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brand-n cigar ett( throat-p retty aft Camels are delightful, Turkish and choice D them better than either smoo Toba? exper are o: quali Start ci ny di Lill CAMZLS 0,1120 for M Oe. if your dr al tr can't ?apply you, mandi Oe tor on, pack' apo or St.00 for a KarninofItnpackagta ClOO ciparrttat). M nf pot tap o pr cpo i j. if mftor nmohinr ona packapo you atm not doli* ht'J with CAMEL?, wmlmwrn tko ?thor nina pockagtm mot uto will roland your dollar and pott. TAKE MY ADVICE --Mr. Sqaeegee "There are some motorists who seem to expect tire trouble-think that, like measles, you've got to bava 'om. I Prescribe DIAMOND Squeegee Tread TIRES ! ArV*/ For Sale by. Anderson Hardware Co EZL ^Thrift ?Wbo taught the busy bee te fly asaoag tue sweetest flowers? and lay Ms feast ot honey by te eat ta whiter beare! Natara teaches as thrift will yea ?ara! Pat a Jhtrt af your earning? Ia the Savings DepaxC&eat of The Baak ?? lasers sa. The bank rOU smokje tome Camel Ciga rettes, because they give a ev idea of how delightful a i can be freed f rom tongue-bite, arch and any unpleasant ciga er-taste. because they are blended choice ome8tic tobaccos. You'll like kind smoked straight,they're so th and fragrant and refreshing, ecos blended in Camels are so isive no coupons or premiums ffered smokers, who appreciate ty end do not expect them. today to compare Camels with. tardie in the world! TNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-S*Jc?, N. C. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Sonta Atlantic. Won. Lost Augusta. 18 j Columbia. 15 Columbus. 15 11'harlestOM. 14 Albany. ll iSavannuh. 10 Macon. 10 I JuckHunvllle. 9 8 10 ll 12 14 16 K 15 P. C. 092 r.oo 577 638 440 :i8.', 386 376 Southern Won. lost P.C. Memphis. 48 New Orleans. 46 Nashville. 46 Birmingham. 42 Atlanta. 36 Mobile. 35 Chattanooga. 36 Little Rock. 29 31 33 36 36 41 44 45 49 American. Won. Chicago. 48 I Boston .. .. .. .. 43 Detroit. 45 New York. 36 Washington. 32 Philadelphia. 28 Cleveland. 26 St. Louis. 26 NationaL Won. Chicago. 40 Philadelphia. 37 St. Louis. 38 Btooklyn. 35 Pittsburgh. 35 New York. 31 Hncinnatl. 30 Boston. 31 25 28 37 37 44 43 44 31 36 35 35 35 37 39 Baltimore. 26 60S 582 5G1 638 468 443 438 372 Lost. P.C. 26 649 630 616 493 464 389 377 362 Lost P.C 30 671 544 614 GOO 600 470 448 443 Federal. Won. Lost. P.C Kansaa City. 43 31 St. Louis. 41 30 Chicago ........ 42 31 Pittsburgh. ?0. 32 Newark. 39 \ 34 Brooklyn. 31 \\4* Buffalo .. .. ?. ... 31 681 577 675 566 534 413 403 361 * ? + YESTERDAYS RESULTS. ? 4> ? Southern League. At Atlanta 4; Chattanooga 3. At Birmingham 0; Memphis 9. At New Orleans 0: Nashville 3. At Mobile 10; Little Rock 3. South Atlantic League. At Augusta 5; Savanah 4. At <\>hialina 2; Charleston 10. At Jacksonville 0; Columbus 7. At Jacki, .m ville 2; Columbus 1. Sec ond game seven Innlpgs by agreement. At Macon 2; Alhfhy 7. Federal League. At Pittsburgh 4; St. Louis 2. At Pittsburgh 0; St. Louis 6. At Brooklyn 2; Buffalo 8. At Brooklyn 1; Buffalo 9. No other scheduled. } National League. At New York 5; Cincinnati 3. At New York ?4; Cincinnati 3. At Philadelphia 2; Pittsburgh V. At Brooklyn 8; Chicago 7. At Boston 4; St. Louis 3; ten In nings. American League. At Cleveland 4; Now York 3. At St Louis 1 ; Philadelphia 3. At Chicago 6; Washington 1. At Detroit 15; Boston 4. WILL UNVEIL MONUMENT Woodmen o? W*rl? to Have Lnveillng ?a Sunday. .V:ilow Camp. W. O. W.-. will un . y., a monument at Salem church at Sov. W. W. Hsmbree's grave to morrow aft ornoo ti at 5 o'clock. Offi cer* ?nd mc* .' *-"< of Qif decree teams met last nt?bt u> aw-ir .?nal arrange ments. Mr. T. Frank Watkins will make the speech at the exercises and all Woodmen owning automobiles arc ssked to carry aa many of their fel low sovereigns aa possible. Beauty Men. Than Skin Beep. A beautiful woman always hes good digestion. If your digestion is faulty. Chamberlain's Tableta will dc yo Br? ITIFUL. SARAJKVO, ul way H one of the moat fruitful breeding placos in Europo of conspiracies and re volts, first against the Turks and