The Chesterfield advertiser. [volume] (Chesterfield C.H., S.C.) 1884-1978, September 01, 1904, Image 7

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A SERMON FOR SUNDAY an el6auent discourse entitled. 'WHO ARE SONS OF COD?" tfc? # *. Robert A. UM??ddfn DtcUm That the Four Source* of'Rnrceu Are fllood. Will ot the Fl*?b, Wilt of Ran ana uoa. Brooklyn, N. Y.?The Riv. Robert A. MocFadden, of Danvers, Mam., preached Sunday in the Lafayette Avenue 1'rcsbyterian Church. In the morning his subjret *o? "Who Arc the Sons of God?" He aaid: My Aubject is "Who Are the Sons of God? and my text John i: IS? "WKi.u man ana Uod. At first tight they are equal; but a second.tight reveals the war~ fare that ever goes on between heredity and environment on the one hand and faith in God on the other. This contrast implies, though does not state, that * he one true success is sgiritual success, -and for this a secret power is to be furnished. Power in life means all the way through to the final, a victory over difficulties, and difficulties cannot be ultimately overcome except through this secret power. Every life lived anil every work done has somewhere its sufficient explanation. God his "never yet permitted an accident in His world. Every deed has its pedigree. So much producing energy in tue cause rfans so much energy in the effect. There ' is no such thing as luck. Every hfc has j' its pedigree. Young' men lire lo apt to " think chance plays the great part in life, so they wait for their chance. They see some one do easily the thing he undertakes, and they leap to the belief that there is some trick about it. If they only had the trick they could do it, also. Such young men need to be informed. The man who succeeds to-day in business, scholarship or politics succeeds because no knows how, And he knows - how because he has learned how. He who does not know how is foreordained to failure. Thcro is no mors important miestion the young man can ask himself than how he can prepare for life as sot to be a castaway; "not lost ' in the next world, but shipwrecked in this." For the ratio between what a man is and what he can do is a constant ratio. Every mandril have all the power he earns, and the Do\ter that he hu wilt people like it or like him, but because it is power, and na auch ran keep itself erect without being propped up by a labor union or held in ila place because it ia somebody'a son. It follows, then, that the most important thing a boy can do ia to get ready. It ia inapiration to know that every ounce of energy put irto work,in the car.y years ia ao much diatinot guarantee of usefulness in the aduit years. And next to getting ready, the lather should tell his boy that he must get ready for rough weather. Tha boy must learn to handle the boat of hi* own experience if he ia not to be driven upon the shallows or into the breakers. Aa he meets and masters the difficulties that beset him getting out of the harbor of the high school or the college, he is equipping himself for the enemies that will assail him on the high seas. John, then, nerc points out the possible ways of getting ready. He asserts that permanent siicccm does not depend upon blood, will of the flesh, or will of man, but solely upon God. Lot me translate this into the four F's: Family, force, furnishings, faith. John says first a man's success does not depend upon his family. Dr. Lyman Abbott has developed tin's thought rationally: That no people are great or good sim^ ply because of their ancestry. "The greatuess of America docs not depend primariHB fy upon its Pilgrim history." No <>:u- would for a moment dispute thi* with linn. Hut 1 desire to emphasize this from the domes iri wUwtrwviw* A 1-!l * A IIII1U I |)irllUUI lUCCNI, uyi .John, does not depend upon his family. Then it makes no difference what the family, the Bible lays no stress upoft heredity. He who says this does not know the Bible. The Bible lays great stress upon heredity. When it writes the life of a rest man it l>egins with his parents. The foundations of one generatiou are in all respects laid in the antecedent generation. In an important sense the boy begins to lire when his father begins to