been install ing the equipment in the new switch house, which ho would have com pleted within the next two weeks. This work was rather complicated, but he did lt liku an export, and had received many compliments on the knowledge and the manner in which he went about doing this work. Yesterday morning Mr. Ililihouse was putting in the new telephone switches Into the house which come from the Gregg Shoals and Portman plants, pumping station and other stations of tho company. These swit ches were being connected In the top of the station and he was working near the roof on a scaffold made of a thick plank. While standing on this nvzZzli bis right leg Sbcidently carno into contact with one of the four largo bus-bar beams which extend lengthwise across the switch station ami each of which carry 10,."i00 volts. Mr. Hill.louse either had his hand on the galvanized iron side of tho build ing or on an Iron rod which contain ed a telephone wire. In this way the circuit to the ground was complete. A connection between any two of tho bras.; bus-bars carry a voltage of lO.iVOO volts. Superintendent Ixmg stated yesterday that he did not know what the voltage was from a ground connection but that it ?was not as much as the other connection. At first Mr. Hillhouse remained con scious and yelled, "Cut it off." to his younger brother. Edward, and Mr. C. H. Burkett, Jr., who wero on tl.e floor. Mr. Iturkett ran over to tho side of the building and threw off the three switches which control the cur rent. Looking up Mr. Burkett saw that Mr. llillhousc's body had relaxed and that his head had fallen against tho side of the building. Mr. Burkett rushed up the ladder and a ftc bring ing the body down bogan applying the artificial respiration, which all em ployes of thc company know bow to do. Mr. Burkett had a ne.^ro and bring a copy of the rules so s.h::t ho might follow them closely do everything possible to save the youns man's life. Superintendent was at tho young man's side in a few seconds nnd with others kopt npplylng the art ificial respiration treatment. Doctors were summoned and in a few minutes Drs. J. Louis Gray, II. H. Harri* and W. F. Ashmore wore on tho scene. They continued tho respira tion treatment and after n lit tir? it seemed that their efforts would bo successful. The young mnn rose and ed and made two natural wisps for breath. The treatment waa kept un until 1 o'clock when the doctors an nounced that lt was Impossible to res tore life. There were only n few burna on the man's body. Mr. A. M. ?McPhall. uncle of the young man. was summoned and tn company with Edward Hillhouse went to the young man's home to break the news to his mother. Her husband. Mr. J. P. Hillhouse, also met a tragic death, being killed several years ago at Abbeville in the yards of the Southern railway. The news of this fatal accident spread quickly over the entire city yesterday and was deeply deplored by everyone. Mr. Hillhouse waa a young man with an exceedingly bright future and nt school had won many honors, having been appointed cambus elec trician at his college this next session, which would haue paid him. enough for all expenses during tho 'term. The yonng mnn attended school In the high school hore nnd for one year went to the Frazer academy. For the naat two years he bas been a student at Georgia Tech. Por the past five years he baa worked for the Utilities company during thc summer and all along had shown marked abili ty along electrical lines. The work nearing completion under bis direc tion at tho company's substation goos to prove that he had a wonderful knowledge of electricity and? its . fix tures. Mr MulIaHy to Speak. Mr. John B. Adger B. Mnllally will address the Woodmen of tho World at their camp at Ware Shoals on Sat urday. Augnst 14, at 8 o'clock p. m. All Wood mn and their friends aro in vited. Mr. Mnllally will deliver an address dcllt?red in San Francisco arid Rochester, N. Y. for the benefit of the order. W. T. Sordas. PROGRAM ANNOUNCED FARMERS MEETINGS FOUR BIG DAYS ARE PLAN NED FOR COMING WEEK LIEUT. GOV. BETHEA W?! bc AS??C??g ^noalror* on Thursday at Pat Major's-Big Day at Clemson College. As announced a few days UKO in The Intelligencer there will he three farm ers' chautauuuus In