Semi-weekly Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1851-1852, February 04, 1851, Image 3

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| TELEGRAPHIC"INfELLKJENCE. Corner penitence of il.c ChurleMcn J'emtry. " .Nkvv YuKK, Fob. 1, 1851. S51 L. ' The Cotton market to-day was steady, at St 137-8 for Fair Uplands. The sales of the day be amounted to 1000 hales; of the week. 600*0 hales. Kice: prime. 3.50 1-1; sales of the week, tK)0 tierces. Other articles are without j change iu pi ice. Late advices from Vera Cruz state that Aris- j la was inaugurated on the 25th of December. It was supposed he would recommend the annexation of .Mexico to the United States. Washington, Feb. 1, 1851. Hon. Jacob Kaufman, a Representative from Texas, died yesterday of disease of the heart. Tin: Elixtivk Pranciiisk.?Mr. Avery, in a late speech before the Legislature of North Carolina, among other things, says: " .All the States in the Union have abolished the landed qualification of electors, except South Carolina and Virginia, and even in these States no distinction is drawn between the voters, for the elector when once qualified, can Vote for all . |ertive officers." We confess we are somewhat surprised to find a gentleman of Mr. Avery's intelligence committing so egregious a blunder, and falling into a mistake so repeatedly corrected, in rela- Rni (ion to the elective franchise as exercised in jjrT tLis State. It is true, there is what may be called a landed qualification, but not in the sense referred to by Mr. Avery. The landed qualification here merely entitles a voter to the privi- fIp lege of voting on the strength of his proprietorship in the Parish or District in which his lafld j,,,' may chance to be situated, without, the tisuril I .it requirement of res-idence. He can, however, ^ vote but in one District. A residence of two years in the State, and six months within the District, is the only qualification required in South Carolina, to constitute a citizen of the United States a legal voter for all elective olfi- t(lg \Tfffnrt! Fll Wt'O. C /?UI it o|./fi ?. ... L Bfi Many are of the opinion, says the Baltimore ?r.i Argus, tliat the most certain way to eradicate this disease of Northern fanaticism, and to destroy the beast called Northern Abolitionism, C is for Congress to repeal that law which makes the slave trade with Al'iica piracy. When t'ae abolitionists can again enjoy the ptivilige in the Southern States, it is thought that they will then become the strongest advocate both of t slavery and the fugitive slave law. They are l).t such defoted philanthropists that they think it I highly wrong to permit the poor negroes to he horn, to live, and to die. in their native land, ^ nithout any knowledge of their Creator and his | Holy laws, and therefore desired to sleal them i away and sell thorn in civilized lands, where j 5 they may enjoy the henefiits of civilizaliou and j Christianity. There is no donht that the res- l?l toratian to theiu of tliis privi!ig?, will cTcctual- j ? , Jy relieve them of their abolition notions, and in- j jjie iiuce them to enforce the provUians of Uie I'ugi- ai!l tive slave law. j ! nil The Stream of Unman Kindness.?It is a 1 a"| small matter, hnt we left home the other mo* I ning without an umbrella. While at the w! a f ' 1L it began to rain. As we parsed a store, g< ing < j I........ iiiunilianl iuct <01 tiv-'illir Hiliil. " Y\ iil i *? .... ...... v....... J... * ?pi von have an umbrella?" Walking on under its comfortable shelter, we overtook a little ragged gitl on whose thin-clad shoulders flic j rail) was heating without mercy. Think- /" big of the Kind hand that had sheltered