live. The child is the parent continued down into n new generation. This is science, and it is good science. But this is Scripture, and it is good Scripture. Scripture emphasised heredity long before science was born. Hannah, the mother of Moses; Elisabeth, Mary, Lois and Eunice are all magnificent monuments. The Christian women who would duplicate these glorious sons must first duplicate their matchless mothers. As believers in the Bible we have an in* terest in heredity. It ia the Gospel expectation that the children grow up hearing the physical featurea of tneir porcnta, ao in time they will come to embrace and exemplify. the parents' faith. That's whst Tim'otny did, in whom the great apoatle. rejoiceu so much. Heredity is mighty, but let us not think it is almighty. Heredity gives us tendency, but it gives us nothing else. The children of good parents take in goodness more eM>iy than the children of Dad parents. The children of educated parenla acquire ideas moro easily than those of ignorant parents. The father, who for five and twenty years haa been raying: "Two times two are four, I guess I'll make it five," givea to his baby child the tendency to make the aaine multiplication, but-the child must make the choice before it becomes to him a ain. How I wish that that great sermon of Henry Its I fi t - vtsru oeeccucr on "Mercdity influence" could be printed m a supplement to our courses in cthici. That sermon make* men tremble at what th<y may bequeath - to their children. Dut after all, the grace of Ood ia stronger than the am of man. What a man ia he chooses to be. Weakness, tendency arc handed down, but the choice ia made by tbo Individual himself. Your apiritua' success, young inan, docs not dctteatd upon your ancestry, yon.* heredity, your fathers habits, or your family. John aaya no tuan ia aafe aim ply because of his family. But it doea not depend upon yonr rrraonal force, which ia a frto translation for the New Testament word "flesh." It etands fbr the animal man, not neccsaariiy the bad auimal man. It ncans a st-o ig, vigorous force in the man himself. Now. John aaya this strong, vigorous force will txmpr give a man hie spiritual ou;>rcriaqy. Illustrate, rather than debate, the ^^Mmoidtion. Noeh must have had a strong Z/S^Ttd vigorous will, but it did not insure fecw ?>< > against drunkenness, t'amapn had a inkhty will, but it waa no match for tho lark eyes of Delllnh. David, whet a arlorioge career in overcoming obetaclcs! what vigor! What power! But in tho prccccce or his guilty lovo be waa w:ah and WMke^ Tb? Rev. Atfthaf Dirjrieodalc. in that greatest. American novel, Hcarlet Letter," had a mighty wi.l, but lie war lost in the presence of Descev 1'rynne. That great iriahmnn, greater than nny other, who ruled with a rod of iron; v;ho took the miaerab'y misunderstood problem of *how? rule and lifted it into a oan| tral place in the world's thought;, who I thrashed the London Timet: who wroujht miracles in the House of Oor.itr.ons, and who lifted William E. Cladatono into the office of f'ririe Minister for tho fourth time; that man, at the zenith of his powsr, was discovered to have invaded another man's home and was living in a hidden and illicit way. The (topic of Great Britain tore him frori hta throne, trampled his narte in the dust, and within three months ho was laid away in hit gravs with a broken heart. As the traveler to-day welka by \ * ' "?Auof b'2?d; or of the will of tie tteih or of the will of man but of God." Xierc are four aourcee of sucoeM ?et in contraat?blood, will ol the*fle?h. will of diatinct thing from faith. Faith in personal attitude, peraonal relationship. Faith ia such a peraonal yielding of ouroc'.vea to another aa brings us into living contact with that other and so makes us recipient of what it lies in that other to confer. Tho child becomes like his father by faith in his father, because his faith is that inwurd surrender that makes him susceptible to every impression that goes forth from his father. A child's faith toward his mother is not faith that what his mother snys is true; it is faith in his mother, the hiding of himself in the one life that enwraps them )>oth, so that ho lives