The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1864-1864, April 29, 1864, Image 4

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?&r,i- -. - Hj " It* - . *"''" - "" " ^^J8jBtW?^8?pVW8WEWBWtt8fl8W861H?W88V1880BBOWttWPV51WBW8WH8W|W6W8H6MPP^W embus JLU^TUSTIOy OF iiF,Lf TAPE. About Street! years ttgo it happened in n certain country iu Europe it at the inspector geserafcof garrisons, wlit?e visiting a provincial town, observed a sentinel stationed *t n dktancis outsit}c the wall keeping gmifd over some mined husMing* iu lite *abarhs. The general , inquired of the sentinel, with some cdtiosil|, why be was posted there. The sentii.ei refer* ?v?J j,>r? tn Khi The sofrrcjtrit had v,? "?"? w . nothing to say bat that sucb were the order* ?t bis bentcnaiiL The Hcntetmot then justified himself under the authority of the captain commandant of the garrison. l^x>n betng applied so for his reasons for the standing order in question, the commandant informed the inlector general, with much seriousness, that his ^ predecessors in office had handed down lo bhu ;. * the custom as one of the military dntW of the place. A March was immediately instituted in :,. ; ; v.-.;' the arebieve? of the municipality, the result of which was to obtain satisfactory proof that, for the Ust aetrenly year, a sentinel had always Mood over the ruined buildings in the same manner. With awakened inlcrcst and cariosity the - general retmntd to the capital lie them h-1 on foot a mere elaborate f?re*t%*iioa araoi<g the Slate tlorurnent* of the minuter of w.\r 1* * s 0 After along dc Uv it ?** at utH ducoten^} that the reined bttiUm^ of the fin hoc fg had been, in 1720, a ttoretHtt** for mntifema belonging ?o the garrkon, and that in* the cuar*c ^ of that ?ummcr it became df*ir*hk' to paset ^ " llw doof, Woift dic"|M?ittt *M wet, a guard *a? placed o?i aide to warm tbc^e who went in jiftd oat; kit before the paint dry, if carat to pasn tliat the officer on duty was despatch*) on a m\***on of importance, and kft the town > J* * without re mem luring to remove the %eniia<*l. For a beadred awl thirty \mn a guard of honor bad ktiiMOtcily.ttfttxiMii w the door? " J a nacred and inviolable tradition, but one which represented at bottom no higher idea than the idea of wet paint.? Lvhdon lirrif ic. ' '-f * ' v. :* a9m M Who Ma** tbs Basr UtxiciiAtX?"It i* * ^ - ^ remarkable circumstance/' wnra Macanky ia hk Review of Nngcnt'* MciHomU of flamp ? -mi t ( t - l? i. ^ 4?P, "that tij? Qltittt weo fowl smaiea' iacsjc* in what we cor*i jcred ?the hc*t achoei*?anJer Vcre, in Use Xed^iUDdi, ** under tiu*sj&^ vdV AdoijJm*, in Ccromev--delayed far ic** wlrUI ihar ihc*e commander* ,who h*<l been bwJ to peAcenv! enij?