Semi-weekly Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1851-1852, March 11, 1851, Image 1

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? ccklu Canteen 3ournal. VOLUME 2. ' ~~~ CAMDEN, SOUTH-OAEQUINA, MARCH 11,1851. NUMBER 20^ ; THE CAMDEN JOURNAL * ( rrBLisiiRn BY WARREN & PRICE. rtA' i ' . . THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL T* pnblished at Thrse Dollar* and FtAv Cent*, if paid in advance, or Four Dollar* if payment ix delayed for three taonth*. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL I* pnhlished at Twn Dollar* if pnid in tdvance. or Two Dollar* and Fifty Cent*, if payment i~? delayed for Six months, and Three Ifcdlar*, if not paid until the end of the Venr. ADVERTISEMENTS will l>e inserted at the following Vnt??t<; For one square (Dl lines or less) in the semi-weeklv. tnne dollar for the first, and twenty-five rents for each fenhseqneiit insertion. In the weekly, seventy-five rent* per square for the first, I and thiny s-ven and a halt cents for each subsequent intse rtwn Single insertions one dollar per square. *Ine nnmts-r of insertions desiied. and the edition to -? .1 ..r nil,..Ivor. tv poiiiisiieu in. mux uc h?mcu ?> ? ?k ........... ... - ... liscment*. or 11 icy will be inserted semi-weekly until ordered to l?e discontinued. a no charged accordingly. Semi-monthly, monthly and quarterly advertisements charged the same a* for a single insertion. KTAM communication* by mail must be posi-|>nid oj fonre attention. Tlie following gentlemen are Agent* for the Journal: Wm. C. Cabton, (ienernl Agent. Col. T. W. Hukv, Jacksonlmra. Lancaster Dist. S. IL Rosser. Esq., 1-anrasUrville, S.C. (' 0. MeCatrnMRN, Carthage. N. C. W.C. Moo ilk. Esq.. Camden. S. C. And Postmasters are requested to act as our Agent*. THE DAT AFTER TEE REVEL. Roll, roll the pill of calomel, And mix the sable draught, We're loved the Christinas feast too well? Too much have cram'd and quatfed. Ah! put my flannel nightcap on, Bind up this aching head; I'm not at home, mind, all day, John: To bed, to be J, to bed! Oh, gracious! that snap-dragon's snap Is rankling very sore; I've been a very foolish chap, And won't do so no more. Good Lindley Murray, pardon grant, - Thy rules if I infringe; Talk graroiner, anyhow, I can't With this stomachic twiug! Oh, tnrkey, beef, plum-pudding, mince! Oh, brandy, wine and rum! Next day what miseries, to convince Yonr hapless victim, come. . , Bring the hot water for my feet, t Take.down gruel, do? > Yah! I'd as 600n be hanged, as eat; coins rny physic?Ugh ! FRIENDS AND FORTUNE. Mr. Snrnnel Smithers, at the age of tweiitvone, found himself in possession of freedom and fortune. A ticli old uncle, who had acted as guardian on the death of Smfthers' father, hail hromrht liim un in irreat seclusion at a country I o town a good 10:1113' n?les I '" New York.? After ? decent interval, tiie 3'oung genii-man Came to the great metropolis to see a l:ts| of life, and was, as ini^rlit be expected, completeI)' dazzled and bewildered by the splendors of Gotham. * One of his earliest visits was to Pole's Museum, where he failed not to be smitten by the charms of a dancer and singer, who, i:i all the glory of whiting, rogue, gauze and artificial flowers, pirouetted and warbled nightly to the J admiration of a gaping crowd. Seeing herself the object of attraction to a young gentleman ostentatiously and richly attired, Miss Cclestine Kigadoon Addressed tier notes ami steps particularly to this unknown and very verdant admirer. He smiles his satisfaction ; she replied by ail answering stnile ; lie threw her a boquet;u she (tressed it to her heart and raised it to her 'ft* Had it been possible, he would have declared himself upotr the spot. As it was, lie wetft to bed at the Astor, and dreamed of the enchantress, and