us, we V_ asked her to come under the mi.b.elln. Her the vinoi at face turned to a pleased smile as she 8,K 1 ?oked up and came under it. A little further on at a crossing, we found a little child crting for the loss of its shoe in the mud. Our cornpanion got out the shoe and put it on, and the V_ child dried its eyes and went on its way rejoic- c-" ing. We were grateful; the soured and po< ^ erty strickened giil was improved, and the cl ild was happy for the day, it had escaped loss and bgi discomfit. Then when the child told this at home, the parents were grateful, doubtless.? ? Who knows how broad may he the stream arising from such a little rill? Vet it is true V that of these rills are made the broad river that lJjt flows into the ocean of eternal joy. b(J ^ Wheeling Timet. Wl "VALUABLE TESTIMONY FROM THE SO'.TH. git We like, at nil tiinpc, to give credit when credit is due, an and if at the mime tiine we can relieve the distressed, we are doubly gratified; we, therefore, give the following vo- I luntary testimony a* to the beneficial effects of Wistar's I Balsam of Wild Cherry, by the editor of the Columbia 'J' South C'antlinian. who appears to have obtained great relief by its use.?[Old Dominion. Portsmouth, Vn. WISsTAIt s BAI.SAM OF WILD CHERRY. V We seldom resort to natent medicines, ha vine a ereat , respect for the skill of the regular profession, but chance 'al tlirew into our way the above uainud medicine, immc- loj diately after the clone of the last session of the Legislature, ab w hen ottr long* were almost dried tin by the highly ra rifled atmosphere of otir stove-wa rmed State House. The Balsam immediately relieved iisof a most harassing cough, which threatened our health in a serious degree. We fed that we are indebted toil for some fifteen pound* of animal weight?wraCTl addition once KELT, cannot be fnrgotton CAUTION>?'The only genuine and original article, was first introduced in the year 1S3H. It has been well . tested, and appreciated for ten years, in all the complaints lui for which k lia* been recommended, vir:?Coughs, Colds, Oi Influenza. Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption, in its ha incipient stages. No other medicine has proved more ju efficacious. On account of the unbounded popularity of this article, it ha* been extensively counterfeited, by persons who know nothing of the ingredients of this original compound None genuine utiles* signed 1. Bl'TTS on the wrapper, for sale in Camden til McKAlNS' I 'rug Store. Wholesale r-m by H. M. COHEN Ac (do , Charleston, S>. C ,and by Uriig- I gi .isgenerally throughout the State. J ?? tin iry Proliably no article bus ever enjoyed a w ider popu- ,,,< larity in all diseases of the lungs than I nr. In the shpae i of Turwater, Tar fumigations, and planters, it has been s u?ed almost from time itnemorial. Liverwort, too. hus been universally regarded as one of nature's choicest ? herbs. But it was reserved for Prof. Boners to ijj.arovr | tiienrtof extracting. by a new chemical process, their pe- I _ colisr virtues, ami combining them in a manner hereto. ! t fnru unknown, kmis to present a preparation tiurivuled for it* concentration, energy, simplicity, and innocence. Thi* lvi In- ha* done in hi* Syrup of Liverwort and Tar 'The "n cure* of long-standing Pulmonary Di*ca*e, which are cf- W fectjag daily, are aetoiiu !? ? ; even Physicians them*elve* and wir? thoy not ainou: "'ir own friend* and neighbor* 1 nh"in we see every da h-y would be almost beyond 0f belief. For at MeKain'* !> .(Store, Camden S. C. Sc? Advertisement hi oiother column. ~ Trespassers Beware! J Xwill enforce the law against all persons who troapaM upon the Lands of Miss M. Kershaw's c.