The independent press. (Abbeville C.H., S.C.) 1853-1860, August 05, 1854, Image 1

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^^^9jp^!(|J|(i TO LITSRXTORE, THB ARTS, SCIBHCB, AGRICUiTURB, KBWS, POLITICS, *C? MS. / .] V l,: ' ' u_". . "-.'-V ; ; .'. ',V;" " '^'. ' ' "' ' ^ ' y. -" ' .,' . ' ' ''' ''. ' '. ' ' -' 1 j ,* ' v 1 ' j I '' g=? ' ? ' .', '.' " '. '? !, H1'^Vll ill "f, fJ^ffflV'1 tf'zpjps TEEX8 QKE DOLLAR PEE ANNUM,] "I*t it be IiuUlled into the Hearts of your Children that the Liberty of the Pross ia the Palladium of all your Right*."-Vun{i?. [PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. I VOLUME 2^- gQ. 13. ABBEVILLE C.' H., SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1854. WHOLE &UMBER &. [wmTTKjj r^*,: niE.isDEPcxnrnr pRjsas.] The Candidate's Soliloquy. Ym, yet, a candidate I ?na j The eountry I will Mike; ' 1 wnMUmei think my chance is bad. And kometimea think I'll " take." I'te lone thought o'er the matter wpll A candidate to be; , - And now since I amon the wing, Wholl give ft vote to- djfl * My days are passing Swiftly by; My head is growing hoary; A deathless name Hong to win, To w>o for future tory.-. My time ^'H spend in canvassing; ??n -? -??' - - ? it prove myscii a man ; I'll tackle round from house to house And beg *11 tho vote* I can. ?-. My good wife thinks if I should win, A How well slie'd Iota me then; ' For long she's tried .Jo shove me out To flofck with favoriteamen ;, But somehow; I must tell the truth, " Though it forsooth tony gall, I cannot wreath my face wjtfwsmiles, And bow and Bcrape to all.^?' * . But neighbor Ux, who brought me out, He says that this is right; So I will pitch, eVn conamore, Into the lection fight 111 Uke my way to muster grounds, - And treat the crowd to cider; I'll make the cakes my hobby horse, And I will be the rider. My common plothcs I'll put aside. And dress a little fine, '% /..infill my purse with "yallcr boys." And cleverly I'll shine. I'll praise the children where I go, """ And notlung, ah, shall scare me, ' * ^ fill I 1a. ? a - .?-i? ^ ? a ii tew luy winning wutusbu iailf ? That motb?n all may hear me. I'm not as smart M some may think, Yet I will actjny best, s And if I'crtijfein power and place, The coaats^tSali b* bleat I TU " peeehlfy" and "djSify," And do my bestat$?1 icing, - r* And if I fail for want of,word*, * I'll turn it off by hawking.. ^Thenye, that.'wanta friend to go? An hbfi??t friend that'* true? ur suffrage now for me, And I'm the inan for 3*00.' _ *l|| t 1 % : ^ if 'f u n?g nu uwi I'm witoiasome Ik We, I'll make no speech nor splatter, And he thol dares to press .ft wrong, JUy chance to kiw the gutter.. ~ , r,'' CL Mt. L'iirmrU, JxJy'lSLk IS5-i. jPOIiITIOAIi. - - r ? ' ' " Spooch of Hon. James I*. Orr, TtZUVtUtMOAJ ?&< DEMOC*ATTC CKL11BRBAT10M IX' rriiiAPKt^O." JOLT 4m, 1864. WaaweeiVed wfttiweat applause,) said: ' r A^&r, iVeiidertf aM j'eUoto-citi:ent of Philadel jMSffXt:. The day we cclebrate is eon?S*rat?din *ffeetionsojF tha'Anaorican people, And this SHpoiDeVdawn was inhered in by the booming cannooa. Who can tell but tho JW' tti?lt^r'rlyg ofcie, day'a ?fl at&tVpieal of tbe **1. /fer'refit i^triotjifrn whlcb glows in. the AmcriMr?" On h?art?. T&'the remotest1 borders of this |B^-/grei?jr..wlB^?ri??yl.on?/.npbfoken Btr?am of 1 tfratefulgratulatioii pours out from the tame * ' jUWftH6itnhe*rt .to the Supreme Rulor of the X Universe, who heard tho prayers of pur fatli z ?w, tfaaTBgp hm prcwrved to thar?b?terity th?.rich l?g*cy left T<y the revolution. If the day bripge ?o much of ^ladnc? to our couotry ~%i^^aHS5gBK J^^Sgj^^tgiiLijSjur cr Tijjunni ana watcuiut m preserving that whose purohase cost ao much or tribula' ion and danger, *o inuch of blood and treasure I You are tne custodians now of that great citadel of liberty, (pointing to Independence Hall.) All Its trimnphs, its memories, ita portraits, its bis??? * *? *' T,.j, 0>?.,VMviw ?vi vu? j/m^ vuauM lur me prcs* eut, and hopes for the future, exhort you to perpetuate that vestal flame which was Kindled in 1776. Let it not