Semi-weekly Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, South-Carolina) 1851-1852, January 31, 1851, Image 4

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Negro Shoes. We have now on nand, a large supply of Slack and Itnssett Pegged Brogaus audi Stitch-dawn Shoes, Of our own manufacture, which we can recommend as faithfully made and of tho best material. also Band and Harness leather phicrf and Russett Upp- r Leather ^alf Skins, Kip Skins "H* K i> or saddle covers, &e. \ .nt lillf l>v ? i. V. :\ \F.': -v i O ! -liioCi-S. kJOW Lad. ' Us* . --v. 'v ' f.-riini'nan : I V. K. ?V. UONXEV* J i-jit. 17, 71 if ei Victims of Dyspepsia, Lsok Here hj DR. ALLEN'S COMPOUND. This >I.-dicin* io offered to the public generally from a c< full conviction that it is sui?erior to any other now in use, * for the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous De- 'J bility. Bodily weakness, ifPrepnred o ilv by the proprietors. fi. W. ALLEN. M D.. Philadelphia.and J. A. ?V. L. CLEVELAND, No. 207 King Street. Charleston. S. C ^ None tienuine unless signed by Dr. G. W. ALLEN, and ? countersiened hv J. A. & W. L-CLEVELAND The bottles having the words "Allen's Dyspeptic *iei>icine Phila.. blown on the class a.' Sole agent for Camden, Z.J. DlllAY, Sept 20, im 75 ly Cl IIOUE TESTIMONY. a! MR. Z J. DrhAY?Dear Sir?I fpel it a (It t whir It f owe to society at Inr.r, and those who suffer wi li Dyspepsia in particular, to anu my testimony to the virtue of Alien's Compound, not for the sake of seem* my name in print, but lor ^ Truth's sake. I procured a bottle o! you last June, ^ which relieved me so much that I was induced to dt try eecon I, which completed the first be^an ?my appetite, which before was insatiable, be- is came natural and regular, arul I now enjoy better V( 1 e.ilth than I had done for three years previous to ^ using thai invaluable o edicine. You are perfectly & at liberty to m.,ke whatever use of this you please M Respectfully yours, Z MARSHALL s0 Cliosli rfield, S. C , Dec. 10, le>5U. 9a ''J pt 20,000 PAIRS OF N BOOT AND SHOES. S TO Bti HAD at the New Shoe Store, and will (J be sol i lower than auy ever betore offered W in tins uiarket?liavmg paid the cash lor eve y article, and selec ed from the best and largest man- *>' luaciurers in the United Slates, we Salter our- ? selves ihat no one can fail to be pleased in quantity, quality and price. The stock consists in part, sa follows? Heir, fine C alf stitched Boot* " 44 " Pump Boots 44 44 Waterproof do cork soles 44 44 44 do stitched and quilted soles 200 poifa fine Calf sewed Boots, from 94 50 to $6 00 200 *?* * and Kip pegged Boois, Ironi $2 to $5 00 y Men's fine Calf sew ed Bootes $2 to $4 00 44 44 a id loth Congress Boots $3 to $4 59 ll( " " JersevTies, 93to$3 50 J" 44 " 44 pegged Bootees. 81 to $2 00 4 44 Kip 44 44 75c to 81 00 Youth's Kip pegged Bootees. 50c to 75c ar Calf " 44 75c to f 1 00 jr| 44 ,4 Boots assorted . 44 Kip - 44 .... ?j Ladies' Department. u. Fine silk Gaiters, black and colored ar " satin 44 44 44 44 lasting M 44 44 44 44 welt* and black 44 44 Half Gaiters, welts and black "f 44 " " 44 colored and black n< Welt 44 Ties, Foxed, Broad and Easy 44 44 without Tips, for corns . 44 Jenny Lind Bootees, Kid and Morocco Pump " 44 44 44 ca id and Enameled Excelsiors th Kid and Morocco Jenny Lind Buskins g, Taylor Ties, Pump ^ Fine Kid slippers, with Rosettes Fine Mocroeco clippers and Ties er Fine Ties and Buskins, Welts r'l Fine Morocco do do pr Kid extra wide Hips and Ties tl( Goat buskins and Tics, Welts Goat Boots 44 81 Mitpsni4 black and colored Gaiters 44 blue and light colored ualfGaiters Y' 44 black, blue and brouze Bootees 44 black and colored Slipprap , 44 ' .oat Bootees, sewed and pegged, for School Shoes Children's Shoes and Boots, assorted l jgether with a great variety of Gentlemen's, Ladies' p and Children's Sho?