Semi-weekly Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1851-1852, February 07, 1851, Image 1

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VOLUME 2. ^"CAMDEN, .SOUTH-(CAROLINA, FEBRUARY 7,1851. ~~ * N^MBER^j^' aMMMWWiwBfiTM"TriwwnrrrfiTTiif e? in * b agy^gg THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. rr*im<m:i? hv WVUUEX & PRICE. THE SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL ?ril>li?h;-il :i; Thr-e IMIarn am! Fifty Font*. if advaurv. oi* Four Dollars if payment i? delayed for llir months. TIIE WEEKLY JOURNAL I* pliMw|u*<! at Two Dollars if paid i"i td\:iuo?*. o? T* Hollar* ond Fif!v Cents. if pnymetit i? delayed lor f month*. and Tbrw Dollars, if not |Kiid until tlieeud of i Jvar. ADVEUTHt'.M (' \T> will ln? inserted at the followii rote*: For nrt? jii;:r?-?! f line* or le??/ in the semi-weckl Bnf r!i.ll?r fi.r .lie iir?i. and twenty-live ?-rtits for e?i kllhfKqnri,! i , lii i'ii. ? . i'!i'. v-fiv? iviu* |>er square for I lie fin noil iliim ! ::uil a halt rent* for each subsequenii i>?-rt'o?i Single in?eril?>i?s<iiit&4l<>llar |*r square. . The niimuT of insertion* ilw?"l, aivl the ion !? published in. tnn*i l?* note! on tie inn rein of oil niKt las-merits. or l hoy will !e inserted *enii-w?fkly until i dered In be discontinued. an" chnri'iil arcordirisjlv. frvnu-m?n ill I v. monthly nti'l quarterly advenise.mcu charged the Mime as for a single in-ertiou. C3"AI| communications by mail tnust be p'ist-paid ? fenre attention. The fallowing eentlnnen are Apeuts for the Journal: Wm, ('. Castox. (irtieral Agent. Col.. T. W- Ht'Kv. Jarkiwiliaiti. T.aiieaM-r Di-t. ** ** " - ? - _. .Il? I JV ri. ISOSSKn. r.?|., Ulllni>r r>"r, (' < *. McI-ki'murn, Carslmec. N. ('. W.O. Moork. Kmj.. *u;ncl?*ii. S. C. Ami PiMtma-t?*r? :m- rq"i? ' d to art a* our A pent*. Oh. I would son>" one would lore me, For I Ice! so lone and drear? And iny le*art is sad and jnyless, And my spirit tilled with chic. There's many who are smiling, And who say th?*v love itip too ; But I want a wild devoted lore, Like a sister's fond and true. Ah ! I'd hare it something deeper, Even than a sister's love? A ttK-p and holy essence pure, Like the anselsf.i l above. flh! I'd havea love, when tempests Drove my hark upon the sea; Of a deep and dark misfortune. Still would fondly cling to rue. ] cannot, cannot fill my soul. . With a love of sunshine birth; That when clouds shut out the stars and sky Leaves the soul a withering dearth. But I want a love so vuii and true, That misfortune cannot l?r? nk : That nerves the spirit with its power, And th?* d'-'-jtrT leelmgs wane. CONSTANCY. Caroi-n, S. (\ THE VOLUNTEER COUNSEL. .4 7V?/?* of John 'hiylor.?\\ e copy tin.' fo lowing from the Ww \ urk Sunday i i:n?j; The subject of it, John Taylor. was liccn*e< when a youth of l-wcnty-one. to practice at th bar of t ii? cilv. II j was poor, hut well cli c-Hte-l, a i.l p msessed extraordinary The grace* of hi- person combined wit.i l'i sujierio-iiv of his intellect, enabled hi;ii to ui rhe imnd of a fashionable beauty. J'welv mouths afterwards the husband was employ^ )?v a wealthy linn of the city to go on a mi* aiou as land agent to the West. As a beav salarv was offered, Taylor hade farewell to Id wile and infant son. lie wrote back ever week. but received not a line in answer. Si months elap-;d, when the husband tvcyyed , letter from his employers that exptiajj^p all Shortly after his departure to the Vlnest, to wife and her father removed to Mss$i.s.