The palmetto leader. (Columbia, S.C.) 1925-196?, January 10, 1925, Page THREE, Image 3

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ijj^ Satqrday, January 10/1925. I v ^ L- - s?1. I . fr ' _... | . ' ' ? ??? J. B. LEVIE - ' . f . A widely known Fraternal ?rd< he has been the efficient Grand. the Knights of Pythias of South 1 .iX- ~ _ -1 _ J? x* ^ i - lor yuite a penoa 01 ume"?HFUS ^ Ing one of the bldest employees^ vice in Columbia. , "I Reach Out ]\ly Hand 1 . / And There3dg?S / - i - g ?? =2=ZZ +?1 -1; l>r JGcorge W. forver. Famed^ ' butes His Genius To *Divine Revelation." T f ~ " By Gene Cohn. I F ~ New York.?*-Thou InadesF" _ - . . . ~ man to have dominion over -the worka of Thy hand!?Thou has put all things beneath - thy feet." ?II is to this passage from the Psalms that Dr. George W. Car ver turns in seeking an explanatiun for the miracles.. ^of-Chem,' ifetry and botany "which have .' Royal Society of .Great jBritain ?nriP nf f'hp highpat aripntifip honors.?"^'; ^ , For "divine revelation_"_ .land not exact science, has guided his hand, declares the noted Ne- j triumphs In plant chemistry-atJ Tuskegee Institute takes on the , laurels -of a modern Ceres. Wherever formula rules the i laboratory- this announcement | tviTl become the basis of long de?hatprpand iI. -wftf-gpigsrt to t.hp ' tics, the transeendehtalists, the i ^ " schools of philosophy^nd of the 1 ?? oeoult,* ??-? This is not presumed to be an 1 era of "divine relation," and as- ; soclated with "sound science" it i would be^resiimedinbst illogical. Can Explain Nothing^^r' 1 ?'?u. xri-iu. it 1 i . * * ? let nsien to^tJie^iia-JzMcecir humble jgerfroswho shuffles-mfc) 5 -the"room with the walk , of_a ?plantation darkey; this one-time slave, once traded for a race' 1 , luirse. ! J " "There is nothing I can- ex- I - -~^~and there it ia.?The thing I-amH about tcrdo always comoa to me. 1 _r-?I do not have to grope.?I have i never had to. The method has- -< always beeh ~revealed to me. ] There corfies suddenly the inspi- j ration to create something?I 1 - reach out my hand and there it ib. .The thin or in done. AnH if il ig rightsThere is a pause?"Without i && draw-ftftlde-the ewtains I I would be holpleoo." ? ? : r?" In thiMame humble fashion A did he greet the scientific world when'he Achieved that which i men had sought for a thousand 1 years andflhore?the phodessTb^r 1 . which the color of Egyptian" A blue is produced. s c It is this color that adorned the grave of Tut-ankh-amen and c which man thought wvw could i ZVT _ Jb , President. . r er Executive. For many years Keeper of Records and Seal o Carolina. Mr. Lewie has bee tecLjeiriployee of Uncle Sam, be connected with the Postal Sei L. . ' V r \ \ be-reproduced again.? Dr.* Car ver dug into the clay, of Georgu went in^o his~~labd?&torv am aagie out with the longdost col or. ' - - ' ~~^= _ "fTmr 'Ftfl4^ fhp rd?v in th hills," foe said it simply. J*H made it in jEgypt in all th world.?-Why?should it ndt?b permanent? It has been ther for centuries?unchanged. A I do is to compound what Go made for man's use and delighl It is frdnr~fhe~soil that Di Carver-has workecL-alLhis wor der?the soil of his native sout with itst -goobers?and-?yami From the humble, peanut he ha produced Nearly 200 products from the sweet potato?hie ha produced . 100 products, whil dyes from the soil and a hur dred and one other discoverie ranging; from rubber to healin medicines have "come'* frbm hi laboratory. Traded for" Horse. r~.~ J . V - J'; ~rr "ffSr "TT" ?His life in itself is an amazin, drama. ? r *?He was born, a slave of slav parents in Missouri. It was th farm of Moses Carver, and,-hk ?all?slaves,?