The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, July 04, 1918, Image 1

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VJ THE UNION TIMES WEEKLY EDITION ?y* VOL. LXVIII \() 127 UNION,S.C., TlIl'HSDAY, JILLY 4, 1918 , ?tfc * EAR . i . i. ? ?..?wAre Jvu ????? FRENCH PUSH GERM! CAPTURE MORE 1! (By Assoc PARIS, July 4.?The French last of one mile and a quarter in the ne Soissons and pushed into the enemy French delivered another attack in tl tory. The French took 1,06(> prisone a pain of pround on thjr front of Cha of more than three-fifths of a mile. Casualty List Contains Names; Gi (By Associ W A CHTMCTOXT T..1? t TM-- ? I? iiuiy 4. i lie I'il in action, 9; died of wounds, (?; died o disease, 5; wounded severely, 2G; miss Henry O'Neal of Columbus, (la., dice noujrh of Greenville, S. C., was sever* :* British Advance Lines Mile in (Bv Associ LONDON, July 4.?The British t in the region east of Amiens and capt Villers Bretonne and advanced their 1 than a mile. Battle Between Germai (By Associ MOSCOW, Sunday.?A sam.uina fought at Yekaterinburg, between Go peasants. The latter is said to nuni artillery and machine guns. Factor it because of the w'orkmen in the Gueril :t Sultan of Turkey (By Associ; AMSTERDAM, July 4.?Mohamm 7 o'clock this morning, says a Constai via Vienna. PROGRAM OF SHORT COURSE FOR WOMEN OF UNION AND UNION COUNTY Under Home Demonstration Agents \f! il?!_ O !iL 1 tf lUlShfS AIMt* 01111111 clHU .>1 il III It* Oetzel Monday, July 8, 4:30 P. M.? Principles of canning fruits and vegetables. Drying of vegetables. Miusi Napier. Brining of vegetables, Miss Smith. v Tuesday, July 0, 10:30 A. M.?Use of wheat substitutes. Quick breads Mrs. Dora Dee Walker, Miss Napier. Tuesday, July 0, 4:30 P. M.?Use of honey and corn syrup for preserving and iellv making. Mrs. Walker. Wednesday, July 10, 10::J() A. M.? Dietetics. Food values and body requirements. Miss Christine South. Wednesday, July 10, 4:H0 i\ M.? Dietetics. Feeding of children. Miss South. On Tuesday afternoon at 0 o'clock there will be a special demonstration of corn products. The representative of the Corn Products Refining Co. will be present. The frying of potato chips and -making of Mayonaise dressing and Mazola will be demonstrated. These meetings will be held in the schools rooms of Clifford Seminary. Miss Dorothy Napier is home demonstrator for Richland County. Mrs. Dora Dee Walker is State assistant. Miss Christine South is State emer gency assistant. These capable and interesting women are not strangers to the people of Union County and an opportunity of hearing them discuss these vital questions, is eagerly welcomed. ? ^ RICHARD CARROLL TO SPEAK AT HETHANY COLORED CHURCH Rev. Richard Carroll, a great lead er amonp: the colored people, will speak at Bethany Baptist church (colored) Jonesville, Monday night, fc July, 8. His subject will be: "The Part the Negro Should Take in the EL y ..Present War." Rev. J. W. Coleman, [7 pastor of the church requests that an 1 invitation be extended to the white white people an invitation to attend the meeting, and says special seats will be provided for them. ICE CREAM SUPPER There will be an ice cream supper given at the home of T. R. Sims Sat?' urday night for the benefit of Sardis k-v church. You are invited to attend. ins sack and in,goo pons iated Press) night attacked the Germans on a front ighborhood of Auteiches, northwest of territory nearly a half mile; later the le same region and gained more terrirs. The entire operation netted them teau Thierry to Duximede for a depth o: Fifty-Four reenville Man Wounded ated Press) sualty list contains 52 names. Killed if accident and other causes. H: died r>f ;inp: in action, 2; prisoners, 1. Private ! of disease. Private Ernest T. Goodcly wounded. o: More Than a Region East of Amiens ated Press) roops this morninj? delivered an attack ured the villajre of Hamel northeast of line in this region to a depth of more o: n-bkranian ite Guard and Peasants iated Press) vy battle has reported to have been rmano-Ukranian White Guard and the ber 200,000, and to be equipped tvith >s in that region are said to be closed lla corps. 1 ): Has Passed Over i ated Press) ed the Fifth, Sultan of Turkey, died at J ntinnonle dispatch received here today ( _ i MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR UNION BOY < Green Street Methodist church was | filled to its uttermost capacity last Sunday morning with the many friends of Private William J. Lank- 1 | ford, probably the first Union County 1 boy killed in action. Every feature of the service was most solemn and ! appropriate. The extensive improve- 1 ments recently made to the interior of the edifice were about completed, J | the large augmented choir occupying i the new choir loft. The music added . | to the solemnity of the occasion. The ' pastor, Rev. J. R. Chick read the lfitli 1 chapter of St. John, after which an eloquent and impressive address was ( made by Rev. L. T? Wagnon, in which ' he paid high tributes to the young ' soldier. At the concluson of the 1 services a large floral wreath was presented the