The Fort Mill news. [volume] (Fort Mill, S.C.) 1890-1892, September 02, 1891, Image 1

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}> - ' 7 ' ' % I' 1 < r l-frotf'i !' < Tlii lateral* ttj '/ ' .) ./ Cumin mi /<" . VOL I. Fou r MILL, S. ( VVKDNKSDAV. SI I'TKMl'.FU 2, ISiH. NO. 47. jHH SOUTHERN STATE NEWS Our Coterie of Commonwealths Represented Here Happening-s of the Day Reported ind Notes of Industrial Proj.Tress Find Space. VIRGINIA. The business Men's Association of Norfolk arc arranging for a gay time in October. Mrs. Margaret Ptlgh, of Rockbridge county, died Thursday, aged one hundred and two years. Station Agent Shewbridge, of Rockbridge county, near Lexington, was knocked down and robbed Thursday. The assessed value of property iu* R auoke, Ya , this year is $11,058,913, an increase ot $4,000,000 over 1889. The Newport News Sua reports that tevernl new steamships are to he built at the big ship-yard there, and that 1,000 additional men are to Ik* employed. The Southern Granite & Marble Co. has been organized at Roanoke. The company has purchased 500 acres 0 miles from Roanok-, in which is a granite that ekports declare to l>e of the first quality that ranges from grey to pink in hue. A stone-yard will be opened at West Roanoke, where from 50 to 50 skilled stoned risers will We employed. The targe factory nt Salem, built for the use of the Chad wick Two wheeler Co., is under roof and will soon be read) for occupancy. This company, which has been doiug a large business at (Mean, N. Y., has shut down there. On September 1st the several wine cellars i.i Albemarle comity are annually opened for the purchase of wine grapes, v ash is paid for them, and they are bought at the rate of f-40 per ton tor Concord, Ives, Hartford and others of that chaar&ctcr. $05 per ton for Norton* and * vtV) pi. ton fur the ticsr wtrtic grapes. . The Governor pardoned Henry lt)?ers, dying with consumption, who was cov? victeil in Hockingham county in lstMi. of horse stealing, and sentenced to five years in the penitentiary. The fourth annual fair of the Che-a* peake Agriculture Fair Association was commenced at Cape Charles Tuesday with very flattering prospects A telegram from Farmville states that two men nam -d Fox and Hawley had been sentenced to ten years' imprisonment each for robbing the postotliee of that place, anil that another robber, Clark, was sentenced to fifteen years for the lamt offense. NORTH CAROLINA. The Chief Postoflice Inspector has received a telegram announcing the arrest of Assistant Postmaster Williams, of Demianco, for rilling the mails. Wednesday there was brought to the penitentiarv at Italeigh the youngest conO' !- -? - w v*? i ^vuvi\.h m ?>i m^uwuv ruuiivry in the state. His name is Will Kd wards, and he is only thiiteen ye is old. He committed the crime in Orunge county, in June, and was successful in obtaining money from bis victim. He gets a sentence of seven years. Col. A. K. McClure, editor of the Philadelphia Times, has accepted an invitation to deliver an address at the North Carolina Kxposition, at Ffaleivh, October 21. He will also goto Asheville, where he says he has loug been wanting to make a visit. Col. McClure will see a beautiful and progressive country. Trinity College lias just received notice of the donation of a collection for the museum, consisting of 500 specimens of American and other woods and 1:>0 specimens of