-he took then&m known either his family ^ nam or the fate of his mother, wh was'seized in a raid of marau dors."" ' His master sent a rescuinj partyT Hu was "found and re bought for a ?400 race horse bike Booker T. Washington h 1,0/kW ^ 1 1 1 1? ctcm um, unu uuutv?mi urn oiue backed -speller. From what h battle .for an educat he had finished in j 'h . Negr aehuuThe^w^tftarnorthLlo^Ka!iaa ^neHfreedom, worked in a Iaun dry: antLworked his way through Iowa university to a master' degree. ?? ' Attracting the attention--- o Booker Washington he was sen to Tuskege Institute as a profes 3or of experimental Chemistry Many efforts have been mad' to~tempt him away-;?Thema Edison offeied him a presiden [itoncQ ^ worlfe his head and decided to worl among his fellows. This, hi thinks,-is Jais mission. ~To this day no book g6es int< lis laboratory; He Iias Tiielef; 'to reaefreut his hand and theiv it is." The method comes t< Uncanny??So it may seen xr some. But not to this Negro genius vho is entitled to an "FRS" af ;er his name and may^wear.tly -eward ]f6T great research ant liscovery. To him "God draws aside th< :urtain" and he will never tx vithout an inspiration. ^?-^<1?*???- i * 1 : jgyf i ' vyq^wP ; i ' - -JC. ? * THE PALMETTO 7 1 - . . ; H ; - r* * " I | m i-. - *T. J. ITRTgftKftTt'IC. Ov n-Jbeing active irrfraternal, civic and i- is an experienced newspaper man, e^t<^ X^e_SmithreiL Indicator//? , $lr. Jim William^ Killed at p if. . ^oyster-Yard/ p Mi-* JfiTT^uiimna, <s>i, this-Eity was ~~ ? oruqhed to death at Roysjgl? Yards' this morning. Jan. 8tiy~at 7 o'clock/"7" lit seems that two onr-inns ritlnwifird; ? e each other andin fhecollision, Mrl ^ 1 jt^iem and hatliv manfrhuL Death was ? instantaneous. Was u? -<??F,U,K 6fat the railroad yards and also a meme ber of the Undertaking establishment |] of Manigault, Gaten.and Williams. d__^ l , "-V l- - be ^ ^ spice. h "* ' ~ v" . " he t-?? - A 5- Zoology class: The do no'th-' a" '* ing mcmboro of the class lidiej ' s made a New Year's Resolution ! es e with Mr. H. as president, Mr. | nr [Z F. treasurer, Miss M. secretary. ' | sp Teacher: Mi si' M., What is|0fl v a Green House? (a flower house) U^l g j- Studen^: I saw some painted j ?. green Hie other day when I i went up town, f rjy_Teacher: * MisS E., a chench huor. or;have yon T^vov' th seen ono?~"- '.IX ^ L111 g Student: T raw snmp spring on the beds. ..j_. . ? . e Teacher: Mr. H., How "many ^senses has a frog?1' ? ".* , ,mj Student: I don't know. " fo] Teacher: Well, how many in< i?"|Student: One, r gues?. Ah 0|'Fesser, I don't know. ~ \ j {_\ Teacher.: Mr. F., Your moth-in.< . er told me Jast week that- she th (Avanted to make a power out of i jn g: you. She wanted to give you". !- all you could get as you are the 1( ?. .only child/ ? =t=: e: Another Student: Donit-look ihh _ .as he ran take on anymore aa "i'Fesser. .1 . e ; Teacherf Why ? ' r ie] Student: He docen't-aeem toia n know anything you ask himr" ','thi 5--^ - ' - -- T- ' j it[. 2~~ \ ' ' ' ,-~1 no h FUNERAL NOTICE. ? si V _ ' ' th< A * ' - "*m? f :"v '(' K - ?Thcr funeral services oi Mrs. Mary xj ^j_Feaster-Glenn will be hold at First j j Calvary Church, Sunday. January It, ' j 1925,"at-U30 P. M., Rev. J. C. White,; en e J officiating. Interment at/ the Doug- St< 8 laaa cemetery.?Funaralized hY |1R r ~??' arc{ Mr. Culher~TIaywgnd, uiiginftUy-of. ^ T this citv. but whn hfl? hppn -rrrnlrinop^ T g|^ifl^hAm? in Chicago, 111., is spending j^jj old acquaintances. do y . -1 S - - -j .Mr. Miles, one of the oldest citihisjiome on Hampton Ave. CO! ij I I I HI I ?? 1PQMPEY H, S TAILO - Cleaning, Pressing and V?2" v TJofie.' Suits Made 1 -^r-To'.- OaHed For and Deliver 11^1-A Washington St.,? Ph< . - . 111 ) LEADER i i > educational movements. He having^ for a number of years - A h . ? " ? 1 : - i_J r . * r \ 1 EWCHANGES ARE MADE IN gridiron ronrc j ore Than 200 Coache&^oteli Confidence in Present i Kuies. - ? - J. 1 : ^ r 7* i New York.?Few changes will . w. r.vl si J ? -5 nirtuc hi-tns gridiron" cone, m th$ reeommendatoiris made at 1 e^third?