The independent press. (Abbeville C.H., S.C.) 1853-1860, November 02, 1860, Image 1

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X t J- ? L 11 ^ ~:~L~ ^ * ' ' " L^^'"*AJtfJ?ill -tlF^ "fiWH ffHUl SfHti!ffi sHltf!' BMV0TBB TO MXMKATURB, THB ARTS, SCI?HC?TA^IC1JI.TU&?, HIVB, POLITICS &C., Mk - TEEMS?TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM,] "Let U bo InstiUcd ^to the Hearts of your Children that the Liberty of the ProsB is tho Palladium of all your Rights."?/uni?f. [PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Wf Vf. A. LEE AND HUGH WILSON, JR. ABBEVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1860. VOLUME VIII.?NO. 27. BOWIE, LAFITTE & CO., SUCCESSORS TO EOWIE, BItO. & CO., Factors and Commission M33K.CI-TA.K-TS, Central Wharf, joiin a. nowik. ) John n. i.AKirrK, \ CHARLESTON, S- C. KDWAItU I.AFITTK. J l4. 18firt. 20. 3m (>. CAIiTIOUN, WAREHOUSE AND ^GENERAL fiwmiw HFMUT lttynolJ's St., tctwffon Jiitl;??ii find Mclntosli GrZX-S will attend strictly* to llie ??1? of COTTON, EACON, GRAIN, Aim! all oilier produce con?ifftiod to liim. Per snnnl attention yivicie to the of *11 or? <l<-!'s for lJairijiiiir, ltopo niul Family Supplies. Liberal Ctielt advances ninde on produce iti tSlore. June 24, 18fi0, 8 If THE - GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAM MS CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. I?)V ^ PPATl.V'TPn P * >?.T? * v ^fTvit^rx'. ? UV1I.V11.W ^ I'l -1 l H.K3 r.V TtoYAT. PATENT. This invutuahle rnc;ilici:>e is it 11 f.ii!iiilT in the euro of all those painful and dangerous <3iacn?cs in''iilt<nt to the female constitution. If. moderates nil o.\ov?s<s and removes nil obstructions. from whatever on use, find a speedy *rure Tinty hi; r?-lii'il mi. TO 3IAUKIK1) LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It. w ill, in a short time brine op the monthly period wit It regularity ("AU'l'lON?These Pills should not he taken by females" that are pregnant, during the first three month?, a? tli? v are sure to bring on Miscarriage ; liul at every other time, and in every other taso Lhev art* pet foetly safe. In nil eases of Xervous and Spinal Affections Pain ill the J>?ck timl ] imbs. Heaviness, Fatigue on slight- exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirit*, Mysteries, Siek Headache, Whilf-3 nnd all the painful diseases oecasioWd l>y a disordered system, thtse 1'ills will effect a cure wlien nil other means have fail ed. Full direel ions in the pamphlet around each ' package, whieli should be carefully preserved. A bottle containing fid pills, and eiicirelciP wivu me iTovcnimrin ol ureal l>rit:ini, ! snn lie sent post foje for sj and i? pfslnuostninps ' Gem-nil nirctit. for L. MiMi'slUiflicsler Sold in Alit)i*vi!l?? i>y l);>:iald Mcl.nnclilin, Dr. I., ftful II. Allen, iiml nil Druj;gi?!s (-verywlii-re. V?tn Scliack it Gri?rr.on, ] Charleston, \\ ltol>-tnie Agents. 7, ]:>t HOWARD ASSOYIXTTON. 1*11 ILADIIL I* II OA. Jl JimrvoUtit hmiit'itiait cxtii/ili.f/i'ri tiji xjirrin! r>nl'?r>nctit. for (/ir rr/irf of (fir sick and l)'tx- ' tri SXrtJ. titUirftil irilJk 1 V?v///-n/ n)../ A",, Hit'tt m Jt. MKDIC'AL Advice given gratis by tlie Acting Surgeon to nil who apply by letter witli ;> description <if their eondition, (ago, occupation, habils of life, Ac.,) and in caws of extreme poverty,Medicine f'irniMicd frocnfcharge Valuable Reports on th?* New Remedies employed in the Dispensary, sent to the ntllicted in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamp* for postage will be accept ible. Address. Ml. J. SIC I LI.IN HOUGHTON. Acting burgeon, IInwnr-1 Association, No. 2 ? j.ii Jiy i>r<]<*r of tin- Diiv?-t?.ii>. EZRA l>. llKAirrWKLL, PresMcnt: Ceo. Socivtnry. [ lnn.20. l'im " j3LTDT30-*71110, S. O., WOULD roppoclfully iufurin lliu public tliut he litis OPENED A SHOP KOIl TUB Waiting an?l Repairing of mmm & bi* It is opposite (hilt not oppotrd) to Mr. Taylor's Establishment. lie hopes that l>v doing good work, and making reiu>Qn."hlc charges, to receive a eliare of pnhlic patrfniage. lie has on hanfl lit thi^ time, sovoral SEVERAL NEW AND NEAT BUGGIES, ATiSO, Second-Hand Buggies, which he will sell very low and uu the most reasonable tciins. Nov. 4. 