Semi-weekly Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1851-1852, July 01, 1851, Image 4

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For the Removal and Permanent Cure of all NERVOUS DISEASES, And of those Complaints which are caused by an impaired, weakened or unhealthy condition of the N K lb VOl'S S V S T E M. This henutifnl and convenient ?p| iication of the mysteriooa powers of <J AhVANI.S.M and MAliNETISM, has been pronounced by distinguished physicians, both in Kurope and the L"nit ;d states, to be the most ealuuhlt medicinal discovery of (At ??ee. Dr. CHRISTIES GALVANIC BELT and M A GNETIC FLUID, it used with the most perfect ami certain success in *12 ca?e? of _ GKNF.H Al. OEEII.ITY, Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the rariou* organs, and invigorating the entire svstcm. Also in KITS, ------ --- - . ? ivni. CRAMP, PARALYSIS UlUl 1AI.M. Wiarr.ioia GKSTION, RHEUMATISM, > CI I K and CHRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY, LUMBAGO. I>f AKNESS, NERVOUS TUBMORS, PALPITATION OK THE HEART. APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA. PAINS in th SIRE ?n.l UJKST, LIVER ? OM PL AI NT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, nnl CURVATURE of ti.e SPINE. III." I OMI'l.A NT. DISEASES of the KID. NEVS, DEEICIENGV OK NERVOUS and PHYSICAL ENERGY, and all NKKVOl S DISEASES, which complaints aria* from ore simple cause?namely A Dorangemont of tl e Nervous System. ft?- In NERVOUS COMPL? INTS Drrtcs and Mcdiciaee inrirate the disease, for they we ken the vital energies of the already prostrated system; wh'lo under the strengthening, life-giving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, us applied by this beautiful and wonderful die "very, the exhausted patient and weakened suTerer is report d to former health, strength, elasticity ami vigor. The great peculiarity and exce lcnca of Dr. Christie's Gah anic Curatives, consists, in the fact that they arrest and cure disease by etii ajiplication, in place i>< the usual mode ofdinggine and physicking the patient, tili e.xhcti ted Nature sinks hopelessly Under the infliction They strengthen the whole system, eytialite the eireulotion of the blood, promote the secretions, an ' never do the slithlest injury under any circumstances. Since their introduction in the *, United States, only three years sit ce more than 60,000 Persons including nil ages, classes and corditions. nniong which were a large number of Indies, who are peculiarly subject to Nerr ous Complaints, have heen ENTIRELY AND TERM ANENTLY CURED, when all hope of relief had beer given up, and every thing else heen tried in vain ! To illustrate the use of the G A1 VAN1C IJKI.T, suppose the case of a? erson articled wit that bane of civilization DVSPEPSIA, or any other < lirnm or ,-scrvous ui?m ordinary cou-s. stimulant* ari- tnk? r which. by their action on the nerves and muscles of the stom eh, afford irmyorory relief b::t which leave the patient in e lower state, an ! with injured faciities, after the action thus exe'ted has ceased. Now comparr this with the ett'ect resulting from the application ol the GALVANIC BKLT. Take a Dyspeptic sntteier, even in the worse symptoms of an attack, arid simply tie the Belt around the body, using the Magnetic Kit d as directed. In a short period the insensible pcrspiratioi will act on the positive element of the Belt, thereby cau ing a Galvanic circulation which will puss on to the negativi and thenep hack again to the positive, thus keeping up a c? ntmuoua Galvanic circulation throughout the system. Thfe the most severe cases of DYSPEPSIA are PKRMANENTL CURED. A FEW DAYS IS OFTEN AMTLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AN1T TESTIMONIALS Of the most I'mlotil test Character, From all parts of the Country cou I be gnen, sufficient to flU very column in tbi' paper ! AW EXTRAORDINARY CASE, which conclusively proves that Truth is stranger than Fiction." c u V. k o f KIIEU3IATISM, BBII.M'HIT S AND DYSPEPSIA. Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman of New Jersey, jf distinguislie. attainments and exulted reputation:? Sit>*?.v, ! evv Jersey, July 13, lhts. Da. A. H. riiitii - Dear Sir V-.u wish to know* of nie what bus hi-o;i t!io . V.iIt in mv ov n cu-c ot the application "I THE GALVANIC BELT AND > ECKl.ACE. My reply if a* folio wi;: 1-or about !i~cnty yart I had ! ecu suffering front Pyspepsia. Every year the symptoms became w u p. nor could i obtain permanent tt iie! from any cour c ol mc-licuS treatment whatever. About fanrttrn yeui siiire. in consc.jueiice of frequent exposure to the weather in the discharge ot mv pastoral duties, I became subject ti a tpverv Chronic Rheumatism, w hich lor year aftci yes , c-iu-e 1 me in lescrihabl* anguish Farther: in the u inter >f '4 ;.:.d 'l" ihcoiispquciic.e ot preaching a great deal in my own an.t vaiious other churches in this region, I was aitack.