The independent press. (Abbeville C.H., S.C.) 1853-1860, October 13, 1854, Image 1

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? :A - - * ' ' .> t > ,? . *i. t " 7 .. ' v- r*;- - ' | | - - mm , _ ? * *. '; - ^ >4% : ' DEVOTE? T?V UTERATVRB, THE ARTS, SCXBKCB, AGRICULTURE, NEWS, POLITICS, &&', &C. _ VTKRMS?OK E DOLL AS PER AITNTJM,] "Ijot It bo Instilled Into the Hearts of ycrar Children that the Idberty of the Pren is the Palladium of all*your Rights.*?Junius. -.[PAYABLE IK ADVANCE. . - ; ; . ? . ^ -^*???~^==z=s-.^^=ss3sssa 23. ABBEVILLE C. H., SOUTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORlJIlfe, 0CT0|P 13, 1854; WHOLE DUMBER 75. ' i .... y. ? ' 1 POETRY. n . 1 g 1< Trtut in Ood and P?tHT?n. Brother, is lifo's morning clouded ! tl sunlight ce?tod to shine! T Is the earth in darkness shrouded ? r< Would'st thon nt thy lot ropinof c; <Jhf er up, brother let thy vision o; took abovfc; see, light is nenr, fr (. . ?n _ _ lY. _ -j. . ... ooun wm come uie next traDSiuuo, sc "Trust ifl God, and persevere!" tl Brother, has lifu's hope receded? ' . \ r t V( Hast thou sought its joy? in vamf ui Friends proyo false when mostly uceded, o] Foes rejoicing at thy pain! a Cheer up, brother, there's a blessing Waiting for thee?never fear; ^ Foes forgiving, sins confessing, 0j "Trust iu God, and persevere!" m Brother, all things round arc calling wr:?u <ir> < i>? o:i ii it>u uuuiu > lie aiiuug i Though tlie<Woog8 of earth be galling, 111 Thoy uiust lose their strength ere long. Yes, nvyjjrolhcr, though life's trouble ^ Drifetllee near to dark despair, Soon 'twill Vanish like a bubble, Sc "Trustin Gcd, and persevere!" w' an lie, from His high throne iu heaven, cr Watches every step you take; is He "trill eco daeli fetter ri von, " a "\tfliicli your foes in anger make; ar Cheer up, brother, he lias power -To dry up the bitter tear, Aud though darkest tempest lover, "Trust in God, and persevere!" ^ Brother, there's a quiet slumber, a Waiting for thee in the grave; Brother, there's a glorious number In Christ, in inerey, aims to stive; nc "Wait tliou till life's quiet even to Closes round tliee ealm and tlenr, ill: And till vailed from earth to henveo, M "Trust in God, and persevere!" ha - M MISCELLANEOUS. br ? = Pr Woriau to Weak Eyas, ?. ca When the big-hearted and venerable at Miss lJremer visited this country, 6he was bo greatly astonished to find that the slaves of \vi the South, who in all reason and common be sense should be a miseruble and wretehed roi people, Were with a xnost provoking per- a s vuraeness comfortable, contented and hap- ers py,4ho old lady was heavtily put out with oti the institution, because it falsified all her sU theories, and made absurd all her philan- U; thropy. Si?e had seen slavery ouly through >m the distorted picture of fanaticism, had M judged it by soino wna sumuaru oi ausiraci justice, aud had nursed in her boiom a sen* liiiicntal sympathy for those who, as fate ar would have'it, ueithcr cared for nor need- se - edit. 111 Bremer is only a ty^KS of a class very cl numerous in this meddling and uneasy age. uc iic ijfey ?s blue only over their own cliiiu- m ney$ *r tho trees green nowhere but at tlieir m windows; all religions false but their own ; all other governments instruments of wrong in an4 oppression^ aud all other nations un- er happy. | # fll It is a.pleasing though narrow delusion. 01 liAiv<Uf/tr no th neavon is uui av uujuo>, uvnyiv.( ,MV1. theories would have it, aud these good people take great offence when they find that Vl others have ways, and ideas, and systems of C5 their'own, from which they draw peace and c*| contentment? 01 Ah nmusiug bpecunen will l?e found in 8l, the foficrfrihg extract from the foreign cor- di respondehce of the New York Express.? ^ Speaking.6C-: Vie^ng, the vyrit^ says: a' ykarleslQn i&rcuru. ^ " HtEQPtoa *xuiy uomyf uuiv ?n mo vx-1 ? teriof ney<if=0id there appear to bo n Iiai>- 11 Si&t:peoj& tliautthestf Viennese. Of tho & eipotrem flint overrides them they appear ^ to be utterly unconscious. Who ever lets ? ^ ^1!