of invertebrates, labelled in alcohol and ready for shipment. These spcci tens are tin: gift, of a friend to the institution living in Washington, l>. ('. Thursday was the annual reunion of the Mecklenburg Confederate Veterans Association, at Charlotte. They were given a gtand picnic at. I.atta Park. George A. Gilligan, who was wanted at Wilmington tor bigamy, uud for whom a heavy reward was offered, has been captured and sent to Wilmington. He had a wife and child at Wiluiiiigoii, and recently, while in Virginia, lie met a pretty young girl, whom he married, lie left her mioii afterward, however, auil detectives have since been on his trail, effecting his capture a day or two ago. SOUTH CAROLINA. Arthur it. Hair, Bhtckvillc, has been appointed a cadet at the West Point Military Academy. The directors have lieen authorized to select a building for the new Fanners' Alliance hank at Columbia The independent ?< ttonseed oil inilU of South Caroline., were rcincsentcd bv delegates lit ;i convention held in <'limits ton last week. The following epitaph is in Caueshnro: "Here lie* Jitue Smith, wife of Thouuis Smith, marble cutter. This monument whs erected by her husband as a tribute to her memory ami a specimen of his work. Monuments of this same st\le $2.r?o." Edward Van Odeii is siting the city of Charleston for $h>.tr>;; damages for in fringement of h s p.trnt on water heaters for steam lire engines. Col. Tlios. \V. Ilollowav. tin- s<- letarv of the S'ate AgrieulMnal ami Mee' anieal Society, of Sooth faioliu-. has just ha<l printed the premium lot for the coming Fair. The records of the win department show that, there are huiied io the two n.i tionnl eemete ies ia JmkiIIi Carolina 12. '2SI federal soldiers. The largest is that at I'eaufort, where the interments numher l),27St. of whieh 4,7nO u'e classified as "known" ami 4,.120 as "unknown In the cemetery* at Florence there have | been I'.OOo interments, only 200 heing | "known," while 2,71)11 are "unknown " At n meeting if the South Carolina Agricultural and Mechanical Ass a iation, held August S, at Oriillgehurg, resolufl<ttl?i UMfn im tiiitu.uuli ... 11 ... ' V. .1. I >f greatly diversifying agriculture ami <>f reducing (In; urea usually devoted to cott *ii. A committee <>f 'Ju extensive planters, with ex -(Inventor llugood u? chairiuau, was appointed to attend the cotton growers' convention at Alabama next month. I>r. Wood row, president of the South Carolina University, left Monday for a trip up North. lie said that he would nol resign the bank presidency until a few days before October 1 The object of the trip to the Nor h is two- old First for recreation and second to make personal inquiry into the methods ol physical culture at the Northern colleges OTHER 3TATE9. Inter-State Coalmen e ('onunfssioner, Walter Urn go. of Alabama, died Friday at Spring Lake, N. J. Alfred tililihtiwattrroV New <nleans, | one oi tlie council III the celebrated I Gaines case, lins Ween at lichen with paralysis. j Cordele, Oa., lias a two legged Willy goat that walks uptight like a chicken, ^ i t * down like a dog, is very intelligent and a great pet among the children. Sheriff O'Connor, of Augusta, has called on the white troops to do guard duty at the execution of Frank Danforth, the negro wife murderer, on the September 4th, hut. the otlirers of the white I company think it unnecesury to serve ns the sheriff has made