in the sweep of her inspiration and grows up toward manhood by the appropriation of personal vigor, wisdom ana sweetness hourly made over him. And that is cast in the same mold as Gospel faith, which is as a cord by which the living Christ holds the believer to Himself. Faith is not a condition wherein wo hold to something or somebody, as that in which we are held by something or somebody. It is not holding a doctrine, but being held by a person. "I know whom I have believed." The iron filings stick to the magnet, not because they try so hard to stick, but because they arc mastered by the magnet. Faith, then, has for its very essence a personal self-commitment, one ounce of which is worth a whole ton of intellectual affirmation. It ia this sense of being held by Cod that makes s man safe and secure. I do not know how the grace of Cod can take a min like Saul of Tarsus and make him Paul the Apostle; but no man will ouestion hia knowledge when he says: "I live, yet not I. but Christ liveth in me." That in exactly what John 12. Gough cried as he went tike a flaming torch blaz?ng the way for a multitude of hopeless drunktrds. The hope, and the only hope, for us nil in in the grace of God. If 1 were to strike a tuning fork 0:1 thin desk and hold it to my ear not one in thia room could hear the aound thereof, but I could hear it and tune my violin. Strike it again and instead of holding it to my ear, Mt it upon this desk. Instantly the sound would be heard everywhere. But what do you hear? Not the tuning fork, for the tuning fork makes no louder sound the second time than it did the first. What do you hear? You hear this hard wood desk, which has no music in itself, but just as soon as it comes in contact with n musical instrument it itself becomes musical and delights every one has music in liis soul. The individual life may be insignificant alone by itaelf; it may come from a rood family or a bad: it may have great force 01 little; it may have choice furnishing* or not; but the safety and security of all will depend upon the personal self surrender to the Son of God, who alone hnt the power to make them Sons of God, which are born not of a family or of force 01- of furnishings, but of faith. Tower of an Ideal. A beautiful statue once stood in (he market place of an Italian city. It whs the statue of a Greek slave girl. It represented the slave as tidy, well dressed and handsome. A ragged, unkeript, iorlorn street child, coming across the statue in lie'r play, stopped and gazed at it in admiration. She was entranced a id captivated by it. She ga::ed long ard admiringly. Moved by a eiiduen mnulse, she went home and washed her fact and combed her hair. Another day skc stopped again before tho sane statue And admired it, and received new inspiration.. Next day her tattered clot lira were wna'ied end mended. time she looked ut the stntua r'13 f'tmd something in it* benntie; until win a transformed chi.d.?Treasury of Heliglous Thought. Wuniait; "A I'ooltleo Ccapcl. It 10 tho preacher of positive l'uitli and conviction who meat deeply impresses a congregation and who I aa the g-cutest Ltaying nov/cr among a people. Nebulosity of belief and statement doto not comnu nd him to tho public. A flri.i grip of lAi'lt link.-j him i. tong and vigorous in preaching and inf.ue iticl in and persuasive i.i apiiit and activity. The riore clear ?.t lio i? in hia view* of Dililc doctrine and wruttice, tiro rioro ready are choice sue intelligent coid; t> cr ept tiim a* their rciipious guide, aid the greater thcii r->ml.ited in the community in *.hi<U i? v? centered. A larger enthusiaei 1 ia quickened among it* adherents, and a growing tocrcoco in the nunlxr of recruit j fa auro to folk** hia faithful and kckIou* ministry.?Tho Presbyterian. Tha XMrst Kaatilt of LCurt. ' Every real n:u! torching cTort of selfl*B.?r?v<Ricut ia of itarif u lc uto.? of prefound hn ni ity. Fer v.e canr.ot iri'jic a step without 1 earring ar.d feeling the wayware*ma, ths wcaouc^, tlio vaoil.ation of cur movement* cr without desiring to bo set unjr. the Ihck that is higher than ourjtlvua.? William Kw?rt G.adstono. IL'xatt Oar U?m. T7o red-tea Ufa to the pettlneaa of oitr daily living; wo should exalt err .ivi ig to the gigUidt i.r cf Lje.