^\vm?'iJt*, and never #aw - -kinnMi till the ei%il war broke <wiL An univ Tf?,?d im?ht hefcCO be inclined to m** that the tnUiury art t* no ten* tr^teiy; ?tta it? principle* arc the principles :> phuc $??*1 w?d that a ?juick eye, * b?^?i a "Unit iifzrt trill do more to u?*fc? * gri*cml f&sm n't tiro d**jyrntj?*of ioieml Tfet\ lif?i*ver, w tlmi llawMkii :< *hv**tj a t?r better oillcrr than &?tos* mod CrcmiweiJ &*& l*Mi& * * * * # Hampden on wvm! paitfeubiHy during tin* ofxmMkm* m tlie fct-jffkU.irlio?vS of Brentford remo&itniScd esroettly ?itb ?f^i Wbcf?e?r by cotnma&tfod wjianRdy, the bold* W?* *ftd rapidity of lit# pre-eetrd ? ' tfeitbngf cowtmt trt tboso of Jm ?aj* Hor.n Ami the effect, bow different! A t^rr rcmtrksble c*n- of core of a atiff joint was receoilt c&bc&d by the |ai|?ms. k| one of the kiOptta!* oftfd* city. Hie knee joint of a iddief M I>ec? for wvitll month? altogether unbem!aK& and be bad f?ec? for timt rataon &&igt>rd to p<*l duty, 7bo surgeon <4 the 1^ for *om* retain, led to believe that ? oil re con Id It dTccied, and he directed ore of kw i^a%U to {Hit the wan ntkfcr the i?xdue*Jco df Cblerotorm. The opportoattj^ *?* taken when the subject w?a * -r.*-.. . X ?.&* ?..Utkl<l?lAi, k Iw-ViJiHT/ ?%f the joint *a* the r^wslt. 1? ordtr thHlhe patient might iw*c ik? vf the perft:Uir*% of hk can* when he {4*^dd return iv ivnwwi** nem* the leg *w dr?wti up nftd tied with * handkerchief. fpow coming to hi* ami to a rtali&Ukrtt of bit conditio**, the paticnt trowed fftaufnUf to tfraigbtcn and jdiffcrj hi* c leg bnt it was H|l Utcsb wa* m?uud, ad sip to th{? flro&t He went, lie has phm j hi* trick *o wcci&ifiilit that we arc nmartsji that *ome of M* cp*?radc? ttlw Hare fietrn av ockt' ti with him for month*. hone*tlv Wi?vc that it wjh the Chititofbrifi thjvi Km&sred his bg.~~Chelfaaooya B*kL Mohn Btdifox, ftoired a problem o* thr greatest mbm<nt, and *ei?t it from "Camp** to the ChtfloUir^jljfi (IfitHrU, llrrv It k: Qwilb to 1 m kil la da> thati^A :?t$m of wntisfc. Wttf** p??$>re> sril! 0<* ita&r fill % Of litis tng jolf of ftgfctfrgT" aQycaii L<hp u? M. &*, *Wbjr:l j?^l?kwd, i .- I'iif kU you in *ttuauk?A ad ip^oiaQti Are ma<S$ to i? it/' ??? Ges, Scott's ArTouioo?.iP!fT.?Or. Scott, h&* W9M$ v eotfiplctcd hi< wJtobK^s^hr, traotag hb pjftonai hbjorv downward fr*>?u tic <jurlie?t pcrW ti> O* ht*ft act5 of !?i? fi??, : > '. H-' ' v.isv- ,-"' ** 'j?? ' * * + , : / - ^ # MJSCKGESA TICK , v \ This )< a ttford of recent Vaoiree manttlkciurt and mparts rioUii?g more* nor leas ih$ii whit people marrying niggers, and niggers mairyinj white people, While inen? Yankee white int-r taking odoriferoiw *#bk? wenches to share tlipx bed-nod boafcl; and white womcsv?Y<mkt white women, taking big, black, recking S*??i |*? and Pompey* and Pmcks to become; lb father* of their children. My God ! Doesn the remotest contemplation of