Semi-weekly Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1851-1852, May 30, 1851, Image 4

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T1 For the Rrmoval and Permanent Core of all ci NERVOUS DISEASES, And of tho*e Complaint* which are canted br ?n impaired weakened or unhealthy condition of the DERYOVS SYSTEM. I Thi* beautiful and convenient application of the mytterioo* power* of GALVANISM and A1AGNKTI8M, ha* been pro- ? noucced by diatinguished phyaicians, both in Europe and the United State*, to be the most valuable medicinal ditcottry of tte.fge. ?i - r*> nnnrc-mi'S aAT.VANIG BELT Uli vmuwiu ? - And " ad MAGNETIC FLUID, ? Je nted with the most perfect end certain eucceei in a8 At ca?cs of GENERAL DEBILITY, Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the eariona nrguna, and invigorating the entire evitem. Alio in FITS, CRAMP, PARALYSIS and IALSY, DY8PEP8IA or INDIGE8TI0N, RHEUMATISM. / CUTE and CHRONIC, GOUT, EPILEPSY. LUMBAGO, Di AFNE8S, NERVOUS TRE- rtf MORS, PALPITATION OF THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS in th SIDE and CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT, SriNAL COMPLAINT, and CURVATURE Of the SPINE, HrP COMPLA NT, DISEASES of the KID. mi NEYS, DEFICIENCY OF NERVOU8 and PHYSICAL ENKROY, and all NERVOUS DI8rA8E8, which coinplainU ariaa from ore timple cattle? namely A Der&ngomont of Jtl Narvou* Syatona. Ifc?- In NERVOUS COMPLA INTS. Drop and Medicine* Wi ??crtft lit for they we ken the vital energiee of the fa 1 ready proatrated system ; wh*le tinder the strengthening, fife-riving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, as applied by this beautiful and wonderful dj? overy, the exhausted patient in 4 ~~~*p * A ?a health, strenrtfe. 1? felM W6UVMa * unci ?7i i? iv?h/i? H ? elasticity and rigor. ~ lc The gTtat peculiarity and axcc lence of Dr. Ghriatia'i Galvanic Curative*, pc consists, in the fact that tier arrest and care disease bj out nc ward application, in place of the usual mode of dragging and pr physicking the patient, till exbau ted Nature sinks hopelessly under the infliction. 81 Thtq otrenftken tltt whole syrfei t, equalize the circulation if Cl hlaod, promote the tecretiina, an " never do Ike tlifklttl injur, under cay ctrcnailsMes Since their introduction in the United States, only three years ait ce, more than gt 60,000 Persons th including all agaa, classes and cordKkma, among which vara th a large number of ladies, who are peculiarly subject to Nerr , j. one Complaints, hare been BNTHUBLY ASS PERMANENTLY CUBES, 7 When all hope of relief had bees given up, and every thing ? else been tried in vain ! nt To illustrate the use of the GA1 VANIC BELT, suppose ?i. the case of a,' arson afflicted wit that bane of cirilixaUoa DVSri;P8IA, or any other Chroni. or Nervous Disorder. In W ,. ordinary cases. stimulant* are taken which, by their action oa <1, the JMcres and muscles of the stom ch, afford temporary reliaC but which leave (he patient in a lower state, and with injured faculties, attar the action thusesc'ted has ceased. Now com. pin this With the effect rrsnlting from the appiscaiion oi the tlALYANIC BELT. Take aDyiyeptic suttaiwr/evea to the worse symptoms of an attack, and simply tie the Bolt around the body, using the Magnetic Pie d as directed. In a short _ parted the ineeniible penpiratioi will act on the poaiure element of the Bait, thereby cau ing a Galvanic circulation which will pui on to tha negativi and thence back (fain to the positive, thnt keeping up a c< ntinuotu Galvanic circulation throughout the ayatem. Tb# the moat aavara caaaa of D YSrEPSI A at* PERMANENTLY, CUBED. A FEW DATS IS OFTEN AMPLY SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE OF YEARS. CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMONIALS * Or Ota moat Cndonl ted Character, . Itw all parti of tha Conatry con 1 ba given, auOcieat to All ( vary column In thia paper 1 L AN EXTRAORDINARY CASE, |j which conclusively proves that VTruth is stranger than Fiction." ar . CLUE OF in MEDXATttM, MONCflIT S AND DYSPEPSIA. c| Rev. Dr. Land is, a Clergyman di of Naw Jersey, if diatinguiahe. attainment! and exalted ar reputationW SiDftcr, : ew Jersey, July 13, ISM. Da._ A. _H- Cnau ik?Dear Sir Yon wiah to know of ma WWU DSfl ocen inu . van m mj uv n ewe, ui uic ai'iiuvavivii v. sp GALVANIC BELT AND >KCKLACE. My reply bw n< fellow*: > For about twenty yean I had 1 een suffering from Dytnep- . via. Every year the symptoms became wone, nor couhl I obtain permanent relief from any ccrane of medical treatment ca whatever. About fourteen yeai since, in consequence of , frequent exposure to the weather in the discharge of my pes- M tonil duties, I became snbjeet t< a severe