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Special Bargains We have a tew sets of buggy harness wc want to sell quick at $8.00 a set. Lots of good home made bridles at $1.50 each. Pads 15 and 20 cents each. Stage har ness, breeching, lines, etc., cheap. We manufacture and repair harness and use nothing but the best leather. We are painting buggies every day and giving satisfaction as to price and quality of work. Let us make your buggy look like a new one. Also have a rubber tiring outfit and use only the best grade of rub ber. The celebrated Tyson & Jones buggies are arriving almost every week. If you have never used one yourself your neigh bor has-ask him. We have known this buggy to be in actual use 15 years. Also have Moyers, Babcocks, Normans, Rock Hill, etc.-none better. We guarantee every thing we sell to be as represented. . Give us your business. Have you a nice pony or horse that you want to sell ; if so bring them around. We have several weil broken horses that wc want to sell quick, also the nicest pony in town with perfect qualities. Call around and let us show you what we have. Yours for business, The Fretwell Co. SCHOLARSHIP in either Bookkeeping and Penmanship or 7 Stenography and Typewriting at the PERRY BUSINESS COLLEGE ^ Greenville, S. C. FOR SALE CHEAP Apply to "SCHOLARSHIP" (care Anderson Intelligencer) ANDERSON, S. C. ~.-rr* DOAYOtJR AOWNi SHOPPING "Onyx9* Hosiery f Give? tb? BEBT VALUE ?or Your Money avery Eb4 ?nm Cette* to Mk, fm Kw, Weam ata CUUna Auf Color and Style From 25c to $5.00 per pair I*M* ?a* tb? Tra*? Maral 9oM by AU Good Dnltn. Lord & Taylor '?WYO? FIRST NIGHT TENT WAS OVERFLOWING CONGREGATION HELD SPELL BOUND BY GREAT SERMON OF REV. B. F. M'LENDON. IS A FEARLESS MAN Tells People They Have Lied Be fore God, Preacher and Con gregation. For over an hour la?t evening a great audience heard Rev. H. F. Mc Lenjon handle Ohe deadness, luke warmness and Indolence of church members of today. He pictured it in such a graphic manner that he lu id lila audience ?peil bound and people left the tent laat night Haying that that man haH a message from God. Ills sermon was on "Belshazzar's' Keast" and in part Is as follows: "If you could have lived in Baby lon at the time of this feast, no doubt all fiat you could have heard on Hie streets and in Hie shops, waa the royal feast that had hecn pro claimed by Belshazzar. That after noon of the feast you could have seen thc faultless eiiulppages with silver ..?nuni''d arid mnnograved harney and tho fiery eved steeds that stamped and reared and plunged and their charioteers drixi'ng Diem 'round Fie cornera. And there were thousands Of men and women dressed in all the glories of that Assyrian age who came to the banquet, reclining at the tables with fingers and arms ringed and Jewelled. The air waa heavy with oriental perfumes and tremulous with music. Between the tables nart 1; nude and wholly lewd dancei weaved through t'iie contortions ano distortion:; of thc Asiatic dance. Fast er and faster flew Jest and repartee, louder and louder sounded the In struments, while that (iodless, wlnc guzzling. wMskey-<|rlnklng. licentious king commanded the cups nf gold and silver to be filled with Hahyionian wine. Then came thc obscene songs the drunken mirth, the shouts of that Hod-forsaken, dancing wlnc-guzzling, leechcrous gang. "1 will tell you that triat was no saner kraut and lager beer ami pretzvl blow-out. In the midst of all the hil arity, suddenly n hush fell like death upon the banqueting hall. The mus icians dropped their Instruments, the revelers stnred and gazed at thc mys terious flngprs.of an armless hand writing in characters of fire. Old Belshazzar took a chill so that Oils countenance was changed, "his thoughts troubled bim and he trem bled like a leaf In thc wind. He cried ont for the astrologers and sooth sayers and In they came with their proudly and stately tread, belle lng they would bc able to pull wool over the king'? eyes as they had been do ing all through thc years they bad been at the Godless court. But their nrt had deserted them. Old Bel had about reached the end of the string then and needed some good old fash ! toned advice and he sent out for his j ma. She came In and tried to re , assure her royal son. She told him of a young Jewish preacher In t*ie kingdom that could read hard sen tences and tell dreams and they Bent for him. "I want you to notice that Daniel was not at the dirty wlne-guzzllng. dancing leg show that night. He didn't arm and glove with that kind of a bunch. When DavJd arrived-old Bel met htm and said put her fiore old boy. ma tells me that you arc on your Job. You see that writing there on the wall, that is meaningless hieroglyphics to this set of four Gushers and false alarms that have been feeding and fattening at my tables. But, old boy. If you will read that writing I will put a gold chain about your neck and make you secretary of State.