The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, March 21, 1925, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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| __ Locals & Dr. James Williams of Sumter ii a frequent visitor to Columbia. ' \ Professor Staley of State Colleg Orangeburg, S. C., was seen in tlu city Monday. ~j~~. .. y.~jj Misae Campbelle, Mclver and Par rin, and Mr. Swington motored frort HartsvHle to Columbia MtffRtey. Mr. Youngblood of EdjJ^eld madj a. trip to the city to visit YefStives tiooda. . j ] " Mr. MeLester of Camden, S. C. motored over Monday to see his sis ter who is now a patient at Benedic Hospital. 1 - . .. Rev.--McMillan, a member of th< senior theological class at Yale spent a few hours in Columbia. Wi !. wish for him much success. - - Mr.Chappelle Brogden, one of th< members of the original Wisemai Quartette, left Thursday for Pitts, burgh, Pa. Columbians will soon. b< \gble to Jiear his voice over the radio Efafer-and Mrs. Chas. Curtis, Mts O. Scott, Mrs. Ndra Goodwin ant - Mooter Charles Edward Davis mnt-nrr ed to Batesburg, S. C., Monday. Th< Miaa Annie Belle McGraw, riangMfri of Mr. anc} Mrs. KlcGraw, 11122 Bios som nas been sick for severa days, she is a student of the Book. _ . er T. Washington High School W. hope her a speedy recovery. ^ . Miss Anita Patti Brown, and hei accompanist spent: a few hours in. th< city March 17th~>the guest of . Mrs A. P. Dunbar. _ Misai Brown 13 oru has he en rendering excellent pro grams in parts of the South. A concert of goo'a music will b~ gTven at Allen University Wednesda; evening at 6 o'clock by Morehous' Glee Club and Orchestra .with th< renowned Kemper Harreld, violinist directing, Orchestra and Glee Clul elections will be rendered; violin - vocal, cello, piano, quartet, selection too. An unusual entertainment q good music for all. Thirty-flve mual clans compose this group. * FOURTH HIGH HONORS MISS BEAUMONT The members of Fourth - Higl class of Adlen University gave 1 hjrthriay party in honor"uf their mosi lovable and attractive.jtpacher, Mis: (Beatrice II. Beaumont. & The honored guests were: the fac Lulty, members of the College "Depart Inent, Miss Beaumont, and a few oth |ir friends. , I The guests~and the members of th< fcluas first assembled iri the chape tained with, a play, which was writ ten by one of the members of th< r said class in the person of Mr. Ben jamin P. Williams. After this Misses Eady and Johnson both rendered solos I Ihey-werethen-^avured~WiTha select ^ - ion frorii the male quartette of th< class. . . ^ r After the prdgram the guests wert invited-into-the-beautifuL dining hall which was most artistically decorated . a color scheme of-pink"aftd white~was . - very tastefully carried out. The flowers were furnished bv Davia FInu intp-the-dining halt by Misses Saxton and Sheltnn Thn nitnwiwg fyrr ther enjoyed by discussing subjects which "were written in a small booklet, and by hearing the beautiful banc music which was rendered by a few <?f the ynnng man; plarxi aCCOTnpanl ment by Miss Ada McBride. - The^fucats' table was a scene 61 beauty. A' beautiful basket of pinl carnaliuiis was 111 rhfr center . rhi birth-cake, which was the present ol the class^to Mis Beaumont was cov. ^ ere{l with " white icing, and pink caricl i1 ~~~les, each placed tn a pink rose-buc on* the cake. Little pink paper bas. kets were used as favors for the oc l casion. - *~~~" The menu was, saltines, pickles ant salad, strawberry ice cream and cake pink and white mints. - 'Miss Bea'uiTiuntr"Wffs presentetT wrtl a very serviceable brief case by Mr Jarpes Giles from the College Depart. merit. The guest of honor receivet quite a few other serviceable gifts Miss Beaumont expressed_ her heart felt appreciation for them. ~ 1" After this the evening of pleasure came to a close. deorgetown Items The Youth Improvement Club me in it^ regular meetinur on Mondav Mar ^7, at tho home of Mr. Chas S Browne, Front Street. cussed and plans made for a concert A Bhort program was rendered Th visitors present were Messrs. A. G - Oill,'Thomas P. Frasicr, aiid~L. Pa'ff . ' iels. A delicious rppast was served bj I r the host. , . : Personals $ .