the next morning called at ber house, and obtained permission of her mother to pay iter a respectful visit. Though Miss Celestine was ignorant and conceited, her charms completely blinded the poor young gentleman, and when he took his leave of her, He left his heart behind him. On his second visit, he carried with hiin a Cashmere shawl, which was gratefully and .gracefully accepted. At the end of the first wppk'fi KoounintBiice. he made her a nresent of a necklace of brillinnts mid %set of pearl ornaments, wLicb cost bioi five thousand dollars.? It was a very extravagant present, but then was not the lady destined for his bride? Three weeks passed away in ecstacy, and the deeply enamored yonth was all the while screwing up his courage to propose. Though infinitely suCerior to the foolish and volatile creature who ad enslaved him, he considered - himself so vastly beneath her, that she inspired him with as much nwe as if 6he had been an empress, at the very least. What, then, was the astonishment, horror and grief of Mr. Smithers, when one morning the waiter handed him the following note; Sir: It gives me great pain to inform you that you are au egregious dupe. Though a stranger to you, I could not witness the injvry t done a gentleman of character and fortune, without grotesting'against it. Miss Cnlestine Rigadoon, of Barouin's, who is now seeking to plunder and deceive you, is an arrant coquette. Slie is engiged to be married to a French barber in Chatham street, and will only pretend to faeor your addresses so long as she can obtain money of you. I am prepared to furnish evidence i>? the truth of my assertions, and for that purpose will wait upon you about dinner time. Respectfully, your frieod, ?' Augustus Flasiikr." Mr. Smithers' correspondenkkcpt his appointment punctually. He was a young man of forty, with very black whiskers and a large a mount of shirt-collar and jewelry, and stated j that lie was a commission merchant doing hu- ; siness in Wall street. His manners were ex- ; ceedingly prepossessing, and after the infinite ' service he had done Smithers in opening his eyes to the mercenary character of Miss Kigadoon, Smithers could do no less than ask him to dinner. That evening they went to the theatre together, and the next day to the races on * ?t I the Union Gourse. m snort, iney uecauie very intimate, and Smitbers, after having dismissed the false Ceks'ine from his thoughts, Messed his stars for making him acquainted with an ; g ceablo companion, a man of the world, and a true fiiend. Flasher taught Smiihers to tic -pise economy, got him a horse, dog cheap for five hundred dollars, bought tickets in his name for all the rattles going, and went with him to every place of amusement at his expei.s.'. Flasher was engaged i:i a very flourishing business, accoiding t> his own account; but lie soon developed a very singular mania for obtaining his friends' autographs. He required, however, something more than mere autographs; it w.ts necessity that they should he appended to little slips of paper called checks, or something figured on the hacks of written docu ments, all having reference to sundry sums of money to he converted to the use of tl.e aforesaid Augustus Masher. Going on at this rate, it is not at all surprising that, after the laps.' of a good many months, Smitbers should receive a notice from the bank j one morning, that he had overdrown his acI conn'. At the same time several trades-pco | pie presented their 44 little hill," a commercial I | term lor very long accounts, with a polite re- I ! quest for immediate payment. Sinitliers sent I horse to Tnttcrsalls, and then learnt for the i first time that he was badly spavined, and not worth fifty dollars. He flew to his friend Flasher's, and found that gentleman was out of town. Several