-d t.y the Bronchitis, which soon became so severe an to requite an immediate suspension of my pas total labors. My nrrr-m jyi.o m vat now thmnu^Lly jirmlraltd, ami as my Bronchitis became woise, so also did my Dy spepsia and Khcui aticallectiou- thus evincing that these disorders were connected with earli other through . the medium of the Nervous Syst m In the whole pharmacopeia there seemed to bp no cuncdiai agent which could reach and recuperate my Nervou System ; every thing that i had tried for tins purpose had lompletcly failed. At last i was led by my friemls to examine your mv entions, and (though With no eerv cmi7uiiip Lone, nf thi ir ertlciptipv V I dptpimilied y> try the effect ?f the aj plicatio o! tlio <? \ I.V \NK' BKLT AND NECK LAC K, with the M.MiJi'KTK KLL'ID This wu in June, 1S40. To stv ill iwuhmhi, in iwn n*r? Mr I)r?reriiA had rone; in run t iiavs I w?? enaiii.ed to re?vmk ?v r?itoh?i. labor*; nok ii>m I sixce omiited * hinci.r. inner on accci it f tin IJhom mitih ; and >ir khrvmatic aeh'tion iim enti klv i i t?vr. to trochee me. Such it the wonderful anil happy result* of the experiment I have recommended the lih.IT tnd hi.I'll) to many who have heen likewise suilerng fr..i > rurblgic nllcctions. They hate tried them, with mot hi* ltn, 1 believe, in event caie. 1 am, dear sir, ver respectfully vours, HUBERT W. LANDI8. Tic Doloreux aid Neuralgia. Thesc dreadful and agonizing complaints are immrilialftf rtlirreJ by the application of thi Galvanic Belt. Nei klace and Finn. The Belt diffuses the Electricity through the System ; the Necklace has a local etfert, and t!ic Fluid nets directly ii|iO!i the all'ected neive* In these disti wring afflictions the application NRVEK KAILS. FiTS AND CONVULSIONS. There alarming and terrible e >irplaint? are always cause! By a ilrrrnttmrn! of ll.e Xrrrrt. 'J'llO J'?it Up aim lets ano Fi,-ir? will cine in arty evety ca e. no 11.niter how young or sld the patient, or how confirnio I the complaint. Nmneioua tnd SElniiiMiiiig proof* u . < i;, jw.???- .ni:. of the proprietor. fb"A- Many hundred '^crtitirati? frotu bit pint* id the country of tl.'j a>>>!>t extiu.iibiiary churacti'i c u>r) i given, if requited. No trouble or inmnver-icicc attends tlie use of DR. CIIRtRTlKS O.di*.'XI(', ./I > mi l tbcy ir.ay Li- worn by the most feeble and <li licule with peifect ease and safety. In many cases the sete-atiou attending then use ii highly plraurnt and agtccabk Tlcy can bo seat to any part ol the country. Prices: The Galvanic E^It, Three Dollars, The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars, The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Each. The Magnetic Fluid, Ore Dollar. $r?- The intu'les nro a<rotnpttnii.1 by lull and plain diroo lions Pamphlets Mith full pait.ot In is may be bad of the uthoii/rd \g- i.t PARTICULAR C AUTION. JHruaie oj Countrtftih and H'or/'il.u Irnitanoni. D. C. MOR1JHEAD, M. D., genera;, aoknt kmk ihk. imtkii state*. 13'i Uroiulway, \tw York* I'or suit* in Cniutlcn l>v tlio ; itlli'i'izrtl \<ffiifs JA.MiiS IL MuK.MN. !\ L. ZI'MP In Cl-arlfsto-i l,v Dr. V. M.COHKN. ItiColiiiulii.T l?y l?i) \ I It!', iii'iW MIO'J'. sriiijift; <MV: ."M-i'j22T oiri * run (ijicninif :t S,.!t :ul <1 ;i -orliurnt of J L-tili's ftrrss (ii.iih. ami u,II "- !! Iheiu ofl"'I its mpitliy ?s |<i ssihle, at a very small profit. April 1. I<?l. E. \V. IJON.N'KY. ?> 13I3I.S. K'inifily's Ii Duller Crackers, ') received ami lor taliV'-v MIA W &. AUSTIN'. Memphis Institute. Hloriirn! Department. * ^TMIE regular course of Lectures in this InstiJL. into will ronttncnce on the First of Noveniber, and < ontinue until the last of February. The Anatomical department will he opened and ready to receive students by theFirst of Octobcrt The Medical Department will be under the direction of the followinjr Tti?/\pi.^c?c?nT)Cj . i'lvwr . J. rOXQI'EST CROSS, M. I). Professor of the Institutes nf Medicines mid -Medical Jurisprudence. \V. KYUl) POWELL. M. I).. Professor of Cerebral Pli\sioln?v. M"dic:il (t'eolngy and Mineralogy. 1L S. NEWTON. >1. J).. Professor of Surgery II. J. 11 LLC E, JI. D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. J. A. WILSON, M. P , Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. J. KINO. M. D., Professor of Materia Medicia, and Thcra ts-ntics. /.. FREEMA N. M. D.. Professor of Anatomy. J. MILTON SANDERS, A. M., M, D., Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy. CMXIQUE LECTURERS. MEDICINE?PROF. II J. 1IELCE. SCROERY?PROF. R. S. NI.WTON. FREEMAN, M-1>., Anatomical Demonstrator. The fees lor a lull course of lectures amount to SI 11."). Reach Professor's Ticket, ?15. il/atriculator's ?5. Demonstrator's Fee ?10. Graduation, ?'20. Those desiring furtlier inforination wil please address tlieir letters (postpaid) to the Dean; and students arriving in the city will please call on him at the Commercial Hotel. It. S. NEW TON, M. P., Doan of the Facnty. LAW DEPAKTJIEAT. IIO.V. E. W. M. KINO, Professor of Theory an Practice of Dtw Noil- V. D. HARRY, Professor of Commercial Jnri-prude nee. . J r.i:.Ms?;> )!