The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1864-1864, June 17, 1864, Image 1

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VOL. ~ CAMDEN S. FRIDAY, JUNE 1$ 1S?4. NEW SERIES-VOL ^--NO. 2^ ItSlMlittk, a . .^00 % M . . . * 00 Bates for Advertising;: "For. ?** S?Mtt*~twelT* tei? or k*??TWOj Pftel^ iKHiAlB &r firt* fcwertlo?, ?o<5 05% POL-' U& and ItfTV CfilT* for cocfc seiMM^atiu |. ^ ; OifflpFA^r Ferness, ??Qptd&? CM? aqftArp. charp^d -: , 'Ysnewteat *&& JoJ> Wor< UrFT BE t vt>AID F0& 15 ABTAXCK #-* .' XsMas&ifc SMuta, flXoejK tt> cm? rftgater ?drcr?i*8? gtjBarea*. J POST'S cdHNEft. i ?: -:. *rat*r. y&J " i'l v ?? * t? wrnwwiS Nr ?fL. -f , ; ^ W# ccmlrf ?A |*a?v while ti* tW ttftmtj&t air ? :'"'" Stock yrith the ca*Tw?sdeV brt^abi ptelieg, ^ " '^l?t &****** f*F*o*. ^1/ to prepare Jgptttiws'j grfe* mwlifty, . ftbcff the K&mamtex wi4e ! ., : ' > * Tfc*l*feff<* o?f'*waJms?vil iwrdcr triOi it* b?iitj\ I y il M*tsk*& where ?x$f hcrer* sfte4w^8iagto asd dfetf j r ^ . For toro ??M I - ;m vlnt tfeoe ffcdNfcmta&i **ri& **? <*i, : &?5 cxptm&m &? <wf 90/ttmt, ^ V HfcUrcwfeff,4nmh*r?rrior oerwn, j <m vmtj ye?r*s*v hiU, _ , .._- .&. Wfcfc vkt&y. hi the ?o&3*i'? storey efcm IF IheiM %riwfci? tobfdessl tatist&il. * ~ ^ Ftm s*edt?d?with her row* | "With &$? rod j^ ?*S fls5o?* #w? wsfeM Hs38^: teste* tear ***** rttex. ftjt U&r-fe < 0?*l ttfo, tO i , littvn^ttfi^r^ . V Wfeae*ms&**bbj^hal^*'"' i < is** ******* ** *0?lr tfe* otei4rt? t*t?r *wi &***& to twU* gpt, A bear* bi# km tw 4fif s?) ?oB ?*4 pafc?fc*A i ' Wlw*? tfpm our bri^fctr*: rc***ni l-it#, !? ? . I Is"' "7Vy vfii r*tftmh#f*4 b*v h* UitoJ u> <$??*> ; , If.Jo fb* J5*bt fr*u**nr?i fusitt ?a?ao?-r bttef** ^ Hw !?k* a ?*mi*b?V ?i**ir fei* ??!**?' Jk4? 1 XacpHE |rw? s as*** ?f Bower*. | j At*! *o wwrtwl to bs? pbro of -tw: ;1 V& flwt rtf Our S3*?l f*?iadia w#* mortal. j jl 1W ?\*k? ?** not tb* m tre, ?a HU iimrt, Ttot *$??* tW b?*r?iljr |<*ut i' . - * - > * ; | J =v3?<* W09* Ksglrt V* XX* ivisr*;O ? Baitim* wai cume ? uaw wb#a IMmbVnittjTt A richer jrucniwt of resww t? *h?U putt j; Hum ?fe*m? sa #urt? mm! gutter*. ? .. 1 1 Mm t? $i09pM^ Mem, bat 1 *r? j < Ti&wgl* cow ? t?w* aow wnaf ?; Imad, ?ov ' :-i. */. reamd cw?ut, i^rioui &ad frw, . jjf A?4?WC{ aaJ *tt2f?xi?u*ti? r ' . . .. X fatr fifesn out slat la?4 whk^i Iks .1 ^ i Itejpa&4 lbw? dwwl* ii?t gstbor dafklj ?'?r m, la ?**&?& fMwv^bl (Am ; 1 A&'JL wfclt tbew refcttdk gi?4 urriafan Of flttUSimm, iarfiRfeJrted fcr ?rar"# ufBictiooi. ORnrsbf ?*& asrtjrr'* wr?r-d*w*? oa?s f '-i -. * WMI gt*4tt&I tesKdktio&ft. la www Mi teum gBwfcw to, ioeg-birxJi ?v?#tV , wartifct An afeaB ?r?ct &e ?u&m* o( oot kftgfe Is la &v&g fertau# ?&? sufM? : Ab4 am cf*U llw* fcri*U btww* Stall wear to &? eff ?&?!? * tsabbftcv jfWftdff, ?M2 *3! b? *ci?l ?UB iM* wntkt of<mo? .?U? ft Mwwl cnuModar. 1!tt6 .9|P(S8|ifl& feptti te& t? of \b* C*i 10?Air It# ftxio ?mi, an&ifelr .f. " Jj|il?iito?> ??*? m Ufe ho dkl, '*^'s'?<S3*B^KiiAiueik ? ( iMM nikiair W &sd S4?ut Ihk ooant, ?