-tate, on Pine Treo Creek. jYo person is ?ulhorIfccd to cat juniper wood on said land . J. B. KERSHAW, Ei'or. 'an rusoi ? eve r I MPMBW II 1M3TI 'I l-l-m - IIMJ I'll U 1 *1 fl-LI Nominations for the State Convention. O:) the second iVlonday and Tuesday in Febru y next, an election will be held for three duleitcs to represent the District of Kershaw in the | ate Convention. The following gentlemen have en put in nomination: H?n T. J. WETHERS, Maj. JOHN CANTJBY. Capt. TIIO.MAS-;E3ffttJ. ,a' Harmony. Capt. THOMAS LANG, Mai. JOHN CANTEY, Col'. L J. PATTERSON; Camden. Capt. C.J. SHANNON. I.. L. WHITAKER, Esq. Cnpt. L. W. R. BLAIR. Manr Voters. For Lancaster District. J. F. G. MITTAG, Esq, Maj. JOHN WILLIAMS. ('apt. J. D- MelLWAIN. 1.eonidas. For the Southern Congress: JAMES H. W1THF.RSPOON, Esq. of Unnaster. Col. JAMES CHESNUT, Jr. of Kesrlmw. "c^DEN>RiCErCim. ?ging, per yd. 14 10 13 |J-ard, lb 8 to 10 le Rope II) to 12 |l-ead, lh 6 to 7 con, lb 9 to 121'.Molasses, gall 31 to 40 tter, lb 18 to 20 (Mnekarcl, bbl 8 to 10 tndy, gall 28 to 35 iNaila, lb 41 to 6 swax, lb 18 to 22 data, bushel 75 sf. lb 4 to 5 .Peas,. bushel 80 eese, lb 12 15 Potatoes, sweet, bu 50 I ton, lb 10 to 124' Irish bu 11 rn, bu?he| 90 to 95, Rye, bushel 95 to 1 nir, bbl 61 to 7, Rice. bushel 3 to 4 lder, cwt 1} to lj,Sugar, lb 7 to 40 lea. dry lb 8 to 9 l^alt, sack H rt, lh 5 to 61 shot. bag 11 ne, bbl 2 to 21 .Tobacco, lb 10 to 50 1 titer, sole, lb 17 to 21 (Wheat, bush 1 JUST RECEIVED, A supply of J. Durand &. Co'a. CELEBRATED FRENCH BITTERS. Varranted a certain run* tor Dyspepsia. Weakness of Stomach and Want of Appetite, Weakness of the est. and " Fever and Ague." It is also a pleasant rentge. in its pure state, and may he drank with V\ ine Spirits without at all impairing its medicinal qualities, day be had by the ctt?e or single buttle, of S. HK.N>0.\, Family Grocer. J. HARRIS. DeKaln Street. W. C. MOORE, family Grocer* amden. Sept. 24* 77 svrtim CHARLES A. PRIOE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CA?il>l If, S- C. iVti.L I'RAfT.Ci in Kershaw and the adjoining >trict-. fob. 4 omce oi TransDortation 8. C. R. K. "CO. Feb. 3, 1851. TNDER a Resolution of the late meeting, ) Stockholders and their families are entitled pass free on the road to and from the meeting the Company on the 11th inst. Stockholders are therefore requested to furnish ir names to the Agents at Camden, Columbia 1 Hamburg and receive their tickets. \rraiigemento will be made to take thetn down :h the Regular Trains on the 8th, 9th and 10th, i back on the Ittih, 14th and JOth. kVay Stockholders w i;l receive their tickets front (Conductors. J. D. PETSCH, Peb. 4?2t Sup't. Transp'n. \\ e Continue Selling Off OUR DRY GOODS STOCK 17' POSITIVE SEW YORK COST f(JN^l>'lING of a general assortment ol / WINTER and Sl'KlNG GOODS. All ?se who have to purchase, would do vvcil to call )i.. 1J. LEW &l SON. Feb. 4 10 tl A Cotton Gin Maker Wanted. )NE that is thoroughly acquainted with the business, can get good wages and constant I 1 yment, by applying to R. J. McCieight, ii d -it, S. C. J'lie Sumier Banner, Tri.Weekly Carolinian, i Hornets Nest will insert lor one mouth, and til their accounts to this oliice. Feb. 4 10 4t ~lj50 kITw A It I>. fTllEREAS, on iheuigiilol the 27th ult., .-oine Y evil disposed person or persons, oid uuscrevv ; axle nutsol the Gaiudcn ami Charlotte uiail iges in Lancaslervil.e and thri w down the leels and doing other damage, 1 hereby offer emard ui Filly Dollars to any iierson who will *e such iuiloriu.ition . s will lead to the detection d conviction ?i the offenders. JAMES .Mi E A E.W Mail Contractor. Fed 4, 1*51. 