The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, January 09, 1926, Page FIVE, Image 5

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^Saturday January 9, 1926 ?Church News BY DR. J. M o ok M BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH fA - . NOTES ?4 The Sunday School lexwm J was discussed directly from the i Bible Sunday morning because Jthe literature was delayed some *lwh&tr, But "the familiaF subject",k V'The?Word of God'' created a j lively discriKKion among the clas-. -The pastor preached Sunday . ImoiTOfr from SL Ltdterfhrh ami portion of the 62nd verse-"No I man having put his hand to the .yj piuw ana looKiHg back is fit fey"j the kingdom of God." In keepw&ting with the beginning of the .T^'New Year's work, the subject J rvery^ rrnpcct ?"e ^ ' ?VsuggesGons which if complied with would reduce greatly the ? hardships that arise in our lives. ; Explaining the practice of badj habits, the Pastor advised that' !" on this New Year's journey, we select our bad habits, our failIJ. ures and our sorrows and leave | "~T them hehind lis on the journey"; enumerating many ways ' in which these may prove destrucr1 / 4jtive to .the christian progress as-j " ^'7 sorting that too many of us live \ in the past and so doing we hin-' der progress, and suggested that fwe take with us oh that Newj Year's'jouimey, "New Hope, a New Purpose and a New Life."; ? These will aid greatly in over-?' coming' obstacles and tempta-=3 cions that-a cnnstian must en-] k counter; The -discourse Sunday night on "Faith and Patience^r was very good. * 1 j,\Vc are truly thankful for the _aeven persons who came for-] ward and joined our rjmks Sun- j ^ jBay-,. with such a spirit in and among the young of the church! ~ I and the race, nothing less ^han: -ft- success and* hapiness will re ' | ... I M\ * The first Quarterly Conference * this conference year was a splen_ -did Affair at P.ethel Monday night : of last week, all reports were . ' good and the resolution to do, ^ greater work this year s.eefris-to, be the slogan. 1 J Hi .Our new Presiding..Eider, Dr. J. .1 j[' D. M. McGill, was very much. pleased and expressed himself | , of being hopeful of great re-J ?* suits in the work of the church, ? j ' for the future.- -r - : Come?to these services, get = ^ yonr sfcare ot thc~blcssings, and? ~ * show some thankfulness to God, for the*same. "j a standing welcome awaits I -pit ?? - ' L * c?j:**?" ' ' I jones chapel a. m. e. zion 1 ' church : i Jl " " ' kjL The morning services of the ]. first Sunday in the New Year [ was favorable. The pastor, I ' preached a wonderful sermon. I This sermon was followed byi " the Lord's Supper quite a num-; f ber participated in taking of the body of Christ. The church of-1 H fering was taken- The Sunday School was out in large numbers, ill The members pounded the I'pastor Christmas week, more J than $25.00 worth of commotives M Which was" accompanied with a' Hi nurse. A number of Christmas i baskets yere distributed to the sick and unfortunate members H of the church. The Christmas tree was one of the best decora g ted of* the season with toys and I presents for the Sunday School I pupils. A Wonderful program prepared by the Directress Miss,1 IF. C. Benson was also rendered, j I I /Mrs) Bertha Foggy, Reporter H SIDNEY PARK C. M. E. | CHURCH NEWS - ^ Sunday School opened at its usual hour, with the Supt and : - all at their assignedK \of dnty. The lesson was 1 ; i ' 1 ttraTranrvooattra ooooa- Q Of Columbia J J, TV C. WHITE b>oo:ooooooo?8*2ec8a?c^^ i ? beautifully discussed by the , teachers and students of the va- l-iniw rlnttspa, after whirh,. the ^ reports from the various classes were minle. ? ? 