asiinilar reipiest upon the colored troops. The Florida Fibre Co., of Jacksonville, capital $10,000, owns 1,5110 acres near Fort Lau ierdale, in Dade county. On this land it lias put out 5*00,000 sisal plants which it is now cultivating, and at the same time it is procuring its machinery for llhre making ami is Wuildiug tiuimv.i (him Governor Northen, of Georgia, lias called a meeting ol the road congress of that Stale to assemble at At hints, Oetohei 2H, et It) o'clock a. in. In compliance with the request of the vice presidents of the congress from all the distiieta of the State, he has issued an invitation f >r a road congress of all tlie Soul hern States to assemble at Atlanta the following day. The Suwanee Canal Co. is the name of a Georgia corporation of which Captain Henry Jackson, of Atlanta, is president, which has purchased from the State 210, 000 acres of land in the Okcfenokee swamp and proposes to obtain still more. Then the Suwanee canal will be constructed, which will drain this vast morass and at the same time furnish transportation for the splendid timber ^hat covers it. On the 10th iust. the people of Texas iluopieM live ailiilHIlntlil- In llit: !~>tate constitution. (Mil* of the?e indicted the popular iuterest in edueutn?n. for it authorized tIn legislature to t ike one per cent, front the permanent school fund and add it to thai immediately available. Another of prime importance provides that the legal rate of interest shall in no case exceed 10 per cent., and thai in contracts where no rate is stated it shall he 0 per cent. The tilth amend incut provided for the neat ion of additional court*i si appeal, both < ivil and criminal. A on ltug*. There is a bounty on .June hugs in Sweden anil Norway, where the tree9 sutler greatly from the pests. In a single Swedish province 12,000 kroner were paid for, it is estimated, something like one hundred and ten millions of Imin lust spring. .Many persons make soup ol the inserts ami rut them, thus making their ciHwIing Yrop pay at einla. | Aeio York. Htcordtr. ' FAKM Kits' A 1.1,1 ANTK. Colonel Polk Talks ?>11 The Political Objects. Tho Senate the IJoint Towards Which All tho Energies of tho AUiunco Wil) Center. Wastiinoton, P. |Special.] Colotiol L. L. Polk. president of tlw N itional I'iiiiiht' Alliance, was in regard to the objects ami anus o! tlir alliance in tin* impending state elect ions. "t)ur campaign at ??> - nt.** said ColoDel Polk, "is not to elect a president. or to si-I ure the governorship of si iii - We arc striking nt tin* monopolists in the United Stales senate So t n we have landed three. The lit ' \va Senator Hampton, ot South Carolina, then Jolill .1. Infills, nt Kaii-as, pillowed I>\ (lid eon C. Moodv, ol South Dakota the next oue to go into retirement will lie John Sherman, of Ohio. Malt ltansom, of Nor'h ( aroliua. will aP^ he ret ired. ? The fate of these two senators is just as eortainly sealed as that ot John J. liigalls. M 1ST A K KS Nor III I.K lil I' I Villi 4 We made two mist do that will not he repeated," continued ( olonel Polk, meal i ' ' s- . II IIU HMU|iirir * **lll 14'I ?ll llir >M| III Carolina legislature we allowed Senator Vance to l??* rv l?