The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, July 24, 1943, Image 1

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VQI 1 y^ICTORY j BONDS * STAMPS | < -~^rOL. XVIII?NO. 2f>! * * / ? Meeting The State Association of Elks will convene 4??regfuiiH" -session Jnlv -7th ami 2Kth us guosL of Emanuel Lodge No. and Blue ? Ritlgo?Temple?No.- 2-1 ti I,?It,?IV t O. E. of \V. The I.ocal Committee .of Charleston is leaving no ^ stones unturned to make this a banner year for the State leathering' of Elks. A c?nfhiitU'<> from Charleston visited Columbia last week composed ?.f \V. .M. Smith, Chairman #of Locol Committee; F. W. Malloy, Secretary; J. F. Matthews, >%| BKW$: , . J > JH ^Kj^^Vvs.y HON. J. FIN LEY WILSO> Cirand Exalted Kuler Exalted -Ruler; L. E. Thompson - Hint Music rotnixon.1 t'lioc hrut cousuiiuii'm \viin..t^aic secretary ? J.- B.?I.wiv -ttnd- 1-st -Vice- President (\ D.- Denton from Chester T and oilier tanking oitlt-ers of the State. The I.oea! Committee has arranged to have registration of delegates from 1.(1 to 12 noon on the 27th. The Executive ('oiinnitlee will convene at 2 o'clock p.m. slid at '! in. the afternoon the convniinn will open for business. S::>0 p.niTTFfe T. idic ProgTTuiY will be rendered at Morris J?t. Baptist church. A shdrt sermon will be delivered hy l)r, J. P. Kceder. Grand Chaplain, or Dr. S. R. Dig gins, President of Allen University and .Deputy of the .Columbia District. Prof. 11. W. '{ jjjfe ' JP"' ' mrs! nesby Armstrong ^ Daughter State Treasurer nor will deliver the principal address. Wednesday JSth. the regular business session will convene at 10 o'clock a.m. Annual Parade at _ G:dO p.m. and picnic at K "o'clock. ???-tffer "trr . ' r>........ ~ r..n,..r rr.... .;n ^^Dauphter Secretary of Norfolk, Virginia will visit the convention next week, accompanied by Some of the other Grand Lodge Officers. a {food job in the Civil Liberty x 'Program. 1^' Columbians are planning, t o visit the City by the Sea in large numbers. Most of the' Hills in the upper part of the State are arranging to go down in groups because of the gas shortage, etc. The slogan around Columbia and other places now is "ON TO CHARLESTON." The Grand Convention will meet in Pittsburg, Pa., August 22-27 j^^^^^nclusive. =1 ; Of il INTERRAClAiCd FOR BAPTISTS A1 A city-wide Leadership Insti- . tuto was conducted by the Com- | munity Missions Department of the White Baptist Missionary Union of South Carolina, with Mrs. George ' E. Davis, Orangeburg as director, the week of July 12 to Id. Second Calvary church, Rev. C. H. Brown, pastor was hostess <or the occasion. ^ Mrs. Davis ami Miss Yonnie E. Lance, her assistant, who is j Kxecutive Secretary, of the State I W.M.U. took up in detail t h e j verioils phases of missionary so- J cicty work aiul by movent and I . Naniple assisted the workers in j the ciLy_iiL planning and promotinu* their missionary and education work. Devotions" were conducted fifteen minutes' each evening by the \ arious .churches of the city, and Benedict College before the regular services. . 4 At the opening meeting the j suTiject,_liOrgani/.ation iuTTt i grams." was beautifully outlined ' and discussed by Miss Vonnie 10,! Lance. Questions were asked at j j the close of Miss Lance's talk, j I which gave the workers much [ . help and benefit, in their" local missionary societies. Tuesday evening's meeting was j _ devoted to the activitio.