The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, December 04, 1954, Page Page Two, Image 2

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- V ' S *' % Tw?r ^ ? 0 THE MULLINS NEWS I' EBENEZEK AME CHURCH M Rev. S. S. Uourrough I. Sunday, iwas a fine "day evert ' though the Tain was falling. The | Sunday School attendance was very good. Our Supt., Mis. l'atty ... liases was at , her post of <HMy. !1 ~Tr76 bun lay "School was^ctnU d id : . _a>rder in .the usual form by our Supt. with officer# and teachers- E . . at their places. We hud a thrilling discussion of the lesson by tiie M classes. All persons tried to take an active part' in the discussion. \ Our review was omitted iduo to M the latness of the hour. Class No. ei *5" * 2 received the banner for the highest amount of money. This class d< is under the leadership of Mr. ( I rani; Roper and Mrs. Mattie O. ' Ward. Everyone seems to want. u the banner. We' shall see who is t: the lucky fellow next Sunday. :n At about 11:1 o the pastor a seen ?ded^the1 rostrum?with?Rev.?John? Branson as his associate. We (i ?r-^-iad a spiritual devotion witlv-pray-?? er by Bii>.' N. Dorsrv. The senior 'choir furnished the music with Mrs. Maggie Jackson at the piano. ^ The Scripture as was read b" the pastor was Gverses-of the Gth chapter of Isaiah. Notices by Mr. Foxworth and Mr. J. Hodge with '1.1 enlightments by the pastor. Poor: _ offering by the J unit r ushers. Past tor steward came forward to lift! our morning offering. If you ? haven't paid your Vheat dollar, j .^ please do so right away.- . ..?:?f .j I , The pastor selected as his text St. Luke 19:42. If thou had known. L r He used as his^TRedne "If I had <- a town then?whnt 1 .[{imw now.".' \ He labored with, us for sometime I , v and prbached a noble sermon" 1 ; i Hearts were made to rejoice , throughout the congregation as he ' ? } throughout the congregation. j. At 7:15 -p-.m;-"the pastor-and-'a- j > . Ini'it It others enjoyed a fine ser| -eon, Prayer was offered by Rev. .'Uiiirmupli* and he used as his scripture- 16 verses of the 107'lp ! ?lln talked to us from IPS. ( I'-. hi! ! <t verse using as his sub- * ? jet;: "Oh, God my heart is fixed. I( Even, thoughWe were few in hum- t ber, we enjoyed our services. 4 v LOCAL NEWS? j Little Miss . Rebecca Ann Hayes j] celebrated \\ev 5th birthday with ; . a party at the home of her parents, \ j ...?Mr._ & Mis. Seven llayes, on Sua- U j day. 12 of her friends partook of i j ^ , (his affair with her.. Ice qream, ] cake and candies were served. : 7, Mrs. Carrie Carmichacl and Jean f are spending this week in Smith- 1 field, N. C. with relatives. j: < Pres. S. R. Higgins stopped by ji the parsonage and Sunday enroute 1> to Cohrnibia - from Wtlrrrington.Nr-r C. He had been attending an an- n nual conference there. e Miss Verilee Legette left ?atur- ii day for White Plains. X.Y. We !' pray for her much success in her-? undertaking. ?' ' ; n ?Visitors in service Sunday were ' 1 Mr. Orie Graves and mother of ( ' iri:'. Centenary anil Mr. Louis McCray ' r- .. r_: 1 ' > i>iai iwu. vu"i^ -cijfam rriuTia>. ' * Rev. & .Mrs. H. E. Harden., Rev. ' ~$ Mrs. S. S. *BourroUghs and 11 Jimmie were the Sunday dinner 1-1 guests of Mr. & Mrs. Tieaehiuan ' Hodge at their home. A fine and " delicious meal was s< rved. Mrs. Annie II: Conner is a pa J r" - tient in the Mullins llispital. Mrs. Mae Vei n Adams and J daughter, F,Ionise, of Lakeview, " ' . are here their aurit, Mrs. Lillie Hackney"and family. Mr. & Mrs. Author Dart had '' " guests in on Thanksgiving Day. J They were the parents of Mr. | .' Dart from Nesmith. S. C. Mrs. Lillie Nichols was the Moil . day d'nncr guest of Mrs. Ella ^ t1 Carmiehael at her home*. Little Isaac Jackson, son of Mrs.' Virginia Jrtck>on was rwdied t<>i the Mullins Hospital on Friday1 * having convulsions. He is