The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, July 07, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 2

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K- : - ' k~.' ' ' ' 'tr;? * Among Baptist In r - South Carolina Hy William McKinley Bowman The State Sunday School " and Baptist Training Union Congress will meet .July 10th through the 13th on Morris College Campus, Sumter. South Carolina TVw vention is the largest among young people in South Carolina. An interesting program- has been planned. The Convention is thd largest ?among young people in South Carolina; An interested pro MRS. E. G, YOl'NGIH.OOD 4*TKeMIntsTry~ bf~M usic" gram will begin Wednesday inorn? ing 8:30 A. M. with Registration; There is no need for me to g.iv the entire program in 'this column as the,, program is printed' in another section of this paper. Tin purpose?of?the?C onvcnt ion?m"i the years has been t o t<-aet l'ethods of Conducting the Y^r ?ious rrograms o i uic * nurri Emphasis this'year will l?eplacvi ion?the -School?of? Methorls u i 11 Rev.vJ. D. Rucker the Dean an. Miss Lucy M. Hughes thfe Regis " . ' * 7 <? J il m 1 ? . i. " ". REV. H. I*. SHARPER "The Hole of (he I'shers in Church Worship" trar, assisted l>y Mrs. Marian K. . Holmes. These ^fofrw-.-- will ) .f taught: t The Superintendent and His Tu-k (Superintendents \ Hev. L. ('. Jenkins. The Pastor and Christien Fhiuca* cation (Pastors) Rev. H.K Hardin The Pastor and the Community Problem (Pastors) Dr. C. II Brown Teaching Children in the* Church (Teachers of Children) Mr.-. C. A Cherry The Ministry of Music __ Mrs. E. G. Youngblood ? REV. H. E. HARDIN "The I'astor and Christian **\ ' Education" Administering the B. T. U. v ' Rev. C. A. Cherry Baptist Doctrines *$-> . Rev.- B. D. Lewis jjfci ..." ? |v Ik:,' Planning a Vacation Church , C >.i;; cs^ of hoth t 'mi vent ions nr.iJ School, Miss Bessie K. Honor -those studying in the Courses! J Missionary Education in the Local will he giver. Credits. You are a Church (Missionary Worker) Mrs. urged ty enr -I! in some of thc| J Magnolia Dewls- ' ~~ Courses so yeo can make a better, Understanding Ourselves (Sr. Religious Worker in You?* Com-, Highs and Young People) Mrs. nuitiity and Church. The ConvenSarah Daniels jtion this yeat promises to be one,1' The Church at Work in.the Rur..l of the most interesting Convei-V Community?Rev. l:i. E. Kiley tion being held in a long time. \ " Recreation Leadership in the 'goal of $10,000,000 has been set j ' Church (Leaders in RecreationI | tori- the finances. r.ach fc*unuayj Rev. B. T. Sears j School should not send less than' Ways of Teaching (Sunday Schawl $23.00 so that this goal can be; H Teachers above dr. Ages) Rev. d.Jniet. The Young Baptist of South a D. Rice Carolina is trying to do.their part ( The Role of Ukher in Chim b ' to help the Baptist Cause in the '* Worship?Rev. 11. 1'. Sharper I State, and we should do all we can * desus and His Teachings* ' to tnake them happy by raising fl Rev. M. S. Cordon live goal of $'10,000,000 set by the You can see h y *the above Congress. 1 will see you in SumCourses outlined that it will pay'tor, July 10th. Lot us pledge one- 1 any Church Wo'rke ; to atHnl the j hundred blocks for Morris College j y.i.i ?. liv.'i ?siadi 1 SiadHlln. c nil- the Kxpert.s listed ! above.', 'Morris 'College Must Be Kn'dowed' J rhese Courses have beer, apprme.P * - ( Ky?th?r Nat n nal S ."nrta;.? Sell""!. l et WaVfT Bight. and Pray r \ l i am*! I i ^ ^ ' 1>K. O. K.