-? tI, >n the ^tn ii<-ili <>f I his promises that lie 111<I he a faithful political servant to the interest of the I people. The election of (jovernor (ior ilon, of tTeorgiu, was also a niKtake, as he has show ti himself to he far more in t crested in his o\mi pcisonnl >u< ec-s than that of the allianee. Hereafter no pi om i?iof the politicians ol the old parlies wift he noeepted." flow do you propos, to ?lclc.?t John Sherman in < Hiio ' We liave .liini defeated. In lrgi-la five districts the alliance will support) candidates pledged to vote against Slier #l'he voting siren- lit of the actual Vtiolli. l^.tlfl's < *tn- 1iwiijj.. im, j r, are duing missionary work _.n lie fanners generally, and thousands of voters not vet mentioned with the allianee itself w ill he rallied against Sherman. If you would look over the eon espolideliee Irolii Oltiovoll would lie eouviiieed that it is now all impossibility for him to sneered himself "Is the light liein made on MrKinley also "!t is not. As I stated, w are now ''calling out the I nited Stales senate. (Sovernoiships are not valuable to us at this time. Ii would haven good moral effect to elect slate ollieers, merely as an I evidence of the strength of the organi/ai lion, uiii tuir primary oojixi is lo sccnra the liitlnucc of powei in tin* legislature, which enacts the law*-, and t I i it? < 1 , * States senators. TilK KHII1T IN OIIIO. "l'rolialily many alliance mciiiht-is will support tin* pi- -pie's ticket in <>liio, l>ut there is no inovt-mciit to have 1 hem do so. Conseipicntly the alliance is not lighting McK iulcy; hut don't infei from that that I think lie will lie clceti d 44 Can Senator Wilson, of Iowa, he returned f" 44 We are not ligurin-: much on results from Iowa," replied Colonel I'olk. "The orgaiii/ution in that state is weak, though ihepopuhii -sumption is that we unmaking a great light there. That idea is a mistaken one. The most we expect to get out of the contest in Iowa i- to deter inint- what strength the movement is developing there. No li ps ale expected In the uoithwest, however, the voters M-em to he more ready to hreak away 11?>111 i out pariy in hi ui oilier mi 11.his of tin* country. "Will the alliance undertake to dictate tin* siieeessot of Senator <>uay in l'i mi sylvanin if" "As matters stand now, I think not. Tile state is not yet Siillieieilt I v OI L'.IH i/.ed However, the work i-- pro<>ic -in?r ruphlly. You ilo not sec inttcli ahotit it in the newspapers, hut uhoiit two local alliances per day arc heinjr organized in the state, l?> tIn* 1 inn S-'iiat ui t 'aim i mi's term expires we will piohahly he ready to supply his siicci s- i. WHAT NKW Yollli Wil l. Do. '"In New York stale the sjimilion is liiueli the same. Now riIn-less, .'senator lliseock will lie retired in !*! :!, though other causes w ill opci tie to that cml he sides the spread of the allialn move luent." ' Tl... i. ,. 1 >; >. ' I lilt1 i'llrct t ll.'tl Sl-llillol < ?l lli< >11 Ii is eajl tureil tin Alaiyliiixl alliance "That is an invention. I was piiscnt throughout tin recent convention. If t Im Mai viand alliance is true to its prin ciples, two alliance senators will he elei Ie?l from that state in \t winter, ami Ar thur I*. < <>111111 ii will not he one ?.l them. Hi1 is In in in h of a st i n |< lie i on I he mi\ci ijiie 1 i<hi to -ml oni piiiu iph-s, anil is iiiniceouiit Iilt* in otliei \vu\s I lie two Alahaina chhimi. mint ahn he rci tired from further .-orvice in tin- I niti-ii St :%11 -"ii it . Mi. wilt (tmne lii-t. tlii ii Mr. < 'uii^n'ssinau (>\fii. wiio liis opi'iilv ?I ?'?l. i mm I ii?jainst tin* :i 11 ialnr, will I !!