res'ing nicely at the home" of. his grandmother in North Mullins. His j, mother has a position in X.Y. {"j, A large number of students and ; . teachers were home for the Midi-,. /lay week-end. They look well and 1 happy awl?we- aye triad. BELMONT BAPTIST (1UIMII ^ Rev. W. A. Davis, 1'astor SILVKRSTRKKT - Sunday H Sc.hool was good. The lesson u beautifully taught and discussed I" bv all classes. The Pastor gavu1 ^ the review of the leSson. tl Deacons conducted a warm do- '? votional service. The Pastor as- c cended the rostrum and brought, n a soul stirrinj. message. He was. s enjoyed by all. We were happy to have Misses, n Elaine & Katie Williams home r dents at Morris College in Sumter c ' Mr. Gray Thomas, Mr. McCline Tribble, and * Mr. Henry h c ' Reeder are on the sick list. p You are welcome at Belmont. | . . , Cue Ester Tribble, Rpt, e 4 * I iCTIVITIKS IN ANI) AKOl'Nl) r IOKKIS HUOWN A. M. K. llt'KCIl Ucv. I . Qua rk-s?I*n*tor i !i, siu-f; n\if " l'l)atiKsjri\ in;.r" i is', i <] .iiiijii..; ' u I'ii'M1. I.ow.v.m I.-. ;.a ,i.. .ntr. H: <<' . ...... fcn>. i.i 1 r li'.s itUuiy . ss fi,?. .' ??!\vTT~uf aii usi Naw ' ... i."' .- , 1 U.'.v'hi. *4' : V SvMS:';) (>i "71 77 .11 (.lull, ^V-i+.V-U?k?LU?LI-"-. ....IS,' . I: [IH.'I ail l ; . .11. <)l I..V .V I . ; .i u.> lliu.t ins iiml ii ljuii y.v l.uvo l .? ri.jiit t" I , . . I 4 V.j 1 . 1 i.4V. .J. ('. Qiiiiiks, .. * ... . t\ I . vCi.f' :Wm I I L ANN INC CONFERENCE OF, A I SSI ON A It V WORK KHS OF N VNOASTI^K DISTRICT C \\ I\D\ir.I' 1 Kf:.I W e attended 10 i' cmife'.ence a braiuh a.aijny ting tw tlie Mission f. . -Wo:.. t" t. e'istor v. tAiiel .1 A.MK roll t, t ? .. Va * or. Airs. A. K , >: . i an Ay itn.I into iigencc. rs. .\ foody acted as utviwlary. '... I ! i-.i' ie'n > le?i i(n sihynj' "> I.n Oh i.o. d" aflei' which i's. -kinase;. prayed a l.o >!? pi ay , 'iii.j? < ti> i hi' .Name'" a\as . , , :e,i?..i iiuit message wa.- , Mivered by the J toy.- C.eoi'^e ?Ih?j ucry oi St. t'a^l A. . ?. K. ... !-uu\:.. I\er,' ?h:C, II.s t-xi a< "'Tiih; thing 1 <i.>. Forget rig t.'.o>e vnings t.iat i.svj'eii:n.i ^ ul press toward the inai'k. at ... i,i.,h .mllti... ...una. c """"H " ? I" . 1 he sei iiu>n was lull ui iviue fervor. It helped a.L who . mlis . Li,_. Bruguon XL's 1J ii.. n i>. .led fill'.or .. ;e---sermon. Offering S) l.Yo. .The rail for 'l lis>io:is was read l>y .Mr . Ilroys;v. :V1 rs.?d.- \Y . V\ iiherspuoii gave?" > a har.dy we'ennio and some odiy adviee in tae Wekumo A.lress. .Mrs, \\ . 1*, Humiuotte g.i\e lmtly. remarks. Alter wi.ik the resilient, Mrs. danore.U guvomjerful remarks a hunt Mission i;v Work and our e.lneat'iotliil pro ' ram. \Yo were hoiiefiud ' from t'iv talk. Remarks - by:?Mother '' amsey. "(Inward Christian Sold " is v.-as;:;,-uir;, I iatis were made 11 H. how'to sponsor toe ticket pro *' ram for- the. Educational Drive. I'., .ii'A?;?in. Dee. ?m?" olunihia, S. t', at Allen Culver-.'.^ ity. Kai ii local President of the 1 .iiiun.ster ,1 is* riet raven tick' '>' ts. Thfs meeting "was held witrs f< iirhest esteem. Sorely Mrs. w anerette Tiifd MrsT BFogdofi lire T et\iii.vs of Civid ' r ?< Mrs. .1. Keith Reporter KK'K FORI) & (i I.ON l-.Ii FIK-* f :UIT (Hl HCUh'S ' ' -V Kev. it. Jii. Hampton, Pastor I .'at. tarniel ? "Blessed arc they) ' hat 'dewed in thy house, they j o rill he ' still pra>stng thee." Sunday was a rainy eo.d. day.i ; 'Ut this was our fir.-t preaching ! i lay utter Annual Conference. A ' Vw of the.laithful .made their <. vay to the house of prayer w here i iod?promised to ineei. t wo? md- | .hree game red together. in', lis name.- j i We enjoyed a wonderful lesson; t iLont "the suhject "In Time of. < IVouble." i suppose that every n torson who has ever lived has, ex s erieneed some trouble, of some , .ind. (iod knows about the % rotable and?rs?tt-ndy to Indpy?Ho-^' p ntfeh beloved Pastor was .present' j d'-and received by the school and 1 hjs usual manner, made wonder', U. remarks and ttave- tho review. Services opened on time by sin-t. up- "Father I Stretch. M\ llanos 0 Thee.". I'myt'f by tiro. Ate-. 