1 At 11:30, Rev Farmer preach- ' ed an inspiring sermon ta-+a ^ splendid audience- His text.was, taken from 2nd CorinthianV-5th chapter, 17th verse, "Therefore! if any man be in Christ, he is a"! now creature; old things passed &way; behold, all things are become new." His text was1 . , ---?i+i on tfte -tree words, "Old : things are passed away." That sermon set the whole church a-' fire. ' - |h After preaching,- The Lord's",pi members a chance to eat of the.l Bread of Life and taste oFTlieT Blood of Jesus Christ. Epworth League' began at 61^ okdoeky -Mr. H. R. Riddick, the new President presiding. A splendid program was rendered.,^1 Last Wednesday night a sa-llf crfcd cantata was Bold at thisi"1 church entitled ''The Light of the World." The body of Mrs Scott, a well known resident of Barnwell (near Cervais) was funeralized last, Thursdajj^at 3:00 olclock. , "spr-yapt ot Cod well Uuiib"-2i She has served her time, a faith- S ful church worker # and loving S friendr-aitd flow has decidedUto JV take r.? rest in h'er Heavenly home b The Junior Choir .(Choral Club) n 1V rendering splendid servicer ~f They respond whenever they"are v called upon to - do so. They rendered selections for the E- c mane i pat ion exercises, which t twas' held at Allen University, jd Jan. 1st. . Ili Church services at usual hours d next Sunday, the public is asked to attend. p ZION BAPTIST CHURCH j!,1 NEWS ~~Chnstipas ])ay was observed ^ at Zjon as is the custom every- ? ?uity, ami uui .'imsIiji. Di. White ^ brought to us & mtffsage of qjheer;^ and- of hope, and of peace on! earth good <\viir towards'menT"" At 11:30 Christmas Day the ^ congregation was . out in large ^ numbers. Text: "Glory to God rj in ihn highest. peace on earth and good will towards men' Then was given the pastor, and the folte-wing clubs .presented gifts to the pastor:- Ladies Church^ A''1, SLlon; Woman's Mission-1^ ary, Society, $10,00; Young Peo- ti pie's Working Club, $10.00; Sil- f< ver Leaf, $10.00; Ladies Pro-1 gressive Club, $10.00; Sunday j( School, $10.00 and others. ' J j Christmr.-s dinner was- served ~ to the pastor and his family at the palatial home of Mr- and Mrs. .Tn^es \y. Hopkins. Mr. and , ft Mrs. James Sanders served Sat- o urrfeyDeacon and Mrs. W. M.: g Watson, served Monday; Mr.! g an(L>Irs. Willie LylCs served S Wednesday. .' j.Sj Sunday, December 27- was bad. | weather, notwithstanding all, ? Zion was crowded, the services q wwe t*r?nd- WP (hiring1 ~ the day, $605.00. j t Our Sunday School w&3 in fine X trim. The Church honored Dr. 'X J. H. Goodwin by raising Rail-j2 road fare to Tampa, Fla., where ? he went to deliver the Emanci- a pation addresr. We gave out $ 19 baskets to tr^ppor and needy | of our congregatM^ sent to the $ prisoners of the state and county $34jQ&? We sent other dona- -jtions to our old members amoun- ? ting to $20.00." - ?? ' .r~ Watch Night ;; As usual watch night had the ; j" church full to its capacity. The|;; prayer meeting, and testimonials $ meetings were great. $10 was: T White could not stay through ? - , . . _ - ~~ THE PALMET1 ut the sorviceB^elefUon JJifLf. 