-KErKKN : 'Hie K?teit?ininj> President j 1 .REV. w. M. BOWMAN v Director of Public Relations ; 7 r ' - ; 1 vw _ ^A sh . ^A ^ ifliiHHHHwflHLiaHHIH^HHI w I)R. C. II. DROWN v! "Pastor- and Community Problems" w THE PALME fouth Day Activiti Sidney Park C.M. Youth Day will be observed at u? Sidney Park Christian Methdist Episcopal Church, lilt Handing Street, Sunday, July 8. P5tv, beginning a t nine o'clock ,-ith the morning worship. "I know that this will be a rand ajjd inspiring experience for 11 of us," said the pastor, Rev. R. V Bass, "because the youth of the hurch have made excellent plans o make it so. One of the finest md most brilliant young: ministers hat I know anywhere in the union has been invited to speak at he morning worship hour, ^h< tev. Maurice S. Cherry, Di recto! >f Youth Work for the Seventl Episcopal District of the d. M. K "hurch, which embraces the stat? >f Georgia." The Rev. M. S. Cher y is a graduate of Paine Collegt n Augusta and of the Howari 'nivorsity _ School oC Religion ?Vashington, D. C. ^ ~ In the afternpon at 4 o'clock th< rrttth?are?presenting a variec misieul proglUhl", teaturing out tending talent, both vocal and in trumental, of~~Gre&ter Columbia Oliver Young, general chairmat or Youth Day, his co-chairman Iarrison E. Williams, along witl heir other youth workers a r t lard at "work to make this an utstanding event in the life ol he church. Theodora Ashford, student tt Benedict College and organist foi he Junior Choir,' is in charg? o! nusic, ,for the day. - -Eargp-crowds are expected it ittemi both of these services. Fin tieSnl t?nn o f vnni fKo nnniiiinc vill be made at the close ol tht ifternoon program. ~ ~~~ * SPRINGFIELD BAI*TIST TU'RCH lev. \Y; J. Marshall?Pastor. LAURENS?Sunday School was veld at the regular hour in the Sunday iScfiool room., * .Morning Devotion was conduct'd bv Pea Adam, immediately ifte>- morning worship began. The sermon wuis delivered by Rev. Denni's Daniel, pastor of the Trium )hant Holiness Church. A beautirul message, "Clod can make up the shortage;" -The message was enoyed by everyone. Communion va< served after morning worship. The pulpit guests were the Revs, dadden, Young, Cheeks and Danels. Rev. Daniel has recently been ransferrod to Chester, S. C. At 7Tito Pr M. Bapttsnr services vere held. Monday July 2, the Daily Vaational Bible School will begin at Springfield. , Sunday July 8, the Jupiors of the lunch will have a program for he benefit of the ?hureh. Tr." very "word, "God,"^suggests are; kindness; goodness; and the den of God in his irifinity is infinite care, infinite kindness, in"iniie goodness. We give God the Tame o f good; it is only by shorting it that it became God. MACEDONIA BAPTIST CML'CRH ' Rev. \V. L. Wilson, Pastor _S. S. began at 10:00 A. M. with Ihe Ass't. Supt. Mr. John Foster in cbargo and a fail staff of woi'k rs to assist him. Before class dudy, Mr. Foster gave a synospis >f he lesson. Morning worship began with demotion services at 11:15 A. M. Services were conducted by the pastor vho read the Scripture taken from Icbrews, 11:1-11 assisted by Rev. Vm. Goodwin who offered prayer, beeecding the message, the Sr. hoi:; sang the Spiritual, the text cas found Samuel 8:10: And the ,ord came, and stood, and cajled s at other times; Samuel, Samel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; or thy servant heareth, Theme:? iods Voice In The Night. Regard!??, of how dark it might yet on ow sinful the world may be the | nice of God can still be heard in | it- niRni ii