Mich a thinj | make you fearfully *irk ? But why fthoaki ii I if the thing is confined to Yankee men an : women, it moot certainly wiil be? Tb j Yankee dilated with .1 iiule. of the Xigge | might porhap* be n less tiutgustittg object. Yc ? Miscegenation i* now the fiidikmsble and foi 1 *7 m { ctnattftg do:tnne among the Kvpublicant an ] Radicals of liocofn** dtrninioi *. fr amed Cles gyrnen noWttthmgfy advocate it in their p? j pitK and yonig pri\ of the divine aftiatc 5 of aboiitk>nt*af, lecture ou tho subject in pobii I hall*. I Miv Anna i)ickinw>nt a pretty voting giri c I Philadelphia, not ? MiSlrWtn.vd with a want* Jfare, baa visit**! Washington, ha*. had the coot I cil chamber df the nation nhieed at her ?!Uf< 5 ha* Wen handed the rt&tram of ti?s j^Atnk'f t) .Seward, nn<i b? th?re deliver* J an clot] net. s and burning dmeotsrvc upon U?i j and other Hl^irltjlp The Senate! j Atjti Legi?i&iof* of Yaftkeedofh dcvoortd I? \ dh^ont": with grwdv far ami applauded b? iHqaiakfiOa^T* 1'ali!- tbi* lair ami inspire* j V a ok to only preached on that occaron Wh? ] kf iWtrr a l iV'Jtt Hoy a I have Wen 1 practicing for *omc time pa?t: the UUcf ho* 1 ever Uvc wnm: and Lonely enough cot 5 j *taed ot? ar.v idle ecremonv. Homo dirtv aW <r * 4 jlitioii fanalJe ha* writttB an elaborate treats j ou thi* matter ; it i? paUbbed in pamphli j form, is entitled ^Miscegenation/* w induct riot j !v circr.ktd, and create* immense MUMtioi | 'line author 'he view that the while hie j ? becoming *0 effete in body min i, that will icml the sdtniftture of rigorous African b2oOcK mwvt soon taper down tojiothing?pcrhap* la come entirely extinct; #o to prevent lhem*elv< from* dwindling into Ape* ami Oornng On tang hkc their President, the Yankee* *tv g^Wg t become a nation of mulatto**. t?mnd an j g5ork?a? entirely and pjWbondh* Ik \ fitting lie Yankee aspiration* WtSJ, %*> k (*c think the poor nigp?** viJ! I <!*cttlcdl? worsted bv the fim&l^niatton; ? # 0 Tr*< who prebend# to deny iliJl ?hey are a MSperw ! race to the Yankee*! i??i we dwell too !or j on ths# d*rk!ing ami prtirfcal page of Norther fanaticism. <?o*J Iwj pmufced thai w mtcrt OUf?oJvC* .flVtXt liteM* brMiU&i poopfe bcfoi | they mucWJ'tbh Jow*v, depth of ttt&:ffcy?nn t thai tJ?c i'ototzme aM the *'Mo ar^ broad an j deep ; We bfg pardon of oar relief# % :h? hiouin^r tho fare <if a dweftt atsd ?v*|#ectab j iSgmUteftt }<Mirna!. We t**? no?t nod, lifc ) l*onf;xt* I'lhrtej rail f<*r a hp>m and wadi i*s | haustdiAiir*rV*'i\ I fc j Ott) ^TX.?llir New Y<4* Krtiiih't r*t ' I - ~ * j !.** boon itiioan a hitbdle of tiiirynjiuht fu dollar !o*c* nj>rt tli<? iVHlstow*) Ut)L\ *hr*"h b?i XlttKi Hhchnftai'."* pwtwi eijgrav?d ???o*> or j.corner and in thirty of the nolo the ???i **?%?* **% *rn^ tar ***? **? ?#' i;,kt ? l ? f ??' * ?? . 