The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, March 07, 1925, Image 1

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gCTBoregaggg^a^^ ^ I SITRSrPTfiF! AND 5j | ADVERllSE^Ciir^| J# ^ | ^r^nt, Social amTGen-^i A j era) News. ?\ ^ b^ao8?a?BB0?a?8ac^^ ???? _ VOL. i ?NO. 9. EX-P0L1 - ? ?i"ivf * f % . ' ' c jOTXGQUNH $iootw> / - ' * ~~~~ ' ?Ex-Policeman \ .. v . - - # ' i ' : ?A Nfecee By the Father ofthe Apprehend Guilfa ?Policeman. (Gonvic - 'rK?ynTT""rirf~AP?''"*tH"ri for' the AdvanceiM?^--^)^igiaQre5t - York City, today -received a report from Palm Beach, Florida.. ^tatmg^^rar:^Ifer_the conviction and Sentence of a white ?ex-polit^mairtoTwenty^eciTS in jail for murdering a colored boy, the City Cnnnril nf P1 m-t =^Beach went toTHe-unheard of length of appropriating $1,000; of city funds for the purpose ot] assuring the ?x-polireman?^n-t auu a ll'w VV llici i The young calored-meny fjen-1 ry Speed, Jr., was shot some'. months_ago hy FModTFrantz, the: former white: poIi^e^n^_aii^: . ' ^ L ? REV. NATHANIEL HAW Ti _ ~ - , A- ? 'The Evangel i * it EVANGELIST JELTZ, whose likene ? Two weeks battling sin with headquari y;." Ie is accompanied by his wife who 5 lid work. They com?4o this city-wit t bid of evangelism that is not surpass r~ "jZmerica today. They have travelled I tring the past ten years, conducting c I Ending churches as Greater Bethel C fwhington, D. C.; Bethel Church, Pitt urches, Baltimore; Mother BeihoL ~1 ^Iadlcphia; SUJohn and St. Jarhes, C r ""^Joseph, Durham, N. C.; St. John. P W Jflaa, Tex.; Mtv Ziorr, Jacksonville, Fh I ('throughout the nation:?Having co; fc l-wangelism and taken into the churc t r years. Dr. Jeltz is a native of the a the capital city of that state m 1 High Schools of his native citv. nnd pfc lseminary of Sterling, Kansas. He i W- i?3. Church and'a member in good ar rJffll'*erence. I# iJfrBisjiops and leading pAstors of1hi? Bv+Jfcgelfct af hia Lunnuulluil I ft' P'omt < B as has been said travels with hii tie. He is a stock holder in a th ID^Bhoiisanri dollars worth of insurer Ehould hear this reputable charac itMln our city. He will speak to Mi lHty?March 15th, he will speak to | ; BBV. E. A. ADAMS, A. M., I $ rFMA w tLilflAn / ^VQTES OTP DEFEND Vho Murdered -VfcKAL COURTS * Murdered Man to ^^ ftrtigs^Thc?F,\:ted and Sentenced died of his wound within /i? hours. TheJfolher oCTie eoforcd ooy lett 110 stone unturned to bring the .murderer justice and-iMs said the various^trials cost not less than $3,000. A correspondent-iir Florida "bf~tht N. A. A. C. P. writes: ' "The evidence submitted tc utho oonsideiatiuii Ot-the jury must have beenTso convincing and damaging that they brought in a verdict of guilty against fficrAYHid-E liiTudeier dl a Negro! - ' ?. "The judge imposed a sentencejjf TWENTY YEARS inTpri&^nment! But inasmuch as ^uommucq orrpage o. VHR JU-X?; " ft -" , ^BWh _ ^ j;i>^^i!^^^B 5s "^L TIIORNE JELTZ, B. D. ?f the Dakotas." ss mppelifs above, is in Columbia for ters at Bethel A. M.'E. Churchy , ^, associates him in all of his travels h a record of accoriiplishments rn the ?ed hy ar^y other persons of coiOt in throughout America and in Canada ampaigps of Evangelism in such outhurch, Chicago; Metropolitan Church ;sburg, Pa.; Bethel, Trinity and^ Alien Alfon, Union and Mt. Zion churches IeveTand, Ohio; St. John, Norfolk, Va.j Luc Bluff, Ark.; Bethel and St. .fames a%, ana scores oijnner leaamg-enurcn rrducted in all 250 special campaign? :h more than ten thousand persons ir state"?