Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1852-1852, April 30, 1852, Image 3

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nnd Mobile shake off their slumbers and buckle on their armor to eittef the lists, and it is well known that almost all the additional freight or travel that goes to Charleston, pays an increased rate of profit to the South Carolina Railroad, But it is useless to argue either the present prosnmsneets of this Railroad; the |*V? Al/> VI > lltbuiv ! strongest proof of both is found in the fact that ' sagacious men seek it as an investment, and that it is very difficult to procure, except in very small parcels and under peculiar circumstances There is no doubt, aahir as 1 can learn, thai ; the town of Camden can regain this stock with . " out any inconvenience, as long as it pleases ; ccr tainly long enough to realize par value for any jK>rtion it may be deemed advisable to sell afte; mature deliberation, unless the reckonings o business men are sadly ineoirect; and that th< , opinion of our own citizens, our own tax-payers . Is that the stock will continue to appreciate, v evidenced by the fact that they do not sell theii I rivate investments in the Road. Our merchant realize more than 7 per cent, on their business and if they believe that 00 per cent is the ful ^ " value ot the stock, wny uo mey 1101 sen oiu am It "invest in their business ? I suppose that then | are few of them who have debts less pressing I than the debts of the town. i The town now pays but little over six percen P per an. on her indebtedness. A sale of the Railroat P stock would be equivalent to raising a fund up f on a rate of interest of nearly eight per cent I The stock ($14,300) at 7 per cent realizes an in I come of $100,1. The proceeds of a sale a I $90 per share ($12,870) would realize at th< | same rate $900,90. Does this look like a stej towards the reduction of taxes ? It strikes m< that a few more such " luck}* hits" would pu the town in debt with nothing to rely on bu taxation. Tt 1 tlinf if trniilrl YtA nvll fj j It IJilS UCTU 'V mvuim vv ..x.. .. ! sell this stock and invest the proceeds in somi Y other improvement, to advance the interests o ' the town. If this were the object I should no ' object to the end, but would most strenuously t< i the means, as any company, either Tlank Roa< or Railroad, would be glad to take this stock as ; subscription at par; but how can any one be lievc that those who arc striving to " reduce taxation" can be induced to embark in a new enter prise, or that those who are willing to be taxe< for the good of the town will consent to be s< taxed with the anticipation that their interest will be again sacrificed. But I have done; witl all the past binding me to " old Cainden," . have deemed it my right and my duty to saj kthis much, I shall not be disappointed if the tor rent be not stopped, but I shall feel when tin * evil hour comes, when we gather the fruits ( our activity in this matter, of our supincncss ii all else, " Thou can'st not say, I did it." A NATIVE. P. S. On referring to the last Report, I fin* that my statement of the affairs of the Railroa* is sufficiently accurate for the purpose ; the cap ii i -_J :_i * Stfinnn ilUl uuu luicrvst ucmiig ucu? ui& u<u www, 000, but the nett income of last year is ovc $600,000. The current expenses 39-7-100 pe cent instead of 40 per cent and the surplus fun?l $350,000. TELEGRAPHIC INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVAL OF THE FRANKLIN. Nkw ;York, April 27.?The steamship Frank lin lias arrived with Liverpool daies to the 14th There had been a decided improvement in th< cotton market, the sales for the three day: amounting to 22,000 bales, viz: on the lOlii 11,000; 12th, 5000; 13th, G000. Of this, Speculators and Exporters took 6000 bales. Tin market closed very firm, and at a shade advance "Wheat was firm, as there was but a moderaU supply. Flour was