-ipp Tliere she immediately obtained a divorce -y :ui act of the Legislature, married ag iiuiTort.i with; and, to complete the climax of cruelr ~ and wrong, had tiie name of Taylor's soi changed to Marks?that of her second ruatri monial partner! This perfidy nearly drovt Taylor insane. His career, from that (teriod became eccentric in the last degree; sometime lie preached, sometimes he pleaded at the bar until, at last a fever carried him oil'a compara tively early age.?/Vj/7 tir p'liu At an early hour on the 9th of April, 1810 the Court House, in C'larksville, Texas, wacrowded to overflowing. Save in the wai times past, them had never heen witnessed sueli a gathering in Red River county, while t!u strong feeling, apparent on every Hashed fact thro ugh oBtJjg? assembly, betokened soinv A concise narrative 01 laets will sufHoidttf&explaiii the matter. AbotK W^clOte of 1889, (Jeorge Hopkins one oTOie'weafrKlej-t planters mid most infhieii tint inen of Northern Texas, offered a gross insult to Mary Elliston, tlie young and beautiful wife of his chief overseer. The husband threatened t?? chastise liiin for the outrage, whereupon Hopkins loaded his gun, went to Elliston's house and shot him in his own door. 'JTie murderer was arrested and bailed to answer the charge. This occurrence produced intense excitement; and Hopkins, in order to turn the tide of popular opinion, at least to mitigate the general wrath, which at first was violent against him, circulated reports infamously prejudicial to the character of the woman who had already suffered such cruel wrong at his hands. She brought her suit for slander. And thus two causes, one criminal and the other civil, and both out of the same tragedy, wore pendi ig in the April Circuit ('oiirt, for 1840. The interest natui. !i. lelt by the community ?.* La iqoiiou i. . r.._ tie* ??J "?v lawvi, ? uic itii uct in '.*111711 it was known that Ash! y and Pike, of Arkansas, and the .celebrated >. Prentiss, of New Orleans, each with eno. limns fees had been re* . tainedby Hopkins for his defence. The trial, on the indictment for murder, ended on the 8th of April, with the acquit,tl of 1 (trains. -*8aeh h result might well have been x r^seen by comparing the talents of the couu i sol 01 cither fide. The Texan lawyers wer ! utterly ovciwhehne I by the argument and <-!<: | <|iu?!hm> of their opponents. It was a light e | dwarfs against giants. ; Ti e slander was sot for the !Hb, and t!i ~ i throng of spectators grew in numbers as we j as excitement; and what may seem strange, tli current of public sentiment now ran decided!, i for Hopkins. His money laid procured poi:ii i ed witnesses, who served most efficiently bi 1 powerful advocates. Indeed, so tiiumphau jj* ! bad been the success of the previous day, tan ! when the slander case was called, Mary Ellh 'P , ton was left without an attorney?they had a I :'lj i withdrawn. The [ iginy pettifoggeis dared no ' 1 " - ?,W -- I il. ; brave again tne siinrp wit 01 riKo, auu iu J'. scathing thunder of JYentiss. j "rJave you no counsel?'' inquired Judg 10 Mills, looking kindly at the plaintiff. )r." J "No, .-ir; they have all deserted uie, and I ar i loo poor to employ any more," replied tii li,: i beautiful M:uv, burs-ting into teats. 