~Fhil.ipa LrooLa. Tha help cf Ccd ii tho only hop# of r f|, 'tuft u ' V i i yafRBn'^jfeSi^^* till 1 an untnarlted grave in the Mt. Joy Cemetery of Dublin, he says: "No, Mr. Parnell, a mighty will doe* not tnake every great man ante." -What shall fathers te.l their boys? That a weak will is the better for ttrem? Nuy, verily. Great force is to the bov what momentum is to the rifle ball. A boy without will cannot live. He needs every ounce he can acquire, but this alone will not make him morally rafe or spiritually strong. The hope of a man is not in his family, not in his force, nor yet j is it in his furnishings, which I use aa the equivalent for the will of man. John days neither the individual nor the wor'.d will be saved by its furnishings. When Jonah went to Nineveh, one of the reasons for his going was that 130,000 people needed Kfitr oaiiM nnf *??11 fKoin hand from theirxleft." That same cry goes up to-day. Only educate and train; that is sufficient. Your section is not so whitewashed with this system of ethical culture as some others I know. But we never can emphasize too often or too positively tho axial tenet of Christ's creed that wliat a man needs primarily is not accession of brain, but n fresh heart: not illumination, I but reconstruction, the establishment in him by grace of something that is not in him by nature. Illumination of the brain is never clarification of the heart. There was a man in our American life who was born of the best family, with a personal force that commanded men and captivated women, whose furnishings could scarcely be surpassed, and yet there has not walked across the pages of American history a blacker hearted vidian than Aaron Burr. I am as far as possible from suying that knowledge makes a man worse; rny only contention is that it has not in itself the power of making men better. Ideas, education jdonc, can pe'tbet reconstruct the life rior recreate the neart." This is a thoughtful age; men are brainy; all about us there is a passion for new ideas; but our most urgent necessity is not of idea but of power. What wo need most of all is not schooling but baptism, and that is to come through faith. What is this faith that ia to give us iho supreme victory and insure our safety? It is at this distinct point that wc begin to learn the real meaning and purposo of faith. Every little while I am told by one and another that he would like to have faith in this particular matter in regard to the Bible, or in regard to Clirist in the future life as though if his mind could only bo brought intellectually to consent to it, the consummation would be reached and a great result achieved. Being prepared to assent to this or that particular statement in regard to Christ, for example, ia a very .... : C r ?. " W " ; > > . \ | The Manner of Receiving. In her charming series'of sketches that are appearing in The Delineator under the title "The Joy of Living,"1 Lillio Hamilton French writoe on the Manner of Receiving. Ingratitude la a grlevcua fault to be met with every day, and many phases of it are pointed out by MIjb French's pen, which, however, is tipped not with bitterness but with n kindliness that takes away the sting of correction. A very nice illustration of selfishness Is contained in the following paragraph: "It is not an uncommon weakness, this of being satisfied with ourselves because somebody else has been kind to us; because somebody else Las sacrificed much to make our hour3 easier. We take for granted most of the special ministrations of others, as children In their cribs regard the attendance of their nurses. Only a few escape the snara. The more we get the more we are apt to regard that which Is given ns a mere matter of course. T have ono horror In life,' exclaimed a pretty yonng woman, to whom people wore always sending presents. 