Semi-weekly Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1851-1852, February 11, 1851, Image 1

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VOLUME 2. " ( AM l).EX, M)ITII-i A1 %'< >1.1 \ A. FEBRUARY 11, 1851." 12. THE CAM0EN JOURNAL. k * w I'l'llMSUKD H\* ?' WARREN & PRICE.^s J THE SKMl-WEEKLY JOURNAL j' 1* published at Three Dollar): and Fifty Cent*, if paid in advance, or Four Dollar! if payment is delayed lor three months. THE WEEKLY JOURNAL t< T* published at Two Dollnrs if paid in tdvnnce. or Two p Dollar* and Fifty Cents, if payment is delayed for Six nion h*. and Three Doiluis. if not paid mail lite end of the j . jrnr. j I' ADVERTISEMENTS will he inserted at the follow ing ji rates: For one stpwre fH line* or less) in the semi-weekly. I .1 ?ne didlur for the first, an I twenty-five rents for each j Snhserjiieiii iicer'ion. In the weekfv. *.-vcniv-five cent* per sijuare for the first, j > and thirtv-*'-) 101 and a halt cell's for each suliseuiicui ill- , * ? I t: 1H.TIKHI Mllg.'C IIIS'TllOIls "'lie jx-rrijim.v. Tim nmnner of insertion* desired. mid the elition t<> !? published in, must lit- noted on the margin of nil adver- , liscments. or thej- will Is* inserted semi-Weekly until or- 1 tiered to l>e discontinued, sunt charged accordingly. V tSemi-inonthly, itionthlv and quarterly advertisement* < charged the same as for a single insertion. K7~AII cotiimuuicatiuns by mail must lv* post-paid oj V secure attention. k The following gentlemen are Agents for the Journal: i Wji. C. CArTns, General Agent. ' (*oi~ T. W. UoRr, Jackson ham. Lancaster Di-t. i tl S. H. I'osskk. Esq.. Lancast-rville, S.C. i j, (' V. >fc<'rummo:. carthage. >*. c. W. C. >JoouK. Esq.. t auuleu. S. ('. j ' Ami Postmasters are requested to act as our \gents. (j Correspondence of the Charleston Mercury. jj Washington:, Feb, 1, 1851. v v ?l? Anl.rt ifiiil Itfrli* ilitK'itd enrnntr i 1 esieruuj- uii ituiHimsu ?-?,.w ^ np in the Senate on a resolution of inquiry of- I n fered by Mr. Mason as to tue propriety of allow- M ing compensation .o the owners of the Amistad S; negroes?' President Polk had recommended I .. that these slaves, set free l?v the judicial authori- i Jj ties of the United States, should he paid for, ; that purpose, but failed in the House of Rep- j j, resentatives. Mr. Chase and Mr. Hale opposed u Mr. M ason's, resolution, and Mr. Clay took the j occasion to Launch out against these JSenators lor agitating the slavery question. He affirmed that all opposition to the Compromise was jj dead, and that thus the anticipations of its au y thorsnud defenders, were verified. Mr. Hale ()| replied, and amongst other things, said that so C( abhorred was the Compromise, that if any of i jj, its supporters would come before the people of j w the United States, as a candhldefor Prvsblent ,.j or any other office, he would soon find himself js n wreck, and like the man, who, whilst others j j-,. were catching hold of whatever would float, ; (| for safety, was himself made fast to the anchor 1 ^ do would sj>eedily reach a depth from which ^ there was no return. Here the Vice President, s| as usual, called Hale to order. He saw that ^ 1he Compromise was about to l?e opened for j a debate, and from the facts of several JSenators, . , t? that it would be handled without much forbear- n aiice, and to stop .ill, he must stop Mr. Hale, si t . .1 ... |... i..... ..1| , ! -J Ins is not trie nrst time nun in.- uiiomiuncu I Mr. Clay to go 011 as he pleased, ami as soon ' j. as lie was replied to, discovered tliat it was all ; ij out of order. ; ti The election of Mr. Rnntoul to fill Mr. Win- ' j, throp's place till next 4tli of .March, is supposed ' |j here, will bring to an end the 1??"? controversy i as to the Massachusetts Seiiatorship,?it being j taken for granted that the abolitionists will not : c get their share of the bargain by the election ^ of Mr. .Summer for the six years ensuing. 