'omhs. "\\ luit A Friend Wo late in .jesus," Scrip.ure was " 1 ins 1 11; ILL. Tilt i 'a.-tor liroujilit timely comments rid?remtrrh-s?from?the confer en?? e. The hymn wa,. suny, "A ' harjje To Keep~T I lave." Tm- i tessatce was tfrom I'-mlin v "It i- y..t. I 1??j me.thin L; ave heen a f I lifted ;t It.'il I inij.-.h1. ' 'arp thy statues." Suh.icrt, " I'he ' 'alue of Hardships.." A really' ohle sermon. The spirit ry? hitt'it ? hile he talked, i tie program at - tin- schoolhou-e f 1 Wi.linpton ' Wednesday r.itrh' as enjoyed by- a lartre uu.mhci* f Patrons and Friend- celchrat- j j rj,' Thanksvrivirijj. Mr; .lames- Adhert (dreen, hrs* v ricnd. arc home with hi-' Mother. I r. Green has been over .-ni-; anil r iM leave for a.-siuimnn s at the v 'ort .?aek-on. j s All.-, Let tic Marshall is 11 the I it-k list. We are pra;. in if lor all a he.shut in-. t IN I*: Ml 11,1- ( liU l-l l I I INK HILL A. M. K ( 111 R( II 1 I5i\.- T. .J, Moore. I'astor . js i ' Suit lay School was called to - li -,|..i " t iu- Slipt.' The lesson I t as very interestili;r. Il was well < iscu.ssed hy the school. . i Worship?services liuyau?w_U_j?, ie .usual- order. Announcement - \ re M-ad.- The I'astor took is 1.1 jxt from Romans U: 2d. Many | i carts wore made to feel tfor>d as 1 he man of Go.l unfold- to us the i read of life, Le lis stop and fit-- j ido not that we would rathe: < ot pay the price for so -muck I fnhinjr but we rather pay the for serving Clod. I wish t-hat, lope were out to hear this j^reat t aessage. The invitational hymn , as stnnr ?rr?i the doors of tb*r? hurch were opened. \ } W > were happy to have Rev.' < I. Woods with us. We always ap-, f reciate visitors at any time. j jj Remember yoyt are always wel-1 : ome to our churches, 3 j t ? i;i- uus-'' taken ironi flTT.i d; I" .< theme > ( uiiieh was tihail- \vl? fc.i forward or hackfdr; v 1 .-a: ly h/o'it out v. ;:-vrn IV That Jesus.I. ft many Xii.'i;. I S ,\tV ?iS t ? foil. tt. K'Sll.-' ldi), (> 'if rev and power \va< v:<i;.lii t*(l in 5 e i'aj i thai lie colled his T^ri'il ? ) i.fc fi Put-.1 of men. Hi' isttucted them to cast down their cts 'oii "Tin' i iuht fcof the ship " n.i when they came up lore i'i.-ii than they could hrinjt.' lit. The disciples were w-wvazeil hat 'they said "('nine see a_rami? eras; ami what lie RttA done. Jcs-_ s. told the-disciples "you are jjoitiK )'he fishers' < f men. yo nutnmd reach theyospel. Our pastor.aiso roujiht out the fact tha if we .folic. the examples and teayhiiijrs .of sas-Christ we tire destined to tio . i \\;lr !. and if we don'i, then w rr* drl'.ni'r ly polntf ? IcicAward . or.ear i. is .i - tor us-to T. e election for n delegate to e ell r'linil i n'.lt "< was held at lorris I'r. f n A. M. K. Church on 'lies lay nitrht. November 'Jit. 1 Pol t v.- .ic!i time.. ?>!r. William I>r ISrad I ol d. Clerk-Secitfrtary of the'church a:-- elected by majority vote. Mr. 'i-mousM: T;lTCerra> iian.fd ah? [ irate.. Vi.*iti:ijr at or.r church today was he daughter of Mrs. -Mary Hvadord who now resides in New '-i*rh- <' i i y. un<i vv ho is a morn her .of tet'rcl A. >!. K..Church.' Mr. Ibudo:?! is a 't'> y devoted member-of i ur church. ... ' Mrs. K!la rainier was the \veek nd house guest of Mrs. Mamie M. 'o' nsi ii of i:il<i i'rcsid-iit St. Mrs. aimer, forme: ly of Charleston. io\v'resides hi New York City, fl'iie Missionary Society of Mowis ['r?.wn A.-fh K.