'I have one horror In life, that of belifg ilka the rhinoceros In tho park. Havo you over seen hlra with his big mouth always open when any one passes by, taking everything that is thrown into It, even whole loaves of bread, and not a wrinkle of pkQsure on bis faoe, not a gleam In his eye. as h.i closes his jaw over your offering?nothing but a wide opening cf the mouth again to be ready for the next thing that may come?'" FITSperusanentlyenred. No !H?or nervousnesa after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NerveBestorer,4) Atrial bottle and treatise free Dr. 11.H.Ki.ikk, Ltd.. 981 ArchBt..lMilla., Pa. The downier Duchess of Abereorn, ninety-two, nas 150 descendants. Plso'n Cure Is the beet medicine we everused lor all affections of throat end lungs.?Wm. O. Vauburon, Ind., Feb. 10, l'JOO. Smuggling by motor car has been dcvel Oncd into ft line art in Switzerland. RAIN-IN-THE-FACC. Tom Cutter's Capture of a Sioux Chief Who Waa to Exact Revenge. Word was brought to Custer by a scout tbat a famous Sioux, called by the picturesque name of Raln-ln-theFace, was at Standing Rock Agency, some twenty miles away, boasting that he had killed Dr. Honzlnger and Mr. Ballran. Custer Immediately determined upon bla capture. The agency was filled with Indian* waiting for the issue of rations, and though they were on a peaceable errand, tbey were always unruly, insubordinate, and on the alert. Captain Yates and Captain Tom Custer with 100 troopers were detailed to make the arrest. The ari%/al of 100 men at the agency instantly excited the suspicion of the Indians. To divert it from the real objvet. Captain Yates ostentatiously detached a lleutenaut with fifty men to ride to some vil!ag?s ten miles away in quest of certain Indians who had some time before raided a settlement and run off some stock, killing the herders. With the remainder be purposed to wait for the return of the detachment. Meanwhile, It was learned from a scout tbat Raln-in-tbe-Face was In the butler'* store. Tom Custer with Ave picked men waa ordered to enter the store and make the arrest The store was full of Indians. The weather was very cold, and the Indians kept their blankets well around their faces. It was Impossible to tell one from another. At last one Indian dropped his blanket and stepped to the counter. It was Raln-ln-the-Face. Custer Identified him immediately. Stepping behind him he threw bis arms about him and seised him hi an iron graRp. The Indian, who had observed the movement too late, attempted to cock his Winchester, but Custer was too quick for him. The five troopers sprang to the side of their captain, disarmed Rainin-tho-Face, and presented their guns to the astonished and infuriated Indians. Instantly the room was a scene of wild excitement. The Indians surged toward the troopers, and perhaps would have made short work of them had not Captain Yates at this Juncture entered the room with a detail of his men. Ralo-in-the-Faee, a magnificent specimen of Indian manhood, had ceased to struggle the moment he was convinced that It was unavailing. He was led outsido, securely bound and mounted on a horse. The troopers were assembled, and In spite of threats and menaces by the Indians, who did not wenturn In at tack, tlmy started back to Fort Idncoln with their prisoner.?From "War With tho Sioux," lu Pearson's. CURIOSITY. Mra. Pyke (in carrlago with hei husband)? George, who wan that woman who Juat passed us and who gave you auch a peculiar look? Mr. Pyke?That's Juat what sho will ask about you next time I see her. VTomcn are such curious creatures. -Boston Transcript. ODD TO THE COB. The glutton's heart beg'.ns to throb With summer pleasure dear. . He eateth corn upon the cob And smiles from ear to car. ?? Philadelphia Press. EMS To cure, or m \ ymt' W& \ j '' S*? ' \ i il fffirlr^*- '-"^rBI iV ' ^y^BEgyjL%9flK*Q B^r _ji??f^ "~'_ |^ jT % ' r M iss Hapgood tells of Fallopian and Ovarii and escaped an awful < Lydia K Pinkham's Ve "Dear Mrs. Pinkham:?I Buffered doctors called Salpingitis (inflammation o ritis, which are most distressing and pai surrounding parts, undermining the con forces. If you hau seen me a year ago, tx Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound, and sallow complexion, and general emaciated person with me as I am today, robust, h wonder that I feel thankful to you ai which restored me to new life and health from an awful operation." ? Miss Irene Windsor, Ont Ovaritis or inflammation of the oraries o ovaries may result from audden stopping of t tion of the womb, and many other cauaes. T with the ovaries, indicated by dull throbbii by heat and shooting pains, should claim yoi I cure itaeir, ana a Hospital operation, with all i neglect. "Dear Mrs. Pink ham: ? lean tru my life, and I cannot express my rrati * Before I wrote to you telling now two years steady and spent lots of money failed to do me any good. My menses di I suffered r y 1^ ^ound^me 441 will always recommend your won these few lines may lead others who remedies."