Spartanburg journal. [volume] (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1900-1906, May 09, 1902, Image 5

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I I f \ Liliane Will clean and bleach any straw hat and make it look like new. Enough for 8 hats for 25 cents. AT Ligons Drug Store. 1000 Pictures for Passepartout Work IOC. They are copies from the old masters and the best selecf_ _ _ f. _ 1 lion we nave naa, DuPRE & WILSON, Book Store and Art Gallery, Tce rr^fn We are now serving our delicious Ice Sod*. Made From Pure Cream Only. * Limes Received To day. Heinitsh's Drug Store PUBLIC SQUARE. Agency for Huyler's. If In a hurry for anything ir the drug line, telephone No. 91 TUTJ ST. JOHN AMERICAN PLAN. CORNER MEETING & QUEEN CHARLESTON, S. C. The modern and most desirable hotel of Charleston. One hundred rooms, with bath electric lights and steam heated through out. Cuisine unsurpassed. H. C. BARDIN, Proprietor. ...FRESH VEGETABLES^ We make a specialty of Vegetable! and Country Produce of best qnulitj obtainable, as we run a market gardei a id have them in stock at all timei fresh from grower to consumer, als< Fancy Fruits and Groceries. B. L. GOWAN. 37 E. Main St Pliono No. 411 L _ \ \ \ PERSONAL.. Miss Janie Taber is sick at her home on Booth Church street. W. 8. Hall of GafTney spent last ; night at the Argyle. G. Barnett is able to be oat again ; after a long spell of siokness. I Mrs. G. W. -Shell of Lanrens is : visiting her daughter, 'Mrs. A. C. : Dillard, on Booth Liberty street. W. A. Barnett, who has been i sick, is better today. Victor Haynes of Riohmcnd, Va., is visiting relatives in the city. J. W. Hawkins and son of Bishop were in town today. Win. Goldsmith, Jr., and J. A. Russell of Greenville were here last I night for the meeting or theD.'O. K K's. J. C. Carrincrton returned vester day to his home in Virginia. Miss Ella DeLorme and Miss Theo Gregg, who have been visitiag Miss Roberta Archer, returned to Suuiter this morning. Chas. H. Drayton of Charleston i is visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. H. W. Dean and Miss Lou Fleming, who navo l^en visiting at i Capt. J.W. Carlisle's, left for Astieville today. Dr. O. W. Leonard returned yesterday from a visit to Laurens. B. R. DeShields of Cross Anchor ' was in town today. W. E. McGeo of Augusta, Ga., is in the city. Capt. J. W. Waters of Reidville was in town today. Mra R I? Dunial io visiting relatives in the city. Miss Nannie Wood of Pacolet was in town today. M. L. Justice of Morganton, N. C., is in the city selling horses at Morgan's stables. Dr. W. F. Smith of Glenn Springs is at the Argyle. W. M. Jones returned from Co-' lumbia this afternoon. 8. J. Simpson, C. P. Sanders and H. E. DePass. who have been attending the supreme court, have returned to the city. E. S. Draper of Massachusetts is in the oity. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rigby, Jr., of Codesville are visiting relatives and friends here. JOTTIVGS Ai. UT TOWN. The students of Cedar Springs Institute had a picnic at Glendale I Park today. | i dUuunj uuiii to attend the D. O. K. K. meeting last; night. A petition for the early closing ol the dry goods stores is being oiroulated and it is hoped that nlLtli? merchants will fall in line. The last extra train to carry delegates to the Baptist convention at Asheville will leave this evening at 7 o'clock. This traiu will not take passengers for way stations. Lettie May Tinsley, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Tinsley, ^ died at their homo on Oliver street early yesterday morning and was ' buried yesterday afternoon at Mt. Zion Church The Clifton Band was the attraction at Glendale Park last night and surprised those wno went with the artistic excllence of their ihusic. 