unchanged. Rice, 16 a 19s The Money Market was glutted, and Consul: had nearly reached par, closing at 99 5-8, whih all sorts of securities were rapidly rising in price The accounts from the provinces respecting trad< are satisfactory. Business at Manchester is firm though operations are languid. Advices from Calcutta state that the Englisl expedition of C000 men would start agains -- . Burmah on the 19th March. The Portuguese steamer Oporto was wreckc T wKah tliivtrr nanenne nortclm/l mill IJfrtl 1jWUV/JI UIIU tun VJ J/ vi >A/u-j |.'vu-*iivuf v?4 i seven escaping. Saidanha's Ministry had beei defeated by the Cortez, and had tendered tlici resignation, but the Queen refused to accept it and authorized Saldanha to do whatever h< thought best Whereupon he dissolved th< Cortez. The news from France is not interesting. Tin president pursues the same arbitrary course a heretofore. The steamer Islay sailed with 35( prisoners for Algeria. Portions of the Orlean: estates have been taken possession of by Gov -ernment agents. A grand review of troops wa + to take place on the 10th of May, when it wa surmised Louis Napoleon would be declared Km peror. The steamer "Washington had not arrived out The captain of a Quebec vessel reports seeing twc vessels drifting in the ice towards Davis Straits ii ^ the spring of 1851, which he believes to hav< belonged to Sir John Franklin's expedition. Tin London Times doubts the story. TjiO Austral;'?.!) gold mines are yielding th< precious Wi.tal in unprecedented quantities. The Havre cotton market was firm. Still Later. ARRIVAL OFTHE NIAGARA. Baltimore, April 28.?The Royal Mail steam er Niagara has arrived at Halifax from Livcrjx>ol whence she sailed on the 17th of April. The sale; of Cotton for the week amounted to 40,000 bales of which speculators took 4000, and exporter: 7000. New Orleans Fair is quoted at 5 5-8d Middling, 5d; Upland Fair, 5 l-8d; Middling 4 3-4d. The demand was good and prices stirt The sales on Friday, the 10th, reached 12,00( bales. tr,rv -a l * i n, i i UIEjU, hi nis residence roir cmaiediirg, 01 Thursday night the 8th inst., Col. Orlando Recs in the 55th year of his age. married ?Near Liberty llill, on the 31st nit., by Kev. Thos. A. Hoyt, Mr. William C Drown, to Miss Elizabktii It. daughter of Johr Perry Esq., all of this District. On resterday morning by Rev. II. C. Par dons, Mr. W. M. Morgan, to Miss Rebecca Vil t.epioce, all of this place, MMMMBMB???n?M??W?B?O Cash System. THE subscriber is still engaged in the "WAGON MAKING and BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS. He is thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore be' stowed upon him. He must however say, that ho is - tired of the credit system, and hereafter the Cash, or its equivalent, will be required at the time work is de. live'red. An approved note, bearing intorest from daj', will answer. For CASH, he is willing to work low, ' very low, and those who want any thing done in his ' line, will oblige him by calling upon him. Those indebted to him are requested to make early . payment, and save cost. N. B. ARRANTS. April 30. 35 2m SELLING OFF ! ~ THE subscriber intending: to close business in Camden offers at greatly reduced prices for Cash, his r entire stock of Groceries and Heavy Goods, consisting f in part of Sugars, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, Salt, Bag* ging. Rope. Iron. Hollow-Ware, Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Negro Clot lies a nil Blankets, Brown and Bleach> ed Homespun, Checks, Tickings, Hats, Caps, Ac., 5 Knives and Forks, Trace Chains, Ac. Ac. r The above Goods will be disposed of at very low ? rates for Cash. As I intend to leave Camden at an early day, I de.' sire all persons indebted to nie to make immediate payJ meat. ^ B. W. CHAMBERS. a laiuueo, o. u., jvpru ov. oo?u I ?5T"^"hijr, Charlotte, X. C., copy four times, and r send bill to this office for payment. > . A