- of the j --youth: Mis, W. K. Davvsnij?tlmi'l? | pictures TTiTd OIecfura outlined ,ilie ^ \vorI? of the. -Sunbeams. Mrs. H } 1. uuLsa.vTaylor, presented a group, j of young boys, wh? beautifully V l outlined the work of the Royal I I Ambassadors. Miss Klise MeCaa J and a Ri?up of younjj women j } from the Y.W'.A. Rave a most \ Tcxcelleht rendition of a business j j meeting. F.ach of the Workers,;. ~j who took part, was a ;treat souree \ ! of fn*|d+ulion to the?local youim, I people. - ? ? j \ . . N I Followiii*r this nicetuiR Mrs. I ^ I dcoiRo K. Davis discussed the j . j subject "Making Your Comnumi- ; ty .Christian" and Mrs. Clyde! ! HHfns". "Personal 'Service in Mis- | , "ion." | . i Thursday evening Mrs. J. 1>. j barton in her very line way- o f i <' I speaking Rave the Mission Study 1 I Lesson. Dr. R. C. Campbell, pas1 tor of the First Baptist church, j j wh0 followed Mrs. Barton's?ttrH"-*" j was .very dynamic and forceful in Ml ! t ] | his lecture on "Stewardship," IP Dr. Biiflington of the Home j I Mission Board irav.u. a fwentv minutes lecture Friday evening at .j the close of the session. Miss , Green, a returned missionary front China told- of , hey eighteen I years work among* the- Chinese j fchildren. She held her listeners attention throughout the rest of ti the meeting with her thrilling ex u periences. " * J ( The local societies were over- t< ' | joyed with the tine spirit and eo- T ' operation of the white societies, h I Kach pledged herself to put the :> j work into practice as best they t I could. w A unanimous appeal came from tl ! the churches that _these same workers arrange another such w p meettng Tor the group in the 11 near futile. al Among; the churches represent- sl ed at the Institute were ^Second Calvary. Rv. C. II. Brown, pas| tor: First Calvary, Rev. S. S. ^ [ VonnRhlood". -paKtor; Zion Baptist w I R?v. .1. r. Reeder, pastor; Union I Baptist, Rev. U. C. Jenkins, pastb'r: 1st. Nazareth, * Rev. Neal, K' j pastor; 2nd. Nazpreth, Rev. A. ai C. Jones, pastor; Trinity, Rev. If. 8' j J. Trapp, pastor; St. Luke, Rev. Cordon, pastor; Bethlehem, Barnwell, Rev. Townsend, pastor; Mon- el umental Baptist, Philadelphia, Rev. M. M. Peace naulnr Ttiovn ,a I w..iiurt?yepiicwcutativt front" L ! tho PFesbyterian and Methodist ca J churches. m Continued en pafco 8 ,. .1 fye $ ? 144 e Assoc - it " NFERENCE 1 SUCCESS I * IIJM*g C. I>. ,I)E? Stale I'ro? fables of the A. E. I ihrine to Meet Augi Chicago To He Host To Fiftieth Annual Session V New York < ity,-Nf.Y. Jtrh* H4Jiymnnd K. Jackson <>: I'.- tl"c?I >. | . 7. lr:.! issued tiic call for tin <ilties of tin: A. K. A. Order >: ,, 10 Mystic Shriiie. in-moot in the t ily ?r < "11 ica'/n 'Atigiisl to Ann- !i it -7 to celebrate till- fiftieth tin- < tit 1 session of thiil body. Arabic ; implc. No. 5 1 will bo host to tit" i uavans. -i> The imperial session-; will be . id in ("on:in iitit\ f enter. ! : rot t and Smith -Parkway. Robert jr. Unmet*. l'Ui forest i I It* avoiiiio and I.ovi jMoirN ol 17 fast. -ITtJi street. room .'Sol. re the chairman and secretary ol ' io general entertainment com- ; " utter set-up to facilitate handling to maiiy visitors dxpeclnl. Grandmaster John (*. Kflis of I io Grand Jurisdiction <>? .Illinois j as iiivit.'d l'liiit'o llali .Masons \ harden St. USO News i One of Iiio most beautiful par- , les ever to l>e given at the USO as the formal dance <>n Friday, j uly 1 ti. given Ivy the Junior Hos- [ esses of the Harden Street USO. I he club itself looked like fairy- j *nd with its lovely decorations f palms and gladioli. Enhancing he beauty of 4he surroundings ere the charming hostesses .in teir flowing gowns of rainbow [flors. Also ulteudiiig the party L ere: out of town guests, vfcat^l ig co-eds. visiVing Lieutenants, ad many.of the wives of soldiers ationed here. The general atlosphere of