* "Daniel, with noble pride, scorned his proffered gift, saying that he would have none ol' them but that he would read the writing. But he pro ceeded right then and there to preach that old libertino a sermon that he would not forget when this old world Is a cinder. He told how w>ien his father Nebnchednezzar was pulled off tbe throne of God because of his con ceit and pride and sent nut under a ntrango form of Insanity to eat grass like an ox. And you too are weigh ed In the balances and found want ing. "Now I am going to take up some of the crowds that are weighed In the balances and fr und wanting. One of the first ls the crowd that turn SBlde into the crooked ways. The Lord shall lead thom forth with the workers of Iniquity. Thoro aro peo ple in Anderson who were once afire for God, but Uko a dog yon have re turned to vour vomit and Uko a sow to her mud. You have been a traitor to God and have gone back to the swill barrels and slop tube of tho world, ir you are a backslider, yon aro a liar and a perjurer and you have broken your marriage rows wlUi God. God lr. tired of the ground hog kind of relig on. He wants the ever * green kind. "Another kind that will be found wanting ls the bunch that loves social ge (beringa bot stays away from the r,rayer meetings, lovers of pleasure more than lovera of God, If you don't think that our churches are In an appalling condition, come with me to the midweek prayer, meeting and it will make you think of a sepulchre. And from the prayer ?meeting we will go down to the leg show and.there we will Hid the old lying, defamed, perjured. hack-slldden Methodists Baptists and Presbyterians strictly on the Joh, although they stood at tho alter of the church and swore before God, the. preacher and the congrega tion that they would renounce the American Duchess a Spy Friends of tho Duchess Lltta-I Vcnosti-Aro80 . who was .Miss .lossie Perry of Charleston, s. C., were hounded by lier arrest with her hus band in Venice, Italy, on the charge of espionage. They know she was de voted t<> Haly and that both she and tho duke woro bitterly anti-Austrian. Influential Venetians vouched for the couple and they were released on hail. Their arrest was based solely on tho fnet y burned a small Muht in their hote, room the night Austrian aviators dropped nine bombs into I Venice. duke, an Author, ls also known In this city, where Putnam's pub lished some of his hooks. world, the flesh and the devil mid tho vain pomp and glory of Kie Bame I charKP you wi^Ji hoing as black ? hearted a set of liars as ever breath ed air. That ls enough to hurt your Heelings, isn't lt? Tho less sense n ellow has, tho more feelings lie has. You make up for the sense with the feelings, it ls not the liars, the CUt t'iroats and such that arc hurting the church today. lt ls this tide of worldliness that ls demoralizing our church and our homes. The chief danger that confronts the present eon tury is tho religion without tho Holy Ghost. Christianity without Orist. forgiveness without repeutcnee. sal vation without reppntonce, politico without t?o dand heaven without hell." AIWITIO* TO PRIS*? GIVES PRISONERS VIFYY OF STRFFT Atlanta, June 9. -The new addition to the efderal prison here is so ar ranged that prisoners locked in their cells, instead of staring at the cold gray walls, will have an attractive view through wide open windows of the outside world, the trees and grass, and even of the street cars and peo ple who pass In front of the prison gate. Explaining th? Look. "Who 1B that man with the hunted look?" "That's Dumworth, a broker's clerk. His wife is called the best dressed woman In town." Hla Choice. First (gazing into Jeweler's window)-How would you like to have your pick among that lot, Bill? Second Laborer-i'd sooner have my 4 shovel.