Semi-weekly Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1851-1852, April 25, 1851, Image 1

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' V .f ' ' C. vht tt\rfr V CAMDEN, SOUTH-CAROLINAAPKIL 25,1851." " """ ifU MBER v V/ju u a'-i -i ' I?rreinimiTnimBiniF^-"-^*????. ??^?-TTi? I rrmw ~ THE CAMlEN JOUfiNAL * 1 PURI.IStlKl) HY WARREN & PRICE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL It published at Three Dollars and Fifty Cents, if paid in advance, or Four Dollars if payment is delayed for three rat ha. THET WEEKLY JOURNAL la published at Two Dollars if paid in idvnncp, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, if payment is delayed for Six otnntlis, and Three Dollars, if not paid until the end of the ADVERTISEMENTS will l?e inserted at the following rale*; For one square 114 lines or less) in the eetni-weckly, one dollar for the first, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion. In the weekly, seventv-five cents per square for the first, km! thirtv.cMV?n and a Lull'cunts for each subsequent in Wllion Single iiwertion* one dollar per square. 7W nomrier of inacrtion* desired. nnd the edition to be mtblUhcd in, must be noted on ilie margin of nil ndver- I tixjfelitK. or they will b?* innerled *emi-weekly until ordered to be discontinued. aim charged accordingly. Setni-mpnthlr, monthly and quarterly advertisement* J ebarged the raroe as for a single insertion. jCT'An communication* by mail mum Ire post-paid oj eeore attention. Hf The following gentlemen uro Agent* for the Journal: W*. c. Casto.n, (leneral Agent. Col. T. W. Jloev, Jarksonham, Lancaster Diet. SF a. H. Rone*. Esq., Lnnra*terville, 8. C. ^ C. C. SfcCavMMKJt, Cartilage, N. C. W.C. Moore, Esq., Camden. S. C. And Pb*tmasten? are requested to acta<oor Agent*. ^MERRYHE ART. Tie well to have a merry heart, However short we stay; There's wisdom in a merrv heart, Whatever the world may say. Philosophy may lift its head And fiud out many a flaw, But give me the philosophy That's happy with a straw! - If life but brings us happiness? It brings us, we are told, t k>,,f tlmiiirti e'/.K AIIAC frV Vf II?I B il?lIU IV VU J y IUUUqII ijwu whvo mj, With all their heaps of gold ! t Then laugh away?let oihers say, Whate'er they will of mirth; *' Who laughs-gat-most may truly boast He's got thb wealth of earth! There'# beauty in a merry laugh, A moral beauty too? It-shows the heart's an honest heart That*# paid each man his due, <r And lent a share of what's to spare Despite of wisdom's tears; And made the cheek less sorrow speak, The eye weep fewer lears. The sun may shroud itself in cloud, The tempest-wrath begin; It finds a spark to cheer the dark, Its sunlight is with n ! Then laugh a nay?let others say . ,. Whato'er t/.?y will of mirth ; j Who laugh* the mohl may truly boast lie's got the wealth of earth 1 Charles Swais. ! -CHE REBEL AND HIS DAUGHTER. ' At the breaking out of civil disturbances in Canada, a few years since, old Dr. K., a resident of Barnstoii, boldly avowed his disloyalty. ,Whcrever lie went,?and hi* professional ser- ' yict-8 were constantly required in one direction or the other?he loudly denounced the government, and advocated reform. By the opposite side he was of course considered a dangerous "Subject; the more so, because lie possessed | great influence in the community. Every few days some neighbor, not so generally esteemed as the Doctor, for having hinted at the indulgence of sentiments in unison with his own, was arrested, imprisoned, and his estate great, or small, confiscated; yet himself escaped being reported tq the higher powers, and went on in- , citing the people to rebellion. At length, however, the knowledge of his j radicalism was, by some