11 : "!n siu'lt a case, will not roaie ehivalrou j member of the profession volunteer;" asked tit | Judge, glancing around the bar. The thirty lawyers were silent as death, i "1 will,your honor," said a voice from til thickest pa t of the crowd, situated behind th i bar. ! At the tor.ds of that voice, many startei half-way from their seats and perhaps there wa j not a heart in the immense throng which di I not heat something quicker?it was so unearth ! ly swe?t, clear, ringing, and mournful. | The first sensation, however, was changei j into general laughter, when a tall gaunt, spec i tral figure, that nobody present reuiembcrei ever to have seen, elbowed his way througl j the crowd, and placed himself within the bar ! His appearance was a problem to puizie m ! sphinx herself. ilis high, pale brow, and small ! nervously twitching lace, seemed alive witl | the concentrated essence and cream of genius ' but then his infantine blue eyes; hardly visibl 1 beneath their massive arches, looked dim dreamy, almost unconscious; and his clothinj was so exceedinglj^habhy, that the court hesi rated to L-t the case proceed under man ; agement. "lias your name been entered on the toll u ! the .Stales" demanded tli Judge suspiciously. ".t i; immaterial about my name being en tercd oa your roils," ans.veivd the stranger ids thin, iijoo'.ilcss lips curling upinto a fiend ; isii sneer. "1 may he allowed to appear once hy the coa:t"?y oi the t 'mi: t and Star. Ken is my license from the highest tiibirtal i; America!' and iie handed Jud"e .Mills a hroa< O , parchment. 1 The tiial i mnediately went on. In tiie ex uninatioii of\\itne?ses, the strange eviaced hut little ingenuity, a-> was cmiuiioiilj I tnougt.r. ile suffered each oac to t-II hi* nwi story iaternij ti.ui,'a he contriver I io make eaeii otic ot t.ieui it over two o t.iree times, tie pat few o.oss-one't'.ons, which wii.i keen witnesses, onlv serve I ) cnavct mis [. ? v , . . . ; takes; and he mad: no notes, w.iica in nng.iP [ in *iiio i ? alw.iy? tenil to embarrass. The ex j animation being ended, as counsel forthe plain e j tut lit' ita>l a ng.jt lo opening sp em, :i' j, wdl us 1.10 cli?v; l?ut to tiie a.-to li -h limit n j every o le he d -clined the former, and . I owe v t 10 il.deuce to lead oif. Tnen a shadow migh have observed to llil across the lin f a'u.v: ( of Pike, '.11(1 lo darken even tlie 1) ig it eves o x l'reatis. . They saw they had caught a Tarti: hat who it was, or how it happened, it was ini I j possiole to gtieaS. *; Col ai.I Aslilev, spoke first, lie dealt the jury a oivi of th it close, dry logic, wlii h ve ?rs s, afterwards, liiiu famous in the rfeuat-. of the I'liited .Staler. The poet, Alhe.-t Pik", followed, with a rich ( ve n of wit, ami h lil-to renl of cau ti: ridicule in which vou may lie sure neither the plahtifl ,1 nor the p! lintill' s nigged attur.iey was either : forgotten or spared. !j J he great Prentiss concluded for the defou. | tlant, with a glo.v of gorgeous words, hriliant ' as showers of falling stars and with a final ; burst of oratorySjhat brought the house down i.i cheers, i i which l ie sworn jury themselves ' l joined, notwithstanding the stern "order!" or' j der!" of the lunch. T.ius wonderfully suscepi tihle are the Southwestern people to the charms ' i of impassioned eloquence. 'It was then the stranger's turn. He had remai led apparently abstracted during all the previous sjieeclies. Still, and stuight, and n;o ' | timdeos in his seat, his pale, sinooti) forehead, j shooting hi) high like a mountain-cone oi snow: hut for that eternal twitch, that ca ue and j went perpetually in bis shallow oh.'eks'you ; would have taken him for a me e man of ) iiiarhle, or a human lorni curved in i;c. Even j his dim, dreamy eyes were invisible beneath i those gray, shaggy eyebrows. But now at last lie rises?before the bar railing, nut behind it -and so near to the wondering jury Unit he might touch the foreman with Itis long bony linger. Wita eyes still half shut, and standing rigid as a pillar of iron, his thin lips curl as if in measu eiess scorn, slightly part, and the voice comes forth. At