thc county next week, all 'promising to be among the largest gatherings ever held around Anderson. The first will be held at Helton on Wednesday, August is. and will at tract large crowds Several speech es will bo made and Miss darlington will give a canning d?monstration. The second will bo ?it .Mr. Pat Ma jor's on Thursday. August 19, and doubtless this will bo one nf the big gest meetings of the summer. Mrs. Major has been untiring in her efforts with the Woman's club there this year and she and Mr. Major have been generous enough to allow the meeting to he held on the lawn In front of their house. A barbecue dinner will bo served, and an attractive program has been arranged. Thia day will in .reality be a farmers' chautauqua and all who possibly can ought to at tend. Lieut. Gov. Bethen is among the speakers of the day. On Friday. August 20. will bo another Anderson county day nt Clem son College. A day of this l lad was held during the month of Ju > and proved very beneficial to all of those who attended. The day this month will be especially instructive and all farmers In the county are urged to be preaent. On Saturday. August lil, there will be a meeting at White Hains and this Uko the others, will be given over to speech making and demonstrations. This also will be a very instructive day and a cordial Invitation ls extend ed to all to attend. Programa for the meetings have been announced as follows: Helton Farmers' Meeting. 10:00 to 10:30-Dairvhn a"d h?me handling of milk-Prof. D. W. Wat kins. 10:30 to 11:00-Home gardening and horticulture-Prof. Q. h\ Niven. 11:00 to 11:30-Live stock and pas tures-Prof. J. O. Williams. 11:30 to 12:00~Soil building and crops-S. M. Byars. 12:00 to 1:00-Home demonstration work for the women-Miss Janie Gar lington. There will be a ball game between Belton and a visiting team at 4:00. Hammond's School Meeting. 10:00 to U:00-Address by Lieut. Gov. A. J. Bethen. 11:00 to 12:00-Address by W. W. Ijong, State Agent and Director of Ex tension work. 12:00 to 1:40-Dinner. 1:40 to 2:20-Dairying and the handling of tho home cow-Prof. J. M. Burgess. 2:20 to 3:00-Paultry raising-W. P. Stewart. Dist. Agt. 3:30 to 4:00-Home demonstration work for women-Misa Janie Carling ton. White Plains Meeting. 10:00 to 11:00-Address, W. H. Harton, Ass't State Agent. 11:00 to 12:00-Dairying and cream routes-W. W. Fitzpatrick, dalry agent IT. S. department agriculture. 12:00 to 1:30-Dinner. 1:30 to 2:30-Homo demonstration work for women-'Miss Janie Car lington. 2:30 to 3:00-Soil building and crops-S. M. l?yars. MANY PEOPLE TOOK NORTHERN JOURNEY Annual Excursion to Norfolk. Washington and New York Well Patronised. Tho annual excursion yesterday to Norfolk. Washington and New York over the Southern was taken advan tage of by a great many people from this section. The train left at 3:25 o'clock and a number of reservations wero made. Among those making reservations were: Messrs. Will lo Marsball, "Boots" Sullivan , Calvin Harris, W. D. Garrison. S. M. Wolfe, R. W. Tribble. W. S. Bresseale. T. LaFoy. D. L. Reid. Misses Cochran, Leila Moseley, Lots Wilson, Messrs. H. King, C. F. ii os?, E. W. Brown. S. El rod. B. B. Karie, D. L. O. Moore. Ben Aull. Dr. C. P. Ross. Besides tho above thero were a number of others who took the trip. Mr Orr Returned. Mr. H. A. OTT, mati ger of the Anderson branch' of the Southon) tPubllc Utilities company, returned yesterday afternoon fro raNew York and Baltimore where, be had been spending the past several days. F. M~Rur*?tt to Speak. Fred. M. Burnett, tho busy and de servedly popular treasurer of Ander non College, a religious worker and ?peaker of exceptional force, ls to speak at the Baptist church at Pen dleton next Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Everybody IA invited to this service. Thrift wtio to the Ant thon sluggard; consider her ways, and he wine." "A lesson trout na* tore." Are you preparing | ?nw fAp- ?ha fuinrot Systematic deposits and quarterly Interest provide a fund for ad? Terslty. The Havings Depart? ment of The Bank of Anderson The strongest bank in the county. nrakeman Was Cured. F. A. Wootsey, a railroad brakeman of Jacksonville, Texas, writes: "I was down with kidney trouble and rheumatism se bad I could