*: < I llir | ?l"? ?n of t? ? -i wliu u'? "ill of pulilii' MTvii'v from llial -liili' This lull w< r\|MTt to Sonne 11 nil I lU't t' I <l|ll lot I ( \ IIL'in in. ' "Sou liuvt- lii'i'ii iiii'lit ioiifil lis tin: nioliahh- :i 11 in u<(irrsiilinl iul raniliilato in 1 si 1<'oloin-1 I'olU. Imvr yon not f" "M oll, tin- now^|>H|M i- sahl soiiii* timo i-oo tliiii I wauti'il to In- mivornor of Noilli t'inolina. niiil wIiimi that ?Ii?1 not j tianspiil I was aniioiuii'i il as th'sjiino to i iMil** i" lilt' scnaie 10 nil \ tin r > oiu shoes That statement likewise turned out ti? lie.incorrect. \ mi ran draw your own conclusions ulmiit tin* report now iniino aiound I in not fnrnct. though, there will la* an alliance national ticket in the Held next fall UlU.W 1 ii OK TIIIC F viim Kits' \l.l i im R Sim i' last addr ssi||.. \,,u as |>rrsid<'nt of tin* \ oi ih Carolina SI a'i! Alliaiua*, 11 has I ii'i'ii my ore at pleasure to watch the healthv growth of our Order, and the rapid development of the principles we have iiii'iileated. On the 30th of April, 1SST, the llrst siihoidiiiate Allianre was oroani/cd at Ashepole. in KoIm-soii conn ty. .lust a year later I here were 737 siih Alliauees Duriui; the second year the growths weie such that April 3oih, tli -i'i V.cre l.liat villi Alliances. April ".'u ii | ?.??<). there wasa still l'uither "aiii, otli. nuuiher was 3,tMi3 tin our last annivcr ii v. the u oiuid lieiny effect ua i\ co\< us! |.\ ihe thorough oruaiii/utioa ol I'Verv count v. it was not a matter of sur li ' til illcllMMMl.iK lis< Mii.ivi n.r II Icil : I sulxit'tl jicit nl ;;ani/at inns w;l!i t iih-iiiIii isliip nl I mi,lion IC\tI'iit'l Imiii ii|i11i -s >i I'l-i Milcnt Klias Carr at \l i il i lit a I I i! \ . N I Charlottu'u Gain. < 'ii mii.m i K. N. !"! W illi till* ri'lllovul ol I 111! I.'iehllioml mill I >: i si villi? nllici's from Washington in Allaala. very ileeiihal rlnmges in the tinilh: m nillirelliellt of the system are t <? folJo\V.^-,? There lias Ihhii .rk "genera if?, ranuugeinenl ami in the division of olliren' Char hiltis gets a good share The Sim hiuldhig, < | > 11 < > - i 11 tin- court | house, his heeii leaseil tor I he use of the | company iii Charlotte, ami is now lining tilleil 111> fin in rupam-y. The iniiipmty has leaseil all llie lomns mi the seeoinl ami thiol llnnis ami will take possession on Septenihrr 1st. W. A. Turk. foi inei division freight agent, with otlieu at Ikileigll, lias In en ;i|ipoi'iteiI assistant i ; i* i hi :il passenger agent, w il It others at 1 t'harlotle. his Kalei-'h olliee iieing aliol i heil. As nssistani gruri il passenger agent. Mi Turk will have charge of all the liiehmoml ami Itiuvillr lines noith nt Atlanta, \theiis, Augusta ami I'ort I,'oval, an.l east ill I'iiint Itock to West I'niiil :in<I Washington. S. II. Ilni.lwi.k, lei nioi l v general jiasscii i i- tit of llit- <? ??;:? I'acitie. is :i|>)> >iilli'il assistant in leul passenger :<: ( :it \\ itli ..Hires :tl Savannah, ami will in i'i i liar". of llio ('mitral of (leon-ia nil.I I In1 (5fori;ia faeilie, w'ni. li . iitl.ri.cfs all tin- linrs M.ntli of At lii'il.t ami A u jMota. As to tlic freight .11 |>a111ii.-i11, .lames li. Drake will remain general I.? i;*111 amor W it ll olliees at Itiellllioll.l. lie will Jilt ve i ilill I all I lie l'< tails ill l lie 1 \ ? t fin north of Atlanta Ma. on ami Augusta, ami ea I <>| faint fork, denize \V. \Vliileiiea.l Will eiieial fieiulit u?.;ent, wit h oil'.. 