The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, May 15, 1943, Image 1

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rft[lCTORY ^\/*iMT*DinkTn BONDS * STAMPS ~ "- VOL. XVIII?NQ. 13, ~ Committees of Pal Asso. In Free Coni / ARBITRATION MAKES GAINS FOR NEGRO TEACHERS r^l..a.,?:..i ti. r JUI I Il(t I rot conference committees of the Pal 7s nietto Teachers' association in session here last Saturday agreed to push arbitration methods v Head of court uclion in fretting equal nay for equal service for all teachers employed in the public schools of South" Carolina. The pending proposition is for onethird decrease of differentials in school salaries over a period o! three years until the chasm i? bridged. This was the unanimous opinion of the committee from the House of delegates, th(? legislative committeP worki rg jointly xvitV the., gxctutl\> committee?of?ih< association. Aeording to a statement from 4P Prof. S. L. Finle" of 'Chester, tht action of th<> free conference meet? the approval of tht. officers of the South Carolina branch of tin NAACP. President J. T. W. Miim* informed the committeemen that through his office the executive committee has made many fine contacts and that the present increases in sal avian paid Kygio toa:herr. should be credited to the committee and the president. Corroborating thr view,, of the president were Mrs Ida Greer of Florence, Princinn] S. L. Finley of Chester; Prof. II C. Brewer of Ilai tsviUej_Dr, J. E Rianton of Denmark; Principal .1 S ShankKn of Beaufort; Prof, W. . M v,10t ?r c ?? < ovai ui ^WJil Wl i ri OIl'SKOI' I C. Woodson of Spartanburg am! Prof. I.o0 Vester Vanoo of St Matthews, also Prof. C. S. Mclvoi oT Sumtnofvillo: 10 i Prof. Maceo Arderson of Eummerton; Profj B. W. Gallman <>i Pendleton; Prof. J. E. Blanton Denmark; Mrs. Ida Green represented the legislative committee 'i. Dr.Jllant.oii wiif niudp chairman 5 Prof. S. L.. F1 nitty, veu'fun gUu; cator, was appointed by the pros' ident to put on the membcrshir W campaign. He will select a com* v' friittee to work with hi'm. I. M A Myers, Dean Fitohott oi fc- Claflin. Prof Mclvor of Rummerville will have chares of research and investigation. The executive secretary, Carrol V. Bing reported $R.'t.OO "back 'ikfees" received from Georgetown county which was duo to /nttuenee r exerted by Prof. J. Tk Reck, it wa; said. President Mini* and I. M. A. Myers delegates to the meeting of til; council of the American Educatior association which convenes "fx* | ? rummer.? The conference approved the plun.s Icing put forth by the N | . E. A, in having the Thomas Hill I bill passed by the U. S Congres? y?iwlici'ub.v-yrotrrOOn^TfltT 'teltT'Tte appropriated by the Federal govern nent to equalize salaries of tench ivs in the Southern States. Tlu executive voted to serd $500 to th< Negroes on Price Administration I Board at Or'burg Orangeburg,. S. C.?A signi.ficant sten forward in race veTat ions has been evidenced in the sot,j - lection of a panel of the county office of price administration ai Orangeburg, South Carolina com' posed 01 three Negro?* who arc io serve as members of the hoarr with the same status as othei 4f> members. s? .. The rejection nf. ,tha~ panrl ramx without any pressure, coercion 01 solicitation on the part of loea Negroes and the action of thi? County Ration board here is probably the first of its kind to lie recorded in the South. W. C. Bethea, Chairman of the board of -the Orangeburg Count> )oPA in announcing the selectior ^^of the new panel, stated that membets of the local hoard tmanimously approved the new setup whici is tO) assist in the rationing of gu? tirea pnd sugar for rnnpiapr ant explained that anyone who fonn. it more?convenient to?trse?ttw panel. The new panel took their oatt