*a? mlcf&ut <l*& ?h* trajfekd ?tory Js&> i&P reg*#* o? foa;*i^ and dnaintt. gfe j| flpte ?C Itgfe* ?w* ?5ory~ Wt Jpi mati??s wfe? & sdrcr bogfe* Mow, Tfeai ?* ?? **********< JK^m b*A bH ba?*?ea Woof on tfe? 6*, tfggr/ |g Tjccry qtrwnaf i IIP 4 ^'miscellaneous.'"^ >. M vessGRirttoxBXFoM rniTriooi, mra aSSr?1^ RgnR?!iCK 70 SAm<} : lf?l)iiiwlii*i find to what woold now ba eem# aMerwi a good oi l age. Few th?M Utter days edit reasonably hope to attain their I & nine handled end sixty-ninth year, though at j the rate autue have grown old onder the opralien of the conscription law, it has been alily l hinted that they will soon approximate the an- j tedilnvian standard. |w But that it not the thing which we had in * our mind when we Wrote the caption of this j * brief article- Tlie fact it, that something sag- \ gested to us yesterday the idea of a militia \ *01 muster in those early days when people count* ** ! cd the stage* of their live* by ccntnric*. We | seeing to see some of the -cotemprorics of \ Tubal Cain, or some colonel or enrolling ofij-: ^ i .4 # a * a* ? .1 a * itni cer oj mc i^and ?1 Aod, calling upon Wic awe- "" bodied men, between one hundred and eighty | **' and four hundred and fifty, I? be and appear, i P? armed ami equipped, as the law direct*, at the J **'1 u*tra3 murtcr grcwimi ?ear Tufa! CainV blacksmith shop. And then wc could fancy the ?nb?eqncrtl call for the referees, including all fQr the yoatha, between on* hundred and fifty, one hundred and eighty, and all the men, between ^ four hundred and fifty and fire hundred. If I they bad substitute* over the conscription aget! *c tb*y prvibahjy came from tho claw between j <?TI five ano ail hundred?hale, hearty men, * lit* *** tic over their prime, but still equal to got*) ^ militanr ncrrice. *: , And the antediluvian* weto a pretty haid oc us*? Umt modi h cddont?ted it follow* t?*ti Iw<?: shltoogbfbey mAfr not h**e bud Colt* revolt-joy? Lft or mf8nit*!miftk?& or tided, cannon, tUcy* ttDl wet? oot without mr?n> lor doing melt ollitr W1 kito, nor watili&g in ,tbc dtspautbu to m? roe ibtm, Thttj nWgot ?hsnk at roilitt* gather* P4" top, SO 'l&aU* for abo&t lb<? fin* ihing Kcmb *P J*i dkf th? dood mu to*]thuit * ^ wfre?fc< get overcome. * lie *** find ! dfoii U?&re b{? bud *ee? >0 fnodb L M??o? Ibjoor I**. W? mo f*ocv the light-beaded l?or? from j crA ?n<p hand red up**r j*? *nj frmp*rb*?c *il*? < ^Pl lint fcsy* of liicir ?li*orect p*rcnU when tlief j ?* Vuiml tbcwc innocent ?n?i ww?|wO?^ jUrcn* j Htu^ Jm ytpoKsl to flu? of the enmp, | *nd acquiring a UjM? for ciHtworal ami oihrr ^vt potent beverages dealt out by U?? wtJci*, for ** f>f ooisrvr thry bad sutler* ; and of eoorw iJ?c P711 Miller* had eomcihing to *ell that mould make no* drunk eoroe, although dt*t?llrd spirit* for lint! *-t purpose i* a modern invention. That open* J*n< up a new field of reflection, dual to think of oor wtpcriontT over the iirwkr, Roman* and ^ Egyptian*, antediluvian and other ancient people*. Solomon in all hi* glorr nerer had a ke? mint julep. The grandest feasts of the Roman Emperors