The independent press. (Abbeville C.H., S.C.) 1853-1860, August 26, 1854, Image 1

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... y.^ S*^*eVQn- WT _ _ I dij lip i '' " ." ' ? - . - f..-.- wap-.w^ $*9* .. f&AHL TT: ..i"*A|V " ? ? -a' . ' , '-;< >* I < ' . v ? ' ^ / 'K' ~ ty . y; :v?. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, THE ARTS, SCIENCE, AGRICULTURE, HEWS, POLITICS, ?., <kC. ^ ' = -=^=r= ==^--^.===^^======^--==^ r,.; ?? - , II'H TERMS?ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM,] "Let it be Instilled into the Hearts of your Children that the Liberty of the Pre a* tg the Palladium of all yonr ?Juniu*. [PAYABLE UT ADVAN0B. vbltJlif 5-r-NO. 16. J * ;; ABBEVILLE C. H., SOUTH CAROLINA, SATTODAY MORNING, AUCTST(Jj>/l854. : , WHOLE NTfBTlttR?? i ' - - " ? "'I ' . V-M I HI I . c= , 'i Woman'? Slights. BY UBS. 8. F. LA8KI.LF.. It Uher right to watch beside The bed of sickness and of pain, W And when the heart almost despairs To whisper hopes of health again. Hor right to make the hearthstone glad * * . With g?ntta words and cheerful smile ; Khd when hmuI* ??! ?? Hla wearic4 spirit to beguile. .. It is her riglit to trnin her eons 80 they may senate chambers grace, Thns is she with more honors crowned Tban if herself had filled the place. v It is her right to be ndmired By every generous, manly heart, "When with truo dignity aftd grace She acteth well a woman's part. She liath a dearer right tlian this? To bo in ono ?rue heart enshrined, Who, though the world may all forsake, Will cherish still and still be kind. And there is 3-ot a higher rigl.t, Which also is to woman given? Tis her's to teach the infant mind Those truths divine which camo from heaven. What would she more than to perform On earth life's holiest, sweetest tnaksf When yott a perfect woman find, No other rights than thse she asks. - POLITIC AL, Noble Sentiments Unjustly Rebaked. writer in the Laurensville Herald takes tfie Hon. P. S. Brooks, ono of the Repre? e ? - - -1 ocuiaiivcB irum ouuiu v^aroima, 10 task tor expressing tlio following sentiments in his recent speech on the Pacific Railroad. Col. Brooks said : ,t. know, ?{-, that I shall he suspected of giving preference to this route because of ^ -i agetioual feeling. If so, I am unconscious7 of it, and tfce taets which I have presented - , will acquit me. The time has been when I was sectioiial, and it has passed. I camc here sectional; but the noble trio of New England (Messrs. Macdonald, Hibbard and lngersoll) have taught me to tear tlio word from my political vocabulary, and insert in its place another which is more elevated and patriotic?the word 'constitutional >. 'fTbe people of my State were told on a .memorable occasion, by very high authority there, that if one of them should Iks asked if he was an American, the answer should be>4No, sir, I am a South Carolinian.' This sentiment lias hud its day and its votaries, of whom no one was more earnestly zealous " * * lunn iii^scu, jjut, sir, a rccem nci 01 tins Congress, which vindicates the great principles of non-intervention, popular sovereignty, and the rights of tho States, has verified the dictum of Mr. . Jefferson, that 'error of pinion may- be*ioleratcd when reasou is left free to combat it,' and will henceforth cause my heart to swell with loyalty and pride to bo called an American." OoL Brooks' assailant says that in giving Mamuxui llilus . .<i J.ll> 1'- Hi.. ?4tvoiou^7 w UIV09 j>;avi iuiiu BCUtJlIICIlUJ "1115 hfts made one of the most grave and unjust charges against South Carolina that I have ever neard or read, either in or out of the State." He also argues to show that Col. Brooks says, substantially, if not in terms, that the constitution finds nolfavor in South Carolina. He goes on to charge that, in acKoowieaging Himself an Amoriean, Col. Brook* repudiates the State of South Carolina. Atthe very moment wben Col. Brooks wasxealotisly and ably advocating the route that would most benefit bis State, be is cbiis for iudiffcrcfice to that State. Now . wbo t Col. Brooks said wa? ?ttict?