hardly get up when I sat down. I had a back ache all the time and was Imost tired of living. I saw Foley Kidnek Pills advertised. I took some and sifter a short time I was thoroughly cured mid am having no more trouble." They act promptly and help kidneys throw poisonous waste products out of the .blood. Thousands have writ ten similar letters. Sold everywhere. Decide the Question next time you suspect yourself of wondering if it would pay to buy a GAS RANGE tackle the coal range all day one of these Hot Days and cook for your wife. That will decide the question for you quickly Anderson Gas Co ll Choice $5.00 Pumps $3.95 Choice ?4.00 Pumps $2.96 Choice $3.50 Pumps $2.75 Choice $3.00 Pumps $2.43 O?oice $2.50 Pumps $1.9? White Canvas Rubber sole Ve Geisbe Under Masonic Temp Let me tend you FREE PERFUME Write todcy for a testing bottle of ? ED: PINAUD'S LILAC Th? world'* most (arnon* perfume, every drop ??.?weet as thc 11 vim} blossom. For handkerchief. atomizer and hath. Fine alter shaving. All thc value is In thc periume-you don't pay extra for a fancy bottle. Tlie quality ls wonderful. Ints price only 75c (6 ox.). Send 4c. for the MUe pottle-enough for 50 haodkerciiiel*. Writ? today. PARFUMERIE ED. PINAUD, Department M. ED. FINAUD BUILDING . NEW YORK THRIFT If thrift does not come natural to you, cultivate it. Realize the fact that every man who has a dollar put aside is a capi talist. We earnestly urge you to open an account with this bank for any sum. Either a Checking or a Savings account, in ad dition to being convenient encourages you not to use youf money except in a wisc way. The prosperity you enjoy today does not guarantee yo? prosperity tomorrow. Changes in the business and industrial world may later on deprive you of your present measure of prosperity. We Pay Interest On Deposits. PEOPLES BANK OF ANDERSON VISIT TALLULAH FALLS, GA EXCURSION Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY _ Premier Carrier of the South Friday, August 20th, ?915 The First Excursion to Tullulah Falls. Ga., the Beautiful Garden Spot of Georgia from Greenville, Anderson, Westminster and Intermediate Points. Extremely Low Round Trip Fares SPECIAL TRAIN Leave Schedule Rates Greenville.8:15 A. M..$2.00 Easby.8:45 A. M. iOO Liberty .8:57 A. M... ?.75 Norri?.9:0."? A. M.. 1.75, Calhoun.9:17 A. M. 1.50 Anderson.8:05 A. M.. SUM? llenver.8:23 A. M.2J0O Sandy Springs.8:28 A. M. 1.75 Pendleton.8:89 A. M.".. 1.75 Seneca.9:40 A. M. 1.50 Westminster.9:55 A.M.. 1.25 Arrlvo Tallulah Falls 12.10 noon. 1, RETURNING: Special train will leave Tallulah Falk at 6-30 P. IV?. August 20. Tickets will also be 'rodd re tn rn int: ?ll trains due to arrive st starting 'point not later than midnight ot August 211"A. Except tickets will not be gund from Cornella cn No. 38. This Ix your first oppertnnltr lo visit Tull 11 lab Falls and nearby points of interest such as Clayton, Mountain City and Franklin. *** Tlie Fails of the Tallulah Uiver, down the successive slr m of which the waters pluge to n depth of four hundred feet In a single mil? and the marve* lou? fini'm which they hare cut through the bedrock of the Georgia spur of the Hine Mountains constitute nne of the seen lc wonders of America. You should see the wonderful power development which does not detract ?'rom the natural see nie beauty but adds greatly to the attractiveness of the piare. For further information call on your agent, or communicate with J. R. ANDERSON, Superintendent, W. R, TABER, T. P. \N Anderson, S C Greenville, S. C. W. E. XeGEE, A. G. P. A. Colombia, S. C. A Nobleman I 111 When we first put on our Great "Whirlwind Sale/' we employed "Count Discount," giving him com plete charge of our store, with full authority to discount all competitive prices. He has done so-read these prices, and profit thereby. MEN Choice $6.50 Oxfords..$4.95 Choifv $5.00 Oxfords.. .$3.95 Choice $4.00 Oxfords.$2.95 Choice $3.00 Oxfords.,. .$2.65 Choice $2.50 Oxfords.$1.85 WOMEN I' One lot White and Black One lot White Canvas Pumps-imitation lace and Pumps and button Ox small colonial effects- fords, worth $2.00 and worth $4.00, on sate now $1.75, on sale now for.$2.00 for.$1.00 randa Pumps, worth $2.00,. on sale now for.$2.25 rg Bros. Shoe Go. le. Shoes That Satisfy.