186'.'. 27 if. JAM$S D. CHALMERS. A13I3EVILI.E C. II., S. C-, DEALER IN AIL KINDS OF EUROPEAN AID AMllItAl MA Pi RTF m.IM. JL m. A* w w y HAS Juat received three hundred new pieces together with the old, ticking one of Lliu target Ktockc in tlw State which, will be sold Ml fow m oau be bought in uoy other placi, MARBLE BLABS, 6 feet by 3, from (26 to $40 HEAD STONES e f<o a ftur iruill CO LU C~?f?0 monuments And Funcy Head Stones always on hand together witlrn lurfre quantity of designs, which can he made to order at short notice. AH Marble Cutting and Carving neatly done J. D. CHALMERS. Jan. 26. 1W1 40 tf JMK. JAH1E8 V. IHABRV THSyTOU'LD inform the public that he has re T turned to the village, and will continue w the practice of medicine. Ha may he fonnd at the MARSHALL HOUSE, nnleu professionally agagad, Mayfchr, ieso u \C ? 4 Z^LARGE L^T ?f G'eehvilla C#rn for s... *** H. H?y 14th, 186? r *Jt - THE IMIEI'EXDEXT PRESS, BY LEE & WILSON. All BEYILI.E S. C. Two Dollars In Advance, or Two Dollars and Fifty Cents at the Expiration of the Year?*^r~ AH subscriptions not. limited at Mm time ?>f Miliscriliini;, will l>e considered n indefinite, nnd will lie continued until arrearages are pni?l, or at. tlifi option of tlie I'topric? tors. Orders from other States must invariably Iih n(^ntnnnrii<i<l flu. I ^ v RATES OUTADVERTISING. ] Tin* Proprietors of Ilio Abbeville hutrp-nd- i 'cut I'rcxx nri'l Abbeville//"??<? bavc e?<tati!i?b- j ! oil the t'olliiwinc ratos of Ailvtfthing to be j ! / hni'iri<il In Imlli n???i.n?i IIv?-ry Advertisement, insetted for ft lo<J9 time ' than llircv mnstlis, will Wo charu-rd liy the insertion at One Dollar r"-M' ^q'lare. (1? in<-li ?thespneeuf 12 so'id lines or less.) lor the ! first insertion, r.tul Fifty Ceilt8 for oaoli subsequent insertion. 1 square 3 months, A5 : r. month $S ; 1 year $12 2 squares 3 " $8; i> " $1(1; 1 year $20 111 squares 15 " $10; 0 " $14 ; 1 your $25 j -1 squares 3 " #1*2; 0 " $2"; 1 year $:tO \ 5 squares 3 " $15 : 6 " $25; 1 year $35 ; 0 squares 3 " $20; B " $3<?; 1 yeur$40 I 7 sijmires 3 " $25; ft " $35; 1 year $15 8 squares 3 * $3n; 0 " $10; 1 year $50 One column, one venr SS5. Obituary Notices Exceeding one .-q'mrt\ or twelve lines, will be i-1i;irged for, us nd vorii.-enienta. All Coiimimiicntions not of general in ? teretft will b? charged for. j Z^tT' Announeine Candidates Five Dollars. I All advertisements not having the nnm- i | bur of instilions marked on the copy, will I13 j published till forbid and charged accordingly. ?3*" Money for Jol? Work and A<1 vertisinir from any cxci-pl recnlur patrons will be considered due as soon ?.- ihe work is done. CANDIDATES.. Por Ordinary. JOHN A. IIUNTliil, Col. .1. G. BASK IN\ joii.v w. li:si.kv,? N AT] IA NIUL MoCA NTS, P>q. * 1 For Sheriff. ROBF.RT .lOXKS. WILLIAM G. NKAL, j LAND AM) M M IE @ M E FOR rpnrc Rnliscvi'ier offers fur sale Ins LAND,. i_ consUtini; of 740 OR 50 ACRES, Situated on (ireenville and BcllwHln-r rowd?,live miles North-West of Ctvlhoun'& Mills. '.and liounded l?y J. A. Norwood, W? McCelvey, mid * J. A. Calhoun, in gobd ot-dcr ntid repair, wull ditelied and drained. For lUrtlicr information tuldrcsr. ' - 1JK. fclJWIN J'AKKKK, Abbeville C.41.,8: C. Juno 2r?. isr.n, 0. l'im ~w7? MERJWETfjLER, Wholesale and Retail jDragjgist> N IN ETY -Ftt X, . C. HAVING on1nfgetL3his atotk ?f ^tjhhxo9 nnd Medicines, /ft**?tobl r^ppeetllilly c*tt tlie nttifiition of liis friend." ami llie public generally to liis fine ftook of the same, nnd ft continuance of their kind patronage and liberality. He proposes selling Drugs as low hs any first elassDru?fctoro in the lip country. Hi?st?