>, too numerous to mention. al A p, Fine TRAVELING J Kt NKS. CARPET BAGS. V ALICE.4*, HATS and CAPS, All of which will positively be sold lower than the lowest for cash. bj 5?>l'all and see for yourselves, at the NEW SHOE STORE of WORKM AN & BOONE. ?ept. SO. J M. ii. KUiiMlAW, / Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity, ;(, CAMDEN, S. C. I) Will attend the ourts of Kershaw, Sumter, Fairfield, Darlington and Lancaster Districts. PhaloaN t'licuiical Hair lavi^orator, 'j preventing BALDNESS, and to retore the a X' Hair that has lalien on or oecome mm, sou to cure effectually, Scurf or Dandruff. For sale by Z. J. DkHAY. n Julv 2. 52 if r J 11 C. 1ATHBSOK, ? IJ A N Iv A (i B N T. Ax HIS OI.I> STAXDOPl'O 81 ?"E l)AVIs'8 HoTF.L ^ Paint & Varnish Brushes; Sash Tools ]] Feather Dusters &c&c. THE subscriber ha* just received from Philadelphia a j.; full and select assortment of the alwve articles, t?. UJ which he invites the attention cf the Painters and other?. / Z. J DellAV. FAUX UEOKED Tt) $'20FKOAI CharlVMtoa to^ew l'ork. The Great Mail Haute from Charleston, S. C LEAVING the wharf at the foot of Laurens st. f daily at 3, p m. alter the at -ival of the onutli. / ern cars, via vVilinui^ton an Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond to Washington, Balliiuorc, Philadelphia, and to New York Tite public is respectfully ittforiited that the steamers ol this line, Irout (111 rleston to Wii- i\ nnngton, arc >n first rate condition, and are navigated by well known and experienced commanders, and tli?* Raiimads are in tine order, thereby securing bo:h safety and despatch. ATliROUUii g TICKET having already been in operation will v be cont.nuod on and alter the first of Oct. 1-49, as a permanent arrangement from Charleston to AW York, i'as.-enyers availing themselves there 1 <ii will nave the option to continue without delay J through the route or oiherwise, to stop at any mi- F mediate points, renewing their seats on the line to J* suit heir convenience. By this route travellers nny reach New Vork on the third day during business hours Baggage will be ticketed oil board > he stenior to Weldon, as likewise on the change i of cars at the intermediate points from thence to / New Vork* Through Tickets can alone be had j of It) ?VI.N SLO *V, Agent ol the Wilmington and |, Raleigh Railroad Company, at the office of the ? Company, loot of Laurens street, to whom please apply. For other uiformalio inquire of n v L. C. DUNCAN, ? at the American Hotel, May 3, 81 tf " i AHEAD OF AIX OTHERS. The envy of all Pill Manufacturers, because they are safer, belter and more efficacious that J any others ; and because the public will take no oth a if they can obtain them. 600 ,000 IJnies ive been sold annually for the last five v. a . YOUNG AND OLl). MALE AND FEMALE, ill always take them with equal safety, without fear. ' IF PILLS UK NECESSARY T purging and cleansing the Stomach and Rowels, ant untying tl e Ulood and Fluids of the body, take no other for no other pills produce those combined effects, or con ins S'nrsapnrilla in them Eat, Drink and lire as usual, id pursue your usual occupation whilst taking then iihuut fear of taking cold-during all kinds of weather.* ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS e wagered thil more genuine certificates (from phvs ans. Clergytn-n. Members of Congress and respectabli tizens) can be procuoed of tlicir efficacy than any othet >. n Itnr't f riHiJ M. *?