- Church -is <Mng?a-i wonderful job helping and can ing ror the needy and shut, in under the oadorship of ouri president Mrs. 10. A alker ; and her co-workers, for i'hanksgivings, 40 packages were ent out and 72.Q0 cash, and we are dunning bo-do mnree. Lifting as ye climb tl e T.adder of "Charity" s is latter"To utve7thsth to receive. ' .ittie deeds of kindness. Little, cords of love helps o make earth inopv Hi e the Heavens above. Morris lliw.n A. M. K. Church , 'oes fbrwat'C ' t 'ov.ine L. Ilradl'ord. Kpl. i >T. JOHN A.M.K. ( Ill l{( H tev. S. W. Lordhani. Minister I ' Marion S S. was called to i Ifr at in o'clock with tin- Supt. ' ovfrdirur with tho officers arid cnluiki'is <mi tiu-iinjuKt of duty. The' ' --nn w;?.-i t:: i IiJ willt much in ores!' follow ftt;7 :i brief r?'vie\v by Its. ! .. l.iooihir.l, -wo.-sihip wa~at?H nvccalion offered l>y Urn. I.'avis. )tir respon-i'.e readinjr was read root .Icrein lab 7:1-10 led hy "the astor. Tin- New Testament lesson /as lead from -St. I.uke lffl-ln [*<|- l.y Rev; l-'owvo'rfh the .sst ami unirnary of the Dee. 'I'hen followed nth tlie ushers r< eci.vinjr the Misionary offering. The trustees then oeeived tin* inorninir offering; eiiieh was very liberal. The roll- ( eolation' prayer was then offered iy the pastor. The choirs then sau'jr i special selection. Kev. Neil came 0 us with a wonderful sermon ta;en from Act 1st chanter. H verse.' le used for his subject "lie a Witless." Me.nv Ivart hiirned as he ' poke to us. The open door was xtended while the choir sanir 1 V Ktl 11 117 7. \Vf? I lien Tre prest>i?Tr*\ i-ii'ii'--. The. noil- ' c.s 1 >y the church clerk and the jshers report brought tin* inorninu ao vii ^ to <> 7- oV4oek-.~Wtr ye re found on.our post of doty at his time the pastor hrouirht ns mother wonderful sermon followed *y the open door oxteif<!irijr. The vostoes r eve wed the offering.-The lotjees hy the eliureh clerk hrou- , *ht the flays service' to a close. | XKWS?We iire praying for our ick and shut in a speedy recover.; The Stewardess Hoard 14th An-j livprsarv all ex-presidents were moons follqwintr them were their irfendam e*." The queen raising the ligbest amount of money was, -.owned queen. Mrs. I.ouise Living iton raised the highest amount >58.00. She was crowned queen by drs A: V Hrrpatfi. Mrs Mazie Mcvni^ht havinp: second highest $50. i " j, ' ;fr THE PAU >10 and MtAlma Finklea third highest $:>(>.2(1. Mrs. Livingston re. \ .. 1st j.rizi'i Mrs Mcknight . "... .:{ ..1 is Finklea 3? 1 ...... >ii i.'j' ij..a'i'ns ?mailt'' a' ;:t >, ; .a f. total i !' l.'-u contest . a - . rill lanes wore gowns ! d . co.o.s wits: svhite eor ? a. met are of the (troup ' i. .1 . ' A11 s. Pony Smalls."" . r t .? contest over and . . i, ! y tov group, Refreshing: weiv served to. aLLiti_ the litis pu-n\ of , i',.e | a.-t?r, local ministers, the vim ' .. ?? .if steward Hoard. Jlhe .\ tmury Pres. and the candidate ( i ;.i Ke.iorial College attended llie gt t together meeting at St. A..M.K. Church,. .'ifs. Elizabeth Moody, Rpt. j 1 K: EN l)S II IP A. Ali-b^ ClfCltCH Key. 0. J. Zieglcr, Pastor . i * \ a rainy.-day., but the faiii.1 ui few- were on time begihn-' iii!f with Lho- Sumhiv school A h j;.e. yn..'Ude:it. .Mr. H. P. Craw rd pi esidinp;. - >; nfn?4 in the rteiiu i:;ary dept.' won the financial iiniHT. Tiie review was made by the pastor.' ? ,. . , S ninny was younth day, the Jr. < ho?i i ?,u?;./:*? ?! music. Pastor Zeij;ler op Tied the service in the usual way.. Seri'Uure jesson Isaiah 02. Hp- preae! cd a s'uil reviving ser,;i?n fro a Isaiah 02-10. _ "Go ' -throujrh the vfales^-orc-;>ere' ye rim way of the people} at j?.i t :e hijrhway; prat her out the--stones; lift up a standard fo He People." Th" doors of the oluyx-T was ripened for joiners. I'rilay nijtrhi !><". . :> lov.e fetyst. and prayer m-etimr. in the city, the Thanksgiving Holidays were, Misses Anne i'.11,itii'. n:id Mnrtrarcc ItimreTTTfState A. & M. eollejre, Orangeburg s."o. CIiitrc.h of tied, liev'. Charlie Keys pastor held thanksgiving services on Thursday November on (iideon II ill street. 