and assumed their duties in April TKft piirenmofnnpiia u/KioK ubout the unanimous approval ol the panel by other local brttfvt] members is indicative of"ttr6 fin? spirit and good feeling existing between the races n this college community where two institution! of higher learning for Negroes Claflin College and South Caro ?' Hmr State College are located^ ""* ' The experiment is?evidence -ol the desire on part of members ol * both races to see democracy~ir Members of the panel, thought th< equitable representation in OP^ public administration practiced and olKer boards her6 and othei places is expected to result ?? <jonth?B?d on Page 2 ; |- - :?? w"' la metto Teachers' L Last Saturday Benedict Conducts Successful Experiment Benedict college has conducted iui linent hi uuuii ruutunuu this year which is most important if. at least two respects. First. th0 expel iment has shown that democracy is not an empty unattain able ideal, but rather a living, growing reality. * Second, it has made possible the extension of cd m-atiimal opportunity despite .ain transportation difficulties and At the beginning of this school 1 year a" largt> nimibe(. of teachers applied to Dean CI, E. Nolsot fot ! extension course^ to he conducted :ji Spartanburg. In the first efourses it wa8 Impossible to obtain the quantity of gasoline necessary [ to make the trips, and, indeed. ! train and bus transportation would toav? been impossible because o i I the time lement. In order to conduct classes at Npartanburg foi in-service teachers, there was no other alternative than to secure , qualified teachers right in that 1 city who could do this work. Dean G. E. Nelson of Benedict then appealed to Dear Elford 0. Morgan to assist in thi? emergency by - supplying the teaching staff from H"he faculty of Converse college Dean Morgnn immediately agreeu to furnish the total teaching fot the Snartanburg center, lie stated that the Converse teachers would "assist in this effort not alone as a means of continuing educational opportunity to Negro teacher,, it this -community, but also as a incars of showing that through th? collabnTntitPT these twt - schools, Benedict ami Converse the fundamental tenets ?f democ1 racy are alrvg in ^the realm of ( education. I TK- n^in'O Mtnfnr vt'hinVi will close or. May 14 has row beet. - rwitriny for about?t-birt-y- weeks.. 1 All courses are condi'cted be instructor,, front Converse college ' Benedict college exercises superl_ vision of the classes and grants 1 . redit for work satisfactorily completed. h RRIN. HONDS -PRo-vum^ An announcement last Thursday came from Superintendent I'. H Mm se office. Suyt?of School^ FHs trict No 4, Nor'h Charleston, -S. C., of the appoirtnient of J. .11 b Lionels^-])iincipiil nt'_tW.Fbur Mile school, us supervisor of Negro "-kgftfloln flf.:iN'UELM Charlusuirr Mr. Morse also stated that an application has beer filed with the government for a r.ew Elementary school and High, school for Neg.roof North -Charleston DistricT j Number 4, at the present time j'bere. av> eight Negro schools in I District -No." 4 ; Professor Bonds a builder and 1 leader is a graduate of Mat iot high school and South Carolina Hate college. Mr. Bonds sc-ved a v""e "t ilt.ipal of Alston high school, Sunt_ tiiffville>_S._CL Six years ... menther of State college faculty . . Orangeburg, S. C. for two voars rtlTTTt'"ftflVtHf VOM's ili UiStHct Xh, 4 . North Charleston. S. C. A M.nulUA.. ? r m K -it T~* ' i iin.-iiiui.