>r? ? ? id sold at twenty-five cknts a BoX. with direction id much wholesome advice accompanying each box, '! hey no taste or unpleasant smell. Free from dust or|tnwder of any kind, Do not gripe the Stomach or Bowels, Produce nosickness, vomiting or bad feelings, T. ey abe good at all times, And adapted to tnost diseases common to mankind, oone having once taken them will be willing afterward take any others, because Ihcv always do good, and if the; >not then no others will. ?r. N. B.LEIDY Propriety /twit,Manufacturer a regular Druggist. Chemist and Physician, of fifteei tars experience in Philadelphia ; Graduate of the Cni ovityof Pennsylvania; Mouther of different Medical lit itiitions of Philadelphia. New York, Boston, Baltimon r.,and associate nud corresponding member of severa edical Institutions of London and Paris?hence the rea n of the greater confidence placed in his pills, and tliei ting recommended in the practice of most respectabli tysicians throughout the United States. C&r Principal Depot. Dr. Leidy's Dispensary. No. II >rth Fourth st". t'hiladeaphia?and sold wholesale ant tail at .McRAIN'S Drug Store. Camden ;TOLANDd CUTIS, Columbia; Mil t KB & BOSSARD, Sumter lie ; Dr. M \ I.LOV.Cheraw; PRATT&JAMKS. New rrv ; RUFF & K KF.DY. Che: terville; J. L. YON'Gl K ritisboro; II. 11. WEST, t 'ninnville; Dr. P. M. CO EN and CLEVELAND, Charlepton; and by most Drug sts &. Storekeepers in the United States. Aug. 20. 1H50. 66 12m FEMALE FILLS, For Females only, Invaluable to Young, married and single. DR. L?IDY'S Restorative and .^lontiily Pills. Price Zo eta. a uox. I CCOMPANIED with a small pamphlet, com taining lull directions, useful hint?, inlorina >11 and advice t < k.-males iroin youth or pubertj i old age. Nature will be much assisted by their use, ii itiripation of certain periods, or where 1 here h regularity, suppression or absence of the natura tangos, and will relieve the suffering, pain ant stress common to many at those periods. Thert e other times, also, when the married and single ill find them useful. Mothers do not mistake the ailings of youi iugiiters; when afflicted with Head-ache, Dizzi>ss, Fainting. Loss of Appetite, Sickness of the tomach, Pains in the Sides or Breasts, Pains ang the Beck, Spine or across the Loins, Uysteri. d or Nervous feeling, Depression or Lowness o| e Spirits, Melancholy Dislike to exercise ant eielv, Palpitation of Heart, Bleeding at the nose c. Too often are medicines given thein for Liv. ' complaints, D spepsia, Consumption, &.c., when e real cause is not suspected; and through itu oper medicines and treatment their countitujus are destroyed; and their constitutions are de royed, and they become miserable during life. Thousands of Females in Philadelphia, New urk, Boston, Baltimore and elsewhere know the ficacy ot those Fills, and many could be reterrec , out delicacy and respect to the sex forbids it. Sofd wliol sale and retail at Dr. Leidy'a Dis ntarv, No 114 North Fourth Street, Plnlada.? Bo by J. It. .VcKain, Camden; Toland Curtis jluinbia; Black &. Eliny, Orangeburg; Dr. P. M alien and Dr. J. A. Ceaveland, Charleston; am I Druggists and Storekeepers generally. / ug- 20 (hj ly A Complete Stock of HOSIER V JlJVn GEO YES. "IoiSTAIaLMG evi ry kind ol Gloves, Lact J Milts, Long and Hall Long do.; a btautilu ncle ?>: Glas.?e Silk Gloves, ail colors, to matcl repses; mioses' and chtldre 's Gloves all sizes. Hosiery. Ladies' Silk, Merino and all-wool Hose; cottor osiery; ol every coior and quality; misses' do. I sizes. ladies' Merino and silk Vests Men's cotton, merino and wool Half Ilose; me m Slurts and Drawers; boy's do Men's kid, silk, buckskin and cashmere Gloves j fact, every thing desirable in the a.rove depart HMO's, at JA WES WILSON'S. Fancy A rI ides. "Vll.OG.NK, Lavender, i lnrida. Money and Ko*e Water J Jenny Lind, Omnibus, Portrait, Parisian. Nymph indsor and Palm t?oap; l.uhin's Extract [genuine] o >1111V l.inil, Jocky Club. Bouquet de ' nroline, lleilyosmia igniunelte, West End and Verbena ; Jenny bind ilai loss ; Queen of Flowers Hair Oil; Maud's and lloussel'i an l.ustrale ; Bear's Oil. Pliiloromls*, Ox Marrow Pom le. for the growth anil Beauty of the Hair ; I'halon hetnical Ilnir Invigorator ifcc &c. Just received at X. J. DellAY'.V. NEW FALLGOODS. M. DRUCKER & CO. IRE now just opening their large anil new aup ply of seasonable