The independent press. (Abbeville C.H., S.C.) 1853-1860, June 03, 1854, Image 1

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' = ^ DEVOTED TO UTERATUHE, THB ARTS^IENG^ AGRICULWRI NEWS, POLITICS, ?J. fcO ? ffllB*TfftT.T.AH, tfjttt ANNUM,] "lj?t it be Instilled into the Hearts of your Children that the Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of all your Rights!"?Juniui. [PAYABLE IV ADTAHC^* VOLUME 2---N0.4., j ABBEVILLE C. II., SOUTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1854. WHOLE NUMBER 56 And love is the theme of that early dream, Bo wild, ? warm, bo new, That in all filter years I deem That early dream were true. 0)jrt\ibere is a dream of maturer year*, TVa vision of blood, and of woman's tears, - For the theme of that dream is war: Andrwe tollin th^ fleld of danger and death ;' Atwlshbutin the battle array, Tili wc"!ind that theme in a bodiless breath, WJiicU, fanishes away. Obi there is a dream of hoary ago, Tfis arttiOBof gold in store? VOflranu noted down on the figured page, ,. ftp be counted o'er and o'er: \nd we fondly trust in our glittering dust? refuge from grief and paid? Till ?ur limbs are laid on the lost dark bed, . Where the wealth of the world is vain. .told is it thus, frommnn's birth to his grave? In the path which all are treading f I* there nought in that long career to save ^ jrrpm Teinono nndBclt-opuraiciing f Oh ihirs'rfa dream to pare, so bright^ ' . ? Th a t the being to whom it ii given, Etath bathed in a ?oa of living lights? T&V And the theme of that dream ia heaven. tianfttgpSNHjefore Mire Miller -went to Gorgo;:V HHf^ yonng man, of handsome property, pportunity of opening which he did in the followi8jp KliliWh 1 i'11 observe that be bad WMt'11'111119 raU,er freely on the rn| Win tbe house and accosted aro yon, bow are you, old thifc for a school n "^jij^nioj^ '^fiAsdHUUM^ku 4*L Infidelity and Untversalism, ^assure you are antagonistic, diametrically opposed to eacl Strange that yo\i should cherish a be lief^hat you are ashamed ot You will yei discover that "God judgeth in the earth, and he that slnneth shalliu no wtte escapo." Tanos, during this talk, was very gravo and moody.? Mofgin was in hopes that coneci#nco was at work. But he was mistaken; for directly Tanes jumped up and said :? "I don't care a cent whether you give your consent or not?I am a free man, and will not aUow you or any one else to direct me how I am to act; butl'll he curved if I don't marry Clara in spite of you." MorginTeplied, with bore warmth than lie should lifiYe displayed: "Mr. Tanes, this is my house, and there is the dbor." From tho firm mannervin which this mandate was delivered. TnuoR loft wirtmnt anvim. o?f thing audible, but he exhibited surprise and mortification. He went off at a furious gait, which indicated anger. On Morgin's return to hisboarding-lious that night, he found a gentleman there who was going to Gorgovillc the next day. By him ho wrote to his daughter, giving her a full account of the interview he had with lanes. In the close of the letter ho said: "My daughter, I deeply sympathize with you; for full well do I know the pain this blow will cause you. I know you have a sincere regard for the young'man, or you never would have consented to be his under any circumstan ccs. -Mercenary'motives cannot influence you ?I do not blame you. 1 nm free to admit that Mr. Tanes it woll calculated to please. He is intelligent, has a pleasing address, and agroeable manners. But you perceive lie piuouiitc*} himself to you under false colors. You were deceived. He is not worthy of your love.? Witb such habits as bo has, no woman can be otherwise than miserable witb him, and with the sensitiveness and laudable ambition which you possess, misery is too tame a phrase. Act promptly and with decision." Tanes fell in with some congenial spirits, and did not return to &>rgoTille for several days. He felt perfectly oflje be would possess Clara notwithstanding her father had objected. He was ccrtain that tbc glitter of wealth would induce her to disobey her parent. But when he got back he found that he was sadly mistaken. Ite received a note from Clara, which she bad sent to his boarding-house, stating that Bhe him, and desired that tlicir ac proper selection of their fcoaudates. There is nothing truer than the aphorism, "Evil communication