|ek is complete, nnrl everything sold by himT'-w, wnrra^ited to be fresh anvl genuine. At his store rtlay be fovind J) YE STUFFS, PAINTS, OILS Varnishes, Varnish and l'aint Brushes, 'fcto/iees. Mace. Cloves. Peiiner T-ni '"of all kinds, Biipgy and Cor-^s?.J? riage (Trmsp, 'r Also, a fine lot of CIIKWING TOBACCO, nnd SEGARS of the beet brand*. A large ami varied t?toek ot excellent PERFUMERY. lie also offers Coflfeetionarre*, BRANDIES, I'urc Old l'ort, Madeira and Maliiiga -mw K?r BrCfftgi At exceedingly low figures. Also, a good article of Apple Vinegar, Kerosene, Oils anil Fluids. Lumps of all kind*. Wieks for. any kind of Lamp?, and everything usually kept in a first class Drug Store. Prompt attention will be given to all. May >l>, 1860-1-tf , no U/M M Al I CM uiii with ?1 nlltiij - surgeon dentist. %r >. ($' 1>TK ITAVINO graduated in the ! Dental College of Philadelphia. XjtXj-Tr offers his services lo the public. t5eic? thoroughly posted in all the'tTSfortmenls 'f l.ii profession, ho flatters himself that ho <ill be enabled, to give ent ire satisfaction to J those who may favor him with their patronage. ffiT'liooni?Over the new -Book and Drug of Mr. C. H. Allen, in WhitesBuilding. April 4. 18tf0 50 ly U. s. Marshall's Sales. tfftY Virtue of cuodry writs#f JLP issuing out of the U. 8. Court, *nd to n'fl direcied, 1 will bpTI at Abheville Court Honee on ?he FIRST WEDNESDAY IN -.NO-*, VEMBER next, the following erl.t 1 r f- ? ? "ip?"??o in ureel)wood, oontnining la Acred, moro or le??. upon which W. W. Waller resides. t . 2d. One Store Honpe and hot in the Village 1 of Greenwood, containing Two Acrcs, more or lew, irf which ferryman, Waller A . Co. are do ng busiueae. 8d. One Tract ofL?nd-?t or near Hew Market, upon which W. W. Perryrpan retire*, * containing 000 Acroe, more or leu. The above have been levied ?pon aa the property of W. W. Perryinan, at tho suit of PergratQ, Paynt^rfk Davie, vs. Perryiqap 4 Tarrant, and Cod?y? P- Waaler ve. Perrymap <fc Wellar and T. O. Orewe. cirpfeuMa CASH. , ^ T. A,ao?M?r ?. ?r Dep. U*1*U. Oci 11, I860,24> 8k ' ' WE HAVE BEEN FRIENDS TOGEfHER. Wo have Won friend* together. In eutishiuc and in shade, Since first benenth tlie trees In infancy we played ; 15ut coolness dwells within niy licurl, A cloud is on thy brow ; We have been friends together, Shall a light word purl us now? We have been friends together, We have laughed at. litt'e jf-ts; Fur tlie font of hope wasguching Witim and joyous in ourhrcnsts; But laughter now hath Hod thy 1 |?s. And sulton gloom is on lliy brow ; Wc have boeo gay Idgclliur, iSlia.ll a light word partus now? We linvn been Pad together. We have wept with bitte'r tears O'er the grass grown grave where slept The liopc of early yenrs. The voiuc which is tilenl thero Would l>itl tlit'c clear thy brow ; We have been sad together, Oli, what shall part us now? SONG. BY I.onil MACAl'LAV. O stay, Mud on n u ! htny, 'l is not the dawn of day That marks the *kies with yonder opal The stars in silence shine: Then press thy lips to mine, And rest upon my neck thy fervid cheek. () sleep, Madonna ! sleep ; Leave me lc> watch and weep O'er the said memories of departed joys, O'er hopes extinguished b am, OVr fancy's vanquished dreain, O'er oil thul nature gives and man destroys. 0 wakc. Madonna I wake; Kven now the purple lake la dappled o'er with amber Hakes of light; | A glow is 011 the hill, And every trickling rill In golden threads leaps down from yonder V height. I O fly, Madonna 1 fly, Leat day oml envy spy What love nnd night may safely kuow ; Fly, and trend softly, dear! Lest those yMio hate us hear The sound of thy light footsteps u3 they go. The doing of the House of .^presentn- I iiv?.-s linve been np^ly.. ijhislratc-d by the Philadelphia Journal iu a new vorsion of 'Mother Goose.' "There wera Congressmen in Washington; And they were wondrou.s^so, T,hey balloted until they found TSiO}' eould not orgnnize; And. wben they found this would hot do, Witl^all their might atld main, Th?y got advatroea on their p?Vj ? And balloted njjaiti:'* "Iley diddle 'diddle. The "clihir" in the middle! The ''Congress" will organize sodo^ ^ The Inhbymen laltgli to gee the fcporfc", And all ft-cd from the National spoon!" all aiicl 'V^Tinter S'tvles HATS AND GAPS , iff ft t' ftEMSEiYS LJf ; 1*4- Broad Ktveet., opposite the Augusta Hotel, AugitsO. Gii-t and Columbia, 8. C. JUST RRCRIVED, the following ne^^oods; (i?uts' Fine Moleskins,. Cun/'itucrta mid i Soft Hut.*, various colors nnd styles With n complete stopktjf Gents' Fine Boys and Chil"dreii's". Fafloy CAPS. Also, Country-mndo Wool Huts-for Plantation use. JORN VOOLLEY'S Gri^ftniteville ^tETats, He is now WtftnufiMituring nil qunlilies of Fur Unts, ns Low ifs *1.50. MytGoods nr^ all made to order, and warranted for sty-Te and durability. The public is invited to call and famine Tor themselves. t>< t. 6, 1EC0, tf C.JP. REMSEN. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AJittKVJLLh! DISTRICT. Office Court of Common Pleas and (Jen'I Scaxions E. Noble, ) vs. V Avt^ubment. PeferS. Burton ) , WIlKRliA^ the Plaintiffdid. on the fonrtecnlli llilV of VavorriliMr ln?r./l?.v,l *....1 I J -., . .b...vw.. uiiu fifty nine, file his declaration against the Defendant^ who, (it is paid) is absent from end without tho limits of this State and has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom u co|fy of said declaration might he nerved:. It is therefore ordered, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said declaration, ou or before the fifteenth day of November, eighteen hundred 'and sixty, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. MATTHEW MeDONALD, O. C. P. Clerk's Office. Nov. 1-i, 1869". 20, 1'Jns. PLOUGHS 1 PLOUGHS! <iaa a'm'hi imnow ntainn <1111 unn nunoiv x laj n r\ 160 TWO HOJWE FLOWS, For sole low by MCABMICHAEL & BEAK, S<?pt. 28, I860, 22-4m VERELL &'JACKSON, HOWE FAIHTEBSr GBAIlfEB8, MABBLEES * * AND FA FEB HANOEBS, ninbtt 6x3:, s. a. i. F. VBKRLL. * CALEB JACKSON. Jan. 27, 1860, 12m NOVIOEI. a Dbr irtimmv ?1 in.v.. ?.J. .. AX I UlVAAlVi^ win?VO Iiinuo nit? ucx Ses?ion of Lepjialatwr# to amend th Charter of th? Masonic Female Institute, Cofcea bury. [Aoggat 10, 1860, 6hi. DR. S. HJBIVRV B?AB?, rimiST. Abbeville Cr/H.VS fc. Officii over Branch & Parjftr'a Drug Store. May SC. 1360,4, lira. ' i^jfcilUfcW >M In _ fZb'irti " w*. m^piioejE;-5ftc^*iSipt<wp. * ASSAULT ON A RUSSIAN PRINCE. Sever*! distinguished members of the Russian imperial family are at present staying in the beautiful watering-place at Torquay. His imperial highness the young Prince Etigeno, lives with his brother, Pri?ce Nicholas, at the .^i|>)la Syraeusa; and U'c Grand Duchess Mario, the young | Prince Seme and George, with the suitp, | occupy a mansion called the ,-Covc." The ' Distance between the two places is about a third of a mile. The Pri'icc Eugene, who is about fo-ineen 3*ear.s of ago, was returning from a visit to his mother, the Grand Duchess, to his own residence, which adjoins that lately occupied by the Prince of the Netherlands, and is at the foot of dad lyliole Plain, which is much ! frequented by the gentry occupying the ! surrounding villas. The Prince,, who was unattended, was here overtaken by a man, , described by his highness as possessing a ( foreign appearance, not very tall, with j sandy hair, and who he thinks, was a Pole. This fellow who was armed with a walking stick, advanced toward the Prince,' and without saying anything, struck him a violent blow on the arm.? VV hftl.Knr !l??? ' 4l.?. 41 I .. v..^ u.uiiu nuw V/UIUU I.IIU.1 ?llt JICK j a defenceless boy desired to plunder his highness, or whether, if he was a refugee Pole, lie had any revengeful feelings toward the imperial iatnily, is not ascertained. Bur, at. all events, lie followed up the iirst blow with another. Ilis highness?who, although so young, possesses cou^ siderable courvge and pre.-.ence of mind? defended himself with an umbrella which l._ t ..i : - i.: t ? - iic ii.iu in ins nanu, ana strucK Ins assail- i ant a blo?v on the mouth, at the same time telling him that he wag a Russian Prince. This announcement had an extraordinary eflVct upon the coward, who at once fell on his knees and begged liN pardon, after decamped. Prince Kugene hastencdMlcir.e and gave information of the assault. The circumstance is much re"retted llV tlifi inlial.itanfo nf ilio as the Prince has much ondeured himself to thcni by lna amiability. A Heart in thk Right Place.?1 am wedded, says Coleridge. to the-fortunes of iuy sidter and my poor ol8 father. ^.Oh, my friend ; I think sometimes could (I re call the da3'9 that v. ere. paaaqd, which among tljein should I choose? NotUio-n i merrier (5ay?j nut the pleasant days of hope, not those wanderings with a fair haired qnaid, which I have su. ?