- ' I x^yx^x^w-;"J^X-X-^X^X-X-xk-I* 9 The Young Men's Choral Club of which Mr. A. G..Gill is director, is mak. e ing rapid progress. They have eni gagements in Andrews Monday, Mar. 23rd at, Rpv. J. G. Quarlcs' churchy ~ Tuesday, Mar. 24th At Dickerson AT 1 M. E. Church_aL this city, and -Men r day, Mar. 30th at Trinity A M. E. church. Manning- S r ; ml Mmwiuy, 5* Apr. 13th at Training School of Mar* . ion. * v . -X Brown entertained the . Youth Improvement Club at the home of Mr. Lawrence A. Dunmore. on lhst '^Monday evening. ~~ " ^ ^ A new meinbet, Mr. P. H. Bfuhson, " was added_to our number. We wel come him. - A Very inleiesling program WttS ' ' rendered: Those participating^ were 2 Messrs. Frasier, Horry, Dunmore and Toome, ahd the report of the journal ' ist. ~ v * 1 A delicious repast was served. Misses Odessa Sanders*. Arline Als5. ton, Jennie Voung Mr.-P. II, Drunaon - and Dr. Wm. S. Thompq"n motored ^ito Andrews-last Sunday afternoon. 1 Miss Bluette Williamson from Mca l..laiianvuio iw Hfwmling week in our' - eity with her sister and friends. - We ate very glad to have Muster Roswell Beck back home, after, spending over ten days in-the Roper's hospital of Charleston. j The two divisions of the JFifth Grade of Howard High School of j which Miss Jonnie and- G. S. Browne are tefechers, sent a be&utiful basket of fruit and flowers"'to" little Roswell. r Mrs. Beck extended a vote jaf thanks ; - of appreciation to the teachers and i pupil^tjf^ bot h ^ j ' STAGS, TAKE NOTICE.*""" , . 1 - - The regrrtar Tneeting^of the : Stags will be held" at the resie dence of Col. C. H. Dannelly, 1729 Wayne St., Wednesday & ngiht, Mar. 25, 1925.L. You: are h requested to be present. G. Lee Ratliff, k _ w. th. Br6\vn, Walter Baylor, 7^\C'. H. Dannelly, Hosts. t < / \ iff i,t~ COLDEN CQ^iX SOCIAL CLUB i 1 The members .of the Golden Chord r Social Club hcanla program "on Eng^, ^ lisVl f!nmnncprc of mAAflnr*. I - l-affS" v/y ywwvj. u WV VliV-li Thursday afternoon, M^rch 12th, at the home of Miss Susie B. Robinson on Blossom Street. One "guest was present, Mr. Theodore Sumter, a gifted^mftmbwr of the-A-jax Social Club.r The president, Miss Matilda Uoodw\n. PIT*''! ! nt prpliminury hn- . siness meeting and " the preparation for the next program was discussed, Plans" were" made- by~~the president and members for their first Spring Social for which arrangements will further hp mntleJ-, After the business of the meeting a delicious course consisting of sliced 3>inoapplM a nd- cake Was. -served. 'V The next meetine- will hp VipIH with ' Miss Matilda Goodwin, on Richland >_ Street, March _19th.-- . =_j_ ! " ^ SALTERS MEMORIAL L ^ - : f I There wlll_he fi^^iee-oT^^reeti ngi^" r Pine""and Oak on Washington street! ' p 2eea 00C82000tt00O^^ 'fi QQi" We w r I Only SmkT L -EVERY CAN t |r GUARANTEED -4 - -MONEY-BACK |~ IF NOT PLEASED n KMBU 08B06^^ , J-~ - - t__ ' -^7 I tub pat.mktt beginning April G, 1925, conducted el by some of the ablest presiding_elders hnd preachers African Methodism. The program is as follows: On April Gth, Dr. E. II. McGill, Presiding Elddr of the Orangeburg District will preach; April 7th, ftev.