then against the Austrians, thu scone of the assassination of the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, heir apparent to the thrones of Austria and Hungary, and his wife, the duchess of Hohenberg, IB thus described by a writer for the National Geographic society: One of tho beauty spots of the Pal kans is that occupied by the Bosnian capital. Sarajevo. It is built upon the River Miljacka, a small tributary of the Bosna, and spreadB over both slopes of tho narrow valley to the rugged hills. Partially oriental, and wholly set in the green and emerald of ita gardons and neighboring well wooded hills. Sarajevo is frequently called the "Damascus of tho North." The city HOB In the southeastern cor ner of Bosnia. 122 miles southwest of Belgrade. With a growing population of 50,000 and a thriving commerce and industry, lt has been fast losing its eastern character, reconstructing the old Turkish city to conform to the purposes of western progress. Sarajevo ls an important commer cial entrepot, a distributing center for Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dalmatia and Montenegro. Its large bazaar is a fa vorite market place for the peasants of the whole province, while its com mission housPH conduct the exchango of Bosnian agricultural and mineral products with the manufactories of other parts of the empire. It has pot teries, silk mills, a tobacco faotory, and a large individual, or house in dustry, which produces fine embroid eries, rugs, embossed and filigree work. Sarajevo was founded In 1262 by the Hungarian, General Cotroman, and was enlarged by the Turks and se lected for their administrative Bos nian headquarters. Following the Austrian occupation of 1878, lt was largely rebuilt and has been steadily1 Increasing in prosperity. Its inhabi tants are mostly Serbo-Croats. Bosnia a Fertile Land. Bosnia is a land of wooded moun tains and fertile valleys. There ls very little unproductive land within its confines, for what is not In grain, fruit, or meadow cultivation ls pasture land and forest. Moreover, Bosnia !a rich In minerals, which Include coal, Iron, copper, chrome, manganese, cln na, sine and mercury. Gold and silver were worked among its mountains by the Romans, and, in those days, lt was celebrated for Its richness in these precious metals. It has, also, valuable salt mines and marble quar rier. This province,* however, IB chiefly agricultural. Moro than 90 per cent of the population ls engaged in farm ing the country according to the most antiquated ot m?thode Mach of the fruitful land remains uncultivated. The chief European cereals and fruits are raised Tobacco la one of Bosnia's best-known products, and many dis criminating smokers In all parta of the world insist upon the Bosnian leaf. This tobacco, however, does not compare in richness with the product of American, Cuban or Australasian fields. It has a pale, yellow leaf, and haa a apley fragrance similar to that of burning autumn leaves. Dried plums and tobacco are two Important Items of the export The province has an are\ of 16,170 square miles, and a population of near ly 2,000,000. This population la hut lit tin mirari. There la a sprinkling of SARAJI CVO Austrians and Hungarians, moctly offi cials; gypsies. Italians und Jews. The Jews speak Spanish end are the de scendants of those who fled in tho six teenth century from Spain to escape the Inquisition. Something About Herzegovina. Herzegovina ls a continuation of the Montenegro mountains. It has an area of 3.G30 square miles, or, added to Montenegro,, would about double that tiny kingdom's territory. It would also bring 200,000 more per sons under the scepter of King Nich olas. Montenegrin statistics make one realize what a prize Herzegovina would be. Montenegro has an area of G.GG0 square miles and a popula tion of 620.000. Herzegovina joins Montenegro in south and Bosnia in the north. The mountain formations of Bosnia and Herzegovina are similar, but the lat ter land ls not so fertile as Its larger neighbor. There is a Baying that "Bosnia begins with the forest, Herzegovina with the