^^?!! to do j?wt wUfttat P ffomm, without holding it to any aoi&aut- e ^Wj^jy^/aloue jn M social, domestic ? ana hU3ld<Swr<9iUicnA. Tjie Viennese dance " ?? mueh aa theV please, (ricVerin ^street, * formnuZ llonco, having ar- * ^oeo?'fe^n cnent, %oiuf afyioTuto and J * Income hap?v and *n aU tbe,r btttiuesa r<Ja" 1 tuai: v conducted aeom 4 . JW*'; iXjwMEufltr uum o Kflfurnf in obody. There are police about, but tl :t us shout and bellow, laugh and ronr, t rink wine and beer, and sing songs; c ley seem to bo happy the happier we i here is a police office and a passport 1 ;au, and I must go and report myself a innot stay hero long without a police gn r permission. But I have just teturr oin that passport man, and he is so ci' > obliging, and gave me so little troul lat when I take into consideration the jrity his police regulations give me, 11 iry glad to have the trouble, io order to uder his proU-ction. If I leave my pu: my handkerchief even in a hired cab, dl'Oskv. I ll!lVU oiilv tn trn tn tli? nnli, an next morning, and ho will return it si i me. I can wander all about the stre< Vienna with the utmost safety, oven idniglit. If I should bo lost in the "s ir's web," as these streets are somctin tiled, the policeman, a most perfect gent an in his address, in the blandest nnd so t manner, would show me the way lion o murders, no assassinations, no tights, awls, no seduction and robbery of stru srs, no burglaries, noarsou! No privt dtchmen necessary to guard your hous id shops. But I dare say it is a very m able government to live under, and yet certainly a most convenient despotism i mere sojourner and traveller such as 11." Nebraska Territory. Wo coppy the following notice of tl jrritory from tbo ,k Nebraska Palladiun paper recently commenced at Belyic "That portion of Nebraska in which t dian titles have been extinguished, and w open for settlement, is equal in exte the six New England States, and situat nnediately went of the States of Io\> issouri, and the Territory of Minncsot iving a front of five hundred miles ou t issouri river, and divided by the great Is itska, wlucli lias its source m tho Sou 138 of the Rocky Mountains, and" flowil ?t, discharges its waters into the Missoi 41 deg. 13'see., X. L. It is a largo ai Id stream, from half-a-mile to a mile dtli ; has a strong current. smooth sani d, substantial banks, free from snngs ai L-ks, and affords at all seasons of the ye ufficicncy of water for light-draught steal ?, for a distance of from five hundred e "thousand mtkft-" According to t itemcnt of experiehed navigators on t pper Missouri, tire Nebraska is now licit better stream for navigation than t issouri was twenty-live years ago. Wit tlint time, both of these mighty riv< ive undergone remarkable changes, wlii e highly favorable to commercial puif s. Their waters have concentrated in trrower and deeper channels, and t lange is still progressing, and will conti : to increase with the increase of-coi erce, until navigation will be easy, sn id consequently cheap." > In addition ie commercial facilities afforded by tin agnificent rivers, there nrc numerous ol s of less magnitude suitable forked bo.i its. rafts, <fce.. dividing the cobntry in va js direction*, in such u way ns to bri ,eir advantages within convenient distnu 41 The facc of the country presents a ri iriety of plateaus and gentle undulutio: lending in every dircctiou as far as tho c in reacli, being sufficiently rolling to pi Ote drainage, with a vast muubcmjf srn reams of clear pure water running in irections, aud affording a better supply ! le purpose of life- tlian can be found tw ntlior nnvt. nf. Jho Missisainni vnlli hcse Btrenms aru all made from springs ie purest and .best water, and in ma eighborhoods arc so numerous that ea irm of 160 acres may have oup or mow ipm sufficiently large to supply all the wa fsH densely populated country. The te eraturo of tUe water is very low, and g rally free from all mineral impregnate xcept a small,portion of lime. Occasii lly ro^y be seen a sulphur or cfcalybe pring, which is supposed to contaid met irTrinucs cqum iu mc wnwre it* uiotso i?i enable resorts in tft:e Eastern States! be immediate vicinity of Bcllvlew may oen several of superior, quality, and so sated as to offer as strong inducements be love of beautiful scenery, tlio fa&hic >te, Itre g?y,v6f lher inva!M,-wmtty un >r0 ved ptefce to fife fotjnd In the vasf vHl >f the Great West. " The soil is a rich. deen. vegetable lo itrongly impregnated with the carbonSt Utile, and euobgh of the; carbonate-of i Ui f&ro * brown eofoiVimd ? il Lbree to &n feet??