The weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1865-1865, July 07, 1865, Image 4

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U@ ; f - V 1 i. laaia**: ?~^? s*w **% : .*? : a V y ? From New Orleans. The New Orlenas correspondent of the New York Herald, writing under Jiite of June ]0, says: RETURK OF GE!?*. B^YUREGASD. Among the Srtt to return was Gen. Benure' gard and staff, surrendered -with Johnson's command. Immediately alter that even:, our Creole General, vrho had ventured aii ill tit'u struggle, believed it would be unwise to eontin!!'! tbe unavailing cm test. iJe t) crcforc parted with his oM friends and took the* (irst. train to iJohrt?. ? he ties he came lo t!ij? city iy b?at* I he str'ets hit:! nssetuiiYd immense eiowds to recviw- J.iiu, i?ni i!ie General took i.orst* iitni.'V'i:. !y landing, nr.i.profit oiled to his old lii'JJic in i>piutid:*, liiroui'li the tintreouented avenues. .l i e *.: x& morilng he . and his s-n obuin-I ;v..s <or II:c Villu-; plantation, su/i.e fill >-;i miles j,lew the < !<y, where they still arc. Gen. Beauregard's iirsl wife was a Villere: die sec-mi, Caroline Do? londe, sister ??f .Mrs. .Slide!!, u.iAf in Paris. Both belonged lo tr-. beat ercole families of Louisiana, nitd were b'loved l?v all who knew them. She that was ili>s Doioade died in this city about a year ago, v. bile the General wasat Cbar.cstoa.a: d Lcr i'uiioTal was one of the largest ever known. Gen. Beauregard's future plans are not known. As ha is among the "exceeptetP of the amnesty proclamation, both on account of his rank and education at West i 'oini, he will pi<;!::<! !',' ..wait the action of the Government lie is in robust health, as. is also his son, who returns wit|i him. The various members of his military family have i resumed their former avocations iu this city. . J LIECT. GEST. DICK TAYLOR Was also among the first to return?not to hie j i ?!...? !?.,,v ci..^r> i!f><tr?<n-i r? nr erinfe. i xtjiijc; uwi wuo www, -J ?? w. ~ | cated. Ue is likewise in robust health; but of < bis plans, if any he has, nothing is known, i As. on account of his rank} ho is among the j "excepted,'1 he will ais.o pr/jhabiy await the ae- j tion of the GoveniD5.(nt in some parallel case, j llissraif have 'Xiu.ujed to pc.icrfi;! life. (j; ti. i Taylor was the heir of a large fortune from his I father, old Zuduuy, and also conic into posses-, sion of considerable property upon marriage,; j L but lieiias Jest a!!. j CUX. BllAXTNX Br.AGO. ; Tliis gentleman, who was a planter on the j Lafourche befofe the war, has not yet returned. ! He is said to be in excellent health, aii'C is j probably detai uoJ by private Lusincsf. ADMlBAL BAPHAKC, SF.WijES. . Captain, or rather Admiral, Scmuies, of the Alabama, is also expected In ire soon. Ke is a native of Maryland., but long before the Avar cad made .Ins homo here in common with two brothers?the ens Senator in the rebel Congross, lbs oilier surgKua in the acrr.y.. . cmEF JUST ten CHASE IK STE.V OKLEANS. The principal cbjoot of attraction here at the ifce present time is Chief Justice Chase, lie aacsred kerc p. few days suice. and has been tho "gaost of Lie. Ma); United -States Assistant J Treasurer- The Chief Justice lias been very aotic^sinss this arrival,.and wished riv?-t~bf the garros:.*-*;; phsc-s of interest, not-only iti tlie city jbsfc abt .Cftuier)'- <Ua -Wednesday lie ! fi'ir. ;ioiv ?wiap jrivoa on JEspUnude jfiSwtrat, Iby sfce :?/x'o?ed -Madiec* of the city, and ' fev ilvf ibsvrttt : !' fihs>r people. Tiiia fair, curiae* ta3?ro?K,ie gi? ? i:c the aid mansion of Hon. ?iiase Swift. '0^045 ITwted ."States .Senator. ami 15/:jaiiC E&?.;j.-^mli?ary to .Spain, it was built r?*r i lib: .v:ar Iron: mion^y received by Jlr. &?; /?? :1a- 2'.'0?3 Dovrioss >tc Don. Tornas | 3ia :-rri. oirjaeriof s.c*ne sk'tuneis,! onisnai .