>f Kansas,-having b^en born ir 37 years ago. lie is a graduate ol also of Cooper College and Theologis a regularly ordained elder in the A id regular standing of the Sotith Ohic ^church_nrr1nino-4?iw the miKLaildMTij rf accomplishments .and success. Hi? nr?they have four childr^a and owr riving Negro Bank and carries in all ice in Negro companies. All Coluirrter arid back up hi a. campaign while ?n Only, Sunday at 3 P. M., and next . Women and Girl# at the same hour 1, D., Pastor Bethel A. M. ?. Church A ,^r'v;,,T , ?" " IpStw ""7~ 7 COLUMBIA, S. ., i" S -1 j. ' . ' ? -*"? - ? AlNUlHt:R^n6oL|! ' -f . At Montgomery in The J ..:..... Near Future ;. = _ - ^ ? - i? ? THE NAME GREATER ftAYNF a University will be Given this ' New lnstitution.-Work io to - Begin on it jSloQCT Y Birmingham, Ala., Mch.?A _ ^Trew^d^Trommational school is to 1 Vbe established by the African JJ ' Methodist Episcopal Church at {< -j-Woodlawn, iirarihEri?iaS& is te-p ! be known as Greater Payne uni-!? versity. The step was made! > possible hy--the-sKrie._p?- Bf. tlieFp! : purchase of 33 acres near Wood- ' ; lawn. The announcement was < mndp ^y-th^^#?r-Nr-ffr r some, who also asserte dthat the ( school will be of-the sarnp standr ing as Fisk, Wilberlorce and |1 : Atlanta universities. 11 i jQn.,the Board -be-p - side Rev. Newsome are the Key 11 I J. TT~ Hughea, D. P. Moore, J. j.' ! t> r*.. ? t) ~ WT vfirTii^ O ?* !< jLJT x ?v . wana, o. McPherson, J. H. Slade, Wil-j*c liam Craig, E. H. Hudson, R. j . Gray, C. S. Lewis, and W. RJt Woodr all of tlifa fitv. 1 1 FEW FROM TliKjSX^r^&BE^ f COOTJTOGE TAKE OFFICE, t : - . . ?? 11 Special t<~> TfiP T .Pinto -- Washington, Mar. G.?Men,;} women and children from'.every] ..walkairjffe saw Calvin Coolldge' (~7or~president and Charles G. r Dawes for vice-president. tnt-e [ "the highest_jQiXieo?of?trtrsL and j honor in the United States here f, yesterday. From Chicago came' r -* ? j. * ?jl special train with many col-, ored Republicans from the West,1 ^ headed by R. S. Abbott and ! | others TTh n rlv/irla -P? />? ? ' . v yt , AA U*4V41VUU X 1 ,Ui 1 i LI IC ^ I East and N-orth. Col. Henry'r Lincoln JpTi r??r>n r;om-.^ mltFeeman from "Georgia,' "was , well supported with Georgia. { dStirteUFtepu^hcans. <Pe'rry Howard, national com-! | mi'tWeman from Mississippi,1 | had a large' following. Even;} from Virginia and other South- \ j ern states were large crowds. ? SOUTH CAROLINA ALONE. | National Committeeman Joe , W. Talbert. with members of his family with a few close < personal friends and others who i happened to be in Washington ; . on other business were^ the only ; , persons from South Carolina to ( 1 -represent the State. j; , The socjaT life of the city was ? one of the outstanding features 1 | during the inaugurat!bh"season.; LLMany dinnerijarties, speclal at-1 ( ; traction at all of the movie and , vaudeville Housese where a part j ; of the sOeial life of the thou- j sands of visitors. 3 SIMMONS IN ASHEVILLE. \ Asheville, N. C., Mar. 6.? < 1 Col. R. Cornelius Simmons, well 1 known public speaker and , r writer of The OhicagO DeTen1 der, is to speak fri this city . , Monday evening in the High ? ? . < ~ : ;?3 ~ mn MARCH 7, 19257 ~ ~ . .N. A. A atsraHS LrtL/1 1 lull glSK PUBLISHES RULES Fisk's Headlssse Propa?