4 The news from Mississippi, I learn, is very <j cheering for the South. Foote is going still 1 ? deeper down, and has hut the merest remnant a of strength left. Messrs. Clay, Foote, and ! j( Ritchie, have blown their rams horns long and j u lustily,?doubtless they have been delighted and ' c exhalted by the display of their own sonorous ! j, jiowers,? but the walls of Southern resistance , y are not yet shaken. ! a Have you remarked the recent finning and j u fretting between Mr. Matliew and Gov. Means! i n Was there ever before exhibited as much malice j ({ mixed with as much absurdity ? t, ??? ? f( If any man doubts whether the Rihic sane- A tions tho principles of slavery, let him read the g first five verseB of St. Paul's Fpi-tle to Timothy, o He will there find, that the master, instead of h being, as the abolitionists denounce liirn, a mon- r< st*?r and a criminal, as accounted "iror'h;/ nf nil it ^ honor." The character of those who "teach n otherwise," the abolitionists, is admirably drawn ti by the inspired writer. As all men do not ! c read their Bible with tho strictest attention and S regularity, we will transcribe the verses. IV I. Let as many servants as are under the p pnnnt their own masters worthy of all r< honor, that the name of God and his doctrine v V he not blasphemed. c 2. And they that have believing masters, let c' them not despise them, because they are broth- A ren; but rather do them service, because they a are faithful and beloved partakers of the benefit. P Those things teach and exhort. t( 3. If any man teach otherwise and consent tl not to wholesome words, even the words of our t .Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which a k is according to godliness. is y 4. He is proud, knowing nothing, hut doting a about qnestions and strifes of words, whereof a corneth envy,strife, railing, evil surmising!. ? 5. Perverse dispntings of men of corrupt Ii minds, and destitute of truth, supposing that ji gain is godliness?from such withdraw thyself. What a correct portrait of the character of p the abolitionists of our day ! And what whole- J some advice does the Apostle give! "From urWti/lwow fh* ?/?! f " Sk/infh Skt/Jp TiPIIWCT&t. Mock Auctions Again.?It really secinsto d us as if cautions to str lagers in our city are absolutely thrown away. We have many tunes a warned them against i lie practice of the keepers Jl of ntock auction simps; yet almost every day o we hear of some fresh instance of rascality.? s Yesterd^a verj^ dating cH'ort at swindling was s imdo>at a PeterFugjtestftbjiislitneiit not a thou- 5' snnd 'miles from herd. ti A stranger entered the shop, when Ins alten tl lion was arrested 5y a watch andtfefd a Jut ot k nives which wre put up lor sale together, and liich the auctioneer declared were going for hnost nothing. The confiding stranger hid even dollars and a halt, when, to his great asmishinent, he was told that the "lot" was his, t a "great bargain." He took a twenty dollar ill from his pocket and handed it to the clerk, ritli a request to have the change returned. " Change!" said the clerk, with an air of asuiishment. '"Why. my friend, this is not nough by a handled dollars. Let ine see; lit1 - ' 1 _ l_.ll. .. A .*011 dozen Knives ;u t i ami a nan a uuwn, nit's $1 and S7.50 for the watch, make reeiscly si20. Yes, sir, that's exactly SI00 i.-it y< u owe us yet." "I assure you,' said the astonished stranger, 1 hid on the whole lot at once. Youarecerliuly lahoiing under a mistake." The clerk, however, declared that he was nrreet; S1*0 was the gentleman's hid, and ho ould have to pay it; "and besides," said he, we will have uu luas in this store, so get out our money while I make out your hill.'' With these words lie took a pistol from a rawer, ami laying it on the tabic turned to his esk to write. stranger not relishing heig so unceremoniously diddled out of his cash esiiles I icing 'bullied and threatened with a ose of lead, immediately seized on the pi.-tol, ocked it, and pointing it at the clerk, declared las if lus money was not returned directly he 'ould see what efHcacy tliere was in a pistol all. This summary method of proceeding had n instantaneous effect; the clerk took the lotiey from his pocket, and handing it over, lid with a smile, "Oh ! certainly, sir," here i> - I-. *i - '.I OUT IllOUt'v, a iiicivm uiuu^ih jn;iiiiijio juu u ke to buy a pistol." 