means, conveyed to the oar of authority and orders for his arrest were forthwith issued. As the Doctor was leaving the house of a patient one dark evening j ft portion, whom, in the darkness he could not j distinguish; ran up to him out of breath and ex- I ^ claimed : I k 'Ride for your life, Doctor, her Majesty's I hounds are at your lieek'' The next instant the informant had leajted ; the wall by the roadside, and disappeared in the darkness without giving the otlier time to make one inquiry. He had no reason to doubt the warning was in good faith, and the manner in which he galloped away, proved bis intention of taming it to good account In a very brief : space of tinie his fleet l>enst had carried him over three miles that lay between him and his home, and was rained up liefore tin door. Leaving his carriage and entering the house j he in a few words apprized his wife and daugh- , er of the state ot affairs, and declared his reso- j lotion of fleeing to the States. ; 'I must be off instantly,' he said, with calm ' energy,.'or it will be too late.' 'Will you go in the carriage or on horseback?' j } asked Miss K., a young lady of eighteen, spring- j ing from the chair, while her father's spirit of ? J -I-! 1'?? 1.... ,r?..-I, ?ntk 'Oaring eruea jwsijiu^ innu net u?i n uj vo, On horseback?on the black marc in Uie alable. Bur what arc you going to do?' interrogated her father, seeing her throw on her ^ bowi, and seizing a lighted lantern. 'Saddle the black mare, to be sure,' she answered, and darted out at the hack door. There was less perturbation in the household thnn might have been expected, for the reason that this result of the Doctor's boldness of speech had been from the first anticipated. Indeed, each of the three felt less surprised that the royal officers were now on his track, than (hat they had suffered him to go thus long unmolested, Scarcely had tho Doctor, with the i .f ' ! assistance of his wile, transferred his money and 1 papers from his desk to his pockets, when the j daughter, pale and trembling, rushed in, cry I iu?~~'? i '"Haste, father, fly?I hear them coming i down the road !" "I am ready," said he. Then, looking in hi: ( daughters'* face he added, "hut I belieVo I may as well meet them ; they will readily frighten j you into telling them ail, and " "Never, father," returned the young lady resolutely ; "I am calm now Go?you will find the horse tied to the birch in the rear ol (he ham. Cross the field, and you may elude them." i Whispered 'God he with you,' were interchanged as the rebel left the house by the back passage and the door was softly closed behind him. The mother and the daughter were both pule with apprehension, and in spile ol her ut most efToits, the hitter's voice was slightly tremulous as she hastily resumed (lie reading which her father's entrance had interrupted. There was a sound of horses hoofs, and then a rap at the door The inmates pretended not to hear, until it was repeated, when the young lady rose and opened the door, while the mother continued sewing, with a manner as unconcerned as possible. Miss K., politely returned the salutations of the two gentlemen, whom she met, and being asked whether her fatliei t was at home, answered: "He is not, just now, but when he went out at dark, he mentioned that he would return early. Please walk in and sit down till becomes." The officers glanced at each other and then followed her into the house. ".Some persons who wish to see father," she observed to her mother, who looked up from her work, bowed and requested them to be seated. They complied, but were evidently disconcerted by not finding the object of their pursuit within his own doors; for tliev learned at the of his patient, three