we win just listen, he story of Samuel reads like fieon V.tft there are crowded in it le fundamentals of life so it is lets. Samuel was a God given )iId. His mother prayed to God' > give her. a child and she said if iu'11 give him to me, I'll )fc?rn m back aver to -iiiouT*'"ttHiK,lWne11 le weaned him, she took him up ith her unto the house of the >r,l. When he was still young, his ity was to light the candles and | ase the doors. Then one night as imuel was sleeping the voice lied to him then Samuel answer, speak; for thy servant heareth. nd Samuel grew, and the l.ord' as with him, and did Tet none of s words fall to the ground. Intation hymn?Amen, visitors ere welcomed by Bro. Isaac Hill. TTO LEADEft ies Sunday At E. Church I The Mahaliu Chambers Bible class | celebrated its first - anniversary i with a tea Sunday afternoon in th< assembly room of the Sunda; School building from 4 to 6 P. M "the high light qf the progran was interesting remarks by Brc J. P. Murphy and also gifts wer presented to Mrs. Cora Copelan | and Mrs. Mahalia Chambers b i\ Mrs. Iola Gilliam. These gifts wer from the Bible c^ass. The presen officers are: Mrs. Cora Copelan* organize, Mrs. Louvenia Nanci Pies Mrs. M arv Tallv. Vice Pre: ? Mrs. Bernice Foster Sec. Mr >' Jessie Bry&TTt, L-hapIain and Mr ' gillie Simpson Chairman of th program Committed. Mrs. Netti i Jones, Treasurer. Baptismal services began i 7:30 I'. M. The candidates wei ' given the right hand of fellowship after which Communion was sei - ved. ?' ' News of Snartanhiirg.r-SGA f Pnu inS >[m Hf J WjlLi'FII. M and Mrs. Raymond Smith, Mr Queente Boyd and Mr. M. ( Sims of Athens, Ga. were dinn< 1 guests of Miss Lou Eleanor Dend of 110?C Highland Homes on Sur T day afternoon, July 1st. * 'I M rs. Queeni'e E. Boyd, Report* PLEASANT HILL I HAITI ST CHURCH F ReV. E. D. Wise, Pastor J LEXINGTON?Sunday^ . Scho< began at the usual hour with Sup and teachers at their post of du-tj (tThe lesson was taught by t h "| Sunt, and discussed bv the grou and which was later discussed b our pastor. Th? subject of th lesson was Nine Letters of Fait and Encouragement. We enjoye every minute of the lesson. Fol I lowing the S. S. prayer servie ' was in charge of Sister Wise, Sis j Victory Smith, Hymn No. 492 wa sung, prayer was offered hy Dea j con Robert Dollar,and Sister Wist Ittlno Si .iter Smith, after which th 1 pastor came forth with Scriptur i Lesson taken from 9th Chapter Vo Corinthians (J>-We enjoyed~ever . jvord which came from our pastoi ~ Visiting friends From otiie churches were: Mrs. Marie John son, Mrs. Mattie Gray, Mis 'Louise, Gates, Mrs. Willie Rut Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Curie Dreyer and Daughter and niece o St. Paul, also Rev. Jackson o West Columbia. COPE NEWS ^ Rev. O. A. Morant, Pastor S. S. was called to order-at th usual hour with Bro. Rufus Spell Supt. and co-workers at thei posts. The lesson was beautifull -discussed and all taking part seer ed interested. At the close of th lesson. Devotional services i charge of Bros. P. G. Ryant, J. I Gass, Geo. Sifevenson. and Gat H uggins wan?spirituaRy?afrvi They_closed out feeling happy an went into further services. After a lew remarks by the pa: tor and some announcements, th text was taken from Eph. 6TT The_me: "The Christian War." W were all benefitted if we listene attentively to Rev. Morants di: course on the very timely subjec - The financial response showed thf every one- was well pleased wit the message brought to us by ou spiritual