9>f 1*' * * * iA" F <?* -- ? 99 -r #e ** ' \ head : in Otl^rt the li-ilvf *\P" t* branded; c< onc of iho hdiowh'g word* appear: "fiivr hti 1 hi*<le**fW ac jrnuiWr sn vnUjNfj "Yo oki <i< j *iC and ??i5l aether hear* il*i* i^wrip?ion *Fal#o to hf* Country ami )ii? (w?d, hoi I I the Dtmocmti^ pkrif* Sonfo ingenious in*! vid&ilfi, at a thai <xprrfc* their coblvitt^ i word*, ttMtt So eyiulol* ; one iu<> dniwtt j CopfcthetMl Snakot wHjjg!iti|f in the month i ; BttcviiciR, nt?dili?r <iroo^?3i> ibti head with \ rap pud bell* and n third imcta*?* the? ucc ' within a which ?a iUacIks) to itgibWt CfttTtmwox hum?Tho following re* j lotion wa* imroduced in the Yankee : few day* ago hr Mr. fUnJahurv, of Deicvaro I That the Chaplain of the Seoal j l?? respectfully tfw}tie*te?l hereafter t<> pray an \ supplicate Almighty <?od in our behalf, and n< f to lecture llim, if.forming !1L% under proton" j of prayer, of his *aid Chaplain's opinion in n I Science to Hk doty #* the Almighty, aru| thr | the *Aid Chaplain W further rttjU&tat! a? *fun I tai'Jt not under the form of prayer, to lyctni the Heoate in relation to before Ui i body* j Sir. Howard objected to ill? resolution, an ] the Senate went :nu> Kxocutfvo Jteadoa* ? * I A Vovctfta.?A ?n?n once went to no a chase n bone of a Quaker; ; 4 Will he draw well !* atkrd the hover. 'lli.-i* will rw o!ca*ed to *ce him draw. The w?* eomclnded, and Ibo fawn tried the how. hnt ho would ?ot nir a ?tc| Ho ttornrd and wkI : .flint horse will not draw tn inch.' ?J <!u! not Ml tbe? timt he would lra? i friend ; I onir r< nsnikcd that it would plan tliPO to WW hUn draw; and w> it would h\ 1 he would never grntifr tnc In that rojHvt. j i]t<* gtmlxfei Chwonpo vxpkxfel at Bmofehf Narv<! b*t Friday, and pmrcd a M?H. ? Ti'.irtvdWc persons injured, of who t trontT t*v o \fr derl. POST OFFICE, CAMDEN, S C MAIL A BR A X GEM EX T& e * RICHMOND, CHARLESTON*, COLUMBIA, WESTEH* f AND WAY MAILS. t Duo?Vrtly. by 1 20 P. M C3d??Uuadajr, Tueatlar & Thwixl?y, at 6 00 P. M " TucM.v.Tju.'^Ibiir ilt Saturdar, at 11 00 A. il e t LANCASTER, FLAT HOCK, ?fcc. 1^.?Ho&toy, W?dfi<akL>r A Friday by 12 00 If, * 5 Ckwo?Same lays, at 11 00 A. M. t] j _ H?JD HILT,, Rt'SSKL PLACE, A*C. c I PyTh a rfcday, by 12 GO 2d J Cic^?<j!#r. at J i CO A. M ^ | TILLEBS rCRRT, J&rFKRSOS, tfcr. s { Da^?Kossinjr, by 12 00 jy j j Cio*^?Friday. at ]0 00 A. \ J OFFICE HOURS. j. | Yram $00 A ML io 2 t'K) P. M.. and for \ xher ! tine after opening the mail at ?t;j?hL * j " T. W. Pr-r.UKS, P.M. CIRCULAR. ,( HBAO QCAltf Ef$& r IWr orSocnr C*nc?ux4. OaiK^'xyD Fujrji>a. ! C?4Rt?^ir?S:. a C, April 4th, 1SC4>. Tlj| orisf lo for?nird<it? of packag** t k( I tb<?ft-4t&r* m U r-s Lwi\?U iM J. J * \ Molhxv it*. a44d~<0& 1<> M* s*-n?r*! dn:ie*. i* fcrtbj . : utiiv'nvncH ifeg s^pcut for Iho flftt&pttoa <?f parkapes- fed ^ v*pk<f W :U<> tKopf m thi* DtepSKfiosciBi by tb? * fl?' U'i" IT Hf? wfU iWdt'" to rfOfcjtO |1 fU'?] ,r way DopCA ftJxi ftettJ tlw Rspfhw Coo^mr, aJ! pn^*; , | *$?