-r r?t>e liiX-trai^ -of JMezico, .and souiu ' adrffliCiTBJz# 3nmar\2a3 i tduiSng the .Mexican 77,tf wiatisrasnriairt>nf (the fee -wa>; said to be 45u.t>Jl:. X&c. .Aaa\f i'tivod .jn.tliM houee till I fse TOtfc sort. % *3??r.. L?Yrt Xefaycttc, sarcK vrlaiiili ttiiae die ibas lalt'arnatid ibetvce.en S&vrcw* ;?:?? fiiezice. iHe k .auv/ &\~rB? oil '.near Ipuek'n. Last lie. S!l>?v. ;ai-v?fln -.a-inull party lLo [onwc of lie. 33 iritis, J:I o j saveV .-tfcrcfodkiliiio? -of oar iirOjt prooiiijc:;! i tiit-ii. wdcs?p:'sxs3l. XJo baa iflade n .voir ;qpo? oVr people, iie Iwuw* bar og; riot .vorv soar. ' ' . 1 \ ' ,\ iwu'iKi1! gnw ? inmuwft . .'j.ijjrtn Headq's U. States Forces, TOWN OF CAMDEN, S. C., June 15,1865. ci uvular: rfpllE FOLLOWING CIRCULAR FROM Jlo.-uiqaarters Northern- i *i>:ricfc Department of the South, dared Orangeburg, S. C., May 35, 1865, i:3 pnblLhed for the information an<l guidance <>f the planters of'this District. By coiniiiaiid <>f C. W. FJ- RGUSON, Captain ComMg. U. ?S. Forces at Ca?i<Jco. I HEABQ'RS, NOUTUERNDISTKIOT, DE| ?AKKMENT OF TB E SOUTH, ('"Asut nctto, S. C , May -5, 1 SCO. I riavri.AU. , .'! '/'a tlx' /''(iiL'eri:of Stivtk Car olinit III si I in i ! i vC/t.'nn the i fist id ; j Yt>'.; ;iro invited, alter taking the oath of a!j icgiiiiice to tiu* "('nit <i States Government p-;. | drilled I')- tho President- <;i' the-. United Stales, j I in his proclamation of December 6, I<s(i3, to | mulct- equitable contracts for labor vwiii the i tVft-cimcti. Sitch contracts, approved by tin* i co.inTfiniicr of tlie nearest military post, wil' ! be considered binding on both parties, and will { be enforced by the military authorities as far j as the exigences of iho service will allow. The j contract will set forth in word s lite lrceuoni of j I the laborer. ! Where the freed man is, fiotn age r.r infirmi j tv, unable to labor and wi-hout natural pro I lector; bis siippm twill devolve upon the'Parisb | to which lie belongs.' The citizens of each Parish a:e requested to meet and devise some'method for providing for .such persons: and until snch proviso.n is iimui, iiiuv win vu a liu ui ;i? . ui"i; bujj* Dort, tliii plantations wluiv now ;rc. * (Signed,) JOHN P. HATCH, Brig. Go!.. Comma:,ding. 0 facia!: (Signed.) Edgau ii. Vam Winklf, Capt. a:ul A. P. 0. . June Itftii The Great Literary Weekly Essumecl. ] ripjir:rr:oraifiroRsor rr; \t long estab; JL I.ISUKD and popularjonrnal, THE SOUTIIJillA' FIELD AND FIRESIDE. take groat pleasure in informing ks numerous friends j,jid patrons, that it- publication will bo resumed just iHS'iiiii; :<s rll? n!."il f.u-i i:i< a of ll,o ?nimlrv rvi!I Aim. b!e them to (irculmc t!*e same. This is an old ;viper published fur many years at Augusta., (Ja., and N *doVottd entirely to ,POLITS LIT* HA TUBE. It is gem for the fireside, on ornament for the parlor, unci an i'.idispen>ible companion to the housewife .and agriculturist. Jl is a large, eight page, sheet, handsomely printed v.'ith new type. Term* ; Subscription otto year, - - - - ?5,00. " six mouths, 2,00. The Key Stone, OIJIl MONTHLY MASONIC MAGAZINE . "\Vill also be resumed at i)u- same time. This Jfng azinc is endor ed. and r-.vonitnendcd to the Fraternity at Jarre, liy the Grand Lodge ol* North Carolina. A& regards matter and typography, it will bo equal to any similar publication in the United States. Jenns: Subscription for cno year, S3,00. Address, ' W.V. 13. SOUTH iCo., Kaleigb, K. CA limited number ot advertisements ainitied into each publication. gSpKewspapera generally will pleaao notice.? Excn:.:ipi*s respectfully "yvitedjt? nee rom all part3 of tlie country . J UR5 "Sot.zrl .Bocks. jk v.':u;- co 's.j ; laii.v Cii y: 4>v : ' end. nd ii??t oftL..:. ,! ..s_ > ev. . A w.ia; 1-igtb r. r ^ .a I'V i mlyinc Mv < F.'UCA j id J: i;r. ?