'J'lie stranger lett the shop a little wiser than c went in; but we greatly fear that many more ho tollow him will not get off so easily. N. O. Picayune. Horskbaok ill dim; in Madkika.?The Ion. John A. Hix, in his recent work, "A finter in Madeira," gives an amusing account I' horseback riding in Funchal. For thirty ruts an hour a line horse may be hired at any very stable, together with a man as attendant, ho follows on foot; and when you desire to de last, he catches hold of your horses tail and , drawn along, in this way he prevents you om running away from him. Mr. Dix says lat the horso3 soon become accustomed to lese human appendages, and that the fellows nve a way ol making the horses go last or ow, as they desire, in spite of the rider. Mr. >ix sa^s that lor ladies tliis association of horse lid driver is a great coincidence. They need o other attendant. He is always ready to under any assistance ; if the horse looses a toe, he lias a hammer and nails in his pocket ) replace it. It is not easy to Jancy a more uiicrous spectacle than a lady riding through ie city at lull gallop with a man nauging to ic tail of her horse; but such scenes are of ourly occurrence in Funchal, and the eye soon ecomes aecuslnaieii 10 mem. The laic case, of Imprisonment of an Amcriiin Sea Captain at llayti.? \\?; learn from the iessrs. Lewis, of tins city, owners of the brig lOauder, that Capt. Mayo, the former coium.uier, is now on his way to this city from Iteruida, via Halifax. iSoine of the crew have I ready arrived at New Vork. 'J'Jie Leander, will he reineiubered, was lost at sea on the ray from Cape llaytien to Boston, and the row Liken into Bermuda. Relative to the nprisouuient oi'Cant. Mayo at Cape llaytien re have the following particulars: Capt- Mayo pplied to the authorities of Cape llaytien to rrest one of his crew who had deserted. The tail was arrested, placed in jail, and afterwards clivered up to tiie captain. The man swore j be revenged, and shortly afterwards gave inirmation to the llaytien authorities that Capt, layo had smuggled 8D,l)UU worth of dry oods into that port. Though the whole cargo f the Leander amounted to less than the ul ged value smuggled, yet Capt. Mayo was arrsted by the autnorities of the port, aud thrown ito the common criminal prison, a place oi lost disgusting tilth and misery, where from iree tj live hundred negroes are at times in nnfiitoniiMit. To n oetition from the United tates Agent, that he might he confined in the )rt, the answer was, that it was too good a lace for a''white" man. Here Capt. Mayo ;>inaincd six days, and was at length released itliout examination, the authorities having heoino convinced of the groundlessness of the harges against him. The United States igent the n made a formal demand lor damages, ml so alarmed were the authorities that riuce Jiobo, the chief in command, was about > grant it, when iiuron La tirouu arrived from ie capital, lie also assented to the justice of le claim, but said it could not he paid without n order from tie Emperor, with whom cash i quite scarce at present. A short time since ii English schooner at Aux Cayes received nd obtained from the liuytien government f),000 damages for a less aggravated outrage. Lis a singular fact that the man who thus unistly accused Caption Mayo diod on the paslge home of fever, contracted while in the rison at Capo ilaytieii.?Jlos!ou Traveller an. '2o. Conviciulilirs in Prison.?The prisoners in lil in Cincinnati were treated on Christmas a}' to a substantial dinner in the jail. Speeches were made by the prisoners, and fter dinner a number of dances were given by , colored boy. In the evening, a young man, ne ot the invited guests, attempted to havs omc sport with the thieves, when his watch uddenly disappeared. Alter ho had comilaino-l about the loss sometime, one of the hieves handed him his watch,coolly remarking, hat ho must be careful what company he cops. MASONIC HALL j CLOTHING STORE, 20S King-street, corner of Wentworth, CHARLESTON, S. C. j TTT" A. KENT & MITCHELL are now re! tt reiving their usual supply of Spring and | Summer Clothing, to which they would invite the [ attention of pureh sors. They keep constantly on j hand, a full and complete stock of Clothing and Gentlemen's Outfitting articles. Purchasers will at all limes find a full stock of English and French Cloth Dress end Frock Coatp Medium and low priced Cloth do Pants, of all descriptions, ! And a lull st??