The independent press. (Abbeville C.H., S.C.) 1853-1860, June 03, 1854, Image 4

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THE INDEPENDENT PRESS \ "V I IS ryBtlSHBO XTItKT- SATtJRPAY JIOJINOTO, J?? j FTTCKETtf & fANT. ... J arii per annum, invariably in adcaHce. j ] Advertisements will bo inserted Conspicuously j at the following very low rates: | 1 squriru of 13 lines or less, 1 insertion, 75 35Very following insertion, * 87 1 square 8 months, - - - - " 00 1 j ? g << . 6 00 1 " 1 your. " - 10 00 j Announcing a Candidate, (in advance,) 8 00 Liberal deductions will bo made to persons j advertising largely. All obituary notices exceeding twelve lines will be charged as advertisements. CSf"All communications and letters on business with'this office, muBt bo addr^ssod to Tub Indkpkndest Pbjeas, Abbeville A3. IL S. C., rnKpaid, to-insure attention. ipobtry. The Student's Song. Work, work, work, Bvtho morning's earliest light; , "Worts, work, work, By the Bilentboura of night The Student tat l>y desk alone, And sighed over the grievous wrong, And his flickering light but faintly shone, As he muttered the student's song. C:> ' Dig. *3ig. dig, < At tlic root of an Attic verb; Dig, dig, dig, For you're trying a stubborn herb ; And when you've spaded it all around, And you gather yourstrongth for a haul, You wonder what ails the plaguy ground, To furnish a root so small! " ' * A P6re, pore, pore, Your eye# o'or the musty page; Sell, sell, sell, ' \ ?-_New life for? buried age; Andao from thk morning's earliest light, , I cudgel jny trenry brain, Till the "sta hryivea " look down at night, I Ofl adouble-*rj>3^of pain. Look, Joo*. loo*f^ ... As the maidea tiips it by,.. ^ lbok, lo't>m^ ' \ >^"^At the light of; ?er azure eye. ' . "fiftwnrftf Vip }S pftnn#v ho f/vn <?dnr " < .If the wary Bfijj&k should fly; O, shame that *\?gxniig could be so near, And the lipsT?6~pnrcheil und dry. Hark! hark! hark! To thfc Vofc<r*>f^ummet breeze; "last! list! list! , To the harpuigs of the trews; Witel "VUstall claim o. Bquaro not intO>ioniptatipli. :v: >w iwebii^jrcot-at incident. :' S -LsW'^bpn^h fi*tuvd for (be protection ; of sochiy, for the individual benefit of its ' "rs^QS^yfc^-ofteQ admits of a construction adverw l^e its legislators, and its application freqaentty defeats the object sustain. We baye, t for the pUfposB'w^at ho called " testiug ;ho boy's b^csty,* It was place J, whereTom its very position tho lad -would ofteneet jeeif, and least suspect the lri$k: A day pass)di and'the mastojjjt# his mortification, not pleasure, found the coin untouched. Anotujr day passed, and yet Iiis object was not ^liued. He, however, determined tbut the x>y Bhould take it, and so be,let it remain. This continued temptation was tob much "or the boy's resistance. The dime was taken. A simple present for that little 'sister waB purchased with it. But while returning, homo to gladden her lieart, his own waft made heavy by being arrested for theft.!?a crime the nature of which ho little kuexv. These circumstances were sustaiued by several of his employer's workmen who were also parties to the plot. Ail attorney urged upon the jury the necessity of making tho little rogue an example to others by putiishment. His address !