corrupt good morals." But wo will leave Tanes for the present in his recklessness, and return to Clara. Poor girl, she was indeed distressed at finding-the object of her affaotions unworthy of her. But, true to her sex, she could not divest herself of regard for him; sli<S pitied bim and lamented bis mad career. Although Clara bad butted Mia* Miliar witi. noglect, bestowing no more attention on licr than wa?jo#t sufficient to obey her father's in rrcJorio was vcrj'nV tentivei. **c tried 16 Anticipate and gratify her pyefySfish. Thb t*ik imposed on him by hi? father appeared to be a pleasing one. . Thus the household became nmtun)Iy pleased -with ?4eb other, and confidence, linrmony, nnd peaco followed as a natural consequence. Oh! the ex quiaitc bliss of harmony and good feeling delating in a family ! . Morgiri 1r*s ^rerouted fronj going to Oorgo fife on th,B Ba*t,3fctnrday, m ho had promised, fri consequence of Ohe of hi* poor neighbors calling op htm to. fc4rart<fc ?onta baidfreas tlutf rul? Morgi n tried tp U*? by Miller-?* ?t kia not , common sitting room is up stairs, tho girls go i down to receivo tho company, and I remain." Morgin said, " Clara, do any enquire for J Jenny." .. [ Clary replied, "Yes sir?or rather, they do not Anniliro for Iipp lint, onlr ahnnf hnr T tnll . them that she is in much trouble, and docs not ; wish to seo company yet." Morgin replied, " That was well done my darling, come nnd kiss me." She came; he seated her on his kae& And thon said, "Hut Jenny, my Coz, don't you find it very lonely and monotonous with no one hut these wild children to associate with." She replied, " Oh no, we carry on very spirited conversations sometimes; and would you believe it, I had the hardihood to enter into an argument with Frederic the other day on religion. I mean religon of the Bible. Just think of that! I a mere infaut, not more than a month old, to undertake an argumeut with one who has been familiar with that precious book all his life." "Well," said Frederic, "Cousin Jane, if you call yourself an infant now, I should uot like to eucountcr you, when you get fully grown. Pupa, she used mc up completely, exposed the sophistry of my arguments, and showed that they had no more foundation, than "the baseless fabrio of a dream;" and her reasoning was so much like yours, that I accused her of getting a leaf out of your book, as the saying is." Morgin replied, "Ko wonder in that my son. She did uot get u leaf; but the entire book. 6he derives 4ier information from the same source that I do, God's Holy Word, the only sourco of nuc Kiiowicugc. jenny, iiiCLcquunuaa nnnrnwiug Mies Miller,)the difficulties you complained, of at first in studying tlie Bible, you arc evercoming, are you not? you can now understand better than nt first." She replied, 4,Oh yes, muclf better, but for that, I nin much indebted to a most valuable work, which I found on tlio book shelf!" Morgin enquired, " What work ia that." She replied, "Page's Commentaries." Morgin replied, " Yea, that is to me a valuable work. But my dear cousin, consulting that book will not be forming your opinions from tUe Jlible iiiu an unprejudiced mind.The author of that work 'will bias your opinions, and get you to his way of thinking. I formed my opiuion unaided by man; the only Works I used were Hod's Worjji, the book of nature and the chnnicnlly, I never gave religion a thought Now, I perceivo that all things in nature de?l?r?. tl.ot r??,i: *!_i ??r ? ".?.??? VUMW uvu *a MlipilWiUIf HUU A JJUL L'UIVV UOW, that tlie Bible confirms what nature declares." Morgin was in perfect eestacies, at hearing these sentiments from the lips of Miss Miller; he believing that he was chosen as the instrument used to bring her to the glorious light and liberty of the Gospel* Ho took her hand, and was in silent prayer and thanksgiving for a moment, and then said: "How refreshing, Oh! how delightful to hear such sentiments from one just merged into life from that mass of corrnption, (the Romish Chorch*") * Bui it would be fatiguing to restate all the .1.-1. X# !