< k ol Vests. They would invite attention to their stock of , Outfitting articles, viz: Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Under (Garments, Hosiery, Gloues, Suspenders, I Dressing Gowns, &c. <y*r. > All ol the above Goods will be sold at the lowest nrir.ns. W. A. K1:NT <f MITCHELL, 268 King-st. cor. Wentworih. ; April 12. 2!)^ tf G.V.ANTWERP, 31EKCIIANT TAILOR, Columbia, S. C. ! Keeps on hand and is constantly manufacturi ng i an extensive assortment of plain and fashionable garments, which will be sold at reasonable prices, 'i'he goods are got up expressly for a fashionable ! custom trade, and will be found superior in workmanship and quality. I have alsoon hand and am i daily receiving an extensive assortment of shirts and furnishing articles, choice and cheap. I shall soil ho article but m hut is good and substantial. A LFO A fine assortment of Silk and Fur Hats, of the very latest styles, from jie house of Beebe <% Cos j or. Jan. 2. 1 tf ~ mm wastebT THE subscriber earnestly requests those indebted to biio to come forward and settle without J delay. FOP. THE FI7TUIIE He will work for cash, and expects the money or other satisfaction when the work is delivered. For those to whom he is indebted, he will do work at the lowest cash prices. N. B. ARRANTS. June 14,1850. 47 tfw Leidy's Blood Pills. A LARGE and tresh supply of the genuine article, just received at Z. J. DEllAY'S. Aug. 211 66 THOMAS BONNELL & GO. Recciviug & Forwarding Jleicbaute, i CAMDEN, S. C. B. W. CHAMBERS, Receiving and Forwarding Merchant, AXIi Buyer of Cotton and other Country Produce, CA.MDKN, fS. C. C10UN Shelters, Patent Straw Cutters, Plough*, Patent ) Churns of the most approved kind?Rucking and sit! Iiiii; Chairs, Pails. Tubs, iVc., just received by Sept. 17, ]74if I _ E. W. HO.S.N'KY. Carpeting!!! JUST opened ami for stile, common. extra Hue, mi|ierfine.nin! iuijierinl three ply Car]*.-!*, of new |>attcriis. | Aiso, i'rinieil l-loor Cloths, Rugs, and cotton Cameling. Sept. 17, 171 If] L. W. BO.NNfcl. WILLI AM C. MOOKE, HANK AGE N T, ! And Receiving and Forwarding Merchant j 1 CAMDEN, S. C. j Rf.ferf.ncks?W. E. Johnson, Esq. Maj. J. M ' , DeSaussure, T. J. Warren, Esq. I *-i?'?Truu Southron insert 3 months. Mill Gudgeons, &c7 Mill Cudgeotis, IDA to *30 inch Mill Cranks, assorted sizes North Carolina, English ami Norther IIollow Ware, assorted, front ? too)gallons Parent Iron Axles. 1 to inch. Mill Irons ofativ kind furnished to order. Mrl)f) WALL & COOPER. Julv 8 54 ! Copal Varnish, Leather Varnish, \panisii isrown, vcncuau ucn, i Japan Varnish, !l???! Load, &r.. &r. Kept constantly mi hand at Z. J. DeIIAV'S Sept. 'JO. " Dnvid'i or Ilcbrnv I'l.islcr, 1U1E most successful Pain Extractor ot'the arcs- 1 cut day: Lt-idy's Sarsaparilla l'ills: JayueV I Ague l'ills; BrandrctliX Peters, Spencer's Mofiat's, Gordon's, Heeler's, Robert's, Lee's and Wright's Indian Vegetable l'ills; clove anodyne Tooth Arhc Drops: Egyptian Champoo;Pastilts de Paris: Enelish I'ooth Brushes: I Fair Brushes: Buffalo. Horn and Ivory Combs: Perfumery: Gilt Toilet Bottles; China Inkstands, J'nper, Pens, En- i vt-lopes, Sealing Wax, Wafers, .Mottos, &c., &c., may always be had at J'nly 2. Z. J. DeIIAV'S^ The subscriber has just finished oil'a lot of Mahogany Rocking Chairs in plush. Also Sewing I Chairs in plush and hair; very neat articles and at unusually low prices. C. L. CilATTEN. Pastilles de Faris. I7V)R the alleviation and cure of Bronchitis _ and iitlicr diseases of the throat now so prcva lent in the United States, among Ministers and other public speakers. For sale bysept 20 Z. J.DkIIA_Y._ French Ilrnndy. Supcrior French Brandy, for Medicinal purpo- i ses. For sale at McKAIN'S DRUG-STORE. Bogardus' Planetary Horse Power. npiIK Ftihfcrilicr* have received one of the above ma- i JL chine* from the manufactory of Geo. Vail ?fc Co., to which they would call the attention of those who want powers for Ginning, Saw ing or Grinding. Order* for any 1 hind of MILL 1UO.NS or CASTINGS will he promptly iilletpled to, McDOWl LL A COOi'KK. KTA few Mill Cranks on hand. 1 Sept. 211, 1830. 