Beautiful Assortment i /"^iF Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil LAMI'S, for the v/ Mantle, Centre Table, and Stand. Hanging Lamps, (Oil and Burning Fluid,) for the use i. of Stores. Webb's PATENT OIL LAMP, for Stores or Conj tro Table. [This Limp gives a light equal to that ol a the Camphene without the danger attending the use ol " the latter.] also. > Hall and Hand Lanterns, Friction Matches, Night 8 Tapers, Lamp Wicks, Chimnevs, Globes, Ac. For sale t by THOMAS J. WORKMAN. t TTAITIS! Hams!?A few very fine HAMS foi XL side at W. C. MOORE'S. J XTEW LARD, of superior quality. Also, Sugai s l\ House Syrup, Rock and Table Salt. Just rcecif ved by E. W. BONNET. t Yf OUNTAIN Butter, Fixe Cheese, Fresh Macciro) It 1. ni, Corn Starch, Bronta, Chocolate and Citron j For Side by K. W. BONNEY. 1 /~T RAIN Cradles, Steel Forks and Rakes, Iron anc . VI Steel Hoes, Spades and Shovels. For sale at Feb. 24?tf _ E. W. BONNEV'f - T)ACOI?! Bacon !?20,000 lbs. new al J J. y ity BACON SIDES. For sale by j February 25. W. C. UObitK. s \ KEGS spiced Tripe, in Vinegar. Received am j *) for sale by SIIAW X AUSTIN I 4 SETT of CARRIAGE HARXES.% of JohnsmO , 1\. make. For Side by E. W. BONNEY. PINE APPLE nnd Goshen Choose, Family Ham! and Bacon Sides. Also, Lard and Canal Flour f Just reeoived at BONNET'S. l ? SUMMER HATS, of all qualities and description: Just received at BONNET'S. Premonitory. .1 rI",IIE subscriber wishing promptly to meet his Si J i- x Months engagements, earnestly requests thos< _ indebted to him for the past year, and especially tliosi who have not settled lbr the year previous, to cotni forward immediately and settle their bills, as all ac r counts not paid by the 10th of May, will be placed ir I, other hands for collection. Z. J. DeIIAT. _April 27 34 It Per Last Steamer, I HAVE received a fresh and beautiful supply o those much admired ACIDULATED DROPS, o Lemon, Pine Apple, Raspberry. Strawberry, Necta rino, Orange and Banana. Call soon, ifyou want any, ai April 27.?3t. Z. J. DkIIAT'S.. ; Fresh Sperm Oil, SOLAR OIL, LARD OIL. the finest BURNING t _ FLUID, and CAMPHENE. at the Imcvst markc price, may be had at WORKMAN'S Drug Store. 1 Youth's and Men's Dress Shirts. T USX received an invoice of the above of the latesl 5 t) styles, well made and warranted to lit. . j April 27.?St A. M. A It KENNEDY. ! F3S553 iCQ. ~n~o -3^74 ? rx ' / ~\X ami after Saturday next the Passenger Train J V / will run directly through to Columbia and back , evervdav, until the Conventiou is over at Columbia ' ' N. D. BAXLEY, Agent. , April 21. 33 2t Furniture for Sale. 1 ri"MIE subscriber oft'ers for sale on liberal terms, all JL his Uouscholdand Kitchen FURNITURE, consis ' ting of Fine Hook Case; Sideboards; Bureaus; Presses; 1 Solas; Chairs; Tables; Bedsteads; Beds; Mattresses: r Carpets, Ac. Also, an excellent PIANO FORTE, in good order. ' Those wishing to purchase are invited to call and " examine the Furniture. - All articles remaining unsold on the 1 Oth of May, will be disposed of at Auction, without reserve, at 3 which time ho will rent his house to the highest bids der, if not previously disposed of. ) April 23.?33. C. M. WI KNOBS. 5 Charleston Prices. HARNESS, Saddlery, Trunks. Military Work, Ac. manufactured to order, and warranted, at Charles5 prices. rW'Ton nor nnnt r1ia/?nimt fnr r?n?h u?f)itri MO d.irs I. UK E ARMSTRONG Camden, April 23. 23 sw2twtf. 17OR SALE?20,000 pounds good BACON SIDES, low for cash, at ' April 23?3t C. MATITKSON'S. J ARIES Superior White and Colored Kid Gloves. J Also, Tufi'ata Silk Gloves, Kid finish, just received at BONNET'S. 5 April 20. 