?Mrs. T. C. Willadsen, R Such unquestionable testimony proves ham's Vegetable Compound over disc* Wrtmpn gknnlH ' "?* *1 Mrs* Plnkliam at Lynn, Muss., about 1 \ WHEN HE GETS IT. ''Heard ye quit yer Job at th' Cox> tlnental Hotel, Bill." "Yep. quit last week." "Whut're ye doln' now?" "Got a Job porterln' at that new hotel for women only." "Ho*"d'ye like tb' change?" "Oh. I like It well enough when i i'et It"?Kanf-aa City World. HIB RECORD. ** "I stand squarely upon my record," said the political candidate. P|r "Well," yelled the little man at the rear end of tho hall, "you can hardly be blamed for wantln' to keep the u blamed thing from bobbin' up."?Chicago Record-Herald. ^ ON THE WAY. She?Yea, I Just love dogs! ^ He?Then I'd like to be a dog. Q* She?Never mind; you'll grow.? Vi Harvard lampoon. ?h< -- - E. O Tlia W-iflrmc "Rnw" Hov Prsec i 1UV ?? mftllM JL*\JJ * ?/ * ?v?w ! _ THE MARVEL OF TIIE COUNTRY. Two born ran operate It (no other power needed) and bale the rrop rltrht In the llflil at lea* than coat of haiitlnsr to hi* pre** It does lota of othar thlnfi and coats only S'tt. Write u* at oner for circular No. T,. E. E. LOWE CO., Atlanta, Georgia. ggfWE BUY AND BKLI, MIMHKR -%1 Atlanta College of Pharmacy. Greater demand for our r-aduate* than we ran Mlpply. Addrea#. Ifll. (IK?. P. I'AYNK,' Dean, *A Whitehall Htreet. Atlanta. Ga. Give the name of thla paper when writing to advertisers?(At35-04) U>?J e'^rniH Thompson's Eyt Wiitr fe ml H m IB ml feaHkCflUlBaU loney refunded by your mere - - - h<3w she was cured in Inflammation? operation by using getable Compound* M * ? * lor iour years wuu what tlio f the fallopian tubes) and ovauful ailments, affecting all the < stitution, and sapping the life jfore I began taking Lydia E. . had noticed the sunken eyes, 1 . condition, and compared that earty and well, you would not ( ad your wonderful medicine, i in five months, and saved me I i ILlpuood, 1022 Sandwich St, ] r fallopian tubes which adjoin the " he monthly flow, from iDilammahe slightest indication ef trouble J ig pain in the aide, accompanied ? itr Instant attention. It will not * its terrors, may easily result from , i ly lay that you have saved Itude to vou in words. I felt, I had doctored for over ' in medicine besides, but it all d not appear in that time, and auch pain. I would daily nave ells, headache, backache and tvn pain, and was so weak that i for me to do my work. 1 your medicine and treatment , and after taking three bottles 1. Pink hum's Vegetable Com- |i rnses appeared, my womb troue, and I have been regular ever ?. I tised fourteen bottles of iia E. Pink ham's Vegetable npound and Blood Purifier ther, and am now restored to < feet health. Ilad it not been for , I would have been in my grave, tderful remedies, and hope that sutler as I did to try your ? R. No. 1, Manning, Iowa, the power of Lydia E. Pinksen of women. tiey are privileged to coniiult | Uheir 1 lines*, entirely free. | y $20.00 TO $40. Iielnjf Mi'ln selling "500 1j > Oft b.iok of ti gal and bu*lriers t~n Compendium of plain and crni A Calculator and Farmer's IIook< JMM-A A . Ho a. < monW of CIHTRRNB. Tlnibe-, ono volume. Over 472 pajre?. I It U a complete bu?.ne?y ? ii I SIMPJ.K, PRACTICAL. an I an I girla ran aell a. well n< feX33B^-^V One agent ln the country ? <1 PBKS week. have oanvaaae BpH Belling price SI j0 I.lberal lafactlon cuarantcod (or inon : Ctir ulare tier. Ifl OFITABLE EMPLOYMENT l $1,000 TO 910,000 A YEAR * OLICITLNG FOR A UTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK. J ASSETS $420,000,000. c It. F. ShEDDHN. Manager, | |? ATLANTA, GA. I E CRICHTOM'8 /W ^lMl*%uillVAri 3 CKKHTOH ' irthand Dapt., K. O. Orlchloa. RooUMplaf I). E. Hhomtktr. CtUlaiuf frrr. . Ortehton, Prop., Kim Bldg.. AiUdU, G*. HHBHHBBBHBBII SUMMER DAV S C^& DIo l IN MICHIGAN U "0?LD S FA,F lb kit ilau ! ik< mM ! hmiA Y10I VACATION DATS " ?" ??