73 tf Spirit Git* or Uuriiiiif; Fluid, | Lamps, Wicks &c. i ^rMIE subscriber linn just received from ILiltiJ_ more, analegant assortment of Glass and A/e( talic Spirit lias Lamps, YVieks &c. Jn a lew days be will also have a supply of the Burning Fluid, 1 to all of which be invites the attention ot those in ' want, tttid his friends generally- * Z. J. DrIIAY. J . i ?1 New Fall Goods, fe THE subscriber respectfully informs Ifisftfands and the public generally, that 1)? is now receiving his Fall supply of . I A Groceries, Domestics; &c. j ii Consisting in part, of the following articles, viziBrown, crushed, loaf^nd clarified Sugars New Orleans and Muscovado Molasses Rio and Java Coffee Rice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard ,\ No. 2 and 3 Mackarel Corn, Flour, Oats, Salt Swedes Iron of all sizes Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles gr Fine and common Tobacco ve R-* ft*i wi rr Dniwr ntiH Turing. I ? Men and boy's Wagon Saddles Riding and Waggon Bridles Haines, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips ? ALSO ful Crockery, Glass and Hardware for Collins' best Axes, Nails, assorted eize bil Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks pJ Negro Cloths, ^ Bleached and brown Homespuns j Bed, Negro and Riding BLANKETS coi also A few cases of men and boys Hats and Caps s With all other articles usually found in a well sup- ? plied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which will be sold exceedingly low for cash. B. W. CHAMBERS. -Cnnnlcn, S. ('. Sept. 3. 70 tt (% fry The Slimier Banner and True Southron will copy -L' for three month*. * wl General Information! THE subscriber would confidentially inlorm bis rp, kind patrons, and the public promiscuously, wj that lie is "in town," having returned from the North with an overwhelming stock of choice, cheap and elegant Goods, embracing every tiling ca new and elegant in be Staple and Faucy Dry Goods. U8 His purchases consist entirely of Dry Goods, se- at jccieu irom me most receni importations, wiiuuie closest attention to every branch of the Dry Gooda business, go as to present to the public at once, a _ complete assortment in that line, and at prices low enough to suit the closest economist. Parties from the country will please bear him in mind when they visit Camden, as his stock is* always open lor inspection. New Goods received every month, at the "Palmcltu Cash Store. JAMES WILSON. , Oct. 1. 77 tf J The Great Cough Remedy IT < . ? ne For the Cure of g COUGHS, COLDS, 10I HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, Ca WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP tlx ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION s<> The annals of medical science, affording as they 1 _l_ i r . I. - 1 A?'r.,oni> Cr no ampie prom ?: uie power ;miu vmut; ?>i mnui . medical agents, have furnished no examples to ' romearc with the salutarv effects produced bv P ' AVER'S Cl.ERRY PECTORAL." ' ^ Tiie remarkable cures ot the disease of the * ' Filings which have been realized by its use, attestcd as they are by many prominent professors and ! physicians in this and foreign lands, should encuur<ge the afflicted to persevere with t e strong assuraucethat the use of the 'Chcary Pectoral' will relieve and ultimately cure them. We present to the public unsolicited testirnoni- jj,? als from some of the first men in our conutrv, up- ' mi whose judgement and experience implicit con- . v tidcnce may be placed. ^ l)r I'PliKlXS, President Yt. Medical College, one of the most learned and intelligent physicians ~~ in the country, considers it a -'composition of rare excellence for the cure of that formidable disease, Consumption." Norwich, April 26, 1816. Dr. J. C. Aver?Dear ?Sir :?Agreeable to the request of your agent, we will ?.heerlully state what we have known ol the efl'ects of your CilKltRY PECTORAL and they have been astonishing indeed. Mrs. Betsey Sireetcr had been afflicted with a severe and relentless cough, which reduced her very low ; so low that, little hope could be entertained of her recovery, Numerous remedies had been tried without effect, before the Clicrry Pectort^. And that has cured her. (learge Watkiuson xfeq? had to our knowledge been afflicted with asthma, for eleven years, and grown yearly worse, until the Cherry Pectoral has now removed Ii I... .1 ~ ? ?