32 tf MORE Brown Homespun at four cents a vard. just opened at BONNEY'3. Homo mission Board of the Charleston Baptist Association. THIS Board will hold its semi-annual meeting with the Camden Baptist Church on Saturday the 29th of May. Religious services will l>e conducted in the Church by the Rev. J. R. Kkniuwk, of Charleston, ' Rev. T. Adams, of Itiehland, and others, during the ? session of the Board. JAMES TUPPER, * April 27. Chairman. Books and Stationary. SCHOOL BOOKS of even' kind; BLANK and RECORD BOOKS, PAPER, PENS, INK, QUILLS, ) Ac. For side by A. YOUNG. B Just Received, AN additional supply of Groceries, consisting o! New Orleans Santa Croix, crushed and clarified Sugars; Now Orleans and West India Molasses; I5[nck ' and Gunpowder Teas; Rio and Java Coffee; New Hacon; Pickled Salmon; Dried Cod and Maekarcl Kisli; ! Clieesc. tee. . Also, one barrel fine Cuba Honey, and a t few kegs Malaga Grapes, all of which will no sold low for cash, by JAMES McEWEN. I marl 2 21 tf NOTICE.?I hereby forbid all persons giving credit or employment to any negro in my employ without mv permission, afler this date. J. F. SUTHERLAND. Aril 12, 1852. 30 tf ammmmmmmtmawmmwmmamaa^mmmtaKiesKSm'_ H>wfc? Temperance Notice. MR. P. S. WHITE will Lectbfe' af Camden on Thursda}- and Friday, April 29 aiVd 39; Sumtertervilie on Saturday and Monday, May 1 and 3; Bishopville on Tuesday. May -i; "Effingham cm Wednesday, May 5. " J. BELTON O'&EALL, J AS. TUPPER, S. S. McCULLY, ~V[ OTICIL?The Town Council of Camden wish-cAI es to hire by the month, eight or ten able-bodied hands to work on the streets and ditches of the town. Liberal wages will be paid for the same. Application may bo made to the Intcndant or either of Wardens. Bj- order of Couueil. . L. W. BALLARD, Recorder. Council Chamber, April 19. appoint Tho. J. Warren. Esq. my j A 1 agent during my temporary oosenceirom uiuomiv. i April 20. JAMES I. VILLEPIGUE. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue ofau execution to tnc directed, I will sell belbre the Court Houso door on the .'irst Monday in May next, being the third da}* of said month, the . following property to wit: Two head of Horses and , a two horse Waggon, levied upon and to be sold as the property of Duncan MeLeod, at the suit of John M. Shaw. * JOHN INGRAM, ShlT. K. D. [ April 10th 1852. 31 tds. Estate Sale. BY order of John R. Joy, Esq., Ordinary, will be sold before the Court llouse, on the 1st Monday iii May next, a likely Negro Woman ami Child ; also , one Curt and Saddle, the property of C. K. Brcwor, deceased. Terms at sale. Those having claims against said estate will present r them, and those indebted make immediate payment to p Mr. James Dunlap. my agent. ELIZABETH BREWER, Adm'x. At>ril 15. 31 tils Take Notice. I have placed my Books, Notes, and Accounts, in the hands of J. S. DePASS, for collection. He is duly authorized to settle all accounts and notes in his hands of mine. J. D. MURRAY. March 30. 2G?tf NEW ARRIVALS AT THE CABDE.\ BAZAAR, The subscribers have just received their new assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which consists partly of Calicoes, Ginghams, plain and embroidered Lawns, Fancy Muslins, at all prices, Linen Cambric, assorted colors, Cambrics and Muslins, plain and checked, Crapes, Bareges, Challys, DoLaines. Tissue Silks, and 1 a great variety of other articles suitable for Ladies' Dresses. AI.SO. A large assortment of Linen Cambric TI'dkfs., Neos die-worked Ool'ars and Cuffs, Choinisctts and Caps, Muslin and Lace Sleeves, Capes and Mantillas. Lace and Muslin Kdging and Inserting. Bonnets and Kib3 boas, of the newest styles, Ivorv Black and Feather Fans, Umbrellas and Parasols, and a great variety of other Fane}- Articles, to numerous to name. ^ They recommend their stock of bleached and brown Shirting, olue and striped Homespuns, Cotton and Linen Oznaburgs, Bed Tick, and every kino', of Towelling and Table Linen. A very large assortment of Hosiery of even* description, Linen, Thread Lace and : Silk Gloves, Mitts, Ac. Ac. ; Tlx... tnt.itn mil .t.nt.. C.a.a certain to be able to sat is IV them in every way, as ? well in the price as in the assortment of the Goods. April 1852. M. DRUCKER & CO. NEW SPRING GOODS. VM. k I?. KENNEDY arc now opening a choice selection of Goods, suitable for the season, f For Ladies' Wear, f TISSUES. It A RACES and MUSLIMS WORK COLLARS t USDER SLEEVES VA MllllIC IIA SDKERCUIEFS HOSIER Y ami GL 0 YES For Gentlemen's Wear. ; DRAP I/ETA CASIIMERETS ' SUMMER CLOTHS FLA IS and EASCY LIKES DRILLS VESTING S A large assortment of READY-MADE CLOTIIt IXG, FUR, RAN AM A and STRAW 1IATS, Bleached and Brown SHIRTINGS. Blue DENIMS. Checked and Striped DOMESTICS. 