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BIJOU THEATRE TODAY "BLUE BLOOD AND YELLOW BACKS" Two Reel L-Ko. "HER OWN BLOOD" Big U Western Drama. "DONE IN WAX" Essanay Comedy. ONE OTHER SELECTED COMEDY. Palmito Thaate TODAY "THE PATHWAY FROM THE PAST" Two Reel K. B. "HASH HOUSE FRAUD" Keystone Comedy "THE WESTERN WAY" Broncho BSly, Featuring G. M. Anderson, Essanay. "THE OUTLAW'S BRIDE" Selig. THRIFT If thrift does not come natural to you, cultivate it. Realize the fact that every man who a dollar put aside is a'capi talist. We earnestly urge you to open an account with this bank for any sum., Either a Checking or a Savings account, in ad dition to being convenient encourages you not to use your money except in a wise way. The prosperity you enjoy today does not guarantee yo? prosperity tomorrow. Changes in the ousiness and industrial world may later, on deprive you of your present measure of prosperity. We Pay Interest On Deposits. PEOPLES BANK OF ANDERSON THE BANK ACCOUNT ?. Is the first step towards success. Makes you independent. Gives vou standing in the community. Is an ever present help in time of need. Start one with us at once. Protects your family, in emergencies, u Interest paid on deposito. FARMERS & MER?HANTS BANK FARMERS LOAN & TRUST CO. Just Come In and Let Us Show You Bargains the Ap preciative Will Appreciate Beamter, are sell only the very best of everything;, and if yon are looking for a cheap class of goods, don't call on os. BUT lt yea are looking for first claim goods at Loir pri?es, come on, this la Ike nlaee. Bemember, nor room Is siuall and we cr Ty a small sleek of everything wkleh enables ns to give lt to yon fresh all the time. Pty Cash and Stay Out of the Hole Spot Cash Grocery Phone 181. . J. P. N0BL1TT, Manager. 121 N. Mala. Premiums FOB Gold Band Soap Wrappers and ils Ryan's Naphtha Powdered Soap Coupons Wuppers Caa Ba Kedeemed at Peoples Sew tatara Co. SSJST" . Cuan ta aaa Gat Caf ?r?miaai Liai WEAVERS ON STRIKE AT THE BROGON MILL ABOUT 200 QUIT WORK, THEREBY CAUSING MILL TO SHUT DOWN 2,000 ARE AFFECTED Want Three Doors Oponed in Or der to Have Better Ventila tion-No Disorders. Something over 300 spinners, weav ers and duffers have ROTH- on a strike al Ihn ilrogun mill, which necessi tated UH closing, thereby affecting about 1,000 or 2,000 hands. The rea son for tho strike is given that the weavers wanted three side doors opened so as to glv*> more ventila tion . After the noon hour Thursday about r,() or GO spinners and doffers failed tc KO back to their duties and eii gaged In a game of baseball on thc grounds. Yesterday morning at 6:30 the fol lowing notice was sent to Mr. Cau sey, superintendent of tho mill: "Mr. C. W. Causey. Supt. "We, tho undersigned, have been requested by the weavers of lirogon mills to ask you to open the t iree Cl> side doors of weave; room during work hour?. "This is to be done by 0 a. m. sharp on this date. "Respectfully yours. "W. J. Morgan, "A. B. Ferguson, "ll. C. Griggs, "B. C. White, "S. T. Bruce" When !> o'clock came the doors wcrp not opened and the spinners numbering something like 200, walk ed out. Yesterday they gave as the reason for their action that they objected working under lock and key and that the doors being closed caused tho room to be close and there wus not enough ventilation. They stated that every other window was raised as was also every other light over head. Mr. Causey, the superintendent, states tiint the matter had never been called to his attention and that ho knew nothing about it until yesterday morning when he notice was handed him. Mr. Gray, boss weaver, states also that nothing had been said to him but that the weavers had said something to' the second hand In the weave? shop,' A meeting of the weavers was held yesterday morning but they stated last night that there was nothing to give out for publication. Mr. Jas. P. Oossett gives as thc reason for the doors being shut thc fact that lt keeps out intruders and thereby protects the mill's patterns, colors, etc. Mr. Cossetl refused to commit himself yesterday in 'regard to the strike, but stated that he would have snatching for publication in a h few days. In the meantime tho mill is stand ing Idle, and the employees are tak ing u quiet rest. Last night Mr. Causey stated that he had nothing to state but that everything was quiet and peaceful. ENTERTAINMENT AT PENDLETON Benefit Performance For Church Park-Other Social Events. The program of the entertainment to be given for tho benefit of tbe church'park has been arranged and promises to be of much Interest. A series of tableaux will be given first, then a dance by ten little girls which will bo followed by an Interesting and amusing play, depicting certain ef fects of society life. A pat .y of young people, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watkins, went on a moonlight racnic to Autun, Fri day last. They had a delightful even ing, tho baskets of good things wero enjoyed and thc. came home in high spirits, all enthusiasm over tho good time they had. The Tuesday club met at the home of Mrs. James T. Hunter. A good number attended, and a verv pleasant afternoon was spent Mr.. Hunter is noted for her .