>ad freat effect upon all who heard it. iJefoic could see many tears of sympathy tor the lad, his widowed mother and faithful sister. But their eyes were all dry now, aud none looked if they cared for aught else but aeon 6b. ' The ^f'euser sat in a conspicuous place, smif!fite ^iis if in fie ~d like exultation over miRfirv Tin llfld hrnnnrlit. unnn flmf ivutr lint. onco happy group. aVo felt tlmt there was but littlo httpe for the boy, and the youthful nppearancp of the attorney who had volunteered his defence gave no encouragement, as we learned that it was the young man's maiden plea?his first address. Ho appeared greatly confused, and reached to a. desk ucar him, from which liS'took the Bible that had been used to solemnize the testimony. This movement was received with general laughter and taunting remarks?among which wo heard a harsh fellow close to us cry out: " Ho forgets where he is. Thinking to get hold of some poudorous law book, ho has made a mistake and got the Bible." The remark made the young attorney flush with anger, aud turning his flashing eyes upon the audience, he conviuced them there was no mistake, saying, "Justice wants no other book." His confusion was gone, and instantly ho was as calm as the sober judge on the bcncli. TI.?. ..... -J .ij auu uiuiu n ao u|a;iicu, nuu ejf.w jr vj u whs upon him, as lie quietly and leisurely turned ove> the leaves. Amidst breathless silence, he reatHWe jury this seulence. "Lead zis not into Temptation We felt our heart throb at the sound of these words. Tho audience looked at each other without" speaking?aud the jurymen exchanged frlftiuVes ;is tho mmrnvn-Ioti. ? - - - ^ ?? ? i-v> <^iv/w? ' i ?mv ,'fijp* i'.; \v? -e/nvvjli*) 15 " " Hi f?r,'y;v1 ili'.ifi! jw^jfcK - h?i?*w-a*-'''v 'lic-j.n i'i:! * rf\' /j: 5?'fejit#'$-r-; . ' ** ;. "P{v '''1 ? * couloue 'l^jffned was a period of g1"001, .uxiety and euftpenM. But whoq^<^r ^'"^rSang consultation ceased, and tlibse happy w9%??uo| guilty," came from the foreman, they ^M1?i like a thrill of electricity,fro wlipto lij$^ austere dignity of tho court wa?-3>rgott& and not a voice was ther^tf'not join in th Ttuciumaiion. tiffit "/lEifed the lad's releas< flie young lawyer's first plea was a success ful one. He was soon.afavorite, aud no\ represents- his district in.councils of th Commonwealth. ti??. ?? '**' * - u>u uiu never ceased JUis grateful re membrances, and we by the affecting scon' herein nttemptcd to bo described, have oftei been led to tliiuk bow manifold greater i the crime of the tempter'tlj an of the toraptod A-V/fi- Tli^ nVnrv|rvMant| no CTapliicallj described by a . corroepondent. ofArthuri Home Gazette, occurred in court at Harris bV?rg. The "youthful attorney," alluded to, who made auch a brilliant debut, was John C. Kunbel,'*tow one of,the ablest 'and most wiccegMul Jawjrers in thi^ judicial district, jfor^sfcveral years h6 represented Dauphin county in. the popular, branch of the Legia^ State'Seii ate,! ^ yrBiaK^I lstinguishcd bo-dy KtHs now a- member.- The' ' vfoicp regard Mr. Kun^afc'ono of iheir ablest cfamfrtons, and in yatious qunrtci^ wo bear his name mentioned in connection witib tlio next goferuatorial - nomination.'?Crystal (Pennsylritiia) FduntaiKy.., Convention twtween Franco and England. Their Mnjcstle8,;the Queen of the United Kingdom of Britain and TraUnd ?t,A cont?^ti?g f?r Article 4.?Animated by tbo demro of rilaintaiuing tbo equilibrhim of Europe, and not purauiug any interested purpose, tbe bigjb- contracting ^parties renounce, in ad-, vauoe. ativ narticblar advantage from the events which uiay AnTiCLE 5.?Their Majesties, the Queen of tho United Kingdom of Great Britan and Ireland, And the Emperor of tho French, havo concerted, and \Vill continue to concert, upon tho means most proper to free tho territory of tho Sultan from foreign invasion, and to attain tho object specified in Art. 1. They engage, for this effect, to supply, according to