11 and 12-4 Linen SHEETINGS All of which will be sold on the most favorable terms. March 12. NEW"ARRIVALSr~ : VI" DRUCKER k CO. have just received a iarge . selection of the newest patterns of Plain and Fancy HER AGES. DELA/SES. CIIALL YS. TISSUE SILKS. MUSLIMS and CISC HA MS, and other articles for LADIES' DRESSES, to which they invite the attention of the Ladies and the public generI ally. March 2.'L Cod Liver Oil. I HAVE just received a few gallons of pure COD LIVER OIL, which will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, and at reduced prices. t March 30. ' Z. J. Df.HAY. Writing Inks. rrMIE subscriber lias just received a large and va 1 ried assortment of Black, Blue, Cnrininn anil Red INKS, of superior quality in vials nud bottles from f> to 50 cents each. also, Harrison's. Tarrant's, Wright's David's and Maris' INDELIBLE INKS, for marking on cotton, linen and . silk, with and without Preparation. March 26. Z. J. DkIIAY. NEW SPRING GOODT" MDRUCKKR 4 CO. have just received their now supply of Spring and Summer Clothing, to which they M*ould invito the attention of the public at the same time they would reeonu iend their Stock o OUTFITTING ARTICLES, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Undergarments, IlOserv, Gloves, Suspenders, 4c. April 9, 1852.?tf In Equity?Kershaw District. NOTICE.?Guardians, Trustees and Receivers, appointed by the Court of Kquity for Kershaw District, and accountable to the same, and the K.veou* tors suid Administrators of such as are dead, are hereby required to make their annual returns, aud produce the vouches verifying the same before the Commissioner in Equity for said District, on or before the 1st day of May next. W. II. It. WORKMAN, C. t. K. D. April 9. 29 tf One to Four Dollars a Window. BEFORE purchasing call and examine the subscriber's assortment of Transparent WINDOW SHADES, which comprises many late and handsome patterns. *C. L. CIIATTKN. COMPLETE!!~~ r I'M IE undersigned has now received his full supply L of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS. As it regards ftyle and beauty, lie thinks they will compare | r favorably with any tiling that has been offered in this j market. Having purchased very lanjfhj, and not being i at all anxious to lay any of them "011 the shelf," they will bo sold AS LOW, either for cash, or on time, to good customers, as they cnti he bought at any other Store in the place, or in the City of Charleston. E3?"Wo have but one price, at that a very i.ow one. March 20. E. W. RONNKY. FOR SALE. \^7AG0X Bridles, wf my own manufacture. 0110 T T warranted to last as long as two of Northern make. Also, Trace chains of various qualities for sale low for cash P. J. OAKS. I Jewelry, Watches, &c. Gold andSiver Lever Watches, or the notvest patterfis and \Vdrranted time-keepers, Cold Chains, Seals and Keys, Rlhgs, Pins and Earrings, Gold and Silver Spectacles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Coral Necklaces. FIXE I'LATED WARE, Castors, Baskets and Candlesticks, Gilt China Vases. FIXE CUTLERY-?Razors, Knives and Scissors. FANCY GOODS. Ac. A. YOUNG. AT THE OLD STAND. HPIIK subscriber begs leave respectfully to inform his X friends and former customers, and the public generally, that he has resumed business, at his Old Standi one door below Mr. James Dunlap, where lie will keep constantly on hand awl for sale as low as Goods can be bought in this market. A GENERAL and COMPLETE STOCK of GROCERIES, Embracing every article usually found it: n well assort e<l Grocery and Provision Store. In a few days a FRESH SUPl'L Ywill be added to his present Stock lie begs to return his thanks for the liberal patronage which lie has heretofore received, and hopes that those indebted to him will cotno forward and promptly settle, and renew their custom. S. BENSON. March 10. 