10: r? to 11 :(I0 Hilde Hour; 1 f:00 rerivon on "Thanks" by Evangelist CJrace Irby of Laurens,. S. C. Reniarks bv Rev. K. I.. Mohre. After se'-' h-es ReV. and Mrs. Keys 'nvite i tie- entire congregation to Their home, where they enjoyed a delirious Turkey <!in>w>r nvnr .1(1 were" served. ? r? Hi'". Key's daughter of Coluin!-us.-Ohio, Mrs, Kehccca Reynolds is'-hcre to spend the winter; J C'hurch Reporter, Mrs. R. (iraritj I I PPRIXf! HI!.I. AMP CHURCH Rev. Carl IVhick, Minister S. S. Ii"};an ;it I 1:15 with Sunt, ntxl teachers at their post of duty I The lesson was beautifully taught! and discussed. The weather was suuicwh&i .had hut the attendance ' fie.". The--pastor -Rrought us the message from St. John 11:5-15. Theme | Thanhs Living; < lie -?trid we should | strength, food and clothing. .We need to give tharrks to (Jed- from where ajj blowings flow. This \va.< a very inspiring message j and "njoyed hy a large audience. The I .T.N'.S. cluli held its monthly meet iny: on Nov. lb at (he ho no of .\1r. iV Mr . Ircnious Hall J with a large attendance.- A I'ihle li-yiissien was held led hy Mrs. | Belle V. Derrick. After which we discussed, unfinished and new I business. The next meeting will be on Dee. 17, at the home of Mrs. I litissio Taylor. The Stewardess Hoard No. 2 held I its monthly meeting at the home of Mr. <Sj Mrs. Isaac Dent on Sunday j immediately after service. Mrs. Mcrlhn Summers was in^ jurid in an accident on Nov. 215. She received quite a shock and serious head injuries. We pray for her -a recovery. A mong**t>ur visitors Sunday was .Misses Martha I.. Williams and Irene Williams from Salsibury, N. Afrs. Black and son, and Miss Thomasona Marvin. Miss Marvin is oil'' pastor's sister-in-law. We also had-visitors from Mt' Olive and New Mope. Visitors arc always 'a clconie. ftrj?t ire Th i rd" 5Uhdfiy""TTTere was a rally at the above named church, the mount of $f?3.00 was raised. On Bridal night, Doc. H, 1054 the Abraham Brothers from Augusta. (ia. and the Starlight Spiritual Sinjrerft of Lexington wilhren der :i program at Lexington High School. Admission 50c for adults ; ml .'55c forjhildren. Also cm the third Sunday night in Dye. The Psalms of Harmony from Wagner and the Starlight ! SpirR iaT Finpei's of Lexington will render a program at New Hope O'.M.K. .Church. Sister Mary Taylor and Sister Lizzie Julmsou-i* slid oiv the ?iek list We pray for their recovery. Louise (.llasago. Hpt. ?L I IETTO LEADER MT. PISGAH A. M. E. CHURCH Kiverend F. C. .lames?Pastor t SUMTER?A number of persons participated in and. enjoyed the t l.anusg.v ing service on 'lhursday f. oui 10 a.m. to 11,'sponsored by tl.e missionary laijies of the e..iach. Dr. .James delivered a brief but v. im.ertid sermon. Gifts of food and other usable articles were brought to the church and placed . 1 an tot r wo. I.ers prepared and delivered more than twenty-five basI .bets to .sbalt-in and unfortunate persons. . Tht? cash offerings were given to persons confined in the hospital. In /pile of the rainy weather f -large number of persons were pre . nt at morning worship Sunday a' 11:15 a.m. Dr. James selectee riniippiaas J:Id, 14 subject "A course in thy College, of the sp.nt. boniu points, urouirnt out 111 ilii sermon, "Every true Christian iK-ta-kirrp incourse in the CoTIego Of the Spirit. The entrance requirement?humility or a dissatisfaction \vitl?? the one's present condition. Freshman?leaning to eoncpiei fail are (forjtcttintr the past). Sopho-Hinro-?tilt?. forward lool< ( reaching forth to tlrinys which are before); Jl.ttior?Progress, pressing forward (I press towad tlie mark). We should never take our eyes off the mark. Senior?Concentration (this one thing I, The prize or di* rloivsa-eouipleto surrender of one's * '' ?* Christ?