> Dili, Pure Air, Routine* FUhlno, L O Oo!IitH?UI?!'7t)w Art*a! I ROUNOTRil Mackinac, Georgian Bar, Thf Cone h t ho Boo, Huronia Beach, He Aua Tuesday's A f Barques. Hundreds of irland and Com Bcaoils. The airof Mich- V",n* Igan la a known Specific foe Hay * '' Feeer, Aithma and Kindred di?- , , ' ordara. Let ua talk the matin Hotels on the w: oeor with you, our agent will Blatlon. gladlr call. Write lot Booklet TkS Oa'y IIm hat and Information. sear I ha fair Orouad D. O. EDWARDS, Pkaaenocr Tral wmmmmammmmmmmmmm I'"" "^|?| up IIIIIIW WE CURE DISEASES OF HEff ff? guarantee a quick and lasting cure In all catet of HPEOIVIO BLOOD POISON, IBW STRICTURE,VARICOHflBV CELE. WEAK BACK, MfflWf PROSTATIC TttOU'flnHT RLE AND ALL DUD ?& EASES PECULIAR ^ MPk TO MEN. ALSO ALL NERVOUS, KIDNEY, ^^ K7,*98fc BLADDER AND REOI TAL DISEASES AND RHEUMATISM. mnnrfflnt 1)r"* Leatherman A Bentley III|IU( lalll ftrw tj,? only specialists la Ltlantu who treat their cases themselves. Vrife " D"1 eannot rail and describe it iiic your troubles and receive by reurn mull, free of charge, our diagnosis dank. BEST HOME TREATMENT. Consult*. Ion Free. Everything confidential. )rs. Leatherman & Bentley, Cor. Marietta and Foraytb Sta., ATLANTA, GA. Hour*: 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sunday: 10 to 1. /Halsby & Co. 41 Sooth Forsjtb St., Atlanta, Ga. Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERT Complete line enrried in stock for 1M if EIH A 'I E lUipmenL Bast If actitr.sry. I.owrst Prices sod llssl Terms Write us for catalogue, prices, etc.. before biivln'* I aw iiiiii* lru uven "I And no food that 1 wo old not be vUhont tlioui. I mi troiihlod a grvnt deal * It a orpld llv?r anil )i?a?laclit<, Kow linrn Ukiuf ?aacarata Candy Cathartic I fad vary much l?cttar 1 ahull crrtumly recommend tlirm to my frienda i% the bent niftlklnf 1 have ctct aeon." Lone Deduct, Oaboro 11111 No. 2. Fall Hirer, Matt* The Dowels ^ CAN cry CATHARTIC Plwrint. PiUtablr. Pnfnl T??l. Or>o< Pn flood. Keeer Mil ken, Weaken or <!rlj>e. He. Tr. Hi . Kerr* ioM In liulk Th. genuine tablet .tamped CCO, Qaaruntecd to curt nr your mum y tuck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or n.V. tot ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY. washington wilkes co.. oa. Conducted by lb# Sistara o! il. Joaapn. ^/l Home School With nil the modern Convenlono a Atbojw jiitrli. i ractica! K.luratlon la tno aim of t >U v irietltutoi. "i erini for the Yaar, i Ot>. rod L.UlogUo ^d"^other superior. V r 11111 tr College. I.oill** Ky.itffen lilt' wjtole car. htuilrnliirail oiilvrtny l!n>i Catalog Ire*. 00 PER WEEK irons In Buelner*." It I* a oianplcte handint. A complete 1.4-tral Advl?eA~u complete iinentaj 1'et.manahlp; a coin;..?*<. laghtnlng mer. ) >rsln, Lumber and Oott.n T.iMgp. niranur*l.iiTOtiT, I.nga and ltlna of <ir"uin, etc., la 2S0 llluvtratfons. > jcator; brought homo to every purchaner. I'LAIN: ?00 ngentii wan to. I a: once. I Pi ye men and women. .1 4?> eople* In one day. Another 210 in one 1 ejl day and ?o!d a copy at every home, scounl* to agent*. h, ml 25o for outfit; aut' refunded). KKTEI., JENKINS A CO.. ATLANTA, OA. rt ANVILLE Military Institute, Dant)ille. Virginia. I H UH GRADE PREPARATORY SCHOOL !o? IOYS. UNBROKEN HEALTH RECORD * XPERIENCED TEACHERS. rULL ACAlEMIC and BUSINESS COURSES, lor Cat*. >g. Term*, etc , a-tdreaa during Summer. IOX 566, EDIN3URG. VIRGINIA. Hri GURIS WhErtt All ElS( (AILS. EST kad llmt ( tSyrup. Tn*te* Aural. CjJ In time. u?.I1 pv drnggl'tn. |? ^.OUlS SUMMER IH THE 1 i trains COOL NORTHWEST I MOI IMi The C H ItD run. K w I through trains to Chicago lS ^narrn connecting there with u nAlto roads for the famous irsiona Wisconsin Resorts, also M huraday'n for Ycliowstone Park, I iop >i our Alaska, Colorado ami the [3 lion >i the West. "4 (esr Id* bix 1 it to union 4 Trains Eiery Week Oty * <?? station L0* MUM 'p HAT?S 9 t. Write or call lot tnlormatloq I Meneerr' C,n< 'nn"TDHHBBHHB7$S^^ Price 50c.