the affair was one r gaiety and good fellowship. | urnishing music* for the occasion | as the An liwse <Aehesnca with leir hard to beat syncopated lythms. Between dances, the. nests enjoyed refreshing punch , id ice cienm juervn/l im til.. mcious porch. A feat tire of the evening was j e giving away of prizes to hold s of luek.v numbers?. Mrs. INTat- j iew Estaras, wife of Sgt. Ksta- > is of Fort Jackson, won the la- | ., lies' prize, a box of- ehoe?b*+*? +?; ndy; and Pvt. "Pee Wee"?Sim- j ons of the Air Base Orchestra t Conttnicd on Page 7 T > a hu e 4-i U "N 1 I IJ AT AW^trti H .11, W ' ". iation ( 07 Men From S. C n Recent Group a< ... . ... . I. . v, . j +* A ' : ?~ T^~ sTON >i(k-nt . 1 ?-.. L Order of Mystic list 5 Thru 27 ~ : inl .their auxiliary bodies, mill" >:d IVm r a la in hold their JJiennia! essions a' dates siimiltancoHs illi I la* Shi inc.-. Tli 'V'-" :n aer ~ .111v?n others tic t; t . rna; hurt! ( (inference of (Irand lastrrs of I'rhne !!ail Masonry; I Vi.i h. John \\ . 1 )ii!,hs. (Iran*! Iasicr of (iodrryi'n ;\s presiding ofleor: The (irand Kneampment of he Kniyhts Templars under the niisdiction of lirand Commander olm I.. lhihort.. The Royal Ar.h lid The Haujthters of Is is, idle in .transportation eireunttnnecs the Ii.nperja! J'ntenVule. rl'iile urjrinff attendance front ev \ i i Mi|'ic. mi;;r(si< 1 ill* making f early railway reservations and .r<i?i4i?t conimiinrcat ion with the )o al committee in order to la* c??n;"oria'ljly housed at a -minimum ol onvenience. lie a i t grow iIt and' interest in mrincnmn gives indication of a TV largo assemblage. f i? i r^'if State Secretary .AKOR MASS MKKTINC VT 1st NA/.ARKTH KAPTIST HI R( H MON. .11 LY 26 Ttiei-v will he an Inspirational lass Meeting Monday 11 iht .Inly 6. at 8:-10 o'clock, at 1st Nazaeth Baptist l..'Huron. ATdnrrr of afjrare and Gervais Sts., under he auspices Local So. 2260. Mr. >. (i. Garland, of Winston-Sxtlcm X " s- ' i Sto i . Begin Training t Great Lakes TJi-cat Takes. III.. July If, Re? nt an ivails at. the U. S. Xqyal Training station here were 11)7 a* n of t+H' Negro rate from the South Caroli'na. Now. in the process of being ojivertod from civilians into fitrlit iiuv Rlucjatkqts, they are being iven training in military drill, ( amanshin. and naval procedure. \tso, they are unde'rgohig the inu'ii^ivc physical It.nnhn?rrg?in' cram?to?jttH?them?i.n .t"!1 lighting form. Soon they vvi>! he given a series ' aptitude tests whiclr will do ermine whether they will receive the Navy's service schools, or v ill he assigned to active duty at i';i or at a naval shore station ? t ate men, with past experience it: one of tiie trades used bv tin \:tvy. will be yiven petty . oil led ,ii:nus upon completion of theii riait- tra/nini*. ? The new recruits fi'?>m?!4>uth ("at'iiisa mi\ : James It. Drake. Jr.. 1; n.i Joe 1 *alm. 2">. both men are ilium Ronncttsvillo; Hampton Al ill. lis, Bishopville; James A "aster. Jr.. Blachstock; Leroy I) oott. 'si. Bowman; llermon Win.Mtvk'itoii, 20. .Hnwmynse; George :i'os, fpt, ami. Bennic Mitchell. i . >th from. I'anwleti; ZacU tintn. Cln-rire"?Wnlbert Moses Dor<<th ary also from Cheruw; Geo. I s'lietihci(!, tit). llevward Franch Moore, 21. John Henry Bennett Al\ Oliver Vamlerhorst. 20;' Benja Mr.iti K. Deas-,21; Thomas Graham >17: Charles Lee. 21; Samuel F Buruess. 2S; William Giles. 2b Coward J. Roper. IP; Samuel H Greene, IS; and Richard (irate. Jr 2b, all twelve men are from Char ! lesion; Earnest W. Grafton JO Cluster; Daniel Williams. 