Goods, consisting in part o Cloths, cassimeres, sattincis, vesting*, linens Plain and figured alpaccn, mouse I in de Lnincs Ginghams, with other goods lor Ladies Dressei also , a splendid variety of Calicoes, anil the very bes and cheapest bleached atid brown Muslin to he lotiiid in the town The above Goods have been selected with thi reatest care, and will lie sold as always, at thi ery lowest prices. * < >ct. 29. Superior .Tlirilavd, TN quarter and halt' pound IjoXi-s; Wliite Mus L tard See I; Ginger; lilack and Ited PeptrtS Ipice; Nutmegs; Mace; loevs; Cinnamon, 'or sale by Z. J. DrllAY. A Kepaor of the Poor House Wanted. IPPLICATION8 will be received for a Keepe for the Poor House until the first Saturday ii anuary next, 011 which day an election will b eld for that office. Applications must be lei rith the Secretary. EST" A Negro Man, of good character is alsi ranted for the Poor House, for whom good wage rill be paid. W. E. HUGHSON, Sec'v. !>ec. 13. - 9S 6t' The Great Cough Remedy. Far the Care of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP 1 ASTHMA ud CONSUMPTION The uii;ia.d ui medical science, affording as they I do amnio uroof cf the power and value of many medical agent?, have lurnished nu examples to compare with tne salutary effect* produced bv "AYER'ts CLERRY PECTORAL" j Tne,remarkable cures of the disease of th< n Lungs tvh.cli have been realized by its use, attest* ed as they are by many promiueiit professors and physicians in this and foreign lands, should tacotir,, ge llie ulll.cted to persevere with t e strong assurance that the use olthe 'Cltcary Federal' will re I it ve and ultimately cure ihem. i We present to ilm public unsolicited testiinonif als irom some of the first men in our couulrv, upon whose judgement and experience implicit co.-iK fidcuce may be placed. Dr PEltKl.\?S', President Yt. Medical Cull ear, one ol the most lean.e l and intelligent physicians in the country, considers it a 'composition of rare excellence for the cute of that formidable disease, Consumption." Norwich, April 2G, 1846. s Dr. J. 0. Aver?Dear fur :?Agreeatiie to the ^ leipiest of your agent, we will cheerfully slate what we have known ol the effects of your C1JER' RY PECTORAL aud they have been astonishing indeed. Mrs. Betsey ISlreeter had been aflhcted with a severe and relentless cough, which reduced I her very low ; so low tnat little hope could be entertained of her recovery. Numerous remedies | r had been tried without effect, belore the Cherry . * Peciural. And that has cured he . Gcarge W at j ki isoo Esq., had to our knowledge been atliicted I with asthma, tor eleven years, and grown yearly , t worse, until the Cherry Pectoral lias now removed - the disease and he is as free Irom any of its synip " totns as we are. The Rev. Mark Dane had been - 1 - * ...It*. tl.A u< til (Its. 811 BV'tureijr ttiuiuivcu nun me ?w ?? | . ab!e Iiiiij from Inn duties, and nothing had afforded him relief until 1 (Mr. Tliorniag) (.arried linn a ! bottle of your Pectoral, which cured bun 'at once, , and he now officiates as usual in tins place. ; These are three of the cases in winch we have < kdowu it successful, but never fail. \V? have ( great pleasure in certifying ,o these tacts ; and ate < respected sir, your hutubie servants. UER. D.TUORN1NO. I HON. J. BATTLES. Among the distinguished authorities who have 1 ' given their names to recommend "Cherry Pectoral," as the best remedy that is known for the A. | i lections of the lungs, are "London Lancet," "Cas nadia- Journal ol Medical Science," "Huston Me- ' I dical and Surgical Journal," "Charleston (S. S) ' I Med cal Review," "New Jcisey .1/e-Jical Report- , ? er,'' Prof. Webster, Harvard College, Prof, Bart. < i lett, TransalvnnU University of Mocicitic, i're.