bereaved family as a token of sympathy from Fair ForestChapter D. A. R. The hundreds of ' sympathizing friends and relatives ' present bore testimony of the high ' esteem in which the younpr man was A I held in this county, and also the deep 1 sympathy felt for the parents. ' , ^ i 1 FROM OVER THERE . i A. E. F., June fi, 1018. < Dear Mother: i I w'ill write just a few lines to let ] you know I am well, and dointr fine. I i am in the hospital yet; was not hurt < had; am jroinjr hack to my company < ina few days. Tell Ray hello for me. | I should like to seem them all. I have not heard from father sinee he joined < the army; would ho plad to hear. 1 Today I am proinj? out to see a ball ] pame, 1 Will close with love to all, but most 1 for mother. i Your loving son, i Fred Norman. i CASE AGAINST WEBBER / DISMISSED ( B. F. Webber, charged with crim- ' ,inal assault, was brought before 1 ! Magistrate Howze Tuesday afternoon. After examining the witnesses, five of them, the case was dismissed, each witness testifying that he had no personal knowledge of the guilt of the ' accused. CLINTON WINS BALL GAME < I The baseball frame pulled off in the 'city park today between Union and 'Clinton resulted in a score of 6 to 5 I in favor of Clinton. PRESIDENT Si MOUNT There Must Be No Thorn, is Crushed?A Wori Hope am (By As: WASHINGTON, July 4.?Th< freedom and equal riphts to all w before in the celebrations held in celebrations looked toward Mount first president, where Wilson was t WASHINGTON, July 4.?I're for a compromise peace, with a ne to the strupple for cleaning militai At an Independence Day pathe home and tomb of Georpe Wash looked upon the creation of this patherinp of officials and of diploi But he spoke to the world am without stint or limit" declaration Unreservedly, the President <1 a peace which did not mean the reduction to virtual impotence. "A reign of law, based on the the organized opinion of mankind, sentence the objects of humanity i Whether the President was ad speech of German Foreign Secrcta of a renewed German peace ofTension of the celebration of America the war aims of the nation can o program of the war or any partit of America's attitude toward Gen by grouping the people of Russia less," among the peoples of the v erty. "The past and the present art world are being done to death bet "There can be but one issue can be no compromise. No half-v way decision is conceivable. These pies of the world ai*e lighting and can be peace: "I. The destruction of every arntely, secretly, and of its single if it cannot be presently destroyed tcnce. % "II. The settlement of every ui etoiiomic Hrrangemenl lasis of the free acceptance o>i_Al :oncerned, and not upon the basis f\ny other nation or people which ?ake of its own exterior influence "III. The consent of all natioi jach other by the same principles law of civilized society that govt states in their relations with one i covenants may he sacredly observe! to selfish injuries wrought with i lpon the handsome foundation of "IV. The establishment of rinke it certain that the combine! nvasion of right and serve to rmi xfTording a definite tribunal of o which every international readjust? jy the peoples directly concerned "These great objects can be p ^ ?l... ??: ~e > ?- ' ui>- irmu m iaw, onsen upon tne he organized opinion of mankind. "These great ends can not be i ile and accommodate what state lalances of power and of national >y the determination of what the heir longing hope for justice and 1 The President's speech in full "Gentlemen of the diplomatic < "I am happy to draw apart \* n order to speak a little of the r icndenee. The place seems very i .ouched by the hurry of the work .v'hen General Washington was he tier. who were to be associated wi hese gentle slopes they looked oul with the light of the future upon iway from a past which men of li s for that reason that we can not if this sacred tomb, that this is a ments. A great promise that wa plan and reality. The associations nspiriting associations of that n< summation. From this green hill; mmprehending eyes the world tha :he purposes that must set men fi "It is significant?significant if the influences they were setting like the barons at Ruunnymede, s people Tt has been left for us to they spoke and acted, not for a sin were thinking, not of themselves c in the little groups of landholder: whom they were accustomed to act find south of her, but of a people special interests and the authorit; chosen to rule over them. They no peculiar privilege. They were class should be free and America might resort who wished to shari free men. And wo t.ako mir mm \ they intended. We, here in Ameri< war to be only the fruitage of w theirs only in this: that it is our out of every nation what shall mnl but the liberties of every other per that w"e are permitted to do whai our place. There must now be s America in the great age upon v sul-ely a fitting place from which' may fortify our spirits for its acc place from which to avow, alike (CONTINUE! PEAKS AT Q VERNON TODAY - I ghf of Peace Until Autocracy Id Message That