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F< iFURrlPURE' CO. J ?a New Grocery BROWN BUILDING, EAST WHITNER J. F. Gary, Proprietor Having lost my right hand in the As phalt Plant two weeks ago, and having a family to support, I am compelled to seek some other means of support; so I have de cided to open up a Retail Grocery Store, and cater to the Mill people around An derson for the greater part of my business. I have bought a stock of Brand New and Fresh Groceries. They are being put into the store NOW. We will open for busi ness Wednesday, August 15, 1915 and we will appreciate your trade. We will show our appreciation by close prices* and fair and honest treatment. Mr. J. C. Burk will be associated with me in the management of this business, and any courtesies shown him will be ap preciated by both he and I. Remember the place-Brown Building, East Whitner Street, where you will re ceive fair, honest treatment. j. m m WOFFORD COLLEGE 12?5 SPARTANBURG, S. C. * A Christian College with high standards and Ideals. Well equipped Laboratories and Library. Strong Faculty and full courses. Next session begins September 15th. Write for catalogue. HENRY N. SNYDER, President. WOFFORD COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL. A high grade preparatory school for boya. Individual attention. Careful moral training. 1185.00 pays all expenses. Next session Sep tember 15. For catalogue address HEADMASTER, SPARTAN RU Rd, - - - SOUTH CAROLINA 41 B m ^'hTuTmu.i niiiilimiiillliWT F O R REAL SATISFACTION iiiiiwiiiiii^.? mani ??? In Hardware-Stove Ware-Aluminum Ware e-Cook Stoves-Heating Stove?-Heating Plant*-Plumbing Outfits-Heating and Pulmbing Repairs-Automobile Accessories *-Farm Supplies and Machinery of all kinds. The Best lines at the Best Prices and Prompt attention ? . SM Anderson Hardware Company 215-217 E. Whitner Street Oi Phone 253. "We deliver Hie Goods/9 Phone 37. Miss JulTa Ledhetter ls at home again after a two months risk to friends in Duluth, Minn. . Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cawsey re turned yesterday afternoon from a trip to Jocassee. Misses Macie and Bessie Cochran and Clara Drown left yesterday for a trip to Washington. Miss Emma Cochran has gone to Clyde, N. C. for a short stay. Mr. and Mrs. E. !.. Adams of Madisonville, Ky. are herr for a two week's visit to thc former's brother, Mr. E. Akania- on E. Orr St. Mr. and MrB. D. P. Sloan and Mr. and Mrs. Willett Sloan leave tomor row for Highland for a visit to friends. Miss Kathleen Watson and Miss Hallie Watson will return to their home in Atlanta toduy after a visit to Mrs. W. G. Wetson on S. Main St. Miss Leila Mosely has gone to New York and Washington. Mrs. F. B. Maxwell and Miss Caro line Maxwell have returned from a trip to Ilcndcrsonville. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Smith return ed yesterday from a trip to Jocassee. Mrs. H. F. Halley lias returned to her homo in Hartwell after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. H. l.-^eso. Miss Evio Lewis and her part have returned from a two months \ t to the Panama Pacific Exposition and oilier points of interest in tho west. The party included Mrs. Raymond Heatly, Miss Jean Harris, Miss Oli via Duckett, Miss Julia Gray, Miss Miriam Lee, Miss BMouie Purrias, and Miss Leda Moore of Belton. After a delightful visit of two months to relatives in Eatonton, Ga., Miss Laurie Smelters is again at her home ja East River street. Mrs. W. C. Little, Miss Grace aud Master James Little, of Eatonton, Ga. are visiting the families of Judge Nance and Dr. A. L. Smelters on East River street. Mra. W. A. O'Bryant, of Atlanta, is spending a while with relatives, Dr. Smelters and Judge Nance, on River street. Mrs. E. D. Pearce and little son .Billie or Greenville are visiting Mr. ?and Mrs. W. A. Chapman. Mr. L. M. Cochran, of the People's bank, lert yesterday for a trip to At lantic City. Messrs. L. G. Smith and Thos. Williams of Athena, Ga., are visiting Mr. S. C. Foster. - Misses Ruth Hall, and Kathrine i Martin have gone to Wilmington and [ Wrightsvllle Beach for two weeks. Rook Party. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Greene enter tained a few young people on Tues day evening in honor of Mrs. Green's two brothers, Messrs. S. W-. and Wm. R. Crisp of 'Jacksonville, Fla. There were three tables of rook and many merry and interesting games were played after which a dainty ice course waa served. Delightful Little Sowine; Party. A charming little Informal sewing party was given on Wednesday morn ing by Mra. M. L. Bonham In honor of her house guest, Mra. Albert Ald rich of Greenwood. After Bowing and chatting for quito a while the sowing was laid aside and an elegant salad courre waa served. The guests were Mys. C. L. Ross, Mrs. W!!!<m Laugh lin. Mrs. T. E. Howard, ''irs. Rich ard Laughlin, Mrs. J. H. Vandlvor, Airs. C. M. McClure, Mra. O. L. Martin and Mrs. Wilkie. For S?tes Posey... I Miss Mary Posey of Laurens was Mrs. John lt. Humbert's attractive honor guest on Wednesday afternoon when Bbc entertained at rook. Three tables were formed and after many games. Mrs. G. B. Greene was pre sent...! with a lovely bunch of roses for having made the highest score. The charming boatos? servted an ole ; gant salad course with ice. Those Invited to meet Miss Posey were: MrB. G. B. Greene, Mra. Louise Hor ton, Mrs. Marshall Orr, Mrs. W. D. McLean, Misses Alberta Brock. Gene vieve and Helen Hunter, Lorena Cum ? minga, Frances Major, Lalla Marshall, Edna Broylcs. TUCKER-LaFOY. Quiet Home Wedding Perforated on Thursday Afternoon. A quiet little home wedding occur red on Tuesday afternoon at the borne of the brido on Elizabeth street where Miss Bessie Tucker sod Mr. Tavlnor LaPoy were married. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fred Tucker & brother of the brtd? and only the immediate family, and a few neighbors were present. The -bride* wore a travelling suit and im mediately arte rtho oeremony they left for a ten days trip to Washington. Mrs. LaFoy is an attractive young woman and bas many friends who will be? Interested In the anwunce ujent of her marriage. Mr. LaFoy has a splendid position in the office ot the Anderson Cotton Mills. ? M I * K'? I* i * ?? ??? ! Ililli I ?? j Personal I ?????.??..I* I HMHMHIH Mesara. Archie Cathcart, Sam Orr Tumble, John Dixon ami Clifton Lig?n left yesterday afternoon for Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. ll. M. Anderson are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Snipes in Walhalla. Mr. George Holcinan has gone to Hendersonvlllc to spend a few dayB. Mr. IOrnest Johnson has returned to the city after being away several days on his Macation. Mr. George Sullivan of Willi;.tunton was a business visitor in the city yes terday. Mr. J. A. Pruitt of Starr wai? a business visitor in the city yesterday. Mr. James M. Major of Wllliamston was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. Messrs. J. N- Nance and Hugh Armstrong of Due West were in thc city yesterday. Mr. Louis Campbell of Helton was a business visitor in the city yester day. . Mr. W. B. Moore of Pendleton was in the city yesterday. I Mr. C. H .Smith of Townvlllc waB In thc city yesterday. Mr. It. It. Doyle was a visitor In Anderson yesterday. Misses Kathaleen Campbell and Louise Sloan were shoppers in the city yesterday from Pendleton. Mr. Isadore Gclsbcrg has gone te Wrfghtsvfllle Beach for a few days. Mr. Eugene Nardin of Atlanta ls visiting his mother, Mrs. W. H. Nar din on Fant street. Mr. C. H. Burton has returned from Bate8burg. Mr. Frank Divvcr of Atlanta ls visiting friends in the city. Mr. T. P. Dickson has . ."urned from AltapasB, N. C. Mr. J. W. Brown of near Starr was a business visitor in the city yesterday. Mrs. Van"Kay ls visiting in Char lotte. Mass Dorothy Platt and Mr. Harold Platt of Alleen sassed through the city yesterday en route to Walhalla where they will spend a few days. Mr. T. B. Baskin bas returned from Lowndes ville where - he spent the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hood of Iva, passed through the city yesterday en route to their home at Iva. Mr. W. P. Cook, o Iva, was in the city yesterday on his way to nothcrn points. Mt. Tom Jacobs returned to Clin ton Wednesday after a visit to Mr. John Townsend. Teaching a Whole Country How to Cook. In the current issue of Farm and Fireside appears an article describ ing the important work being done In Pettis county, Missouri, where Miss Mildred Henton haa been hired as "county woman" to teach women and girls of the county how to cook and sew. visiting two schools a day. the county woman mak-ja her rounds. On one day tho girls o? the country schools h av o lessons in cooking; on another day the subject under dis cussion ls plain' sewing. The cook ing lessons are in every sense practi cal and suitable to the ages and needs of the various members ot the classes. Miss Vine-Do you favor women proposing? Mrs. Oaks-Certainly not. When a woman picks out a man she should make him propose.