1 :t)0 o'clock train for Barnwell i rhere he delivered the Emanci- ! ation-oration The next day. < Last Sunday being the 1st unday in the year, we had a < reat Sunday School. Tha church j ervices were great. Dr. White ; reached from Col-, 3;2, "Set our affocliun un things abovol nd not on the things on the ^ arth." Sub., "Aiming High." Thig was a. wonderful sermon nd many were heard to say " fiat it was the best that Dr. ?rhite ever delivered.' Communion services were held h 4:00 o'clock and a full church , )ok the elements of the Lord's <k upper. Zion and Union Bapst Jubilee Choic&,did_the singm" ? 7 The B. Y. P- U. services were k eid at 6:00 o'clock and were* i*p?mn?Tit. with insniration $7 00 i' as raised. -' - T>| n yT-1 tfV< r>r White 1 iaster Sermon. Subject, "The ^ ivine Presence." The church as on .fire all day long?but i unday night she passed herself ( he Rev. "Allen Xi Dixon spoke k t the Communion services, he * ; just fine and is one of Zion's * oble sons. ?r-~_ i FIRST CALVARY BAPTIST < "church < ? _ 1 ThtrChurch With a Welcome" 11 " 1 ' ?' t . 1 On Monday night "Decemher ^ 8 th, t he children of ' fh'o "Sunday "] chool rendered "The Christmas.^ . ?j ? J n Jfi j.fl? _& pint unaer tne airecuion 01 j rrs. H. Wy Long. This is a very cautiful cantata and was well , endered by them- AJLwho were ] Present enjoyed it, and those , ho were not, missedarreal treat Sunday School-was well attenr : led. The Superintendent and ( eachers were at their post of uty. The lesson wa3 reviewed y Prof. Z. Townsend of Bene- \ ict College. At the morning services the astor preached a wonderful ser1011 from, the subject, "Batling Alone." Text, Gen.,. 32:2\ And Jacob was left Alone." ( Immediately after the mornservice~Thg~ funeral of Mr- )avid Porter Gardner was held, ltn-tne pastor, nt!V. Lung, assis-1ingjraftd Rev. J. C. White, Officiting. < At the evening service, Rev. '. J. Lawrence preached from he subject, "Know Thyself." 'flvt TT.I^inrrc ? 1 1 r~ ST. t.TTKE'S EPISCOPAL ' cminrn = Sunday December- 27th, afternorning sei vices, a congroga ^ irm?1 mpMing was hpld, tn elect : ie Wardens and Vestl^nnen )r 1926- i FT P. Paul,.was elected Sen- ; >r Warden and J&mes E. Bailey,.] iunior Warden, the following j; ere elected vestrymen, W. H. ' REESE'S DK --7? MRS. P. R. R A Full Line of Paten and Tobacc Madam C. J. Walker'! Times. Ice Cream anc L PHONE 1422 Assembly Street, fO0?tD?rDO a ODaco^:coyor>xo^ao:aoxi Office Phone 6026 N. J. FRE Attorney-at-I,aw ai Practice In at! Court? 1119 Washington Street, J. H.-ROB MERCHANT Suits Made TELEPHO ?1118?fr Washington Strreet, rp LEADER- " Carter E. Williams, Samuel] Smith, John Evans, R. S. Robarts and Harry Goodwin" Sunday January "ltJth Archdeacon Elliott will preach and administer the Holy Communion at 11:15 A. M. All are Wclcume. ?*BROOKLAND BAPTIST CHURCH NEWS Otl Monday night, Dec. 28th, we. held our Xmas tree exercises and it was enjoyed by all that were present. The Double Branch A. M. E. ChurclTSunday" School^ scholars were present with us and also Miss F. Cook, ,he. teacher of the No. 2, Class of Brooklandv Baptist Sunday School, she has been away lor ' ;averal months teaching, and will -eturn on January 12th. The Superintendent, in the person of E. C. Cook made his t ' * " annual aaaress and report 01 tne School for the year and he also isked the members of the church to line up with the Sunday School this coming year becausp ;hey were t)vo-fold responsible ;o God. First our individual responsibility to God as christian' npn and wnmpn. second as a ntizen of a country that is o".i dally declared to be a christian lation. First whpn wP~rrmfpss~nT>rist ve t?ke upon ourgives the individual responsibility of carrying. Hie word to others.