Chronic Ithenma- go tbm, which for year after yes , caused me indescribable anguish. Farther: in the winter jf '45 and '46, in consequence <*' of preaching a great deal in my own and various other cr churches in this region, i was attacked by the Bronchitis, ,i which toon became so severe as to require an immediate suspension of my pastoral labors. My nrrrsur tyttem tees new pr tkoreutkly wroetraUd, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so also did my Dyspepsia and Rheui atic affection?thus evincing "that these disorders were connected with earh other through *1 the medium of the Nervous Syst m. In the whole pharmaccv pcaia there saaraad to be no iimedial agent which ronld v reach and recuperate my Nerrou . System ; every thing that I I ? had tried for tins purpose had ompletely failed. At laat I gf was ted by my friends to examine your inventions, and (thongh With no very sanguine hopes of t4cir efficiency,) I determined 10 fo try the effect of the spplicatio of the GALVANIC BELT AND NECKLACE, with the Md GNETIC FLUID. Tbb was is June, 1648. To mv ossat as". orishmkxt, IIS TWO dat* sst PJ Drsrcrsis had ooira; in xint t davs I was era slid ve al axsvssa ssr fastobal usosi; sos hats I sines omitted p a sinotx sebtice on accourt < the Brorchitis; inn mt ^ Rheumatic Arrscvion has snvi elt ceased to vaocsLE me. G neh b the wonderful and happy results of the experiment k. I have recommended the BEL T *\nd FLUID to many who * have been likewise suffering froi V suralgic affections. They have tried them, with havft ax* lts, I selixve. in etcbt ? I am, dear air, ver respectfully your*, ROBERT W. LAND1S. Tic Doloreux aid Neuralgia. j These dreadful and agonizing complaint* are immrdiettlf relieved by tbe application of the Oalta.hc Bklt, Nzcilack aud Fluid. The Belt didutet the Electricity through the ayaiem; the Necklace ha* a local effect, and the Flmd acta directly nnon the affected nerre*. In the** dutreaalng tfUction* the application NEVER FAILS. FITS AND CONVULSION8. There alarming and terrible c mnlainU are alwaya cansM ey a derangement of the Nervet. The Belt, BaacKLera ana Eur 10 will cure nearly every ca e. no matter how voting or eld the patient, or how conflrmol the complaint Numerone and astonishing proofs ev< in poaa?siion of the proprietor. (Vy- Many honJred ',e/tiflcatei from all parta of the country ef the aioct extraordinary character can be given, if required. DO- No trouble or inconvenierce ettendi tlie nae of DR. ?}, CHRISTIE'S MLVJtNtC A\ T1CLES. and they may . be worn by the moat feeble and delicate with perieet eaae and 'n aiety. la many cue* the (emotion attending meir me ? kithl* vUatanl and agreeable T1 ey can be Mat to any part of the country. Prices: " The Galvanic Bait, Three Dollars, f ' The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollars, The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Baoh. The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar. fry- The article* are accompanit d by full and plain diree- 1 tiom Pampbleta with full pertiet lara may be bad of the 1 authorized Agent PARTICULAR C AUTION. 0(7* Snoot t aj CaMtUerftiU and WartkUn Imilalttng. u D. O. MOR1JHBAD, M. D- fj GENERA/. AGENT FOR THE UNITED 8TATK.H, 13? Bromlwnr. New York. For sale in Camden by the au-itohized Agents ? JAMES R. McKAJLN. , F. L. ZEMP * In Charleston by Dr. P. M. COHEN. InColumbia by BOATRIGHT & MIOT. Selling Off: Selling Off! 2 t am just opening a Splendid assortment of XJjadir* Drc** Goods, and will "sell them off" _ as rapidly as possible, at a very small profit. | April i. 1E51. E. W. BONNEY. J O BBLS. Kennedy's Boston Butter Crackers, _ r) received and for sale, hy f SHAW & AUSTIN. 1 JVk 18 I* tf. i I p Memphis Institute. Hfcdieal Department. rlJE recjulnr course of Lectures in this Inslitute will commence on the First of No imber, and c ontinue until the last of February, ho Anatomical department will be opened and ady to receive students by theFirst of October! he Medical Department will be under the direc>n of the following PROFESSORS: J. CONQI'EST CROSS. M. D. Professor of the Inlutes of Medicines and Medical Jurisprudence. \V. BVRD POWELL, M. I).. Pr- fessor of Cerebral lyeiolopv. Medical Geology and Mineralogy. R. S. NEWTON. M. I).. Professor of Surgery* H. J. HT.'LCE, M D., Professor of Theory and Practice Medicine. J. A. WILSON, M. I' , Professor of Obstetrics and Disses of Women and Cliildren. J. KING. M; D., Professor of Materia Medicia, and iierapentics. Z. FREEMAN. M. D., Professor of Anatomy. J.MILTON SANDERS, A. M., M, D , Professor of lemistry and Pharmacy. ( LIMQl'K LRC'ITRERS. MEDICINE?PROF. II J. IICLCE SURGERY?PROF. R.'S. NLWTON. Z. FREEMAN, M D., Anatomical Demonstrator. The