-i- 1 dent Perkins, Vermont Medical College, |)r. Val- j entitle ,1/ott. New York City, Parker Cleveland, Bowdoii College, Prof. liutlerfieJil, Wiilonghby : College, Ohio, Pint. lira i: it watt e, Leeds (Eng.) 1 Medical School, S r Richard Kane, Queen's Col. lege, Ireland, Prof. IWciibaurii, l.eipsic. I The public have but to know the virtues and as- I I tonishing success of the "Cherry Pectoral," in ( t curing diseases ol the lungs, when they will feel r . secure from these dangers, whenever this remedy < i can be obtained. Prepared bv J. C. AVER, Chimist, Lowell Mass I ? > ' \r.. I.' V I ,V<< u ml * HIJU f?U U 111 V^rtlllllCIJ 11 1.1 Ulllii u ^>w.w ...... by Drugists generally throughout tlie Unite States. Dec. 10, 1-50. " 07 3m i Memphis Institute. < Medical Department. THE regular course ut Lectures in this Institute wil* commence on tlie First of Xo- ( vember, and continue unt I the last of February. Tim Anatomical department will be opened and j ready to receive stu.ients by lliePirst ol Oetobcrt The Medical Department will be under tliedirec. ion of the following PROFESSORS: J. CONQUEST CROSS, M. D. Professor of the Indilutes of .Medicines ami Medical Jlirisprilileiice. . W. lit RD POWELL, M. D.. Professor of Cerebral i Physiology. M?*ilicnl <Jeolngy ami Mineralogy. It. S. NEW TON'. M. D., Professor of Surgery* ' H. J. 1HLCE, M D., i'rofessor uf Theory ami Practice of Medicine. J. A. WILSON, M. I', Professor of Obstetrics and Lbs. eases of Women and Children. J. KINO, M. D., Professor of Materia Mcilieia, and jhera|>eutics. FREEMAN. M. 1).. Professor of Anatomy. J MILTON SANDERS, A. 31., M, D., Professor of Chemistry, and Pharmacy. CL1MQUE LECTURERS. J. lll'I.CE ; SUROERV?PROF. R. S. Nt-.WToN. . Z. FREEMAN, M D., Anatomical Demonstrator. The lees lor a lull course ol lectures amount to 8105. Eeach IVfeseor's Ticket, $15. .Watriculator's j i $5. Demonstrator's Fee ?10. Graduation, ?'^0. 1 f Those desiring further information wil please ' address their letters (post paid) to the I'eai ; and students arriving in tlie city will please call on Ititn | . at the Commercial Hotel. ? K. S. NEWTON, M. 1)., Dean of the Fac Ity LAW DUPAIITJ1E.W. ' HON. E. W. M. KINO, Professor of Theory an Practice of Law ] A OIL* V. D. UARKV, Professor of Commercial Ju- ( risprudeuce. Terms?$")0 per Session. ' All communications pertaining to this depart- ' f meat must be addressed t>> E. W. M. KING, Esq. 1 , Memphis, Tenn., March lti.lU. 3 The Faculties, lor intellectual abilities, moral worth and proiessional acquirements, will compare t lav* rable with the most distinguished in our cuuu try. The medical faculty constitutes an anomaly ni-this or any other country?all of them are able 9 lecturers and tho best of teachers. 2 Those who will contemplate our geographical position, and the extent of our popu ation, can have ~ no doubt as to the eligibility oi oui situation for an enterprise of the kind. As to health, including j" all seasons of tiie year, we deny that any other c city has more. A ci iiiiuoii error exists in the minds of many students relative to the place of studying medicine; ~ j those who intend practicing among the diseases ol | the West and South should certainly educate I 1 - ~1 urliiwa runiillu urn nranlinaL lliirillSCl \ us iUdSCHWUl n iiuov mi.u>u uii.|/,uviivu,r Jy acquainted with those diseases, t) Tnat ihe public may be satisfied of the permae nency of this sell- ol, we leel it our duty to state, that the Trustees aiid Faculty form a unit in action which augurs well lor its future success; and that o the peculiar internal organization which connects s them, cannot be interrupted. E. W. Al. KING. President of the Memphis Institute. Jnfy 17, 1650. 18 ly W????????????1W THE SOUTHERN STORE. A1X who wish Birgains, are inv ted to call at j r* K. S. MOFFAT'S new Southern Store, j J ,l?ird h?us? above lite auk of Camden, where.: Llicv will liiiil a coin|ii'.'lu ass< rtment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES AND HARDWARE, j \y jonsisting in |:ait, as follow?: Fancy and uiotirui: g Prints j pe 7-3 and 4-4 lirown Shiriings an Biue Denims and Marlborough Stripes k'r Saninutis and Kentucky Jeans <n (Mollis nod lancv CassII e pa Negro Ke r-cy?