*y' htrArv nntpiAf sYiaiiM on<l it w?? AttiSnftnt I ly appropriate in him, tffeiio endeavoring to WCOM this rente, that bo should conciliate other members from other Bectione^y WCX^ ^ ol rcu^taDoe# denunciation of tlio Constitution and a r - puliation of American citizenship can sn isfy Col. Brooks' unreasonable assailant. Now, leaving all patriotism out of tl question?if this sapient gentlemen wli is attempting to write down Col. Brook should be sent to Congress, in that genth man's place, to get through inen.sur?? ?r his constituents, and should do what he wanl Col. Brooks to do, he would soon find?nc would his constituents bo long in matin the same discovery?that ho would be pel fectly useless to them. With his ham against every man nnd every section, th hand of every man and every section woul< very soon bo against him. He would be j miserable Ishmaelite. Like Col. Brooks, we aro for the Consti tntion. When that is violated, wo will re sist; when that is observed and preserved we are content.? Wash. Sentinel. The United States. The following statistics, which we extrac from the Boston Post, show the groiindi upon which rests the common boast tha " tliis is n great country "The thirty-one States, nine territories and District of Columbia, comprising the United States of America, are situated within the parellels of 10 degs. cast longitude and 48 degs. west of the meridian of Washington, and extending on the Atlantic coasl from 32 degs. to 49 dogs, of north latitude, and contains a geographical area of 3.306. 865 square miles, being but one-tenth less than the entire continent of Europe. They contain a population at the present time of 25,000,000, of whom 21,000,000 arc whites. The extent of its sea coast, exclusive of islands nnd rivers to head of tide water, is 12,669 miles. The length of ten ot'irspiincipals rivers is 20,000 miles. The surface ot its five great lakes is 00,000 square miles. Tho number of miles of railway in operation within its limits is 20,000, constructed at a cost of 8600,000,000. The length of its canals is 5,000 miles. It- contains within its limits tho longest railway upon the sur?e ?i. - _i-i. vi me yiuut:?me Illinois Central? which is 731 miles in length. u Tlie annual value of its agricultural productions is $2,000,000,000. its most valuable product is Iftdinn corn, which yields annually $400,000,000, and in surveying the agricultural productions of our country, we are not only struck with their abundance, but with their great variety. Our territory extends from the frigid region of the north to the geuial climate of the tropics, nffordincr almost everv vnrintv nf fnnmomtiiMi o?>-i D . " * "J J every kind of grain and vegetable. Her productions ran^e from the cold ice and hard granite of the North, the jjolden corn of the West, to the cotton and ugnr of the South; and nearly all in sufficient quantities to supply our domestic consumptions and furnish large supplies for exportation, thus furnishing nearly all the value as well as the bulk of our foreign commerce; suggesting thereby the irresistible conclusion that acrriculture is the firrenfc trnn?;pnf!niifc ?_? o interest of our country, nud upon which nil other interests depend. " The amount of registered and enrolled tonuage is 4,407,010 tons. The amount of capital invested in manufactures is $000,000,000. The amount of its foreign imports iu 1853 was $207,078,647, ana of exports $230,976,157. Tho nnual amount of its internal trade is $6,000,000,000. The annual value of J,he products of labor (other than agricultural) is $1,500,000,000. The annual value of the incomes of its iuliabitHnts is. lii Oftft nno onn Tim mtno nf !i? farms and live Btock is $5,000,000,000. Its mines of gold ,copper, lead, and iron ore,, are among the richest in tho world. Tlio value of the gold produce in California is $100,000,000 per annum. The surface of its coal fields is 139,132 square miles. Its receipts from customs, lauds, Are., in 1853, Were ?01/337,274, and its expenditures $43,513,208. Its national domain consists of 2,174,188 square miles of land. Its nation al debt la but 950,000,000. lhe number ot its banks, at tbo present time, is about 1,100, with a. capital of $800,000,000. Within Uer borders, are 81,000 schools, 0,000 : academies, 234 college*, and a 800 churches, I Only Ono in twenty-two of its. white inhabitants i? unable to read and write, and nineteen of its twenty-ono millions of white inhabitants ure native Born." ??- ' Chaage not Desirable. Lbe.Souiti generally, baa atnobg other matters, been eminently eon ?