the necessities of tho war, determined by a common agreement, land and sea forces sufficient to meet them; tho quality, the number and destination of which 1 subsequent arrangements will determine. I Auticle 0.?Tlio present Convention will I bo ratified and the ratification exchanged in London in the space of eight days. In pledgo of which, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed it, and attached tueir 6eals of office. Clabendon, Walewke. Loudon, 10th April, 1854. He's a Brick.?The origin of this terra ia aaid to be as follows: One Eastern prince went to visit another, who, having been shown all the curiosities and attractions, expressed a wish to see the fortifications. Hereupon, his .entertainer took him to review his troops, ana examined : " i nose are niy iortificutions?every man is n brick!" In 1G50, atrial took pladb in Connecticut under the section of the Blue Laws, prohibiting kissing. The oflfend3rs were Sarah Tuttlc and Jacob Newlicc. It appears that Samh dropped her gloves and Jacob found tliem. When Sarah asked for thein, Jacob demanded a kiss for his pay, and as the demand did not seem extravagant, she adjusted it forthwith. The facts were clearly proved, and the parties were each fined twenty shillings. JHL* JUL* When the R. 11. R. Theory waa first declared to the world, skeptical persons doubted it* correctness, nnd looked with distrust on the remedies it possessed. Others, however, struck with the originality of its views nud concccdiug merit to tho'tneory, wereindnccdto try if the remedies bore out in practice what was claimed for them in theory. A third data differing from ?1... nn.l <>on?t.i ting for u moment tiny merit thuy might be entitled to, trie?l them, merely ns n venture, growing out of a desire for something new. We arc satisfied with the result., for the public has received tho beuefit and II. 11. It. Theory has triumphed. Not a day passes that we do not have admission from some hitherto unbeliever that their skepticism w^a unfounded and - con vinced by reading Family Priend, have \ jifoveil l>*4ueir otynexfteriene<>. ui<< infnllihilifv x?p j$) U-a&it i >: o?v.? }j?rui s$-t v . 'iv\\ foy <? ? ,:l v., i;..''{v 1 < "*?'. . - i'ii'ji,('-jii)-.i,-.:?'?iv.:": vi-. i .*r%vs.??*]&?(??4 !! ii CI Radway's RB^ulvnjfSi the jbrat of tbo R. R. R. remedied is the moat quick and >afc rein I ad^'-Jiiat has ever jj*ct hi!ei^ discovered for the : I msmut rcnei or nil ACU'i'K OJK, QH liUJi lC J PAINS. It is a certain discnfcctant and will q neutralize tbe most violent.poisons of Malignant , \>idci?ic8. If tbe human system is.seized with " -virulcncc Cholera, Small-Pox,- Ship Fci" vor>Ntnciinionia, or other fatal poisons, Rodv, Wfty's^jy Relief used in connection with e 1?!^* W-nilators, will check the violence ol .tho disease, Ruralize .the infection, and will not only protect. ^ije gygteju against sudden it death, but will re^rc the body to health and 3 strength. "We mnlr^M.:- * ? ** w - ?7?- uworuon Ddiaiy, find % if any Physician or Chnniat doubts the great power which, we claim our Ready Relief, 3 over innligiiaut pn!?e, let Vm examine it and rest it^ it will bear the test \ : . . ' : RHEUMATISM^. ' RadwayVlOady^Relief la applle(f to^ficPn?irts afflicted with rheumatic pain*, wheihir it b? in the knee ioint th? 1"~? -i" * ' _ .f m-ij lj ioiilb all, ppinand anguish ceas^. ' caippled fob twejjty years. Mr. /(horlcs M. Johnston, Nashville,'*vaa cripplcd witla chronic rl?pumotismf6fc,iyenty years. He hurohaaed /rem J. M. Zimmerman onobottlo of teady Relief,j7 and o?:e box of Regulators. .' he 'Ready ' was