^E^ R. M Anderson, Presiding Elder of'j the Supiter District; April 8th, Dr. L. A. boro Disliicl. April Othf Dr. Miles, presiding Elder of the King- ei1 tree District amf-Aprit 10th, Dr.~E7 " Church in this city, ^ -Please donot misg series~~of njeetings. Do yourself justice by A. REV. R. I. LEMON, Pastor. [ J - ' 'i" ce HEAR] HEAR PREACH? Monday night Rev. Mrs. Sara Smith j ' Great Revivalist and Gospel Preacher, Pastor uf Bethleham Baptist Church * will preach at Wesley JM. E.. Church, j ; 8 O'clock, Monday night March 23rd. j Rev. Mrs. Smith H nno of onr forr i most Gospel Preachers and religious! * leaders. Don't miss hearing her Mon- ! ^ day night, The choirs of Bethleham. j)j b"aptisf "Cfiu'rcn and Wesley-Methodistd Church will furnish music, also John's ^ famous Quartette. Everybody invit-t^Q. ed Lu-tuttw U kk -k*y--Ainnrtny night. " tJlun >lo. 5. .L. E. Brooks, Capt. gj I. S. Leevy, Lieut.. ^ ~ * Rev. N. S. Smith, Pastor coming:; what?? 1.. _ op The Hit of the Season,. A CamedyDrama in Three Acts ga Name "Tho Hrpam TKa* Pb i,-..~t* v.... ... Attuv ^c* mc X I UC w c Plaee^ Benedict- College ChapeJ. Time Fll."Mar. 27th, 7:30 P. M. loi Admission 25 Cents. tig Presented by the Junior High Class, ch r.Coine and enjoy a- good }nugh. |lot OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY tN MEMORIAL SERVICES TO JWI TO COLONEL CHARLES YOUNG. fQ The Epsllon Omega Chapter of thejml Omega PsI Phi Fraternity, Sunday [W evening, "March 15. at. 7 o'clock, in the chapel of State College, Orange- te burg. South "Carolina, paid honor and R( tribute to the late Colonel Charles co Young. A very Impressive program m Was rendered.--by Uie local chapter. -vr Profeo'jor C. A -Lawson, PHnetpal Lincoln tiign school, Sumter, South w, Carolina,-delivered the principal ad-jpi dress, i Professor- Lawaon highly Bl pleasetkJiis audience. X^HE PROGRAM. ' in j* Oigan Prelude Brother Theodore oi ! r n>rrrivsX&: 1 I - National Negro Anthem The Audi-[pi J. ! Merchant x Correct Style, Quality STEAM AND DR j TELEPIld 1 71M1ALN _8TKEET, ill p 25 c ^1^even^rBn, MIIJA-hoSI CV/MILLAMFG CO." ^COLUMBIA. S. C.^ V's-^L E r * . k * f ^EVEN^CINS ONLyQfif 4 J^ILLA'HOSE 1 C\. MILLA MTO CO. _ sf ^COUUMJSIA. a. (WEN2$*CMS ONCffifr | hVi-iTM lU'T 9 JULIA-HOSE E>%J?SS~IN& I ^^^COLUMBIA. C- ^ il Orders to n("5ir,fii *ir rT f ; ' h "r~*. lce friyer :Brother Charles 13. Haynes. (a) Requiem Homer. (b) Vale Russell. Brother Charles J. Harris. Introduction of Speaker- Brother ., F. Whit-taker, Memorial Address Brother Charles . Lawson. r ce. ' I. D. Pinson. C. W. Btrnl.e. J. A. abinson, C: A-: Lawaon. Chnrlea A~ arris, C, D. IIaynes, I. D. Havis, J. McKall, H. O. Walker. W. S. Lawiite. P fn. Jiitjiiiuiu, U. H, slrnk. A. Mason, E. C. Jones, F. MarBus _ Staley. X A. Potter; I+r?St,' Win Evans. J. G. .Stuart, T. 13. ttmps, IS; J. Cling, N. C. Peterson, C., Disher, W. IV, Holmes, M. F.i hittaker, -Robert .Shaw \Vilkiu1l4n? P*. II. Mf'I'ppr R K r.nnlnn.iLl Rhodes, J. M. Thompson*! R, A. irter. . , ; i BLYTH&WOOD, % C. CAR EDITOR: Please allow me space in our most lp ul paper to let- the public; know : me of the ninny tiling .Mint mn hnp 1 Miifc al .Jk'thel Baptist Church! ythewood, S. C. Rev. A. Bailey is called to tne pastorate of that 1 Jiistoric church and the good peo>1 are giving him their hearty. cOeration. _ The installation services which ben March Uth and ended March 15th is indeed a success Monday: nigfSTRev. I. D. McColigh, the pastor of Round Top Baparge "of the service." Kevr7 McCird"-] : the'^C'ol^leot 10n $10 16. *. onttj infill nuv, i . Vl Vy mi niton j t>f the service;- He used"! r a text EzekW 33:1-2., subject^ Vatch." It . was, indepfl a helpful acr0H. Collection $10.04. is in charge of the service. His xt was_Jbiaiah-52il. From that text jv. Myers, the- sin Fighter, held his ngregation spell-bound for. GO or 70 inutes, and" everybody "was ^sorryj hen Ire took his "seat/ Col. $il.30. Thursday Trit?1vr~Rpv H M tivrrt as in charge of the serviiffs He cached a sermon that thepeople ~TlY Lythewood cannot fosget. Col. $6.00." Friday night-Rev.