lees for a full course of lectures amount to 105. Eeacli Professor's Ticket, $15. A/atricnlator's 3. Demonstrator's Fee $10. Graduation, $20. Those desiring further information wiT please Idress their letters (post paid) to the Deai; and udents arriving in the city will please call on him the Commercial Hotel. R. S. NEWTON, M. D-, Dean of the Facnty. LAW DEPARTMENT. IION. E. W. M. KING, Professor of Theory an Prac e of Law NOH* V. D. BARRY, Professor of Commercial Ju Terms ?Sr>0 per Session. All communications pertaining to thin departont must be addressed to E. VV. M. KING, Esq. Memphis, Tenn., March 1^50. The Faculties, for intellectual abilities, moral orth and professional acquirements, will compare vi rabie with the mo6t distinguished in our coun jr. The medical faculty constitutes an anomaly this or any other country?all of them are able cturere and the beet of teachers. Those who will contemplate our geographical isilion, and the extent of our popu'ation, can have > doubt as to tho eligibility ufoui situation for an tferprise of the kind. As to health, including 1 seasons of the year, we deny that any other tt has more. A ci niinon error exists in the minds of many udents relative to the place of studying medicine; ose who intend practicing among the diseases o| e West and South should certainly educate eutselves ata school whose faculty are practicalacquainted with those diseases. Tlmt the public may be satisfied of thi perma- j mcy of this srh> ol, we feel it our duty to state, at the Trus'ees and Faculty form a unit in action bich augurs well for its luture success; and that e peculiar internal organization which connects em, cannot be interrupted. E. W. M. KING. President of the Memphis Institute. July 17,1850, 18 ly FEMALE FILLS, For Female* or ty, Invaluable to young, married and single* I>?. LEIDl'^S Restorative and Monfblf Pills. Price 25 cts. a Box. i CCOMPANIED with a small pamphlet, conjL taining full directions, useful hints, informa>n and advice t females from youth or puberty old age. Nature will be much assisted bv their use, in iticipation of certain periods, or where there is regularity, suppression or absence of the natural tanges, and will relieve the suffering, pain and stress common to many at those periods. There e other times, also, when the married and single ill find them useful. Mothers do not mistake the ailings of your tughters; when afflicted with Ilead-ache, Dizzitss, Fainting. Loss of Appetite, Sickness of the lomar.h, Pains in the Sides or Breasts, Pains ang the Back, Spine or across the LoinR, Hystcrid or Nervous feeling, Depression or Lowness oi e Spirits, Melancholy Dislike to exercise and icioty. Palpitation of Heart, Bleeding at the nose c. Too often are medicines given them for I.ivcomplaints, D spepsia, Consumption, &c., when e real cause is not suspected; and through imcper medicines and treatment their constituents arc destroyed; and their constitutions are dej roved, and they heroine miserable during life. Thousands of Females in Philadelphia, New urk, Boston, Baltimore and elsewhere know the Kama Dillo ari/1 matin oaiiM Ito roforrfirl llUftb^r ui Uiwc s i" irf oiiu main wiuh w ivivuvu , but delicacy And respect to the sex forbids it. Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Leidy's Disjnsary, No 114 North Fourth Street, Philada.? so by J. R. iWcKain, Camden; Toland Curtis, olumbia; Black & Ehny, Orangeburg; Dr. P. M. ohen and Dr. J. A. Cleaveland, Charleston; and i Druggists and Storekeepers generally. Aug. 20 66 ly M. Drucker & Co. i RE just opening a large and new assortment V. of Spring and Summer C'lothi'-g, of every sscription : Ready Made Shirts, Silk and Muslin Cravats and Handkerchiefs, Kid. Silk, and Thread GIovcp, Boots and Shoes, Moleskin, Panama, Leghorn and Straw ITats of the newest style. They have received a great quantity of Plaio and fancy Pantaloons Stuffs, and Vesting*, Linen Drills, and a very prettty assortment of Irish Linens, And invite their friends to call and examine eir stock, being certain to be able to satisfy tliem every way. Camden, April 10, lb51. 30 tf ' AAA LBS. BACON IIA 31S, prime, 50 bble extra Family Flour 30 boxes Adamantine Candles! For sale by Jan.21. JOHN W. BRADLEY. BBL. dried Beef and Bologna Sausage*, reeelved and . for rale by SHAW &. Al'STIN. April 25. 33 tf ' BBLS. Kennedy's Boston Butter Crackers, ) receivedjand tor sale by SHAW fc AUSTIN. April 25. 33 tf_ I NOTHER lot of that Supe-ior Family Floor, A in packages of 50. lb Received and for sale by SIIAW &. AUSTIN. April 25. 33 tf I Cases Maccaroni, a superior article, received i and for sale by SHAW AUSTIN. April 25,1851. 33 tf Case Pie Fruit assorted, received and for sale SHAW rf- AUSTIN. April 25. 