Carries i Good Cheer. p< er mciated Press) 01 ? American principal of democracy and as presented today to the world as never many lands, but those participating, all Vernon, the home and tomb of America's he principal speaker. sident Wilson today answered all feelers iv and unqualified consecration of America y autocracy from the earth. m ring on the gentle slopes of Mount Vernon, w ington, an<l surrounded by scenes which b; nation, the President addressed a small li< uats of the allied nations. di 1 he spoke the logical sequel to his "force ai of several weeks ago. A eclared that there could be no thought of tl destruction of military autocracy or its consent of the governed and sustained by I, " was the way he summarized in a single in the world war. dressing his remarks dii'ectly to the recent rv von Kuehlmann; or to the foreshadows sive, or whether he merely took the occan independence to emphasize to the world ol nlv be divined, lie did not deal with the t< ular phase of it, but he spoke eloquently w many's socallcd peace treaties in the cast tc "for the moment unorganized and help- a ,-orld standing against the enemies of lib- v, in deadly grapple and the peonies of the > weeji them," said President Wilson. ri The settlement must he final. There .ay decision would he tolerable. No halfare the ends for which the associated peowhich must be conceded them before there arbitrary' power anywhere that can sep a choice disturb the peace of the world; or, f , at the least its reduction to virtual impo v I ' question, whether of territory, of sover- ? t, or gf political relationship, upon the ; ^K^ftlement by the people immediately i material interest or advantage of . may desire a different settlement for the { or mastery. is to be governed in their conduct towards of honor and of respect for the common nn the individual citizens of all modern [mother; to the end that all premises and ^ 1, no private plots or conspiracies hatched. mpunity. and a mutual trust established a mutual respect for right, an organization for peace which shall 1 power of free nations will check every ik'O np.'l on nn/1 inefieo 4-1-w* crw.n pinion to which al! must submit and by nont that cannot be amicably agreed upon shall he sanctioned. / lit into a single sentence. What we seek consent of the governed and sustained by ichicved by debating and seeking to reconsmen may wish, with their projects for opportunity. They can he realized only thinkincr peoples of the world desire, with | for social freedom and opportunity." was as follows* orps and my fellow citizens: rith you to this quiet place of old counsel neaninp of this day of our nation's indestill and remote. It is as serene and un1 as it was in those preat days lonp apo " re and held leisurely conference with the ^ th him in the creation of a nation. From t upon the world and saw it whole, saw it j, it, saw it with modern eyes that turned berated spirits could no lonper endure. It feel, even here in the immediate presence place of death. It was a place of achieve- jj s meant for all mankind was here piven ^ by w'hich we are here surrounded are the ^ >h!e death which is only a plorious eonside we also oupht to be able to see with ^ it lies about us and should conceive anew ee. of their own character and purpose and r afoot?that Washinpton and his associates, ^ poke and acted, not for a class ,but for a p see to it that it shall be understood that ^ pie people only, but for all mankind. They >r of the material interests which centered and merchants and men of affairs with ^ in Virpinia and the colonies to the north which wished to be done*with classes and y of men whom they had not themselves entertained no private purposes, desired r i consciously planninp that men of every a place to which men out of every nation e with them the riphts and privilcpcs of ^ rom im-m,?uo we not: we lmenu \vnnt|g ;a, believe our participation in this present 'hat they planted. Our case differs from c inestimable privilege to concert with men ke not only the liberties of America secure ^ >ple as well. We are happy in the thought j t they would have done had they been in ettled, once for all, what was settled for diose inspiration we draw today. This is ^ calmly to look out upon our task, that we omplishment. And this is the appropriate to the friends who look on and to the s D ON PAGE FOUR) I !IG SHIP PLANT DESTBl FIRE AT F (By Associated F BEAUMONT, TEXAS, July 4.?The pla >ration, valued at $100,000, three half-cor ich, valued at $22.r>,000 each are apparentl njarin today at Oranj?e. The charred bodies : o:? nierican soldiers and Sai Obst (By Associated F WASHINGTON, July 4.?The America! ore than 1,000,000 are observing the Fou aters for the first time since 1770. The day y the nations allied w'ith the United States cs of the Western Hemisphere. France is xy. In England the royal family led the i re being held in Rome and other Italian cit merican countries have observed the Foil lose countries have made the day a nation; : o:? Inited States Launch id To Ships Than Have Bet (By Associated F NEW YORK, July 4.?United States is 1: f ships than have been lost during the wl )day in an address in Tammany Ilall. I eight tons are going into the water at the )tal American tonnage destroyed by submai t 350,22.'