10 swU' he South Advancing?Another Premium. I7*AS awarded by the A'outli Carolina Institute, Y it. November last, to J. A. &. W ? L ClevenJ ol 207 King si, Charleston, tor the best Corue; I nave just received a lull sujiply of the uve in bottles of various sizes. ALSO. Genuine French Toilet ?onp?, and German Cologne, From Messrs. Joseph Boury 4* Sons, of Baltijre, direct Importers, of genuine German Cojne, French 'i'oilet Soaps, among which are ihe nut bus, .n.d Parisian; Lubms extracts, Jor the ndkcrchiei fiic., to all ol which I would respectI'y invite the atleutiou ol thj Ladies and con isseurs generally. Z. J. De11A\ . Feb. 4lh lsol. Bills for 1850. ~M1E subscriber earneslly calls upon all who _ are indebted to him lor the past year to'come ward and settle their bills, in order that he may jet h.s enyaeement which are, as per custom, ort. Z J. DeHAY. Feb. 4 10 tf *1 TT _ V T>1 A jew JjaviQ 8 or neorew riasier. THE Great Remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, Pain in the Side, Hip, Bark, Limbo, nnd Joints, Scrofula, ng's Evil. White Swellings, Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints, d all Fixed Pains whatever HERE THIS PLASTER IS APPLIED, PAIN CANNOT EXIST. The above with most of the valuable Patent Medicines the present day kept constantly on haud by Z, J. DeHAY. Feb. 4, 1851 ' 10 tt Orange*, Apples Ac. ^[ORTHERN Apples, Grapes, sweet Oranges, * fresh Lemons &c. Just received by Feb. 5.?It. ROBT. LATTA. Goshen and IQonutaiii Butter. 1 Firkin prime Goshen Butter. 1 do do Mountain Butt.-r. By eb. 5 -o! ROBT. LATTA. na?ggBBTCH ??IH 1 tmBMBBMMMMnMM Wanted to Hire or Buy I A first rate Carriage Driver, of good charactc | j?\. and persona) appearance. Apply at tli j Od ce. Feb. 4 .10 4tw NEW IMPORTATIONS. THIS attention of Planters and Country We chants is particularly requested to the a rangements now made at Bancroft's Silk House, No. 253 and 255, King Street, Charleston, for it sirring a regular and constant supply of all the vt rieties of the Dress Season, both from the ?nj lish and French Markets, and which, joined to determination to submit every thing at the vet lowest p<- ssible prices, will offer greater induct ments to purchasers than this market has befot afforded. Particular attention has been paid t our stock of domestic and heavy goods for se; vants wear. Hosiery of every size and variety we confidently It.vile the attention of our frienc and the public generally to an inspection, bein determined to offer the greatest novelties, and th largest variety, at the lowest prices. Our stoc consists in part of? RichChene Silks Striped, figured and Dla:n do Plain and figured Black Silks, Frtnclt and English Lawns and Cambrics. Plain and figured, colored and white Organ dies. Bareges and Silk Tissues. l^rnripli r.itilirnirlAriaa f ,qno Pnllara Muslin, C;i?c Edging, and Insertings. English Tweeds, Summer Cassimers, &c. Irish Linen, pure F'ax, an article we confi dentlv recommend. Birds Eye, and Towelling Diapers, fi-4,7-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, Tabling Damaska. Long Cloths, from flj to?5 conts per yard. Blue Denims, Blue Stripes. Chambrays, Striped and Plain. Osanburgs, brown IlomespunH and Sheetingf of Southern manufacture, which, as we are agent of several Factories, we are enabled to offer h the bale or piece, at Factory prices, A full as eortment of Gloves, Hosiery, Haherdashrias, cfrc. <fcc. W. G.BAN. ROFT, Importer, Wholesale and Retail, 2">3, and 255 King st. Charleston. Feb. 4 10 3m Executive Department. Columbia, Jan. 24, 1851. By His Excel'ency. J. 11- Means, Governor am Commander-in-Chief in and over the Stale o South Carolina. YTTH ERISAS information has been received