- I J ? - ' - WM ? ViWWUU fUBI) iUVI^IU UDU W1U1 1118 zauiiiy. There vm not the slightest allusion made to Afar. Tanes. And now we will drop the curtain, mid lot Morgin enjoy bis day and a haif with (his family, in his own way. ^ hia father that, "He was much the village, about the lady at 'aaid. he told tliem that, '"She wn? in much afToctiou, and to spcud aoiiio timo with us." fflffiwiii dmriinrp^ril hia son for liis nmilen^n an^U****^0* lum to be untiring in hiSrig/?jM^pbW: "Tli at cousin Jane vu so | "l|i'l)J- NSpl1r' 80 'n^'Kcnt> '*? fflCt so intor? 1 wny, that ho required no other in, UP llLS watchfulness." ^f^retorn^dtohis school on Sunday eve;l tfn the Tuesday after Morgin left, a poor . woman came to the house to beg for assistance. I Bhe Was a llaggardlooklng errata?*' so sWari tKV, t!)at Aeinmirfbe very well tatenfo*aln&; J lotto. 1 Shehad^broad red i^ark running down I one.rfdo of he*face, that looked like a scar. It I dirtgOTtf fa*>e<y muteh; > She Irish and r .^^^.t>?dtfth*t she fcotrtd iwarceiy ?" be und?*19.^^. i fcfifee told Morgues ehild*? that, she was .tuns iislr ?iul ?w>r(n?UtT I fretu the fatigu^ of travelling on foot andbeg. e fcr the l<?e ,of b*r t araonel to oM, and Uk W -lUy ^Md r??ti iltt considered it a superstition, she said nothing about it to anyone. She felt a strong antipathy for the Irish woman, though she strove agaiu&t this feeling. But notwithstanding her aversion, she bestowed on her all the kindness alio was capable oC The day after this woman woe taken into Morgin's family, Gorgoville was all in commotion. A Biologis had arrived. [to bk continued.] MISCELLANY. Southern Migrations to the North. According to a statistical table recently pub nsnca, ir is computed that Southerners have spent "fcft, 000,000 the past summer in Northern travel. Commenting upon this fact, the N. Y. Timet remarks that "the social And moral effect of this Annual migration can scarcely be appreciated. Associations spring up; friendships are formed; opinions interchanged and prejudices corrected; similar tastes are cultivated, and homogeneousncss promoted by litis free and unrestrained intercourse. Whatever strength there mAy bain our political ties and in those relations th?t are founded iu business necessities, it is vcry^obvious that the highest importance is to be attributed to those social interchanges which make us favorably acquainted with one another. Ignorance is the most efficient ally of malice and pride. What we want most is a reliable knowledge of all Bcctions of the country, and as this is obtained, we shall see the utter folly of indulging thb evil tempers that alwA3's characterise soctional vanity. .The free intercourse of domestic life is essential to this pnrl." * The Time* adds: "Rut a step farther. The irresistible tendency of things is toward centralization ntuienoitb. Saratoga, Newport, Nahaut, Niagara, Hudson River, and White Mountains, are hor?. Fashion, tu*tt$ tfeaitu, ambition, talent, will come to them. Business men, for the most part, are intimately ?onncotc?l with New York and Boston. It is so, loo, with religious organizations, educational futilities, and general interests." The Sjlutli lias the White Sulphur, and a hundred other mine; a1 Springs, the meanest of them possessing more majestic socnery, a more genial tions of tvcry kind than Saratoga; alio lias her ' own Old Poin^ Hampton, and fifty other pleas- ! ant resorts on her extended line of sea coast; 1 she h&4 noble rivers of her own, and her own 1 peerless Blue Ridge and Alleghanies, but nil . these h<^ people hobitnally neglect for Northern Wat*rinfej^cjg? ^?hkh hare nothing to recom- 1 mend bnt &duon and a crowd. They I1 leave behtfd then) the simple, hftarty and pore ' atmoaplieri; of Southern social life, and cxchnnge it for thd fiollow and heartless thing called Life ' at the Springs, which ia n miserable compound ; the Sou i than are Southern*men of Northern affairs, We have no "Uncle TomV circulated in ouf (immunity for the express purpose of qtfmng prejudice and hate against Northern goeicty, nd wo have no Seward politicians who d^libera Ely seek to advance their own fortunes upon th ruinB of Northern institutions. Hence it wonldhave an excellent effect for Northern men to 1 ieit tho South and see for tliemsnlvoB how diflWeut is the real state of things in the South'ernStatcs from that which they nave supposed tcexist. But tliis sort of social inter- ' change vould not suit either the political or ftnefclllAfSftcr snirife nf ntir Knrtho??n l^Atlivnn Wc co&iot but aHnur> iJ?? J?i>mVW, s nhlia-iuyf nnd submissive spirit wliieli lends Soother* men