could not Urn* \ Turkey?the most j meditative philosopher never toothed him*clf j 1 with tobacco. Fancy I'lalo walking through w the grove* of the Academy with a pipe in hi* *oc^ mouth, imagine Achilles, who was no phi- ^ loaophcr, getting "high" on Pury ear's beat, l% * while Thermit*** stole bit cock tall, and railed w? ftl it for not being Wronger, How tbal jolly w "wandering minstrel^ Ilosn^rft would have re- wo' tithed a good Irish wbUhcv punch after a day4* wandering during a spell of that incle- ^*c roent weather from which *lfcc Itie* of Greece" niii arc not exempt/' bet By the war, during the ptvraience of tbir ^ warm weather, tuch thing* must giro place to ' thinner potation#. We would therefore, sug- mc geat the following as cot bard to swallow : Tahc a sufficient quantity of ice ?(if yon ^ J cat* g*t it); pot it in the bottom of a glass? *T* the laigtat me of glan is preferable ; fill tbc ghutt about three-fourth* full of champagne (if ^ef cm you can get it), then let the l^ilancc be claret ^ (if you can get it)? then? why then, try it, of( that*# ail. Thert are imw things, and the to I only serious objection coositta in the difficulty cor -I-1-'-.--- mairriftk VI UUUUUfUg tUV ? Bat we bare nearly cowmraed what the parJia mcntafians call "the morning boar," tod ] barn no more time (or waanderbg, ^ Wuminyiw Jovrnai t IS QRSWBA TtLE OS WE CHICKABOMJXZ Tbe rw of rlillery b *til! ringing in oar p r* us we*it down to record the most treraen- j h tA* ll%># li?< ?? ? ? 9\IArt : _ U3 Mini iw ^ u:? wifcvfi v> vi' > ^ ? Cofip&iJi?-a slaughter as far exceeding | y it of ll&sdit, the 12U>, as the slaughter j w Tlmixj^ the S2tb, larpanK-d * every oihor b !d of . rr The isAh coznracraed yesterday morning 3 the po^?k?ii of to# Gnpc Vibe, or, as U j ?j wmetiiijM called, McCIcllan a Bridge, over j p & Chickahoininy. It is the samp by which J :Clel Jan* with drew hit troops when the* were } ^ tested ii the double batUo of Cold IIar!>or | d Gaiftf&* Mill. Jiad Grunt succeeded. in ob-: ? ning p^*c*siori of this bndgei he might have p, wed thf Cbkhahd^ioy and established hira-'j b f in McCielbw'* old fastnesses on thia *idc. j ^ wan the object <3i Geneial Lec to prevent j1*, n, audiits accordingly tooir possesion of and j bi the Mfitmn fnnnwlr held be AlHT'ltd- .. ground on which the battle w\? \M gW w? th$ wu?e with that oh tfrhiid> the j g* tic of *$2 wiis fonght. dot thepomtion* xi h* we holding McClcllan'* and $v mt hewing Lee4*. According to the ?c- Si int* of jirisoncw <2rant on the night of!|G nivj&j caused a quart of wb&kcy to be d?-1 eT wited to each of the aoJdiers And ftboutdber m lock y<*icrday morning, having primed them II for the work, commenced an amah upon ^ 'Worlft^ Kofatfced again ami again, with m >recedlfttal ahmghthec, he cotmtantiy re- j1 vod tl^'ftftack with fresh troops tending hta E^Hpntarona ten deep, iwrd, in great , ft, m$!Wk that ilwj knew iot what they *? re about .and prosed on with the most???fc p1 i nedje&y. Nothing could ?