a IT this Department, tliat Thomas Daley, alia Kenan, who was committed to the jai* of Beaufor District for negro stealing, broke Jail a few dayi since, and made his escape; now threfore, I, J. 11 Means, Governor of the State of South Carolina do hereoy offer a reward of one hundred dollar! for his apprehension and delivery in any jail in thi State. The said Daley, alias Kenan, is about for ty.five years old, five leet five or six inches high rather stout, b'ue eyes, front teeth out, and is a Irishman by btrih. Guen under niv hand and the seal of ih I ) Stale, at Columbia, the 24th day of Jan ( l St ^ uarv. jn 'he year of our Lord one thou sand eight bundled and fifty one. and i the seventy filth-year of the sovereignty Indepeu deuce of the United States of America. J. 11. MEANS. B K. IIenegan, Sec'y of State. Jan. 25-!) eoSflTcP TSMSPRANOar M'aterce Division o. 9. The regular meeting of this Divsion will be hel on Thursday evening, an ()<ld Fellow's Hall at o'clock. By order of the W. I*. 1). It. KK.VNEDV.R.S. Tax Collector's Notice, VTOTIOK ia hereby given that I will ope JLl Books on the first day of February next, a the store of James Dunlap, in Camden, forcollec ting the Taxes lor lHi}0, and will attend at th following places on the following days for ill same purpose? On Monday the M?l of .V'arch at Liberty Hill; n Tuesday, 4;it of .l/.irch, at Flat Rock; on Wee iipsiLiv. iith March at liotfaln: nil Tlmrsdav 6th ( March at Lizenby's; on Friday 7th of March, i Schrock's Mill; on Saturday Bth of .March, ; Cureton's Mill. Alter the above named times, I will attend i Camden, until the first day of A/ay, at which tiiiu the Books will positively be closed, and all defau ters double taxed. J. \V. DOBY, t. c. k. d. Jenuary 20. (> wif WANTED^ 7 A TEACHER to take charge of the FEMAL ACADEMY at Liberty Hill, lie will be o pectcd to be a gentleman and a scholar, and alt to come well recommended. A liberal salary wi be given. For further particulars, fcpply to eitln of the subscribers at L'berty Hill, Kershaw Dn trict, S. C. J. S. THOMPSON, WM. DIXON, 11. II. BROWN, Doc. 13.?Gtfw Com. of Trustees. Wanted Immediately. I N active and intelligent Boy, Irom 15 to 1 Xl^Vears of age, as an Apprentice to tho Priutir Business. Apply at this OlHce. Notice. THE Subscribers have this day formed a C partnership under the name and firm ot Mc fat & Moore, lor the purpose of carrying on tl fwPtiprnl Aiirfinnepriiitr liiisinPSS. A >iliarH of na ronage is solicited. K. S. MOFFAT, WM. C. MOORE. Jan. 1st, 1851. Notice. A LL persons having any claims against t' x\. Estate of the la'.e Mrs. Martha E. Wilsi deceased, will present then) properly attested, a those indebted will make immediate payment to Mr. John Ho-por, who is authorized to act agent in u.j absence. PAUL T. Y1LLEPIGUE, Admr. Nov. 12, 1650. SO wtt To Rent. THAT brick dwelling and store, next to t "Mansion House." now occupied hy T. Be nell. Apply to J B KERSHAW, Ex'or. Dec 24 101 tf | "A SIDES beat Hemlock Lentlic xOv/ Just received and for sale at 17 cts | Ib.hy JOHN W. BRADLEY. *1 Family Groceries. !r? Sl'GAR?Loaf, Crushed, Pulverized, Clari'ed is light and brown light N. Orleans and Mus. c<ivado. COFFEE.?Old Government Java, Rio, Laguira, Chocolate, Broma, Cocoa. TEA.?Imperial, Gunpowder, Hyson, Silverleaf r- Young Hyson, Orange Pehoe and Golden r- ("Imp. FL.OI JR.?Baltimore in Bbls., Extra Family Flour in Bags from selected Wheat. Buckv wheat, RICE.?Whole, Maccaroni, Farina, Currie r~ Powder. 