The Fort Mill news. [volume] (Fort Mill, S.C.) 1890-1892, September 02, 1891, Image 3

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G0D BliEgg YOH. Tli* phr?M- ii.s ?rit? : tin* insinwrf And lii'iirtlivK sillily iisi> it. And often hypocrite* austere To tiiai their project* choiiKe it: Ilut when 'tin spoken from tin* Isviirt, Whll.. jrriefn mid ciirt's npprcus you. Tin' hiiii appears. the clouds depart? Tlmt i'o in in' >n p/mtse, God IiIihh you! I,iff often in 11 dreary roud VVliere thorns and briars lnwt you And while you stnjcpjer 'nenfli your lo??! Sliulll trollli/es nliiie mill . It tliPt'.vi' inn) ililfK flu* u-nr When nil t!???? ill* ilixfrcaM yi?u, * j . If fruhi a friendly voire you hear The roniiniin phraae, Uoil I dene you. Am! often when the heart would apeak Ita irnimlse mreet ami tender. Ami other won/? are ail too weak Ita moaning* ileep to retulee. Or gratitude a iiiedlnin ai-ek* In which It wouhl mldreaa you. Then in the plirnae a volume apeak. The tonimoil phrUHe, tiod Idee* you. .S'lim/ifer Acfva/ire. It'8 a Loiij* Ti me Bolwocii Drinks. INCIDENTS THAT TED VV TO T1IE SAYING THAT MA H10 TWO GOV ENOKS FA MOTS. Every man in the I'liitiHl Draws is supposed 10 Kiunv wliat the 'governor of North Carolina said to the govenor of South Carolina," hut possibly some do not know when and under what circumstances the famous remark was made. Nearly a century ago a man prominent in political affairs in North Carolina ? moved across the border and settled in South Carolina, ile had been there only a short time when he committed some small crime or misdemeanor, for which lie was indicted. To escape arrest he returned to his old home in North ('arolina. In due course .. c 4 4 i.? .,r i.i. ui hum* iiir ffuvrmir ut rtoiiini Carolina issued Ins recpiisit ion 011 the ^oveiior of North Carolina for the fugitive criminal. The fugitive han rich and tiuentinl friends in his native state and they interceded with the govenor until he refused to grant the requisition. A long official correspondence folio wed. Prominent men in South Car olina told the govenor I,hat he had not been treated with proper official courtesy by the govenor of North Carolina. The result was t hat t he South Carolina, govenor aeeompa nied by a large party of, friends and visitors, journeyed by Stage to Raleigh, the capital 01 Aort-ii Carolina, for a conference with thegovenor about the Hint-tor of giving up the criminal. The govcnoi of North Carolina, with a largo party of distinguished friends, met the governor of South Carolina several miles from town and escorted them to the govenor's mansion with all the ceremony due distinguished visitors. Before the object of the visit was stated the entire party sat down to an elaborate dinner. After dinner wine was served and after wine came brar.dy?the applejack for which the old north state isfamous. After many rounds j of drinks the decanters mid I glasses were removed, and the coven or of Si ?n t li l':n-i>li /?> ' " ' tin staled the object of his visit. He demanded the .surrender of the fugat.ive criminal. The govenor fo North i'n.rnlinu. refused. Then followed a long and heated discussion, in whieh the attorney generals of the t wo st a t es took an active part. Finally the governor of Sout h t 'an?lina grew angry and rising to his feet, lie said: 'Sir, y m have refused my just demand and offended the dignity ?>f my office and my state. I n Irss Vol] <1 ( (>|]c<> *lirn?ll<|pr 4 the prisoner I will return to inv capital, call out I he militia ol'the state and returning wit h myarmy, I will take the fiiiritivehv foreeof arms (lovenor. what do you sny?' All eyes wrir turned oil the govenor of North Carolina and his answer was awaited with breathless interest . The j govenor roso slowly to his feet and beekoned to a servant who stood some distance away. His beckoning was firm and dignified as heen me his position. lie was slow about answering and again the go veil or of South Carolina, demanded. 'What do you say?' 'I say govenor. that it is a long time between drinks.' The reply restored good humor. Decanters and .... .1 i ? 