>f ten arid so feelingly regretted?but the' duys, Colenjlge, of. a mother's fondness for her school boy. ^hat would I give to call -hgr b&ck to earth for one day, tjiat I might 55Vi my knees,.ask her pardon for all th?tse little asperities of temper ^'hich frojii time,, to time have given her gatitlo spirit p^in t' And Iho day^my friend,. I Urn-st may come, when tliere will be kind offices of love, if heaven's eternal years be ours.? Oh, my friend, cultivate the filial feeling! Let no man think himself^released from the kind charities of relationship ! These are the best foundations of every species of benevolence.? Churles Lamb. Central IIeat of the Earth.?The 1 rate ot increase or heat is equal to ono degree of Fahrenheit for every forty-five feet of descent. Looking to the result of such a rate of increase, it ia easy to see that at seven thousand and ninety feet from th? surface the surface the heat will 'reach two hundred and twelve degrees, the" boiling point of water, At twenty-live thousand five hundred feel it will mtjlt lead J^t seven miles it will maintain a glowing red heall twenty-ono miles melt gold; at seventy-four miles east iron ; ninety-seven miles soften iron; and at one hundred miles from tho surface all will be fluid as water, a mags of seething and boiling rdck in a perpetually molton state, doomed possibly rifcver to be cooled or crystalized." The heat here will exceed any with which man is acquainted; it will exceed the heat of the electric spark or the effect of a continued voltaic current. The heat which melts platina as if it were wax is us ice to it. Could; we visually Observe its effects, our intellect would afford no means of measuring its intensity. . Here is the region of perpetual fire>, the source of earthquake and volcauic.powor.?Recre alive Science. . , , Fanny Feun'h "Awe" otf a Ticsband,?A lady Iwwng remarked that awe 19 the most delicious feeling a wife can.bplri toward her husban?|4fc?nny Fern thus comments: ' ** *" Awe of a man whose whiskers you have (rimmed, whose hair you have ctit, whoto crdvat-^ou haV? tied, whose ibirfyou have put into wash, whose boots an^oboos you have kicked into the closet, whot?ec.dressing gown yoo hfcve itorn while combine your hair, who has betsu down in Ihp Kitchen with you at eley??, o'clock at nigbf to boot ifl b UUII-IU)^ WIW| WHO ll(H)K9(l yOlir dresses, unlaeed your boots, and tied yofcr bonnet, who has stood before jdur lookiitggbuM witli tbt>q&.?D<S JU>g?r. oa.. j>rob<?cit,, scratching bis cBin, whom yoa ^jt(?'boftered. iflad tewed? whom yop ha*e teeo H uleop fciUi hia moutb' Wide open; ridica- j lou?f i; -* } & ?? rqrgrmiK. muyinii > i pb?i mmj 6UMITER SKATINO. Tlie Homo Journal thus describes the Summer Skate: Among tho novelties of tbo Season?an ; invention destined to act an important part in tlie physical education of children fs a skate adapted lor the house, which can he used on a carpeted or uncarpeled floor. With a pair of these skates on her leek a voting lady can soon learn the art of skating to a degree that will etijible her successful! v to accomplish on the ice. and with slcel skales, 11]hL which lias heretofore l???en j to her a much-coveted but almost despaired- j of obtaining eniovment. All the benefits ! . i lliat ate to be derived from that healthful exercise, are now placed within tlio reach oF the most delicate ; and floor-skating will henceforth bo .included among home amusements. to tho delight of childhood and tho gratification of age. The floorskate is simply a frame"of ornamental iron, nearly the shape and size of the wood part of the common skate, with, instead of the .Meel runner, four rollers or wheels of crnitu perclia, measuring about three inches in eir- | cumfprt-nce, each of which revolves on n separate axle ;^these rollers of course, rest on the floor, and turn with the movements of the skn(er. skate is strapped to the foot in a manner similar lo th.? ice skate, with wide leather-bands, superior in every respect to the common strap. The iuhabi- J tants of thrftoothfhkhose facilities for ska- | ling i;lo been limited, may now rival in this exercises*amid orange groves and bahny breezes, their Northern brethren, surrounded by ice and snow and (hilling winds. A waxed floor is, perhaps, the best adapted for this sport; a long Irdl cov ered with oil-cloth