**t$vewith rgard^toWtepreeeotottoi ' mar coiitimie to dUtfniru^b Jt irartutfuLt C ^ ^ v ^ ^ ^ - c- legislation, but with most of the leading t- measures before the country.. It also works well in keeping our representation-^united le on all questions of importance, and thereby 10 giving strength and influence to their conns, sols and action. "Wherever else rotation in 2- office inav be desirable and proper, in our >r federal representation it-should be adopted Is only when tl-o interests of the constituents >r require it, or when they conceive the ing cumbcnt misrepresents them; which, fortu - naieiy, is not ottcn the case in South Carod Una.? Carolinian. J Eastern Intelligence. ii The Russians imulo an attack on the French and Turkish camp atGitirgcvo, but - were defeated with the loss of 2,000 in killed and 600 prisoners. The Russians then I, retreated by forccd marches, and evacuating the whole of Wallachia, were concentratcd on the river Sereth. Omcr Pasha was inarching upon Bucha- i t rest, where abriliant reception awaited him. < s An Austrian force at Pcsth hnd been ort dered to Gallicia. The total Austrian force l concentrated on the frontiers amounted to 1 . 325.000 men. Tlmv li#d ?? ? ? ??J 1 f - - - ..~j <ivu j vv uiuaftCU ' 5 into the Principalities, but the preparations i i for active hostilities were of the most colos- * I sal character. < The cholera was raging in the British ar- t ; my and at Constantinople. i , The allied fleets had gone to reconnoitre < the const of Crimea, and 100,000 allied i i troops would soon enter the Crimea, and oc- t cupy the heights commanding Savastopol. i The defeat of the Turks in Asia was con- 1 firmed. I Gen. Baraguay d'llilliers, with the French troops designed for service in the Baltic, had joined the allied fleet off Aland. The Czar, with the Archduke and Arch- c cluclicsfl, liad a narrow escape from capture <3 by an English steamer near Cronstadt. t Lieutenant Bonaparte, of Baltimore, lias e joined the French army, and sl*nt in his t resignation to the American government. 1 In Italy all was quiet again. s Spain was tranquil, the Queen having accepted Espartoro'a plan of government. MISCELLANY. s TJ^*r5wre TTam^" MW w mji^ UVUiCDi Nothing appears to us so beautiful in v human experience as the reciprocal affection of parents and children, especially after the latter have attained maturity, and it may be formed new relations in life. We have seen the loving and lovely daughter after she had become u wife and mother, seize every opportunity of visiting the pa- v rental home to lavish her affectionate atten- ? tions upon her parents, and by a thousand tender and graceful kindnesses assure them that though she was an idolized wife und a I happy mother, licr heart still clave with a ever-strengthening fervor to tlio father and mother who watched over her infancy and guided her youth. It has been our privilege to know s>uch,and as we have witnessed e the outpourings of love and happiness betwecn these devoted and glowing hearts, ? we bave felt that surely much of heaven might be enjoyed here if all families were equallv attached. And would that every " .1 1 ?I -A ? . . - uaugiui-i kucw wuai pure joy sno might " create in the paternal bosom by a constant cherishing of the spirit of filial devotion, and seizing frequent opportunities to make 1 it manifest in little acts of gentleness and a love, notwithstanding the child may have T become a parent. The child never grows 1 old to a fond parent. It is always the dear child, and never so dear aa when it keeps up the childish confidence and love of itsearh- F cr years. ? ' A Brimstone Corner. g This is the very appropriate titlo of tbo . corner of a Boston street, on which the ? church of Theodore Parkor is situated. ' A friend informs us of an incident con- > nected with this same abolition cathedral 1 which strictly illustrates abolition consistency. Au individual who had attended the ' church, but found the uttraism bearing alto- 1 gether two strong for Bis own capacity of . endurftn<v>. oriiarrd liis new for sale, but was 1 *. for a long time unable to find a purchaser. 