-i oi mi. ?.ioM ai. r.. j church. Charleston. S..C.; a charter member of the Negro YMCA . of Charleston and now *a member ' of thP Board of iDirectors of the YMCA; a member of the Athenian luh; chairman r-f the First Con^ ^r^wjional^DtETOA- of PaUwetto " State Teachers' assoeiatTor. of" I South Carolina; an Elk and Mai son. Mr. Bonds started his new job on May 1st, 11)4.1 on a twelve months basis, being the third Ne--gro in South Carolina to became J Negro supervisor of schools. The other two are Mr. C. A. Johnson of the Columbia system; Mr. J. C. Parler of the Orangeburg sys. tern. i To The Missionary "Society of So. Caro. I A. M. E. Church t ' By order of the State President ' Mrs. S. L. Flipper. 488 Houston ! Street, Atlanta, Gn.? the Execu1 tive Board Meeting of the W. H 1 and F. M. Society will he held 1 May 26 at Allen University. Alan iVw? pontnotanfo r\f fho V l l\,D. are asked to be present at jthlS meeting,~where we expect to |? rfnriinalo~7jor the Greater Con' tent that will he held in Littlo 1 Rock. Please let all gponsors have 1 yoxtr contestants ready for this 1 meeting. L1U.IAN R. JENNINGS, Executive Secretary, <TT5 West BnrGette Street, Stanrtw. 9. -G - 3j$ fJ r * r*. j ? ^ ?T~ -V... - ^ X)RD^ H ALIF A X ft ^ ^ ^ ^!$''' J * $%? ^\ ^jpP " t . ' _ ;>^ -r T_ ; .:_? [ ;':" $ Memphis Xefjro leaders, throui!I morce. were given opportunity to o\ j nis -i ocon-t?good??-d4?tour >>i?t-ku?Id . I died race citizens during dii-< appear fibmvn iii th? accompanying picti white; president of I.eMoyne's. Trust school. Dr. J. E. Walker, president, [diplomat; Dr. Fred (,. Mrownlee. pre secreiary_to thc_Aiuhi!iijaKiou. and U I ( hamber of Commerce. j Following his introduction to Di I and u'tioit ate one in winning' this v Stenos and Clerks | Take Exams j ; : , Stenographic and cleiieal po i ! in fti,. /In.met in 7l ! . ~Pi:t>lic Welfare ami 1' .employ r.u-m T | t-V?HlJ?t-HSSVl loll.-and- i?V -tile I Hit en , States Kmploynuorft Sen iee an 1 .] now open, but \ applicants "uiusl~L\ qualify by passing- merit examina- | ;u lions t<> be held in the near future, j K. 11. Bradley of lHit. West. Merit | ^ system vtiper\isor announced. f j Applications must bt> filled with \ 2r, the merit s.vsteiSi' supervisor on ?i |;t before .May ,17. Mr. Bradley said. The examination date?-*viII be ate ,, I nounccU -later. In addition to the stenographic 7 I and clerical positions, jobs as ke\ j nervisor tabulating e<;uipmen; op i eralor art. al o open, and exam- illations are being scbedided. foi which* qualifying; examinations ; | The?sevtrrrri 5rrh- -ch'ssifje.itiom 1? I will be hi Id abd tile s'ttilll'c I'Mltte- ? are as follows: j Clerk Typir.i, *70 lad; hinioi j | b rk. *70-loo; Senior ( I' l l;. >'.'0 i M Junior Stenographer. SNtl-110; Se- I nio>- Steiiograpjiet. tjtlMi.-1 -*??>; I'rinei- H-,? pal Stenographer. 115-150; Ke\ Punch Tabula tintr Koninmcn'. Op- i ' ! J eiator. *;?;?-KiU; ^tqnwmsi.r I an . | latino Knulpmeiit Operator. si in- ? 1 KM). i '' Mr. Hradlcy "-Mill thai person : lerested in application1; fm j . any of these positions should pro Cure from his office-formal anpli -4 | -ution blanks ami submit their A'ithin the required - time. Photo (j j yraphs are required and for thi- u I reason?rt?will1 nut?br?practirah!?for many applicants to wait tin j t| :il the last minm,, to comnloK 4 _ {theft applications. ix All applicants must lie cit iz?n> ?j>|. >f the United States, and for the j \ Unemployment Compensation Con | 1) mission and Department oi' Pub \ _lit -VVelafco,?must mutt certain state residence requirements. 1 Minimum qualifications for tin- .>| arioitf^iobs depend upon the re. ' .q>on:?ibibUi-*ttiar'dol.iu. invnlvrnf.. JJ \ comph'te announcement iriviny pi 'Jetails will b(. furnished when re p quests for application forms art lied. ti Benedict College A Bcene in which Dean Ci. E. I by Benedict College. Members of t ure the Converse C Allege" instiucto; Dr. E. C. "Ttunter, and Dr, Elfcxrd C. c - /i i mil f " - ? ?...u altnc woauu-Cik) I^.