?, including the tonnage sunk befoi 'ar. :o:? Australian Troops Attack Germans (By Associated 1 WITH BRITISH ARMY IN FRANCE, ttacked the German lines northeast of \ ron; this morning. Besides taking the vil /ay tovwara oeyona i-iamei ana vane wo Iretonncu and north of this region. l)eliv< tritish advanced on a front of 400 yards several hundred prisoners were captured. ro:? Conspiracy at Warsaw Ag (By Associated 1 AMSTERDAM, July 4.?Conspiracy at ouncil, involving nianjt leaders of the Po iscovered, according to a dispatch. 10 OUR SUBSCRIBERS ? Dear I 1 AT AN EARLY DATE we will j you cut off cacli and every DELIN- were QUENT SUBSCRIBER. If you 'getti wish to have the paper continue, jtures tend us your remittance.. If you ibe fi owe as past due subscriptions, be alonj: kind enough to remit. This is the I wo ONLY NOTICE that will be given, yet, If your paper stops, you will know jthem why. We cannot afford to buy is to stamps to mail out statements, nor there have we the time so to do. Look W< at your little yellow label; it will one tell you where you stand.?THE come UNION TIMES. weat Yo -? . ?. bund 1EMOCRATS CAN REOPEN LISTS I thi schoc leAoloiAn fni* a P nn von _ rPJlfl tion, it is Pointed Out I'n to CO Columbia, .July 3.?It has been pub- it wi ished in a number of papers that home here is no way by which the gena- W< orial contest can be opened to other now, andidates. This impression has been win. ormed evidently upon a reading of a W< >art of rule 32 of the Democratic write iarty rules, which provides for the time, eopening of the lists to candidates Wi n cases where there are only two am, andidates for an office and one of hem dies. It is pointed out, however, that the ulna nf thp nnrt.v also nrovide for heir amendment in a situation such ,s has now been created by the death A f Senator Tillman. Rule 40 of the the . arty reads as follows: "These rules Episi nay be amended or altered at the rej*- 8:30 ilar May convention of the State or welc< my State convention called specially or that purpose, the call for which hall specify the chanpres to be made." Senator Tillman's death has of ourse changed entirely the conditions swe^' if the senatorial race. It is believed g0 hat there is a prreat body of opinion somc n the State which would favor the reipeninpr of the lists even if a State Th convention has to be called for that Pen ( wrpose.?News and Courier. Sfty: much When old Villa murdered women ind hcildren, he didn't claim to be a Mi >artner of Gott. ing IKED BY IEAUMONT, TEXAS I: . <'ress) nt cf Uie Orange Maritime Cornpleted schooners of 2,200 tons y wiped out by fire of unknown of two men have been recovered. M lors >rve Fourth ol July 'ress) 1 soldiers and sailors numbering rth of July on foreign soil and is beinn commemorated fittingly as well as by the friendly repubcelcbratinjr it as a national holijelebrators. Special celebrations ies, Cuba and most of the Latinirth with exercises. Several of nl holiday. day More :n Lost During War 'less) aunching today a greater tonnage iole war, Secretary Daniels said le said more than 100,000 dead American yards today, while the rines during the war is estimated re the United States entered the and Advance Lines >ress) , July 4.?The Australian troops rillers-Brctonneu, on the Somme lage of Hamel they battled their ods between Hamel and Villers2ring another smashing blow the and along the front 1200 yards. ainst Polish Council Press) Warsaw against Polish reginary lish party, is said to have been LETETR FROM FRANCE France, June 9, 1918. Mother:? lave just received a letter from and was glad to know that you all well. I am feeling fine and ng along O. K. I had some pietaken and thought they would nished in time to send them r with this letter, but I guess n't get them for a day or two 1 will send them as soon as I get . You can't imagine how hard it write a letter from over here, ; is so little that one can say. ; are enjoying fine weather for thing, which is more than wel, for we sure had some bad her. u spoke of the papers, I got two les of them and read every word nk. I also received the Sunday )i oook and nave a BiDie wnicn i often. I glad that Victor doesn't have me yet and I hope and pray that II soon be over, so we can all go j are all working pretty hard but we don't mind if it helps to ill,there is not much that I can so I guess I will close for this Write soon and often, th love and best wishes to all, I as ever, Your loving son, Maricp. AN INVITATION special invitation is extended to Jewish friends to worship at the copal Church Sunday evening, p. m. Good music. * A cordial )me to the general public. L. W. Blackwelder, Rector. e average swell dresser has a ed head. me men marry for money anc> i marry out of ignorance. e sweetest words of tongue or come from the garbage men, who "Gee, those folks don't waste i food!" r. and Mrs. J. F. Caudle are visitrelatives in Charlotte.