1 1 He at length hit upon the curious expedient 1 : of a sliam sale of tho pew to ft negro, en- 1 ioioio^upon b ini to occupy the pew with ' his wne and children every Sunday till fur- , ther orders. Tho pew was iu a most conapi- ' , ctoua tod eligible situation, and when on I - the succeeding; Sunday, the son of Africa * Mid Lis wfe took possession, they wero the , 7 " observed ot nil observers. It trte not many minutes 'before the oc0 cupHtits of. neighboring pews vacated their e places,- *nd tbe looks of indication and it disgust thjyca** upoti the intruders exhibited >f the true- character of their abolition philan ; Wg?gg *??* from beingf practically illustrated. This is but an example out of a tliousond of the insincerity and inconsistency of abolitionism. ?Phil. Ledger. tfamnu* "NVo were informed on Saturday of n very narrow escape made by an individual, who tbinling tliat the assemblage at the Catiipmeetiug last week, in thia District, afforded a favorable opportunity for disposing of his water-melons at good profit, had taken his positipn there, between two large pine trees. It so happened that a very black thunder cloud made its appearance, and approached with rumbling, thundering threats of de-1 on uutiuii iu evcrvming. some one suggested to Mammon, ns he would be termed in pulpit phraseology, tliat it would be prudent to abandon for the time his dangerous position between these two prominent points of attraction for a t hunderbolt. lie replied, No; that ho felt perfectly satisfied that what is to be, it to be. In a short time, however, whether from accident or from a sense of tho wisdom of the advice received, our informant did not say, ho did abandon it, and had got but a short distance when a deafening clap struck both trees and burst open jvcry' watermelon; thus by one stroke of Omnipotence his bright speculation was hwarted. We have not heard whether the ? f i - /* iiiiunuiiuic sunerer returned Uonic for anchor supply, or followed the meeting to a leigliboring District; but if ho did, we venure to assert that any point near a pine tree vonld not have been the place to look for liiu, particularly, if there was u cloud visi>le.?Fairfield Herald. The Fool's Reproof. There was a certain nobleman, says Bish>P llall, who keUt a fool, to whom lin nno lay gave a staff, with chargo to keep it unil he should meet with one who was a grontr fool than himself. Not many years after he nobleman fell sick, even unto death. Nie fool camp "to see . him; his sick lord aid to him? u I must shortly leave." "And whither art thou going?" said tho ixtl. " Into another world," replied his lordliip. "Audwhen will you comeback ngniu?? kithin a month ? " "No." " Within a year ?" "No." " When then ?" " Never." "Never!" said the fool; " nnd whatnro i.sion hast tliou mnde for thy entertertainicnt there, whither thou gocst?" "None at all." "No!" said the fool; "none nt all!? lore, take my staff, for with all iny foil)', I in not guilcy of such folly as this." Consorts akTeu Dbath.?There having eon sotnc speculation lately on the Swednborgian ceremony of marriage, wo give lie following synopsis of Swedenborg's hapter ou u the Btate of corysorts after eath i T1._ i e ?i -? ?. iuu m?a ui iu? sex remain wuu every nan after dcaUi, such as it was in his inteior will and thought in the world. 2. The same is true of conjugal love. S. Two consorts most commonly meet nfcr death, know each other, again associate, nd for sotno time live together. This takes ilace in the firat state, while they are in excrnnl*, as iu tlio world. 4. As they successively put off their exernals and enter into thoir internals, they (crceive in what love and inclination tomrils iillinr tliAV ltn/1 Knun md conseqnently wlicthor tbcy carf five tdrcthcr or not. 5. If they cnn live together, the)' remain lonsorts; hut if they cannot, they separate Jieroaelvcs, sometimes the man from the vife, and sometimes the wife from the man, ind sometimes ench from tho other. 6. Then there is given to the man a suita>!o wife, and to tho wife a man in like manAr. '7, That consorts enjoy similar intercourse ivitu CACU outer as in tne woriu, out more pleasant and blessed, ret without prolification, in the places of which thejr have spiritual proliflcation, which ia of lo^eand wisiom. ' 8. Such is the case with those who go into heaven, but otherwise with tlioso who go into hell. _ Tim Heat.?Tho Chicago Tribune gives kd understandable il\||8tmtion of the beat on a hot day: A Dutchman %wia being driven.. (town Clark street in an open wagon, and app*-, rently bweltering under the broiling aun, he jumped from the, wagon to the hot Uricfcs made him M3*ei*ttaV: 4fci* be quickly *kj. *?