28. Clh ion: John liiiborl Boles. IS: Ode! ; .vliU*in. IS; Engi ne N. Lewis; 10 'Virgin F.pps, Jr.. 18; James F. Charley. Jr.. 10; Harvet McCoy ' Jo; Uscur Natalia. JO; Jas. Roose volt Iii.r, 10; Charles Henri Brown, 10; "anil Silas Ihoger, JO ili ten men are from Columbia William Steele, 10; W/llie J. Onl; IX. ami Luther Williams, all threi : l l orn Conway. Willie A. Jones. IX, Darlington Robert J. Counts, 2J. Denmark Eddie M. (iarrett, ix, Donalds; J a loyner, JO; and Marion Grooms 17, both are from Eastover; Mar shall Reese. IX; Lerohy Smith. JO and Wade Gibso, 17, all three or i Ijom Florence: Isoin Thomas, D 'Fort. Motte; John Charles Tlmmp son. IX. Fountain Inn; and Jos eph Dalse 17, Frogmore. Also, from South .Carolina ar Melrose K. West' Gaffney; Wil 11.-' Hitchcock, .*14; ami Bobb Young, 20, both from Greenville Joel S. Widemon, Howard F. Mi 'Gee, 10; and Russell Benin, Jr 26, all Ihree arc from Greenwood ' H. B. Belvin, 21 and Chester < Boykin, 2IT both from Hartsviili Chester Morgan, 10, Hodges; Cc nhus Mfiler, 22. Jefferson; Cuvti Anderson, 10. Johnston; Joe h Burroughs, 18. Kingstree; Kugen McCutehen and Jonathan McClai _LI'Qth frem Lilke ~ City; Jqmc _H()UL'h. 26. I .a mar: .lame^ ! ' Mi Mullen, 18; Krnest Wellinglo Barnes, 20; Benjamin Wright. 2f Charlie Rut ledge; 20; and Robei A. Massey, 10. all live men ar from Lancaster; James Martin, I 'Iiiijfoff; KUgeno Howard, Jr., J." | Miayesville; Joe Wsilton, 20. Mori wetherf Berley Oliver, Jr.. 1' North; Walter K. Livingston. 2t I Nooses; Isaac Cannon. Jr.. It I Nowhoriy; I.avern Hall, IS; Joh I. Blume, IS; David F. Wallact Continued on Page 8 f N. National Representativi A. K. of L., will be the Cues Speaker. Key representative* from othe j local organizations will appear o j the program. An interesting per I gram for all. Bring your friends i ) A 104:5 July 27 The $50,000 Drive F A Small Drive Say: jFood Research iSnprialist In I)is cuss Wartime Diet At Women's Meet Washington. 1). C'., July ll'tl)- ? Dr. Louise Stanley, special assistant In tilO "Agnelli ta ra I K" search Administrator,Will speak mi wartime nutrition at the quadrennial version nf the Wn rrn'-, Home Foif-t^ Missionary Society of the Ativan Methodist K piseopal church. July 2.1. at Shorter college^ F-it tie Rock. Arkansas.; The society is an important a i\ iliary of the A. .M. F. eluir h whose jurisdictional area covrs 13 Southern 7tatosT" "Mrs Lucy" llutrhes. president of the sbcjotv. points out that its-membcrshin inot only interested in nutrition and home preservation of fool, hut that they are also taking: an .active nart in en otiraginir ine.iealed food production. J The A. 'Ml. E. church it-elf. jthrough the Bishops' Council, wi n', on-record in February as?hemp I fullv pledged to the food nroducj tion program \of the Dt nartment i of?A cii i'cultui'e.?+ ?is also?,: i in;1 ^TTCT'lrPcp' itn~memhei> hio infrn mcdon \TiVibiis~ph ascs of nutrition. Dr. Stanley, who was until, her I jce^cnt promotion chief. uf_.Lhu Bu-rcatrnf-Hnnie Fco'ienliT's which post she had held since !P2k ha? j devoted the greater ps. r ?!" .i' > \ life to study of home-making. especially food habits, nutriti'ni. and dietary deficiencies. Using as a I subject. "Good Nutrition Requires |'Food." Dr. Stanley will discuss for , the A. M. K. society the iinp.nrtance of balanced nutritiuii in the ' wartime diet. INSTITUTE FOR FARMERS Sixteen Negro farmers and club members will represent Fairfield county at the Farm and Home Institirtv rrrtl -1-H Conservation and 1 Wildlife-Camp al Oiaum-hurir. ?SC., -July 2d-Ih'. While there they will parti, ipate' in the t ocreation: a! program and will he instructed s hi subjects relevant to- the part they can play in the war effort. - I ritr* iiiriil'i'hm l< ti