83 * tf Cw Hecker'a Farina for Pudding* dir., received and for wile by 811 AW <L AUSTIN ji Apr!! 23, 33 LIVER COMPLAINT, fanndice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Ifervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys AND ALL di-xeafes arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. such as Constipation, inward Pile*. - ? IU,I iumeen ui ifiu?u ><>v , acidity af the Stomach. Nausea. Hearthnrn. disgust for Fw.d. fullness or weight in the Stomach, sour eructations. sinking or fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. swimming of the Ilea'], hurried and difficult Breathing, fluttering at the Heart, choking or suffocating sensations when in a Lying Posture, dimness of virion, dot* or welw before the Sight. Fever and doll pain in the head, deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness ofiheskin and eye*, pain in the aide, back cheat and limbs, sudden flushes of the Heart, burning in e flesh, imagining of evil and great depression of spirits, CAN BE EKFECTUAHLY CURED BY DR. HOOFLANDS CELEBRATED GER1SAN BITTERS, PRErARKD BY DR. C. -TI. JACKSON \T TIIE GERMANflJIEDICIlVE STORE, ISO Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, ii equalled, by any other preparation in the United Slates as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful phyieians, had failed. These Hitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive urgans, they are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. HEAD AND DR CONVINCED. Chas. Robinson, Esq.. Kaston, Md.f in a letter to f'r. fackson, Jnn. 'J. I860, said? " My wife, atid myself have received more benefit from vnur medicine tlmn anv other we have ever taken for the Dvspepsia and Liver disease." ""'The Tenth legion," published at WoodstoeK, va., Jan. 10, 1850, raid? "a gweat medicine." "We have nnif.irmly refrained from recommending to the public any of the various Patent Medicine* of lite day, unless thoroughly convinced of their value. Among tliose we consider worthy of notice in Ute German Bitters, invented hy Dr. Hoofland.and prepared by Dr. Jackson, in Philadelphia. One instance in particular, in which the superior virtues of this medicine have been tested, has fallen under onr observation. During the last summer, a son of Mr. Abraham Brahill, of this country, was verv seriously afflicted with Liver Complaint, nnn after trying in vain various remedies, he purchased a bottle of the Bitten and after nsing it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady tliat he procured another bottle, and is restored entirely U> health. HEAD FT7RTHKE A FEW FACTS. The "Philadelphia Democrat,'" tlie leadine German journal of Philadelphia. The editor raid, Nov 24th? "We again call attention to the removal of the German Medicine store, the principal depot for the rale of Dr Hoofland's German Bitten, from 278 Race to 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth. Owing to the increased demand for this medicine, and fnrthe accommodation of his numerous patients, Dr, Jackson has been coni|>elled to occnpy a larger store. We wish him success in his new quarters; he is deserving of it. The Hitters Mixture is wjihootdouhi thegrnotest medicine extant for diseases of the Liver and Bowels. A stubborn rase of Chronic Diarrhcca has come undernur notice, wherein the patient had exhausted the Materia Medicos of the different schools of medicine with no apparent benefit, ife. was induced to use these bitters, and a few bottles of them have entirely cured him; Many uch cases we could refer to. We hope our rentiers wi.l recollect this great restorative, should they be so unfortunate as to reqnirc its use. Dr. Jackson possesses the original unpublished receipt of Dr. Ifoofland, and he prepares this medicine with this rare. Those purchasing should call at his store, or see that lib name is written upon the wrapper outside, aud blown in the buttle, as imitations of aligned article* air common." Judge M. M.Hoah,! gentleman with great scientific and literary attainmenis.said in his "New York Weekly Messenger, Jan. 6. 