miles hack, that he luul left there lor home hut a few moments before. ^igiiilicunt looks were exchanged between them, and they appeared to doubt very seriously, whether their prey was not at that moment secret.'d about the premises. "Do yon think, madam, the Doctor will be at home soon inquired one of the officers of Mrs. K. "1 am unable to say with certainty," she re plied, carelessly raising her eyes to the clock on the mantle piece. "Half past nine," continued she; "he is usually at hone earlier, lie may have been called to see a new patient?1 think you will do well to wait a little longer, however." "We ate anxious to consult him professionally." rejoined theofiicer, half-foaiitig that their real business was suspected. . "if it he any little matter of mcdi.-iue you want, my daughter here can serve you as well as her father." The "iHcer was at n loss what reply to make, and the other, noticing his embarrassment, came to Ins aid by sa ving, with a sudden con tortion of his countenance, and at the same time pressing his hand to iiis check? "1 want an aching tooth extracted." "I ea:i extract it as w -!1 as any dentist in the township," said MissK., rising; and before the .vijfcrrr could contrive any plausible menus for escaping with the teeth, the instruments for extracting wore produced. His fellow, in turn, wishing to assist him out of his dilemma, said, rather confidently. "Hut 1 wish to be bled, Miss, and I presume you are not n sugcon." "I assure you I am perfectly competent to serve you in that capacity," replied the you ig lady, without the least hesitation, "and shall be I ? -- I- ?!... i . ? I .... li.lj'JM (U Iutr lauui'i, it* sunn 119 & lunv irlioved this gentleman," and she pretended to examine whether the instruments were in good order. The Queen's minions now made a virtue of necessity, and throw off the ?!t -mjited disguise, which had availed them so little, and appeared in their true characters. "We are here, madam," said the first officer, addressing Mrs. K., in a voieo of stern authority, "We aie here in her Majesty's name, to arrest your husband on a charge of High Treason. That he is now in the house we have no douht: and it will he wisdom in you to give him to justice at once, otherwise, a search'will he instituted immediately?he cannot escape us." "He has already escaped you," thought the lady, but she only replied by cooly giving her word of honor that he was not in the house; "yet if you desire it," she added, "I am ready to lead you through every apartment." The indifference with which the announcement of the object of their visit had been received, convinced Victoria's functionaries that their object had been previously understood ; vet they considered it hardly possible that their intended victim could have made his escape, and began a search, with perfect confidence in its success. Willi cacn minute s uciay, me iadies had gained assurance, and now, certain that husband and father was bey-nd the reach of his enemies, they cared little what passage the latter might choose. A portion of the guaid which had been placed about the house for the purpose of thwart, h)g an)' attempt at escape on the rebel, wa9 ordered to explore the outbuildings, while the two in command themselves searched the dwelling. The discovery of the Doctor's carriage, and : horse still panting with fast driving, under a shed, which, removed from the other out-houses was, as .Miss K. had anticipated when she placed them there, the last to be searched, inspired the men with fresh ardor; but they were finally obliged to confess their journey bootless, and return as empty as they came. .Meanwhile, ih.