-CAEUU3 1KETS MEMPHIS M - j||Ppp|p| ~ ^ ? ' -t 1^ Mm Pjjj&jffifi |MHflB|HB&^ "oMg * ? i ai'vanycnicnis nisi U*< l?y 1lu> -coin win I. jrr?.'ftiiiy< ti- i.txt! Huiirax. ( I' ' i ;> y1 "'11 '' '' > " ' ' aMff.f'tl I he t:t nipu:--i ' IT.; ilt'c. I Will It' 11" i*?i \\I J>??;i? ?i; P;ot' il 'i'. !} it::t. .; 1 iic f \ijui . siiit'iu nf I.( .*!? rm'1, l.n'il H:nil?;X, i'\'. M. I'. < _i'.\it- ,iii. i/ >i . i . Waikev. I,i'r>; Halifax toId tin- 1 IMtoio hy II. IK.ok:.- r..i notice! Notice! J Ixtraordmary TR! S'lFF. IU> \|{|> OF U.I.KN I \ IA C VI.I.KI) TO MliKT Lu call. <>> i. r ?_J i)i'>r I'i-iioiS .1. S?1'li'D.D.; L.l ),i i*>i !iTi 'i^linp?r. i,:i . . - ( nh v ?fm! ITT-!Fit { A; "V/"1 Uiich: The T?i. 11>_ Uuani n -trmvertty?nti1 meei?i n. i ht?i niilorium of th<.' l'happi>Ue? .\<! inis' ration hnTitiinpr, , A lit-H?UriTVO i sit V t'C'iVrrr 1 nlilTf s<-s ?i?>11W.Mlni^.ijiy. At:i\ ; Ah. Commencement: AT.-TT"reit i- i . i Annual Day Rally reported i.?y ; it- prcsidi-ivu;- older*. Tj ?tsli'("- t, id |>ivsi't!:t;r elders will picas " ?\ .*?"n yourselves at ( <<! ilinc! v. S' iiiur ilishop .1. S. Flipper. . , I' ( > it liny Bishop. ?^ Houston Stivoi N". I".?1 All:.nia. d.olitia .1. Ktiuaiil Thomas. St met tup.' TOr-ttoe Hoard ? (" ('oil Street ~~ x. Coir sinct t Fimeiice. S. C. ~ i .1 OK 1)1 ( M JOHNSON I.I i A S SPK \ K | ]{ Tilt- lirs; pi emit nt of ' i livoisity wno j.-. of what is ! only f 'hof- fo the fnio'-oil ra_ ill to \ ho pcopl,> who ;i! i'I *?|.. jji adroit inur . exercise- at Hull .jjmversit y'' Tlp:;sduy, M:o' 1. i ' no <'happollo Adminian chapel. 1 ' Dr. Johnson cam,. to tho po?i- . t oh "which ho ImhU be.aiiso of hi. ' and st holm slim, hi* decn c?n;v: t ons, and tho sinooiii.v of pu> ]>? .ill h motivated liim toward n:a!?- t. il:' o 1 1 in' j>1111>it H ;;iiiVfV.Sity ~~f to P?'>ple# ] . a'.H i .'ii ! y t'y Hiyore,id. II. A' i ony. of Klorviu o. This oxoi ... ' j 'il li(? Ii. Id m ohap. ! t on edict folloti':.'. jointly with tin ' . oiwdut fainiiy.. Thi* randit on J i t^4?of'aint?d yirem the admmfaTTflr't t'ti %f?i Bishop Ihivid Homy Sims', j I' t ho A'.MK i hunch wa^ pivsidoiit i ! Alio;, and tho hi umiynt ;>; -s 1 UsoP llrv-Jti*- o-^i'int1'i ~hi" ' i.-ition as lieint? tho lirst Nt /i'' ! t resident of Benedict. Th,. homo economics domoristra |. on will bo May 1!; recital, music ! Conducts Successful 4 % -* sjplaon i* a<hlre suing the ejefensim he Converse C ollctre faculty arc They are, WTrTntTItr T*r.~ Morjron. _z: ;.. ? v. U&'' sL- ?. S J -it iter i ttitm g - ? - ??-?u* : el and \vliit<. ihantbcrs of comli !i I5r:lain's .iinthjisssitlniT during j na L .. ... nrosetded to -?.Tal iillll- ' t" l >')( . t*rt- . Ai th t?*-timer. j I" ipai. :i.)ui;cr T. Wn^hiuji'toij High ;*w? who iti! 11it!i'.ci'ii the .listmguishetl J J'ap;. IMit.haid Sec. Phillies, ! i'tafy 'il_ i111 -Memphis Xc'trro T'v atao crowd present "Ollf pill post' i i'( AM', ' ffn tip CM'A KIT'S K. l.YCIIT, "h .1 I vr SI'BAK l it AT T. 15. ih" it KIVAIA-V l.V hfr \vi Dr ( hiit los I'!. I.yaht. duivtoi ! p-, f iiiitilh education of the Nation- j gt 1; 1 abet miosis Association. has I es: It ti i 111 i tit t iott lr> meet Wlth'Hh' i.??;ih ('aroihtTT- Tuberculoses 10" T'.!inmu^'-:M liffff holds its annum in i!u' i nnfrtvnce Room ah ' iti iH'iliOt (*<nU>?c I.ibrary - til wi ! A.Al"sat p ruTty, May If, it was Tin tttio need today by (.'. A. .loltiison. p'e ivii taiy of the Committee. ? ric lirinnv haw I.I'eit invitedto meet I ittl vitii the Commit tee and Dr. I.yyiit jib o iiiwn~. -undent health problems j sn I >1. 1 y:riu. I'm nn r pi nf? ssor ?>l t'i < .ciilth and physical education and ! .a ifectni at' ih^ "student health sec j 01 ice. I'ai'letan >('alle'4'c. Minne.-'ota. > ,o1 u..? served far thf past five y nr.