*te*d the coolnew -*? h ?idi ihevwere rcetired kf our IfOOtMJ ^ *diag Uhiod tMr hrearfwork*and*af- j *j? fimm^ thesa do4to by ih&m&k* jC* r?g oiVa many marki, 1 o'clock Ute action \151 ?cd along the whole line, onr troop* having I %U tilled the enemy, *bo I?rft several thousand *T litrU Iiim. ?!eftd or wounded, no the 'field, ^4<it I declared that fiac daogbter far ricccdcd v I of ike J2tlt of Mar. Mary of the Van- ^ * , ,? % nrrc *o druok lh*t they tumbled orer oar a^torb, and wore either kHfwd or made c *?nm; other* often firing their gun* could r^oad them. In a word, the drama of the ~~ h of May wa? repeated to the letter. Our f:i * *erv coniidcrwbiv advanced in eonso * *i| roec of oar socces* yesterday. Douhtkws t enemy will seek to dmc t? back, and an- 1 0 cr general battle may ensue. We hare not trd how many prhoncm and gno* wete ta- St i. In a little of (his sort, witerv it it the in ecl of one^jfcarty to defend breastwork*, and : 0|, he other to capture them, many prisoneb j v< B ' 0 not usually taken. We mw about a thouI, however, pas* down the *reet yesterday. |U Hie most marvellous thing about this bailie be small low of our army, At 12 o'clock, 61 learn from undoubted aUlhontrjjoog^vci'* pe bad not loot a hundred men in killed and C< unded. A few hundred* will cover our ole loa*. Since N?w Orleans, when Gen# p, k*on said, "scarce a sprig of cypr&tti was ro igled with tbt wreathe of lattfcl," there? ha* | in nothing like this, When the Yankee* mi upicd those tame line* from wbi& we have t rvpnlscd them with tuch terrible slaughter, C< drove them from them. At that time they he much stronger than they arc now. This C< I alone would be sufficient to show which the best troops. Devoutly thankful should i whole Confederate State* be to that Prori- j ice which has watched over u* in this great i (a< jis, and under Htm to thai brave army, and it irreat General, who have turned our da? i :ml into one of jor. Especially ought we i'r the latter clear, for the akill which ha* res itinttod to accomplish such a mighty enter* ]o ? with to little ic*&. ^ R\chf* onA J)Upn tch, ... ? th< Mfa Stephen A. Donglas U Vice President thi the Ladies* National League at Washington \Ch o?epurpo#a is to consume no foreign fabrics fa ring the war. tin a Edcc atfo.v.?ATfedncation w n voting man V apitai; for a well-inform*^ intelligent mind as the beat assuraqco oPmture competency -gt nd happiness. A fathers bent gift to a child . r ion, is a good education. If yon leave ihcm calthv. von niav assure their rain: and at ? 0 4 est ron only leave them that which at any toment rnav he lost. If too leave them with * y * j.*? v cultivated heart, affections trained to objects f love and excellence, a *nind vigorotw and enifgcd, finding happiness pare, and elevated in ie pursuit of knowledge, yon effect an inanrince on their future happiness and usefulness. a?e*s you bring np the voting mind in this ay, yon cannot witfe any justice claim for its cwsessor independence. Yoor children must a virtnouror they will not desire it. They ust he intelligent to have intelligent associates <4 .1 .