t tnn/l i t*?? ..?i : muragcd because of the i?nl that e they are playing mi the farm as :. ; practical demonstratprs . ul tla. - | methods of farming 'hoy a r < - ("taught in groups, ami chilis. I>. CI. Bolton. Jr.. sai<! that tIt? c most practical v.ay 1 armors arc t > - meet with the new derhumls of a v wartime farm program i> training :: through contacts with fanners ... a world larger tlian their own neighborhood. This 1 state wide |; meeting will certainly bring some pointers for talk when the 1'anners come back home. ' i " | s iScottish Rite Masons j * 'Closed Great Meeting J Free Barhecne linen Br Branchvillc Local Lodge . | Branchvillc. July 'JO- The dis' tlift annua) meeting of the Seot^jtish Ilite Masons of South t'aro, fluid met" here last week in their - masonic meeting. ! Every lodge in the state was - ' represented hut -.Beaufort. Tht ; meeting closed with peace and . harmony. Thfc new Grand Mas-.iter, Bro. Kickenbacker of Banr.. berj; was at his ho4?during his | annual address. \Vhich show ed the craftsmen that a master mind Phad charge and better things are ' (up the toad for those who will t j continue with the old Scottish Rite Masons. Other addresses l' i were made by Past Master Sallcy n j Mozie, Rumpth and pthers. >- ]' A memorial exercise was held 5.1 Continued on Page 8 t PRICE th-28th or Allen University s Mr. E. L. Thomas A wa- 11-mi? i?t-?I at c St. I'aul' A.ME church, < a?ies. > t .. Sunday. July H. at l:'*0 d*. . lock and Mr. K. 1.. Thomas. otic o?. the leading farmers.. arul?ium-m liters men and?trustee- -of- A lien | j I'niversity was speaker for "the* Occasion, He was- presented ' Ity Mr, I]. A. ,Mout .onu-fx. sti'i'i.-tary.. Hi-' .'J'.'e 'A:.-; t ijoosc t,i<?<vL I.' ;.n i.- : :.:i I' -il'iw '''}ifni. Now 1 am ?iiij\ U'Jne' t" tell' a fewl4iine. tTTTTT lie ..aid Tri li.\vn?- 1 ft it - pencil. He ""aid' ' that' the < iiiMien <>f l.-un-l had .i y:oou lo.oi. I ,?U-M,?l.-ociur-e?t in-y did?? foiipw. uhi-ir leader and disobeyed. thc\ stayed m tiie tyiileniess ioi*\ years an! tin- majority of iheni died ' and ' m-vci saw .tin ' ' "*!& .. ^BHb||v ,>-- x:.&Mi*B5w|^^^^^^^B ! MRS. VICTORIA MATTHKWS Kfcordinu fjccrctar> Hlui* Ridge Temple No. Jli? ("hasle.^ton. S. I . fronii.-oii I.attd; l>u: liiid it! the . wiitienie.- - wat.tlei ai?. Today the A. M. K. Chureh ha> -some of- ;?<. good leaner.? a?-a+t-vrace nil the; late of the earth ami iet ilh tint did'for lint following, the in. I> i let ti> ft >lln\y niir leaders ami make a great nation. . N?>\v we have l!ish<^ J.S. Klip-nei. who i-' oti!' loader of South Carolina am! President Hijrgin># oho i.~ -1-*; it it f t nf A Holt \ .11 ier-dty iini P: e.-i . ii'sitr Kider-- ami .Minister- of So.til Carolina. who . .re o;tr leaders of Sontli Carolina am! let tm follow their, am!. make AUKS M K\A V,^-KJwl,l,Y Grand Daughter Secretary i yivjil nation. Now -onto 'pcnpU- took., at tinSoi i.i h ii i lliivf foj . \ 1 1cm i ;<> a U't'oat ttiinji". as it' ma h.ul it ail to (ay' TTTftTTT.y ft F> a small :.nio'.i!.t. tor i. I'Vt'i-y nuMuhri that has hi- nana- on the A. .M. K. i hi,.. u , ..1! s;..,,, u , jv\i!l only pay one dollar (S1.0M) we would. raise tin- $a0.000 and have $45,000 over for some other Inisitioss. h'or \ve have over 15. 000 members. 