> in.-.-nnn. All cominuiiiraiions pertaining to this depart- I moat mutt he addressed to K. VV. M. KING, Esq. Mmnits, Tenn., March 1830. The Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral worth and professional acquirements, will compare I favi rahle with the most distinguished in our coun try, Tito medical faculty constitutes an anomaly in this or any other country?all of them are able I lecturers and tlio best ol teacher?. Those who will contemplate our geographical position, and the extent of our population, can have no doubt as to the eligibility of out situation for an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including all seasons of the year, we deny that any other city has more. A common error exists in the minds of many students relative to the place of studying medicine; those who intend practicing among the diseases ol the West and South should certainly educate themselves at a school whose faculty are practically acquainted with those diseases. . That the public may he satisfied of the perma- | ncncy of this scIm ol, wo feel it our duty to state, j that the Trustees and Faculty form a unit in action i which augurs well lor its luture success; and that j (lie peculiar interna! organization which connects ihtm, cannot be interrupted. E. W. iM. KING. President of the Memphis Institute. July 17, 1630, 18 ly FEMALE PILLS, For Females or ly, Invaluable to voting, married and single. !#S?. 3 Rc*tora?ivo iVffonfiily Pill*. I'ricc t!'f cts. a IJ? x. ^ CCOMPANIKi> with a small pamphlet, con\ tiiiiiiiii; full directions, useful hints, itiloritia ion a:,d advice t? lemalcs Iroin youth or puberty j to oid aire. Nature will ho tntich assisted by their use, in J anticipa: on of certain periods, or where there is I irre^ti!;'r;tv, suppression or absence ol the natural J chant' s, and v. ill relieve the sull'erm<r, pain and j distress common to rnanv at those periods, 'i'liere j are other times,also, when the married and single will fimi tlie-in useful. Mot Iters do not mistake the ai'intjs of your daughters: wiien atii.rled wi'li llead-ache, Dizziness, Painting. J.oss of Appetite. Sickness of the Stomach, Pauls in tin: Sales or I'roasts, Pains alonj the Heck, Spine or across the Loins, Hysterical or Nervous h-eliii^. Depression or Low ness ol the Spirits, Melancholy Dislike to exercise and soeie'v, Palpitation of Heart, l)leedin<r at the nose Src. Too often are medicines jiiven them for Liver complaints, I) spepsia, Consumption, <S:c., when tlie real cause is not suspected; and through improper medicines anil treatment their constitutions are destroyed; and liieir constitutions are dc stroyed, and tliev l-ecome miserahlo during life. Thousands of Females in Philadelphia, New Vork, Hm-ton, Haltinmrc and elsewhere know the efiiiMCV of those Pills, aiid many could he relorrcid to, but delicacy and respect to tlio sex forbids it. Sold wholesale and retail at I>r. Leidv's Dispensarv, No 11 1 North Fourth Street, Philndn.? also iiy .1. II. .L'cKain, Camden; 'Poland i|' Curtis, Columbia; Rlack &\ Khny, Orangeburg; Dr. 1'. .M. Cohen and Dr. .1. A. Cieaveland, Charleston; and by Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Aug.'JO 00 ly EL Brucker & Co. VRR just opening a large and new assortment of Spring ami Suniiuer Ciutiiieg of every description : Reaily Made Shir's, Silk and Muslin Cravat- and Handkerchiefs, Kid. Silk, and Thread Gloves, Jlnots and Shoes, .Moleskin, Panama, Leghorn and Straw Ilats of the newest style. They have received a irreat quantity of Plain and fancy Pantaloons StnlFs, anil Vesting.--. Linen Drills, and a very preltty assortment of Irish Linens, A oil invito tlioir friomls to call ami ovnmitie their stock. being certain to be able to satisfy tlicm in every way. Camden, April lr?, lhol. .'JO tf so<la Water, Soda Water r.sil trntn '.lie Ftiunlnin. with an abundance ^ ami ^ooil Sjrnjs, can In- had at the Drni;Store n! FRANCIS I,. ZKMl'. June 3. 44 tf Sl.'tiAR, Coire. Lard and Flour, new supply, low lor cash, at \V. C. MOORK ,s. Jinn 3. 41 tf nYSt )N, (?u11 d'owib r. Mack and (Jreen Teas, o! the best quality at AIOURK'N. June 3. 44 tf Domestic Items, 1">R( )\YN and bleached wheelings, every width, ) Ticking; F.i glish Luiig-eloths; Counterpanes, plain and figured curtain Dimity; garment Dimity; rolnrcik I luinespuns and Denims; plaid Linssy Flannels and Itianhcts, at al! price*. A I.?) 1 !"