& MkJwhrid "vrUfc fffedgraaatar cJayfcttro Incite Iratrito*fettfek^Thfc*? ? itifiufor'far aU the ttt jey there is not an abundance of timber, there ind is sufficient to supply a large population, md Cedar is found in various parts of the Terirc. ritory, and will yet become an important arbu ticle in the future commerce of Nebraska, a I As a whole, tho country might be thought %nt bv (limn Miminw tliiAln ? ~J ?^ Mwut UlivniJ IIIUITCICU re* fed, #ions to have u. scarcity, but when wo rci'il, fleet upon the late improvements iu fencing, >le, warming houses, and other purposes to which se- timber is applied, aud the facility with which im it can be raised, we have re.- -on to believe be that the settlement of the county .vill not rse be materially retarded by its scarcity." or ?. ? ce- Have a Purpose. n * 1 e. Individuals and nations are alike successB ful and prosperous in proportion as they 1 n. have high and decisive purposes in their 1 I11" lives, toward the consummation /if wliirli l.os they resolutely bend tlieir steps. Without 1 ft tucli purposes?such definite goals iu view ' ?both aro drifters on the tido of circum- I 10* stance, the sport of whatever wind or cur- ' no rent is for the long hotir predominant. Wo ] l"~ have met not a few men, toiling and strug- 1 gling hard enough, but always unsuccessful, \ ^ and what they attributed to hard or evil ] destiuy was, plainly, a want of chart and ' compass to their own lives. They were trusters to the chances of fortune?men who saw ' * no fixed laws regulating the temporal con ditions of man, according to the consecu- ' tiveness and unity of his labor; persons ev- 1 er ready to trv anv bnit which, for the inn- ' is uient, scorned most alluring. They never ' iwell considered a path, nor pursued a venw: ture resolutely to the end. 1 The proverb of "^c rolling Btone gatlj- ' IS ers no moss " was njflLthe secret of ninny < "j "unfortunate* hardflfcilers in the world. * e There is a time in life when every man , a,_ should appoint his course, and follow it with ? ' earnestness and faith ; and if it be honest, !lc ten to one it will prove as profitable as lionorable, in the end. After a proper adnptation of a man to his toil or profession, little is ' "PC .. ?f>..? ? ~ I iw^uioii^ 11/ <w i?iuui|'V wui ? piUQUH "J of it. The humblest trades and Avocations '. have awarded competenco and honor to J" those wlio made them the fixed purpose of " their toil. There inust be defiuite purpose IU iu effort, however honest and earnest, or it *>r may curse a man even more than idleness ?and to do a humble work well, is better . ? than to fruitlessly attempt the greatest en|j? terprise. l,e Lively Times. h- Our streets exhibit a throng aud bustle :rs unusual and unprecedented at this season of ch the year. This pleasant state of tilings is k>- U/yond doubt the result of the salubrity of ito Columbia, which just now, aud, indeed, he throughout tho whole summer, has been the in- subject of cdhtTnuedrcuinfk"; ~YYebavirnot in n case of yellow fever, not even au imported fe, one?tho few cases remaining from those to brought here having recovered. ?se The South Carolina College and all our ] Lh-. seminaries opened Inst Monday, and wo are I its, gratified to lenrn with full elasses. Alio iio- < ri- tela are being well filled up by visitors from ng all parts of the State and from abroad, wbo i:e. find Columbia ono of tbo pleasantest resorts ch as well as a cheerful stopping place while ll8> being detained here by tbo existence of epi}"c demies at home. The fall term of court is ro~ in session, and