-A. Chandler be ij uos ni, nev. ju reay took charge : the service, llis text was Acts 2fJ, -s'uV ject: "Obedience." Rev Peay eachecLa. -strong sermon. r T ailoF """ J" j v 5 And Workmanship ^ Y CLEANING | NE716j ' j COXIFMBILA) S. . I >^o-00cracwwcro^oxo^c8>3ao-' o - - : ~ ' " r' ' - i Jfek -o| a*-pr Box 542 |i * * COLUMBIA, S.C If f : /r1-- c-- ' - /I- --. ! l Sunday., being the regular pastoral day, the pastor , Itev. A. Bailey was" in charge of the services, using for u text Acts 1: 0-8. Subject: "The "Sejcret of Success is Rower." Men in every walk of life have learned that in order'to be successful they mUstT have power. Sunday evening 3:30-o'clock-Rev, U. Smith was in charge of .the service. Rev. Smith preached the in- : , ^allatioir-^ermon,- wnr>g-~for a^text Joshua 7:5, A e I was with Moses so Magaa C*0X8O8C030C05COX>X> O O.OOO'O O O O 0:0 o o oo.o.< iiionnim ..: distinctive i ^ Copxingf Enlarging, Framing. Ph ing. Sittings Made Ijay c - ALL WORK 01 j 1119 WASHINGTON ST.. ro ooo oo o"ooox>ooo"oorQX' ox>:o0o oti.ob ET. II. pin -UNDERTAKER A of South Carolir Pinckney's Sanit BEST EQUIPPED IX THE i ' " . ' FOR YOl Office Phone 5707 j J 1006 WASHINGTON ST., I ^^^x>^xa>uox>.o.o.o.o.o.o.o^.oo.o;o^. | OWEN i I Meeehan We carry a c 1 of Domestic ; 2 \T7 T ^ -g woolens ~^on 1 _'^zl: sl | 1 117 Washii J Rhone 6( f Proscription | 1 105 Washingtonv ! | PRESCRIPTIONS C j* . We call for and del v * ' ; *; YOURSFOR t IPiMERIAL Df : E " ... - . % i- |' BROWN'S BA | "J AS. iEimU W NTI'rop^ X . v Everything Sanitary Four First-Class Bar = | - Billiard Pari |. 1120 Washington Street, | MANIGALTT-G A ~~ f ~ *r \ UNDERTAKERS nnd T,T( ' FUNERAL SUPPLIES 4 MOTOR EQ1 PHONES: OFFIFE 8519 ?. 714 S. MAIN- STREET * , , - - : SEvfay 1 ' ' ' ' ' shall I be witl( you. After the ser mon Iiev. Smith presented the Bible-' to the pastor, and gave the charge. We thaid* Got^ for these good pastors. Total, eollecttofr^fpr the week ending Sunday evening, ^ ^.58. * - The writer is in change of three ehurcW now: Mt. Pilgnin, English, S.;C.; White Oak, Longtown-N^othcl, mythtiWi.nd, Brwthernr pray forNmq. KXiri^JQAlJLEY^l. Route 3, Bwt Gekwnbia, S. C. ! J ^ c>o.oo^,o^oooAO.o<>.v0.o,o<-'r>or>r.rv^A. 3Z: STITTVfO % , " -;:g . HOTOGRAPHY > % otos in" Jewelry. Kpfok Finish, g >r Night; Rain or Shine. ' o ARANTKKD. . . . --COLUMBIA. Sif. | 'OOQjD.OOOOOQOO.OOOOOO'O.O.OOs^oi aemfci i^;iv-rN LX NOJMBAIJYTBR v ' la and Georgia. 5 ~T'w~ J heapjest Undertaker. J ' - ' "i ^ery Best Service in - -t the City. 1 WITH > I vumplete-Motor Outfit. 8 LegQq^io-NONE ia The^ate,-# ar\r Rarhnr QV* r r\ I wx J JL*U1 UV1 |J11VJ|J I CITY. COME AND SEE T JRSEEFT Residence Phone 7705 9 -COLmiBIA, S. C~ I _ o.o.o^.o^;o.oo^>.o^x>.o.oo.ooj;^jcox>o jf stpault j *;7 it Tailors . . . J-r ;ompJete stock 6 and imported 1-,- . le and see Us t ling your next " lit . : - r-k- ' igton Street |... E 63 f . I . ?jjgstore 1 =&ruggfsls | - - , x ' jBt. -P-feone 7226 " I . . - " -.--fai First-class DrugStore 3UR5PECTSC! V. ivei PieacriptiohS. v r~r~7 v . -if SERVICE,; J .----"i" ^UG STORE ~ I V RBER SHOP Matthew A. Robinson, Mgr. * $ | and Up-To-Date. bers. No waiting. ? or in Rear. - ? I Columbia, S. C. Y p A | TEN-WILLIAMS | "fc^SFD FMBALMERS _ AT T/VWEST PRICES. [TIPMENT. $ ; / RESIDENCE 7242 -Af . COLUMBIA, S. C. M",. t r tz 1 r"- - ' r -1 - 1 j < ' .. -i _.- / . ; Jl