* *yt p&rcvlU *&kvw<i to i^ditig, and -wall ho heJ< 1 ns'ponmitAe for their prompt dairikrutioc. ri I Spf&ri att/v&fifon hi fss.d ixt |Iw (ibcisfifi ? V ' b^xc*. Ac TIjt ii3JTw? c4 th/? #o%4t*f. ?4 kt;r* ?jf lb *. i comroar to which k*v ?* th** p-?w ??( ih 0 | Opuilo, w *^ii i? Ujo tmtutro? </ &? K<v<?.. f;t, *fio<X ] Jic :n \ha Aefctr***. *" Pncfe*?*? m?*1 noi c t-Uin ttKf* tl>*n <w?? l.-.r/J:-"-c p&n>d**~fef$ ttt!! jfcCttftd?#?() >*rt 5! SjiC ? :v}*rti-?' * *{ titf*' .* Iir cwffitod of tJtw?l EKATKEOa Rfv. H. Wwrw KjRu??-.t, Cpptefa A. A 0. ? r Hsrifeir I#*'?! *p|*nt3ff(4 to lb# ?fcoro doty m; > WillNfforiiA pCMnt oo I !?>&*>$ M?vrt 3r.J iVor Kiisjr Simj: JSC). J MFfX*?N\ April 7-2 lr- Sii|xifilisrn^ttl, ? ; X? - . *>' jtj:'i nr>..uvED ? \ x> rem s it'i A u? Htl t'llcvrvl, tf IBtt*? to**** G*rb Sod*. Sirovn. NASfex K. J: a?!?r OH. ^ ?&9rfc *Vpper. ^ Gen ?'j?mi4j Surest Oil K'^rsifirf, ^ - *X *- ? 2 I Ouiniw. I'ra*, jj - iVffr, So. t-ix, <| April 22 3i WM. VrKAl.V I(E.%D<i('AKTI>KS j:\. OFFICE. , Caki^.K C* April 18th. JS*U I )ARAO%VPK 1 T*<* 0wf>i*2<jw ?>f JVa< Cn^Ani^ J I Itt Ji?reJ?AW I>*i4/$t5? WiU ??fT;t-*U U;?. at ftf** *rij}i a L*i c.f a"S jw*r*n I:-. ti^wrtivfi 23*&|jt I* Iv* ll?if a^intoT i* afnj I $ attd iA 8r*l 50 Fvnrs ? Jr a^e, . w /. LKrrxkii Airit S3 tr Ol* ?ml K O K, r>. . ,\OT,ICi: TO TAA PAVER*. */ ] ^ f V J* "A* we J jVK)tgf*l<r fv t%>-- I on slw5 Sr*i 4a ?* j ** ^ & ' . *U u;?" !, WJJ. JlcKAlN*. ? | April *2 * at T flS.n, 4! tsr.u nf u:ti:i:?i:v orntf.. t?. f?4V0fix. $. CU A'pfiJ K1?5E !-*r. o | A IX fOf*OU? l^uwn tlw Of fc*e?ticrn in ; I* flit v jfleni$ <4* **r w ill h-^t S?r * ; i my II. AUaprUftcittr# of extdi|t(!ar. kffio&n ?**?o * by Kurttttibc I'flVtfT*. under ?u* Art* of Oat 10 j?(*t tvwxtA pXtfljjfJjtfft* of fnnil drivel if f'bi-k* A*-4 ?? ? ?rt Vflt'rsf n | opinion) ntt x*?pH?Kd ? and -sf? jrk I &%4 tt+ptevii* arr onhtt**! u> rv*j?wr: for 4 urotlm* &L I)! All ? *k? hold eJ<'Ojilk<?? fur plk i-ft | <S:ii(bi;i!V f .r?jj Sh-iv V5<Hv.V*vf t * i rot**tt (itT ?-t;ruliairo'., iJr w4?*r of k ! W. & ifelTXKIi, | A;*i!1i tf C*J< nuJ K 0. K t>, ^ | REAL E3TA i E SALE, j South Carolina?Kershaw Eiatrict ,| I)f OnlffoTJL I* ilcr^aUS OrJ?ijanr in, and ft I J Uio l4*tiicM?nd Slalfc tUo*e**id, trill U> w;,t! s U& Mifl>nrt Udder, hjr tlw So*nff of Krrsfcair i> ?*,rk (in ii^ ilM (U() Mtwiiaf inittM1 ttfti ?* twr]** lit ocl?i X ? irart of Uud ot3)t&im?*? vm Jttmdrwi ?tj '* ttra r|0J> flWW Of k#*, Irmjj oo lb# vw^w Q *?&9 of Hulf Boffato <Jr?ck toKw?h*vr DSitfrici boat y tied b| MtnCriKmM iVwcf* I/fcu* PbftUj* an I ? ciSi.or> land U> Uw? of A I l%\+ of K*t#*?aw tWd T*rm? a*? I'urc^Mttf u* |*?