- ' .0 i- chairman a?' the tiibcrci 1. si> j\hi ammituv >>t' the 'American S*u- ! sei mft -Health Association. Ht. i* j ;n . widely known lecturer on public j nl; t! -a medical, edacational and lay ' of nuriiais in the fields at' t'.ibercu- j at' >?: . cant ml. tideiit health and III} 'li>lit'111 in ' | i | |ih (Mliceis al' the South < :unlina| an f. leiy. 1 j--: s ('niv.Dii't If,. ;; 1e John I Ovanyvlmr-. chairman. I U ii", Durham Counts, rice-chairman rnil C. ,\. "TTiTmvTTrr secretary- | ~ ?t * im'\i)v to m: i tonoin n m former |t sti'l)f.n'1'S. may 23rd . ' |'t Mnticks Comer. S. C.?1'iofes- ! |jn or II."A. Ilva.iV e.iil he lio.'oi'fd iy in anniversary scrvi(. May 23 ...^ l:k i p.m. In the aiulIToi .unY of tin. |j. ilcikoloy Traini?<tr hiuh sclrool II.-v. .1 I."." Aiken, general'eha+r ??*; r . I re ?? . . i i * i ? ? M 11: si-niDi' ilas- play, .vlay IS; T i le lleadinu" mnU-st, .May 1t>; I "2 o: seerc.1 iiNn ?f seniors, Mtv 20; j niior class <!ay. May 22; literary) . (Kiltie.-* program. May 21; roli Juii-iir^'urM-'jMII" hese wil he heid in the univprsitv i , ...1 1,.'..; eil . i J 11 i ?i . .u v Ait in rr^ iiiiji'i v \ i > U'.t.ed fin tin? oll'Uia! program, at } >:;>() p.m. ; Experiment , SPH 11 H .it I td mH ' ^ 1 ^i . . T 00? I ^ ? chiss conducted in Spartanburj: I tc JSJ&&#- ?* standing I'ffi X* A. VilHnglast, Mrs. Morgan, , vV M o - , , ?. ; . .. . 0 ui.ti.v: j + tJ ?! tate Commission ( 0 Operate Summe L'nh mbia. .May {>?The summer I < mps as operated during the past ] cernl years by- the Ibvi-doe ?i 1 ate Parks of. the South Carolina!, aLv ( onimissidh of Forestry will J1 ce attain- lie opeii for use lei] 2 a nixed groups. These sitrnmei j i nips are available at the foui ate Parks of Pheraw in Chesir Id County. Kings -Mountain in j >rk and ("h?rekt?e Counties. Pa j : Mountain in (ireenvillo County t. <1 Poinsett, in Sumter -County ie'v are capable of handling7 or ; niaed groups that vary in siz? I mi 50 to 150 campers. Altogether there are seven. o? j ese camps available to the gene1 public in normal times, ol lieh one has been set aside foi lotcil use. However. Camp .1 nper at Che raw State Park is def- I 11 ( I \- "re^ervi-il 1777- mil i t u i-\- I 'Si's and Camp Chcrekee. ating Mountain State Park, will t svihly have inlcjmittent use by j its of th<' North and Smith Carp j iu 11 (me Guards. These units I , 11 he given jirjority over civilian j mips.?Thus?ihern ai'e unit?!'iv ~ the camps that are definitely ady for public use, ami only Liie _oT these axe-fully equipped..^ Those camps that are equipped ve cabins that contain beds ts. ami mattresses enough to rnp from four to eight people! -addition. coal . for-yookingv tahlo I ire and running- water in the rurally located kitchens, dining oins. and wash-tnnises ivspec: ely. In th?? past,- the Division i State Parks has fuvni d ed dictors. nurses or doctors, fife- j lards, cooks, and helpers. How- i or. because of wartime lahoi ortages it will be necessary that | i'sc lie furnished by the group- j t n selves.?The?rrrfy?trrbor?that II bo furnished this year will be at necessary t'% keep the err , bunt's clean. It will also be nee- I sary for the groups to furnish etr- own food, as well as ice TfTu ' frigc-ration. t ( These summer can^ps art^ aynil- j le for periods as short as a \ 'ek-end, or as long as*1 the sum- j T itself. Hates vary from .$.25 j. r person per night "for short pe': ' )ds of three 01* four days *.0 !' -per?peroral?fter- we< I h'luti 1 I formation may be secured from I v South Carolina Stale ConnnisLl m of f'orestry, Ctduinli.iii. S. C. , T.ast year a total of 2.<>2~> < amp- I s spent 20.5(H) days at the foui j. mps. that then were in operif-T1 i.