all this, combined with the < all industry and activity of the candidates for ! all the Legisbiture, imparts to Qlir streets as live- I for ly an appearance as they present in winter : in Hnrinor the session. < ? ey* Improvements are going on all around 0 us; new buildings areb&figerected, and the ny stores oh' 'Main street are uearly all hoing c~. modernized with iron or granite fronts and ! expansive windows. Oijr merchants are receiving their fall supplies, and everything wean the aspect of enterprise and prosper* fns, rty* . .' . . On each suoccedinir year wo notice with i/?r ate pleasure the improvement and enlargement He,, of our town, and these mustjo still more ah- vigorously: as the heslthfulnesc of our town IQ and its complete exemption from epidemic* be become more generally know n. One ofthfe lo- greatest inducements to the citizens of our to <wft and neighboring dkricU to take up Q*. their abode among us ia the supeno* facile jm. ties for c<1 acaticm which we Are enaMed; to ^ e&ttsur pd??1 Cohimbt* fej bet imutntion* of k*6tn^C*rrtimjm. . ' t. V. ?<* :< fef8|L'^*11'1*I,|| (|?|||H,,| ijj, nofcfi i Arr-Trsrzn-win." The old Negro's logic. A clergyma^/naked an. old servant hi*. reasons for be) isriog in fhcexistence- of God. p. "Sir," shy* tbft pld mdh/ "Ise? one man w get sick. The doctor catftte to bun, gites b w.wwnuK, <^us4 uuv uojf ik Dtnpr-{ m ho give* another doeerr-ii. doe* him good; oi Ue keep* on tiH he get* aboikhUbtttme**. w, Anotbef man-gels Aickfik? (k? fimt o??? 10 The doctor coraes^to see him; he gives him. ta the same sort of medicine; it does bim no it good; he gets worse; the doctor gives him bl more: but h??till tfwtft nnM* and ?<* ! ?* dies. Now that mau'a time to Hfie hod ce come, and all the doctors in the worldcould of not euro him. 'S fo "One year I work in the ocflsb field; pfotf fo deep, dig up grass, and make nothing but fit nubbin?. Next year I work in the samo way; tne rain and dew comes, and I make 5 1 good crop. ; V "1 have beetr here, going hard ,upoo^ftfty> th pears. Every day sluoe T liare boen,irf;thwr ivorld, I see the tup rise in Jthe East and sei qX in the West. The North star stand} whero 1 flit did the fiVsbtime I ever saw it: thesevon h* Jtars and Job's coffin keejp on"the same path 'fo' in thfisky, and never turn out. It ain't so ifr with man's works. He zonked clocks and ' watches. They run well for 'a while; but w they get otit of fix and stnnd.stock itill.rr- ^ But the sun, and moon, aud stars, Jceep on ^ the same way all the while. There is a ,D] power which makes one man die, nnd an- fQ1 other get well; that Bends the raiu, and ^ keeps evciy thing in motion.? ? -. ' se< What a beautiful comment .is here far- atJ imbed by 4111 unlettered Afri&nbn the lanjungo of the Jsalr^st: '-The' heavens desfare the rflory of God, and the firmament W( itl/Mi'/fctl* IBo lian/]Su7Ar1r T^nn nnln rtaif 11f. w-? \.ui, iinuviinuiAt A/MJT uinv unj uv ^ tereth. speech, and night unto uight showeth u, knowledge." r , JJ Southern Xdterature. ?. ? The Petersburg IntelligenCcr, in an arti: or ;l? headed w Literature at the South," refers jj to some recent taunts of the Tribune, in re- )? Isttion to tue warm reception of Putnam's 8*, Magazine at the South. The Intelligencer M makes soma quotations of a very insulting q: character from the Tribune, and applies ?to w them the following remarks, which deserves U( universal attention. \ ^ u What is remarkably curious too," it says, ox * in these protests, is that the literary patron- ^ fige of the South is a matter of great Jfrio- ux racnt." * * " '* * 3 x These Southern writers talk as if their sub: m icriptions to a inagazino WijHKtibeoUitcly cs jontial to its existence." Wnetr they sue- ?r :ced in giving en efficient support to a sin- f0 glo magazine of their own, it will bo time s;s enough for them to brag of their literary be- IQ uevolence and pecuniary ra gniflcence." * Jcrahuan u waxing fat,". Aft Jt having tor m uearly "h*lf ? dcntary lttxuria(cd upon 8on?J>2ro softness iu the shape of au enormous j)(| voluntary tribute which