1850, "Dr. Hoofi.and's German Bitters.?Here i* a preparation which the lending presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommending, anil the reason is onviona. It is made pfter a prescription furnished by one of the most celehrattNfphysirians of moilern tint a. the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofland, Profesaor to the University of Jena. Private Piiysiciun to the King of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever produced. He was emphatically the enpmy of humbug, and therefore a medicine of which he wo* the inventor and endorser may he confidently relied 011. H.' specially recommended it in liver complaint, dyspepsia, debility, vertigo, acidity of the stomach, rouslipaiion, and all complaints arising from a disordered condition of ihe stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia paper* express their conviction of its excellence, and several of the editor* speak of its effects from their own individual experience. Under these citcnmstances w*e feel warranted not only in calling tho ntlentioaof our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr. C. M, Jackson's) preparation, but in recommending the article to all afflicted. more evidence. Tho " Philadelphia Satnnlav Gazette," the heat family newspaper published in the United State*, the editor saya of dr. hoopla no's herman hitters. 'It is seldom tlint we recommend what are termed Pat* ent .Medicines to the confidence and patronage four readers. and therefore, when we recommend Dr. Hoofland'a German Bitters, we wish it to he distinctly understood that .... ... nn! Kiienkine of the nnntriiins of the dav. tli*t are tubed about for a brief period and then forgotten after rhey liave done their guilty race of mischief, hut of a medicine long eliaclbhed, universally prized, and which ha* met the lieartv approval of the Faculty itself.* Evidence upon evidence ha* been received (like the foregoing) from all section* ol the Union, the last three year*, and the strongest tesiimony in it* favor, i*. that there i* more of it usep in the practice of the regular Physician* of Philadelphia than at! other lostrurn* combined, a fact that can easily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when presented even in this form. That this medicine will cure liver complaint aiiddvapepta, no one can donbt, after using it as directed. It act* specifically unon the stomach and liver?it is preferable to calomel in all hilioiM diseases?ihe effect is immediate.? Tliey can he administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit, at any time nra'ini' nuencvrrorriTs This medicine has attained tlmt high character which is necessary for all medicine* to attain to induce counter ieiterH to put forth aspuriousarticle nt llie ri*k of the live* of those who are innocently deceived. LOOjf' WELL TO TtlF, MARKS OF THK OKNI'INK. They "have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the CKRMAN MEMCtNK STORE, No. 120 Arch afreet, one door below Siith, (late of 278 Race street,) Philadelphia, and by respectable dealer* generally throughout the country. For sale in Ca*OKN, by James R. M'Kain?Tolumhia by Boatwiight A Miot?Chester C. H. by Rredy A Ituff", and by respectable Druggist* generally throughout the United State*. Aug. 13. 64 Temperance Hotel. THE undersigned would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public in general, that he has again rented the above Hotel for a short time and would respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him heretefore, as no pains will he spared to make the traveller comfortable and at home. The Stages, and Omnibuses will call regularly at the House for passengers, going by Railroad. Also, Horses, and Buggies, can be had from him on reasonable terms, to go in the country. J. B. F. BOONE. Feb. 11, tf French Bramly. Superior French Brandy, for Medicinal purposes. For sale at McKAIN'S DRUG-STORE. Fruits I Fruits!! PINE Apples, Banaona?, Plantains and West India Oranges, just received at MOORE'S. Feb II 11 tf. THE GREAT SIJlfffllEB MEDICINE! ] DR. GUYSOTTS IMPROVED EXTRACT OF YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA , For the cure of all diseases or disorders generated i by impun? blood. Its great success justly entitles f .L. ?<" ?l.o 1 II lo mo name- v?. ?..? GREAT AMERICAN SPECIFIC. ? So far as it is known it is universally aporecia- ? ted, and many eminent physicians use it daily in ^ their practice with the most happy effects, and cer- ' tify that it is the best extract in existence, and the 'c only one that f ' STANDS THE TEST OF TIME. t Every year adds to its great popularity, and mul- J tiplies its astonishing cures. The victim of HEREDITARY SCROFULA, I With suppurating "lands, honey-combed flesh, and 1 caries eating into his bones, finds Guysot:*s Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla a balm for his afflictions. His horrible torments are assuaged, and J hi6tnaladv not only relieved, but i PERMANENTLY CURED. I It may be safely asserted, from the results of past experience, that "Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla," is, beyond ail com- < parison, the Most Woxdkrful Rkmddy ny Eartii i forthe following diseases,and all others proceeding from VITI ATED BLOOD. 