go out here, if you would escape the execrations of posterity for infidelity in guarding your sacrod trust. The great end of the revolution was to secure civil and religious liberty. Nor did our ancestors misjudge its valuo in developing the resources, physical, moral, and intellectual, of man. Look fo iU civil results. Under republican government, we have grown and prospered and expanded far beyond the most sauguiue imagination of the most hopeful devotee of liberty. Oilp itinroa am mow A * ? uvif n aoiiQU UJT IUC IWU greBl oceans oast and west. Nearly one half of the North American continent bears upon its geuerouB bosom teeming trillions of American citizens, who make their own laws and worship'at their chosen Bhrines. From 3,000,000 wo have swelled toJJ5.000,000. From poverty and ignorance an>l weakness, we have grown rich, intelligent, sad strong. Our sails whiten every sea, and our enterprise and energy penetrate into every land. No longer docs the British lion strike terror into the hearts of our women and children. We at-e now here equal iu all the elements of national greatness, and here superior in every characteristic of personal liberty and political iudepence. Groat Britain undertook to manage our local affairs by assuming tbc right to legislate for us while we were colonics. The Parliament assumed that they wore better judges of our wants nnd necessities than our own colonial legislatures. They undertook to regulate the domestic policy of their distant dependencies. They ' imposed duties upon tea without consulting us, and in every manner asserted their right to govern us. Our fathers, who had encountered the perils of the ocean, and the greater perils of a savago wilderness, who had fled from Europe to escape political and leligious intolerance, could not long brook such an unjust assumption. They petitioned, importuned, remonstrated the British government without avail; they took their rights in | their own keeping, and, after a long and dotibf, ful struggle, established a new fundamental article id the science of government?the great American doctrine of tne right of the people to govern themselves. [Great chcering.J No tenet in political science has more thoroughly vindicated its wirdom than tbis, and when brought into issue its orthodoxy has not been questioned for seventy-eight years until a few months past, it is said by some who have forgotten or renottticed the teachings and principles of tlieir father^ now, that the people of nansas and Nebraska are incapable of goveruing ti ernselvca, and that the Congress must assume the tame guardia. chip over these distant Territories ns the Parliament claimed over tlio colonies. Where is the American fueling in the bosom of any man, who, from fanatical zeal for 1 the African slave, whose condition he cannot improve, is willing to renounce this great doctrine of our father*? [Cheers.] Abolitionism and (auaticism mistake the heart of this coun-. try, in supposing that, when they cry out a gainst slavery, it win cause the people to repu- j aiate the principles upon which the government is based. [Cheer*.] The country owes my distinguished frie d, who will follow me, the < "Little Giant of the Great West," Senator Douglas, [immense applause,] a debt of gratitude for his powerful and successful advocacy of thiaprinciplo'Ihava been discussing, and for its triuruphaUt^vindicatipa in tho Kansas Sc' tho ^misrepresentation which baa befcfl pburod out upon that measure, tho people are now beginning to understand truly its provision* ; and ite greatest principle?the one so fiercely assailed by whigs and abolitionists?is I the very principle for which oar fathers fought ?i.? !.