is; probably, the next; uui ii uioso aro not accessible, a carpeted i room of any kind will answer. Being daslie, the rollors do not wear thfc "carpet, as they would if formed of wood or mental. A BRIGHT BOY. I We never read the scene in llenry IV., where Falstaff and Prince llenry exchanged character, without thinking of a similar oMe said to have occurred in an ancient personage a gieat while ago." The .lvev. Mr. lvfgulr.s was rn excellent man, rather eccentrii;aud some-what Ccoromieal. -icons a finttier's boy, used sometimes to go with presents to the parsonage,-n sharp-eyed little Icllow, hut rather uncouth in bis manors. One day he brought in a leg of mutton, laid it down without ceremony, and was making ofl". vf 'I'll teach boy a lesson in good man; ners,' said Mr. IlegUTus to Mb wife.^ "Ho needs to Lave the clown rubbed off a lit? , tie.' ,r 'Jonas! come baok here a moment. Don't you know, to^ fine fellow, that you shouldn't come into a T boose in this way without knocking, and with your. hat.tin. Sit down my arm-chair. Imagine yourself tiie minister, ano I'll come^in "with (he mutton, and show you how a boy ought to ixjiiave. Jonas sits up gravely ju tlie arm-chair, air! Mr. Regulus goes out with tho leg of. mutton, - ? En:er Mr. -Regulus, in tlio character of Jonas. Ho tukcs off his hat with a low bow. 'My father sends his compliments to Mr. Ri-gulu?, nnd asks bis pabt(tft?o accept a token of his regard.' Jonas, from the arra-cliair: 'I thank you. Mrs. Iiegulus, just gitse that boy a uifiepence.' The lesson was mutual.?[.Monthly Religious Magazine. Poktry.?Dr. Reese, of the Melhodiat Protestant, liius confesses: 'We acknowledge that as wo grow older we become more fastidious about newspaper poetry. Mere comrponplaces, strung tOgethor In rhyme, do not please us. And yet it paina us to reject what is often timidly presented by young^ writers, We remember when wo made our first efforts in that line?how anxiously wo looked for the paper that was expected to qpntain them, and how unjust seemed (o us the decision that consigned Them to oblivion. See, there wo have betrayed ourselves. Yen, in mo? than one instance "were our boyish verges tossed under the table by editorial indjjffere(ib6. The editorB were right. We tbank pvprv hndv wlin ?nn/to n?'? ^ ',? ??W .'VMVJU HQ ? UUUI 11 I U 11 And it would afford'us pleasure to insert every article sent to us, if we oould do 60 in good conscience.' Verv good.?A minister'* wife aaysr4?, The first time I took my ebfot boy to oborob, when he was two Tears and a half old, I managed *&Ub cartas and /towns and candy-, to keep him very still tHI-aba sermon wu.Giir donA> Btf this iim? -li!? pplteoce wa??xl)*usted, and b? climbed to ^is.feet,' and stood On t ha. seal, looking at the pr*U?h* (^'8 inteut ly. Th^n. mci| JS? b?d hit opon a certain relief for bit ttoub1*vbe pulled we .by tbe cbin to !?&<* ,fi?/ ^ot'on, exelakDid, in a di*~ jljngt voic^ 'ifatfima, make prfpft say AP*S TABI.E MANNERS. Many gentlemen of tiuiicution and cullure lmve experience! the sad fooling of having wives or children come to the table, onlv to fret and prowl, ntiri complain, and snlk. It ia horrible to think of. And yet it may ho presumed that the happiness of <jnite as excellent wives is marred, if not wholly eaten out, by husbands who come to me tabic wUU a terrible dignitv, or with selfishness so predominant that it places everybody else ami everything under tribute to its supreme gratification; moroseness stamped on every feature; a belittling cpicrulousness in evciy uttered sentence. Here one comes now as stately as n turkeycock, as cross as a bear, and as a corn-cob. I r.. <=. l.o - ?- - J . III OMIMI, r.iusiv ?UH1S , lllU III ? noeent prattle uf liis children is an apparent torture to liim ; there must, not bo ? wtifa-per or a whisper, for lie is poring over u newspaper, or in the midst of some plan or project for gain or fame. Ilis very pre, Pence is felt as a cloud, an incubus, an ieoI berg; and tliere is only gladness when lie | is gone ; it is then only it at the sunshine . of family affection and love comcs out, and I filial and motherly sympathies swell up : fiotn loving lieai ts. To meet, nl llm Krool.