to repay all the indignities and * wrongs \hey have received from Northern hands ? by pntrMiizing-o very branch of Northern indus- J try andlipendTng five millions a year at Northern watering places. The underground railroad tabes the negroes, and the overground railroad carries their mastery to the same inviting lititudes. The arcatcr'ihe business dono < by the lower branch, the heavier is the travel < on the upper. The more Mrs. Stowe and her j allies of tlte press and pulpit abuse us, the faster j and thicker we hurry on to stop the mouths of our feKlumniators with a shower of gold. ] "J?S% von spit on mo on Wednesday last; I . You spurnM me such a day; another time .? You call'd me dog; -for.tbosw courtesies 1 I'll leud you thus much moneyai'V;:- I Richmond Ditpatch. , MiiOTir w Fahvo.?Perliapstli^ briefest personalmemoirs eve* written, wore the "Memoirs ( of Count Rostopehin," written in ten minates. We subjoin a few paragraphs, each of which constituo a " chapter." " My Bibth : On the twelfth day of Marob, , 17AK. T wna emertred from darkneM hit# the Jight.of day. I irie??fired,:r wini #otghSd, I iras baptuied.' I ?u bctti -without knbwing xrhero<br^,?id;.BOiy parents. thanked lleavoo, an old deceased man, with a worn-out spirit, an exhausted hearty and a used-up body. Ladies and Oentlemen, pass on! " "Your Paper did not comb, Sib I"?We recommend a careful perusal of the following ? J??t-1- ?i ?* ? * H |/?WIU Diavcii(cui) UVVI1 W jjwai IIlHBVerB ana. W Oil subscribers. It ia from a paper called The Advance, published at HernaDUo, Mississippi: ' The uncertain arrival, or uncertain delivery of papers, at country post offices, is often the ground of complaint against publishers and oditora. Many of the offices are poorly supplied with the conveniences of taking care of papery no matter with what ccrtaiuty they arrive.? The papers are jumbled up into a few pigeon i ? ? uwic^ v* j?icu upvu u ui-ok, uua. or unrroi, m> await the call of tlio subscribers. Id tlie midst of boots, hats, bridles, liorso collars, and other coarse wares which may be called for during the day by customers. Country postmasters in most cases, being engaged in somtf mercantile business, many newspapers find their way into sonic obscure corner, where they are hid for a time from human eyes, as completely as if buried in a mountain cave. In tlie meantime the man comes for his paper, and as it can't be found, of course it didn't come. Tko indignant subscriber consequently abuses the rascally editor, and perhaps calls for pen, iuk and paper, to write a letter of complaint about not sending his paper punctually, when if said paper were endowed.^ with speech, it would ory out, 'hero I 11m. In itnofh l>oliin>l or under this barrel.' We lmvo seen just such things at country post offices, and elsewhere as well as the country. Tlieso remarks have no reference to any particular officc, and arc.meant for nil where they- will apply. -? . ?. The Ravings of Romanism.?In tho April number of Brownson's Review is the following phillinpio against our country, wbiah bears unmiQt.ntnnItla ovwlnnnn nf Kalnw f?Am *?? VI (MVUVW WB WVlilg 11 VUi buy |/wu VI lla C^iiAP ? -' * We ore n mixed Protestant, Infidel nnd Catholic poople. "flie non-Catholic element, however, predominates ; and owing to our Vast extent of cheap and.fertile lands, we are free from many of tho material evils of older countries. But in real well being, in the refinements of life, in the culture of the soul, in tho higher civilization, or in true national or individual virtue and happiness, we arc far below the lowest Catholic state. We can boast only of our industry. Our literature is not worth naming; our newspapers, for the most part, are a public ? niir Annimnn *r?V?rv/%la rt rrwilinf tA lint; ltffltt find cannot be named with those of Austria; wo have not a respectable library or university in the country; and the liberty we boast is merely the liberty of the mob to gora?n us as it pleases. There is, perhaps, no people on earth that has leas of moral and mental independence, or less individual freedom and manliness. We arc slaves of committees, associations, caucuses, and a public opinion formed by ^ , i, L_ Ouigin or tub Phrase "BvxcoiiBs."