**? i it". ' - tOKM - *" i i i fir ?* < Mr. Pollard's Monkey.?Jack, as lie was called, seeing bis master and some companions drinking, with those imitative powers, for which his species is remarkable, finding half a glass of whiskey left, took it up and drank it off. It flew of course to Ins head.?Amid tho roars of laughter, he bocrati to skin. Hon anA /Ion/./. '?1- ?? o .f| ?t ***av* mimivv* uuviv wiw drunk. Next when they, with the intention of repenting the fun, went to take the poor monkey from his box, he was not to be seen. Looking inside, there he lay crouching in the corner.?M Come out," said his master. Afraid to disobey, he came waJking on three legs?the fore paw was laid on his forehead, saying as plain as words could do, that ho had a headache. Having left hirft some days to get well and resume his gaiety, they carried him off to the old scene of revel. On entering, he eyed the glasses with manifest terror, skulking behind the chairs; and on llTA mntlw nwli)"""" U5? J-J-l < vuviiug liuu i?j uruiK, UC bolted and was on tbe house top in atwink- ' ling. They called him down. He would not come. Ills master shook a whip at I him. Jack astride the ridgepole grinned j defiance. * A gun, which ho was nfraid of, was pointed at the disciple of temperance; t lie ducked his head and slipped over to the I back of the house. Two guns were now leveled at him, one from each side of the house; upon which seeing his predicament, ( flnfl nfro 1/1 a1 1 -? ??% M^r|/aiVIIUJ Ul ViiC UIC III(iII water, the monkey leaps at one bound on ( the chimney top, and getting down into the flue, held on with his fore paws. He would rather be singed than drink.?7He triumphed, and although his master kept him twelve years after that he could never persuade the monkev to take another drop of whiskCy' ' * * Our Wivks and Daughters.?The editor of the Newburyport Union?who is a woman?speaking of the alleged extrava- ? gancc of wives an<l daughters, says that a t great part of it arises from their being kept 1 in ignorance of business affairs. Were it i the habit of men to iuterest their wives and t families in tho details af the day-book and ( ledger, she thinks we should hear much j less talk about unreasonable expenditures. \ " But if men will persist in treating women | as fools or children, they must expcct them < to act accordingly. Did any one over know I of a woman " urging her husband into unnecessary expense," who was thoroughly acquainted with his resources, and made a ? confident of in all business matters J We J ao not believe the world can furnish an in- I stance. Let business men try the cxpcri- > ment of making their wives and daughters 1 the confidental clerks (so far as knowledge i is concerned) of their establishments, and J we should hear no more lamentations about i $500 shawls and $3,000 parties." i Hints for Boys.?Seven classes of com- r pany avoided: ' t 1. Those who ridicule their parents, or s j: i ?l.! mousey uicir commands. c 2. Those who scoff at religion. r 3. Those who use profane language. ( 4. Those who are unfaithful, play truant and waste their time in idleness. 5. Those who are of a quarrelsome temper, and apt to get into difficulty with others. J 0. Those wno are addicted to lying and ? stealing. 1 7. Those who are of a cruel disposition, 1 who take pleasure in torturing and maiming ' nnimala an/1 inoAfth - * HUU 1MOVVV0) IVVUiUg UUUO Ul bllCll V young, &c. I AH these classes are tobe avoided; for if you associate with them, they will soon 1 make you as bad as themselves. f Underground Railway.?The above * term is frequently used in speaking of the T escape of staves, as descriptive of the secret, ^ underhanded mode of conveying them to the free States by the abolition trite. In Ohio, me manner 01 rescuing staves, we learn from an intelligent gentleman, is this: The slaves j are first towed across the Ohio river in the { night, when a systematic process oomtnc&ces, t by the aid of a regularly organized com pa- j ny living all along the route from the Ohio j river to Canad*. One party takesihe fugitive j a distance of tome thirty or forty mites, \ and returns after leaving him in charge of . another jparty, who continue the travel on J the ensuing night, and so theyauoceed each , oumr udhi mey arrive in- vannaiu vn?o u ] distinguishing herself in this negro stealing. .. It is carried on by pretty much the same in- , diriduala who are nearly tefidy to d?n? ?ridenco of their faith ^MijWwrn Alexandria =j A Poos ^ Paosrs^.?