-f.icf f..i1. - ?v..?..wm .iwk, .n.nri, mother, child run, all well, ought to be a happiness to any heart ; it should be. a source of humble gratitude, and should wake up the warmest feelings of our nature j Shame upon the contemptible and low-bred, cur, whether parent or child, that ca'n ever I come to tho breakfast table, where all the family have met in health, only to frown, whine, and growl, and fret! it is prima fucic evidence of si mean, and groveling, and selfish, and degraded nature, wbenc.esoI ever the churl may have sprung. Nor is j it less reprehensible to make such exhibij tions at the tea-table ; for before the morning come?, some of the little circle may be stricken with some deadly disease, to ! gather around that table not again foreVer! I Children in good health, if left to thera1 selves at the table, bccome, after a few 1 mouthsful, garrulous and noisy ; but if | within at all reasonable or boa ruble bounds it is better to let them alone; they eat less, because they do not eat so rapidly as if compelled to keep silent, -while the very exhileration of spirits quickens the circulation of the vitid fluids, and energizes digestion and assimilation. The extremes of society curiously meet in this regard. The tables of the rich and the nobles of England are models of mirth wit and bonhommie ; it take9 hours to get through a repast, and they live long. If anybody will look in upon the negroes of a well-to-do family in Kentucky, w hr*|at llipir mprila tlior ^aniiAl Knf ? | ? v<"i* ?? V w i'-4b uu lllipit'.mvvi with the perfect abandon of llieir jabber, caehination and mirth ; it seems a& if they could talk all d.?y, and they live long. It follow?, thetyfhat at tlio family table all should meet and do it habitually, to make a common interchange of high-bred courtesies, of warm affections, of cheering mirthfulness, and tliat generosity of nature, which lifts us above the brutes which perish, promotive as these things are of good digestion, high health, and a long Jife. Cleanliness.?Compare thedirtinessof the water jn which you have washed when it is cold without so.'?p, cold with soap, hot with soap. You will find the first has hardly removed any dirt at all, the second a little more, and the third a great deal more. But hold your hand over a cup of hot water a minute or ^two, and then, by merely rubbing with tj^e finger, you will bring off flakes of dirty skin. After a vai por bath you may peel your whole self cl?an in tbis way." What I mean is, that by simply washing or sponging with water you do not really clean your skin. Take a rough towel, dip one corner in very hot water?if a littlo spirit be added to it, it iv i ..... wv vuvuiuni n11VI llJt'U IUU HS II you were rubbing the towel .into your skin with your lingers. The black flakes which come off will convince you that you were not clean before, however much soap and water you may have us$d. These flnkefc are what require remoxiug. And you can really keep yourself cleaner with a tumbler full of ^iot water aud a rough towel and rubbing, than with a whole apparatus of bath and soap and sponge without rubbing. I( ii'quHe noai(irt% fo say that anybody, nepd be dirty." Patients have been kept as clean by tbese^mfejifis on a long voyage, when a basit^^tT of water could not be afforded, and when "Ibcy could not be moved, out of their berths, as if all theappurtepiffyccs of home -had been at -hand-.?Wasbing, however, with a large quantity of water, ha* quite other effect* than those of mere clearness.The skin absorbs the water ahd beeomeKmof**ofl and more perspirable. To was^ritli^loftp and soft water if, therefore, detl^ble from other poiote of view than tbt^t of cldanlinees.?JVbfcb on Nursing by Jfytfbnce Nightingale. When does,the farmer, act with trro&t pdaoeu hw til ??r?. -.v ,,/, Jc ' M.J c ^ <v .V\W : INSANITY AND IMAGINATION. It is a common error to suppose that insanity and imagination go oflenest together. I, for one, have rarely seen them' allied.? The boiler seldom bursts that possesses a safety-valve. ^{|Tlio inmates of lilhatio asylums are usually personsof finely strung nerves and limited ideality; the most unfortunate of all combinations. the effort of the dumb to speak that oVereets tbo brain. When imagination is true it is very stable, as well nf very demonstrative.? ! Could anything fiavo driven Voltaire crazy ? Was not Byron tho coolcst gf practical self-lovers ? \V ho so rational as epicurean T A ; ?om iMoore ! >v iio so real as loyal Wjdt?