- These four were operated a [c tal of 200 davs out of a nossiblt I iniiined total of 2f>S" days I ] L'.V. were available during flu 1 1 nson. Although not in use thi | tire time, they yet were so pop 1 ' rr tliat overflow earn pa weit-jmliK-1 Oil during tile hitler pari j the season. This year, in spite 1 wartime restrictions, or possi | Iwcause of them, u is anticr | nle -of these summer camps. [arden St. USO News in spite of the constant shows on last Sunday, a number ot ;ilians and soldiers gathered at e Harden Stieet USO for the ooial .Mothers' Day program and a. Mrs. Annabel Weston ot I ncdict Coliege spoke appropnu*. f on the resjionsiblitiy of mother- I otl i.^i the world today. Mrsi Daisy Counts-sponsored a [ 111 I) (if i-h itll I?>?1 ill 1 " 1 I ?y playlet entitled "The Place I here Violets Grow" The eharae- I fT;"-\v(n-r-ltrel!"trjuhe'cl itmT pi;t VCf!j eir parts with ease. The eharae- ! r?i-\verc as follows: Dot is Kai til. -Jackie Williams. VVillnn <' uity. and Noble Coo pel7! S'l'olKn | ildren who helped provide "enter J innient for the occasion were j eniphill Pride, Jr., lona Craw-j i d. and Maud 'Rnuk. Tht? Ait Ifooni has been equippI with nine new easels making it isier .for tlte pupils to work and directed by. Pvt. Pierce. Many nice prizes are in store ir the winners at Tuesday night injfo. The nieml.eis of the Delta ble for the lively time that is " ma Theta Sorority are lespon >tl by all. Miss Muriel Logan, music inmotor at Carver Junior High hool. is giving one night a week ' the training- of a snliliuis' elm- is at ' the USO club, Listerner; the rehearsal agree that a good co club is in the making. The hostesses are planning a r? tid cabaret dance tor Thurs?y night,of this week with floot low and all. The Air JBase Oricsira will provide the rnutiie. The public is invited to the regur coffee hour and program on .induy at GtOOP.M. . rn?1? ^ vi?ii*?'v??v ? ' ? II- > \[S v\ l.\ l\ lA'j AT FA*EDICT COLLEGE MAY 20 Thp highlight of tho cmomerioe ont activities at Boned ict Coign wjj] be the presentation ol p well-known comedy RIF VAN INKLE at Benedict College on ay 20, at 8 o'clock. 1 .1 " \A , J ? A i. : l^.viti.. A th, ' - V mi 3f Forestry r Camps 2,000 Representatives Attend Bap list Convention DR. ROTLFR STIRS MF.KTIM WITH WNIAI. ADDRFSS: I NAMMOI SI.V FIJXTFIJ. FOR FOtRTFFVTH YI* AK DR. PRINT K; UFA]) \|{( OF AM F.RIO A. OIHST SPFAKKR; M L ()| I KTll! HI! KI.F( TFD IJy \\ _ R. Kuwman ?4 in 1 jiii May 1-^ < >x-i K-H i f? I y ^2-Ul)0 ?ttwf?vrpt'c.^i'Mr-.i livo. i^ir hid j))"- u 11?. : s?i >1 ihi' sixily-sixih Stale IJantis ild."rational alul Missioi ary m.t mention at Second Calvary Rapt is ."bun-It Hlm c in ( olamh i nil P. H t > vet. Dr. C.H. llriiwii, popular educa tor ? (I pastor of Second Calvar\ vvHb his a Hi rial TnmtlyT Trad thing in ..readiness. and tht. representu livt's were loud in their prat's,v <' the maiuiur?at- w- hit h i In arrVynyi inent had bee:* made to o;uu' l'o she t onvotttiow. Tuesday evening the addresse t welcome wi'j'u delivi'i'od Re th ! '. ( . ifeints, pastoi of Shan 'iOji OuptisL chuiilu dDcaron \ilit lianv foe. of Second Calvary: l)t S. S. -YnttngHood of First Calvar liaptist church of Columbia; th Rev. J. M. Iilassir^ante represent d tlie* .Ministers' Itiu-i demmiiaut >nal Alliance of Col unbia an. ? I ay?. v Fied 11. Marshall. \\Ti7> we! coined ihi' visitors to Colitntltii utd nssured, the convention?tiia his policetttc" :i" ?! other public of 'i.ials world see to it that ever; . ourfesy v/dubF la7 extended -ther luring their ^oionrn in thefa'pitn i .ty. The Rev. I.. M. Tobin of Sttm'.e nd_ professor of religious cduoa 'ton at Morris t-oITeg^T proa .'he t!i,. sermon of his life. II... is chip off the old block, his bclove tather was a ii-ni pinn.,, it. th lcparttnei;t of rrlicrvnr preached fiom boyhood for fo:-t or more years in and ayotui I r.inn and Union count.v. The eonvcr.tion which properl >pened _ its sessions Wedtiesda