> old rebel, as he was called by the defenders of the Crown, was far on his way to the States, where he was soon joined by his family. A reward was offered for him, d?ad or alive, but in vain. He is still free to d *nl out the contents of his saddle-bags to tho relief of suffering humanity. wTOrwOMMAN"" ATTORNEY AT LAW, Camden, S. O. (OJJice immediately in rear of the Court House.) WILL ATTKXD TJIK COUUT8 OF Darlington anil Sumter Districts. Business entrusted to him wil. meet with prompt ind careful attention. -.July 26. B. W. Ill AMBERS, > Receiving and Forwarding Merchant, AND Ifnyer of Cotton and other Country Produce, CA.VllE.N. S. C. ^ . n.ATII KSON , BANK AG E NT. \? His oi.n stam? opposite Davis* Hotkl irii r i t At r? smnoP ft luui.m i.?xvf \/ BANK AGENT, And Receiving and Forwarding merchant CA MDEN, S. C. Reffrexces?W. E. Johnson, Esq. Maj. J. M DeSauesure, T. J. Warren, Esq. J 'S. B. KERSHAW, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, CAMDEN, S. C. Will attend the ? ourts of Kershaw, Sumter, Fairfield, Darlington and Lancaster Districts. ICase Green Peas, (French.) Received and for sale by SHA W $ A US TIN. MOFFAT & MOORE. AUCTIONEERS A GENERAL AGENTS, campen, s. c. Jan. 6. 8 Dry Goods, THE Subscriber has just added to hia stock ot CKOCKRIES. 20 Pieces Cheap Catico. 30 " 1 Inme-puns and Osnabnrgr*, Checks, Ticking, Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Tweeds, Cassiineres, Dimmina, &c? with all articles usually kept in a well selected assortment. war. c. moore. Feb. 11 12 tf To Rent. rP4IAT brick dwelling and store, next to the JL ' Mansion House." now occupied bjr T. Bonnull. Apply to J. 13. KEKSHaW^ Ex'or. Dec 24 101 If Notice. VI.L persons having demands against the Estate ot J. Doby, dee'd will present them properly attested, and those indebted will make payment to J. DUNLAP, Adm'r. Jan. 30. 9 , tf ICase Olives stuffed with Anchovies. Received 1 and for sale by >IIAW &. AUSTIN. 17MNK1KIKI1 POTATOES?A few Itbl-. ju* received : by hi 11 AW A: AUSTIN. _ Notice. , VS I am about to leave this State, to travel abroad, I hereby appoint Mr. Thomas Lang as my general agent, to attend to my affair* during my abseiuv. L. C. ADAM SON. Feb. 14 13 svr tf ! t.y CASES Pie Fruit consisting of Rhubarb, I smm Gooseberries, Peaches, Whortlebeiries and Pluuis, received and for sale, by SHAW & AUSTIN. Feb. 18 14 tf ICase Pate de Foie Gras Strusbourg. Received and for sale by Jan 30. SHAW & AUSTIN. Notice. HAVING disnosed of my entire stock of Groceries to Air. James I. Villepigue, formerly ol the tirm of Paul P. Villepigue tf- Son, I beg, respect fully, to solicit for him, the generous patronage of my former customers. Those indebted to me either by note or open account, are earnestly requested local! on me at the old stand and settle, which will enable me to meet inv own engagements. S. BENSON. llatNin*. A few Boxes new Raisins, iust received bv w. c. moorV:. BOXES I. E. Cheese, small size, received Jj\J and for sale, by SllAW &. AUSTIN. Feb. 18 14 tf O BBLS. Kennedy's Boston Butter Crackers, O received and lor sale, by SIIAW 6i AUSTIN. Feb. 18 1-i tf. Bounty Land. rI^HE subscriber will |>rosecuie claims for Land X ??r Pensions, on reasonable terms. Soldiers and officers, in tie .Mexican war, in the War of W12, the Florida war, and other Indian wars, are entitled to Bounty Land. J. B KERSHAW. Dec, 24,tfl0l Att'yatLiw. TAULT. yiLLEPIGUET factor, . And General Commission Merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, charleston, 8. cLiberal advances made on consignments of Proiipninnt ntlnnlinn orivnn to t lie forward. <iu?.?r, ...... . ,, mg of (ioods, at tlie lowest rates. Aug. 20. 