*rS?*otl? Who so self poised as Wordsworth and Southey ? Overwork did, ind'^&Lpoftcn the brain of some of these, but come from any continuous exerjfofe-:'," nursing the sick, setting up typo reading loo continuously, digesting 01, being annoyed by debt, puzzling out problems. ! Madness is a thing apart from tho physical condition, as I consider it. Tho idea of | Tope going ernzy, or Shakspearc, or old 1 S;irn Johnson. nnppr n? 1>? woo T , .. .,W ou> preposterous that it make? one smile ^to think t of it. And as fdr Charles Larub, the home Lero of the agb* tho hereditary taint took the foim.of genius wiih biro, evidently, and found its safety-valve thus, or he n.ight have been as wild as Bridget Elia. Cowper, too, was half-saved i om m win ess by Ins genius alone. There stands before me, as I can remember, but one exception-to this ordinary julo in ihe history of thegiftedjin the person of Dean Swift. lie rises to niv imagination like a gigantic blasted oak-tree, standing out lone and lightning scathed in the midst of a bare and desolate health, a mystery nnd a warning. Somo cleaving curso was there. ^ Wellington and Washington. Lord Brougham recently uttered the following nobla tribute to the character of Washington: The history of latter times, iradeed of our own country, affords a contrast to.the I failings and the vices which we have been | viewing, and the contemplation of which ' I ! - f? ~ < uicsjr UC4I OUMUVY iUl IIIC ^rtsau genius which they perverted, and abhorrence of the mischievous uses to which | they turneil it. Of our own illustrious | captain and statesman, who defeated &11 j Napolron's marshals in the cau*=o of his country and !ier allies, and who ended by ! overcoming Napoleon himself, it might | not be fit to speak in this way ; because, ! though no one can have the least doubt how ho would have acted in a like posi- . tion, yet he never had tho opportunity of declining an assumption of power beyond the law. But in Washington we may contemplate every excellence, military and civil applied to the service of-his conntry and of mankind?a triumphant warrior, unshaken in confidence when the most sanguine had a right to despair, a successful, ruler in all the difliculte? of a courso wholly untried?directing tho formation of a new government for a great people, the first time so vast an" experiment "had ever been tried by man?voluntarily and unostentatiously retiring from supreme power with tlio veneration o? all parties, of all nation?, ot all mankind, that the rights of *bion might be conserved, and that his example might never be appeal* eil to by vulgar tyrants. It will be the dut/-K*f the historian and the sage, m all agds to omit no occasion of commemora ting this illustrious man ;and until time shall be no more, will attest of the pro* g'esa Which our r.nco h-v mado in wisdom and virtue, be,derived from the venera* tion paid to the immortal name of WasS-/ ixoton ! . ' : *' Woman bv a hick man's cquoh,?It baa often been truly remarked that in?ickneos I there is no band like ft women's liand?no i ? i:i.? ? - --- f ucun u?o ? ^wvln" ? "??" uu tJJ'O ?p UlT? tiring?no hope so fervent. \Vprajtn J?y a aick raau's couch is divinity1* impersonate!). A young fellow having been charged with getting drunk the night .bqfore, and 'wishing to justify himself, declared thai he never was drunk, nor never meant to be, ror 11 aiwaya mn<ie Dim leel so Dad the next morning. *i ? WoaTH niitBMBBiuNG.?It is not what we but what we save, tbat roa)c68 lis rich. It is not what wo eat, but what wo digest^ tbat makes us fat. It i* not what we read, but what we rernember tbat wakes us leaned. ., - di v, -r A printer's apprentice saye tbat at lb a office tbey chargebiia With alJ thfl jn|U??ijr rfoftod, and at the bouse they charge luw : - ~r?f i*.*'*;1, i A person ioquiritfg( at one o# our r?\L' v 1 . & ' "' v-ii ii> i:':.^' . t--' ' ' ki' . *r:.:'k^v>