molting-. rheard a well prepare sermon by th(. Rev. R. B .Murph m?Ail.on. Reports from th(. Stat Mwrefary Dr. I.. C. Jenkins, th [Treasurer, Dr. J. \V. Coleman o Spartanburg. showed that the Ba '.ists of South Carolina had raise nt ies tTian ?7.01)0.00 "for Christia R college: ?SJ1.0o to Benedict ec mil Sdon.op .was aMo.atod to slate and othe,- missions. Th convention went on record as en rtorsiujt the wo;!; of Dr. CI. (i. Da icls of (Georgetown, who :< t)i ['resident II. II. Butler of Harts idle, delivered hi* annual messai* before a Capacity audience. Th address was very scholarly, am >vns delivered win, eloquence an never. It brouK'lt tears to th I'jrs of many of its auditors. Di Butler lias been president for fou teen years, and during each sFs sipn has been iRianimousiV reelee d.._lle is the fbunder aid princi *??1 of the high school which bear his name ;it Hartsville. and is th Ki?..a.?^eexutary.?of th* .(keaiv United Order of Odd Follow* o South Carolina. During hi* ad nrosv no stressed tno necessity to there beirgr unanimity of purpos anion ft- t'-e Baptist Ioims of SuUt Carolina, He urged hi? listener to contirU,. tho purchase of Wa Bonds and Stamps. 11st rosso ihi- juvcssily for his , ohorts to in upon betUa boTtooTs : Htiil Tor ft F^teims for the ponplt> in?rtmi oinni nitivs. ami urged the peopl tc live i-'losor to Almighty Go: Tho guest speaker Wednesda i.ifthi was Dr. J, P. Garrick. pros mot ill Morris college. Sbmtoi Dr. Garrick in a scholarly,man nor roportoii to tho cor. vent ion up >n the ftiouti! and development o tho yolioftc ovor which h,. presi'tl s. The district missionaries. th lev. !. W. Kasloy. tip. Ttev. ('. A ^eigler. tho Rev. T. 11 Proadie ind Rov. H. W. D. Stewart mad thi ir annual reports and wer ippnm'od?frrr?.mothor?year.?Hi J. .J. Starks. posidort ol Benodk eolloge, this city, was tho goes speaker Thursday morning. II sjipke :n the interest of the eo lege. Several {musioal sele.fion wore rendered by the Bonedic quartet. Dr. Starks stated in hi address that h<> had already col looted fifty thousand dollars in th last twelve months for Beredic and needed fifty thousand more t natch a federal frfent which woul give the school an endowmor lutid. =? During the missionary hour I)i J. P. Rectler and Dr. S. S. Young 1 lood were the speakers. The spoke i-n the interest of the miss ioriary work, its accomplishment nr<i 4U neena. Professor L. I BuUer of Ehrhardt, and J R. Pel Continued on Page 2 ? ,..... 7*?1 ?- For VICTORY 9 \jM DEFENSE 9 STAMPS Ctlh-5 CENTS PER COP Y |9 ' ANP News Shorts "J I Kclease Wednesday, May 12 | New York -Observers here hav.< """.ll watched with soiiit* amazement * , j he lunn*- which has developed ! whet iic'j Taskcy ec. the fain| *.us school ,*ii Alabama. should oi m hould not at coot financial aid M , tioin ih(. state i;i which it is lo.'t'ttliitL To those .schooled in pub- -J lie atl'airs it ha- been apparent that something more than ordinary public reaction ujis behind ; to,, considerable fuss stirred up. _\ _ i -ptikesmun " who '.s . lost. to the trustee board of ;lie institute j^av,? vent to eooto'orrt- i"eently whprir'^j-iatilies the .pictur,. somewhirtv ^ litis spokesman attributes the atV.-ntpt to discredit Tuskegce to the V* \ \ # * T1 - - i . >.-iv i . anu paruciuariy to its -dietary. Walter White. It was 11s .? stated that the series of artitle*-appearing tttuler tht. by-lira >f William 11 a.tie anathematizing - ; omlitions at the Tuskajjee ait bas^ V were N.VAt'l' inspiieil. mirking to ward the sain,, end. It is forts J ti-oirjain!.:!. a-cording1 to the spokest Mtji'- t.ffat further propaganda will - .eveal itself, v heu Hastie is award ' pd the P-pingaivt medal for "leavL!?Liu;?a??L,??t mi..."