<>| doers of bleached ami brown Homespuns as low as tlicv can lit* boutrlit anv where in Ainer ' ira. At * J A .MilS WILSON'S. Fine Cigars. I Largo lot of the finest Brands, Just received < at M (JOllE'S. LIVER COMPLAINT, faiuulice, Dyspiijoia, Chronic or Nervous l>el>ilily, Disoasex of the Kidneys, AND ALL diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. such as Constipation, inwnnl Piles. fulness Or lllnod to the Head, aridity nf the Stomach. Nausea. Illearthnrn, disgust for fond, fullness or weight in the Stomach, sour eructations, sinking <ir fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, swimming of the 1 Ihurried anil ilillieuit Dreaming. Fluttering ittthe Heart. choking or stiflhcaiiug sensations when in a Lying Posture, dimness of vision, dots or welts before the J>ifil?t, Fever and dull pain in the head, deficiency of Perspiration, yellowness of ihe skin and eyes, pain in the side, back clicst and limits, sudden flushes ofthe Heart, burning in e flesh, imagining of evil and great depression of spirits, Jcan nt: ksskc:tcaiii.v ccrku iiy DR. IIOOFLAND'S ^CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, ruKt'AitKtt nv DEI. C. S.I. JACKSON, \T THE (JERMAN MEDICINE STOKE, 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the altove diseases is not excelled, i, eiptalled, hy any other preparation in the I'nited States as the euros attest, in rnanv eases after skilful pltyimns, !;a<l failed. These Bitters are worthy tlie attention of invalids. Possessing ur-at virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver unci lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers hi weakness and affections of the digestive organs, llinyare, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. It HAD AND III-: rONVINCKD. f'lias. IJohinsoti. F.sip, F, is tun, 3id., in a letter to I'r. Jack-on. Jan. ii. IS.'itl. -aid? ^ My wife and myself have reeeivd more heuefit from your umdieiit" thiiti anv oiIi?t wo have ever taken for the. |)ys|N*|isin and Kivrr disease." The Tenth legion," published at Woodstock, Va., Jan. 10, 1S50, said? "A ItMBAT-ttntH'IXE." l.nvo refrained from'l-r to llir public any "I llir xarioiis Patent ot'tliv* day, unless thoroughly convinced of their value. Among those | we consider worthy of notice is the German Hitlers, invented by Dr. lltmllaml.and prepared liy Dr. Jackson, in Philadelphia. One instance in particular, in which the superior virtues o| this iiK'iljcine have been tested, has fallen under our oliservrtiou. During the last summer, asnn of j .Mr. Abraham H.abill. of this country, was very seriously afflicted Willi Liver Complaint, and after trying in vain various remedies, be purchased a bottle of the Bitters and after using it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady that he procured another bottle, and is restored entirely to health. HEAD FURTHER A FEW FACTS. The "Philadelphia Democrat," the lending German journal nf Philadelphia. The editor said, Nov 24tli? ' We again call alteiiliou to the removal of the German Medicine store, tie* principal depot for the sale of Dr Hoofland's German Bitt'-rs, from *J?8 Race to 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. ^ Owing to the increased demand lor this medicine, and lor the accommodation of his numerous patients, I>r. Jack-an ha.; Ia*en compelled to occupy a larger store. W<* wish hint irrrss in Ids new quarters; lie is deserving of it. The Hitters Mixture is without douhl the greatest medicine extant for diseases of the Liver and Rowels. A stubborn case of ' (ironic Diarrhoea has come under our notice, wherein lie* patient had exhausted the Materia Medieas ot the different school? of medicine with no apparent benefit. He was indncetl to use these bitters, and a few luittles of them have entirely cured liiin: Many itch cases we could refer to. We hope mir readers will recollect this great restorative, should they lie so unfortunate as to require its use. Dr. Jackson possesses the original unpublished receipt of Dr. Hoolland, lie prepares this medicine with this care. Those purchasing should call at his store, or see that his name is written upon the wrapper outside, niul blown in the bottle, as imitations of all good articles are common. ' Judge M. M.Noalt.a gei|i! *i!inn with great scientific ami literary attainments.s.iid in his "New \orh Weekly Messenger. Jan. ti. I *Dn's Gkhmw Hitters.?Here i? a pr.parati'in x\ hicli the !.*a hjej pre-v* in ih<> Cninii appear to I... in reeiinioieiidile'. and the reason is olix i'Uls. Ii is made after :i prescription furnished by oiicof tlic.mi-t celebrated physicians of imnli-rn lim s. the laic l)r. C'lirKinpliiT Wi!!icl'in I ( flmi'l. Pmfc,-<.r iodic I'laver-ny of tiii. Private !< die Kins of Prussia,amione of lie itr-it-st medical writer- (Jerntatiy has ever producedII w.i-. lie enemy of lininlniL'. ami therefore n medicine ?f w liicli lie was die inventor am! endorser may ! he <-<>itlitI--MIIv relied on. 11.- ;eciu'!y rroniinmled it in liver i'oiii|i!aiiit. dyspep- in. debility, \c.-:i?o, aeiiliiy of I lie -lniir.icli. constipation. and ail complaint* ari-in- from a o'i-onlereil con:lili".i <>f lie* rlmnarli. die liver ami tlieintc-iiiies. Nil!