1 Professor Scull is now direoting the band and is improving the organi'/a. tion rapidly. Index to New Advertisements. Men's and ladies stocks at J. C. ? Williams & Co. Genuine PaDama hats at E. M. Wharton's. A C. & W. C. mileage book is as good as a puss. Flour, corn and oats at Thompson ?fe Dillard's. | Fresh meal -i at Alverson's market. Two cans ; ir> peaches. 15c at M. West's. Four room house for rent by T. O. Monk. Auction sule tomorrow by R. E. Foster. Merits of Post inn Cereal. D. O. K. K Meeting and Banquet. At the annual meeting of Altair Temple, D. O. K. K. last night fire candidates were piloted across the hot sands and a most interesting inci ting was had Subsequently the Knights and tr eir invited friends adjourned to the room in the i 'atholic huililing and partook of a tempting banqnot, which bad been prepared by S. Becker. After the fe ist the usual p-?st prandial > oratory flowed and everything went merry A number of Knight* from out of town were ] resent. Judge Simontou R< versed. In the case of A. H Parker Co , brokers, acainst W A Moore of , Duncan, suit *o moov ?r S*oo said to f be due on a c??tton fni ure> ecu tract, i the United States circuit oonrt of * appeals has reversed .I :dg-* Simon 1 ton, who granted a n- n thus establishing the legality of such contracts. C P Sanders repiesented the plaintiff and Stunyarne ? Wilson the defendant. L SPECIAL liOTICES. Advertisements iu this lolumn % words or less 1 time, 26c; 8 tlnu'-l 60c; 1 week, *1; 2 weeks,?1.7o, t month, $&. Aver 26 words extra. JfOH RENT?Pour roe iu house on South * Choice street, wltl in two minutes' walk of public squares ah good neighborhood and convenient. Apply to T. O. Monk. BIG AUCTION SALE to-morrow. L*>t of nice oak furnlti re, lot of chairs, two cook stoves and ma iy other articles, R. K. Foster, Auctioneer f tT. can fine nle peachi s iust come in. X Two cans for 16c. 11. West. Phone \\r ANTHD?Several gen tlepien Ixiarders. ' * Good meals and am i service. Close In. Mrs. Getsinger, 183 S Liberty. I A DIES?I will attend i o your machine f troubles now 1 hiivi i mill nil ntlmri business. Old machines'tmade new at small cost. You can get me any hour, li. L. England, 27 Maitnn la st. Citizens Phone No. 97 \r ACANT LOT, corner B raw ley and H. R. streets Aery near Sp; rtan Mill, fine R. R. or store property SHl.x 00 for wile very reasonable. Kpton & Sto\ ins. U? TO 1?This will be tht case in a few 1 ' days In regard to flh i. Ample pro- I taction by using door and \v indow screens. I^trge stock, nice and cher. t<. G. O. Flke. Lumlierman. 'Phone 2b. IJOUSE FOR, RENT - Four elegant FL rooms; jjpfy water; lear business centre. AnpFv at Llgon's d tig store. WANJELR?A position lr moral younu man as stenographer who has had two years'ex|H>rlenco. Am employed, lmt desire to change position foi good reasons Good references furnished : Vddress "S. J. II.," 201 Davie street. Greer iboro, X. C. CHEAP RESIDENCE lJ )TS?We are offering those Iniautiful ots on Arch. Urawley, Howard and ProsVpn streets Ir>longing to Mr. Stevens very cheap?glad to show them. Epton & Stevens. IpOR SALE?Three or fiiur thousand * blood and potash sacks! suitable for hnilding dams. Apply to Spartanburg Fertilizer Co., No. 1 Calvert and Law Building. WANTED?Bookkeepers,st nographcrs, salesmen, mechanics, salesladies, housekeepers, and all who wr nt positions to call on or write The Emtiifc-u Business Burean, Grant Building, Atlanta, Ga. Engineers LICENSE -J Mechanics, ' ' Engineers, Firemen. EleA*icians, etc , 40-page pamphlet containiBf questions asked by examining l?oard <T engineers; sent free. Geo. A. Xeller, pu llsher, 18. S. 4th street, St. Louis, Mo. 1 p^OR SALE?Lot sultablJ and well A located for a small stort#?Jjaccnt to cotton mill proiierty In thlsjdty cheap. Apply at Journal ornoe. j A N AU.TTKRATIVE AslttTION A" Petty'a jjerfeot printing. ^aul Petty, rilinrniMii iiiiii m_ _ ?