* yt*v ?vtviumyu? mil j wu www k>nu uio qiuc ! your fathers did. or will you take the side of the British Parliament f The people of Kansas and Nebraska bare had conferred upon thqin by Congress the right to regulate their own domestic concerns according to their own toifhea and inclinations. Is it rightf Who will gay it is wrong! Whoknows . beat what are the. wanta of our fellow-citiiens in the valley of tho Kansas, or the,Upper Missouri?the reprcsentat-ircs they elect to their ,own territorial legislature, or th'o Congress of the United States, when not.a single member, rmrfcarv*,h*? mado a. footr.rinfc in Ksfikil or No. brtukft? and 'which would most likely legitlato wiiely.for them?the territorial legislature, or Congres* f The atatcment of the qntttiori carbe with it , If a Pennsylvania J now has the right to make hij ownlaws here, what i? thare in tho atmosphere of Kansaa, when be remnvca there, rendering him lew comvxafan * in fin fit a aani6 tliinr?fl?AMul' . 'IHiIa m/?1i f rl MiV -.i,AM>? liguvi conferred by Congress on the Terrttoriea, Is subjeet to but one liraitaton, which all eoncedo is j0?& I and that is, that tboir, legislation shall not contravene tho constitution of the. Uuited StaUw?!\ limitation that exists as to .the States, and should in tho Territories. As this is a democratic celebration, it will not ^;i)BprdpQ#j;'should aay that I felt thft highest pride in seeing nearly all of your democrats representatives in Congress sustainIntr tho bllf and fnaintainine that ttfeat Orlnei pTe^firstt^ected^on^this li&Tlo wad^ R|>ot ^evcntycorap??M^ ^wttt b?eony^ln the reprwnto^ 08 many professors of religion for our popula tion. Our ohurches are more numerous, and ai wdll furnished as in Any country; aud piet) and religion nowhere has more reverence auc respect than in th? United. States. Mr. Jeiferaon, whose namo is inseparablj united, and must bo continue through 'time, with free government?ho ifho penned thai creat Declaration?wn? TT-! 0 y r ?. ?- WIVVUVI V? IUO v/ur t?d States?the father of the Democratic party ?and the great apostle of republicanism?he who spent a long and eventful life in the ser vice of his country, when the weight of yean pressed sorely upon his tottering frame, in tin quiet solitude of his own Monticello, calmly re viewing his own history?lie selected three t;reat achievements to carry his uama to poster ty, and directed this inscription uponthegranite obelisk that Bhould mark the spot where he lies, "Thoma# Jefferson, the author of the Declaration uf Independence, the author of the statute of Virginia ettablinhiuy religious freedom, and the father of the University of Virginia."' [Cheers.] He considered the establishment ol religious freedom an achievement worthy to ba classed by tho side of the Declaration of Independence. lie knew the enormities growing out of n union of Church and State, lie knew that such a junction wad at war with pe so liberty as well as with true religion, and time lias shown that tho Stato prospers best independent of religion, and religioi ?ospei'3 best independent of the State. Womu .keep them separate, coniiac each to its sphere, if our future is to continue bright and prosperous as our past There has recently been some commotion on the political boards, growing out of, it is s id, a new accret politico-religious association. 1 "If toio nothinq" of its faith 01- itshonon. rnhr>?r. if ^ mid iaugLtur among the democrats.) It is tfv^posed that its purposo is to supptunt the Catholic religion, and to ostracise every person who was not born upon American soil, and every one whose father was notb< rn here. Now, this is a different policy from the one our fathers pursued; they invited here every foreigner to our shores, und Patrick Henry was indignant wheu it was proposed to exclude such as turned tories even and fled tho countr}' during the revolution. It i- assumed by this association that the p:i?sts of the Catholic Church ex crviae |iuiiiicui inuuencc over uieir members. This may or mny not be bo. I Jo not profess to know. I have no affinities with llio Catholic Church. I was reared under the teachings of the Shorter Catechism a:id the Westminster Confciaion of Faith. There nre not fifty Cntho lica or one hundred naturalized or unnaturalized foreigners in my congressional district, and hence my perfect exemption from any peruonal considerations in forming a judgment with reference to this new association. Suppose