*itli tau-. ? Jt-Ur T.t: I weh t. ::-J; w Juue^'i v-. n v r ^ 1 ' r $ _ \ , % A . iwnrw mrtiu .1 wm 1 i,iMu?iwir.u.rTmr Kead'qrs. U. States Forces, TOWN OF CAMDEN, S. C., Juhe 15,18G5. ! GENERAL ORDERS NO. 1. ALL CITIZENS HAVING IN THEIR possessio 11 aiiy property that rightfully belongs to the United States Government, according to the terms of surrender of Gen. Jos. 'K, Johnson?<J. S. A,, to Gen. W..T. Sherman, U. S. A , wilij-eport tlic .same to these headquarters. Persons having mules, horses, and w ago us,, v.iil, for the ptescnt, be permitted to retains the same for the purpose of ,scarrying on their work. Any person failing to comply with this nuier within a reasonable time, wiil not only le depiived of tiitiy faitiu-r use of-said property, but will also subject themselves to punishment bv military authoiitv. Ilv eommand of C. W. FiifitiUSON, Capfhitf 25lh 0. V. V. a* Camden. June 10 Headers U. States Eorcesj TOWN OF CAMDEN, S. GENERAL ORDERS-NO. J. "* 3 NFORMATION HAVING1 EEFE; HE-1 ^ CELVED at these lieadcjuai te;-s of the c>.>t erica of armed li.itnls of marauders infos'ii a ilie | country and comniitiiojr depredations iiitSiel peaceful citizens, il is hereby oidi-red ?bs.t a!i ] persons coinnosin-f su>-;? will he considered as outlaws, and if caught, will receive ilie $ev< rest puuishment of military law. I The United States. Government is desirous J of protecting ai! peaceful aid law abiding ci;i- j zens, nud they will confer a favor on these I i .i- A.o.i ,?,? ... ?i ' II Irlii l{ llfll i v-1 o, uuu vn/ j ucci.v L*J tUUiilM iu -, ( bv giving any information they may have in j their possession respecting the nifrnc.; and j niov.emetus of such ,hmids, ulid, ii' possible, aid j in their capture. The time lias arrived if. behooves every 1 citizen sfioail in his pnv.-e? :o assist t!ie military forces; ot' ihe Uw.ted Urates to resit reticaec and harmony throughout ;in- land. . Dyoiderof' vhipt.i'. Vy i" ii il i"; US OK, 25th O.V. V. I., (Wdg lj. h Forces % 'i'o'.vn of Camden. June 16. . Hd'qrs. Northern District, ' DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH, CilAllI.F.sTON. S. C. Aptil'iiti. 16(55. j Circular to Planters &c. VfUMEUOUS APPLICATION'S IIAYI-j been made to me for information;!?! to the | p .licv to be adopted on thy subject of labor. ! All can understand the importance of iua? | king a crop the present. seas..a, and for see ilie misery and sufiferitg eunaiijimiit upon its failure. In the present utiaiticd state of the ?:*millry and in tin' absence nf'-any recognized State au tliorities, I find it my -Jury in assume confroi of the plantations hear tiio military lines, and order as follows: 1st. Tbc planters, after taking the oatli of allegiance, will assemble tlie freed men (lately their slaves),and inform them that they are free, and that henceforth they must depend upon their own exertions for their support. ' 2d. Equitable contracts iu writing will be made by the owners of the land with the frecdmen for the cultivation of the land during the prcseut year. Parment will be made in kind, and the al lowaucc of one half the crop is recommended as fair compon.-ation for the laW. the landlord funnelling subsistence until the crop is made. These contracts will be submitted to the nearest military or naral commander for approval and endorsement. When the above requirements'are .complied with, protection wili be granted as far us military necessity will allow; but where cio contract is made, the crop raise:! wi'J be considered fouic-i ed for tin? use of (he mb-u rs. jSInuild t!ie oWlicrs iclilsc to C-.lllV:'* il, li r.V" W,;' iji; com bid red eiuicavcrifj.a ,'o evto-.' ia.-> t'.o ' ' vcl l ea nt, Mi . llic i ". i;l ii" m* ! .! (>. ilie Is .oilmen ,a . r. .?> i.;is l'.