leader. Preach on Re' Morant as we follow your ieade* ship. Among the out of state visitor who worshipped with us were Mi and Mrs. Addison Huggins an Miss Rebecca Rivers of Jerse City, N. J., Mr. Preston Cleckl; and his daughter, Miss Larsin; Cleckly of Reaver Falls, Pa. Mr and Mrs. Huggins are spendini the time with parents Mr. and Mrs P. J. R^vant, Mrs. Lucia Huggins and other relatives. We are de lighted to have them in our midst Mr. Preston Cleckly and daugh Iter after a week's stay jsith hi: I mother-in law, Mrs. Sallie Sallj and other relatives and friends left for home Sunday night. W < hope for them a very safe anc nlnQJunt tvin i" ? " Our ushers and other members went to Oak Grove to witness their Children's Day Program dn Sunday P. M. and reported having a lovely-time. Sorry more could not attend. We are hoping for sick ones, a speedy recovery. A. R. Sumpter, Rpt. Subscribe For The Palmetto Leader ,' i ? t GREATER TRINITY AME CHURCH Rev. I*. H. Carmichael, Pastor S. S. opened at 10:00 with Supt. H. =L. Barksdale, officers and 5 teachers on hand. ^ At 11:15 services began with the : e Sr. Choir singing and Mrs. A. M. ^ Smith at the piano. Hymn, Amaz * ing Grace. Prayer by Mr. I. B. 11 Bonds. Song, Some Body Praying '* For You. Scripture. Reading, Rev,, j ? 21:1-7 verses by Rev. L. C. Copeland Decalogue by Rev. Carmich^ ael, 2nd hymn No. 226, Spiritual; e Oh Lord Search My Heart. The pastor took his text from Rev. ' 21:23,^ and the City had no need B' of the Sun, Neither of the Moon, s" to Shine in it: For the Glory of ? God did lighten it, and the Lamb s" is the light thereof. Theme: The !e Glory of The Church. The pastor said' in part, God will always defend his Church. He will not only defend the church. He will also dee fend the children of God. The^ Pt Churcli'can not get.^Tong^without r* God. Rut God can gy.t along -with-out the Church. And God shall wine al] tfPT'' <v"tv>?thoig cyea, and every one have to bear their ^burden's in the heat of the day. He said' -Must Jesus Bear The Cross ir Alone. If there be no cross, there ?y will be no crown. This heavy Cross we are bearing God will exchange it for a beautiful crown. The !r door of the Church was opened. Little Hettie S. Williams joined oh probation and she was placed on j the Youth Roll. Mr. James Lindsey ' came to uk as a full member, coming from Newberry, S. C. At this lime we listened to the wonderful reports" by the ladies from the one day Conference at Eastover, Miss T' Stacy Whitmire for the General e Church and Mrs. Georfia Jeter for ; P the Missionaries. They reported a y pleasant trip. Miss MftVy Edingtori e introduced the visitors: Mr. J. C. ^ Goode from Macedonia Baptist ^ Church, Mrs. Ada Lue McClure of Bristol, Va. Mr. Lawrence C. Ro-: e I man from Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. ' | Warren L. McKffesick and littleson s from Cleveland, Ohi.o; Miss Ros " lind Ellis, Bronx, N. Y. and Mr. | Charlie McKissick from Loner Ise land City, N. Y. The McKissick's ; e are visiting their parents Mr. and , * Mrs. W. B. MciKssick and little? Miss Ellis is their grand-daughter, j |-Tho Church- was beautifully derjcorated with gladiolus and other '* ' flowers by Stewardess Board No. 3 1. . . h This being Communion Day, the y pastor also communed with the j sick and shut-in. f At 7:00 .o'clock service "conductj ed by Rev; "Carmichael ancTTlev. Turner. Reports for' the day were [ fiade, Miss Stacy Whitmire Secre; tary. The Daily Vacation Bible School e began