it true uiul nit- pricuu) iuvuuie in.pontics, we nji unite in condemning it, fur wo think Church on<* State should he kept separate; but this new urganizHtion proceeds to n politico-religious association, secret, holding its meetings clandestinely, to counteract the priests. Tlie end, then, is to justify the means; but two wrongs will not make one right- The ''know nothings" do the very thing which they complain of the priests for doing. I do not pcrcoivo any difference between Catholic Jesuitism and Protestant Jesuitism?both arc intolerant. But in thin country I protest against a secrct political organization which fears to avow 'ita principles, which shrinks from their discussion, and which makes its members, by secret pledge, spies in every household. Tliero is no exuuso 111 this country for secrot political societies. Every measure in t?he Federal and State legislatures undergoes public scrutiny and debate. No clU izen in or ought to be afraid to avow his noljti?; oal sentiments, and.thesecrosy which.marlca ttfs proceeding#of this order shows that'thoy door say something which they are Afraid oraahamcd forth* wortdto know, it is time that the eyes of the country should bo turned towards theni, and their sehemcs discoun'euauced until they ast off the veil. It is violative of the genius and spirit of our government, aud will bear bitter fruits for our country if it is not supplanted. , V . If la aAid iliof fltnti* in nlonfiithilinAlit. ical election#?wlicrijall go together, rpgar Ijleaa of principle and consistency?practice a guerrilla war, fighting on tho eido promising the best pay. If this bo true, what is their standard of morality f I call tho attention of my democratic friends, however, to the fact, that in all the municipal elections that I have observed where tho "kuow nothings" have triumphed, it has always been a whig elected, where the officc was one of any importance or real Tame. Let not democrats, then, bo deladed into the organization, or thoy will find themselves embracud in the arms of whiggery, liativo-Americsnisoa and all tho other itna tbat infest the land. [Cheers.1 There can be but two great parties in the country. Those temporary organizations may for a brief trjiile attain the position of balanceof'powr parties, but they soon loso it; and parties to bo permanent must be divided on principle. - lne division uere is between tut strict and the lutitndinous constructionist*, between economy and extra valance, between State rights and federalism, ana it is nowiix lata ip her history fbr me to appeal to Ponn aylvania to know which tide alio takes. Sht has been true to strict construction, economy, and Sifta right* and never will trail the olc democratic banner in the dnst. [Choar^l TH< whi^a havo beaten, but never vBYRgais&ed you and it behoove* younowto bnekl'e oo your Br monr once more nod atrike for your principles me eye* 01 your sister are upon yo? ?nd Wo shtll look Anxiously to see you roil uj your accustomed majority for Bigler. elect.trui democrats to Congi aae add yourlegUInture, ant c*pry out Uie principloa which havo Wft<*i)i; promoted tiro hotaorund feloty of tho whof coputry, [Long-continuad cb'eeriug.] . vails on account of the irruption of a band ol s Indians from Mexico, who were marching to r the interior, there being no sufficient fofoe to I oppose their purpose*. The people were loudly demanding the removal of Gen. Smith, and r the Appointment of Oca. Harney to the chief , command. msosuAinr. i Report of thc Prafttdent and Din..jri of th0 QraonviUo Railroad Company. ' Colombia, July 10, 1864. t Jb the Stockholder* of the Greenville avd Columbia Railroad Company : It U with sincere pleasure that we announce . to you officially that our road it finished. On . the 9th of December last the 6ars were ran ! over the road to Greenville, the upper termi . uiu. omce mat time, witb the exception of a few?days' interruption about the first of March la^t, tlyj trains have boon run with great safety " and Regularity over, the whole line of the road. ;v- The t-epdrts