1 - <tini glasses ware orougui out again. and while the visitors remained. it anyone atteni]>ted to refer to the diplomatic object of the \*|sit he lie was cut short by the remark that it was along time between drinks. When the visit inggovenor was ready to return home lie was escorted to the state line by the govenor of North Carolina and t hey parted the best o f friends. The fugitive was never surrendered.?Suinptcr A dvnncv. Gditorial .paragraphs. The grain speculators have a 11 ea dy imale money j uggl i i ig with the price of wheat, than the farmers will make out of their phenominal grain crop this year. Sain Jones is tiring ungra-* niati?*al broadsides of salvation slang into the ranks of New York sinners, but no breaks are observable \^m their lines, although t i^H contribute liber illy to pax' the ltev. Sam for the amusement he furnishes them. The idea of nationalizing the militia of the States and placing the whole under tin4 command of the Secretary of War. is a bad orotund should be dropped a t once. We want no standing army in this country. Nor do we wish to see such a temptation to do evil placed before some future over ambitious Secretary of War. tinvo . ...^ "iiiv i|i irr i mr?l.H>vn' in Australia. The minister of education has suspended one of the most successful school teachers just because she prayed for the death of her husband. If her husband was anything like the husbands of some self-supporting women we know she was * ! justifiable in praying for his death, and more deserving of sympathy than censure. Again the story is going the rounds of the press that Blaine will shortly announce} that he will under no circutn- J stances become the candi- j date of liis party next year., and that he is in favor ofI 1 larrison's rem an inn t ion. This story is killed by a,little addition to the effect that Mr. Blaine is very anxious to retire from public life. Yes, about as anxious as a hungry horse is to retire from a trough of oats. Private life would be as great a vexation to Mr. Blaine as life ashore is to a sailor, and in spite of all the stories which have been or may be told concerning his intentions we predict that if lie is offered the presidential nomination <>t Ills v ln? will it. I I I L. D. CHILDS, I Proprietor of Chester Marble Yard. If V...1 ?r.?nl t/. 4-1... .. . w,. .nun, id ill.tllv lil ii| resting place of your loved | ones, call on the under signj ed and get estimates on any kind of Tomustone, or Monimknt, J. M. SPUATT, | Aut. 1 A bountiful sktii. Iirlislit t-yin, nwivl breath, Kiioil appetite, Kicnroui body. pure liiiiiiil tail koiiJ Ileal til result front the uhc of He Wltf'H Sum ipnrlllu. It Ih Mold at Watson's. T. D. FAULKNER, Un dertaker To the Prune 1 have now embarked in the coffin business and constantlv Aeep on hand a full stock, all styles, all sizes,and all prices. Plow Stocks, H auuows. | and other funning implements madcto order, llrctiiEs, Waoon.s,etc. ivpaiied. Very popular, very mnnll, very jfixxl lie | Witt'* Little Karly ltisers, the (till for eonMtip.'itioii, biliousness, Hick hendaeliee. Wathoii'h I'oartitaey. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! How do these prices str ike you? 909 yds. beet Calico at a ami <? cts. Alamance Plaids. 4%to7%<\ SlIlltTlNO at. 5 cts. Spring and Suiiuner Ginokv.Ms at cost ^ij.?uiim1 Lawns at cost, Spring I) it ess Goods at cost. Straw Hats less than cost. New lot of S1IOKS and Ho/.. N. l\ .IEANS just received which will he sold Clu ap. A full line of dry ^oods, no" tions, groceries, crockery, tin, wooden, and willow ware, all at hottom imiicks. Also, a few mens and hoys suits will he closed out cheap. HONEST GOODS AT LOW PRICES AT S. M. Mills. FORT M I b L GRADED SCHOOL The next session of this school will commence Aujjft. 31st. 1801. Prof. .1. A. Royd has charge of the advanced department , Miss Lucy Ik,'Ik, Intermediate* Department and Miss .vlell Lee, I'rimary Department. ? Uatks of Tuition? for children living in School District, payable quarterly in advance. Per Quarter of 2.\ mo. ? r oo ,, Session .,5 ,, $ 2 00 Y ear ? 