68 _ Camden BazaarWE hereby notily to our Customers. and the public generally, that we have just received, a large assortment of Ready Made Clothing suitable for the Soring which we shall sell as usual at the very lowest Cash prices possible. We have bIho rece:ved a Hne assoriinent of Brnadcloaths, and blac* and fancy colored Casimeres, to which we invite the attention of our friends. M. DRUKER di Co. Feb. id, 185L 17 tf I THE SOUTHERN STORE. A1X who wifIi Bargains, are invited to call at K. S. MOFFA'I 'S new Southern Store third house above the lank of Camden, w.iert. I they will find a complete assort merit of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, consisting in part, as follows: Fancy and inourni: g Prints ?? 7-8 and 4-4 brown Shirtings Blue Denims and Marlborough Stripes Saltinetts and Kenlucky Jeans Cloths and fancy Cassiineres Negro Ke-scys; Bed and Negro Blankets Mous. Deaines, Ginghams, c^c. Groceries. Brown. I/iaf*crushed and clarified Sugar Km and Java Codees New Orleans and West India Molasaes JIackarel, Nos. anulj in barreis Cheese, Rice, Flour, Bacon and Nail Raisins, l'epper, Spice Tobacco. N'eirars. &.c. &c. I Hard ware. Pocket Knives and Forks brilaimia and Iron S|kions Trace and iiaJicr Chains Axes, Hammers and Hatchets .Spades, iShuvylsand Hoes Hand, mill and crosscut srws Vires, anvils and blacksmith's bellows Nails, brads, tacks and sp igs Knob, pad closet and stuck Jocks Iron squares, compares and plane irons brushes, blacking, cotton and wool cards broadaxes and steelyards; pots and skillets broad and narrow iron die. Heady ITIade Clothing ot every description. Saddles, br.dles and Martingales Crockery and Gl. ssware Diinnv ami l)iltulfP l^tririnor Kentucky Rope and Twine Together with every other article usually found iu a a tail seiei led stock of Dry Goods, Grocern-a and Hardware. All ol which will he sold exceedingly low lor cash. he highest market price* paid tor cotton ami other country produce. Dec. 24, K. S, ,W< FFAT. NEW STORE. fFMIE subscriber is now opening a large assort 1 meiit of (irocerten uud staple Goods, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will djettose of at Charleston prices tor cash. Those wishing to purchase would de well to call and examine the stock, consisting in part, ot thn following, viz: . v CruMted, Ground and GranuUted-Sugan S Croix, i'ortn Itico, and >ew Orlrmia de Nw Orb-ana, Murrovatlo and Cuba Molasssa Java. Ijtgiiim and Kin Coffee 2. I ^ ti II A til LT? I ( Ulipovvoer, i .Juiig ujwJii ami uratit Sperm. Adamantine ami Tallow C'nixUen No. 2 and 3 Mackarel, in Barrel*, Half and Quarter* Wine. Snda and Bmter Hiacuiu and Cneeaa Soap and starch. aworted I'epper, Spire, Ginger, Nutmeg*. Mac* and CI ore* Porder, Shot and Lead Hardware. Cutlery, Nail* and Ca*ung? Hainu, Lin*eed Oil. Sperm. Oil ami \> n. / M?. AI.SO B!rarhedamtnnWearhed>hiriing*aml?hf?*nng?' ' Blanket*, lied Tick*. Apron Check* and Ozpaburg* Together with a large assortment of Ba^iuj, Hope aad Twine. J. \V. BRADLEY. Cam 'en. S. C. Sept- 23. HTCa*h paid for Cotton and other Prod ace. The subscriber has just finished off a lot of Mahogany Rocking Chairs in plush. Also Sewing Chairs in plush and hair; very neat articles and at unusually low prices. C. L. CHATTEN. Mill Gudgeons, &,c. Mill Gudgeons, 10$ to tiU inch HiII Crank*, asr-urted mea North Carolina, English and Norther Hollo* Ware, assorted, from | to 55 gallons Patent Iron Axle*. 1 to inch. Mill Irons of auv kind furnished to order. McDOWALL & COOPER. Jul? 8 54 ? -| '/\ best Hemlock Leather. 1?)U Just received and lor sale at 17 els per lb. by JOIIN \V. BRA OLE Y. f BOXES Smoked Halibut received and for 0 Mle by SHAW & AU&TIN. Feb. 18 14 if MANSION HOUSE. CAMl)E \, S. C. THE undemiened t?og* leave to return hi* grateful tltank* to hi* l'riend*. and the travelling Public, for lite liberal support which lie lias received mm* he boa been opened, (four month*) and Im* entered upon hi* dude* for 1851. with tvnewed energy to endeavor to plcuae all thai may call upon him. both rieh und poor. Hi* Home will be found one of the most dc.