of tha/General Superintendent, anil Auditor and Treasurer, herewith submitted, will furuish ycmVtih'full and minute details of the operutiona^through the'past year, and financial condition and prospects of the company. We will, however, call your attention specially to some of the most important of these matters, and invite the action of the stockholders upon some subjects that seem to involve thc_ permanent interest# of the comnnuv. The expenditures of the yenr, now just closed, have been lnrger than was expected at your last meeting. Soon aft r we entered upon the year it w. s dicovered that we did. not have Iron enough to finish the road. Aa our necessities would not admit of del.<y, consequent upon an order and importation of iron from abroad, we had to make a .purchase of American iron at a small increase of price orer the English article. The iron was procured as soon as was practicable, and the work urged on to completion. This purchase of iron amounted to about seventy thousand dollars. * In view of the important position which our road is destined to occupy in connection with other similar enterprises of our day, and the high hopes nnd expectations of ita friends, your recommendation upon this shfei&i .at the last annual meeting hn& been adtijjJH^Tha officer* having the immediate charge of'the operations of the road have mado a "close and skilful reeoniioisancc along the whole line of the j-oad," and have kept up a constant and vigilant inspection of the machinery and rolling stock of tnc company, .and have made such repairs, improvements and additions as were {bought necessary to sustain the character of the road, Uv>i< ?] iu aui?kjr mm rcKumnty. nearly me whole trjjgk from Columbia to Newberry lioa been reconstructed. new timbers put in, iron rei pi need, onlverW built, chasms filled ?uid* other repairs made. Four new engines, ibroti new passenger cars, three mail ears, ten plat.'orm, twelve dirt and thirty pushing cars, have been added to our stock; the whole at a cost of about one hundred thousand dollars. We- fitter ourselves thai thjs expenditure of labor and i.?j i ?- u * VJ un^> IIVV urall II lUUCW. OBIOljr IUU Hg" ularity in ruuniug the, trains have been attainud that hnvo surpassed oarcaost Bangui no expoctulions. In the regularity* of Arrivals and departure mid succcsi in running .the trains, we believe that.our road'.-willaduipare favorably with ftuy f.oad that can be named; and as to safety, oune can surpass it; About fortylive thousand patoeiigers have been carried over the rjiod in .the Ian); year, and not one has been injurc-d. Only three Of, our freight cars, in ?hn uma tjm* li>*? kuli.x ' ioefwful resuU. which compared wfth t^lengtlv iOt foad nndMluount of baalhettf don<s *? >?. liave Is unsurpassed ia the history of railroads.'. The financial condition of tno company it not as good ns could be desired, but from the prospect of busines*, (promising 4 handsome income.) the ability and willingness of the stockholders to sustain it, as heretofore manifested, wc see nothing to cause despondency of doubt ns to tjie fiuhi result The capital stock has niwoys dccu luauequ&v to itia value and extent uf the work. We now road one hundred and sixty-four miles long, in sood condition, Veil equipped and in successful operatidrf, vortli nob leia than threo-'ipilHons of dollars/ This has been obtained with meaoa as follows: :'r:; . Amount of capital stookpaid in- $1,163,582 25 Arnonnt of assessment paid in . 130,932 00 Whole amount of capita! stock and assessment paid in -$1,298,464 25 1* Being a little morethjio the third of the prosent value of the property,. A.?nMTpaStof tho lopomc oi m* ro*a nas M?a M capital, and applied to tHaconstrfletfon- Ofthfc roads , The inorewt too, -iu the valua at materia]!, pod iidrauco in the pVice of laSor, have aidedin i enhanciog add raising the valueof the road. Of tbo capital stock yet nneoli.cted.'We'will . perhaps receive $12,000, -which will raise the I capital stock aud assessment to $1,805,76^,9$, Diibuwanicnts on account of constrociiori apd i outfit havo already been made to the auJount of . $1,999,080.41.