1 Scrofula or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate ' Cutaneous Eruptioi s, Pimples or Pustle on the 5 lace, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter. Scald Head, Enlargnent and Pains of the Bones and joints, stubborn Ulcers, ' Syphilitic Lumbago, and Diseases arising from ; an I e * * ?- A n rnnc if 1 injudicious use of mercury, num w. Exposure, or Imprudence in Life, Liver Com- 1 plaint, Ague and Fever, Intermitting Fever, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Fleth ora oi Blood in tiie Head, Files, Fains in the | Back, Sides, Breast or Loins, and ? ali forms of Muscular, Glandular and Skin Diseases. It is a sovereign specific for General Debility, ' and the best renovator for a Broken Constitution. It braces and re-invigorates every oigan, pro :ote? activity and regularity in every function, and pro- ] duces that condition of the whole pbysicial system, ( which is the best security for < LONG LIFE! | Let all who wish to purge the blood trora the impurities contracted from fr-m indulgence of the appetite during the winter, and to prepare the avstein ( RESIST SUMMER EPIDEMICS, i Resort now to ' Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock 1 and Sarsaparilla," which is proving tself an anti- ' dote lor many of the most malignant diseases that fli'sh is heir to, and tliey will never bedisaprinted; j for in this remedy the public faith lu's ncvi r wa- , vcred? never can waver; tor it is founded on expe- i rieuce, just as their want of faith in other and spu- I rious compounds is also founded in experience Thev J FLY FROM MINERAL N03TRUM3 to seek hope, life a- d vigor from this 1 pitppt.y VEfJKTAHLE REMEDY. l! Therefore, however broken down in health and i spirits, however loathsome to himself and others, j let no one dispairof recovery, let the patient only ( understand that his hope of phvaicial restoration lies only in "Guy sot It Extract oj Yellow Dock and \ Sa ran par ilia" and persuade him for bis 1 LIFE'S SAKE j to try it; and we have no hesitation, in predicting his speedy restoration to health. I t As a means of regulating all the functions of I Woman's Dkliuatb Okwaniz atiox, it has no equal in tne materia medica, and at that criliral period of lite, when the first stage of her decline commences, its cordial and invigorating properties will enable her to pass the crisis salcly. ' IT None genuine unless put up in large bottles I containing a quart, and name of the Svrup blown | in the glass, with tha written signatice S. F. Beu- ! nett on the outside wrapper. Price, $1 per bottle?or C bottles for 8-V Sold by SCOVIL&.MKAD, 113 Chart res street. New Orleans, Sole General Agents for the Southern Sutea, to i whom all orders must he addre-sed. Sold at -VcKain's Drug Store. Citrndcn, S. C., Hall & Ro|>e*t. Winm-bom*, S. C.t A. Fitch. Columbia, S. C., ileacli & Khney, Onw<?ednr*. S. C., Haviland Harrall & Co., and 1*. M. Cohen's, Charleston, S. C. . . . i Jew David's or Hebrew Plaster, TIIE GREAT KEHEDY. fnr Gout. Pnin in the. Sir?* 11 in i Bark, Limbs and Joints, Scrofula, King's ' Evil, White Swellings, Hard Tumors, Stiff, i Joints and all Fixed Pains whatever. Where j this Plaster is applied, Pain cannot exist. THESE PLASTERS pnww the advantage of being i put up in air-tight boxes?hence they retain their full i virtues in all climates. HAVE YOU frRIENDS GOING TO CALIFORNIA! 1 By all means advise them to take along a supply of this j plaster, it may save them hundreils of dollars, if not tlteir I lives, its the exposures which they have to endure in the mines is sure to brine ?n disease, w hich might be easily cured hv the use of this celebrated plaster, for the want of wliich many have lieen obliged in tjuit their labors and fall into the hands of the physicians, who, by their extra vacantly high cltargrsso wjoii take away the hard earnings of the bravest laboring man. Bv sleeping in tents or on the ground, Rheumatism. Spinal Disease, Stiff Joints, Lame Back or Side, and all like diseases are sure to trouble them, and many timos entirely lay them up, when the aimple ! application of this plaster would give them immediatare- j lief, and enable them to proceed with tlteir labor* without 1 delay. I < It has heen very beneficial in cases of weakness, such as Pittn ami Weakness in tlie Stomach, Weak Limbs. Aflfec- ' tion" of the Spine, Female Weakness, At. No female. subject to pain anil weakness in the hark or side, should ' be without it. Married Indies, in delicate situations, find 1 great relief from constantly wearing this Plnstcr. ' Tlte application of the Plaster be-w een tlte shoulders has been found n certain remedy for Colds, Coughs. Phthisic, ' and Lung Affections, in their primary stages. It destroys ' inflammation by perspiration. I JEW DAVID'S OR HEURFAV PLASTER IX NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovilt. & Mead: I have been troubled w ith 1 the chronic rheumatism for the last twelve y?rs. On the 1 1st of July, 1849, 1 was so bad that 1 could no, :sm myself ' in bed, and the pain so severe that I had not ilept & wink ! for six davH. At this time ray attending physician prescribed the "Hebrew Plaster," and it acted like a charm ; the ' pain left me, and I slept more tlmn half of the night, and in I three days I was able to ride out. I consider the "Hebrew Plaster" the best remedy for all sorts of pains now in use. G. W. M'MINN. Hcndersonvnie.N. C., Aog. 16.1850. qqqqqqqq' dewarf. of counterfeits and base imitations! CT" The genuine will in future have the signature of E. Taflor on the steel plate engraved label on the top uf Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit of this article is in existence. The genuine is sold only by us, and by our agents ap- 8 pointed throughout the South?and no ts ai.lowkd to skli. it. Dealers and purchaser* generally nre I cautioned ngainst buying of any but ottr regular agents, . otherwise they will be imposed upon with a worthless or- , tide. ^ , SCOVIL MKAD. 1 113 Chnrtres street, N. Orleans. Sole Oeneral Agents far the Southern States, to whom all orders must invariably " be addressed. Sold at McKain's Drttj^ Store, Camden, S. C.; Hall <t " Ropest, Winnsboro', S. i.; Beach dt Kluiey, Orangeburg. S. C.; A. Fitch, ColumbtR, 8. C.; Sold at wholesale by P. M. Cohen <fc iCo., Haviland. Ilarmll & Co., Charles- " ton ; Haviland, Kcase & Co., New York. June 3. 44 5tn. 1 Mothers. Read This Attentively, BR. K?ELEE'8 CORBIAL MD f CARMINATIVE. For the speedy and permanent rare of Diarrhoea, Dyv ' :ntery, Cholera, Infantum, Cholera Morbus. Cholic, Sumner Complaints, Flatulency Pain* in the Stomach, &c. uid from all derangement of stomach and bowels from Teething. KT* The time ha* again arrived when disease* of the tomach and bowel* carries it* thousand* to a premature rruve. I* there no remedy to stay the march of death! ,Ve answer, YES?the Cordial will cure and prevent line-tenths of all case* ef disease affecting theae organs* Wore than five thousand cases of disease were cored by iit luring the past year. All families consulting the welare. of lheir rhilrlren nrtrl eelveii will ? ? m>U*I* hix article by them, in all ca*e* of fkilnre the money vill cheerfully he returned, ami tu tho*e who are unable 0 will he cheerfullv bestowed. THAT IT WILL, AND HAS CURKD.TITE WORST FORMS OF DISEASE OF THE STOMACH AND liOWELS READ THE FOLLOWING EVIDENCES From the Spiritofthe Time*. Dr. Keeler's Cordial and Carminative, i* certainly a valuable desideratum in every family, to the young and :o adult, but particularly wheree there are cldlnreii. We iprak ativixedly, because we have thoroughly tried it, and proved it* healing and efiicar, < properties in o?r family. We would most cordially recommend tlie public to give it 1 fair trial, which i* only wanting to appreciate ito value From the North American and United State* Gazette. Sept. 4th 1347. In thc*e day*, aliouriding in frnit, it behove* every one j) be prepared with a remedy for the evil ; fleet* which it lometime* produces?we liave been told by those that ;new and w-ho have tried it?that Kfr-ier"* (Nmhal i? an irticlc which ha* been n*ed in some of the xevurett ea*a ?f Summer Complaint, both in infant* and crown prmon*. ' The Cordial can be proenred at the corner of Third and South Streets. From N'eal'* Saturday Gazette Augu*t2Sth 1847. r?r. KhcW* Cordial.?We wotild mII fk- ?> - tur reader* tn this invalnable medicine, which wiH be ^oand ad vertised at length in oar column*. Axacarreotive n cases or Diarrhoea, a disease very prevalent attiMttea;nt time, it ix highly spoken of by all who have fcfiddrt.? It is perfectly safe in it* nature, and we speak etpoHmenally, when we *ay that it affimls immediate relief > ^ Dr. Keeler'* Cordial and CaJra^lve-L.TT^ Mirie is ulvertixcd in anotlier part or dor paper, it it nahfre. onimended by families who have tied it. It is onfally meful among children, and has riMtd haiRMjflliti, Hie doctor is alnmdantly supplied with testimony apoa the ubject. some of wliich is very strong. The-Coronltinot i qum-k nostrum, hut a carefully dTcpared "trdVtM.atal jerferily free from any tiling injurious. v?sr From the Daily Pennsylvanian. Sejtt. ISth 1847.' " Wc are constrained to say that the *Tarrainative^aTDr. leeler's uow extensively used in ?Mi City, is-rapidly naking its way t? public la\or. lis iopedieats gft o rottrse unknown, but it i* mild in its operation, pleasant to he taxte, and a remedy quite as good tyny now and for lie Mime complaints. x ..