-; Bed and Negro Blankets hii Mous. lie allies, Gingham?', tjc. |di Groccrits. :UI Brown. I,oaf, crashed and clarified y Itio and Java ('otl'ess New Orleans and West India Molasses dj Mackarcl, Nos. ai.elB in barrels Cheese, Bice, Flour, Bacon and Salt jj Kaisi' s, Pepper, Fpice |,j Tobacco, 6't gais. &r. & c * llt iinidaar.!. ui Pocket Knives and Forks n-,.............i i..... V. ........ Trrce ;isid I !al:.?r Chains Oi Axes, 1 iaiiiincrs and Hate:.els il .Spades, Shov.'!* and I jot.-? Hand, mill ai d crosscut sr\\ s Vires, anvils ami blacksmith's Lellows ? Nails, brads, tacks an! sji igs Kin b, pad closet and sUu k tucks I run squ?.r<v. compasses and plane irons Brushes. blacking, cotton and v.ool cards llroadaxes and steelyards; pots and skillets | Ilroad and'narrou Iron Jcc. I e' litady | *1 of e\ery description. il. Saddles, Bridles and .Martingales < rockery and G! ssware (t 11:11 y and Dundee Bigginjr 1 ;tj Kentucky Jlo; e and Twine Together wilii every other artic e usually lotind .,, ina well selei led s.ock of Dry GukL, Groceries mil Hardware. All of which will lie sold exceed- .tJ iniflv low lor cash. N^'The highest market prices paid lor cotton ni uid other country pioduce. S1 Dec. 24, K. S, J/QFFAT. DBY GOODS, TIIE subscribers have received iheir VvlN PER St PPLY. coiisisiinir in part, of FANCY DRESSES?Brocaded Thibet Cloth. Proca- f\ Jed Lihrndore, for Evening Dre.-ses, Caelnnere .Merinos uid Mous-seliii de Lain. plain and printed; black mid fan- ' ?y Silks, Paris and English Prints, French and Scutch h? Gingham*. |>, MOCRNIXG DRESSES?Royal Tour Sarin Royal. jl( Satin de>- de Rhine, French Poplin. Boinhnzin Mous.-elin de Lain, Alpaceu, Ginghams, French and Prints. " TRIMMINGS?Of even' vnrietv. to suit the above. w SI XDIIIKS?Black ami fnti'-y Thebit. Ca'inni'W am! ivonien Sdtaw Is, worked Muslin and Lace Ca|>es and Collars, Infant*:* worked Dresses and Bodies, Linen ( nnihric a ll'dkfs.. Muslin Tritumitisr'. (n trreat vnrietv.) '1 liread Lace, Cap ivihhous. t?ioves and Mills of all kinds, Hose, vv la large assortment.) lone and short sleeve Merino vests, ,j( Marseilles Bed and Crili Quills. Table. Piano and Toilet Covers, fi-4 and If-1 Damask Table Covers. Damask and pilored Doylies. Netted Tidies, fi-1 to I'd-1 Linen -""heeling. a' ^-8 to Pillow fi-H'ase Linen. .VI to 12-4 bleached and n trow!) Cotton Sheeting. Furniture Cliinis and Dintily. ilnrtain Ditnitv. Fnniitnte fringe. India Kuldier Sheeting rretteit Bed Blankets. (VI to ll-IFbsir Clotb, Scotch ['arpcting. A large assortment of bleached and brown Joods. C.terks, Ticking. Lin.-cvs. Ac. Ac. FI..A N.N Kl>?(leonine. (lodgers, Ileal Welsh. Snxony 'baker's ail wool and silk warp, all wool and Do*net _ iVhite, 'led and \ellow. of every description. '8 For Lien's "Wear. Black, brown, blue, green, olive and drab Clotb; faiiev hi mil black Cassttneres. silk and Cuchmore Vesting*. India* (s o ? loth, for shooting Coats; (doves, of every variety; Jj, Jravute; Picket Hand kerchiefs; Half Hose. I'mier Miirts mil Drawers; ready made ?*liir:s and Collars; .Suspen- I Jear lla's' Ctt[>s. Ac. Ac. i ca A large assortment of Good* for Boy's aod Servant's ill vear (leorgiu Plains, Cordova do. Blankets, | Si 0# c* MeDOWALL A COUPKU. j Oct. 2t>. Sa t? New Fall GroodsJ. rpiIE subscriber respectfully inlbtins his iVieuds Jl and the public generally, that lie is now locu- j t ing his Fall supply of <jlro< iTK'S Doii'.cstii'S Ac. Consisting in part, of the following articles, viz;? ! Brown, crushed, loaf and clarilied Sugars New Orleans and .Mttscovudo Molasses llioatid Java Collee Rice, Cheese, Bacon and Lard No. :! and 3 Muckarel Corn, Flour, Oat.