/ fur p*p*>r* June tin* IfciK l*?vl * . IHJSCAN SNKORX. io April 15 St K I>. i-\v< tokaoi: a\i? connooiot A?rm. ' fl^!IK nt*I<rr*>'at>rti itM d*r op* ne-J an ejr-f <* 1 for tb?? jwirttewo barter and wdo <vo cvoifModTtt f" of prwiiwof^ <|:y &<vx!*.. a;,4 pr^iu.-r ?o neiTittvli# of detcri^ioQ, 'i. J. ? pf jxivil s twvjtv grtrvlt ?*n o'njtitftimtrA or dor ?^r?ro ?t Attention * ill I* \ i'i.-'-K' a? <f-? iBC'X ft'**! K?ute jituj it lt^ni ntadi* mi ?<}j ow^jj'itxk-nta r>- I OflUvs or JJaiti p'r\- \ (.1 - .- ?>...> V 1 QtBfe I? I? n?H*)TT | Apf?l 15 U rj MVKKHHH, MI T A BAOOKiVQ. l0 i i AA >ATfC?? 0f ! >?!?. ,({ I V." / I bato T.h5r<'W !! ? ? :v. ?m cr>r??i|ZT?meiat f? > by MATUKSAX A ?\> ] A JHTtl 15 4 -n RAGS ! RAGS!! l*.j ^J^flK HlfiUKST ?IHCKS 1'Ain i-MH WHIT rn < 1 liiv* ??r f*44inn r:-x* <J*li\eTVii it! tergo ? ffWi f '}9"\ thI ^ V? a 111 1 r1:11'. ;. . ! *g ^ ? ST. LA WHENCE. " ; W i npllS.S (Vibrated trotting liorgaB j J, will stand tho eqsning *e*soo (1st Marca ^ f to 1st Julyj at my 6a Graanv's Quarter | Greek, 3 laUf ji from Camden. Liberty IlUl road, at ] forty doBars psyabl o in advance. No mswonco. ! Groom k-e $1,00. ZACG. CAJSTKT. . Marcii II tf;.' LOST, ~ * ' ( /~\N tbe ram between Camden and Clarcmont, & f V/ Buckskin PUR?R containing a cote for $67 6o, or J. 1). Pinkiw*. dnvno payable u> J. W. Buckcer or Sparer.' Tbe public is warned against trading for said uoto, bearing date, Fhicucit^r % IS63. as payment i* stopped on ibe same. X W. B0CKKKR* January S ^ if 200 BOIXAB0 BFAV IHO. | abovtf fdwsrd will be paid for the Setcctiob of v 4|| ; 1 the rascal v&O cut U o gia-boad Of the subscriber. A [on Saturday night toft*. 'Per^sa owning shoo wJhc>p? fl 11 w .11 please kfc'p an eve Oft aid sok- fc&ther sent to tneir : hop*. JJUXilKBLAKb A LBIUXON D. fl . til ,4q| . oH?mRV> AOTit i;. M 4 I I. I' m., -.nio T*r.<- i.rtf fn.idi* annuel n* turn a of mafim I (\ it*' tKtUMffU*d to ihria x* ftdminiitratorx JH ] or executor*. uiij do wU to makt- their n&nutil return* ' vf 'xlitt %i*tav bv'tln &-< day of Febniarr, lk64. a* the ? OidiTiwy't Office wufcot bt gpun'alter tb*t dkte, only %$ ; o:? J?cni;2aj!< and Knd*yv ostii the end r.f the tour. ALHX. L. &&DOKA?Df O.K. D- J I! Veixti.vFf 12 t( j VTK\YF,? on MOI.F* ^ ' j r-now the jahs?rnbw. nine s?.?? xbor* Comdex. 00 j I * Use fcoad, i< r?*?* -Milch Co?rf? two Dry : C<t>*r?a ?ad two YrarKtigA marked thf< 7 10 the rf j right ear mid a *?ra!fotr fork mi urHicrthl in the 1?IY 5 j ?l t*l?eiwT*4 that Ui*? r?i>vc CnUto Ijavr LfreR stoics. c v *? imicfc cow k?fl tlc?r eshes at Loire. A iib?nU ? | Tvxiat'l * i,t i* paw frr UK * *fl. ?Kao u> 1 rr.tari^fv, or fbr dtifctm of V.? thitf. if j J ahifaa. J.(M?S LuVK. .f F?brti*ry 5 if WANTED. f j I OOJIPKTKJIT Cosine** man. to an ?