-The sermon was a |n. s' rp ' " atdy proc< ding the set"'..on M-..V SnV'i > I'nrno, supported i - t o- (h'- ne| Choir sang "Silence j ;v. <> rcsence of the I.ord." It i s em< that we were quieter than ! ; .? :! during the service. j-> Music was ' endartH-Ly the Senior I r.n j .(in> ju^j .choir <. | I he'.;unior !H"isstonary Society | rendered a program at 7 p.m. The' .i n or ChniFr of Kmanuel. Methoj f hutch directed l>y Mfss Mltry" ' Scott and Junior Choir First 15an,.nii)-ch directed 11v Mrs. John | liowen rendered numhers which ' were very good'. Mi'ss Jeanie Ham I . ... . ? , , raised tne nigpest amount ot j money. Collection $25.00. Miss Ruth I Rohinson, president, Mrs. F. C. , Jr.'tips, adviser. Rev. and .Mrs. \V. II. Harnes and children. St. Luke A. M. K. Church, , ("haide/to'n-and Rev. and Mr,s; Chap i.P'Hi- Pnviv? Williams MeimnutJOnueh, Orangeburg, S. C. wre dinner quests of Rev. and Mrs. F. C. j Jajnes on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Uehecca Myers ah^childjpen I.exingtdTg W. V.a.Avas called home to att?nd the funeral of her father, Mr. Eugene Blake. Mrs. Edith Washington, D. C. at-tendfcul till-' f iiiioi a 1 of hoi toother. in-law. the late Mr. E. Blake. The Stewardess Board No. 2 met on Wednesday-with Miss Hallie Hampton. 20S S. Washington Sc. Mrs. A. (I. Harvin. Pres. Mrs. M. (\ Roberts. secretary. I.tme Feast meeting will !>e held on Friday night. A large crowd is .expected. M. C. iRoherts, Rpt, t - BETHEL A. M. E. CTH'RCH " Rev. .1. A. McQueen'?Pastor SI. denrge Rehouse of the rain Sunday School was omitted, hut the regular service, with a few faithful ones was carried out in the regular form. I .At 1 1 :> tluTchoir hang liaise CJod fiom whom cU\ Then the opening song. Prayer hy Pro. Joe Jones, selection hy the choir, ScripI tare lesson was rea<l from the 11 I kings. The text was selected j from II lyings 2<i;:5 and the service I was very good. Collection ?was | taken. after which the Christmas Seals were distrilAited to a utimI her of those present. At 4:30 The Pulpit Aid Hoard | hold >ts monthly; meeting at the [home of Mrs. Pearl Zeigler and J-moher, Mrs. Kelishia Prown. Mrs. j I.ula Snipe President. After the business part of the meeting the ; hostess served a. delicious course ! of hot spiced tea, cake and candies. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Mrs. McQueen and little daughter sp?int Thanksgiving home. They I left Sunday afternoon to resume her work. On the 20th of last month, Miss Mary Elizabeth Smith became the bride of Mr. J. C. Elmore. The church was lovely decorated. The i iiiisuM proioniifii me cerent/pnios. A reception followed in their honor. 'Mr. Elmore is the son of Mr. & j Sirs. Fess Elnfore. Mrs. Elmore j is the daughter of Mrs.'CJant. She | was given in marriage by l)ea. J. I X. Huston. Both are graduates of William M. School. Mrs. Elmore is also a graduate of Mather School of Beaufort, S. C.. Many lovely and useful presents were given. They left Sunday morning for New York where they will make their home. We hope for them a IN MEMORY tU*' ...r.v. j'Alrm Louise Alston depart; . Dec.' 2, 1U53. ._ .? -1 ?-=j U1 "want to rest to night' were ! die last words spoken to one of ! her friends, who nail eome to sit I awhile with her. One Tibur.and I a half afterward, she went to test ' >'n Jesus' breast. Sleep on Dear . j and take vonr sweete rest. My. OK All! Home has been lonely since I , - .I went away. .'." ft'e'en, gentle sleep! : The storjc below express' my senti- I 1 ment: I ' A certain woman had a potted plant of which she was very fofld. ?'t f.onr.s hm4? far awhile arid .its . :*? .! f.agranceb. ought great joy to In r. After, a while ' she ' noticed it was drooping and seem . d on the verge of dying. While? in Idingit In her hand she avciueni-ly'd:ipped it on thy fk?or. breaking the crock into many pieces, hut apparently not harming the plant. Tenderly- she gathered up the plant, disregarding the* fiagYttents~ of the crock, and rcjrtanted it in a larger vessel. To her joyful Surprise, the plant immediately took on new life and he-ante more vig-*, more beautiful and larger than oyer before.? The soul of the .