-, Salt Swedes Iron oi' all sizes Powder, Shot, Lead, Soaps, Starch, Candles _ Fine*and common Tobacco iLjugint;, iio|tv and Twiue. lien and bov's Wagon Saddles [ Riding and Waggon BiiJUs ,}t Ilatues, Collars, Riding and Waggon Whips : it, Al.SO j to Crockery, Glass and Hardware ,111 Collin.-' best Axes, Nails, assorted size Pocket Knives, Knives and Forks i\t';'ro Cloth*, ? Bleached and brown Home-puns Bed, Negro and Hiding BLANKETS * ALSO 1 A lew cases of men and boys Hats and Caps |i> With all other articles usually found in a well sup- w plied Grocery and Hardware store, all of which M ivill be sold exceedingly low for cash. .11 B. W. CHAMBERS. Camden. S. ('. Sept. 3. 70 it DO*The Nil inter Banner and True Southron will ropy for tliree months. Drugs! Drugs f! , rpHE Subscribe, has on is constantly j 1 JL receiving fresh supplies of Drugs,Medicines. ' Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Putty, Brush- I'1 ?s, and Window Glass; ail of which are wa .antjd of the best quality, and will be sold lower than ? ' it any establishment in the place. Those who; juy tor cash will lind it very much to their advan tage to apply tirst to FRANCIS L. ZEMP. Feb -J3 15 tf ^ For sale in Camden by the aujtohizcd Agents 3, JAMES R. McKAlN. w V 1. ZF.MP li Iii Charleston by Dr. P. M. COHEN. a InColmnbia by 1IOATRICJHT & MIOT. W. II. It WORKMAN, a ATTORNEY AT LAW, Camden, S. O. tc (Office immediately in rear of the Court House.) W1LI. ATTEND THE COURTS OK Darlington and Sumter Districts. Business entrusted to him wih meet with prompt j and careful attention. July 2t>. r Annatto Copperas^ ju Indigo, Logwood, ' li Madder, White Lead, j ti Linseed Oil, TuiDentine. w Window Glass, Lamp Chimneys, Solar Globes, Solar Wicks, I " Sperm Oil, Solar Oil, | Castor Oil, Epsom S.,lts die. die. i r A full and fresh 6upply of all the abovo articles ust received, and for sale bv . ! 1,1 sept. 2U. Z.J. DtHAY. i MANSIONHOUSE. CAMDfiX, S. t\ [^11E subscriber respectfully announces t?? Itia , L fr.eiuls ami the TRAVELLING PUBLIC: morally, that !? ? bus opened, as a MOTEL, IliaC rge anil < Hihiiiodio s house in I A>g Town, former* j the private res den? e ul lb i'erkins, esq. Tho building is admirably adapted tor ibnt purse, l? iuj/ si:uaied in tie n opt healthy arid pleast part ui ( aiiider, combining all I he advanta< s of the tow 11 vvitl> the b..liny atmosphere of the uniry, and w ithin a lew minutes' walk of any rt of t'aiudei:. The moms aie large and airy, s Servants respectful and attentive, and he edues liiniseif to spare r.o pains in keeping up at tractive and well supplied TABLE, and to uee ery exertion to ( lease those who may call upon in. His STAB1.ES will be found commodious, and ways fully supplied with l'rovender, O'Tlie House being conducted on Temperance rniaples, hr flatters himsell that those who la?or 3 in with a call will find ihe MANSION HOUSE I it only I lie comforts ami attention of a well re;.- I aled Ifu'i'l, Ixii the quiet retirement of a Iltmie. 1 (.' on-de rale. 1 IS All the Stages arriving in the place, arul the 1 nimbuses running to the Depot, wilt call at the I nu.-e when do-ired. E. G. ROBJNSO.W n Camden, Sept. 1. 27 II s Darlington Hotel, DA It LIN (J TON COURT-HOL'SK. . HE above Hi.use having been puichased and 1 titled up anew by John Dot ex, is again open. I tor the urmouiindation of the Public. Strict ' lention to the wants and comforts ol guests 4tm ill be given, and no eftbrt, calculated to merit '1 c patronage ol all who may favor the establish* out Willi a visit, shall be spared. Ail thai the market and surrounding country fird \\ iil he found upon the table. C nifortali e rooms, for families or individuals, e prepared. Tin* Stables will he attended by careful and tentive hostlers. ' Drovers can lie well accommodated, as any umber ol horses and mules can be ept iu the a.;ies and lots exjiiessly prepared f?r them. Nov. I, ISoO. S(i tf hunter's hotel CAMDEN, S. C. rllK subsTiber having located in Camden, would respectfully ts.