11 at Savannah, ami will have eharj'e o( I lie <' III I II of tleoieia ail.I til." t ieoi ia fa. i lit*. A <?. tiaio. former in ' il lie ilil ami |i.e enyel amoil ol In Mai mi ami ("o\ iiv.'ioil ioa.1. will he livi>ion freight a;ooil, with olli. es in ('l.arlol'e, in the Sims htiihlillLT lie vv i11 h iv< liarjze ol the Western N*nih t ii < >1 i ii ii Air l.ine division, Maenii ami Noi I hern am I A' liev ilie ami Spallanion ee|ior'iiio to Mi Drake, I), ("aniwel! w .! i.iiv ... i.. i..t.t ........t .. ,ii. ..ii,. . . I t 'iilliliilii i, ami will 11-t v < i li:tl i >1 tillv liarlollt', ('ollltuliin iiihI Ailpllstn. Al I mill in i ii. 11 ami Ohio, ('oliiinltia ami t i i t-liv illi- ami I nam In-, ( 'lirst it am I 1.1 intir, 1'iiit I ( v. 11 ami Wi-stern Nmlli I'm !i11:i, 11 |n111 i11?,? ti? Mi. Ihakr. .1. \\ i i!". ln ii li>fiirr I'l'iirrnl freight ami pas 11 *i11 a*M'iit <il tin- 1'ort I loyal ami West i tii Nni'tli I'ainliiia at Au<;nstn, will In Jin i~i??!i 11? i* 111 a<ri*iit, willi nllirrs at ('?? ' i; 1111 >? i -. tia . i <-1 > >i I i 11 n In Mr. W" 11 i t ; 11 nl. ?moii;i- S. Harm-", liiTi-ti?for?- /?rn il freight al i?t' tin; tlcor^iu I'arilir, ' v i 11 In* 11 i v is i< <ii f n.'iitli t api'iit w ilh olli'u s I i'ii111i11:f 1 ia11), ri jm?itin to Mi White In aii. Tin' oIlici-s ot ilivision In i'jlit ami I< i^si iiv i i- i-iils at ISi<-liiiiomI. Asln-ville , ami Atlanta, hi'ietoforu ill i liaise of .Fas. I'otts, \V. A. Wtuhimi ami J< L. Mr Cli-ky, Iiavu hi-ni abolished. Mr. Potts will remain in tin- scrviee of the company .K passeiijrcr a^i'iit at Kiehmond. Mr. Mit Icskv will l>i' tfiMirral a^rnt at Allan ami Nli Witiljiirti will rrtiti'lopii v-i'i Inisitii ^Ii Turk ami Mi < 'r.-titr will I >i i ii r a I ion t twenty men to then new oll'n i - in ( 11.11 lott . anil tIn-ir lot i tioii Inn is an import-tut event for tin: | , il)' ? i V:?3H Tiic Mikado's American Soldier. A soldier ot fortune who litis had tin interesting career in the Orient is Colonel -1 Wttssmi, the lirst American otliccr ever W\ A udmitteil to tlie Japanese iirniy. The Colonel is a tall, distingue ami well preserved man. lie went into the t ^i. War a private ami cauie out a major?"^^^ going afterward to Japan, where his ser- u->ii<??i?? vices in ivoignni/.ing the Mikado's army procured him :t colonelcy. In one of tPhc Japanese insurrections ne was seutenced to tie hcluuded, hut he escaped, was restored to favoi, mid is now high in the Mikado's esteem t'/oVm/o /'out. Ricliiii!!!!! ("ii'l Danvidp, 11. R ro Cnndensed Schnduletn Bfloct May 3 'Ji s?t ?l ITH Hi IIJ Nm l)A 11 iY xl ?. ?.? N< > 11 i.v KiVlinimi.t. in *'3.V?am ' v Ihirkevi'la, .".11 p in 4 a m i v Kevsville, .VI p ni ft 80 a rr Ar 1 tanville. s ij p in 8 00 a m Ar (JreonHlMirn, 111'20 p m 10 10 a m i.v ilnlilsli m, *2 r>7 p in *8 II n in \r Haleigh, 4 4S p m 11 50 p V I.v f?ii1?igh * > in n in *1 AO aw I.v Hurlinin 7 80 p m 8 S3 a m Ar UrifiiNlKiro 111 I o p in 8 (Mam I.v Winston -^Iwn <S 80 i. in *7 27 ? I.v (iixamsltoro, *ln Oil n m in 38 >? id Ar Salisbury. 1'2 '20 a in 1'2 0*2 a in ArStnlwvlllp, "i ft'2 a m *l 01 pin Ar AsliPVilln, 15 .Vi a in ."i 0.1 p in Ar lt?t. Sprinirs. 8 5<5 p in 7 0.) p m I.v Salisl.urv *l'2 8iam *1*210 a ui Ar ('hiirtiitto, '2 III in 1 OA p in Ar SpartanliiirK .