iirst, i t was low and sweet, insinuating itself through | the brain, as an artless tuno, winding its way! into the deepest hearts, like the melody of a magic incarnation?while the speaker proceeds wilnout a jesture or the least sign of excitement, to tear in pieces the argument of Ashley, which melts away at his touch as frost before the sunbeam. Every one looked surprised, liis logic was at once so brief, and so luminously clear, that the rudest peasant could comprehend it without effort. Anon, lie came to dazzling wit of the poet lawyer, Pike, then the cuil of his lip grew sharper?his srllow face kindled up?and his | eyes began to open, dim and dreamy no lonI ger, but vivid as lightning, red as tire-globe-, j and glaring like twin nnrteora. Ttie wliole 1 soul was in the eje?tiie lull heart stream -d I e out on the face. In five minutes Pike's wi >- seemed t e foam of folly, and his finest sat if tire horrible profanity, when compared will | the inimitable sallies and exterminating sur e cusms of the stranger, interspersed with jes 11 and anecdotes, that filled the forum with roar e ol laughter. y Then without so much as bestowing an nl t- lesion on Premiss, he turned short on the per s jured witnesses of Hopkins, tore their testimo it ny into atoms, and hurled in their faces sucl t terrible invoc ive, that all trembled as with ai > ague, and two of them actually iled dismnyoi II from the Court House. it The exeiteiuent of the crowd was becoming e tremendous. Their united life and soul ap pea red to hang on the burning tongue of tin <i stranger. He inspired them with the poison o I113 own malicious feelings. He seemed t( n have stolen nature's long hidden secret of at e traction. He was the sun to the sea ofal thought and emotion, which rose and fell ant s boiled in billows as he chose. But his great P est triumph was to come, j Ilis eye began to glare furtively at the assas sin, Hopkins, as his lean, taper fingers slowlj e assumed the same direction. He hemmed tin e wretch around with a circumvallalion of strong evidence and impregnable argument, cutting (1 off all hope of escape. He piled up huge bus s tions of insurmountable facts. He dug beneatl J the murderer and slanderer's feet ditches o i* dilemmas, such as no sophistry could overleap and no stretch of ingenuity evade, and having d thus, as one might say, impounded the victim - a:i(! girt him about like a scorpion in a circh J of (ire, lie sliipped himself to the work of mas h saere! Oh then, hut it was a vision both glorious e and dreadful to heboid the orator. His action I, before graceful as the wave of a golden wil h low in the breeze, grew impetuous ;is the nio >. tiou of an oak in the hurricane, His voice be * | came a trumjiet, filled with wild whirlwinds deafening the ear with crashes of power, ant i yet intermingled .-ill the while with a sweet un * | dersong of the softest cadence. His face was * i red as a drunkard's?his forehead glowed lik< | a heated furnace?his countenance looked hag t gard like that of a maniac; and ever anon h< lluu?r his long liony arms on high, as if grasp - i:ig alter thunderbolts! He drew a picture of i i murder in such appalling colors that in coin - pa: isou hell itself might be considered beauti : i'ul. He painted the slanderer so black, tiu l: sun seemed dark at noonday, when shining oi > | such a monster?and then he fixed both por 1 .... ?i.? ci...:.,i-:?., ?f lift.,!.-;..* UtUl."