^ His last command on earthh w$t tp.i teach all nations. :? Second, as" citizens we are responsible to God far-bhe-govern ment 01 our nation. God judges nations as well as men and women. Now then,, let us all line up and do more work for our_<ihurch and Sunday School. Therefore by your love for your Church, your love for your children, by your desire for eternal life, I beseech you to return home, with a firm resolve in your hearts that as long as God gives you strength and life, you will do all for your Church.and Sum. day School that you can. REV. JAGGER'S OLD FOLKS' ? HOME 1 There were great prayer services h<4d on last? Sunday under the auspices of the Zion and Union Baptist Churches. The services were beautifully caried out. The meeting washed by Brother White of Union^ancTMcCorniick of ZfionT it was enjoyed by every single souk _ After the program, a collection nj ?9 01 was taken for the old folks. ~~ -T-wish to thank'Miss Matilda Pinckney for five pounds of sugar and also Miss Gaten for 15 pounds. The old folks certainly appreciated all donations. Susie Jaggers !ITG STORE I BfEsE, Trop. L t Medicines. Cigars, os. A Full Line of 5 Preparations at-all S1 Sodas. 5 1 .7820 1 Columbia, S. C. 3 ? ?* , T? Residence Phone 6798 ^ DERICK j; id Notary Public, i?State and Federal. X Columbia, S. C. * 9 ? ERTSON i: r tailor To Order. ne 4003 :: i&iumbla, 8. C. ;* OliCRCH DIRECTORY BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Corner Sumter and Taylor Sts. Re'v. E. A. Adams, l'astor. SERVICES: Sunday School 10:00 A. M .j Morning Service 11^16 At-Mr| A. C. E. League 1 : 6:30 P. M I Evening Service _j.... *7:30 P. M V T" I . " Sfl>NEY PARK C. M. E._CHLRCB 1100 Block Blanding "Street Rev. W. Farmer, I'aslor. SERVICES: Sunday School 1(^:U0 A. M.__ Mornrng Service 11:30 A. M EpWorth League 5:3Q p. M Evening Service 1 7:30 . 'j . 1 ; ~ Vi , j " JONES CnrAI'EL A. M. E. ZION CHURCH. Corner Sumter and Blossom Streets Rev. A. E. Lomax, Palstor. SERVICES: " Morning"Servicel ii:UU A. M. Sunday School 12:00P. M. V. C. E. Society 6:30 P. M. Evening- Service 8:00 P. Mr _Tf .; ?_ ' -1 2nd. CALVARY BAPTIST CIIURCII 1500 Block Bull Street ? Rev. H. M. Moore, Pastor. SERVICES: ? = Sunday School __i 10:00 A. M Morning Service 11:15 A. M B. Y. P. U. 5- 6.'00 P. M- ! Evening Service 7.30 PM i . s f *1 .? j lit. CALVARY BAPTIST ( HTKt ?i~ Richland Street REV. H. W. LONG^Paatnr. SERVICES; - J Sunday School^m.ILOO^Vt-MtMorning Service 11:30 A. .M. B.'' Y.', P.u?- ms-r-6:00 P. M j Evening Service . _ . 8:00 P. M. 1 . __ ___ ^ j | WESLEY M. E. CHURCH Corner Gervais and^arnwel! Sts. Rev. N. S. Smith, Pastor. SERVICES^ Sunday-School 10:30 A. M Morning Service ,11:30 A. M League f 6:30 P. M Evening Service ?:3u P.' M '71nv- n ? dticw ? um i lOl II L 1(1. it Rev. J. C. White, Pastor,, SERVICESJ Sunday School M.' Morning Service 11:30 A. M. B. Y. P. U. _i_ 6:00 P. M. Evening Service 7:00 P. M. - ' ' * ' . 1 ' - .. '"I NAZAREfH BAPTIST CIIUR.C1I Sunday School 10:30 A.