'So don't you see that it is small for the membership and let us not murmur like ,.the Children of Israel but let us | follow our leaders- and (to? our mart. Continued on Page 8 ' ? /'' For VICTORY > M fl f UNITED M 1 J STATES SkjiV DEFENSE %S^rf6wDi -9 STAMP# : ifcKNTS PER COPY ANP News Shorts i ltt;i.l-:\SK WED. Jlt.Y 21, 1943 Nov ion Centre, Muss.?There can be liu?ceuvinqgjlji war triumph ii'>r a hating- peace either nationally or iiTnTlTan<">nirrry "TTrTli'1 The ri;W' ins of race and rare thetn1 y world leaders, dee I a red Dr Charles S\ Johnson last week to patrons of the New England Institute of InternatioiiHl Relations in Noyes hall on the Andover New ton Theological school campus. Dr. Jnhnson.' professor of sociology at Fisk ^university and auIhor of several volumes on hutnaniti&C speaking on the subject "Rac iui Peace and \W>rJd Peace",'said (-"1 that as events shape themselves '"lire Ayply aiyiin-il :i background?i * of global war it becoines_ more uadily apparent that there exist at" least six major areas where the problem of race and color are in i') >?;> singly hmoming?threat*?-to continued peace. Those areas he lifted as China and India.. S?uth r.ixl Central. America. Africa, the l'aeiti Islands. Jpan and the Unit -fj, yd Stales. AVa-L-'iu: Inn ( Mir of ' the hottest pr^aohvention~fights in the }( year hisiorv of the organizalion is heing wared by tne 4 caniidatcs for the presidency of the National Postal alliance, which meets in St. Louis during August. Although the white organi- 3 y.sitio!!. similar to this one. has .oncollfeil its convontion this vear ; > en account of war conditions, the -alliance feels that internal/ affairs demand this meeting originally scheduled- for Los Angeles. hut nirhimci?t" 'St.?l.nui.i?horn use?of ti-e w.,i. ~~rj Pittsburgh?Anticipating: one of the {treatest and closest vote der1 t'ies in the colorful history of the Fast-West game. Cum Posey, sec. r<fary -of the Negro National * jJfl league, announ.'pd this week that Josh (iil-soti and Horachio Martinez are iit a "death battle" for a voting lead in the Negro National . J league. In the first week of vot ing. tin famous catcher of tlin 11 oiliest cad Grays. Gibson, poTIetf ,")l?S votes, and Martinez, great Cuoan shortstop, is hot? on his heels with a total of otlfl votes. The game this year is expected to at' tract more than the 35.000 fans who saw the classic last year. o With American Kxpeditionary Force's i n New Guinea?From northern area of New Guinea ; .-"mos only stories of glorious and .otnagemis work of our troops. I Fitciiieers seem to he the real he- 1 toes 01 tnese reports. l.atest developments. proudly and grimly shows throe .deaths of our men k? "lite liiv of duty and six Purple Heart -decorations. The throe merr who wont to their deatli are: Pvts. tames MeAuloy. Morvctv. N. C.: "Haiinihji! J. Murray. Jr.. RFD No. I. Box 1 li 1. Ha inhere:. S. f\; James 'aok.son. U>d .May avenue, Matties litirtr. Miss. The nren decorated with the I'urpdo Heart are: Sgt. Robert R. Justice. .'>60 E. 58th St.,* * Chioajro: Willie Williams, Box No. M. Favetteville. N*. C.; CleorKo L. Marvcv. Box 21. "S ates. Mo.; Cress F atten son. 1511 Hrjrhland Ave., umpu. jia.; j'ocor i.. Ko/nKiesr ' 1 7li7 X. Hermitage Ave., Chicago am! Witodrow White, route 1, Pox 11. State Line, Miss. . . Washington?Iforthv ?Maynor. ?" declaimed soprano, is programmed ! for the closing1 week of the seventh season of "Sunset Symphonies" hy the National Symphony or chestra at the Potomac ' Waters,"v gate. Sire appears on the out_ dauv concert at aye on 'Wednesday?~*a| with Hans Kihdler, permanent con ' ?! luctor of the National symphony, returning tc the podium that ev- ,)%j| e.ninpr. Des Moines, la.?("apt. Frank 1 Miles ot the state selective Jtefftiar i iind publisher of the Iowa Legion- ' naive bitterly attacked Negro disj i rimination and bigotry over station WHO. Des> Moines, last Simday.He said, "Whenever memtMrf , ul' the races here maim and kill , .v'a Continued on Page