1 SOAR.?Chemical, Olive, Chinese Washing Fluid, Castile, CoIgates, Fancy. v ? ? ^ i r\_-_ j r> _ _ 4 * MA:T*s.?liallunore oujar cured, l/neu oeei. '* l'ickled Beef, Mackerel, No. 1. in Kitts, ; Salmon do., Halibut, Fresh Salmon, Lob- I ' Fters, Sardines in whole, half and quarter * boxes, Herring, Potted Yarmouth do. |p' PICKLES.?From Grouse & Blackwell, Underwood and Lewis. ? KETCH I PS.?Worcestershire, Harvey, John Bull Tomatoe, Walnu^ Mushroom, King of Oude's, Saho, Pepper aud Paoh Vinger, W. Wine do, Cider do., English and French Mustard, Spanish Olives, Capers, Ancha. vies Essences for flavoring. PRESERVES.?Peaches, Apricots, Prunes in their own Juice. Pineapple, Limes, Prunes. West Indies do., Strawberry Jam, Figs, Raisins, Prunes. CATDLES.?New Bedford Sperm, Solar do. Adamantine, Wax, colored do. Received and fo- sale by j. SHAW & AUSTIN. 1 Case Olives stuffed with Anchovies. Received and for sale by SHAW &. AUSTIN. ICase Green Peas, (French.) Received and for sale bv SUA IV * A US TIN. 1 + i, "i Case Pate de Foie Gras Strusbourg. Receis X ved and for sale by y Jan 30. SHAW & AUSTIN. New Books. THE AMERICAN ALMANAC, and Repository of useful Knowledge, for the year 1851, containing full ai d accurate statistics, of the Genera) . and State Governments, finances, legislation, public Institutions &c. The astronomical department is very full, in the computations for eclipses &c. It contains also, full lists of the Executive and Judiciary of the General Government, ol the Army. Navy, cj-c, Post-office Department, Mint &e., price 81.00 The Lorgnette; by an Opera Goer. David Copperficld. Moiher's Recompense. Self Deception; by Mrs Ellis. H^nry Smeatoi; by G. P. K. James. Literary Remains of Willis G. Clark. European Life and manners. Bertini's Method lor the Piano, &c. ^ Jan. 31,?3t A.YOUNG ' AS CHEAP AS ANY ; NEW CASH STORE. 1 f|MIE subscriber has just received ard opened a X fresh and choice assortment of desirable |* GOODS, at the store 'wo doors south of H. Levy ' &i. Son, formerly occupied by Mr. James Wilson, 5 whore he will be happy to see his friends and the , public generally, and particularly all persons who " want to buy Goods for cash, at great bargains.? ' His stock consists, in part of Figured Brocade Silks; assorted colored Merinos c Fancy and plain AI pa c baa; plaid Ginghams Ileavv Mauchesier and Earleston do Super English and American Prints I have lliein from all prices, from 5c to 3lc. n Also?Super Chintz, for bordering Fancy printed Cashmere Silk and cotton Pappins , I 4-4 black Gro de Knine Swiss and mull Alusiins CuloreJ and white cambrics Dimity, Apron Checks Handkerchiefs, long lawn, linen cambric " Gloves and Hosiery ' A beautiful assortment of Ribbons Shawls, black lace Veils Green and blue Berage, spool thread, buttons tapes, needles, pins, hooks and eyes, and every article usually found in that line. " In addition to the above, I have also, Choice Good* for Geutlemeu. e Super Cloths and Cassimercs e Fancy ard heavy Tweeds black itibbed bocpkin n Plain and fancy N estings 1- t-uper block Satin, all kinds of Gloves and Ilo,1 J sierv, Hats, Caps, merino and cotton Shirts and !t I Drawers, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs, &.c. It ALSO In the line of Domestic Goods?Brown Homett spuns, from 4 cents with nu upward leni ency, as s, high as 20 cent.-; bleached Homespuns at all priI ces, and of any quality desired; red and white Flannels; Blankets and Negro Cloths: piaid Linscys, A ? ; Bed Ticking, Apron Checks, blue Denims, a variety of Gunks in thiir deportment. Groceries. E Sugar, Codec, Molasses, Soap, Canutes, occ. AfJ of which have been purchased at the low. i0 est rates, with the determination to sell at a small U advance, as my motto ir "quick sales and small Jf profits." Be sure to call before you buy, as I have the Goods and must sell them fur the Cash. '?