-irable, initiated, and lte*t fur* ni*hed Hotel* in Camden. Hi* servant* al*<> will be found respectful und attentive, and the table will be (up plird with the best the market afford*. Ilia Stable* and Carriage Houses at* roomy and always fully supplied with Pmreiider, and an experienced Hostler. An i'liinibiia call* at the House every morning for passengers for the Give mo a cul. and teal my motto. A* you find me. Sorrr-ominend me. JS. U. ROBINSON. Proprietor. Camden. February 7th, 1.^51 11 tf ~ NEW MUSIC. Hungarian Hoi mi; dedicated to Gov. C&dislaus L'jhazy. By Allele Hdinslock. Ague* Polka; a lively and spirted composition. By Mi** Adele Hohnstock. Grand Triumphal Mar.-h. Composed by Miss Adele Holuistock. Marche d'Amaznnes. Composed by Karl Hohnstock. Marche d'Amazone*. arranged for four nauds. N. B. 'I he above are all beautiful nod very popular. Hyperion Polka, ilhietrated with a correct and beautiful view of tlic residence of the Poet, Professor Henry W. Longfellow. Cambridge. Composed by Henry T. Date*, live tasbionable Polkas,by P. Uhizu, viz: Remembrance Polka. OH Uncle Ned. do i*tinn. ilo 1 Oft in the stilly II I'urvtmii, do introducing the famous duet is that opera. Bonaventnre Waltz. J?*i>uy Li??T* Songs. Fear not fond youth; composed by .Mozart. The Mariner: a celebrated Swedish Melody Fare well to Life's Ocean; a beautiful song. Sea King'* Hrtde; Swedish, Voire of the Spirit. Take this Lute; composed for Jenny Lind, by Julea Benedict. f emattiColleges, Seminaries, School*,and Academies supplied with Music &e.. at the lowest price*. All the new music published in the U. 8. received every week, per express. Orders must be addressed to (1EORGE OATES, 234 and 236, King St., (at the bend.) | I FAKE REDUCED TO 620 FROM Ciiarlcstou to New York. '* s The (irrolMail Route from Charleston, S. C. LliA VlNu-ttte wharf at I he foot of Laurens at/ daily a: tf, p. m. after the arrival of the South eru car*. via.VVilmington anu Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, ft? Washington, Baltimore, l'hiladefphia, at d to New York. . A-tr*., The public is respectfully informed ktbat the steamers of this line, from Ch rlcston' i6 TA flmington, are >n first rate condition, and are haftgated by well known and experienced commanders, and the Railroads are in fine order, thereby securing ho- h safety and despatch. A THROUfifHl TJCKKT having already been in operation will be continued on and alter the first of Oct.-' 1." as a permanent arrangement from Charleston (a XewYork. l'nssenaers availing themselves lb&ih? uf will have 1 lie option to continue without through the route or otherwise, tostop mediate points, renewing their seats on the lihelo | suit hetr convenience. By this route travellers may reach New York on the third day during business hours. Baggage will, be ticketed on ?oard ilie sterner to Weldon, aa likewise oa the eb nge of cars at the intermediatejniud^froin ihence t?r New York* Through Ticket? can alone be had of E. WIN SLOW, AjHMt of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of Company, foot of Laurens street, to whom please apply. For other infurinatio inquire of L. C. DUNCAN, s at the American Hotels Ma? * I m Family Groceries. SUGAR.?Lost, Crushed, Pulverized, Clari j^d light and brown light N. Orleans and Una. eovado. ^ COFFEE.?Old Government Java, Rio, Lb* guira, Chocolate, Broma, Cocoa. j?<t> TEA.