Monday June 25, Rev. H. W. 3 | Turner, Supt. ir | Groups are posted, y Kindergarden taught by Rev. P. n | H. Carinichael, assisted by Peggie e; Hunter, (student). This group was n i taught the Lord's Prayer, table h Grace, etc. They dr?w pictures and. , colored them. Group_No. L,?M-rs^ e* L. Carmichael, teacher. They were d \ taught the Catechism, drawing and coloring also. Group No. 2, Mr. j Edward Whitmire teacher. These ,e j were taught the Beatitude and the Z7Tsermon on the Mountain. Group No. e 3 Rev. H. W. Turner, teacher. This 'A group studied the Books of the s- New and Old Testament. The girls wer? taught " iii^V" P lt and bracelets, Mrs.'A. M. Smith h instructor and the boys learned ir how to do some carpenter work. ' Miss L. D. Barksdale instructed Hettie Williams, Peggie Murphy, and Marie Harper in the music s department. She taught them how [* to take care of the Decalogue also, d The classes were well Attended y each day. ' [ y Scheduje from: j a 9?9:10?Assembly hour " 9:15?9:30?Devotion ? 9:30?10:15?Class Study ' 10:15?11:00?Recreation and re? freshm.ents. - 11:55?12:00?General Assembly. Hosts and Hostess - Monday June 25 4 Tuesday, 26, Mr. and Mrs. Earl ' 1 Whitmire. ' Wednesday, 27, Mrs. Hettie Will iams I Friday, 29; Rev. H. W. Turner. Monday, July 2, Mrs. Alberta Sami uel and Mrs. Gertrude McKissick ^ also Mr. Marion Mat-sail. This brings the School to a close every one reported a wonderful time. ' Mrs. I. McKissick Rpt. I ! the record-breaking 127 billion pounds of chemicals produced in the U. S. this year, one quarter or 35 billion pounds will be chemicals derived from petroleum. ? ? It coat ahout 32,000 dollars to * lay a mile of 12-inch pipe line. YWA Sponsors Sue Revue At Union Be , Dr. L. C. Jenkins, Pastor Sunday evening July 1, at 6:30 P. M. a Kiddie Revue, sponsored by the Young Woman's Auxiliary of the church was a tremendous success. The Revue featured fashions^ of the young children from toddlers to school age. A wonderful program was had. The Revue started with the welcome song by Little Miss Deatrix Jjtichardson,?Age 4. The first seene was playtime. The first model for playtime was little Rita Joyce Hayes, 20 months of age, displaying a bathing suit, with matching Beach Ball. Follow-' her was other interesting outfits, for playtime^modeletHry-Cassandra Starks, displaying the sundress, Deatrix Richardson, Pedal Pu_sh^__ Beatrix Richardson, Peddal Pushers, with matching blouse;?Gail Murray. Play suit; Loretta Mur ray, tho nun diess; Debuia Biuwil" the sun dress, and many more simi- : lar fashion. for playtime for the youngsters. After the playtime scene was over we were favored with a beau! tiful Harp Solo by Little Miss Edj na Ruth Taylor. The second scene featured outI fits for dress-up time, displaying what the younger set is wearing i for church and party time. Among I the fashions displayed were dresses ( with matching bag and hat, with glo"ves for the little girls and suits for the; boys with bow ties, and ~ long sleeve shirts, with cuff links with the little suits. This scene J was very interesting. It gave the J mothers new ideas of dressing their little ones. pplisplaye ydo n,yM tnda tK (bd Following the dress-up scene was Sleep-time with the children j modeling the latest styles in sleep wear for the younger set. \ The shortie pajamas accented this scene. The last scene was school time displaying fashions the little hoys and girls are wearing for school. Models for this scene were: Ann Delores Greene. Cartrail