*>::' u in 4 451 n m Ar (Ir.MMiv.ille. 11 47 a in 0 oft p m Ar I 15 p in 12 -0 n m I.v I 'harlot to *'2 30 a in *1 ; 5 i. in \r Columbia O'jl a in 5 40 p m Ar Augusta 1 ' SO am 0 I'1 V i) a 11 .V N< iin ill(OIINI) No. ia Wo. l4 AigrustA *7 (Ml p ni *ltT 45 a ir \ <>u..i.M. a. '!(. ?n J o ?> 1 ,31 A i ('aarlolU' 4 02 am 0 510 p ir I.V Atlanta. '7 00 p m 8 a HI A r Char lotto, 5 10 a in ft 4'l p ro ArRnllstonry. n r,a n ,n s 31 n m i.v XotSiH-iiiKs *t 18 p ni *12 28 p ?r ' Ashvillo 15 25 a in 2 15 pm " Htntosville 1 I 02 n in 0 40 p ir Ar Salisl.urv 12 III am 7 81pm I'.v Salisbury *7 mi a in *8 4ft p in Ar (Jroeiishcirn. 8 44 n m 1o .'10 p m ArWinston Salvm. *11 88 i m *1: 2) n rn I.v UrisMislsiro, *10 510 a in * *2 10 n in Ar Diirlium, 12 5 55 p in 4 515 a in " Kiilnigli. 1 20 p_m 7 15am i.v uhicikii ' i 1 l> "i <> ?? > Ar (Inlilsliorn, :> 10 pin i'J 2 I n in l.v (lr?-?iislK>n> ?S .VJ u in *1? -lo p m Ar lliuiville ]u pi h <ii .'J *20 a tr " K* yrtvilln, I VI". n in 4 1-! a iu " H'.n knvilio, 'i lip in 4 .' *> n ni " Itirlinmiiil. 4 111 p in 7 I 0 a in Between West Point, Richmond and Raleigh. Via Keysvillc, Oxford and Durham. I i iiii.i It. I'i unit l.t 7 .'hi ti hi l.v. Wwit I'oin . Ar li (in p in fi l.'i m ni Ar. Iticlinmiiil l.v. 4 t.1 p in loll", a in l.v. Itii'liuii'ii'l Ar. 4 40 p i. I'i 4'i pin r.inki'villo " 'J I p IH 'i t O p in " Keysvill.* " V! (Ml p in '2 M (i in " OurnCitv " Ivi i'\ p m I : |>III " < larkvillr I! ?? a in 4 in; 11 in " (?xf?<r I "IIHt?iii I :;<? l> in i.v, < 1>< *47 u in fi 11> in " Henderson " in I II |> hi I.v. Oxford Ar. 1 ? f?.~? n in 7 o* i> in Ar Itnlrigh I.v, I.' n iri * liatlv, ri(*|il Niimlav 'daily Washington and HouthWestern Vestiluilcd I.united operated lid wtDii \V asliingLnn a id Atlanta daily, leave- Washington H Hip. m., I 'an vilIf .'t.4 i n. in , Oieeiisliom ft.M) a. in., Salisbury i. : .| a. in , ('lini 7..77 a. in ; an i vms Al'imta *i.t**? p. in Kd nrning, leaves M.laiiia IM7 p. in., ('li-n li>tla 'i > p. in., Siihslairv In i> in., (ireeiislan-n I .'.OS it. in; uinvf* I i.i11 v i11 - I I! I a. ii ., I .yiiclilinrg II.X7 i. hi , Washington s.-ps a. HI. A < Ii I i i 11 iiiii leaves Oxford daily ex JV -? . ( pi Sunday 11.17 a ni.,Hrriv(i at >lrii<>n?'ii I ' I p iii i ? t iirniiig k'HV? I It'll 'erson 'J 47 p P iii diiil;. .m-i pi Sunday, arrive at Oxford > p in \ N.i !? * vin - OoMslioio'-' T.V |>. iii. and Kal filth ti I" p. iii. daily, ni'ikcH ommr ion at I? ii i I i;i 111 wuli No. I i. Ion vnijt at i. 1.7 p. in, daily I'X.cpl Sunday for Oxford, Mender* in and all points on (>. iV H., O. A; ( . and II. ?t M. roads. Pa-song. : < oarl os run through W?st I'oi. I "nd Knlcigh, via Keysville on No- I .an.I II .nd H'.ai.d P'., No- ' mi i In ri-niirrt at. Iti.-hinniid from mid V\ si Point and Italliunn'o daily ex<vpl So in lay. I p| ny; <' |?. Hoi Vl OO, (Hi iiaios ' and IO, Pullman PutTet Si?s*p rs Itis'.'i. Allniita mid New York; !> twveii I'a.txilif, Augusta and Macon, and On- nsl.or > iv a Asliovillai to Knoxvillr. i nil. On I iiii-i I'J, I iiIIiiimii Hu(T?-t Hlee|k*r I*ivmh-ii II n^liiiigtoii hiiiI New Orleans via M. in^i tin \ niul l?'twi-eii l;irlim<nnl ami I ><i11s I . I. It i?;ii i.ini (Iri'i nsluiro, and Ik* I \m< ii Uii^i'i.|{l<iii 111iiI \ ii^u<-t.*>, anil I "ii11 iiiini I'-iiI1H ;|n in tit i i>( i n .Nen Ymfe i\ a ii i i . i ii anil Slut . * | >i 11 <r ~ via Ailmi il|i* ?%? 'I 11 x : J A*. I., ta s i.oi;. Ml- \l:ilin^r-| I It Ii I'a * V^t*nl j. i.*t h, 101 rs, lliv I 'us**. Axnil, Ki(*hni<>Di|,