? "41 HIV Clil liinili^ V i ?, UI|\ j C3 I ' ! lie nailed tiicui there forever. The ngitatioi | of t!ie audience nearly amounted to madness r All at once ihesje.tker descended from hi: i'' peiilous height. li is voice wailed out for tin ' murdered dead, ami described the sorrows f> I the widowed living the beautiful .Mary, inon ' beautiful every inurnent, as her tears ilowet . faster?(ill men wept and lovely women sobbei like chiidreti. lie closed by a strange exhortation to the jury, ami through them to the bystanders " i'e in treated the panel, alter they should bring in their verdict for the plaintiff, not to offer vio lencc to the defendant, however richly lit ' mioht deserve it; in other words, "not to Ivueli ' the, Hopkins, hut leave liis punishine:;! 5 to (ind. ' This was the artful trick of all, and the > best calculated to injure vengeance. ' Tiiejnry returned a verdict for fifty thouI sand dollars; ami the night afterwards Hop' j kins taken out of his bed by lynchers, and ? beitou almost to-deatli. As the Court adjourned, the stranger made known his name, and called the attention of 1 the people with the announcement?"John Taylor will preach hoie this evening, at early j can ile light!"' Thr crowd, of course, all turned out, and : Taylor's sermon -qnnhed, if it did not surpass, j the oplcndor cd'his forensic effort. This is no 4*v:i"<rL.nitioii. J have listened to Claw Wehster - -o - - " " - . " {.'Hid i.'alhnuu ?to Dewy, Tying anil Baseom, J bnl Stave never heard anything in the form of i Mil/lime words even remotely approximating , the eloquence of John Taylor?massive as a I mountain, and wildly rushing as a caternct ot I /ire. And this is the opinion of all who ever j heai d the marvellous man. FAili: 5tEDl'C?DTO WO WJOji" (f iiiit lesion to .tciv Fork. The Great Muil liimle from Ghurlestoo, S. CIE.-WiXG the wharf at the foot of Laurens st. J d uly aid, p. in. after llie arrival o| the ^uulh. em cars, via Wilmington an . WelJoa, Petersburg, iticJnnoiid. to Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia. and to New Vork. Th: publie is respectfully informed that the steamers of this line, from (III rlesion lo Wilmington, are in first rate condition, and arc navigated hv well known and experienced commanders, ami the Itailio.uls are in tine order, thereby securing ho li safety and despatch. A 'l'l? 11UU(J11 I'iCKti.P having already boon in operation will lie continued on and alter the first vt Oct. l~4l), ?--? t permanent arrangement from Charleston to | Sew York. Passengers availing themselves there (ii will have tlie option to conliuue u uncut delay through the route or otherwise, toslop at any mi mediate points, renewing their scats on the line l suit their convenience. Dy this route travellers may roach New York on the third day dunng business hours. Baggage will he ticketed on board lie stein&r to Weldun, as likewise on tho change of cars at the intermediate points from thence to New York* Through Ticket? can alone be had ??f LI WIN SLO W', Agent ol tho Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office ol the Company, foot of Laurens street, to whom please apply. For other informatio jnquire of L. C. DUNCAN, at the American Hotel. May 3, 34 tf ~ AAA MS. BACON HAMS, prime, 50 bbls extra Family Flour ;t(> tv'Xu* Atlaiuuiuiiii Candles. For sate l>v Jan.tfl. JOHN W. BRADLEY t 20,t><;0 i* AM LIS OF BOOT ABB SEOIS. TO 1110 HAD at llie IS'ew IShoe .Store. and will j be bolii lower Mian any ever belore ofcaed , s in lliis market?having paid the ca*hlor every at- | tide, and selected Irom tlie beet and largest djc:.