other intimate Iriends, whom he had obliged at various times, were conveniently absent when lie hailed. After a desparate struggle to recall some of the scattered fragments of his fortune, Sinitliers iu despair fled from the imperial city. Some months after his departure, the following appeared in one of the Pniladelpliia papers: 44 Amoifg the hold adventures who were amoug the first to explore the auriferous soil of California, a young man by the name of Samuel Smilhers is particularly distinguished. Foreseeing the profit to be de. ived from the union of a strong will and undaunted persevere nee, he has plunged boldly into the valley watered by the Sacramento, and there has employed | himself in digging so success ullv, that he has liii.r illv iiManinir no onld. We are assu | J r?-?i -r c ( ? led tliat lie lias detached blocks weighing more til til eiguty pounds. It is estiiuated tliat the young and adventurous Suiithers, ha*, in three iiioiiLi.s, amassed more tliau twenty mil of the precious uietal." This notice, copied into the New York papers, was the town talk tor a week. It soon I reached lae eyes ol Miss (..'destine bigadnoii {and Air. Fl.uh.-r, who were both a.. tuuudcd at intelligence, j Some tini ; 1..ler, toe New \o. li Herald contained the following: j " Wonders will never cease. Young Smith! era, formerly ol this city, b.d now in (.'alitor| ni.i, is undeudtedly luc richest man in (he world. Astonishing as it may appear, he has found blocks of goid weighing four hundred pounds. Four hundred pounds! tiie imagination recoils, astounded, beiore the prodi.iousiiess of this fact. It is unquestionably true, however, that Suiithers possesses not millions billions.? Satisfied with his success, he is about to aban dun mining aud return to New York to spend (a mere conventional phrase, for hi* purse is bottomless) what he lias acquiied by his industry and enterprise. It is said, moreover, aud here perhaps romance invades the province of sober history, that lie returns to New York with the intention of marrying a young lady, the sincerity of whose attachment lie once doubted, it is certain that he will neither meet with re fusal nor levity. Happy* Sinithers!" I^ater yet tue same journal stated: " Samuel Sinithers, Esq., the celebrated Californiau, arrived in town to-day, and a-touuded those who knew his wealth, by jhe simplicity of his attire, and I))' engaging board at the I'ig and Whistle in Chatham street, instead of on" of the crack hotels. It is true, as we before hinted, that he has a love affair on the tapis.? More i.i our next edition." Smilhers was smoking lus cigar quietly in his hotel, when the door of hi* loom opened, and Augustus Flasher rushed into his arms. 'My dear fellow?welcome to Now York. [ forgive you for running away as you did.? Allow me to congratulate you. Ah! wo shall have many a good time together. Hu: business before pleasure. You know I am indebted to you in the sum of Ave thousand dollars. Y ou call that a trifle 1 know?but it was something to me at the tiimf you advanced it. Here it is in current bank notes. Just count 'em and see if they are all right." Smithers did so, And put them in his pocket with an indifferent air. A few minutes afterwards, the waiter brought him a lari/e sealed package and a note. He opened the latter, and read as follows: ' Dere, dere Mister Srnithers,?I always loved you?so i did?and i most cried my Is out when you destarted mo and went oph without Never go much as biddin' me Hi. But we wont spoke of troubles enny more. You've ; come back and we'd be very happy?won't we ? But 4^1'enJns U should think meinersenry i send ; U them Dimonts and perle9 wot you give me | a long while bak. Take ba^.k the jewels but ^ gif me wot 1 want ure true arts aflecshuns. Yures tell deth Cklkstink Riuaijoon. "The