- Philadelphia paper- express their conviction cfiis excellence, ami several of tin* editor? speak of its eflecis from tiieir own individual experience. (aider tli >.* cin nnisl-iic cs we !" * ! not nnlv in calling lie att-ntion "I ir re.sdcrs to i! jir. --lit [iro|>ri..|or"> (|lr. ('. >1. Ja.-k-onV preparation, Inn in recommending I lie article to all ain.. tcil.*' jtoun evidence. TJ.e " Philadelphia Sainrdav CJastell**.'" the liesl family iiewsjaj'cr piihli-lied in die I'niic'l Slates, tlie editor says of tut. ttoiiKT. \Mi's itr.itM t\ ttrrrttK.*. Ml is s-liloin that we reeomineml what ar- l-rined Paten! .Medicines In the eonlideneeami |>a!roj a-- I'oiirrea Iers. and therefor**, wh-n we ree-'tiitii *n<l I'r. I'lcilauJ's < ' Tic 111 Hitter-, we wi-li it to!? di TiiK-tiy nrt*l> r-to.>d dial we ar* not s|*'ahni2 of tin* no-trimi- ol di .lav. that are m is *d alwiit fora hrief period :?:? ! then l'or.*oi|eii after tliev have <loiie tlieirsn ltv race ol imscltief, leu of a medicine liarlislnd. niiiversallv |iri/.cd. and which has met -' I. r..\ I ,.ril,.. fv.enlle il. -If Ill'' li'.IIH ill')'."" Kvhletire upon evidence ha* heen received dike llir foreiroinu' from stil M'ctii:u? <>( ihe I'liimi. t!>< lit*! ilire** years. am! I lie stwiu:e?t ie?iimnny in ii> favor, is. fTint ihere is iiinr-' nf il | * i the praetice of lie- regular I * 11 y - i inf I'hilniHphia I!.: :i nil oilier rostrums eoinhitied. a fart thai can easily he established. ami liilly proving thai a M-iciiiilii' jiri'|ianilin*i will inn:! witli tli?*ir ipiiet approval when pfi'M'ii in 11 ' > 11 in this form. Thai this nmliHiir will cure liverconiplainl ariddysprpla. tin oik: ran ilonlii, after using it as ilireeied. harts sp.Tilii aily iiimiii i In1 saunarli ami luvr?il is preferable la calomel in all Inlietis diseases?iIn- ll.'?-l is immediate.? They ran he administered (' iinle or infant with tafely ami r> I in! >lc li?-in-fit. al any time itrwAKt-: or coi'xtkrkkits. This medicine lias nl'aiiii'il thai high char.ieter whieli is ii.Tfssary for all iiiedirinen to attain to induce milliter f-'iirrs to put fiirih a spurious r.riiele .11 the risk of I lie lives of 1 hose who are innocently deceived. I,DDK WE I, I. To Tilt: M AIIKS OK THE CKM'IM!. They have the written signature ?>f IM. J At'l\S( t.N 11 jm>D 1 he v\ rapper, ami the name Mow 11 in the liollle, Willi-nil which llieyarespnri'iiis. i'or sal", w link-sale ami retail, al I lift Il Kit MAN MK I) H 'INK STflHE, No. p'O Arch si reel, mi* door he|"w Si\ih. dale of ?7S I'ace slrerl.) Wiiladelpk'n.aml hy respectabledealer* generally throughout the eoiititry. I'o'r sale in ('.imoI'v. ?>* Jamks II. M'lv wx? Coliiiuhia hy Itnaiwiipht A M.i?t'lu-sierC. II. hy Ueeily A-. ..nil. ami hy respectable Druggist* generally throughout the Tinted States. am:. it f>t Hotel. A fpiiK 111ult-r.-iirik iI would respectfully inform his I. friends ami the travelling public in general, tliat lie has again rented llio above Hotel lor a short time and wonjd respectfully solicit a portion of tin- patronage so liberally bellowed upon him heretofore, as no pains will be spared to make the traveller comfortable and at homo. The A'tages. and Omnibuses will rail regularly at the House tor passengers, going by Railroad. Also, Horses, ami Buggies, can be hud from him on reasonable terms, to go in the country. 1 J. 13. F. UOONE. Feb. 11. 12 tf Frciii h Kramly. Superior French I3rnndy, fur .Medicinal purpa. 1 PCs. l-'or sale at - . , MrKAIM'S PKl'G'-STOKK. < Homily ( anil. I^IIE subscriber will j'losm ute claims for Land i or Pensions, on reasonable terms. iS'oldicrs uid officers, in tbe Mexican u;.r, in tbe H'ar of | 1*TJ, lbo Florida war, and oilier Indian wars, arc j Jtititlod to lloimly Land. J. 11. KERSHAW. , L)cc VI4, tf 101, Alt'y atjLaw. THE GREAT SUMMER. MEDICINE! DR. GUYSOrrS IMPROVED EXTRACT OF YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA For the cure of all diseases or disorders generated by impure blood. Its great success justly entitles it to tli? name of the G REAT AMERICAN SPECIFIC. So far as it is known it is universally^apnrcciated, and many eminent physicians use it daily in their practice with the most happy effects, and certify that it is the best extract in existence, and the only one that ..rxr, rriri mnntn nri rrr^lT STANDS 1 llti liioi ur ii.ufi. Every year adds to its great popularity, and multiplies its astonishing cures, The victim of IIEREDITARY SCROFULA, With suppurating glands, honey-combed flesh, and caries catipg into his tones, finds Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla a balm for his afflictions. Ilis horrible torments are assuaged, and his maludv not onlv relieved, but. PERMANENTLY CURED. It may be safely asserted, from the results of past experience, that "Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," is, beyond all comparison, the Most Wondkrkul Rkmddy on Eautii forthc following diseases, and all others proceeding from VITIATEf) IILOOD. Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustle on the lace, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlargnent and Pains of the Bones and joints, stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Lumbago, and Diseases arising from an Injudicious use of Mercury, Acites or Dropsy, Exposure, or Imprudence in Life, Liver Comjilnint, Ague and Fever, Intermitting Fever, Cholera .Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Plcth ora of Blood in the Head, Piles, Pains in the Hack, Sides, Breast or Loins, and all forms of Muscular, Glandular and Skin Diseases. It is a sovereign specific for General Debility, and the best renovator for a Broken Constitution. M. . - It braces and re-invigorates every organ, promotes activity and regularity in every function, and produces that condition ofthc whole physicial system, which is the best security for LONG LIFE! Let all who wish to purge the blood trom the impurities contracted from free indulgence of the appetite during the winter, and to prepare the svstem to RESIST SUMMER EPIDEMICS, Resort now to Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilln," which is proving .l.-elf an antidote for many of the most malignant diseases that flesh is heir to, and they will Merer be dhapointed; for in this remedy the public faith has never wavered? never can waver; tor it is founded on , erioncc, just as their want of faith in other and spurious compounds is also founded in experience They FLY FROM MINERAL NOSTRUMS to seek hope, life ai d vigor from this PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY, Therefore, however broken down in health and spirits, however loathsome to himself and others, let no one dispairnf recovery, let the patient only understand that his hope of phvsicini restoration ties only in "Gut/soils Extract oj Yellow Dock and Sarsapurilla? and persuade him for his i I w * I* I.' litrij c oaivt-j to Iry it; and we have no hesitation, in predicting lii.s speedy restoration to health. As a means of regulating all the functions of Woman's 1)i:licatk Oku animation, it has no equal in tne materia niedica, and at that critical period of life, when the tirst stage of her decline commences, its cordial and invigorating properties will enable her to pass the crisis safely. O'Nonegenuine unless put up in large hotllcs containing a quart, and n unc of the Syrup blown in the glass, with tlio written signature S. i\ Dennett cm t lie outside wrapper. Price, Si per bottle?or 0 bottles for 85. Sold by SCOYIL &..MK \D, 1 ID ("hartres street, New Orleans, Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must he addressed. Sii'i! Z. J. DcIIiiy. and at .McK-sitiV Prt:'.; Store, ("atrob'n, s. i full ,\ Uonoj-i. Wiiwelioro*. s. a. Fitch. Culiitiil'ia, s. (' , Uracil ?V Kliti?-y. l^rtinselciri;. s. Ilavditiid Ilarrall A' C<>.. and I'. M. Cohen's, Charleston. S. C. Jew David's or Hebrew Flaster, TE2 51 GIISMT For liliriinni.'isiii, (lout, Pain in the Side, Mr, Hurl- T.'units mid Joints. Scrofula, hum's AY//, While S;rellin?'s, llnrd Tumors, ?S7/^* Joints niul nil Fixed Fains irhaPvcr. Where this Plaster is aofdird, Pain rannot ex ist. rTMIF.SR IM.ASTRKS th" ndvantntje of fx* in it I put up in nir-iiii'it Iwxes?livnce they retain tneir full virtue* in all ? Iim:i:i--. IIA V K \ ()l MIIF..NDS (iOIXcTO CAUFOKNIA ? |{y all ni'-aii- a?l\ ?-? them m take uloiitr a .supply of this plaster, it may save litem hundred* of dollars, if not their the exposures which they have to ciiilure in the mines is sure to brintr mi disease, whieh inij?ht he easily cured liy the use of this eelehrated plaster, for the want of which many have boenohliired toipiit their labors and fall into the hands of the physicians, who. by their extrava trautIy hitrh charges so soon take away the hard earnings of the hravesl laboring man. IJy sleeping in lents or on the j*roiilid. I?lieiitnalisiu. Spinal Disease, Stiff Joints. I.inie Hack or Side. :md all I ike diseases are sure to trouble thcin, ami inanv times entirely lay them up. w hen the simple application of this plaster would give them itnmediata relief. and enable I hem to proceed with their labors without delay. It lias I a very benefit iai ill cases of weakness, such as l*:iin and Weakness in tic S'omach. Weak i.iinbs. Alice- , tioi.s of the Smile. Female Weakness. ?Ve. \> female. | subject inpniii an.l urnkn'^s in the hack or side, should I If without ii. .Marred ladies, in delicate situations, lit id < ureal relief front < instantly Wearing this Piaster. The a|i;>liealinii of the Piaster hc'vvccti I lie shoulder? lias heeii fniiml a eerlain remedy tor ('"Ids, Coughs. Phthisic, and l.initf Aflei iiims. in (heir primary stages. It destroys inlla>iiiii:i;i'>n hy |tcrspimiion. JKW DAVIli S lilt NP.ItUKW IM.ASTKU IX XORTIl CA Itoi.l.N A. MI'-sus. Srnvil Mt;vt>: I have been troubled vviih | the i hnniie rlietiiiriti*ui I'ur the la -t twelve years. On the ! 