The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, March 21, 1925, Image 1

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I Read IMPORT/ .8 SUBSCRIBE AND 8 ^ j ADVERTISE Cur- JT V P * rent, Social and Gen- j* ?jj VQL. I. NQ. ll.: -~"~ -".-2 F Columbia: roch ; i v f'' " - - 1 I * who. J before her marrage to Mrt^Kowt" ard A. Lee, of Rovhester. N. Y.. Miss' Juetta Sanders, daughter of Mrs^ Nettie Sanders of this marriage ceremonyj waslpe?f6MBe(L^^the Rev.-A. ,J W. Adkins, at AlexandrtafrVa. i Mrs. Lee, who is well known-; in Columbia among The ynnn-i ger set, has~hreen attending How- d ard Univnrsity for several years, jJ - Mr_-Lee is in the school of i' ard. University and is the ordyV of Rochester, NnY. > 1 The many friends here of Mrs Left lrtJpe that her sail over th6 "" matrimonial sea will be one of ' happiness and. joy.; Jl Mr nnrl TVTvc T on in Washington, D. C. U. S. LABOR DEPT. REPORTS SPRING EXODUS OF NEGROES FROM SOUTH. (By N. A. A. C. P. Newsservice.j The National Association for the advancement of Colored People, 69 Fifth Avenue, New York reports the receipt frorp. the _ partment of Labor of a release ; stating-that the Springtime ex_-odue of Negroes from the South is under way and migrants are arriving in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri and points "According to'the Labor De- partment, the migration promts?*** TTTtse A'TSrge one and may"' bring about an excess of labor supply over the deirjand in Northern industrial cities. ^ tffENQrnCgot BEAUTY M; I _____ ' ^*-.j MRS. JUETTA SANDERS^JE WRITE WOAIAN FORGES M NAME"oi^^2fcOREp FE--K _: _ --in - Sfcw- -+B (By The Associated Negro^iJ^ess.) ; Washington, D. CM JYlardi. 1 g STrs7~Margaret~ E^- Buchanan,1 j white, and former secretary of former Representative S. A.: Kendall, Pennsylvania, admitted w ho forged the name of Mrs, ai Martha Warfiejd, a colored wo-J^ man, to checks from the Veter-h gis' Bureau because she" "nee<]~ ^Tfie"~hfonev/> Michael Mcinerney, special investigator of ^ ()] the bureau, testified Thursday,^ at^tTie~ti'ial of Mrs. - Buchanan,:^ on a charge of forgery, in the g Criminal Division of the District Supreme: Court. if Mrs. Warfield was working at w the home of Mrs. Buchananj when her son died ' on March 1920, and the defendant sug- j 4- ~ J 4- U 1 _ 4- 1- -J- 1- - I gesceu tu ner timu sue migni oe entitled-to compensation for-his _ services. She said she gave the ( matter into the hands of Mrs. Buchanan and in September, tl 1921, began receiving compen- A sation from the Veterans' Bu- h reau under the monthly pay- B rtienf plan.her son hsvinghad It a policy for $10,000r Mrs. Warfield-identified the.rj two checks mentiontd in the in-'ai dictment as well as a third onejoi for $662.06, not included in thelp' indictment similar to the other is two. She deniSd she had writ- L ten her name on the hack of the A checks, hut declared she had re^ covered the money on the $662 id check and on one for 1^401, but ai had not received payrhent on a Si check for $300. The checks wore all made payable-to_^Mrs. sj i Page Eight * ulmi , CObUMBlA, g. C., SAT ~ . ' i'V VRRIES iNESS MA> : L* -j _ te -t 'jzjr..r ~ *-rr * ---yr^r." : . .* artha' Warfiekl, -ca^e-of |jr>iT^p-< TOP u i Icli i\kTTSlItEoi-j^lie^enciQr sf ents-ef- Mrs. War field and Mr* uihanan. - - On e.rpss-examination -Mr? uchanan^s 'counsel sought t lie the witness admit she ha* >ld Mrs. Buchanan that she de red to purchase a little hom ith thc.