artful minx!" said Mr. Flasher, as he read the letter over his friend's shoulder. " She has dismissed the French barher, and now she thinks she has you sure. It was a sharp idea, sending back the jewels, but I hope you're not green enough to marry her " " Not I!" replied Smithers?" I have got my eye teeth cut now, I assure you. I can read her and you too, Mr. Flasher." Flasher laughed feenly as he oncountered Smithers' eye?but he changed color. '* I've got back part of the fortune I squandered," continued Smithers-?f and I mean to keep it. But before we part company, Flasher. I ..?? frt *A!I X/vii <? PI\/I l?nl / A OOn //I I Will 11 n* it'll juu a ovv.ivi?m. nuvt n ? vi/< n iv Cnlifurnin !" * ?7~w7 cThamIbeks, j Receiving and Forwarding Merchant, AND Buyer of Cotton and other Country Produce, CAM DEN, S. C. cV'M.ATIJESONr' B A N K AGE N T. Ax iti9 oi.n stand oim'osite Davis's Hotel MOFFAT & MOORE. AUCTIONEERS At GENERAL AGENTS, Cami-f.n, S. C. Jan. 6. 2 william C. moore, BANK AGENT, And Receiving and Forwarding Merchant CA MDEN, S. C. Rfffhf.nces?W. E. Johnson, Esq. Maj. J. M DeSaussure, T. J. Warren, Esq. Bogardus' Planetary Horse Power. THE miWribeiT have received one of the above machined from the manufactory of Geo. Vail & t o., to which they would cull the attention of those who want powers for Ginning. Sawing or Grinding. Orders for any kind of 3IILL IRONS or CASTINGS will be promptly attended to. McDOWt LL & COOl'EU. 80r A few Mill Cranks on hand. Sept. *20,1850. 75 tf Clothing at Cost! 4 Lot ready made Coats. Pants, Vests, Overcoats, and Merino Shirts and Pants, Linen St! ns -nd Collars. By H. LEVY &. SON. Jan, 24 7 tf WHISKEY, Kl .H A>I> BRANDY. (*TA Bbls. Reelitied Whiskey, fjly 50 bbis. New England Rum 5 casks boniestic Brandy 40<loz. Old /Wadeira Wine 60 doz. Porter and Ale. in quar's and pints Received and for sale by Jan. 2tf JOHN W. BRADLEY. Curpetiuift* uud Bugn at Cost! A few pieces Carpeting*. at positively cost. By 11. LEVY & SON. Jan. 23 7 tf ~ J S. B7KEitSHAW^ Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, CA.tlDEN, S. C. Will attend the ourts of Kershaw, Sumter, Fairfield, Darlington and Lancaster Districts. To Kent. rIMIAT brick dwelling and store, next to the 1_ "illusion House." now occupied l?y T. lionuell. A poly to J B KERSHAW, Kx'or. DecjJl 101 it' Kills for 1850. TIJE subscriber earnestly calls upon all who | are indebted to hiiu lor the past year to come forward and settle their bills, in order that lie may meet ins engagements which are, as per custom, short. Z J DeIIAY. Feb. 4 10 tf Tire subscriber has just finished off a lot of Mahogany Rocking Chairs in plush. Also Sewing Chairs in plush and hair; very neat articles and at unusually low prices. C. L. CIIATTEN. Mill Gudgeons, &lc, mm n.?i?o....w ml on Mill Crankc, assorted sizes North Caiohi.a, English and Norther Hollow Ware, assorted, from ? to5o gallons Patent Iron Axles. 1 to ^ inch. Mill Irons of anv kind furnished io order. Mr. 1)0 WALL &, COOPER. July 8 oi t* 1-rv SIDES l?e?t Hemlock Lcatlior. f)\J Just received and for sale at 17 cts per lb. by JOHN W. MADUSY. CORN Slidlere, I'ntent Straw ("utters. Ploughs, I'nictil Clin run of the most approved kind?Rocking and *iu ting ' -hairs. Fails. Tubs, 6u\, Just received fiv SejSL lTJThn E. W. UONNEY. Carpeting!!! JUST opened and for rale, common, extra fine, superfine, and imperial three lily Carpets, of new patterns. Also. Printed Floor Cloths, Rug*, and cotton Carpeting. Sept. 17. [74 If] E. W. HO.X.N'KV. New Fall Goods. THK subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that lie is now receiving his Full supply of Groceries Doiiicolics Ac. Consisting in part, of the following articles, viz:? Brown, crushed, loaf and clarified Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Rio and Java Coffee