rock." Here, however, may be enjoyed some of the roost beautiful scenery of Europe, and there are numberless choice Herze govlnian sites that in the future may be developed into famous and well paying seasonal .resorts. A Urge part of the land is barren having a number of bare peaks rising more than 7,000 feet. The eastern part, toward Serbia, is especially barren and rocky. The rivers of Herzegovina plunge underground for great stretches on their courses to the Bea. There la Just one river in this province that manages to go-it* whole Journey with out once forsaking the surface. The valleys are the only fertile parts of the province, and most of these are very narrow. -Grapes of fine quality are raised in them, and fairly good native wines are produced. Excellent tobacco bi grown; that ls, lt ls con sldered excellent by those who prefer tobacco as fragrant aa cloves and cinnamon. Mostar, the capital of Herzegovina is a picture city, a fascinating oriental town In a setting of wonderful beauty Sheer, massive cliffs inclose it on one Bide, while 'listant mountains divide tho valley on the other. Mostar has a population of about 15.000. almost entirely Slavonic. Islam, however, shares abort equally with Roman Catholicism the religious converts The mountaineers of Herzegovina are like their neighbors, tho Montenegrins In their sturdy'Independence. It was they who started the rebellion against the Turks in 1875, which, spreading throughout the Balkans and finally be ing taken up by Russia, led finally to the congress of Berlin and the birth of several new atetes Into the family Df nations. Living Honestly. The root of honesty Is an honest In .ontion, the distinct and deliberate pur iose to be true, to handle facts as they ure, and not as we wish them to be insets lend themselves to manipulation ifany a butcher's hand ls worth more ban its weight tn gold. What we want .hinge to be we come to see them to ie; and the tailor pulla the coat and be truth into, a perfect Ot from his joint of view. Oh, to get life out of >ur sinful and selfish desires, and 'walk In the light as he ls in the light, tot wishing merely, but "willing to live lonestly."-Maltble O. Babcock Russia Hen 100 Prev?nose. Russia has one hundred provinces nd several of the largest exceed the i tate ot Texas tn else. Cl asst fi ec Want Adven ?wenty-ftve wura* or 1AM, On? 1 Biz Tlm?a $1.00. All advertisement over twenty-fl^ word. Rates un 1,000 words tc taon. No advertisement taken for Isea Ii your name appears tn the tell your want ad to 321 and a bill wi) prompt payment FOR RENT TOR RENT-Tho livery stable corner Peoples and Church St. is for rent. This ls known as the McGee Stable. It is in first class condition lp be used as a stable or it can be chang ed to suit any other line of busi ness. See nie at once If you want the building. J. E. Harton. 6-7-Gt. WANTS WANTED-You to know that I am still on the job with the best wood and coal on thc market, if you don't believe it try me. W. O. Clmer, Phone ?49. Successor to Piedmont Coal and Wood Co. 4-15- tf. WANTER-Experienced stenographer for months of August abd Septem ber. Address, y. Y Z care Intelli gencer.-tf. LOST -o LOST-A motorcycle pedal on the Amie iv on-Wi ll iain si on highway. Finder please notify Clyde L. Stone. Wllliamston.-7-1015-ltp. LOST-In North Anderson a gold bar N. S. M. A. pin. Reward If returned to The Intelligencer office. 7-10-3tp. Services at Eureka. -! *|*> FJJV. Mike McGee will preach at Eureka church Sunday morning at. ll o'clock. A cordial Invitation ib ex tended to all to attend. Summer Aches and Pains. That backache or stiff muscle that can not be explained on account of having "sat In a draft and caught cold" is more t|ian likely the result of weakened or disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills promptly relieve backache, sore, swollen or stiff mus cles and joints, rheumatisb and sleep disturbing bladder ailments. They put the kidneys In sound, healthy condi tion, and help them eliminate uric acid and other poisons from the system. Evans Pharmacy. CASTOR ? A For Infants and Children Sn Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Charleston & Western Carolina Railway To and From the NORTH, ?SOUTH, E?ST, WEST Leaves: No. 22 . . . .6:08 A. M. No. 6 . . . .3:37 P. M. Arrives: No. 21 . . .11:15 A. M. No. 5 ... . 