-m.uiiuy .when It cam id that she asked the defen Int to hold the money unti i e^u-as rcady,- Mr*n-AVarfief knitted telling about-a desir > buy a home, but denfed tft .0 dejtied that she told Mrs urhanan she feared anothe )n of"the wife oL-the.dead so tight get the money from he she received it." The cas as continued, -x hiTadelpih^nt a. At C. I ASKS EDUCATION BOAR) FOR SQUARE DEAL. By N. A. -A. p. P. ]Ne\ys. ServiceThe Philadelphia Branch o le Natiorral Association for th dvancement of Colored Peopl as writteh -a letter to the loc oard of Public Education, ask tg a joint" conference bavin )r its object the removal of bar ers against, colored teacher rid discrimination against co red students in the Philade! hia public schools The lette signed by the Rev. Williar loyd Imes> chairman of the h 7 A. C. P. Public Schools Com tfttee; by Isadore Martin, Pres lent of the Philadelphia Branc ad bv JuliarTSt. (Jeerce ecretary. ~ "It ja commonly reported; iya' theL letter ""Jay- our gradi ' * . * t 3" ~%v WANT NI | H UUVEKNUK DESIRE | PUNISH LYNCHERS Governor Clifford Ws lker of Georgia REPLYING TOLA TELEGRAM * From the N. A. A. C. P., Has Written a Letter in Reply ' Stating that He Will Do ATI Possible to Abolish Mob Violence. (By "N". A. A7 C. P. News Service.) Governor Clifford Walker of Ceur- pia, replying to the recent telegram of the National Association, for the u. Advancement ~oF c Tore*d People on tho hnvnlnn- r%4- Xt_ . ' - "that ' State, - has "written a letter. in I reply stating that he will do all pos-! sible to abolish mob violence. GoVe^or Walker's letter is las fol-' lows.: ^ Mr. James W. Johnson, Secretary,' ( National -Association for .the Advancefnent of. .Uolored PeppR;, (>9 Fifth Avenue, Dear - Sirv I acknowledge receipt of your tel. eg ram and assure^ you that this as-jwell as any other r suggestion you - -may^make to xne, wi^have my earn-1 _ est personal consideration. I remind | you that in my executive order en-' terod some months ago, I directed'. jthat the maximum reward allowed j ; by taw be blTer ecTTmmediately upon j.; -.j the nnnoiintionw^ of any -mob vio-t jlence in this.State-. Pursuant to this j 'order, such a reward has been offer- j j I 1 1 jed-and-yott-tnay be assured that tblgj ' office will cooperate in any possible 1 -nwayih tfto effort lu abmi^n"lffinrvio^" - timer in thh State. Very - respectfully" your*,; (SigrmH) P" WALKER, ^ !? j| !START FIVE _ THOUSAND's JT DOLLAR HOME DRIVE. j* (By The Associated Negro Press.) i* . Chicago, III. March. Under i1 rtl the leadership of Mrs. Carrie !c ft Horton, the Chicago Northern 1 DhitrictM the t^eOirration of Wo- I e men's clubs has begun a cam-'^ A | time limit o il t h e drlyols Juried e with the work are Mrs. Helen c O. Rrasrher, Mrs. Irene WTrCny v ! Mrs. Belle Fountaine. ;r ~ ; - ' ;i< zz -NEGRO C A fHQ I ,ICS 1 n _ ____ ORGANIZE. " " f" r - ^ New York, N. Y., March. a ' The Federated Colored Catholics ,t of the United States, formed in t Washington a year ago, has "a-^ adopted a constitution and laid) plans for a vigorous expansion o campaign. The aim of the or- c ) ganization is to band the 250,if [000 to 270,000 colored Catholics e'in this country into a central or- i e ganization. The president- of il the federation is Professor Thomas W. Turner, of Hampton In-~~ g stitute; Hampton, Virginia. - ' 1 i s ates of the Philadelphia Normal 2 I- School who are on the waiting I I- Jist that they are openly discou- c r raged from even seeking posi- c n tions here right in their own ( I, aity^ and evxat before gradua- s i f.i a a 4- V- s\ U V L 1 1'iviu iii/iii tnv: mgii ovjiiwiM, iiie,y (. are being discouraged from hlteflipting t.he Normal School J. ot study." The' ''latter "I asks that opportunity be giveir ( "to colored teachers as well as I wtk& A Di m/i n .1 - ~p* ^MBE^^Bl '*N W' e ~: c . '.' = .) -j 1 DR.- MABEL CARNEY Prominent white educator, who will T^wey^^Za^dyefea^U) _ * the Palm-etto State Teachers ^^lPT^uexT^week. Miss Cannpv ix Axxnptairp JPrnr hssor^f Rural Education, in t teachers College. Columbia^n--versitXT^rgraduatex)!' the State formal School, DeKaTBrr^tnoifc ind of Teachers College, Colum-. >la University. 