-.y to (lie public that lie i.s opened a Public House two doors below the nsl CJtiice, and hopes by strict attention to busi? ?ss to share a liberal p tronage. My Stables are good, and well supplied wi'h rovendcr, and my Table shall always be supplied itli as good as ilie market affords. I am certain that those who once favor tne with call u ill he willing to call again. I have also, a g<?>d Wagon Yard, with v ood, aler aril house convenient, for the accomiiK?daitn of Wagoners. I will also attend to the Commission Business, id ail Goods consigned to my care, or left with e for sale shall meet with prompt attention. 33'Charges moderate JAMES M. IlUflTER. Nov. 26 96 tl fEWSTOEEi . 1I1E subscribe r is now opening a large assort. inent of Groceries aad Maple Goods the Store lately occupied by William J. Gerald outh of the Bank of Camden,) which he will spose of at Charleston prices for cash. Those wishing to purchase would de well to II m./l .tvoitiiiio ?! .* ^tA/.L* AAn^L-ftiiif in nort nf i anu r.\?unuir 111c ciul r\, cuiicinuiii^ m |/u? ^ v?? e following, viz: luaf, Crushed, C round unJ Crantdaled N'upars S Croix. Porto Rico, and .New Orleans ilo Nvv Orleans', Miiwn\ a hi and Cuba Molasses Java. Lngnirn and Bin Coffee (liliipuwder, Young Hyson and IllarkTens S|K-riii, Adamantine and Tnllow Candles No- *2 and 3 Mfckart-I. in Barrels. Half and Quarter* Wine. Soda and Butter Biscuits and Cncero Soap and Standi. assorted Pepper. Spice, Cinger. Nutmeg*1. Maee jiitfClv?ea Boe der. Shot and la-ad Hardware. Cutlery. Nail" and ('nstuisj. Paints, Linseed Oil. Sperm- Oil and W n. ?'OL A I.SO Blearhed and unbleached Shirtings and Sheetings Blankets. Bed Tick*. Apron Chec ks' aad Uy.naburgs Together with a Iar^t; assortment of Ca^^iit^, au.i Twiao. J. \V. BRADLEY. Cnmien.S. C. Sept. 23. iKr Casili puid lor Cotton and other Produce. Notice. \LL persons having any claims against the Estate of lite Into Mrs. Martha E. WiJeon ^ ' eased, will present thetn properly attested* huiI osp indebted wi.'l make iiiwiediahe payment to Mr. John Jio-ser, who is authorized to act ad lent in inv absence. * I'AUL T. VILLETIGUE, Admr. Nov. 1-2, 1*30. bO wtf. iVoticc. ' WIl L open the Tax Books belonging to the . Town of Camden, on the first day of January *51, for the purpose of collecting the taxes, and 41 ill keep open the same until the first day of arch, ensuing, at which time they will be closed id .ill defauters dealt with according to law. By order of Council, I,.' W. BALLARD, Town Treas'r. December y I tlin Notice. T7ILL l c sold on the first M' nday in FebruafV ry next, the Home and Lot formerly benging to the Rev James Jenkins. Terms, one 11rd cash, the balance in one and two years, purlaser to pay for papers. JOS. G. JENKINS. Dec. 30?wit VVM. A. MOORER, Notice. i I~Y Boy. LEWIS, having left my premises vl_ without any punishment, on the 25th insf. iy information which may be given relative to his hereabouts will be thankfully received, and 6a. N sfactory compensation given, lie is about IB jars old, a little tinged with yellow, and ui'htbe tolerable plow hand; slow of speech. He bcuiged to the estate of Mrs. Alartt a C.Wilson, .i > i /. i?.. ,i.? i iti, SC. U , anil was SOIU III V>ihimici t IUV 44 UIOM ddress the subscriber at ?Naift Creek, Darliug>n District, S. C. JONATHAN WRIGHT. December 20. D)'J tf Spirit ias or Buruing Fluid, m Lamps, Wicks &c. I'M ID subscriber lias just received from BaltfW . more, an elegant assortment of Glass and Aleilic Spirit Gas Lamps, Wicks &c. In a few days e vviil also have a supply of the Uurning Fluid* i all of which lie invites the attention of those ant, and his friends generally. Z. J. DEIIAY. To Rent. rMIAThrirk divpllintr nod store, next to thO L "Mansion Hou.-"C.""ii?w occupied hy T. hon oil. Apply to J. U KBRSIIAW, ExW. Oct 21 101 It .