- t loaciurera in the United States, we flatter our* j selves that no one can 1'aiL to be plea-ed in quan- t ' tity, quality and price. TliC-stock consists in part, , j as follows? j :> Men's fine Calf stitched Boots t . " " " Bump Boots " " Waterproof do cork soles i " " " do stitched and quilted teles 200 pairs fit e Calf sewed Boots, from $4 5o to $6 00 _ AH) ' and Kip pegged Boots, lrotn to $6 00 > Glen's fine Calf sewed Bootes 152 to*4 00 a id ? lotli Congress Boots $3 to $4 50 J ? " " ' Jersev Ties, $3 to y3 50 "c '1 * " pegged Bootees. ?1 to 62 00 ? f * 41 Kip - " 75c to 00 j Youth's Kip pigged Bootees, 50c to75o Calf " " 75c to til 00 >' " " Boots assorted 1 " Kip " J j Ladies' Department* Bine silk Gaiters, black and colored . " satin ' " * " lasting " " " ' ' " welts and black J " " Half Gaiters, welts and black f " " " " colored and black j Welt " Tics, Foxed, Broad and Lnsy n ' " ' without Tit*, lor coros I " Jenny Lind Bootees, Kid and Mon ecu r 1'nmp " " " " I | .vid and Enameled Excelsiors " Kid :>nd Morocco Jenny Lind Buskins t Taylor Ties. Bump a f Fine Kid Slippers, with Rosettes Fine Murroeco clippers and 'l ies , > Kmc Ties and Buskins, Welts r Fine Morocco do do w Kid extra wide Slips and Ties a 9 fioRt Busk in* Riid Ties. VV??lr? i Goat Boom . .Mists' black and colored Gaiter* " blue and light colored Lai." Gaiters v " black, blue"and Orouze Bootees tl 3 " black and colored Slipperss " Goat Boot, en, re wed and pegged, for School Shoes 1( ' Children's Shoes and Boots, assorted Ttgether with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies' 0 . and Children's Sho-?, too numerous to mention. 81 also a Fine TRAVELING JklNK.s, CARPET BAGS, b , V ALICES, HATS and CAI'S. All of which will posij tiveiy he sold lower ilian tjte lowest for cash. iff Call and see lor vourselves, at the NEW SHOE h STORE of * u } WORKMAN & BOONE. t( > , S?P*- 20. p NEW STORE. j THE subscriber would inform his friends and jj lilt* public generally, thiit lie has opened an n ; extensive stock of Glti>C'EKIEtt, at tiie stand tormerly occupied by Joseph IV. Lfoby, oie door n ? south ot Campbell's liakery, and Opposite H. Le* , vy At. .Sou, win-re tiny be louud ail usu- r, ally kept in the Grocery line, coiisiauiig in part | ! of the following: t| I Fulton Market Beef 1 | No. i ami 'J Alackarel in kitts, for family U6e; a : Rio and J*\a (,'ollees; crushed and blown ,Sug rs; v s i New Or'eans Molasses, (new i rop) butter, wine c 'and soda crat tiers; cheese, buckwheat, raisins, t| f currants, almonds, English mustard, filberts, pe- |j > cm11 nuts, assorted pickies iiiici preserve's. I j A?'so ; p j i A few doz old Port Wii.e, llcidsick hest Cii.un- ij j p&gne, Loudon i'nrier and Scotch Ale 111 pints, to- n ! ^e?her a lar?e stoc k nl Bagging, itope.ind Twine, ; j all ol which he oilers Jow mr cash. o Jan 1. .S. E L'Al'ERS b ' 'A lio $o?!3i Lsroliiiii Kail Road Coin* ' J i?Hsiy and iliu sonlh Wedcru Kai! Koad Ihink. | I , The Annual .Meeting of the Storkholdern of jj hoili :|.|?se Institutions. will be lie d cm Tuesday, S| ; die 1 tin day ol February next, at tlie Btnk hall, f, ; '1 ;ie meeting to convene at eleven o'clock. A .M., a, j and on the followinu dav, to-wit: Wednesday, j,, ! there will bo an election at the same place, lie! tween the hours ot i) oYl.ek, A. ,M. am' Sio'clock. lN i 1*. 51., fur a President and Fourteen ihrectors in | : 11 ii' Ru,.i!. ami lur fl'i i i r' i'P 11 i Jiri.riurs in l In* H.oik. ! A Committee to veriiv l'i,o\n?> \? li attend. 'J. [1. EME'n.Sec'y. Jan. 17, Idol. 5 St. i , J S. B. KEMAW, s Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, C.'A.UDEIY, S. C. Will attend tiie ourts oi' Kershaw, Sumter, Fairfield, Darlington and Lancaster Districts. JC. 71 A Til ESO B A N Jv A (5 F. N T. Ax HIS OMi 8TAM?0I?1'0 SI^F D.lVIs's HoTKL i ""TpAUL "T. VILLEPIGUE, '{J FACTOR, ve And General Commission merchant, ACCOMMODATION WHARF, _ CJIABLESTOX, S. C* TT ! I ilierul ad* iin< e.