-M. Morning Service 12:30 ?P. M. j B. Y. P. U. 6:00 P. M. i Evening Survive . 7.'t0 P M. ^ = -j ST. JOHN BAPTIST CHI RCII ' ; Booker Wasriringtoir Heights Rev. L. C. Jenkins. Pastor. SERVICES: ! .Mornnig Service ^.11:30 A. M.I B. Y. P. U. :_71 6:00 P. XI, Eveniner Service ' ?'rTO 111 w i .uv p. iM. i ?.# FIFTH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E, T. Hampton, Pastor 405 Marion Street .Mprjning Service 11:30 Evening Service _7:30 - Mi. OLIVE BAPTIST CHURCH - 2iau sumier Street Rev. D. (i. Robinson, Pastor. SERVICES: : Sunday School 10:30 A. M. leaching i HrilO A. M. V. P. U. 6:00 P. M." i Preaching 8:00 P. M. ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 1. C. CRL'MPTON. Pastor SERVICES: unday School -10:00 A. M. Morning Service 1E30 A. M., IV \7 II TT fi.AA p \{ Pi O.UV i, m. Evening Service 7:00 P.. M. JOHNSON-BRA Funeral Diredl zr Emba r ? / ; ?:: - ??? * 11115 Washington ?? COLUMl riyfi J. yj . -v^ ~?' FIVE " union" baptist cin'Rcn - ? ~ Divine Street Rev. T. M. Hoy kin, Pastor. SERVICES: Sunday School 10:00 A. M Morning Service 11:30 A. M. B. Y. P. U. ... 7:00 P. M. Evening Service . 8:00 P. M ? ~1"1?* ?-s?= BKTIH.CII EM BAPTIST CHCRCB I.yon Street Rev. F. II. Smith, Pastor : SERVICES: Sunday School . 10:00 A. M Morning Service . . ..'l 1:30 A. M B. Y. P. U. L.6 :CK>. P. M_ Evening Service _ 8:00 P. M J 1?TTy . ? r :??ST" MAUV'g i.'iniicc.. . ??? . v 3 3.1 rzi\\;r Al/ * Itt/'KUH Corner Green and Gates Street^ . Rev. T. T- Pollard,.Pastor. ' M.llUU.H. Sunday School .... 10:00 A. M. Morning Service ... 11:15 A. M Afternoon Service .4 P, M. 2nd,NAZARETII RAP'tlST CHL'RCH Rev. R. M. Myers, Pastor. Services : Sunday School . 10:1(0 A. M Morning Service 11:30 A. M ' B. YTP. U. 6:00 P. M" Evening Service ... i 3:00 P. M ' t ' ' . 9 MACEDONIA BAPTIST CIU'RCH Rev. R. M. Myers, Pastor. I SERVICES: _/ : jwinlny School -.1.Q''jO..A. ,M J" .. -Afternoon Service .1. '2:00 P'. M B. Y. P~ U. 6:00 P. M Evening Service 3:00 P. M " ' . . . _*, . ? CHAPPEEI.Iv STATION A. M. E. . . XlH UCIl." Corner Senate and Pine Street*. Rev. L. G^ Bowman, Pastor. ... . services : Morning Service 11:30 A. M. Sunday ScfhToT ... .. 3:00 P M A. C. E. League . 5:30 P. M Evening Service 7:30 P. M " t ?" JONES TABERNACLE ~ Rev.~iL CT. Ti ray hart, Pastor. SERVICES:" , Sunday School. . .f. 10:00. A. M , Afternoon Service 3:00.P. M ?* b. v. v. l\? 0:00 p; m. : Evening Service ;?:?_8;0U M__ V ... - ^ j I.ADSON PRESBV'TT'.Rl AX Rev: I. L>. Davis, 'Pastor. 1 11 tjEltV.lCijSi' Morning Service 11;15 A. M Sunday School ; 4:00 P. M. Christian Endeavor ?_-5:00 P. M { . : r *'" ' ST. JAMES A. M. E. CHURCH 415 Henderson- Street Rev J, 1'. Washington, Pastor. ^ -- - KljKV.II'.KS! ? Sunday School 10:00 A. M. -At G-.-E. League--,'.-! __6:30 P. M. ' Evening?Service 2.;3G P. M. ? . TEMPLE Z'ON BAPT. CHURCH - Kidgew ood Sunday School ? 11:30 Morning. Service ..12:30 " ' . . ___ EMANUEL A. M. E. CHURCH . Kendlaltown. - "VI ~ReV. P. MrMiOILL, Pastor.? ~ SERVICES: 1?f * ? [riinTPry^Sr.-Jlool lOmQ-A.M.-| Morning'Service 11 :o0 A. M. v. ? A. C. K. League 6:00 P. M.' | Evening Service - 8:00 P. M. : ? r " MT. OLIVE BAPTIST C1IURCP 1 1 1915 Laurel Street R ? V. W (i. (j UNTER, Pastorf Sunday School __ 11;00 A. Mr Morning Service _ 12.00 - M. ITT" DLEY-MORRIS ors & Licensed lmers r?j ?d-gjj St. Phone 3512 ^ j MA, S. C.? | - Jj