-treat 'louse-keeping qualities so the. refreshments served were particularly delicious. Pretty little Miss Hess Seabrook from Edisto assisted Mrs. Hunter. Several new books wore ordered a;.d some of the old one discussed, a gene;al favorite being "The Lone Star Ranger," for those who like western tales, this last novel of Zane Gray's will prove very interst lag. The r*vival meetings now being he"..i at thc Methodist church, and conduct ed by Mr. Owing, the pastor of the church, and Mr. Stedman of Clem son College, are attracting large crowd?, particularly at Ute night ser vices, when the building ls packed to overflowing. S. M. T. BIL BRI'NEB TO PREACH WUI Fill Pulpit at First Baptist Church Sunday. Dr. Weston Bruner. evno^el?Bilc secretary ot home mission board. At lanta, Qa., will preach at First Bap tist church on next Sunday morning and evening. Great Less ef Cern. ?KT. F. H. Cllnkscalee of Clemson College was ta the city tor a few hours yesterday morning and stated that the recant heavy rains and high water ruined what would Very prob ably have made l?5?0 bushels of corn. Rs auld that h ia bottom corn wea looking fine and the prospects wera good but the flood put aa end to it. PLANS REMODELING THE P. & N. STATION Contract Will Be Let Within the Next Few Day?-Will Have New Attractive Front. .Mr. C. W. Crosby, of thc Pied mont & Northern, has returned to Greenville after u to Anderson in the interest of the remodeling or the passenger station on North .Malu t*t reel. (Mans as drawn by Mr. G. Sayre, architect, for thc. building call for an expenditure of about $~>,000. This will he spend in remodeling the G. Ii. Mailes building where the ticket ofllce is now located. Thc remodeling will consist of a new and appropriate front being in st a I lid und Hie walting room and ticket office will be fixed up in gen eral. The second story of the build ing will be div!Jed Into ?Mees and will bo equipped with running water and will li" heated. It ls the purpose of Mr. Mailes to make the building us neat and at tractive as possible and when finlsh I d it will compare favorably with any ol' the new buildings in Anderson. The contract for tho work will bu awarded within tho next few days. EXAMINATION HELO BY COUNTY BOARD Total of 19 Young Men Took the Examination for Clemson and S. C. University. The examinations for entrance to Clemson College and for the two four year scholarships and the one year agricultural scholarship and eleven applicants for the four, year scholar ships. Several of tih-e young men were from this city and others were from different sections of the county. There was only one applicant for entrance South Carolina University. * i MR. WHALEY LEFT CITY YESTERDAY Went to Texas-For Two and Half Years Secretary of Chamber of Commerce. j? otu ... - Mr. Porter A. Whalky left yester day morning at ll:."><)i/or Amarilla, Texas, where he has been elected to the position of secretary chamber of commerce. Mr. Whaley stated yes terday that he did not- know wheth er he would accept th? position or not. Mr. Whaley was for two and one half yee s the able secretary of the Anderson Chamber of Commerce, dur ing which timo he played an impor tant part In the development of An derson. The best wishes of a wide circle of friends go with him to hts new home. Mrs. Whaley and children will re main in Anderson for the next two weeks. . ENROLLMENT IS NOW UP TO 107 Work at Sommer School Progres sing Nicely and Teachers Are Hard at Work. . Prof. J. B. Watkins,- principal of the teacher's summer school, stated yesterday .that the total . enrollment had now reached 107, and that every thing in the school waa progressing nicely. The teacher* have gottola down to work in real earnest and much benefit ls being derived. Heavy Meat Eaters Have Slow Kidneys Eat Less Meat if You Feel Back achy or Have Bladder Trouble. No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by fleshing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which excites the kidneys, they become overworked from the strain, get sluggish and fall to filter the waste and poisons from.the blood, then we get sick Nearly all rheuma tism, headache, liver trouble nervos ness. dizziness, sleeplessness and uri nary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of paaage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat and get about four ounces of Jad Salta from any pharmcy; take a tablespoonful lb a glass of water be fore breakfast and in a few days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salta Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithta, and baa beca used for generations to flush and stimulate th? kidneys, also to neutralise the acide la orme so lt no longer causes irritatlea, ?hus end ing bladder weakness. Jad Salta ls Inexpensive and can not Injure; snakes a deSghtful effer vescent Uthta-water drink, which ev eryone should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and active and the blood pure, theres avoiding se rious kidney complicat> JOS. STREET PAVING iS PROGRESSING NICELY PLACING CONCRETE BASE ON WEST MARKET STREET MR. MERTZ HERE General Superintendent Waa in City and is Well Pleaced With Progress Here. -Mr. Mertz, general superintendent, was In the city yesterday looking over the work done on the street pav ln gan i expressed himself well pleas ed with its progress. He only stay ed a few hours and left yesterday at ternoon. The work of laying the concrete on West Market street Is nearing ?South Main street rapidly. All of that section west of the C. &. W. C. rali way tracks has been finished, and the force