Rice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard No. 2 and 3 Mackarel Com. Flour, Oats, SaIt Swedes Iron of all sizes Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles Fine and common Tobacco llagffillff, Roper and Twine, Men and boy's Wagon Saddles Riding and Waggon Bridles Haines, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips i ALSO < C?i?lo,o niouc onrl llardw&rtt y, >iiuan ui *i Collin*' Gest Axes, Nails, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks Nf'tfro Clotll?s Bleached and brown Homespuns 1 Bed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS ( A lew cases of nien and boys Hats and Caps With all other articles usually found in a well supplied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which ' ivill be sold exceedingly low for cash. , 13. W. CHAMBERS. Camden, S. C. Sept. 3. 70 U THE SOUTHERN STORE. Al.L who wish Bargains, are invited to call at K. S. MOFFAT'S uew Southern Store, third house above the bank of Camden, where they will find a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, consisting in part, as follows: Fancy and mourning Prints 7-8 and 4-4 brown Shirtings Blue Denims and Marlborough Stripes Sattinetts and Kentucky Jeans Cloths and fancy Cassiineres Negro Ke seys; Be<l and Negro Blankets Mous. De'aines, Ginghams, <f-c. Groceries. Brown, Loaf, crashed and clarified Sugar Rio and Java Coffees New Orleans and West India Molasses Mackarcl^Nos. 2 and 3 in barrels Cheese, Rice, Flour, Bacon and Salt Raisins, Pepper, Spice , Tobacco, Segars. &r,. Sw. Hardware. Pocket Knives and Forks Britannia and Iron Spoons Trace and Ualter Chains Axes, Hammers and Hatchets Spades, SIiovjIs and Hoes Hand, mill arid crosscut srws Vices, anvils and blacksmith's bellows Nails, brads, tacks and sp igs Knob, pad closet and stock locks Iron squares, compasses and plane irons Brushes, blacking, cotton and wool cards Broadaxes and sieelyards; pots and skillets Broad und narrow Hon Sic.. Ready Hade Clothing ol every description. C3 iji t? ii I M . oaiujet*, L>r,un\-* aim njarmigaies Crockery and Gl; ssware Gunny and Dundee Bagging Kentucky Rope and Twine Together with every other article usually lountl in a well selei ted stock of Dry Good*, Groceries and Hardware. All of which will be sold exceedingly low lor rash. tsf'The highest market prices paid for cotton ami other country produce. Dec. 24, K. Sf MOFFAT. Bounty tfand. THE subscriber will prosecute claims ior Land or Pensions, on reasonable terms. Soldiers and officers, in tie Mexican war; in the War of 141*2, the Florida war, and other Indian wamaro entitled to Bountv Land. J. B. KERSHAW. Deo, 24, tl 101 Att'y at Law. MANSION HO US ET CAMD?\, S. C. THE undersigned l*'g* leave to return hi* grateful thank* to hi* friend*, and the travelling Public, for the liberal support which he hiu received aince he has been opened, (four month*) and haa entered upon hie duties for lt<51, with renewed energy to endeavor to please .all that may call upon him. both rich and poor, lit* House will be found one of the most desirable, situated, and best furnished Hotel* in Camden- lli* servant* also will be found nsqieclful and attentive, and the table will be supplied with the best the market affords. Hi* Stable* and Carriage Houses are roomy and nlwnys fully supplied with Provender, and an experienced Hostler. An Omnibus calls at the House every morning lor passengers for the Railroad. Hive me a cali and test my motto. As you find rue, So recommend in*. IS. (J. ROBINSON. Proprietor. Canrden, February 7th, 1851. 11 tf Temperance Hotel. fill IE undersigned would respectfully inform his A friends and the travelling public in general, that he has again rented the above Hotel for a short time and would respectfully solicit a portion of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon him heretofore, as no pains w 11 bo spared to make the traveller comfortable ai d at heme. The .Stages, and Omnibuses will call regularly at the House for passengers, going by Railroad. AI.