- < From the Daily News, July tSth, 18S0. Summer Complaint.?The season whet)tide fti^tkini would only pan-ha?e nbottle of ITr ^l?rVf?ii?imiiii Cordial, they would nave modi expense and Irqnbtfcr We icnk of I he virtue* of thh medicine kn#*itijl^v 'V From the Spirit of the Time*, KutxU>ww,W?JMp48 We wixh to direct tlte attention of the reader* of this ?per to Dr. KeelerV cordial nod Carrot native. *dlFHWtl n nuot her column. It i? a m<*dicioa, hifhly enwwd by very one that ha* n*ed it in Dinrrlicca. Djmentery. Choten infantum, ect .which at thi* *ea*oa i**p frequent, ft i* a perfect innocent meilirine and *tve? kmaediue mm' I'repaniJ and sold 291 Market street Philadelphia? where may also he hud !>r. ICeelerV Condi Syrtip, remitI'ncr Syrup. Rhenmaric Lotion. Liver and Sanative Pill*, Medicine* of un*nrpa**cd efficacy. CJr AW? Dr. Kedrr'i SAK.VAP AUII.LA.a celebrated remedy hf all Sernfola and Constitutional Disorder*, ft i*. without doabt. tbe cheapest and best remedy for Chronic Diseaseof Strmarh. l.iver. and akin ktiown?-arid adntiratify Adapted for all derangement* arriving from taporitivs of the blood. Females suflcrhig fnun tlie Low of Appetite, Nervotw Dehilitr. Frreynlaritre*. Pain*, Phttple*. BWtch*. Sallow Ompjexion. Ikwtivenew. etc.. Will And SheSarwpakilla de> [-ideally the licet remedy iu nee for their removal. SbiWM <h<xilfl he w itlioiu Dr. Heeler'* Fammiir jHMMnoLM beneficial in many diseases Pricn 91 per hot tL?6 bottles For sale by 7.. J. DkHKY. fkmltn S. C.. snd by Dragf!?s ami Stores thrnttirhnat the country. Price 25 cents t*r ImiiiJi-?sec circulars 4e., in hands of the ascnt*. Jniya.itiw. si AHEAD OF AIX OTHERS. The envy of ail Pill Karafactoroxs, Because they are safer, belter and more rffipadba* thin any others; and be cans? the pahiir will ku ?? other* if they can obtain them. 500,000 Bme* have been *nld annually for the Inst five rears. YODNG AND OLD, MALE AND FEMALE, can always take them eith eqnal safety, tsittooat fear.; IF PILLS BE NECESSARY f?r punting and cleansing the Stomach imd Bowels, and purify iiur the Wood and flnid* ot' the body. take no other* ?for no other pills produce those combined effits^Wcontains Snrsannrilla in them ? ?. Urint anil lira H IIUf I* ind pursue your usual occupation white taking them without fear of takingcoM.dnrmr a!f kinds nf Weather. ONE THOUSAND POT,T.ABB 'rt? wnjrered that more genuine certificates (ftwO physt rjnn*. ( lergymcn, Member* of Congress and respectdBo : rilizens) ran he practiced of their efficacy than My ether. Forty Pill* in a ihul! vnd sold at twenty-five cents a MX. with directions ?nd mnrh wholesome advice accompanyingeach box, 'I hey no ta*teor unpleasant smell. Free from dust or powder of any kind, ho not gripe the Stomach or Bowels, ^ Produce nosit'kness, vomiting or had feelings, Ti.ev arkuood at all times, _ Ami adapted to mort diseases common to mankind. No one having once taken them will he willing afterwards lo take any others, because thev always do good, and ifthey Jo riot then no others will. t ?>r. N. II. LEIDY ProprietJ tB(l,I?MB?wer> is a regular Druggist. Chemist and PhysWaitfof fifteen tea experience in Phila<lelphia , Graduate ef rbettai. vervityor Pennsylvania; Member of dlfBrent Medical Initituiioiis of Philadelphia, New York. Boston, Baltimore Vc..ii?id associate an<l corresponding member of s|V?al Medical Institutions of Ixmdon and I'aris?hence tfatwa* on of the greater confidence placed in hi* piH*> and their being recommended in tlic practice of must respectable physicians throughout ilie United Stales. OCT" l'rinci|?l lieiHit. L)r. Lkidt'b'i ?s .. .{, .. j?l t _j,i wholesalears. i'vriii rnunii hi . rmimirajniia?um ^ . nrtnil at McKAlN'S Drug Store, CanhJefl ; TOLA*") ?. LDRTIS, Columbin; MIl.LKIt <fc HOS9AHD, 8WB?r. till* ; Dr. MA L LO Y. Chera w; PRVTT&JA*?8,*?** Wry: RUFF A KF.KDY,tWerviH?; J. L. YOfWJjE. Nuwhoro; If. II. VVKST, Unionville; Dr. P. M-CO11 h.\ ami CLIiVELAN D. Charleston; atxl by inort W' puts <& Storekeepers inthe CJnitet! States. A tip. 5M),J850. fifi BRASS Fenders, pierced I run un.; folding iYdP , fiery do.; Fire Dog* and Fire Iron*, ofennry inscription. A1cD01FALL&COOPER. Camden BazaarII7E hereby notify to our Customers. and the fff public generally, that we have j?*rt ;d, a large assortment of Ready Made Ckrthwg ?uitabl9 lor the Spring which we shall W" ** ^ tl at the very lowest Cash prices p-Mible. We have also rece;ved a tine assortment of Uroadcloathe, and blac.t and fancy color*! Cn*i? nercs, to which we invite the attention of our friends. M. DRUKER & Go. Feb. 29,1831. 17 5L. Just Received, tT^HITE Lump Lime, a fine article far Whitef T washing, Plaster Paris, Cement Stone Lrne, ind Land Plaster for acricuUural purposes. For sale by C. L> CUATCBM. Feb. 33 17