> S. D. H A LLFOR13. Jan- 14. 4 swtf. ^ WW. MATTHIESSEN. Wholesale Clothing House. [fj No. 143 East Bav, Corner of Queen Street, 'g CHAHLESTON, S. C. Jan. SM. 1851. 8 10t ~ ~~ NEWSTORR fTlHE subscriber is now opening a large assortie 1 tnent of Groceries and Staple Goods, in the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald (south of the Bank of Camden,) which he will dispose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would d? well to ^ call and examine the stock, consisting in part, ol fnllntr inor VI7 * I,e Loaf, Crushed, Ground and Granulated Sugar* S Croix, 1'orto Rico, and New Orleans do Nw Orleans, Muscovado and Cuba Molasses "" Java, Luguira and Rio Coffee to Gunpowder, Young Hyson and Black Tea* Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles No. 2 and 3 Mack are!, in Barrels, Half and Quarter* Wine, Soda and Butter Biscuits and Cneese Soap and Starch, asforied Pepper, Spire, Ginger, Nutmegs, Mace and ? i'ovder, Shot and Lead Hurdware, Cutlery, Nail* and Casting* he Paints, Linseed Oil, Sperm- Oil and VVi? ? Giu, m. ???also?? Bleachediind unbleached Shirting* anil Sheetings Blankets, Bed Ticks, Apron Check* and Oznaburg* Together with a large assortment of ? Bagging, Hope and Twine. fP* J. VV. BRADLEY. >er | Caralen.S. C. Sept. 23. fcrCarb paid for Cottoa anti othqr Produce. GEORGE OATES, Publisher and Importet-bf Music, AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Piano Fortes and Hnsfcal Instruments. Nos. 23-2 and 236', King *t., {sit the Bend.) Mlt. OATES is solo agent for the following celebrated Piano Forte Manufacturer*, liac n &. Raven. Dubois df Warriner And A. H. Gale &. ro. Ndw Vork, Whose instroments have always given such universal satisfaction in this, and the adjoining State# lor keeping their rich and powerful rones, and for their great durability in a southern'climate. in addition to the uus^jcited written testimonials Irons the following emminent Artists, Madame Bishop, Mrs. Seguin, Miss Bocbsa, Seguiu Tenipletonand the "Hohnstocks," the subscriber lias the pleasure of adding the favorable opinion oi the "Svvepdish Nightingale" in the following extract of a note received prior to her departure lor Havana. "It al-o give* me great pleasure to add, thatl have beerf greatly pissed with the Piano you kindly sent to this Hotel for my use during niy stay in Charleston, being a Very excellent instrument, possessing great richness of tone, and at the tame time uncommon softness." * I subscribe myself dear sir, Yours greatly obliged. JENNY LIND. Charleston, Dec. 31st 1850. I lie originals c J tne above, caa_ be icen at the store. NEW MUSIC. Hungarian Polkn; dedicated to Gov. Ladinlau* L'jhazy. By Adele Hohnstock. Agnes Polka; a lively and spirted composition. By Miss Adele Hohnstock. Grand Triumphal March. Composed by 3Iisa Adele Hohnstock. Marohe d'Amazones. Composed by Karl Hehnstock. Marche d'Amazones. arranged for four hands. * N. B. The above are all beautiful and very popular. Hyperion Polka, illustrated with a correct and beautiful view of the residence of the Poet, Professor Henry W. Longfellow. Cambridge. Composed by Henry T. Oates. Five fashionable Polkas, by F. Rhiza, viz: Remembrance Polka. Old Uncle Ned. do Affection, do Oft in the stilly night,do .1 11 Puretani, do introducing the famous duet in thai opera. Bonaventnre Waltz. Jeniiy Lind's Songs. Fear not fond youth; composed by Mozart. The Mariner; a celebrated Swedish Melody Farewell to Life's Ocean; a beautiful song. Sea King's Bride; Swedish, Voice of the Spirit. Take this Lute; composed for Jenny Lind, by Jules Ben* edict. Female Colleges, Seminaries, Schools, and Academies supplied with Music dec., at the