-1 I." ..O IV..n t'r.ini ailtf ilt'ilB KVMIII _ iu?: U.5U.1.-U a.iu . <. ... j , ere loins as we arc. 'i'lie Kcv. Mark Dane had been so severely attacked \vith the Bronchitis, as to dis- | able Iiiiii Jroin bis duties, and nothing had afforded liini relief jintil I (Mr. Thorniag) carried hint a cat bottle ol your Pectoral, which cured Jinn at once, anil ho now officiates as usual in this place. These are three of the cases in which we have kdown it successful, but never tail. \V? have tai: great pleasure in certifying ,o these facts ; and aie respected sir, your humble servants. UER. D. THORNJNG. w" HON. J. BATTLES. aro -j ci:i Among the distinguished authorities who have riti given their names to recommend "Cherry Pector- nm al," as the best remedy that is known for the Af , a,? lections ol the lungs, are "London Lancet," "Canadiatt Journal ol Medical Science," "Boston Me- { dical and Surgical Journal," "Charleston (S. S) j Medical Review," "New Jersey .Medical Report- 'j er.'* Prof. Webster. Harvard College, Prof, fla?t. / left, Transalvania University of Mocicine, Presi- I*10 dent Perkins, Vermont iMedjcal College, Dr. Valentitle .1/ott, New Vork City, Parker Cleveland, Bowdoii College, Prof. Butterlield, WilJoughby ^ f College, Ohio, Prof. Hrai'iiwnite, Leeds (Knar.) yM Medical School, Sir Richard Kane, (Queen's Col- vet |pge, Ireland, Prof. Rnsciibaiim, Lcipsic. Hl>t fiio public have hut to know the virtues and as- ^ tonislnng success of tlic "Cherry Pectoral," in ^oll curing diseases ol the lungs, when they will feel l**i secure from these dangers, whenever this remedy phj can he obtained. Prepared by J. C. AVER, Cbimist, Lowell Mass ^>1! and so il in Camden al McKAliN'S Drug Store and t;i by Driigists generally throughout the Unite JStatos. vill Dec. Kl.JtOO, 97 ?m ^ IjWKMfH. miau uiui English t'tain <'iihiuiicivs, lor HI l4<lim l)nw?, Alw?Vdw #t*l <?tln*r Triraminp', pin o|a*ited iliii. il.iy, at BONNEY'PI . NEW " "m. druck * RE now just opening tbeirl^fjwSuid new supi ply of seasonal## Goods, consMjgg in part of Cloths, cassimeres, sattinets, vestmS^lirens Plain and figured alpacca, mouselin tie Laines, Ginghams, with other goods for Ladies Dresses ?" " tALSO ^ T a splendid variety Sf Calicoes, and the very best an^ cheapest bleached and brown Muslin to be found- in the tovfrn The above Goods have been selected with the eatest care, and will behold as always, at the ry lowest prices. Oct. 29. Victims of Dyspepsia, Look Bon DR. ALLEN'S COMPOUND. . .. rhis Medicine > offered to the public generally from a 1 conviction that it is superior to any other noW in ose, the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Deity, Bodily weakness, &cPrepared only by the proprietors, G. W. ALLEN, M- D., iladelphia.and J. A. ?fe W. L. CLEVELAND, No. 907 ng Street, Charleston, 8. C. Vooe Genuine nnless signed br Dr. G. W. ALLEN* and lnlersigned by J. A. 6c W. L. CLEVELAJJD The Use having the words "Allkt's dtsrxrrio^ibdicikb ilo. hlniam nn An irlaas Sole agent for Camden, Z. J. DkHA?, * Sept 20, 1850. 75 Ijr HOME TESTIMONY. /TR. Z. J. DrHAY?Dear Sir?I feel it a duty 'X which I owe to society at large, and thoee in suffer wi Ji Dyspepsia in particular,^) add jny itiinony to the virtue of Allen's Cenpfcnnd, not - the sake of seeing my name in "print, bat for uth's sake. I procured a bottle df you last June, tich relieved me so much that I was induced to r a second, which completed what the fiwt began* my appetite, which before was insatiable, heme latural and regular, and Mow enjoy better alth than I had done for three-years previoue tor ing that invaluatdi medicine, Ypaare perfectly' liberty to make whatever nee of this you plpaseV Respectfully yours, . Z. MARStf ALL. Chesterfield, 8, C., Dec. 10, 1850. 