1st of July. IS I'.'. I vviih sn had that I eoiild ie?l turn myself j in heil.and the pain so severe iliat I had not slept a wink for six davs. At I his lime my aiieiidiim physii tan preseri|h'i| the "Hebrew Plaster," and it acted like a charm ; the pain left me. ami I slept more than half of the night, and it) three days I was aide to ride out. I consider the "Hebrew Plaster"''the hest retnodv for all sorts of pains now in u-e. W. M'MIXX. HettdersoiivilK N. ('.. Aug. lli. ISfiO. EjtjSBqqqEj ttKVVAtU: OF rarXTKRKKITS AND n.vsk IMITATIONS! irT" The genuine will in future have the si unfit tire of K. T.ivi.on on the steel plate engraveil Inliel on the top of each box. . Purchasers arc advised that a mean counterfeit of this irtiele is iii existence. The genuine is sold only hy its, and hy our agents uppointed ihrnitghoiit the South? i'kdi,\it ts ai.i.ovvki? to ski.1. it. Healers anil purchasers generally are cautioned against hiiying of any hut our regular agents, tItemise tlu vwiil he imposed upon with a worthless arscovii. a mk vi) I If'If* , . * " 113 < "li:irl!v> street. X. Orleans'. Sole ' ncr:iI Atrents for ilu- Southern Suilcs, to whom all orders must invariably addressed. Sold :ii AloKain's Prng Store. Camden. S. t\; I Tall AHope-d. Winiislioro*, S. Reaeli ?.V I'.hney, Ornncebiiro, ?. ('.; A. Fitrlt, Columbia, S. Sold at wholesale by i\ M. Cohen & Co., Haviland. Harrnll & Co., Charleston; Ilavilund, Keaso &Co., Xew York. June 3. 11 5m. Mothers, Read This Attentively, 1>SJ. SiKKJJIirS COitDIAL AXD CAlWilSATIVE. ? jf For the speedy and permanent cure of Diarrhoea, Dysentery Cholera, Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Cliolic, Summer Comnlaints. Flatulency Pains in the Stnmneh. A.r. and fn>m all derangement of stomach and bowels from Teething. OS* The time lias again arrived when diseases of the stomach and bowels carries its thousands to a premature grave. Is there no remedy to slay the march of death! We answer, YES? the Cordial will cure autj prevent nine-tenths of all cases of disease affecting these organs' .More than five thousand cases of disease were cured by it during the past year. All families consulting the welfare of their ebihlrca and selves, w ill ar t w isely to have this article by them. In all cases of failure the money will cheerfully be returned, and to those who are unable to will be cheerfully bestowed. THAT IT WILL. A.N I) HAS CL UED, THE WORST FORMS OF DISEASE OF THE STOMACH AND BOWELS READ THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCES F'romthe Spirit of the Times. Dr. Keelcr's Cordial and Carminative, is certainly a valuable desideratum in every family, to the young and to adult, but particularly wherec there are children. We speak advisedly, because we have thoroughly tried it, and proved its healing and efficacious properties in our family. We would most cordially recommend the public to give it a fair trial, which is only wanting to appreciate its value F'ront the North American and United States Gazette, Sept. 4th 1647. In these days, abounding in fruit, it behoves every one to he prepared with a remedy for the evil effects which it sometimes produces?we have been told by those, that knew and who have tried it?that Kcler's Cordial is an article which has been used in some of the severest rases of Similiter Complaint, both in infants and grow n persons. ^ The Cordial can be procured at the corner uf Tl.ird and South Streets. From Neal's Saturday Gazette August23th 1817. Dr. Keeler's Cordial.?We would call the attention of our readers to this invaluable medicine, w hich will bo found ndverti-ed at length in our columns. Asacorrectivo in cases of Diarrhoea, u disease very prevalent at the present time, tt is higlilyspokcti of by all who have used iL? It is |e-rfeetly safe ill its nature, and we speak experimentally, w lienwo say that it affords immediate relief. x. From the Pennsylvania Inquirer, Sep. 1st. 1847. -,T I)r. Iveeler's Cordial and Carininative?i-This arrtrfrls aUvtrtiseci in anotner part or our paper,ifls warmlyrecommciided by families who j^ave tied it. It is especially useful among children, and Kas MS'Hed hundreds of cures. The doetor is abundantly supplied with testimony upon the subject-some of which is very strong. The Cordial is not a quack nostrum, hut a carefully prepared medicine, and perfectly free from any thing injurious. From the Daily Pennsylvanian, Sept. ICth 1847. We are constrained to say that the "'Carminative",of Dr. Iveeler's now extensively used in this City, is rapidly making its way to public lavor. Its ingredients are o course unknown, but it is mild in its operation, pleasant to the taste, and a remedy quite as good as any new used for the same complaints. From the Daily News, July lath, 1830. Summer