23 tf ^ALT, SALT.?500 Sacks Liverpool Salt. Just 0 received by W. 0. MOURE. Fishing Tackle. SUPERIOR Silk, Cotton, Flax and ITair Lines: Limerick and Kirby Hooks, of every sizo and variety; Hooks on Silk and Gimp Coops; Cork Floats, Rait Buckets Dip Nets and Handles: Furnished Silk and Flax Lines ready for use; Walking Cane Rods; Trout Rods, with Tips and Guide Rings: Brass Re-Is: East India Fishing Poles, <?c. A. YOUNG. A Suit to suit the Times! A V"ISHIXG to elose out the balance of my stock o T T Winter Ready-Made Clothing, I will dispose of my stock of Coats, Over Coats and Vests at cost prices. ALSO. Broad Cloths, French Casshneres and Vesting?, A11: Wool Tweeds, Satinets, Kentucky Jeans and Negro . Cloths, at greatly reduced pricos. Jaauary 23. JAMES WILSON. Barry's Tricophcrous. rrMlK subscriber has just received a small invoice of JL the above valuable preparation for diseases ot the Skin and Hair. It needs but a trial to couvince over} one of its valuable qualities. For sale at Z. J. DkIIAY'S. March 30. 2G tf PATENT METALIC BURIAL CASES. TI1E subscriber is prepared to till orders for the Metalie Cases. Also, Cloth, Mahogany, Walnut and other plain articles in the line, with mountings, and engraved. if desired. March 22. C. L. C1IATTEN. / tR ASHED SUGAR.?10 Bbls. Stuart's Su\_J perior Crashed Sugar. For sale by W. C. MOOKK. IAV R AISl.\'S--50 quarter boxes RAISINS. i> Received at MOOUE'S. N AILS?A small lot of NAILS. For sale very low to close out t lie lot, by W. 0. MOORE. Bbls Kennedy's. Butter Crackers, Received and f) for sale by ' SHAW A AUSTIN Dec. 23,^1851. rpO>IIACCO?A small lot of CHEWING TOBAC I CO. Just received and for sale bv W. C. MOORE, Sign of the Red Flag. /\ BBls. No. 3 Mackarel. Received and for sale bv f)V/ March 2, 1852. SHAW A AUSTIN. " O UPEIIIOR DUE AD COItX. For sale bv O March 22. K. AA". ltuXXEY. AN ORDINANCE rI\> repeal the 1st and 2d Sections of an Ordinance I directing the restrictions under which wagons shall haul in and about the corporate limits of the Town of Camden, and for other purposes therein mentioned and ratified the 13th day of March 1832. Sko. 1st. Bo it ordained by the Intcndant and AA'ardens of the Town of Camden, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that so much of an ordinance entitled an ordinance under which wagons shall be restricted in hauling in and about the corporate limits of the Town of Camden, l*e and the same is hereby repealed. Ratified in Town Council, this lie twenty-first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, and the seventy-sixth year of American Independence. K. A. SALMONP, Intcudant. L. AA'. Ballard, Recorder. Spring and Summer Goods. rj"MIE subscribers would call attention to their stock. L which is now complete, consisting in part, viz: FOR LADIES. Barege, Tissue and Mntclinc; Printed Jaconet and Organdie Muslin: American, French and English Prints: American and Scotch Ginghams; a large assortment of Mourning Gaods: Pluck. White ami Colored Sewing Silk CIT I H"/ If I ?* / / IV". I.'?I ?!.? l ,f?!- - ?r 7U.I i * k.' it 'iic .rj.-i J ?ill < M UlUvI l"l JklUNIIIJ .USUI* ties; Lace and Muslin Capes, Collars and Chemisetts; Muslin Inserting and Edging, Ac. Ac. FOR GKSTLKMEX. Plain and fancy Summer Cnssimere; (some in suits.) Pmp P'Ktu; plain and fancy Linen Drill: Do. Marseilles Vesting; white and colored Silk and Satin Costings; an elegant assortment of Summer Cravats; Gentlemen's Shirts and Collars: French Gray, ranatna. Flambeau. Leghorn, and Palm Loaf (men's and boy's) Hats; a large acsortment of Goods suitable for boys and house servants; a few pieces India Matting, Ac. April 20. McDOWALL A COOPER. J. T A MATTING, just received and Ibr sale low, .1 by E. \V. BOXXEY. April 20. 