*^ , There will yet Wadded to this amount begidt's that which h ae beenand will be paid out . of tfi* iooomo of. the roa^a largo sum, vt/teh "will raise the doficiencvof eaDitnl atoolt. in the coi.etroctlon ud outfit of lb? road, to tho ?Uia i ofMi^Wwwoa - . ->>t; 0*. >? : > To meet tljfcdeficUniiY i&V 4>r$etIop h*?e ; ordered jn |M^o^coa^>^ b^^W^^lwoqnt f iisde c^twndi , road, iu flxturoe md rollfftg ?*o?k/L 6?are ysML ' ny the individoul member* of the board stand < bound for the payment of $186,000. This lia- > bility ought not to be continued, if ffce a took- 1 holders can devise the ways and meapa of re- i tiering it I The ascertained floating dahfc of * the company amounted on i the 21st May to (808,906 27 i Besides this the company owe I debts not yet fnlly ascer- i tained,'supposed to amount to IB,000,00 < Making this indebtedness $486,806 27 j To meet this liability the company have the 1 following assets: ' j Balance of available < stock unpaid " $12,000 Notes due the company 9,261 *70 Due by Laurens Rail*. I road company, shop - and iron account 4,961 07 Due for lota sold in Green* ? villa $4,290 00 Value of lots yet to be sold at least, T10 00 o.uw uu 1,600 acres of land in * Edgefield district worth 10,000 00 Due for freight on the road, 80,000 Assessment on the State stock, which we think the State is bound to pay 69,600 Whole amount of available assets 140,777 77 Which leaves a debt of 297,628 60 Bonds of the company unsold 209,500 00 Balance against the company (28,028 60 It will thus be seen that if the bonds on hand were sold at par, we would then ha7e a debt amounting to only a little more than one month's earnings of the road. ' This might be managed without nmhtrcominiif The earnings of the road amount to $214,- ' 865 13. 1 When it is borne in mind that we have had , the uje of the whole length of tho road only a i little more than half tho j-ear, and a short crop to c rry off, we think that wo are not hazard' iug anything in predicting that the income of < the road for the present year will roAuh at ? least $800,000 00 < Oue-hnlf of this amount will beab- f sorbed in expenses, leaving as nett i pr fits. $150,000 00 1 Out of this must be^ppld tho inter- I est on the coapon bonds 66,000 00 1 i Tlnlnnnn >(!< iWi I WW I Whole amount of capital stock in- * clading assesssmeut (vftueh may ~ be regarded as Stock) as stated above . $1,860,464 26 J Interest on this sum at 1 per cent 91,882 49 } 1 Balance of interest $2,617 61 ] So that after paying the interest on oar funded debt, and' dmnends of 7 per cent, on the entire capital of the company, wo will still have . a balnnco of $2,617 .61, In this estimate, the assessment on the 'State atook i< not cstiinited. If that shoald be paid 1 in, and considered aa stock, the 'dividend* Will I be a little leu than 7 ptf ???&' ge^ antiuni under tho view above presented. ? The board, Jroowlng tho uncertainty as to .what even a day may bring forth, have been t pautiOus in /M?tt?Hni'?>o |[kr.J in their 'anticipution fu to the profits qf thtf road.'Und they de- t aire now by no 'mearia to b? considered M put- t ting forth the above as n certain result; but still they think the statement reasonable, and that if tne debts were funded, the %baV6 prediction would be realized. . There is still a large amount of the subscription to the capital stock of the company outstanding and unpaid Soma of this stock )vill I yet be realized andgorne will not be* Some of the subscribers have moved out of tile country" leaving nothing behind tbem that can bo reaen- t cd Some hava accounts against the' oompaoy I nearly about balancing the demand* againut ? them, and stand back, believing that it ia of no t consequence that.4 settlement should be mod* i Others nre sued, and will not pay until compelled by law.