^ganda^ain^Iii?1 ' ' ' >wn"THF PHI r<?" rn n? rhe Pamphjet Containing -Let?ters of Endorsement FronT Nashville. Tpnn r?March.?A fifty-page pamphlet containing letters -of endorsement^from ^I'nvxr ? *?44*rrt n/\?i< U /v?t 3VCI Jf saiclLC III IUC OUUU1 UI1UUI Slag^lte-sTan^uf President Jb'ayitte McKenzic in the recent outbreak at Fisk university has >y 1 lie Tmtyprlily:_ authorities. All of these letters are purported teftTe fron* colored persons and nvp clnimpal ji sn~rcd~~dT^7drin^^ presijent's attitude. _J?dblished wttb-t-htrletters are ihe lollowihg rules and regula^ dons of the school >yViiph dTe^source-of discontent among ho stndonln ? " ' "No visitors may be received >ri Sunday except by permission )f the dean of women. "No callers may be enterained~ln the bedroom except by 7erir"'g<jinn nf feaafaesg "Shoes with French heels or du~.. u ; u imTTF _l a. i - /UICI lii^n nueia may iiui, ue iserl for day wear, uillior upon he campus or . upon the street. ?or evening vitli a heel more than one and] >a'lt~mchcs is allowed.- . -:j ^^"^TmQrocrouit must be of [ark blue or black. It must be, tecessarily plain; free from 1 riiiiiiiiiUiTTrr~?riTiTF^rnn< i"/!<fr~j t may, however, have a collar ; wj-rtrftV-nf-fiir Tf rlmnlrl >f wool, not of silk or velvet. ; ?At simple tailored^ voojen dress of dark blue or ilack; .mav be worn with a dark :oat of blue,, black or brown. rho (Iron's musLbe wiyjcmt; colwed "~tTtnimihg. Buttons must lot be used except_of the same One of thondress. iiat?A dark JPluo-or black lat, velvet*. felt or satin, plainly.rimmed, is required. On the laf there must be no colored .rimmiTig, of any kind; no gold, ulver or tinsel braid. ?"Ncrlow-necked dress or dress without sleeves, is alloweck "Spring uniform?Dark blue )r black'suit without color may 30 worn, or a simple dark blue )i* black dress of taffet^ or sim.lar m atc v iah""These dresses mist be self-trimmed and have sleeves below the elbow. "Separate coats cannot be tvorn for uniform. "Very Idiim?hoSe?eannot be vorn at any time. * "PaTefits" are asked not to permit students to~~~brnig with hem to the school expensive iFWetry or heirlooms of any rind. Neither should thev be. Continued-on plage 8. * School auditorium. While in the lity Col. Simmons will be the louse guest of Mr.^an^ Mrs. J. D. Carr, Oditor of the Asheville Snterpriacu ________ ? ? 1? ?~~~~ r P PRFV OF NEGRi The Capital Cit\ leston, I CREDlTS-TH F. jnT~ Having Stopped th Man, Murray Boi in W. Va.. when Ci Extradition of a oolnrerl-mjm^H pSJurray. Bonner, from West Vir?i i ginia to Georgia ha&- been pro--"* I venteci^by the local National As- ] sociation for-J-lm" Ad^aiicuiniiiitm of rolorod People, aiTQnfiiilT"torTt tthe Capital City News, of Char- t lesion. =?? ? ; 1 - Bonner had been ant-sled and Twao crvfrnr^H-rinvs: ling a -l'ide^OJLi. the' Baltimore & j -Xlhio?fyefg+rh ~A:~"Rpppin PTV onicer then identified Bonner \ : as one Lincoln Johnson, wo?*ted 1 j for alleged murder in Hart 1 County, Georgia. Bonner pro- * r~ i 4 [ tested his innocence and said ho 1 j nad been working at trindale, |W. Va.>-at-4hte-4?tte-HiiL' inui'der * jwias^supp^aed~%r4rrrye corn -~j" i mitted. c The* officers, disregard- i TRIBUNE PRESIDENT-ID?4 ?_ " u -?New Turk, NTY., ^Icli.?