3 :07 P. M. Information, Schedules, rates, etc., promptly given. E. WILLIAMS, G. P. A., Augusta. GR. Condensed Passenger Schedule. PIEDMONT & NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY Effective June 6. 1915. ANDERSON: ' Arrivals Yo. St.. .. .i..?:2B A. M. ?a SS. .. 9:35 A. M. io. SS.11:40 A. M. j ?io. 37.. .. j.. 1:10 P. M. ?O. St.3; 40 P. M. 4o. 41.SiOO P. M. Io. SS..6:50 P. M 45... ..10:20 P. M. I Departures .... .. ...5:25 A. M. .8:36 A. M.' .10:00 A. M. SS... ..12:10 P. M. SS.?- 2:30 P. 40., ..'. 4:6C P. I Columns hising Rates rime 26 cen's. Throe Time? M cents, re words prorate for each additional . be oaed In a month made on appll than 36 cents, cash in advance. B phone directory jen can telephone tbs malled after Its Insertion for MISCELLANEOUS SUBSCRIPTIONS TO BAILY INTEL L1GENUEU AT REDUCED PRIEE During the Daily Intelligencer con test which closed March, I UH, in or der to secure votes to win tho cap ital prize, I purchased a number of .uhscriptlons to the Daily Intelli gencer at tho rate of $5.00 a year. In ord-:r to get nome of the money back which 1 put into the contest, 1 will sell a limited number of sub scriptions to the Daily Intelligencer at the rate ot $3.00 a year to anyone wishing to subscribe or renew their subscription to thia paper, or at a rate of $1.25 a year to the Semi weekly intelligencer. If interested, address P. O. Box 347, Anderson, _S._C._6-17tf WHEN YOU can not see right step in our Optical Department and get just the Glasses you need. Complete grinding plant. Eyes scientifically tested. Dr. M. H. Campbell, Louisa S. I lil gen hocker, assistant, 112 W. Whitner St., Ground Floor. FOR SALE FOR SALE-A good buggy horse, weight 1.100 pounds, color dark bay, seven years old. Bargain for some one. Apply to T. A. Robinson. Lock Box 15, Central, S. C. 7-10-3L FOR SALE-Running peas, bunch peas. King and Asbell, Townvill?, S. C. 7-9-3tp. FOR SALE-Pure Mountain Grown Lookout Mountain Seed Potatoes the very best variety for July plant ing. Purman Smith, Seedsman Phone 464. ^ PROFESSIONAL CARDS C. GADSDEN SAYRE Architect 405-406 Bleckley Building Anderson, S. C Chisholm, Trowbridge & Suggs DENTISTS New Theatre Budding W. Whitner St RUFUS FANT, Jr ATTORNEY AT LAW t'ox-Townsend Bldg. Anderson, :.: South Carolina A NICE BIG ROAST ot Beef, Pork or Mutton ls really one j of the best< m ea ta. For it is just as good cold as hot. So yon can have several meals with only one cooking. Tell us to send one for Sunday din ner, Make it a big one, for our meats are so choice that only a big one will have enough left to cut -up old. PHONE m. The Lily White Market J. ff. LINDSAY, Proprietor. Travelug Waifs Experience. "In the summer of 1888 I had a very severe attack of cholera morbus. Two physicians worked over me from four a. m. io 6 p. m. without giving me any relief and thon told me they did not expect me lo live; that I had best tel egraph for my family. Instead of do ing so. I gave the hotel porter ?tty cents and told him to buy mc a bottle of Chamberlain's Colls, Cholera and Dlsrrhoea Remedy, and take no substi tute. I- took a double dose according to directions and went to aleep af te lba second dose. At five o'clock Ute next morning I waa called by my order. 'am IM] Use Electric Fans Vacuum Cleaners Toasters Broilers Irons Grills . Lights, etc For Comfort ana Economy. Southern Public Utilities Company Phone 223. My! My ! ! What Sincere Flattery -this continual procession of imitators of Bottled Your Attention Please ! *JK*?*n*,Ul!.w,rol* rou with Nancy Hall Potato Planta at 11.60 par 1.08ft, It ia not too lat? to plant Potatoes. Yon can set them out up to 15 July and maka good crop. So come ohead and get the plants. Wa have for today fresh pola beana, oabteto. onions, targe bell pepper*}, frying ehlokena, .eajgs, butter, fresh pineapples, fresh Bah, etc. *ohn?up. 117. IMHVa: We