-?o, Horses, and Buggies, can be had from him 011 reasonable terms, to go in the country. J. B. P. BOONE. Feb. 11, 12 if 20,000 PAIRS) OF BOOT AND SHOES. TO BK HAD at the New Shoe Store, and will be sold lower than any ever be lore offered in tins market?having paid the cash lor eve y artide, and selected Irom I lie belaud largest manluaciurers in the United States, we flatter our.-elves that tin one can tail to he pleaded in quantity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, as lot lows? Men's line t'nlf stitched Boots " rump Hoots " " Waterproof do cork soles " " *' do notched and (plillml sole* 200 pair* fine t'alf sewed Bool*, from 5<1 50 to $(> 00 -00 and Kip pegued Hoois, from $2 to $5 00 iri n.f> ... wi imi j n ill t loth Congress Boots S3 to 94 50 Jersev Tien. S3 I" S3 50 '' ' " pegged Bootee*. ftl to S- 00 " Kip * " 75c to SI 00 \ oath's lvip pegged Bootees, 50c to 75c Calf " 75c to S' 00 " " Boot* assorted " Kip Ladies* Depu. vmcut. Fine silk Gaiters, black and colored " satin " " lasting " " " *' " " wells nod black " Half Gaiters, welts ami Idack " ' "* " colored mill black Well " Ties, Foxed, llruail and Fusy 4* " 4* w nbout Tips, fur corns " Jenny I.ill,I lloolces, Kid and .Morocco I'tnnp " wid and I'liiamoled Excelsiors Kid and Morocco Jenny Find Buskins Taylor Tics. Pump Fine Kid Slippers, with Koscttes Fine Morroeeo sliptK-rs and Ties Fine Ties and Buskins, Welts Fine AJoruceo do do Kid extra wide Slips and Ties Goat Buskins and Ties, Weljs Gnat Boots Misses' black and colored Gaiters " bine and light colored Half Gaiters " black, bine and ttroti7.e Bootees 1 " black and colored Slipper** " Goat Bootees, sewed and pegged, for School Shoes Children's Shoes and Boots, assorteu - r-' - ?? ?"?iv of Gpiitlpmpn's, Ijulipi' I i hret: er wmi a grcut * ? v ? md (-hill!ren*? Slio*-#, tuonumeruiin to mention. Fine TRAVELING TKUNKS. CARPET HAGS, V ai ICF.S II Y'i'S and CAl'ts. All of which will positively he sold lower limn the lowest for t {frt'all and see for yourselves, at the NEW SHOE , STORE of WORKMAN & BOONE. " Sept. 20. Family Groceries* SUGAR.?Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized, Clarired Jigrhl and Brown light N. Orleans and Mils. . covado. ^ COFFEE.?Old Government Java# Rio; Lai ^ guira, Ciiocolaie, Brorna, Cocoa.. TEA.?Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson^Silverleaf Young Hyson, Orange Pehoe Golded Chap. * * FLOUR.?Baltimore in Bbla., Extr* Family Flour in Bags from selected Wheat^uck- *wheat, RICE.?Whole, Maccaroni, Firina, Curriie Powder. SOAP.?Chemical, Olive, Chinese Washing Fluid, Castile, Colgates, Fancy. HAITffS.?Baltimore Suzar cured, Dried Beef, l'ickled Beef, Mackerel, No. 1. in Kitts Salmon do., Halibut, Fret-h Salmon, Lob Fters, Sardines in whole, half and quarter ' boxes, Herring, Potted Yarmouth do. PICKLES.?From Grouse & BiacJcweil, Underwood and Lewis: KETCHUPS.?Worceeterrhife, Harvey, Johri Bull Tomatoe, Walnut, Mushrtio m. Kind of Oude's, Saho, Pepper aud Paoh Vinger; , W. Wine do, Cider do., English and French Mustard, Spanish Olives, Capers, Ancba^ vies Essences for flavoring. PRESERVES.?Peaches, Apricots, Prunes in their own Juice. Pineapple, Limes, Prunes. West Indies do., Strawberry Jam, Raisins, Prunes. CANDLES.?New Bedford Sperm, Solar do. Adamantine, Wax, colored do. Received and fo'sale by ? SHAW & AP8TIN. FINEIIUSH POTATOES-A few MbH. jtrtt received by SHAW &AP8TIN. -i Case Olives stuffed with Anchovies. Received JL and lor sale Dy MJAW atAUaTlH. . * ICase Green Peas, (French.) Received and for sale by SHAW 4" AV&TIN. ICase Pate de Foie Gras