<3bir model Milliner stick you of JjfAf}?1 twenty * *i ^*ss, Mr. i Claxon ei)JV?r8 of ?v?5?ioh persistence ah*.rtmmed Sra. The e,r^ote.'Qc and o?to Padgett is a mo., * oxoullent wort. 'OT8. ? MAY BE WOOD?'?RIBGE. i Cost of Steel Structure Beoras Toe . Great |' . The oounty commis>* nors yesterday afternoon recoivec bids for the erection of the now hi idge over Lawson's Fork, bat have i iot awarded the contract, and the ' supervisor says that it may be several days before it is awarded It is probable that tfcp commissioners will have the sttmo wor-c done by county labor, ami as tho;7 have only a certain uinoplnt of funds to be used for this bririgti it may be that a wooden bridge wl 1 be built instead of a steel ono as < pas at first thought. The cost of a steel brid ge will bo more than the com niissionors thought., as has been she wn by the bids received Jvesterda; and the original plan may be abandoned and a cheaper bridge bxtilt. The Only Reason Don't. A great many people are using "Clifton ' llour now wild a year or two ago had no idea of doing so. They didn't know the merit* of Clifton"Hour und in a way, they were satisfied with wliaj tlioy were getting. It was good enough so long as they didn't know about "Clifton." Hut it wouldn't, be good enough now. They J;now about "Clifton" now. You don't know aboujt "Clifton" flour, jierhaps and the dtlier kind is good enough for yon Hut it won't be when you know all libouc "Clifton." You might as well It urn about it now. We want to tell yon ; and to demonstrate all we say. If you in! vestigato and we don't make good I you are not out anything. Rut if j we do make good (and we wid) you will have gained somei liing. Our family flour. "1 Vhite Fawn ' will satisfy you if y Vou a cheaper flour Bk \nsi dud Mii.i.s, Om ensb<>ro, Ivy . Tlio ladies wonder ] iow Mrs. B. manages to preserve her youthful i looks. The secret. iJ she tnUe? ; Prickly Ash Bitters j it keeps the system in perfect or ler. For sale i by Arthur Irwin The difference in he worth of men lies In the fact t ml one's you i ? Doz. Negligee irts To Goat 75c. ys* shirt waists, )le bands, price ? ???i^???? < ^ 25 I Madras Shi Worth $1.00, 50 doz. bo1 patent detachal 25c. Straw Ha and qualities fo I Eclipse Nej best on earth 1 to $1.50. I I M. Qreei The Leading Clc 23 W. Main Street. II KetvSoecial Offe I ? H 45x36 Pillow Cases 8 1, I Reudy made Sheets, fi I at cost to close them out. 1 10c Piques in black au< Ladies all linen Handl Fruit of Loom Bleachii 1 case colored Dimities 1 case 40-inch colored < 200 Calico Dress Pattei All linen Window Hhai 1 Curtain Poles with tri Lonsdale Cambric in A Cannon Cloth 5c. Ladies 10c Under vests , Yours C : CAROLINA CI GRAHAM & Corner E. Main an Old China Hall Stand Laxative Pepsin Toni< AN IDEAL SPRING TONIC Cure s.... INDIGESTION, DYSPESIA HEARTBURN, PORPI1 LIVER, BILI()USNESS,CON STIPATION, Etc. l.Rigby's Pharmacy. (1* EAHT MAIN STRI'ET. 1 nw?iiiiiwiimni ii iw H ATE\ You want, we have i particular cut. We 1 everything in the in S select from. Extra (i J\/ ASS Si, q BOTH RHO } its in all shapes r men and boys. jligee Shirts, the for the price, $1 newald. >thier and Hatter. ? iringforTfiisWeek 2c .ill size, Androscoggin qnality 1 colors at 5c. :erchiefs at 6c. ng in Mill Ends at 6c. i at 2 1 2c. Organdies at 5c worth 8c. rns at 35c each, des 22c. minings only 18c. I ill Ends at 6c worth 8c. for 5c. ommercially, coin. WHITE, Props. d S. Church Streets. Also Palmetto Block : | BEST ( Jeorgia Ribbon Cane Svrup, Fresh Florida Cabbage, Sweet and Irish Potatoes, Best Louisville Saur Kraut now ac per pound. . urunn s urocery. 57 E*st Hain St. Phone 271. /BR OUT f ?and tlie I'OSt of that Imve only the h?<st of ieut lino for you to i (i ulr J 1 > -**.! ii\/ D/vmiiuu iictnir^. . | HARTY.I N'EIS NO. 65. |