\ .ii.VlL'H. ' Jjane i.6 urn.. U^.u.iui! jap mm : m || . --'V J * ' .v.. ; *xrx*M*m*mammNmmmn*+* gg ? cwwiwi?SSSSS Headq'rs Department of - f ...v.,South, '. .. "V HiLTut nisM), s. c.; mav /M|6q.4 GENElS, ORDERS NO. 03.' W ^ T TO E PIIGCLA3J ATIOX OF A. G. )hv |j -*- GIIAH, styling himself Governor, uiT South Carolina, dated at Headquarters. Colcnrbia,.South Carolina, May 2, lt>65, declaring _ that all subsistence stores and the property of the Confederate States witlrin the limits of the tte should bf turned over and accounted for * the Agents of the State, appointed for that purpose, and direetij% that. the. subsisteJico and other stores sha^'bij*wed jutihe- relief of the people of the State; and the proclaniatii'ii of Joseph E. Browu styling Himself .Governor i l'iia, dated at ihe papital of that State, oy i the .'id uay of May,.i860, requiring the ftliceft y tj . :n:?; inouU-rs ot t.he (jieii;eraUiSsciualv to inc-i i ra i in exiiaoidinary g'essiou at,, the Capitol,- iif-f j Jdiiiudgeulile, on Monday 'the 22d /Jay of j May, lSo3:and tlrc^rochrfrialion uf A. L. Alii- ? M.ii. styling hii^ttfcacling Governor of rlor; iiia, dated at TJjmhassco, on the Stli day of April, iSUo, greffipViotiee and. direction that an eieetinn will to held'on Wed.neSflay, tin; 7i!i day of June} J.S65 for Governor of the.Slate of Florida; are, each and ail of tin-in declared ntil and \oiti; it-havingbecome known l:o:n irastworthy riilitrinaticiijfhut thi; aforesaid A*, G. Magi'iiHi, Jt,st-pii E. jJrovii and A. Jv. Allisiiii, are disloyal to tire United Sfales lauing committed sundry and diwis nels of treason against the same, in ni!tiering to their eat;tnies, giving them any aid coin-'at. i i-: persons and, to whom the pioeiaa:a io,:s licivinaoove re.err d ltd have heen i : : ! ( etiveiy jidtiri's.-ice', are therefore ci' an*; o mmaiid. d togno no ht-t-il v.iiuie.u there to, or to rii'Y i i:,crs proclamations, com missions or I'olMu-Mii y,. from pcrsohS<* liie i;._'.L to > wr-ino tin- functions and 'juJioiit v of' (.i,.f-riior in etther of the Shires of South Carolina. (ii ingta or Tiurnj.i. unless t same shr.i! have been p jomidglilnJ l?v tho advice or consent of the tidied Slates nmlioritiio. . tJ ' . 11. The policy and wishes of the General Government, inward the people of these States, and the methii^wl.ioh should he pursued .by " tiieiu in iv;>iin::n;_' or a.-SMiiniajr the exerei-e of ' their political n^hrs, .will doubtless be made known, at. mi early 'Jay. it in deemed sufficient, iru'amvbiln, to atT-"N. that the net 'i!e of ihe black race ai<s fret' citizens of 1 lie United States, tliP.t it IS rlie fixed intention of a wise and l?c*l:c fieoi:t CovwiiuK1."!t in } rnti'ct li^'m in tin.' oijorip- nt of their iK.'Uoin anil i|:o traits of their iiniu-try, and ihat it is I he laaiiifs*t .oid binding duty of si! citizens, whiles as well as lilacji?, to to make nrraioiernciU^ivrffnh;: thtmfi !v< for c.?nijH>ated labor, as sbail no mutually advantageous to ail parties. Neither idiciics.1 nui vagrancy will ho tolerated, anil the Gov*-' eriimotit v.-i11 not extend pertiviaty ti;d to any . persons, whether white or black, who are uu* . willing to help themselves. ill. District ami i^< >1 Comma ml err. throughout this Department wiii at once cause this order to ho circulated, far and wide, hy special couriers or otherwise, and wiii take st cli steps to secure eu force meet as may. l?y them po deemed necessary Q. A. GlLMOil.E, Juno ll> .Major Uenotal Commanding. Headq'rs. U. States Forces, TOWN OF CAMDEN, S. C., June 15, 1865.,/ GENERAL ORDER? NO. 2. ' TN ORDER TO PRE VENT'A NY DISTuR- 4 A BANC'E wliicli may arise from the iuipro* per use of intoxicating liquors, it is hereby or~ ilered that, for the present, no intoxicating liuuors, will he sold or given away to any c'tizen or soldier, unless permission is granted from these lieaduuarters. Any one found guilty of disobeying .this order, will.not only have his goods confiscated, but will be subject puoisluwii' by military law;. ?>yiiQOXUali of C, W.. RGUSOff, K. Comd'g. P.os, i?t Camden. * Jjuue it. yj