-Houston Chron icle. Sage Tea Darkens Hair to Any Shade Don't S?sy Gray! Here's an Old-Time Recipe That Any body Caa Apply. The use of Sage ?nd Sulphur for restoring faded, gray hair to ita natural color dates back to grand m.fther's time. She need it - to keep her hair beautifully dark, glossy, and abundant Whenever her hair fell ont or took on that doll, faded or streaked appearance, thia simple mix tare was applied- With wonderful ef fect. But brewing at home ls mussy and oat-of-date. Nowadays, hy asking at any drug storo for'a 60 eent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage And Sulphur Com pound," you will get thu famous old recipe which can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and ls splendid for dand ruff, dry, feverish, tichy scalp and fal ling hair. A well-known downtown druggist sers it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly tim*, nobody can tell lt has been applied. Voa simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking ono strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, lt becomes beautifully dark, (lossy, soft and abundant CASTOR IA For Infants mid Children In ?be For Over 30 Years Always beats j-mmmmmmmmm Signature of Wt^yV^t?& Thus making it worth more as a home, or to rent, or to sell. In this day and time ninety nine persons out of every hundred want ELECTRICITY in the home for several' differ ent purposes. ELECTRICITY in your home is not an expense, but an absolute neces sity, and a good invest ment. Southern PufeHc Utilities Co. PHONE 223 i Oneida Cone SIL FOR READERS O EVERY STATE. Every Spool The Oneidi If you have not ah from The Intelligent Office. Souvenir Spoon Cou pon This coupon, when pre sented with 15c (or by mail 20c). good for ono State Sou venir Spoon. If ordering by mail, address Spoon Depart ment, The Intelligencer, An derson, S. C. . Ssl TEN DAY RATES SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY "THE PROG1OSSIVK RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH" To Wilmington ami To Wilmington and From Wrlghtsvllc, N. C. From Wrlghtsvlllo, N. C. AbbovUlo, S. ?.$ 7.50 Oroor, S. C.$ 8.00 Anderson. ?C. C. 8.00 Hodges, s c. 8.00 Atbona, Gu. 10.110 Lawrenceville, Oa. 10.00 Atlanta, Ga. 10.00 Pelter, s. ?. 8 00> Holton. S. ('. 8.00 Piedmont, S. C. 8?00 liirmiughani, Ala. 15.00 Kockmart, Ca. 11.20 Codartowu, Ga. 11.00 Bhoala Jot.. S. C. 8.00 Donalds, S. C. 8.00 Spurtanburg. S. C. 8.00 Elberton, Ca. 8.50 Union, S. ('. 7.G0 Greenville, s. C. 8.00 Wllllamston, S. C. 8 00 Greenwood. S. C. 7.50 Winder, Ca. 10.00 Tickets ou sale each Thursday up to and including September 2, 1915, bear iUB llnal limit to reach original starting point, returning prior to midnight or second Monday following date of sale. Extension of final return limit may bo had upon payment of'difference between thu teu day and Benson rates. Call on nearest Ticket Agent for Pullman reservations, information or C. S Compton, T. P. A., Fred GelBsler, Ass't G. P. A., Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. We still have 140 acres of that beautiful Seybt Property for sale. This property is just one mile out of town. You can buy it in any size tract you wish--from 10 acres up, and from $125.00 to $175.00 an acre. Let us show it to you. LINLEY & WATSON Phones 647, 906, 310. IN YOUR HOME The Heating and Plumbing systems should be of the first Importance if you consider the good health, the comfort and the convenience of your family. Our Plumbing ls the Quality Kind that adds to tho house beautiful by the luxuriousness and good designing of the fixtures. Get oar Estimates. jobbing a Speclslty. GLENN PLUMBING COMPANY ?TUE PLUMB GOOD PLUMBERS" 184 W. Benson St. (Under Maple Hall) PHONE I? Represent the utmost service, safety, mileage and pleasure obtainable from an Au to-Va cation trip. TODD AUTO SHOP Opposite The Palmetto N. Main. imunity Ltd. State Souvenir VER SPOONS F THE INTELLIGENCER-A SPOON FOR 1 Fully Guaranteed by i Community, Ltd. 1 ?eady started a set, begin today. Clip a coupon ?r. You can redeem it at The Intelligencer No Spoon sold at Any Price With out This Coupon. 6 STATES NOW READY South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Delaware, Georgia and Florida.