-Christian is like a flower that lives in a vessel of clay. What if the vessel is destroyed? The Great Potter replants the soul in the .soil of heaven am! it lives Um?a? bundant life" forever. UF.K Life! 1 know-not what thou art. Hut know that thou and I must part And when, or how, or where we' Aiet y i I own to nte's a secret yet. I.i'fe! we've been long together Through pleasant and through J cloudy weather. 'Tis hard to part when friends are dear,Perhaps 'twill cost a sigh, a tear; Then steal away, give little warn''h"ose thine own time; horse" thine own" ."tiipe; " _ Say not (lood N'ight?hut in some brighter clime -?ITi-t-l?me?(tood?Morning." A ff""tionatc husband? I. H. ^Alston" | ST. .IA.MKS AMK <111 K< II Uev. .1. Hales, Pastor Sunday School opened at its usual hour with tlu' J?upt. and coworkers present. After the class, study of the lesson the S. S' was | reviewed by the Supt. Mrs. Kstclle ; Johnson. The home department' has the adult banner, Mr. K .J.j C.,.^f 1'l.? f I.II.. I> II .xmui.^wiu ? lit* ? I ilHUK' U?Ut ; lias the youth banner, Mrs. Rosa I I le.I.anev,- teacher. 11 :*'0 after preliminaries tlie pasj tor preacheil a great sermon which] J. \vr : food for thought fr,om - itlie | ) iiac-t St. Matthew -1:21. Theme | Broken nets must he repaired. The' Missionary Society was held im- , mediately after service which was | very pood. Mrs. Hattie Dunlap, i President. Sundav the Presiding Klder. Dr. ] Ft. C. Cunningham was with us in i Jour first quarterly conference. Hr ; i preached fioi11 1 Uoi*. in: l ">. 1 heme j I Collected Jinks. The P.K. hid j himself h?Hn?|_ th" ' i m , and the 1 spiritual tide ran high.. This lieing the fourth Sunday ! j we enjoyed a fine fellowship with j j Dr. Davis and -Kmanuel and Rev. j I Holmes and members of Chapel Memorial. * On Friday night Nov. 2H the j business nnrt nf ihn I , ~ ... X-..V- ljUUI V,V I l,v V, V/ I I " forence was hgld. Mrs. Kstclle Johnson was elected the secretary. All reports were very good. The ' P. K. spoke in hi^h terms of the pastor and members. Mrs. B. CJ. Cunningham, wife of the P.E. made ,oneourafcinjr remarks. The P. E. was paid in full as usual. Several visitors were present. Visitors are always welcome to the friendly church on the hill, 415 ?Henderson SU- ?: I IN MKMOUIAM UBS * A1 rs. Alalia rut Jones Addjson-? in loving"?remeinberance of my dear wife who passed away Dec-ember 1, 1952. * t'ROSSlNfJ THE BAR Sunset anzt-eveeing Star, And one elea.r call for me! ..iay the he no moaning at the , bar, - A iie.n 1 out to sea. .... ; ' But such a fide as moving seemj asleep," fo full for sound and foam! _A hen t .at which <b?-w irAin out of the boundless deep, Turn again home. i'wiheht and eVcnmir bells. And niter that the dark! . And may there be no sadness or farewell, When I embark. * . ( J Tinie and Place, The tide may far! T 1, 4 .. T?:i c c i iiui'i* li? >t*V* 111 > I IMH I act* IU HUT, 4 When I have crossed the bar. ?Alfred Tennyson*. Vonr levins husband TALLEY " . * . ' i I i ! i In sad but lovinif Memory of our j \ Darling Mother, Mrs. Viola G. ' Battle who went to he with the ' Lord -December 2, 1952. 1 You have departed from us precious one; , | ' And though your gentle voice is ! ' stiu. The memory of your sweet smile ' Lingers with us doily, Yottr place in our home and hearts J Can never he filled. Children? Mrs. Sara I J. Corley, Daughter \V. II. Corley, Son-in-law Horace Battle, Son . ' 1 I.udlow Battle., Son Miss Annie Bannerman, Foster Daughter ?::?IN M KM OB I AM IIABPKB?In loving memory of our dear father, John B. Harper who departed this life Deccmbei 1. 