-St. James Gazette. The Dividing Line. "He's very fond of drawing fine dla Unctions." "Yes?" "Why, he tried t differentiate be* tween love and emotional Insanity." Had Him Guessing. "Pardon me, old man. but people are wondering bow you can afford to buy your wife the clothes she selects." "I don't blame 'em. I wonder my self." Opposite Results. "That actress has had a paradoxi cal career." "In what way?" ? ' "She's come forward so because sha had so much backing." . Slight Mistake. "What do you think? Jim got a dog license by mistake v den he applied for a marriage license." "That doesn't make much difference. He'll lead a dog's life anyway." > Ita Burden. "Gwendolyn says she has a weight oft her mind." "How 50?" > "She's got her feather, tuted all rlghL" Winthrop College. SCHOLARSHIP and ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The examination for the award ot vacant scholarship in Winthrop Col lege and for the admission of new students will bo held at the County Court House on Fridaj, Joly 2, at 0 a*- m. Applicants must not ba less than sixteen years of age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 2 they will be awarded to those making the highest average at thia examina tion, provided they meet' the condi tions governing the award. Appli cants for Scholarships' should write to President Johnson before the ex amination for Scholarship examina tion bianka. ? Scholarships are worth $100 and free tuition. Tba next session will open September IS. lils.. For further information and catalogue, address fret, IL B* Johnson, Rook Hill, 8- C. Read the ninth installment of I "The Black I Box" ,in todays paper When in Anderson eat at the old Reliable PIEDMONT CAFE Fine Cooking and Special Dishes each day WHITE HELP G. D. ANTONOKAS, Prop. CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Qulek Relief from Head-Colds. IVs Splendid 1 In one minute your clogged nostrils will open the air passage of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No moro hawking, snuffing, blowing, headache dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Bairn from your druggist now. Ap ply \a little of thies fragrant* an tiseptic, healing cream in you:- nos trils. It penetrates through overy air passage of the head. Boothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh-relief cornea so quickly. PUT SI AN I?CHII SKIN ANO END ECZEMA Says thia olrMim? Ecxotna raw edy is applied Uk? cold cream. Any irritation or breaking out on th? fae?, arma, legs or body when accom panied by itching, or when tb* akin is dry and feverish, caa be readily over come by applying a little bold-aulpbur, .ava a noted dermatologist. -Ha ?talea that bold sulphur instantly allays tb? angry itching and irritation and soothe? and heals UM Eeaema right np leaving Ute akin clear and smooth. Bold-sulphur baa occupied a Secure posi tion for many years in the treatment of cutaneous disorders because of ita parasite-destroying property. Nothing aaa ?var been found to take ito place In treating the irritable and inflam matory ukin affections. While not al ways eatabUahiasr a permanent eura it ?ever fails to subdue tba itching irri tation and drive UM a Sterna away ?ad it ia of ton yeara later before any erup tion again appears ea th? skia. Tho?? troubled should obtain at any drug ?tor? aa ouaoe of bold-sulphur, which is applied to th? affected parto ia th* aaa* manner aa aa ordiaary eold cream. The Leading Hardware House Of The Carolinas In the selection of our lar?e and varied stock, the first considera tion is QUALITY Our unsurpassed warehouse facilities make it possible for us to make deliveries PROMPTLY Our organization and experience combine to enable us to give you the best PERSONAL SERVICE SULLIVAN HARDWARE CO. Anderson,_ Belton, Greenville. EXCURSION TO ATLANTA, GEORGIA VIA BLUE RIDGE in Connection with Southern Railway, Premier Carrier of the South THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1915. From Anderson, Walhalla, Westminister and all intermediate pointe, on the following schedule and Excursion Fare?: B. R. R. R. No. 9, Round Trip Excursion Far Atlanta: l eave Belto.i t ; :22 a. m. $3.00 Leave Anderson l t :5o a. m.t. 3.00 Leave Autun 12:10 p. m.'.U. 2.74 . Leave Pendleton 12:26 p. m.\.... 2.75 ' ? B. R. R., R. No. 24:. Leave Waliialla 11:40 a. m......... 3.75 Leave Westunion 11:45 a. m.. 2.75 Bw.Excusi?n Train: .......... ..... Leave Seneca 1 ;25 p. m. ....... ;. 7.-S0 Leave Richland ? :3^? p. m. .. .. . . 2.50 Leave Westminister 1:42 p. m..,. 2.50 Excursion tickets,will be good going only on special train and reg ular trains to connect with speclal train as mentioned above. Excursion Ticket? wSQ be good returning On all regular trains ex cept New.York-New Orleans Limited No. 38, to reach original starting; point by midnight Tuesday, June 22, 191 5. A Rare Opportunity to visit Atlanta, the Metropolis of the South BASEBALL GAMES at Atlanta with Mobile, June 17, IS and 19, md Birmingham June 21 and 22, 1915. FIVE DAYS IN ATLANTA For Further Information Apply to Ticket Agents W. E. McGEE, Assist. Gen. Pass. Agt., Columbia, G J. R. ANDERSON, Supt. B. R R. R., Anderson, S. C. W. R. TABER. Trav. Pass, Agt., Greenville, S. C