Complaint.?The season when this complaint exists is now here. Jf [>ersnns having it in their families would only purchase a bottle of Dr. Keeler's Carminative Cordial, they would save much expense and trouble. We peak of the virtues of this medicine knowingly From the Spirit of the Times, Kntztown, July 18, 1848. We \vi?h to direct the attention of the readers of this paper to Dr. Keeler's eordial and Carminative, advertised in another column. It is a medicine highly esteemed by every one that has used it in Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Choler: infantum, ect, which at this season is so frequent. It is a perfect innocent medieineand gives immediate relief. Prepared and sold "2'Jl Market street Philadelphia? where may also he had Dr. Keeler's Cough Syrup, Vermifuge Syrup, Rheumatic Lotion, Liver and Nnnative Pills, Medicine* of unsiirpiuved efficacy. G3** Also Dr. Keeler's SAILS A PA RILL A, a celebrated remedy in all Scrofula and Constitutional Disorders. It is. without doubt, tho cheapest and best remedy, for Chronic Disease ?f the Chest JMnnacn. wvcr. and skin known?and admirably adapted I'orall derangements arriving from Impurities of the blood. Females suffering from the Loss of Appetite, Nervous Oebility. Irregularities, Pains, Pimples. Blotch.-. Sallow Complexion. Costiveness.etc., Will find the Sarsaparilla decidedly tlie liest remedy in use for their removal. No one should he without Dr. Keeler's Favnmily Medicines, so beneficial in many diseases. Prion ?1 per bottK?6 bottles for Sapor sale by Z. J. DeIIAY. Cam len S. C..and by Druggists and Stores throughout the country. Price 25 cents per bottle?-?e circulars &r., in hands of the agents. July 'J. IStiO ^ 51 ^ J ^ AS2I:AS> OP ALL onions. Ths envy of all Pill Manufacturers, 1>ec:iuse tliev are safer, tnr! ter and more eflleaeious than ) any others: and localise the public will take no others if tiiey can obtain them. 500,00O ilexes have been sold annual!;- fir the In I five years. Vol NO AND OLD. 31X1.11 AND FEMALE, ran always take them with equal safety, without fear. IF PILLS BE NECESSARY fir ptirsiuu unci cloiin^inff ilic JMomiicli ?iiul Tlowcls, unu purifving die Blood and fluids of the body. take no others r.....I..., nillu ink.tnce those coiirhiiied eflects, or con tains Sarsapnrilia in litem Fat, Drink and lire as usual, nml pursue yottr usiiil occupation whilst taking1 tliem without fear of taking mid. do ring all kinils of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS are wagered that more genuine reriilirates (from phvsi eians. Clergymen. Meisjhcrs of Congress and respectable citizens) ran be practiced of their efficacy than any other. Forty Pills in n IJox !! and sold at twentv-eive cents a koX, with directions I and much wholesome advice accompanying each box. They no taste or unpleasant smell. Free from dust or pow der of any kind, ^ Do not gripe the Stomach or Bowels, ^ I'rod'tee nosiekness. vomiting or bad feelings, TliKV ARKcnODAT A i, i. ics, And adapted 10 most diseases enmmon to mankind. No one having one'- taken thein will he willing afterwards to lake any others, because they always do good, and if they do not then no others will, j Dr. N". II. LLIDV I'rnprictf .infiDIannfactiirer, ' is a regular Druggist. < lu ini.-: and Physician, of fifteen 1 years experience in Philadelphia ; ( mditate of the Dili. ^ versityd l'eiiti-vlvania : Member of diflerent Medical In- 1 stitutii'iis of Philadelphia, ."New \ ork, Boston, Baltimore A c., and a-soeiate and corresponding titeinher of several .Medical Institutions of Istiidoii and Paris?hence the rea ' ' " - l.i. ..ill- n,.H ,h?;. Mill i>l III'* CIV5MIT riMumi-iii )".?? - .. i I ri'fDiiiiiiciiil'tl iii ilie practice ol must respectable nliv-Ti'iiiu' Ilireiiglioiil ilie I'nited States. I22T l'riiM'i|Kil Depot. Dr. I.Etuv's Dispensary, No. 114 N'urili Fourth st\I'hiladeaphia?and sold wholesale and retail at McKAl.VS Drug Store. Camden ; TOLAN'D & OUTiS. Coliiinhia ; N)I LA. I". It A: HOSS\RD, Sumter! A s ill,. ; Dr. MALLOV.rheraw: PR .VITA: J AMKS. N'ew herrv; KI'FF?fc KF.F.DY.Chcsierville; J. L. VO.NGFF, \\ in?dxiro; 11. II. WEST, ( itioiiville: Dr. P. .M. CO- 4 MEN and t'I.EVELAND, Charli-pton;',aiid by most Druggists it Storekeepers inthe I'niied States. Aug. 20, 1830. fifi 12m 1_)RASS Fenders, pierced Iron do.; folding Nur ) sery do.; Fire Hogs and Fire Irons, of every descri Don. Ale L)0 WALL & COOPER. CREDIT UNTIL 1st JANUARY NEXT. J SELLING OFF ' tii r. n.t la in: or or k stock of DRY ROODS AND HARDWARE AT Prime Cost at the above credit. All those ivhn liavo to onrchnso. U'niild dn ivoll tn avail llmm. selves ot' this opportunity. If. LEVY & SON. March 10,1831. 22 tf Just Received, \TTII1TE Lump Lime, a fine article for WhitcT washing, Plaster Paris, Cement Stone Lime, and Land Plaster for agricultural purposes. For sale by C. L. CliATTLN. A Feb. 28 17 A A