ls working about 500 feet this side. The machinery is working well, the hand:; are now getting on to their Jobs and tho work is going right ahead. Ttye whole of West Market street will be ready for tho asphalt within the next few days and it was stated yesterday that this plant would be out into oporatlon about Wednes day. Mr. Osborn0 made three trips with his sand train yesterday, for the first time since he has been hauling. For some reason the machinery has been given a little trouble and he was un able to get full service. By hauling three loads every day he will be able to deliver 90 cubic yards of saud dally. I DEATHS F. 0. SMITH HIEB SUDDENLY Body Will Be Shipped to Tort Hoary, N. Y., For Interment Mr. F. G. Smith died very sudden ly at tho home of Mrs. W. O. Tel vin on West Orr street whore he was boarding, yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. His body will be sbinpea today to Port Henry, N. Y., for ln-r tennent. .Mr. Smith came to Anderson sev eral months ago and since that time has'been working In and around An derson tuning pianos. Ho became very ill yesterday morning aM died suddenly. Hs was GO years old. CARD OF THANKS I wish to expresB to my friends my sinco thanks fo rthc kindness and services rendered during the recent illness and death of my wife. Also for the beautiful floral tributes. W. W. Johnson. CHEDDAR NEWS Mr. and MTS. Ben Bolt of White Plains visited Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Copeland Sunday and Monday. Quite a number of our young peo ple enjoyed a picnic at the William ston power house on last Wednes day. Although the .voa th er was un favorable, . they report a pleasant time. Miss Lola Copeland is attending tbe teachers' normal in Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Burris Johnson and Miss Ida Poure and brother, Fred spent Sunday In Chick Springs. Mr. T. W. Thompson is visiting relatives In Cheddar. Sloan, the little seven months oid baby of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cope land, died on last Friday night af ter an illness of only a few days. The funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. M. M. Mc Cu eu at Cedai Grove on Saturday afternoon. The parents havie the sympathy of the en tire community. COLORED TEACHERS SCHOOL Began on Monday IfornSag With En roll mont of 82. Thc Summer normal school for colored teachers began on Monday morning in the new Qreely school building on South Fant street. Prof. ( George W. Pegnes of Benedict Col lege, Columbia, ls nrincipal and he is assisted by Mrs. M. J. M. Earle and Mrs. O. W. Gassaway of the cRy colored graded schools. At present there have been 32 teachers enrolled and the principal and his assistants have already begun to create much interest in the various subjects which are being taught. The class in domestic science Is el new feature io our summer school and is likely to be one of the most interesting. Other teachers vho are finishing up their work on the farm are expected to come in nest week. On Tuesday morning a very instruc tive address wa sdelivered tb ?the. teachers by Prof. T. L. Ducket of Benedict College. J. F. Rhoden. FREIGHT TRAIN DERAILED Delayed Passenger Trata From Sea eeg Yesterday Morning. The engine of freight train No. 8, bound tor An torson waa derajted yesterday morning at Jordania. This delayed the nassenger train to An derson from Seneca yesterday morn ing about 45 minutes. Only the engine was derailed and the track waa torn up for a short distance. The greatest inconvea venience was that of the mail be ing delayed, lt being transferred to the passenger train, which arrived tn Anderson about 9 o'clock. mo h m ?a: We do not believe Mr. Mattison nor any other young man could do a wiser thing than to buy a lot under our "Prolit Sharing" plan. The plan is liberal,-it's logical, embodying the most advanced ideas,-and the property offered is desirable from every stand-point. Pullman Automobile Casings and Tubes We are putting in a full stock of all sizes and styles. STRICTLY HIGH-GRADE Moderate io Price Come and See Them SULLIVAN HARDWARE CO. SIDE DRESSING WILL PAY YOU This year of all year? as you fertilized lightly this spring and the heavy rams baree washed away and leached out lots of what you did ote. Your cotton has taken on a rapid growth, is full of water and when the weather turns off dry, as it probably will, your cotton will ched like everything unless .you supply it plentifully with plant food. We have the eery goods, for side dressing, made especially for that purpose. It will do your cotton a world of good. For every dollar you pay oat for it you will get back from $3 to $5. If cotton is cheap the more you make to '.he acre the better you aie off. If cotton i? high the more yon make to the acre the better you are off. soon as you There ts no mistake about that But get your side dressing in the ground just at possibly can. The business of this crop ra?fu?retsV Anderson Phosphate & OS Co, Anderson, S. C. IN YOUR HOME The Heating and Plumbing systems should be of the first importance if you consider the good, health, tba comfort and the convenience of yonr family. Onr Flambing ls the Quam ' Kind that adds to the house beautiful by the luxuriousness and good designing ot the fixt* /es. Get oar Estimate*. Joshing a Specialty. GLENN PLUMBING COMPANY ?THE PLUMB GOOD PLUMBERS" IZ& 7. Bsassa St? ^Uaaer Bau? KOMB ?St