'She has ftadvide experience as a teacher, in he rural schools of Illinois, as; :ritic teacher at Western Illi- j lois Normal School, Director of lural Education htTTlTe". State sofmal School, Cheney, Washington, and at theState Norm a U Jnlu^Mt^- of Tltinohe From I Q1 J f ^ .101 7 xrne Qf of o 5til >ervisor of High School Trailing in Minnesota, leaving this cork in September, 191-7T to be-: ome Associate Professor of Ru-1 al Education at Teachers Cop; Which position she tiasJ mid fiinoo that~aifttOi *^4 Dr. Carney" Is" an interesting nd thoughtful speaker and wri- j er. She is the author of "Coun-; ry- Life and the Country! Ichool." " sjSHe will address the- teachersn: "Some Fundamental Priniples of American Education." j . . i A Y TRIBUTE TO CORNEL YOUNG. * . -] i-Bv The Associated Negro Press.) ! Etcfi,ffiQn"cTT~ Ya^^arch7:-::ThG ^ 'eta chapter, of the Omega Psi >hi Fraternity held its public eremonies at the Fita^i'I&aptist1 hurch as a memorial to Colonel Charles Young, U. S. S. A: plendid-program waSj rendered y members of the faculty and tuderrts'of the Virginia Union ion oi tne-iite and character oU ^oloneFYoung was presented by \ "lorman R. Olphin, A. R., of the /trgihifr Union university, j t . r. f-VIVLLlVl rv REP^jSENTW THE RAC Acting On The F nvmor O -v r& Htvi VJ Have Petitioned G Issue an Order Officered fey G 'Colonel Down. J. CS3 re83tfCG3C02C82EG^^ 7 |- "THIS PAPER IS J Sf E DEVOTED TO THE g INTERESTS O F J K 1 THE PEOPLE. ' 5c A COPY. LEAD EGIMENT nvrsnr ^E IN HARI.EM Advice Of iovernor Sulzer, ITY CONGRESS, iovernor Smith to Directing that the National Guard, be olored Men, From ; (By The Associatpd Negro Press.) , New'York. Mar. Representatives of the. race in Harlem, act- " ... in# on the advice of former Gov. ty Congress, petitioned Governor SmitlTTo issue an order di rccting that thtt uG91 hTnfatitry^ "Xntional Guard, be officered by colored men, from colonel down. This is but another chapter in the agitation which has been, goling on 'for some time,, against [white officers in a colored regiment. However, it is said that -the colored People- seem to be divided into three groups on - this matter: those -who" insist on ;a+l colored officers" and those who believe it is not""opportune", to" make a colored colonel of the -negHnontr ' ~~ ... . -- " |* It has been charged that-in ^ thls.n'cgiment there are too ma- -winy "pink tea" officers. It, has been pointed out that : -t hnsf lf^rlin<r in the r^pvpmpiit ^ h g i m en t that Lieutenant Colonel Benjacef in th eregular army be as^ .signed to command the 36yth inianiry. - " . ; > : . CAN SEARCH FOR WHISKER "WITHOUT WARRANT. (By The Associated Negro Press.) 5 Washington, D. C., March. Federal nrohibition agents law, fully irray stop .automobites "arid other vehicles' arid' search them for contraband liquur without a -warrant, the United- Stales" Supreme court held this week. Chief Justice Taft delivered the epinioth i MURDER VERDICT -GIVEN t ' IN EIGHTY MINUSES. Richmond, Va., Marrfi. What is* believed, to be/a-record for speedy trials in Virginia was executed last Monday in Farmville, a small town near here, when Jesse Carter, a colored juuia was uiuicieu, triea, con* yictcd and sentenced imthe rec-' orcl time of eighty "minutes. Carter -vvas charged with having yomiliitt^dr a. criminal assault on a young white girl and was sentenced to die in the electric chair April 17. It is said that the commonwealth attorney made no speech. but( simply presented the supposed evidence to the jury '{ " who remained out only twelve Us minutes. This trial ^eclipses by ten minutes the trial of another ^colored man . tried in Caroline - ^ Coupty, Virginia albout "a yeaF to court, tried and convicted in ninety minutes., 2_ ^