* * t ? t *?_ > i mcv men nave nanus o? mensxrv auu s?rictr to make the company of the indostrous }d aoHr agreeable. It a in vonr power to rstow ihh virtue, this intelligence, and these ddea habits. Present them a good model in r?nr own life, and give them even* opportuoi to cultivate the heart and uttdcrsftLii-ding^ [?re not ejcpcnsc bn your school, and pot in your children's bands everything that may * . reoumge or assist them in their mental of oral improvement. wm*m~ \ ^ ^ mrasx or Atmioanr*?South Carolina *ob- * its, at the present junctan% to abuses of ao? loritr. while the usurpations of the Govern< Mi ??.< th lentil ?K*Mt hrtl ntilt* v.^rr Hn?riU? Vl*%9 41* VI Ml I?VW VMM ?VII it v?ry war don; When authority falls '* to the hspd* of tacompeieat pcrsoci, it -orapt* to arrogant assertions of power, in*? cetrn of c wry sug^tioa of vmoo aid pn? ktf. Jo thb, in haps degree, we may * iU ti^ asekas am* uasecc*KM? usurpations ' tho pubUe mean* oftnusspaitsdfta; thcscit| oPijhe mlfMb ; th^V^p^ioh of their \c miserable monkey play of tin? passport stem. We ttecd not repeat what we haue rctofore *aui, of the suspension of the Mai* $ Ccrp** Act, the direct taxation, without > port ion mrut, sod other violations of the institution, * bich are of the twos! barefaced oraetcr, and seemingly without excuse. ?uth Carolina is not mmnudfui of these thing* -not insensible to what is du# to her citizens; 4 we trust that her LegfaSatur?, to be elected a few tnouflt*. will be of a character to as* I ir* ()?a f/tiiitilttfiiift iru) ruhL.Lw.n f V wv V' W.PMMAW M V| i.'iirnv VVi?IVUM?W) &S.?Mercury. * | The following is a coned list of Unit*! ale* Natal Officer*, willi their rank? poartiot. d how assigned uAluty, ia rotation, as Cher pear to the if. N. XxHu/ /frdfrfcr, for t bo ^ ^ t nr fs64, m belonging to Sootb Carolina i&. Hear Admiral William B. Shtibriek, (vtired t) Chairman Lighthouse Board. Commodore John S. MUroon, (aetiro J?t) # ^ rdinance dnty, Boston Saw Yard, * # ^ Commodore C, K. Stribling, (rdirty) imm&ftdant Nary \ nrd, Philadelphia. Cipiain Pcrcival Drayton, (scrtve list,) ret Captain, Wester Blockading Gulf S^uadn. f 4 CaptA?n'Charles Stcdman, (active list,) Com- * inding steam sloop-of-war Zicondcroga. Captain Edward Middleton, (active Hsi) immanding doop^of war St, UaorV Commander licory Rolando, (active list,) >mtflhmling steam sloop-of-war Seminole. Ororaandor J. P. Bank head," (aetivo list,) ? pcial doty, Ney York. Lieutenant Commanding Francis H. Baker itivelift,) Commanding gunboat Huron. A Hero.?During the fight at Spotsylvania, irate A. J. Salmon, of the 1st Regiment, a ddent of Columbia, saved the colors of the # * n th Regiment, iiftcr the bearer was shot; and icn the battle wiw over, dcliretod them to fir rightful owner*. It i* a singular incident, it the same gallant soldier, at the battle of lancellorsrille, saved the coloft of the 11th giracnt, ami feocired a badge of aonor from 5 regiment for his gallantry. i. i ,, - * * r | r^^'\ i I * * ? $