~Tho ori;in of the cxprowion "Buncombe speeches," is aid to hare boettiu follows: Some years since, i member of Congtess, [Hill,] from tbe county if Buncombe, North Carolina, was indulging in i long and very uninteresting Larangue in the louse of Representatives. Some attempted to ough him down, others called him to order; >ut it wab-of no use^he was determined to havo lis sny, let what would occur. At Inst the aembcrs began to leave, and there was soon carcely any persons left except the reporters, lit this stage of-tha ivrQcccJiini ?_????? ?- - , , . O, ,,naw>AVA*an/>A ?nr? tcaleato hiin that be would soon be entirely lestitute of auditors; whereupon be very coolly tbserved that it was of no consequence, as ho uras "speaking for Buncombe, not Washington," n other woraa, that " his speech was intended 'or the perusal of his constituents, and hot at ill to ilmuenee the action of his fellow members. ?4 i??u? A Diacon's Quotation orScaiPTUs*oxnix U*k WuricAxpCoM> Mr. Secretary M*r:y recently told an anecdote at a dinner party 1m it?So aU??4s mtttnri .vtlna #l\na W/? aetlA iliaf. a nill*/U-4Ulllf ,VUMi AAV ???V> VUM* -*4 feW w-eekssince, Gov; Seymour of New Yqrk, wrote to him, thfjt since 119 - hud Voted for the liquor law, he had receiredVario'ua ipt^er* from gentlemen in various parts of tho Statp, both ipproylitf ffttd .dfcrtpproving; tof hui conr?e in the premises.: Among tfcw'WM one fr?m^| honest deacon, who , resided, in th,<J_ of the State, which commended his ?h8n tn tho strongest term*. life. ?id man alluded to, .informed ,tha ;MOYernor H ho wni deeply interested, in the debptee of both Bides of qooattocc^ad . did not le?otte 'lot or title" estfa^nfirev Bchad, too, he said, "looked tip" hi* Bible from Genesis to Revelation in order to Me how the liqnor question was there treated, and after maturo deliberation, he ?ame nfim: it HOvD. Moles. David ind Soloounv not tonly rot the <W?y" but roooraatcndod it to oth *8; in a wot?1 in hirreeeagjbea "i ' 1 ,II , i', i1,1,1 ,i' \BB9asemmm . r A Londpn , Htluohaiu.?ilwnsiepr - Franoie Wey, a French writer of dinttn?ti6n, wbo paiaod J several weeks in London daring the Qreatfixhi- to bition, has recently published lh Paris , f nresaions," under the title of " The English at V Home,p, On one occasion, while riding hi an L omnibus, he formed an aequalntenoe with * fel- t low passenger, from whom he derived matfy explanations of the strange thin in he saw. fto. of these we givo: ' "I addressed td hlnf-a few words concerning a carriage which just then drore by. It was too fine to be elegant and was drawn by two magnificent bay horses. On the box, adorned with beautiful fringe, sat a black-coated oschman; and there was not a wrinkle in his white cravat ?bis snowy gloves were spotless. was the strange loo^^^^^^^^^ ofHi^^^abhig " Tlie richest batcher in Londoii" was th? reply. "H# Is returning in bi? <6wfa cdrrifcfro from his slaughter house to his residence. Hft forefathers were in tho business. His father left him a fortune of over two millions, and he, o^ of modesty, follows hiaofather's profession?* very honorable old custom..' This genilethAa butcher possesses four million." ' !! "v. ? jfcl. .J / "r. >' '* I u portast Decision.?AVolesm fromthtflsrnnnah Republican that Thomas Maknioh, charged with the crime of a*suit with an intent to murder a pLKVIVfl mnda flw* fnllnnfintitlk- -31 It was oLja^i by tho Stmajel for dofcnai, Messrs. pXcoN 4s L*vy bb3 jH no sueh offence was kno.^M .to t}ie penal c<xfQ of Georgia; that the slave otfmib&liW L. ..jrf-" a chattel, and had 0riginaltj??0p?T?0ikl tfgfcttit ? S-" ^ tUaf all jauJi jaa_he hadWwa thow^riTW by }. positive enactment; that ?9Fpra?lco4eo# G-eoe^ L ,, gia contained a separate afHilon relatfbg. to offences against slaves; that.tbtii'der, maiming, and others, were especiallyjpqticed, bat not so jr.V,'-^ tho offence charged On thBOthersi^e, it|M jtv nrinied by the counsel for ih^NHOu tioD, M/w John Owens, that assanlt with ihtcnt to "jntMHr . * was the same in kind with muiiia$'*w jj fore, included^ within the penal ^ gut. iucii uug? ueciaea witn A Porteait of Six Chaklks liqh paper uaea *?*th?r fra? "A foruter-Ibokiog man, with lips, and a tremendous noso coY^i^lwivh?lgMj| large-eara, like twoflapa 'Uncle BVi? lyrio h&tortf ' apeak of on tbe top of his raft ":/ iSSSg phrenolojpcid darelopmenta ^??>1^ ft.'* '.Ml 91|4. JSWV teri^skctch to late orop wialAZI: worked by ateam 4wHI^FBs?^T^f^^fti ; j;~1