Strusbourg. .Received and for sale by Jan 30. SHAW &, AU8TIN. - ? FARE REDUCED TO fWFlOlK Charleston to New York. The Great Mail Route from Ciffrlettou, S. C. LEAVING tbe. Wharf at the foot of Lauren* at. daily at 3, p. ra. after the arrival of the Southern cars, via Wilmington and Weldon, Petembnrg, Richmond, to Washington, Baltimoro, Philade). .l:. ] i. kj v i. pin#1, auu iu iicw J I'm* The public it respectfully infort^W1 that the" steamers of this line, from Ctarjesum to V\ UiiiiMorton, are in first rate ininlili)^ iillf if. mii gated by well known and expfriehred eoaiaand' era, and the Railroads are in fine order, jfiereby securing both safety and despatch^ A THROUGH TICKET having already been in . operation will be continued on and after the first of Qflfc lt-49, as a permanent arrangement from VlmjgSm le New York. Passengers availing themselvestbereof will have the option to continue without delay throngh the route or otherwise, tostop -at any immediate points, renewing their seats on the line to suit their convenience. By this route travellers may reach New York on the third day during business hours. Baggage will be ticketed op board I lie 8teuic.r to Weldon, an likewise on to! change of cars at the intermediate points from thence to New York- Through Tickets can alone be bad of E. WIN SLOW, Agent of the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of the Company, foot of l^aurens street, to whom please apply, For other inlorinalio inquire of L. C. DUNCAN, at the American Hotel. May 3, 34 tf ntvw pat.t. annns ? WW a mm mm mm vi w M. DRUCKER & CO. A RE now just opening their large and new sup.1 ply of seasonable Goods, consisting in part of Cloths, cassimeres, sattiuets, vestHlgs, Jiuetis Plain and figured alpacca, inouselin de Lainea, Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dresses also A a splendid variety of Calicoes, and the very best and cheapest bleached and brown Muslin to be lound in the town * V The above Goods have been selected with the greatest care, and will be sold as always, at the very lowest prices. ***** NEVgpl THE subscriber would inwrni his frieode and the public generally, that he has opeaed an ovlDiioiua slitrlf lit liHAIlRRIKK. at tliA Mtand formerly occupied by Joseph VVt Doby, oue door south of Campbell's Hakery, and opposite H. Levy & Hod, where m:"y be found all articles usually kept in the Grocery line, consisting in part of tho following: Fulton Market Beef jVaifs ? No. 1 and 2 Mackarel in kitts, for finM* tlsej Rio and Java (Toffees; crushed and brows Sugars; New Orleans Molasses, (new crop) butter, wfne and soda crackeifj} cheese, buckwheat, raisins, currants, almonds, English mustard, filberts, pecan nuts, assorted pickles and preserves. ALSO A few doz. old Port Wine, lleidsick beet Champagne, London Porter and Scotch Ale in pints, togethcr a large stock of Bagging, Rope and Twiue, all of w hicli he offers low lor cash. Jan 1. S. E. CAPERS. jl'btice. HAVING disposed ol my ontiro stock of Gro. cerics to Mr. James I. Villepiguo, formerly of the firm of Paul F. Villepigtie <f Son, I beg, respectfully, to solicit for hnu, tlte generous patronage ot my former customers. Those indebted to inc either by note or open account, are earnestly requested to call on me at the old stand al)?l se;tic, wnir.n wjii euauie me to meet iijv own engagements. S. BENSON, _ -- -jj? ? ALL persons* aving demands against the Efitatn of J. (?. J)oby, dec'tl will present them properly atieHtcd, and those indebted will roaJte payment to J. DuNLAP, Adui'r. Jan. BO. 9 tf A FEW more Af those fine Beef Tongues, received st MOORE'S. Feb 11 13 tf Notice. AS I am about to leave this State, to travel abroad, I hereby appoint Mr. T^pmas Lang as my general agent, to attend to mytaflfairs during my absence. L. C. ADAMSON. Feb. 14 13 sul ?