^annual ^orrvewfcteflF^ re of the American Coaches J y weight the codemakers.^___; voted their~confldence ih the esent code^ Ih them-opinion H ly four minor changes were eded, The changes wereT" 1. A defensive -offield vio-" Ton he., penalized five yards,. -! e. down shall remain the samp"~ less the ground jflfoecbby pen- ^ y makc3 first down. i 2. The kicking "off shall be j acte irom the kicking " sides j j rty-yard line; also that four j ?es room shall be employed.J making" the kickOff. ? 2 3. That the head lin^snrSn be j Tructed to roughing \ e man vvdrtTmakes the kick, < the ca^e of a-punt or drop , :k." / 4. Thar x krck~blocked" be- j a-first down to. the side "cov-ItS, ing iti_ that in the case 'where! : kirk ia partially hlnrVed 3 trliaTT crossed the" scrimmage | ?j e, it-be- treated the same as-j-j woukt in-ease-The ball hadtH ? * ' t been touched by anyone:1""""- j The latter is in contrast to 'j 2 present?rule, rrtfl-try a-mTnmittee headed by ^ The recommendations were.. *j igo Bezdeck, formerly big lea-j *3 ebase ball manager and pres- ? t head coach at EennsylvanfaT~ ate College. The four recom- < mdaliuiis" wgfe nnally puf ^ rough after" Dr. " Spears, oTj 3st Virginia, had written aijri lendmentr The report of the t nmittee was that b)ookfd J :ks recovered by the kicking 1 le would not constitute a first \ vvn, unless recovered beyond \ potrrt Marked by the forward i le line stake. Robert Zuppke, oF Illinois, j as elected president far .the ming ""year. * iharper | ro - Order. Work r~r;; me 7209 Columbia, S. C. ^ ^ _v.^^-;... ,x I 4 ' ' .. .?3.--'Ar ? ' *-aa> - i " ;1 . -> V:V "/ < ' 'V rt* -- " ' ; I J^IT.ROBE I . : l._ : TA1I.O! ? Cleaningr- Pressing j?* , Neatly'Done. Suits 1 X Work Called . For i v . . ~ k TELEPHON1 X _ r ' ^ ?? '{ 1118'/? Washington Street, 'i'^X-X-XK-rX^^W^-W-VVVW^ MRSV-PT R. REE ? A Full Line of Patent 3 v . Cigajrettes and Tobaccos. Madam C. J. Walker's7".] Times.. Ice Cream and S ||' 1422 Assembly Street, ^ vwwwvo?y?v?y?wwwwwwwwww??w?ywO?vWM??wj^ s i ???KT~}t J A TVn^S* T X-: Fish aiid Game in Se* 5 . ** Conrtpoiis Sprvicp JJ Vvvn vvvUO Uvi Xvvt j lQflr Washington Street, g ine oansiaction of Otiiers is 3 ,Wc Have Pleased "Them ~A14rI" c. S. MORRIS, 3 1003!/i Washington St., "Phone Suits Made to Order for *" ~ : ~ Altering and 5 - Suits Sponged a/id Pressed B' Suits Dry Cleaned and Pressed Suits Steamed Cleaned and F f-, -! - WE SEND FOR A? T " ' ^ ' !~ THE ACME J3HAV ^ffiAVID ROOI Everything Sanitary t J'" Expfert Barber?, Son i v _' ;.<~X~X~X~X~X"X"X"X~X~X~X~X~X~:~: ? ? . r, ^ - .. WHEN IN TAT.ITMHTA [ - '' BROADWAY f. EVERYTHING SANITARY - ;; . ? { FISH and ( .... IN SEASt [ 1 $08" Washington Street, X~X~:~X~X~XK^K~xkk~X~X"X*^X~X-< _____ f 5. Tornm o PaoM ? r -v? V..IV A1LVOI,, * Everything Sanitary a AH Tools Sterilized. Fi 4j v 1116 Washington Street, |, SANITARYLU1 * MRS. MAMIE WIL1 \ i Lun^he^ at All Times. in , *= i-i 8 ^ 1000 Washington Street, ?- \ vuivms . . . \ -TI^S RTSON v^5g and Altering ?,' ' % O - Made To Order. ?" " md Delivei:e4, ^ |?? <> 5 4003 fnlnmhia, S. Cr . - r - . V-* .. ' -. ' *'-' G STOR E" fi SE. 1'roE '"I" A Full Line of ?retparatfons at all77 " ? ~ iodas. *:-: 820 , ' '1 Columbia, S. C. _JS_ -?. _ 5L-: NCHBOOM z| -^niCK Juunches. ison.' Polite and =v^;?'5: r ; Columbia/ S? - "j"""5 ??3fl?ggg8?3a=cdojcaagooaroau ' * uui uuaiaiucCi V Wo Can Satwfy You. i?; = Proprietor 5553, Columbia, S. C. C; Ladies and Gents. ; -jjr~" Dyeing. s , 'ressed $1.00 m deliver. m ? . - i_?... ^^Tarlor"" |. r, Prop. ? - ' -1 Zi| I_;Z... tnd_ Up-To-Date. | Columbia, S.: C. _fi; _ ' - I ^ ? x~x~x-x~x~x~:~>*i-x-x~x~x? a * ^ EAT AT THE , | ' imvrAFR _ I AND UP-TO-DATE iAME^ ~ ir~ }N. J.- - - - ' lUL I IS, Prop. --~T? ^Columbia, ST CT ! Pgl X-X-X~X-X~X-X~X-X~X-X->/ Eugene Lilliwood, Mgr. | iTid Up-To-Date. ' f | rst-class Service. ' Columbia. ,S. C.? | J VCH ROOM M Fish and : "' ?