^itiocrant ? ?? ??yv? BeaeggBg.. . i n ggga The Yankee Preacher and his Parishioner.?Parishioner.?The ion commandments all blotted out now, Parson, oh I Parson.?The commandments blotted out? Oh, horriblet No? Who tdtdyou soL Parishioner.?Well, then, only of partial application, barton f Parson.?-As universal as the family of man ; not one jot or one tittle removed. Parishioner.?Then its only the fifth commandment, is it? Parson.?Not one of thenv Parishioner.?" Thou shalP' ^ot steal,n U not in force now, is it ? Pareon.?Certainlv. Parishioner.?But it only applies -46 watchcs, poi^e t books, and the like, don't it t , Parsons?To every thing. . ' ^ " Parishioner.?Bi^wn^ tbem Virginia* negroes belong to tH&r owner* f > Parson.?They say they doj^ut then r there is some doubt about that* Parishioner.?And if I had some doubt that your watch belonged to you* would that give me a right to steal it 1 Parson.?Ahem I see yoii again Jonathan.' Very busy now. Got to frreside at the abolition meeting tb-dky. A Fast R*if.' ho*n?tka ? ?Tw *uv TT aujkCWiUII 'Wisconsin) Democrat has ah editorial ibout the speed of cars on a certain West>rn rail road, of which the following is the jlosing paragraph: "Travellers of leisure, lowever, say they like this road mnch betcr than any other, in the couqtry; it if so nuch like the Erie Canal; they din jump off 0 pick strawberries, shoot pigeons, liquor ip, oic., and occasionally retain to sit on the i.irs to rest. Last week we Convened with 1 fjirmor An flifl 1?*?A nf 1 v., v.. vw M**v VI vug ivwuf 1TUV uau>ened to liaVo three 8heeB kilTe<Ion the track. tic informed ua that he liad spent ten days n vaitfwndeavoring to find out Who owned ho road, that he might sue for damages; 10 then consulted an honest attorney, who nformed him that he could not prove that ; V he cars ever ran fast enough to head a sheep >r anything else. A horse-thief, who was irreated in Fon du Lac a short time since, ipon being, informed that he was sentenced __?i tji.r. ? ' - ' -.? aj uw oittiu prison, repuca tnat lift (Hctnot ;are if they sent him by rail road, as hia iuie would expire before he readied there* Strange Malformation 1?Extraordinary Hirtk.?A Simpson county correa>ondent informs us that a negro child was >orn in that county, on the ISth ultimo* vliich was thus singularly malformed: It lad two heads, four hands and four feet, vith the usual number of fingera and toes jpon the latter. The strange aspect which t presented was that of one child sitting in mother's lap, with iU'head inclined to one ide. The monster lived Only a short time ifter birth, but sufficiently long for the afcending-physician and others present to ob* * erve with astonishment its almost unacountable malformation. It Was bom at the esidence of a well known- -fflanter atDry 3reek, Covington county* [Paulding \Mt?a.) Clarion. A Dukl.?A friendly duel, says the San oaquin Republican*. took place- on Jifonday ifleraooo,. at Moquelnmne Hill, betwed^llr. l?aforge, County Clerk of Calaveras, and a klr. Dudley. They chose the uniqe manler of squirting water, at each other, to oqoI heir wounded honor* One combattant sup>lied himself with the. hose of ihe,.'Union Water Company. th6 other with that of the tfassachusetis (Company. Marking thedisance, which was about twenty feet, they me need playingupon each other. The wmbattants withstood the cool application nanfully for about tenrninute*, when Mr. ). thinking discretion the better part of val>*, cared in. - > Punch represent* Nicholas aa ah ass wh? laa allowed himself to be shut up in a pond, ind all the European nation*, conspicuous Ll-L 1. T^t- ?:.!? - llUOllg WUICI1 IB |>UUU JDUll, SUIQUlDg roocog over the fence at him, but no one dares jo get inside to put tlie bridle ocu?-Turkey 3as let down one h*r, and teachinga hand through haagothoWof'hia tail, and implores France add XbfgUadto goarffl take . iiim by th? head, biifc they Baaaifcat a moat decided di?inclinattekfe> tafeo hold of the biting end. A ftflmfefltbgfratfoq of " the war" which. wa?gW?^pHbaka the whole continent of Eufopa ws fcav^ never seen.