* Ifcis high time tliat this atook* account should be closed. Boma of tho#tack hould bo forfeited, -and tboaeoount *Ub thoaa [ 6tockholder# clo?ed iu thtaway. Oantion should : b^ obaervod, however, leet, .whUst deolanng jk j forfeitut-e as to such at can't Dav! tre loM kadi* ' st^k -wjiefo . tha owners are able to p*y, and ' can bo made to pay. We desire to bring thi? t subjoet before you, and we reooataeamMftt t wm? action abould be bad thereon. a Nothing ho* as yot been. dono as to the t Shaiige in the location of tbe road fa the ral- < ey of Broad river. However desirable <nc4 $ change might be, the compaayhMaOt been in >y?8" ? i UIUII^ *i O|W1M ??> ^ V| fwnotyet be gate In the fajpvmwi^ dM. Jonds, still m view of all the difflcultica thafr' ' ' bnve surrounded us, and. especially th? Vr?at ?triu||enoy in the taonejjt tttartct, lerprises of the day, an^whiohthaT2i!fo [>ast year one of Extreme dlffiou]tT-?-in fact th#* " noil diffloolt to pass through that w?Jui*a.kaa For the last fifteen years, m feciconfidant (hat he best that could bn.v? been done hu bee* lone. Atnidsiial! - these difficulties oar enter*' %' l jriso hSS enrtftinlv lost notMnrfiiitsV^*^ W >ortance, or usefulness flnd fa*v? ttooh oause or thankfulness ud gratitude to Hoc who juides and rale* the affairs of men, for the ?ar sess which has attended as. ' All which is leepectfillly submitted, " V. ? MUU?| A l^9iU08|? m* * 4 i 4 iiihh Attsuptcd SototD*.?We hare heard, but^UfBflE :annot say how reliable the ioformfttion/-th?l in elderly gentleman, living a fear mjles Wow 3reenvilfe, well known to our citbtous by Um? iamo of Cain Wells, attempted bU OWtt i? by m thootiog himself on Sunday last. W hnt Ite did not quite succeed, but It is supposed .hat it will be impossible for him to live, aa nuch of his brain was shot away. 1fc*p?W >f this unfortunate suicide we naVe^BOtaoffisiently learned to positively state, bu^thia nuoh we would repeat of . we hare h?a*ds 3n Wednesday or Thursday of ISJft Week,' h* jromiaed himself that unnwlt should fain Upid his erops by Baturday he would kill himself ind it not having rained, it appear* that >ndeavorod to put his awful thittat^ijj(t&?XM&ion. Wo aincerely trust that this, report la intrue, but if it be, it should prbire sdnadfhl' earning never to tempt the Almighty in the lispensatioa of his profideace. Enterprit. A deaf mate marriage, interesting from its joveny, occurred at ??w YorKsij^iJiiatcdaya tinee. Tbe bride waaaMiss MaT^ mte of the Deaf and Ihimb: institution Id hat city, and tho bridegroom a Mr. l^1ti*?eetv on of tlie President of that Institution,:unk nost successful instructor of deaf rnutta?r'fHk9 lereroonies were performed in &achur$}i Puritans, in presence of an iouannt brcrf # M peclator*. - Tbe venerable Dr.TPwis, BT*nd?s~ her of tbe bridegroom, read tbe aery Ice, land Dr. Pcet stood at his side and traijQptod hi# frords to the bride. > ' r ' Tbe Washington Star says that in a recent uaposiuon or a cose eubmitted to him by the , Jecretary of war, the Attorney General haa leeided that an offioar.of the army ia aubJeetUb Hal for oneandtKeaame USt by the ci vil oottrta, ia for a violation 6f the ordinary laW of tha and, acd also by a oonrt martialfcr a .violaion of the military Jaw. Th s, wh<ire an officer ? Eras indicted for mnrdtr oiraccouat otxheff/atk^ - ^ )f a toldier and acquitted, hdmay atilTbe triad ' ^ jycoort martial and pnniahed. ' * ' ' THa President haa appointed, by and wUh " ?2* ^tw7 B^lctofNw y*Smi Jlace of Charles (VConor, i^wtf Wtofe iffeet 20th Jqly, 1864; and CtiarleijL W*8er, >f California, to b? Deputy Poetftootw amA#- > Francisco, State of California, in place, of Thorn, is J. Houley, resigned, to take edfe<?fclet Antra*!; , v '- ^ '7^ Latbk riOM Msx?eo.?AlvarM ia reported to >? T?ry ill, arid it ia said ?hal:&?rt ?l*%ne lopes entertained of hie r?*wf4ry?^S &> i New expedition uad** k nrpeeted fat U oaymaw- . - **-?' .> be r?vo?u'tk>VC Iff**? e^srU'd to be ver^ prevalent!* MeekJeabiug >re fully ae many death*"to proportion to the ?>prf*$>p ? W9T91A fowWaw from the r AhinAimifl '' . v.:./:'*/'*.'' f: "> . . I..-;.?. he inlands oFjaraaioit end the ' aS atter island two hundred and foirty-fodr per* MSB ions died in ono d*jr; of thn dij^M*. Or?r two jjSu ^ -tw -