has built up tlieir w< jities, and nearly the whole structure of their Wi present wealth and power, these Northern Qf beneficiaries, if the Tribune is to be believed, ^ csan now do very well without us. A short Qf Lime since that journal asserted with great tano froid that Southern merchants dnred h: not to show themselves in the streets of New wj York last they might be disagreeably reminded of their debts to the merchants there, [t is to be wuhed that these taunts aud sar- , casms may have the eftWt of rousing the South to a proper sense of her dignity and w' true interests, and to the pursuit of a,wise poH 80 icy in future. Let us, say we,, give an efficient support to our own fiteraiuro. .and our ? own commerce, which we have been so long \ aud so suicidally neglecting to do. ' L?t us ~r (huil with tho North in a way tp convince her that wo ace not altogether insensible or . i<MMA#4Li /if <tllA iraet MftAliav*MAnH with winch nature haa supplied os for an.ilt- * dependent commerce and 4a indepetodeg* t& literature. Let uaaperei more $ ney at heme-Mid le? abroad; WjrSgg&gM Southern Periodicals?for Southern and Southern Rights. "We are not foragyei^ M iqg onr ?oonectiop with the Nortlv'IflllWjp W Jy. stripping itof its vassalage. We ar4 ?ot tt for sundering tie#, butor aramog eh rut m ? .i! .1 . * A countryman <#t? psrtRng along one of esa^^SSF?: ofij and he dmeovem) t^t^a ^ Crime in New YorkTbb semi-annual report flfom tfce chief of ' olipe'of N*1r *York city exhibits an inter ating statical view of the crime as shown ( y the operations of the police. The whole i umber oFv*e*tain six rOontba foY crirayibl ? feixaswtift 25*110i so?tb?t 'f^ich arrest ( t* of- * different person, ab->w.< one "twenty una oi tii9 uopulation would fetfVebeen ken in Custody duribgtbe half year; but ; is wall^pwn that a great numberjifcrfcba- j j a majority, are old offendera wuo are 5 peatedly^nrrestedand tbe number of offen-. ^ a is therefore much less than tbe number r 'arrest#. ,tbe;liuniberof.personsarrested c r tbe most serious class of crimes was as c r? - . ^ -- A- t - - > - 11 news ? -murder 4(5; arson-lZj- robbery in the ^ st degree 23; burglary 115.; forgery Q i; pa^ug counterfeit money 116; perjury ^ ; grartd'Tarceny 582. Tkere was an in- c ease, of 6,897 arrests as compared with ] e corresponding six months, but this, incase is attributed not to the greater freiencyvof crime, but to the incteas^jHkjgi- * Dee fltod activity of the^olice. - Therehave c en no greater number of offenders, but rcer offences haw been committed with F Ijylnity'. K 1 From tl$ tables that accompany the report a i tiiid UJflt out of the whole number arited iif three months a third more were ^ ales than females; nearly three times as any were single as .married; about oncurth had uo trade, and about an equal . irnber could neither read *or write. Fortyirea*were chiljLreu under ten years of age, " d },i20,molro'were under 20, About oue 0 ilf oC t%.whole wejy 'betweea 20 and 40. vjre thati k thousand.'were Over 50. There 9 ire but one thousand natives of TJeipiany, T id leas than two thousand were natives of is country, whilst 5,117 are put down as ishmen. 1 . W 7- , ??!? o QjM&J^xvjfY Heart.?Have you <mude y fe hapjMf. JJcart to-day ? Envied privilege. 1 o? calrit'y6\k seek your pillow ; how sweet- ^ slcefln.-In all tma world there is nothing F i sweet asjgiviug comfort to the distressed, ) getting a sun >ay into a gloomy beart. 11 hildrcn of Sorrow meet us wheretvcr we rn; there is no moment that tears are 3 >t shed, andjsiglls'uttered. Yet how many 1 ' those tears, those sigh;, aro-taused by our ? vuilhoucrhtlefisness ? How mav a duucli- ?' r \fring8 the, veiy soul of a fond mother u r act? ^of.Unkindness and ingratitude? ow many husbands, by one little word, y aking a whole day. of sad houre-and un- g nd thoughts ? JBow many wives, by an- y y recriminations estrange and embitter Jj pjog hearts ? How ihany brothers aud iteVs meet but td vex ami injure each other n hking wettpd^Athat no himxra .heart can y sal ? AH 1 if tflach one worked upon this ? ftxim day-by jlay?ptrivo to make some s SflfW haprt^-?jealousy, revenge, maduess, a ite with their kindred evil _ asBociatcs, >nld forever leave the earth, t)ur minds )u!d be so occupied in the contemplation. * adding to tbe pleasures of others,. that ere would be no room for the ugly fiends r' discord. Try it, ye discontented, 'forVeer d umbling devotes of Bon^A$lfeaffi?d: it a ill inake> that^Uule bich you move as-faiira^?c^)tsj^ ' >>** - j The Brave .Boy.?Two .bova were one a ly on their way from school. AeVftiejf ?e ore passing acornflaldin which there -were 1 me plum Irces full of fine fruit-,, flenry id to Thorny? > V \ ? " Lot lis jump over a&d ^me plums. -* te other ^ So the'o?v& wbo^had W4 J Tfce " liquor statistics" form the motel turr>riging portion of the.,Report, and extinguish ill surprise at the prevailing cringe of New' Fork. The report states that thefe are <J,395 public taverns an3 groggeriea kept in (few York, (andto thip nu^oefthe Tribune ays there should be addtf 2,000 to 3,000 cept it? ftouafcs of prostitution and not orcU'd;) fliftt 5,QY8, or nearly half, are unjp :ensed, and that more tbam 2,000 are fiabitinlly and constantly open on. the Sabbath. !n one ward 225, and in^notfiSr 324, are D full operation, and not a single liceqse.haav lieen granted for either ward. In onfl yrard (53, in another 235, another .375, iffitrtfeer- ? 110, another 804, and in yje^Tcmrth ward . ive hundred rarnshops Jire opened on^felajT, and in this lq#t warcLjonly eleven *^t?t * * f 511 ever pretend toolos^p on that dwr* *?. l et aunug tlio six months tbtee werebti^ . ^ me hundred and'* seven arWBts foi? selling ^ iquor without license. ' ffr ? An exchange say a the ^flowing- at toy, '* va& told by a reformed iuAriate, $s an apol* igy for much of the lSlIy'of drunkards: yS^^jfefc > =i icning to fall into a v^^^bee^;, uiuent danger of drowning,-and applied#o , cat U> help liim out -Thereat repji^a~f "It id a foolish request,.foil'as v" ;et you outl shall eatyoiu. The m<fcuso piteously replied, ?That > ;ould be detier than toffee diowneddn beet,-5* '' rri. A I:A-J ? - aiio uui 111U.-U mm out, but thefume of' tic beer caused pitife to sneeze, bid tjvfr-' louse took refug^m- tfib hol<^ The ifpfe alldd upon the mouse to cdririFout? "You, sir, did you not promise *tjbat I bould eat you ?" - *' " Ah !" replied the moqpe,*" but yon-^now was in liquor at the tirfie-!n v. Connubial.?Tf you wish to growwfenlIjv. get married. VVhat it oo^Tto snp^oft ? no vice will keep six children. Until, a,*, oung man is luafliod, he is tossed about'! rom one degree of uuirofilinp^o ?!"* w 0 ?V Muwsumjf UM^f lis health, strength and character aro com>letely bursted up and done for. Talk about 'our Congress water and sea bathing !~ lEere 5 nothiug the J^ord ever invented for the icalth equal to a virtuous woman. . "Were -oung-men permitted to get married when hey first feel a passion for muslin and calico, .lie half of the hereditary diseases that the mnian family are afflicted with would be an* liliilated. Affection to Paresis.?An Amiable outli was lamenting in terms of jnneace|t ;rief, the death of a moat affectionate paunt. His companion endeavored .toCQMola lim by the reflection, that he hadrpntfj}*, ebavofl to the deceased wittajdufcv-tendericss, and respect. So I thought, reolied the ? outh, whil^jgw parent yaidfengiT5^t'n6lr reccollcct with pain and somiw,* many ' las', it,is'too lotp t^roal^^eneoieut..' & > The tjeeeipts ef~tha Hartford auirfj&Eew Iaven Ranrbad for tie jjaat year; worefjroT,51 61; expenditures, $4al,i04 52; net Bcei.its, $306,449 09. ' Mr:Pond,the lent of the road, having declined U> rpccOT* MtT * 1 ' UT ior iiis Bervices ^ ear, it was voted to procure bira a &et**ice jjjf, >f plate, as a testimonial M xqpud. xmtfPond wa? r&^lectejl Pfeeidfenti and.Hof .* atio Fitch^^cretasyandTi^Jflittr. ifcwmijiuunl dividend of fire per?w^faft declard, paynlfta' on the ^.ol^OCwbets, ' t ^ Tho rae&fiV.of ^i^'^k'to^prease^^^^pie^p%POw fc violcntiy?aa wholly Ua?V*^ ' Rfcy 3'j?*' -i fcray^3P^^*?^ ^iiiTM^HHBfftramttnwj '4"W*#*' ?J.'