08" : X, FEMALE PILLS, For Females oalyV Invaluable to young, aarfitd and single.' BE. LESDF8 Restorative and Rontblj Alb. Price 25 eta. a Box^ LCCOMPANIED with a smallfanpblet, eon-" taininc full directions, usefulitints. inforina m and advice t c females from youth or pofiiirty old age. Nature will be moch assisted by their me, in ticipation of certain periods, or where there* egulffity, suppression or absence of the nataral anges, and will relieve tiie sufierisg* paio aod stress common to many at those period*. There e other times, also, when the marrtetT and stogie ill find them useful. Mothers do not mistake tbe ailings of your ughters; when afflicted with Head-ache, DizzU as, Fainting, Loss of Appetite, Sickness of the omach, Pains in the Sides or Breasts, Paint a. ng the Back, Spine or across tbe Loins, HysterfI or Nervous feeling, Depression or Lowum* ol e Spirits, Melancholy Dislike to exercise and ciuty, Palpitation of Heart, Bleeding at the nose c. 'J'oo often are medicines given tliein for livcomplainls, D.spepsia, Consumption, &?., when c real cause is not suspected; and through'-tapper medicines and treatment their consthn>ns are destroyed; and their constitutions are de 'nyed, and they become miserable doring life. Thousands of Females in Philadelphia, New >rk, Boston, Baltimore and elsewhere know tbe icacv of those Pills, and many could be referred but delicacy and respect to the sex forbids it. iSold wholesale and retail at Dr. Lcidy's Disnsary, No 114 North Fourth Street. Pliilada.? 10 by J. R. /JcKain, Camden; Tolaitd if* Curtis, ilumbia; Black & Kliny, Orangeburg; Dr. P. M, iIiph it Ik J Dr. J. A. Cleavclanri, Charleston; and Drujroists and ""Storekeepers generally. S ?g. 20 (JO 1 y AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. The envy of all Pill Mannfaotnren, leranxe th?v arc pa for. bet ter and more efficacious than, } any others; and'because the public will take no otli-. if they can obtain them. 500,000 Boxes . 4|| re been sold annually lor the last five year". YOl'Nc; AND OLD. .MALE AND FEMALE, i always take ihcin-with equnl safety, without fear. IF FILLS HE NECESSARY purging and cleansing the Stomach and Rowels, and rifying the RIimkI and fluids ol' the body, take no others or no other pills produce those combined effrcts, or conns -Sarsaparilla in them Eat, Drink and live as nsnal, v 1 ntfitlot f ik tr inor tliom 1 pursue your ukiiui oci~u|uui'n ihout fear of taking mid.during all kind* of weather. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS wagered that more genuine certificates (from pl'W>i tie, Clergymen. Members of Congress ami respectable izetts) can lie Droeuced of their emcacy than any oilier. Forty Pills in a Box !! Isold at twemtv-fivk cevts a box, with direction* I much wholesome advice accompanying eachbtk, I'hey no taste or unpleasant smoll, "ree from dust or powder of any kind, h? not gripe the Stomach or Bowel*, 'reduce nnsicknes*. vomiting or had feelings, I'll KV ARE GOOD OT. ALL TW, I rid adapted to most disease* common to mankind, one having once taken them will be willing afterward* ake any other*, because tliev al way* do good, and iftbey not then no others will. N. B. LH1DY Propriety axij Man u (adorer, i regttlnr Druggist. Chemist and Physician, of fifteen irs experience in Philadelphia ; Graduate of the Uni sity of Pennsylvania ; Member of different Medical lis ntloiiM of Philadelphia, New York, Boston, BaUimosa ..and associate and corresponding member of several dicnl Institution* of London and Pari*?hence the ret*, i of the greater confidence placed in hi* pills, and their ng recommended in the practice of most respectable ,'Miriam* throughout uie unneu rwm, er Principal Depot. Dr. LEiDr*fl DmpEMaART,No?#M rth Fourth if. Fniladenphia?and mild wholesale aod iil at MrK AlN'S Drug isiuite, Camden ; INLAND it RTICi, Columbia; >fll.LEK& BOSSAKD. Sumterle ; Dr. MALEOY.Cheraw; PRATT & JAMES. Now. ry; RUFF^ REKDY.Chetrtrrville.; J. L. YONGCJH, innhoro; H. II. WEST, Untonville; Dr. P. M^CO. CM and CEEVELAiN D, Charlepton; and by moMtDrtlgn> A. Storekeeper! in tin* United Swtew. Vug. SO, IBM*. " titV l'-tn