applied as soon as it Wai obtained,^ ' lu twenty minute* he from pain; ; In tvntyfour hours he cpnld atanl alone; In four day* he couldwalk alone.' .ivy iuc use of tlic Resolvent, Relief tod Regn, la tors, iu one inonth Iio yvad entirely^ured. i A lady aged 85,1)4(1 been crippled for years, could not raise bar hnud to her head. One hot-1 tie of R. R. Relief removed ftll pal andWff-! heat, creatednewllfo'Within jxer disabled body,] restored ctteh limb ftnd joint to*: string Vigorous and healthy condition. The -lady is Well knamtl^EOft&llo; N. 0. Thotnn* \V. 'AtSttf,8cDbE^ A^o^'5^C^inpB aWi> Splay*.' Poir in intern^diffioulU^.wbfet^ the parentis sad' CHARLESTON ADVERTISEMENTS. I CHARLESTON CARPET WAREHOUSE. tV; WiHlMtt Calder HAS Always oh hand the largest and b?at selected stock of CARPETING to be found in the oHy. vls:?-Fine Ingraius, low priced; superfine Ingrains, Tapestry Velvet, Tapestry Brussels, low pricod Brussels, Three Ply Carpetings, Green and Printed Baize, Hearth Hugs and Door Matts, Stair Carpeting- and Stair Rods, Bindings, <?e., Ac. Matting, all widths. With a largo assortment of FLOOR OIL CLOTH, from 3 to 24 foot in width, for Rooms, Lobbies, Ac., without scam. Nos. 246 and 243 King-st^ corner Hasel. f Cameron, Webb & Co., c (Succcssors to O. <fc 1L Camkrox,) e ruroBTKRs or i CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHENWARE, No. 145 Meeting street, Charleston, South Carolina, C3T Will supply Country Merchants with Goods in their line at as lovr rates As they can buy in New York, or elsewherb. II. r. CAME HON, ) w. u wkdb, V v. it. 8A0E. ) mh25 LEONARD OHAPIN, MANUFACTURER AND UEALKR IN C*1VB BIA G E 8 AND IIARNESS, Next door North of Pavilion Hotel, 124 Meeting street and S3 Wcntworth Btreet, > CHARLESTON, 8. C. N. B.?An iintnotiBO 'stock of VEHICLES nnd HAUNEiS constantly on hand. Grfint inducements now offered in oxtremo low price*. Every arliclc warranted Oct. 29, 25 ly 1JAILEY, DOUGLAS & ANDERSON, vnoimle and bktail No. 319 King-alrcct, 3 doors above George, CHARLESTON, 8. O. 1. a. bailey, c. douoi.a*, VT. d. andeiuon. Reference?J no. A. Calhoun, Esq. jod. 14 86 ly #1.50 A CARD. $1.50 Merchants1 Hotel, CHARLESTON,: : ; : : SOUTH CAROLINA, ^IIALLjiot be surpassed By ?n^r tw? dollar utiusu in mo cir.j, rcBpecnuiiy solicits a trinl. Will not promieo much aud perform lesa JAJ1E8 M. IIUR8T, Dec. 31 84 6m Proprietor. J M E SHARP SLAVE DEALER AND' GENERAL' C05LMIS8I0N MERCHANT, N-6. 10 State-street, Charleston. Dec. 17?P. M. nUSON, Agent i . ??i-r "?i? m rj44^\jr uiu AgQilVJ' VI UIO rUCW" XX rfrin tho States, I am prepared to fill I orders for any article in the line. ? also,? : Paints, Oila, Gln*s nad Builders' Hardware, and every othor article in the bnildifig line. JOHN C. SIMONS, 226 Kintr-sirflet. sisnof fhVi'Whal? I\ew Ulattresaes. IIH HAVE loentod myself nt Hodges' Depot, IH *nd a in prepared to make Mattrosses/COmforte, Cusbiona for Settee^ and such articles. . I will pay a goo<J<crice for Shucks and stained Cottou. - Urve me a call.. , . Jan. M 87,-*f DAVlp-B 7OWES0.- j " '"* i' i ' i " I.,,' j Take Notice. I iuR work done at my Shop,; ten dollars ntid over, that they'will be required to give their notes, bearing interest from' ^j|(^ or to pay the cash; ahd alTsumS Undor tea dollars, will bo calh d for every three month<$OTj j all cases 10 pap ceut. off for eaeh. ' i 1 should be pleased ttVtyait on my custonyttv ' ;but a* I have- to pay the cash for my stock, X shall bo obliged to have thceafeh.or caah notes ] for my wopfcr . .; E. J. TAYLOR.] ~ Notice tie. All tliofc hnving ohiun^-wiU ptawnfc them proper^ att?tcd,^ ^ 4?v v~"W^yE&V.1.11 IjW^t/y- 'v*toftriz-gy ->?r A y- -'- ''tt\i'sjrs *1'.