RobertsrT and Lincoln C._.Jenkns, III. After the Revue scenes each , child reported their money they i had raised. Little Deatrix Richard- ' | son, raising the highest amount of i I mon, won first prize, Debra Brown 2nd prize and Cassandra _Starks, 3rd prize. As to date $111.00 has been reported but the reports are still coming in. We hope to reach " our goal of $200.00 dollars. The Young Woman's Auxiliary, after limping along, for a long time with a few members, is now coming alive under the leadership of Mrs. Beatrix W. Richardson. | Mrs. Richardson has shown initia- J j tive and ability with this organiza- : I tion. She has worked hard to make ' jit a success. She puts just as much! energy behind her efforts with a j few members as with a large mem- J fvfsor of this organization, Mrs. Emmalie Jenkins, Vice Presdent, Mrs. Perneil Hayes, Sec'y.; Mrs. Adeanalee Roberts, Financial Sec. Mrs. Marie Murray, Treasurer and 1 Miss Mary Mims, Chaplain. Com- J mitte Workers are: Mrs. Fannie Mae Morrison, Mrs. Luella God bold, Mrs. Adele Mo^s, and Mrs. IG O O D Our Food Is The Best GREEN LI jRegulai Zi FRIED CHICKEN?95< HENRY DeVAULT Prop. ; MUFF Free ,NS, LIFETIME GUARA1 MUFFLERS and TAIL PIPES for ALL CARS and TRUCKS ""STOCK GLASS PACK STEEL I*ACK HOLLYWOODS PHONE 65-1524 THE MUF CORNER ASSEMB1 [ This Ad Saturday, July 7, 1 D5?5 cessful Kiddie iptist Church ?~ Naomi Jeter Williams. The Y.W.A. plans to accomplish much more in the future than in | the past. They are planning a com- 1 past. They ure planning a complete program of missionary work serving Union Baptist, Columbia and vicinity. The officers and members of the Y.W.A. take this opportunity to thank the members and friends of the church for the splendid cooperation given them in- this effort. They would would especially like to thank the mothers for the wonjob -they did in sponsoring their . hildren. Without your help, there would not have been a Kiddie ReRevue. ? An extra special thanks to the ? ."raster, Dr. L. C. Jenkins for his ooperation. He worked with the Y.W.A. wholeheartedly. PernHl Hayes, Rpt. CLASSIMLD ADS IN MEMORIAM Loving Memory In loving Memory of Husband and Father, Rev. H. D. Brown who departed this life July 3, 1955. We love you but Cod loved you best. We will meet aguin never to part. ; J" - Wife: Alice and Children WELL-BORN HANDYMAN "Bottle gas" plays the part of all-round .handyman to nearly nine million consumers in rural areas. This year, five and one-halt" billion gallons will be used to help the homemaker in such chores as water and space heating, cooking, refrigeration, clothes drying, and air conditioning. The man of the house has countless uses fo*r liquefied petroleum gasr too?as a fuel . Tor tractors, trucks, buses, irrigation machinery, weed burners, and other - equipment- LPG is also used to heat incubators, dehXi___ drate fruits and vegetables, prevent frost damage, and for curing meats and tobacco. Petroleum in its many forms is constantly outdoing its own record of service to -< America's farm families. r i . ' Join The Payroll Savings Plan T . .. .. . . " . . DEWEY D. PRICE WINNSIKWO BLUE GRANIT* Monuments, Markers, Coping Monthly Terms if Desired PHONE 2-7054 IT no answer Dial 6-93S2 2730^ RIVER DRIVE J Open til 9P. M. ?0020:oo&aott&cocfmfcecec&x&tt^ MEALS | OUR PRICE IS RIGHT CAF CAFE Meals S 2 CLUB STEAK?$1.25 j 1117 WASHINGTON ST. I Columbia. S. C. J ? LERS QUICK AIXATION! ^TFF WRITING Saves,? You " ~ Money! FLERCO. lti LY & DEYINE STS. . Worth 5%