32 tf I^RENCH Worked Handkerchiefs, Collars, and Undersleei es, just opened at BOXNEY'S. April 20. 32 tf U IDE IROT. Spades,Shovels,Manure Forks I t Ploughs, Cutting Knives, and Corn Shellers. Just received at K. W. BOXXEY'S. Final Notice. VLL persons having demands against the Estate of Miss Kkiskcca DkLkox, are hereby notilied that tliev must render in their demands properly attested, on or before the lirst day of June next, otherwise this Xotico will be plead in bar of payment. 11. LEVY, Adm'r. April 2. 27 tf ATOTin:.?aii i arsons indebted the Estate o i.1 HODlilt'f L. TWEED, deed, either by noto or account, are requested to conic forward immediately and settle the same, or they will he put into the hands of an Attorney for collection, as the Estate must be settled. S. TWEED, Administratrix. April 0. 23 tf ('OKIV, ( < O.^AA BUSHELS, of super!) White CQRX. for cash or GO days paper. Apply to W. C. MUORE. or March 2. li. W. CHAMBERS. IpRKNUIl China Ten nctts, uniia aim tiinss rniDial iff, Tureens, .to, Also, Housekeeping Arti cles iu groat variety. l''or sale by. March 2, 1852. * K. W. BOXXEV. /* PACKAGES (40 lbs. each) Jenny Lind TOBACC | I) Just received by R. "W. ABBOTT. SEED POTATOES.?10 Ban-els Seed Potatoes at MOORE'S. n EQUITY?Lancaster iMsirict. Mary A/ Colcinafl, widow, vs. Dr. R. E. TVvlie, Adm'r. George TV. Coleinftn, dec'd. and others.?Petition for assessment, and payment of dower in funds. rpHE Creditors of George TV. Colcinan, lute ofLanX caster District, uee'd. arc notified and ordered to answer, plead or demur to the petition in above case on or before the 21st day of June, 1851, otherwise judgment pro confesso, will bo awarded against thofn. JAMES II. W1TIIKRSP00N, Cuntmftoioner in Equity L. D. Lancaster C. ll., S. C., March 15, 1852. [$tf 75J I.\ K^l'STV?Lancaster District. Susan Jl. Boyd by next friend ct. al. vs. Joseph B.Boyd?Bili to cotdirm purchase by Trustee and for settlement. rpiIK creditors of Joseph B. Boyd arc notified and ? ordered to answer, plead or demur, to the abovo Bill, on or before the 'J 1st Juiic, 1832, otherwise judgment pro eonfesso will be ordered against them. By order of the Court, June Term, )8f>T. .JAMES Ji. WITHERS POOX. Comiitissioiitr in Equity L. D. Lancaster C. 1L, S. C., March 15, 1852. [SG.75] ff.Y EffcCfTY-Laucastcr. John It. Welsh, Adm'r. of William Hilton, dee'd. vs. John Adams, et al, Creditors?Bill to marshal assets, and so forth, rpilK creditors of the estate of William Ilillon, late 1 of Lancaster District, dee'd. arc notified and requested to establish their demands before me on or be lore uiu ursi tiaj 01 .junc. iaos. By order of the Court, June Term, 1351, JAMES II. WITHERSPOON, Commissioner in Equity L. D. Lancaster C, II., S. C. March 1:1. 1352. [>G 00] Il\ EHUITY-Kfinliav. William II. Hollcymnn, Adm'r cum tes. anncxo, vs. D. R. Kenned}* and Margaret, his wife, George lluggins and Harriet C. his wife, Thomas Eraser and Ann F. his wife, II. Ilolleytnan, W, F, Holleyman and Mary F. Hollcyman?Bill to confirm sales, for relief. IT appearing to my satisfaction, that Elizabeth Hopkins, daughter of II, Ilolleytnan. dee'd: (if alive,) and her children, to-wit: Wiley Hopkins, Nancy IIopkins, Joel Hopkins and others Whose flames are unknown, reside without the limits of this State: On motion of Ciiesxut&Castox,SolicitorsforComplainant, it isordorcd that the said Elizabeth Hopkins, orifshe be dead, her children, to-wit: Wiley, Nancy and Joel, and others, (if there be any,) names unknown, do appear, answer, plead or demur to the above within three mouths from the date of publication of this notice, or an order to take the same pro eonfesso will be granted against them. W. II. R. WORKMAN, C. E. K. D. February 20,1352, 15 3m Cigars! Cigars!! ?) A AAA CIGARS, of the most superb brands, ^u^l'UU such as '"Gold Leaf," ''Lo3 tres Amisios," "El Ensajn," "La Palmetto.'1 For sale by February 24. W. C. MOORE. i\OTICE. r piIE subscribers have this day formed a Co-partner' I. ship, under the name and linn of ROOT A INGRAM, for the purpose of carrying on tlio General Auctioneering Business. F. ROOT, JOHN INGRAM. Cam hex, Jan. 23. 