-F. ^ Morris Murray, president of j lilurray^"?Bi oilUil'S " ~Printing ., Company, president __of__the ^ Washington Tribune Publishing Co., and secretary of the Crescent Amusement Company, _ the concern that operates the : Dunbar tneatredn Washington, ~ ["D. C., has been?selected?by tile i Universal Dovp|npmenfc^ a-ml | Loan company as manager.?bf i Suburban Park, the lnindrod| aft re. amusement resort they own in the-T) i strict- rof ColilhT-" | bia. Air. Murray's selection came jas a surprise to liim and the oT! ficials of the eomptfny have. 'given him a Two-year contractso that he may have ample time I to secure-effective results with a project that ha~s_ suffered con- * jsiderably from lack of pniper ? f m'anagemenf. < The new manager, is one of three brothers who have grown l up, in their own printing busi| ness in Washington, starting with^a To- ^ **? ?r?i.. ? <* i ua) nicy operaiu OHtt- P?_Ltl?_'' most complete plants in the 11 country withoulVegard to race distinctions in-describing- ^be T ; business.' ~ fa ' They have long been interest- 1 j ed in amusbment enterprises c ^and onrp nprrntnrl rpiifi i ili llll^ of film theatres, The dance L jcasino conducted on the top!? .floor of the* building that:1 |houses their printing plant, is Llhojdei-of-4t#-4<indt and ir"highly"^ | profitable buSiness*in Itself. t j. The lVtik lH -ar walT Tfthl oiit t .. j / ^=L Z . : THIS l?AI?Ktt-4S?|? W g DRY OTiy I) To TiLEL. ? t E eklsls o i % | THE PEOPLE.". | . ? ?. t ? -- ? ' v ' r.c A1 COPY. ?1 H MAJd \J ITlilll 'ENTS OTP GA. VA. WHEN COMMITTED rNews of CharJt Virginia . , A A, C. P. WITH 0 Extradit on--The lner, was Working ime was Committed ~ va Bonner's"" protests, Were ibout to rush hfni off to ?- ----A~iiliolit extraili tion papers, offering hjm p;n.^ nf iUn f] 1f>Q eward for the; mm-dermv: c?p iu-e and. guaranteeing him pr0ection. . ?: .. . -The facts 'having come to-th? htention of the X. ArA r p E^IT Natter, ol~the QiarlesjojL ^raiurh, formerly a ntt-mbm of Ilia- West Virginia:- legislature," vrete Governor Morgan, asking J nm not to- honor extradition capers untTT investigation could "?"? Je llatl- Nutter established hat_the accused man hoTb?Hij. ? di^heen working for West Vir onal rmi^TnTTT ^ onsc(|in'?ifc ; Im <]\ ii'j;j i Mil ifT " L_7? lad to return home without his nan. - - ' -J? - -.===: - .?""T _? u- r- - j ? . : _jn . +rn eity-^T^^rovide an interest- . ng ride for its patrons!" It is irpvided with ari;iynyj? foci gem, aerial swin jiienr y- ? fon'ound, a theater. an -Tin"*"^>1 ? y iEtrged cm oe pavilion, 4rnd a "lumber of concession atrLmi^??JUJlllSi.?5-te tit'tff season will, be ipenexi early in i\Iay. ? 4? - ' - r. ix- irnu \i?r? \j c * - . v?. ?T . ?T .HVI*, .'1. arfTT. iVJLaf r Georgetown, - S. C. \__potont fnctnrjri tho orhiontiririnl?' ' TrvrTT ofthe state. Ho is a' member f Vi>e ^Ejw^rtn'e - Board "of the FhtTnetto State Teachers' Association and 'stror.R supporter of tho orpraniza- ion. I'rof. Howard is n I^y. ffJtn in the A. M, -E Church and for i number of ycats?represented 'the halrtletto Conference in-the General Conference, lie is an arderrfc?a/orker H tho frntrrnirl?SOl'IMies ana known 4 or the active prats he takes in the rcneral meetings. He took to himdf a wife. Miss Eliza R. Williams, y< ' ho daughter of ftir. R. I/. Will lam 37 >_f ElloreeT a^~ft?w*years ago jrhd-witlr?~? dw-hwppy little boys they live in a iplendid home on The Main street o{ he o>ty whsie iliolr ar?-?lA