<m;tde mi coiiMjjiimente o| Pro- J? i dure, and prompt attention given to the lorw<irdj mg of Goods, at the lowest rate<t J .Ati?r -f?. OS JOHNB. DESAUSSURE, t Adger's AVIinrf, Charleston, S. C. Will give prompt and close attention to the sale of all descriptions of Produce entrusted to his care, and to the selection and tilling ot orders. j] sept. 13. 72 6m j"J' \o I ice. bllp -w- tirn f * i? rn.... ?_ .I.~ !.,? Pi.: IVY I I Li open uie inx imiuho iieiuugiiijt iu mc i m Town of Camden, on I he tirst day of January I Kir 1^51, tor the purpose o| collecting the taxes, and coy will keep open the same until the tirst day of ho? March, ensuing, at which time they will be closed 1'hi and all detainers dealt with according to law. By order of council* Ij W. BaLLAKD, Town Treas'r. December d I t f iu Bounty Land, jV THE suhsciioer wnl , m.-ocu e claims for Land vvh or Pensions on rea: o laioe terms Soldiers tes and officers, in the Mexican war, iu the War of for 1*112, the Florida war, and other In lian wars, arc Tri entitled to Bounty Land. J. B KEItSHAYV. wh Dec, 24, tl 101 Att'yatLiW. try SAXTEE CAHrAJU eati THE late rains have given the Sunt- e Canal an r.ean pi? supply <>l wafer, no .hat can pass usi without, delay. at 1 R. PRESS SMITH, fiuperintcndant. Jan. G. * ( Election Notice. * IN arroidato e with an Art patted ?.t tl,e last h-'ssion of the L???-isl iiure an election will be teld tlnoughout the loi-irict rn Monday and the hi) following, ihe lChhaiid 11th ol F< I ruary next, <>r il.rte Delegate* to the State ('omen.ion, The* . lection obe held two day* at each poll. The mils to beo|)en at 9 A, AI. hi d c lor at at P. m, r:ii"i tiny. The Manager* to timet at the Court louse in Camden oh the Wednesday folh wi igat M o'clock, count thetote* and declare the decloll, TIAAAGEKS. At Cat.nleti.?K.S. Moffrlt, John J. Workman ind S. J. young. (.'vrrfcm'j \liil Foil Rmron tnl.n Mnil?? ?"J ? ?, vwiiii mvvicj a tin lamps Teams. Liberty Hill.?John Brown, Hugh Suramerville, tid John Cunningham. Gfridicyn'u Store.?Jnmes Love, Richard Drakes nrd and Flat Rock.?Jaines Fletcher, William G. Kirk, and a:nt John II. Ingram. Buffalo.? LJitrrell Jones, Charles Railef and Villiam Catoe. Lyseubys.?L. W. R. Blair. James Bfcll, and J", . .WrLauren. Schrock's Mill,?3enjainin McCoy, Robert Torer and 1st Resolved, That the Managers of Elections re requested to pay special attention to tlie toljwintr portions o* the law relatii g In Elections. The nam"* of the voters to he regularly written r they tote, and the list Preserved, , It'two or more tickets, in counting the votes, be Dund rolled up together, or more names be found . ritten on any ticket than ought to be voted for, 11 such ticke'aare not to be counted. No voter shall be allowed to put in more than a ingle ballot, or piece of paper in the -aine box or essel; out a ticket is to be counted though itcoo* 11iid tewer namestiian are tube voted tor. It'any Manager shall knowingly receive an il* gal vote, or shall refuse to receive a legal ooe* i shall neglect or refuse to attend the election, or hall count the ballots before the proper lime, or tany other than the proper place, he stall be Hale to pena ties. Managers are authorized to administer oath* nd examine witnesses to maintain order aad.refl larity at the polls; and by order in writing, (direc* id to the SherifT| Constable or Special Dep'Jp,) to commit to jail, tor one day, any person who sluees to obey the lawful commands of the Mana> ere, or disturb their proceedings. If any person refuses to make proper oathf, or f the .Managers be otherwise satisfied that lie it ol qual tied his vote shall be rejected. . Ttie Managers or any other person entitled vote* jay challenge any pcr.