-1 mperial, Gunpowder, Hyson,S.Jrerhgtff Young Hyson, Orange i'ehue and Gwidetf FLora!?B.ii- imnre in Bhts., Exira Family Flour in Bags from selected Wheat. Bo'ek? iieai, T*A '<?. RICE.?Whole, Maccarrmi, Farinn, Currie m Powder, . ,.? SOAP.?t'heniir.aJ, Olive, FhioeM Washing . "HjiiTTi ^i' fr'r^li mm m e&n- > HAIUS.?Baltimore Su^ar cored, Dried Beef, l'irkled Beef, Mackerel, tfo I. is JCfttf. Salmon dn^ iiaiihut. Fre-h Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines iti whole, half anil quarter boxes, Herritfig, Potted VsnnotMb'dt*^'^? PICKLES.?From Grouse & Blackwelf, US derwuori and Lewis. ? H KETCH EPS.?Worcestershire, Harvey, John Bull Toma'ne, Walnut, Alusliroom, Mm o< Code'*, Sah?s Pep|ier aud Paeh Vinger, W". Wine do, Cider do, Bullish aud French . Mustard, S;>anisb Olives, Capers. Anebavies Essences tor flavoring. PRESERVES Peaches, Apricots, Prhnes in their .mn Juice. Pineapple, Lhtofth Prunes. West Indies <!(>.? Sin?wbe-ryFi?p?, Raisins, Prunes. rrVw CAWDLJES.?New Bedford Spenn, Sofsr~d? Adamantine, Wax,<c<>lored dm Received and tu sale i y anAw't ApgTfmy New Fall GoodsA--"" THE subscriber respectfully into tins his frietli}i and the public generally, that hats now westving hirt Fait supply of tiruceriei, Smaatio, Ac. < v^# ' Consisting in part, of the following, articles, rij>Brown, crushed, loaf and clarified Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado Aioiasses ' ? Rio'and Java Coffee ti Mi Rice, t heese, Baron and Lard i No. 2 and 3 Mackarel I Coru, Flour, Oats, Salt . Swedes Iron of all sizes , .a , g>l Pnin/lue SKnf I jii/J Soana Stf>ri?K a VtTU^If n/UWt^ JJWUU) v/H|#k-| wn^nn ^ Fine and common Tobacco , ' S . '' V. ." &Mn(iUK, Elope and Twine. ^ Men and boy's Wagon Saddle* ' < Riding and Waggon Bridles I lame?, Collars, Riding and Waggoa Whipo f also jj Crockery, Glass and Hardware ., Collin*' best Axes, Nails, assorted size fy, i{ Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks I?etfro ClothH, **f Bleached and brown Home-puna ' ' ^ Bed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS ALSO i A few cases of men and boys Hats and Gap* 1 With all other articles usually found in a w.eH supplied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which. will be sold exceedingly low for cash. b. w. chambers: Camden, S. C. Sept. 3. 70 '*' 1 M tt -1A BBLS. Planting Potatoes, received and tor IV sale, by SHAW & AUSTIN. * Feb. 18 14 . tt A PPAV mnrc of tliuae fine Beef Toinrues. ro A eeived at M00%5?> i-'ebH 12 '":i Xdl BOXES CHEESE received and for **'e br SHAW & AUSTIN.. GEORGE OATES, Publisher and Importer of Musi% AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN ' Piano Fortes and Musical Instrument* Nm. 234 Hud 230, King ?L, (at the Bead.) . 11 TIL OA PES is sole agent lor the following 1VJL celebrated Piano F?rte Manufacturer, liac n & Haven. Dul o s <f* Wuriiier. And A. H. Gale A cn New Yflc)t, Whose instruments have always given such universal satisfaction in tins, and the adjoining State* fur keeping their rich and powerful rones, and fortheir great durability m a southern climate. In addition to the unsolicited written testitnH. nials rorr the lot lowing eunnineiit Artists, Madv. ante Hi*hop, Mrn Segtim, Mica Buihaa,. 8#gniu, Templeton and the "tlohngiockit," tho aubttcri* ber itaa tho pleasure of adding the favorable ??pinton ol Uie''Svi-eedi*h Nightingale" in the follow* i; g extract of a note received prior to her depgr*. , tore lor Havana. 'It al?o give* me great pleasure to add, that I l>ava been greatly pleaeetfcwith the nano you kindly rent tothl* Hotel for my ure during ray rtay ih Charleston, being- atVgry excellent instrument, possessing great richness of toot*, and at the >amr time uncommon soilness." 1 subscribe myself dear nr. Vouni greatly obliged JK.W IJNB. Charleston, Dec. 31tt 1850. Toe original* el the above, can b? teen It tbfc tor*. %