1945. Nine years have passed 'my dear Pmce-fiod called Vott arway, hut oh, What, I would give to see your smile .. ' And liter your voice today. Sadly mimed by Chlidren and Grandchildren IN M K\1 OKI A M In sad and loving metvoiy of, ~miT"(lTt.Tt^~tmrtttg'wife and mother, Mrs. Minnie K. Burch, who departed this life Dee. 2,-1943. Your passing left a void in our lives that can never he filled. Preston C. Bureh, Husband Louise II. Burch, -Daughter Catherine B. Frazier, Daughter Henry T. Frazier, Son-in-law i"nur^ CONTRACTOR WE ARE STII We build houses of \ You Will Find Oi NOTICE: Change of Horn* 25(16 Rratton St. Phot v. / Saturday. December 4, 1954 CLASSIFIED ADS A CARD OF THANKS I wish the public to know that I appreciate the gifts from various ilcn'ominaions and friends for the large donation given us?. for the Old Folks Home The public has been very kind'and generous tovard our institution. We have 'hirty two aged persons here and, wouhl appreciate vonr continued' support.. ' : Jennie White Jennette White IN MEM OR I AM In loving memory of my mother Mrs. Mamie Thomas died Nov. 25, 952. ; our gentle lace and patient smile with sadness I recall You had a kindly word for each and died beloved by all. The voice ts mutt? and sttH tha-? heart That loved me well and true Ah, bitter was the trial to part, from one so good as you You are not forgotten' loved' one Nor will you ever he As long as life and memory last I will remember thee. [ miss you now my heart is sore As time goes by I miss you more Your loving smile, ^our gentle face To one can fill your vacant place ~" Daughter," Pauline Davis IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my mother ml onr ~gfaridmother, Mrs Ahge-^ . ne K. All/any, who" pasself away ~^ ixteen years ago today, November 2,, 1!|38. " . ' ' V Loved in life, rembered in death, jone, hut not forgotten. , , Son, James M. * ~c Grand-daughters, Jacqueline Y. Albany and Mrs. W. A. Cook IN MEMORIAN In memory<<>1 our dear husband ind father, Jackson Charles, whoieparted this life one year ago December 1, 1953. "Darling we are all so lonely Looking at?your empty chair Remembering all the happy moments That we shared when you were ^ . Loving thoughts will always linger, ' You are still our guiding star May we all be reqnited When we each have crossed the bar," * Wife and Children imTHLKHEM H.VPT. CHURCH [lev. G. J. Odom, Minister Sunday School began at the usjal hour with Supt. and teachers. \ very fine lesson was discussed 1 n all classes and reviewed by " the minister. Rev. Odom. . | Worship service began at 11:15. Responsive Reading, the church, Matthew 5:13-16; I Timothy 3:15. Hymn, "The-Church is one Foun-? lation. Scripture lesson Psalm 16:1-11. Prayer by Rev. M. Field. Vlission offering, announcements by the church clerk Dea. Simuel. Remarks by the minister. Prayer ' and general worship offering. The musical choir and. Jubilee choir rendered such beautiful music. A eery fine sermon was delivered by the minister obtained from the I nth chapter yf St. Matthew 18th verse And V say also unto thee, that Thou art Peter, and upon this J rock I will build my church. Subject Triumphant Church of Christ. Friends-^and visitors you are always. Welcome at jBetheMfy.r^ Church. Let us pray -for all of our sick members. After an evening of devotion a religious program was presented by the Young Matron League, title; "Temptation" written by Sis. .Marion Rice. A very fine program. At the hour of 8 P. M. Wednesday night prayer meeting. At 8:00 P. M. let the whole church come. Missionary meeting each Thursday evening usual hour, Sis. Joyce PresTdent. Sis. Mary M. Bethea, Rpt. Subscribe To The PALMETTO LEADER IOZIR ' ft & BUILDER ,L BUILDING Vood, Brick, or Block I r Prices Normal IS . s Address ,and Phone No. le 3-7312 . CoPa., S. C. | |' ? > ! s . " I.