-J * HEAB QUARTEflS FOR GOOD C/ffi AT CHARLBBT jet COLUMBIA, ' rHE subscriber is still manufacturing Carnage roar of tho Market, Avhere ho will oehappy.t mbraces all tho newest styles and patterns of i st possible notice. Coaoli-njakers' stock of all k to branulie# done with neatness and dispatch. A H. SWAFPI1 WHOLESALE , CLOTHING EST No. 3 Granite Building*, C RS. A SON would respectfully invite the STOCK of Snrintr and Sm Manufactured by themselves expressly for th TOGKTIiEfc WITH j Men'8 Fur n is 811 HITS, OLOVE8, COLLARS, MEWpERfi OUAVAT8, ' tlASDKEROU STOCKS, DRESSING a Country Merchants wlihitogto *ort>Jfer^ ; vauikd Stock, and at Ch^iestoii Prices." - ; Columbia, Oct, 20. 18Jffc-- -''^$82?*'* Which can be Relied on for Each and Every Disease. DR. J. 8. ROSE is an Honorary Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society, and graduated, in 1820, from the University of Ponn sylvania, under the guidance of the truly eminent Professors Pliyeick, Chapman, Gibson, Coxe, James and Hare?names celebrated for medical science. Being solicited by thousands of his patients to put up his preparations, he now offers to the public, as the results of his experience for the'past thirtyy.?nrs, tha following valuable^ family mfcdloincjy to a ?pcciJUdU*Air' Dr J. 8. ^p$e^^^^a^<ifA-Jr^gorating V The. greatest discovery io medicnl science.. Tills altonieTiiifg prephWittbii* for raising tip a weak constitution debilitated by care, labor,', study or disease, acts like a charm. . It 'givefc' strength and apprtite, and possesses grefct invigorating properties. . .i For Heart Diseases, all Nervous Affection^' Flntulcnce, He-art Burn, Restlesanea*, Nttmbnfjte Neurnlgin, raising the spirits, and giving to the whole system, it Is ItljMWt but^t fUlaya all imtot^oa^f the Throat, stibdnes any Bronchial aif^o?r cnrttf j the Ae til 111 A: &n(i in ^Ani<1/w11v *KS- fikat MHAn??k' I for Consumption and alif Lunaqfiramfiiw bottli^M ^entaindlir U Foe Whoop in a Cowan -Tfr?? -diafyatui - tfoMfotly dangerous Comprint, yields, arid is curett by jDr. Rose's celebrated' Whoi/ping Cough. Syritp. It allays the cough and;prev6nti':?Sfc flatnmntlon nnd dropsy on the wheat It frequently e tires in one week, and gises instant relief. . 60 cents n'er bottle. ACkbtai* Cube voa Cnour.?Children nre al*; ways'liableto the croup, which dangerous com plaint yields immediately' to. Dr. J. S. Rose's never-failing Croup Syrup. Price 26 centa. Do you Suffer with any Pain It yon do, you will, find -immediate i^iief btf using Dr. J. 8. Rose's fain Ourer: ItJrtt&WE ly preparation which '<mrea.valmost Wnritte!: Sorc^Ojr^t, HhoumatUoi, from. tiV Neok, Braw??, Cpnjk all'age. b of every description, at the old stand, in ilie. o serve au thatfayor liimwith a call. Thlttock he day. Carriage* built to order .^i.the shortin da nWitton hand for aalo. ^ Repairing m all ill work je^-Iy olumbla, ^oiKh nroli^?. attention of the public-to their EXTE^rjTE nmer Clothi*f, ii market; l &A&QK STOCK OF ?* bias ???d>t . " ' i, TRlirfMO-vt a ?wv iDLfl OliVAiJttrJCK.*rJ^lIE subscriber respectfully informs the"ifefo X public, tlmt his Hotel is still open JUjff for the reception of Boftrders and Traveller* ^ His rooms are nruple and convenient, and Table, (so an impartial public testify,) is to any in the country. He-Ai_ alio lent Stable and Lot, abundantly8unj^&??(!|^^?,' wuiui uuui mo vxnu^is action of r liydranlio ^anS,^?? aecommodnto horses, 8&flfl9[ exhibits, herewith, arc pBBBBff^ *'*?. ~r?SSB llil ; .ii