* ?r:r *&mt j ?i V for tW ftinric? boI liable to, ^ tary '5atf ?n Una: Coofoicriitr armr. o * Addrt*f jAMESSOWKH,? A Q. SL Hsrdt 4 tf. F5ohom? i C. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. NtOT!CB -?Wnaqy givrn dfct Co>nf?im!e motes, of *51 tienaantuticifc*. *rill "be m*nve<5. rn p?yyuHMjt of $Mto fax*-*. cotfl tfer 31?t ro*t. AIW tfe?i | pxro.^ft1! KtQ?t be &&de either new h:!;?f or i;& 8** dto&r note* - W. McnAiS, T. C. K, ft. 4 tf HARE. rpR!S fWovftrf sho5*f**?^r*4 5*ugr br I M lti?k 4iw? If l^iiUw 5wk, vol *fc*ad at | iitMif'ii !l??i the pr^in? (N?^ fl*! Marrb to lit * j Jttfyv) ai FtAir do}:*? *. i& ft&vg&oev Ko S?[ <utm&ce $1/ 0 V* b-C (?fOOSR. | U*txh A * ' >-' if j Br. J.McC."? & Dr. B< F- Mathesor ' / vmr^Tvrb Qccfc* abovkTHK BRANCH I * / H\$K. r\ I.fe f\.A iMTii. l?? ? It ttATK&flfi*. iJaecjarv fjj :l NOTICE. i fr\IT ? P HIT.HSOS tt.a ?<????* A(?tS>r y ! V f iJk* irtn.*1' l;>-m <?f innltrs* ;rt rvfckf?-;<v to In- ' ' .11;:ranr* Ait?twrj\ dur-njr tax in ih* Rrtire, | .***< v?rv C2 tf W. h. I^cPASS. -1 aroTicE. J > V. l?nO'VN* r* <m ?jt!s,wWti agirnt rajr ) ??? hctne, 8, MTKHS. *1 yWnv^ry tj *r 4 NOTICE. C \ MOKN* f>KPOT, H*n* Jjr.H, "* j 4 ITER lb I* and ttfvcll r-fuWr. fK*? !n \ pj^M-jpMr U?&?, < !j <* r*>,';4e? it, and*, *ill " ttttt ** : I WftwilT*; Wed' and FY-Iat a* 2U.'? .* ia. Aft;*--- 4t Kt^jr^vnlrt ?> Z& s m T.rav* * r: Kin.^vUV 4.34*. p m. Atrivv. *i CtfTnd?*o 1 SO p m On Tttf* Thiiffclaj* sand S^tord*** knw CarrsUm -J !, p rv ' i ,JP. KO^ARTH. i ' # 5.ap"f. Traswpctialitm, X'arch >* It Tirim w, notice. * "PUK uwfce?<:jtfwd h%\b ta?od? a^partaenthip for 0 I i!ar pr>C.fce e/ ?rii;r>.c. it) Cattidta ?nd its ri*5 ciititY ? ' r y i ^Ar^ritK, M nn a i? L pksai sschk, w. rv t. April i ? ' <* ?A?K M:T?iik^ ? \ \ * H I. at l?.-> ?a?W?? ?t ih? Hwfntt*?p iho enr * t?zptaie??najc U?x> !k*t of ftartfi. ToraiH? Fifty l?e &***>&, * j*yabie in *dT*KCW VVhnwrr 12 K INSTHCTION IX SPANISHr rpUK tinii4-rs?iii)i-"d t>r< pOK** t?? giYvltssoag, j'c ?pan1 I to * rtMW Ijtdk^ if a sufficfcul 4 nitmhrr fOj??U oen l-v obtained. For particulars ' o sopir Ii> Mr? MU'aBtFcAs&. April? tf fiOlMRD j5AH ASY. VOTK r ! \OTI E!! \OTICE !!! .. % . A I Al.i 1 I /I .t? _ - W _ 'I'lll' ott* >Jrivu ii ic? v ruj.caxcg jr>r I Tax :? K it <1 k*u? use, are not tax receipt* *" V r*v tmi?t l-> pr<\*entod to Jmne* J.mea, Tax colUsrtor. l?ef?KV the offtt of April 3. H? DKVKRKUX, ' Marrh 2"? tf A A C. S. * I NOTICE I 4 LI- pcreoDS having" c! dm* again*! the Krtst? of i /V Jnrr-e? V. Ljkn Jeremwd, w '.l please preiwtt tbo | ?amc to mo duty attested. at as oarlv a 4&J a# | b}<?. and fill persons indebted to *aki K^tato will pisase K j tr-aVe payment, to toe of thrir respective indehlednca* ill j av aa earlv day. ?<? MARY A. LYLES. Admr. ' m is tf