10 $ 4 00 Children li\*/ne- f?nf?uii> '< r - ' " | H<*/iOol (liKt'lif't, ..">() p?? month in advance. S. K. White, Pivs'nlent .1, \V. Anlivv, Secretary i I RF.An aincl be convinced that Bargains are greater than ever before offered in our town. 1 Now what we propose to <lo is to make a CLEAN SWEET of all Si'mmkk ! (loons, and in order todo so, ], wo put prices down so that ' tlie goods will move. Wo offer great inducements \ in t his line of goods. Our prices are second to 1 none in the st ate. ? LOOK HERE Simpsons calico (> cts yard, < >ther brands 4, & 5 ,, ., Dress ginghams (>% ,, ,, ? Lawn at tt. 4 and 5 ,, ,, ! Lack curtains 12 ,, ,, \ Oilcloth 20 ,, ,, | Blkkciijnc 5 to 12 ? Spool cotton, 45cts perdoz., i Guaranteed to be good \ Candy 10 centa a pound Cost chewing TonA<vo25e. lt>. , That best fine snutT in town for 50 cts. Try one. < I,,,. ..4 1. f '* 1 wtn (mih;k hi Ullf 1> I'il IS. I WKA It ingoing fast.. So com* 'L at once and sec what you can get fur 25 ets. Ar?> they not * ~ 4/ worth it.? SHOES! SHOES! Money saved on SHOES. TRUNKS! TRUNKS! Finest stock of (JKOUEKIES 1 as usual. m f Yours for Business, < * v'" ... , m i. Ell WIN & JOJJES. |. T u R N i : p s ! E E D I n TTT t Watson's Pharmarv - <? f . > TIME TABLED ItK'HMONK ?V DANVILLE It. K, Sonfli ('jiriilitm Division JZHt' Trnl.r* run b.v.TStli. Moriilenn time. "uliileiiHeil KcAeilulc Iu effort Aiijj. 1! 1891 Xo.'tH Vml.iJin. No. 12. Nu 10 Northbound, Dally Dally. Daily. .euvH .'lin rli'Nl i iii 11 40 a 111 |5Of) |i ID . it vi* AiiKUHtu 1 i 45 a in | TOO put krrlvo Urnuitvllle 12 I7?iii| 7 32 pa. krilveTrviiton .. 1245utii| 8 25 pa irrl vo JoLiihuiih 12 511 h iii| 8 4<? p in krrlve Koliiaitilu 245pin|1040p it) krrive vviitiiNlioro 4 41 p m| 12 26 u in Irriret'lienier 5 3<>p ui| 1 :'.1h iu Ijrive Itni'k lllll 615piu| 2 i 8 t in krrivoKurt Mill C32piu| 22l am irrrlve Charlotte 71tlpxui 3 05ai" .i,iiviiV-'nllnliiirv..lo:i2pni i'20pni| 7112am .envi-(Ir'iialiiim 12011ain 11 lupin 925 a hi irrlvi- Kirliiimiiil 7'Alii in 44upin irrivi- W hhIi'kIiiii N38um 102 n nil 7 Aopm irrivcl . Itiniiirt'lOOOuin 12 3 itu|1125piu i r /'lillti ... 'Iiiu 12 35 p in 22i>piu| 300atn irrlvoNi ? Vurk 320pm 4 5lip iii| 0 2Oani Not it hin hi ml. No.37 Nu, Vl.No, 11 i-avvNi'iv York 1 2 50h ui 12 15 n|c't|4 30pfa l.v I'lilliuli'lpliia :i 5Ua in :t 5i) a in | > 57 p ni en vi' llullliiHirti... 0'ilia in 0 5O a ml OUOpm \ Wnalitufttoil 1050 pin 11 1 5 it in 11 1 OOptu live A'leliiiitiiul 3 oo pill I 2 55 am en ve i! rental mro 7 OO a in 10110 p iu| 10 28 a iu ave Nu I Inli ii r>* 8 18 a in I2 30pm|ll 54 a in cltve Clinrl?itie 035a iii 2 35 a iii| 155piil en ve Kurt Mill 312 iiui| 2 29 p m t-uvc IC'M-k //III iii|^245|i iu vaM- I'luntiT 4 Hi a in| U Jf> p ilk nvv winiiHlMiro r? OMu m| 4 iu I'uvr ( tiluiiililn T<K> it in| tlOO|?n ifiivi1 .IoIiiinoii'h s ft 7 a in 7 4f> |> lu vi\** Tri'iitun I'l.'lainl 7Rtl|im i-iivt'tiriinltfvillle 0 44aia N I'll |> ia irrlvo AiiKUntii lti^.r?aiu| Oloptu ir, lliarlvnton HOMitlii) Oltupin TllltOIJli// < Att SK/iVICK I*nilnmn car* Imtwcrn tirv??niiboro, N. (\ nil AUKUHta, Ok. on Trnlim u ami 10. Train "J conuectM at Charlotte with WaMlilii|{ioa mil South Wi-Htorn Vi-Mttliulcil limit vol tralu luuila-r ::h. ju< l Taylor, i). cikiilwall, ti 1'. II. 1?. I'. A. yyauonh buuhikh cahts YNI> Haiinkmm Fou Salk BY A . A. V O U N G . ^ < II loud mouth on tin? Ntonmch, dlRHHtion 1h t IdfOtlve. I?w Wltl'n Idttlf Knrlj HImth will rmiil* thin.. Tho fninouM little iiIMh that "C-WJ1|?? andj??-v?T*?niHpl"MTtl7t:?At Ho? 1 ? V <in'H /'linrniiir.T. THE SAVINCS BANK of FORT MILL. S C. STATIOM KNT. At clohk <> f itiJHiNicss Aurunt 1st 1801. Loans f 10,581. 06 Town Bonds 010. 50 Off. Furniture 37. 85 Dw^froni |Bnnks....1,933. 08 [Josh onhnml 1,134. 26 #23,297. 65 L?il. 1 Jfc-I A A AO O/k ni K IMI. no I'er.Dop 4,573. 56 DuooIIkm* Ikmkw...2,402. 20 Pmliv. Profits 1,853. 00 $23,207. 65 /, J. At Sprntt, Cnshier )f tyivirifis Jinnk of Fort si/11, do so\enui\y Kfwv/r that \ \w ;iho\'(f stnU'inont is corret to the best of my k/Jowl m|gv? iuit] lwliaf. ./. M. sprntt, Ca/fliier, Sworn to hoforv ino tfh/& /?/ ? <hiy of July Will. J. W Arrlrvy, Notary Y*nhlic. Altiist, Ssmm'/ A\ whif e, J. H\ Ariliwv. %/ 1 J H/fr/o/'S,