?Albert -7 A nderson. ,-T < hivago?Award of .'V.i Uosetf. | wi.ld fellowships totaling $05,000 - ' ttutl ill scholarships, totaling $10, I' 00(| , was noli eed Monday by ?Liiwio It. ivmbree. ?president of? i the J.dins Po'scnwald fund. Tin fellowships, include 22 Negroes j s and 17 white'southerners, select i for theiv creative talent or super ioi scholarship. The fellowships this, iytyu?-avemtre $P,~oo. -in ad- - -H . , '.r'or., scholarships of $500 plus y tuition wtuo-awarded-21 outstOTrd ^ e ng senior, of selected Negro and ' hite southern colleges to enable them to begin ptaduate studv \mone tTp^TeHowships granted is lie to Mr-. Aim a Fmest Potts. l; if th,. social science division of -i?i-F?o4?Vu-lUw?State College.?Mrwl Potts is a native of Columbia anq V }:' graduate of Benedict' Collegg.. j J-J?Pomt when1?in New?Gulneu < - i Bolstering strength of the ttnmt ' er of Negro officers in this, vi 1 cinity. two more chaplains have " ?| ri I ,i.. ......i.Ti..,. ? IVV.VIIH,* iliincu. I HO Ulf r 1131 u Lieutenants Jason M. Cowan, Ed>1 wards. Miss.. a^d Hopry \V? . JB. ' <- Ward.?Ly ni'ldmiyT" 'V!r. Both " Btr ''' " fi'SQ M assigned to engineer units. > Cedar Rapids. Iowa-?Dr, Char- ' 0 les H. Wesley, president of WJ- 1 V_ berforce university, presented a > paper before tb(, annual session > of the Mississippi Valley Historil> tal association here last week enV 11 tied. "The Treatment of the r Negro Ir. the Teaching oT "United r .States History." and prepared at V * the request of the program com!' mil tee. The paper showed that 'i historical . scholarship had un- ?. 11 earthed a body of information " "concerning the Negro so that the '' false opinions created bv the **~ 4?tngmaiioiis?of?certain novulisls ^ L iilnii fPinriunnl?memories, mninlv J ' of southern men and women, were " now anachronistic. * Baltimore-?Negro Catholics in 11 [ this country as well as many. oi " other faiths will b,. interested to 1 know that on May JO the priests . 0 of the Society ol St. Joseph com* ^ memorate the golden' jubilee of ;tU'ip foundation as a missionary ' organization; It was. on this day -3 ' in 1893 that five priests, one 1 (> " them a Negro?the Reverend ' Charles R. Uncles?placed them- . ' [selves under th,. jurisdiction' of , tile late Cardinal Gibbons, of Bal- . * I I iiv ovn t r\ uvtvl.' ov'pltttsiviiKr nm/tno culorfii people in the United li SmUS.? j_ . Washington?Th.? Xational Law - . crs guild wants to know why ' t.-orp Xeg-ro attorneys ar;> not tr o,- found in ^government service *' particularly in the office of the I iuug. advocate general of the " war department. This curiosity ? -lout- resulted jr. th4c--jippniiit.ment ; ^ Tlent Robert \V. Kenny tfl look ' into the matter. This committee J ' will comprise ail tW rational offi- J ' re is of the guild and three addilional members "who will ^ work | -very form of discrimination a' gainst Xegro attorneys." jl 1 St. Louis?John L. la-wis was ( charged with having done u dis- ij 1 u-rvieo to America and to organized?labor in permitting the ' j -trikp of h's I'nited Mine work|* ers. Accusations werr made by $ ?minni oentnor, general vrop^ 1 nvesident of iho CIO Uritnd ' Electrical, Radio and Machine e I workers of America at a confer- _j| '" once on Negro problems called . ra * | Sunday by' th?> Union's District' ' j 8 at the Pine Street YAICA. ' Washrr.jftdn?Thr ministers of ,* ,l$0 Haiti and the Dominican Repub' _.'.ie, along with those of four othf. er Latiri-American legations, pre ' wonted their credentials at the jjfl ' j White HousP last TViesdnjy and immediately after "were rucuguuted as the ambassadors of then respec tive com tries Andr0 Uiau- J T taud ?u?eeeda himself as" Hattfin? embassador, white Dr. J. M?? Troncoso carried on ,.>? * likf pacity for the BomCrncan Kepub- ? _ Continued on -ra^e 6