lowest prices. All the new music published in the U. S. received every week, per express. Orders must be addressed to GEORGE OATES, 234 and 236, King St., (at the bend.) Jan. 31 9 tf Notice. ' * HAVING disposed of my entire stock of Gro-* cerics to Mr. James I. Villepigue, formerly of the firm of Paul F. Villepigue cf* Son, I beg, ruBjji'uuujijr, lu ouncit lur ajiiij, luu gcueruus ron..L of my former customers. Those indebted to me rather by note or open account, are earnestly requested to call on me at tffe old stand and settle, which will enable me to meet inv own engagements. S. BENSON-,. Notice. ALL persons I aving demands against the Eftatfl of J. C. Poby, dee'd will present them properly attested, and those indebted will maJp payment to J. DUNLAP, Adm'r.J Jan. M. 9 tf WHISKEY, KIT71 AID BRANDY* Bbls. Rectified Whiskey, 0U 50 bbls. New England Rum 5 casks Domestic Brandy ^ 40 doz. Old .A/adeira Wine ? #** 60 doz. Porter and Ale, in quarts and pinti Received and for sale by i . Jan. '20 JOHN VV. BRADLEY. REMOVAL. The Subscriber has removed to the Store formerly occupied by Tlios. J. Warren, Esq., immediately oppu6te the Masonic Hall, where he may always be found ready and happy to see and Icenmtnodate his friends and the public, toany arttele in the line of CHEAP SADDLERY and HARNESS ; having on hand a fresh and good suppto, I am prepared to offer thetu on the moot reasonable and acc>. modating terms. Sad lies of every qualify and price, Bridles, Martingiles, Whips, Spurs, Bridle and Harm ss Bitts, and Trimmings of all styles and descriptions, Collars, Brushes, Curry Combs. Harness made to order and warranted of the very best style and quality. Wagon Harness and Bitts, and 'Trace Chains nlieaocr than anv one else in town. Together with J j o and Carpet Bag*, and all other article* usually kepi fur Kale iu a Saddlery and Haratsi establishment. ^ I ant thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and beg that it may be continued and abundantly increased, as I am prepared to execute all orders for work, in my line, with neatness and dispatch, and at prices which cannot be objected to; as I am willing to follow the golden rule?'"Lice, and lei Live." F. J. OAKS. Jan'v. 17, 1851. 5 tf 4LL persons having demand* against the Estate ol William IJui c, are hereby notified to present them, duly attested, on or before the first day of February next fOLUMBJS HAILE, ) . , THOS. E. HAILE, \ Am n' Dec. 13, 1950., 101 MANSION HOUSE. CAMDEN, S. C. fl^HE subscriber respectfully announces to his _L friends and the TRAVELLING PUBLIC generally, that he has opened, as a HOTEL, that large and cominodio1 e house in Log Town, formerly the private resdence of B. Perkine, esq. The building is admirably adapted for that purpose, being situated in the n ost healthy and pleasant part of Camden, combining all the advantages of the town with the b?linv a'mosphere of the country, and within a law minutes' walk of any part of Caindeu. The rooms 3re large and airy, his Servants respectful and attentive, and he pledges himself to spare no pains in keeping op an attractive and well supplied TABLE, and to use every exertion to please those who may call upon hint. llis STABLE^ will be found commodious, and always fully supplied with Provender, O'Thc House being conducted on Temperance Principles, he flatters himself that those who fa*or him with a call will And the MANSION HOUSE not only the comforts and attention of a well reg. ulatcd Hotel, but the quiet retirement of a Home. Charges moderate. D*AII the Stages arriving in the place, and the Omnibuses running to the Depot, will call at the House when de>ircd. E. G. ROBINSON. Camden, Sept. 1. 27 tt