7 tf Residence for Sale. r|"MIE subscriber offers for sale bis RESIDENCE situ L ate on DeKalb-strcct, West ol Broad, and opposito the Methodist Church. Ihe Buildings are 111 complete repair, and the situation is an elevated and pleasant one. Wm. M. WATSON. March 19?2.*ltf BRICKS FOR SALE. THE subscriber has on hand a large quantity of GOOD BRICK, which mav be had on application. January 23. J.*F. SUTHERLAND. BLANKETS and all Wool Plains, for sale at cost for cash. Also, Carpets and Printed Floor Cloths, at reduced prices at BONNET'S. O UPERIOR Brown Sugars, put up in barrels fo O family use. Just received at BONNET'S. A\/rELL Wheels, Steelyards, Broad Axes, Anvils t V and Vices. For s;dc by E. W. BONNET. ( t ARDEN Trowels, Hoes and Rakes, jsst received T at BONNET'S. MEAL AND GRITS?Alwavson hand, at MOORE'S. Red Mag. /HANDLES! CANDLES?20 boxes Spenn v/ and Adamantine CANDLES. For sale cheap by January 23. W. C. MOORE. /"COOPER'S best shredded Isinglass, and a variety of vv r.xtracis, iresn c urrants ana citron, naisins, aiinonds, Broma, Chocolate, Mustard. Cheese, seed Potatoes, io. Just received by E. W BOXXEY. Johnson's Traditions of the Ra'/oln 'ion rI"MtADITIOXS and Reminiscences chiefly <.? tho .1. American llev lution in tho South: It . limp Biograhhical Sketches, Incidents and Anecd : few of which have been published, particularly of . . .'cuts in the upper country. By Joseph Johnson, I . 0., of Charleston, S. C. 1851. Price $3.00. Forsahoy March 19. ALEXANDER YOUXG. \TOTICE is hereby given, that three months afi\ ter date, application will be made for a renewal of Certificate Xo. 1157, for Four Shares Stock in the Bank of Camden. S. C., in favor of Wm. Lyles of Columbia, S. C., dated 25th of June, 1S10, tho original of which has been lost or mislaid. April 3.?28w3m. 1IERIYADOTT1-: 1>- BROXSON. OPPOSITE THE I'OST OFFICE, Camden, S. C. (CONTINUES the manufacture of TIN- WARE, dr., J attends to Guttering and Roofing Houses, putting up and making Stove Pipe, and ?^~REPAtns EVERY ARTICLE IX IIISLIXE. Old Pewter, Lead, Copper and Brass taken in ox cnaiigc mr im-u are. ^"Thankful for past favors, lie solicits a continu ancooftho same, at tho old Stand, opposite the Post Ollicc.Maich 1G. 22 tf winuTsliAsMi Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, CA3IPE.V, 8 C. Lewisville Female Seminary, Toil Mile* East of Cticstcrville. Rev. L. McDONALD, Visitor. MPS. A. S. WYLIE, principal; assisted by Mrs Lewis, of the Columbia Institute, Tenn. and Miss if. S. Kellogg, a graduate ofCastleton Seminary, Vt. The scholastic year will bo divided into two sessions of five months each; the first commencing the 5th oi January, 1852, tho second on the 22d of July. The pupils of this seminary, in sickness are attended free of charge. For a circular containing full particular, address Mrs. Wvlic. Lewisville P. 0. Chester District, S. C. January 6, 1852. 2 tf 11 VERY AND SALElTABLE. T\7K respectfully inform the citizens 01 cimnuuu t and the Travelling public that we have opened a LIVERY AND SALE STABLE at which tltey can bo iicrommodatcd with Carriages, Buggies. Sulkies, and Saddle Horses, to any point they may wish to go. We would also say Stock Drovers can have good Lots for stock and Provender at as low a rate as can be afforded. 1 Corses kept at the usual rates, by the day, week, month or year. The Stables arc those known as Robinsons. Persons stopping at either of the Hotels, will always find a servant in readiness to show tho Stable. C. J. PRIDE. R. MORRISON. Charlotte. N. C. Dec. 8. f?8 wCtn