-oii off-ring to vote. In case ot deatli, removal troin the District, or etusal to serve of any Manager, a majority of tho telegauon are authorized and requ red to till Up he vacancy by appointment in writing.' Polls to be opened -t 9 o'clock A. M. and closed t 4 P. M. with convenient intervals. The box cssel or bag to be sealed up when the polle are losed not to be opened except to receive votes lie secoi d day, a'd to count the vote at the ?rejM* ir time and place. * 2. Rewind, That the Managers of the Elections, rior to their proceeding to the Elections do take ue following o -tli or affirmation before some Mag k n' i wi iii m? ut jjieuuvuft iutjm* "Tnat ihey will failhlully and impartially run. net ami attend to the foregoing Elections agreealy to tlie C'oiiHtitutiixi of the Slate 0/ South-Caro. ui and the laws I hereof." Ilesolitd, That the two years residence requird by the Constitution in a voter, are thetwovears'ly previous to the elect inn, and thesis 1 uiths rcs'donce in tlie Election District are tlte 1* months immediately previous to 1 tie election; ut it any person lias Ins in me in the oes not lose the right of reluming, but if one ave Ins home and family in another State, the resence of such persons, although continued for vo years in the Sta e, gives no right to vote. Jan. 31. 9 3t Clothing at Cost! 4 Lot ready made Coats Pants.Vests, Oyer\ coats, and Merino Shirts and Pants Linen hirts -nd Collars. Bv H. LEVY & SON. Jan. 21 *7 tf <r ? Carpctiiifpi and Bugs at Cost! 4 lew pieces Carpeting*, at positively cost. * V Bv H. LEVY Sl SON. Jan. 23 7 "if _? Iron and Hoes, &c, |"UST RECEIVED :i fu'l a-sortment of wid? and narrow IRON?alen, a full auptly of t)ES. KIwollV Ai Brady's make. Spades, ShoIs, Blacksmiths' Tools, ttc., for pale by M. 4- R. KENNEDY, , Camden, Jan. 21, ISol. 0 . Hi M.NEIKISH P J PATOSJ-A f>w KHU jo* recatvod by SHAW <fc AUSTIN. r. ^ CASE Fruits in their own juice, assorted, received and tor sale by SHAW & AQ^TlN. >R.\SS Fem'crp, pierced Iron do.; folding- Nur ) serv do,; Fire Duo* and Fire Irons, of every ?cri tion. Mr DO WALL fo COO PR It. Victims of Dyspepsia, Look Here DR. ALLEN'S COMPOUND. 'hi* Medicin- i? offered to the public generally from & couvictiou timt it i* nuperior to any other now in me, the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nerrous Dely. Bodily weakness, A:r. 're pared o ily by the proprietors, G. W. ALLEN, flf. D., iladelphifl.and J. A. Ofc. VV. L. CLEVELAND, No. 807 ig Street. Charleston, S. C. ione Genuine unless signed by Dr. G. W. ALLEN, and ntersigned by J. A. <fe W. L. CLEVELAND Tho iles hnving the words "AllKn1* Dysru-ric .Mkdici** la., blown on the glass. ole agent for Camden, Z.J. DxllAY, ept 20, 1S50. 75 If HO TIE TESTIMONY. IR. Z. J. Dr. I AY?Dear Sir?I feel it a duty wlnr.ii I owe to society at lar^e, and thoee o suffer wi h Dyspepsia in particular, to add my lummy to the virtue of Alien's Compound, not the sake of seeing my name in print, but for iiib'senke. I procured n bottle of you laat J unc. icl) relieved me so much that I u as induced to eecon-J, which completed what the first began ny appetite, which bafore was insatiable, bene natural and regular, and f now enjoy better lib than I had done for three years previous to n<*rha? inunliluhl* 11 edicinP. YoU are DCTleCtly ibf?ri v to in ike whatever use of this you p'eas*? Respect ully yours, Z MARSHALL, ^heeirrriclri,!?, C, Dec. 10, 1^50- V*