The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, February 14, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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YOU COO FOOD?W YOUR TOI YOU ki does tc potato?an< In eachc out by cook So you toasting in of Burl the Lucky Jla^ <g) fl Guaranteed by ShjU' JwAJUyVCCi I r Dots From Union Mill Village Feb. 14.?Harold Sullivan is visiting his brother in Rockingham, N. C. Emon Israel, Preston Gregory, Frank Lybrand and Clyde Waldrop spent Sunday in Greenville. Miss Mamie Keisler holds a position with the Union-BufTalo Mills store on Saturdays. Roxev Cudd and Frank Lybrand have accepted positions with the Southern railroad. L. P. Gibson and family of Fairmont, N. C., spent Sunday with relatives in the city. The mill authorities are planting out shade trees over the entire village which will add much to the appearance of the place an 1 comfort to the residents during the summer months. The quarantine has postponed the raising of the flag until a future date. "i lean up" week is in proyress this week anil the town is tliorouyhly wide awake; our alderman, S. II. Lvbrand is cooperating with the company so if your premises are not cared for, yet your neighbor to explain why you were missed . The Boy Scouts of our community are doing fine; they are always willDon't Sui stipation, JBi 1 Headache, D ail their at ten; DR. CM S y r ti p T/n' IW/i is a combination of with Pepsin, mild and relieves constipation < or other pain or disc recommended for chil Sold by JDrt/ft 50 cfsA A Trial Rottlr ( an lt?* Obv.tir i>R. W. B. C Al.nwi.ll.. 4S7 WASH IN K YOUR 'MY NAT BACCO? i v i now what broiling ) steak, baking to a s i toasting to bread. j ase flavor is brought ;ing?by "toasting." can imagine how nproves the flavor ; ley tobacco used in Strike Cigarette. 'S TOASTED 4? O M P O M'ATIO __ -J ing and ready to do anything to help others. They are under the good management of Pastor Chick of Green Street church and when first organized used to he at a loss to find something to do, hut it is not so now. They have been on several hikes and were given a fine trip to Neal Shoals by the mill management. Some of the active work done by the scouts was to deliver President Wilson's Hag day speech and last Sunday when the churches were ordered closed on account of meningitis, Rev. J. B. Bozeman, pastor of the Westside Baptist cliurrh prepared his sermon in a neat folder and the boys were ready Sunday morning and responded to the request to deliver these pamphlets and at the regular hour for service, the entire village hand in their hands his message. Valmar. For Sale. Forty-eiprht acres of land, small tenant house, j?ood spring. About twenty-two acres in cultivation balance in pines and oaks. Three and one half miles from Santuc, on road to Beulah church. Joining lands of Mrs. J. C. Sartor, $22..r>0 per acre, one third cash, balance in two years at ft per cent interest. Citizens Keal Estate & Loan C?. 3t. ff 61* with Coniousness, Sick yspepsia, and dant discomfort I J) WELL'S Pepsi n \'V Laxative simple Laxative Herbs fjvnt'e in its action ami piicklv, without griping omforl. It is especially ilren. i;is/s livcrywhere l?) $1.00 ird, I irr #,{ 1 I Jfje, by Writing to iCiTON SIR! IT, MONTICIIJ.O, ILLINOIS LADY ENID VANE ?3 JUS^. ^Pk^HPI9B \... J3P& = w?& j . :..j.|^ j ( lr \ : && ::; * Lady Enid Vane, wife of MaJ. Henry Cecil Vane of the Yorkshire Hussars, heir of the ninth Baron Barnard, was formerly Lady Enid Victoria Fane, daughter of the earl of Westmoreland.! She has been devoting practically all j of her time to war relief duties and she has accomplished a great deal of good. Lady Enid is one of the most beautiful ladies in the British nobility. Coffee a Nutrient. ? Coffee is not a stimulant pure and simple, but a very considerable nutrient. Justus Liobig proved that, by taking equal lots of men, working in the salt mines, feeding one lot bread and meat, tfhe other bread and coffee, and comparing results. The cofTee squad did more work and came out in better shape than the meat eaters. Strict Regulation. Freeman was visiting at bis grandpa's home, and as he was a mischievous little chap, wus constantly being told, "Don't do this," and "Don't do that." Finally, with a look of disgust on his face, lie climbed up into a chair and asked, seriously, "What can a fella do in this house, anyway?" Studying Plant Life in India. In order to encourage arboriculture and the study of plant life the government of India lias offered a series of valuable prizes to lie awarded to those who are most successful in various lines in connection with the growth ol trees and shrubs on government land. Neatly Put. Wo nre told that Tom Hood liked best to work in n serious vein, on such poems as "The Bridge of Sighs." As he put it himself: "It's only for my it?Tsxiiiw-iswi t?.W ? 11?./\i?* rr??/i ?? 1ivuiiiiuuu lillll 1 111 u iivcij jliuuu. ? i Boston Transcript. I \ i Endurance of Reindeers. The reindeer la said to bo able to endure more fatigue thnn any other ' draft animal except the camel. It has been known to pull 200 pounds 4 10 miles un hour for 12 hours. > F 1 Wrong Side Up. , "Why didn't you toss a coin to de- j clde which to do?" "I did, but the ? darn thing didn't come down the way j 1 wanted it to."?Buffalo Express. Climbing. You can climb no higher than Juji with your feet, but with your mind you may inherit eternity.?A Japan* ese Philosopher. Cruel Enlightenment. Tie?"Tou seem to think I couldn'l make any woman happy." She?"Oh yes, there is one; your widow." Stomach Acts Fine! j < iNo Indigestion, Gas, , Heartburn, Acidity, j 'Tape's Diapcpsin" Fixes Sick. Sour, * Upset Stomachs in Five Minutes. You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is had?or an uncertain j one?or a harmful one?your stomach is too valuable; you mustn't injure it ! with drastic drugs. Tape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in giving relief; its harmlessness; its certain, unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its quick relief in indigestion, dys- | pepsia and gastritis, when caused by | acidity, has made it famous the world j over. Keep this wonderful stomach weetener in your home?keep it hnndy?% get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store and then if anyone should eat something which doesn't agree ( with them; if what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nausea; eructations of acid and undigested food?remember as soon as l'apo's Diapepsin comos in contact with the stomach it help to neutralize the excessive acidity, then all the stomach distress caused by it disappears. Its pr >r.iptness, certainty and ease in overcoming such stomach disorders is a revelation to those who try it. 1 Merourlua. In the mythology of ancient pagan tome Merourlus, or Mercury, to give he English form of the Latin name, vas the divinity of commerce and gain, ind was identified by the Romans vlth the Greek Hermes. A temple was iullt to Mercurlus as early as B. C. 95, near the Circus Maxlmus, and an iltar of the god existed near the Porta lapena by the side of a well. His fesIvul was celebrated on May 25, and hlefly by mei chants who visited the veil near the I'ontu Cupena to which uagic powers were ascribed. Great Mangrove Swamps. Mlndoro, one of the larger islands >f the Philippine group, is a province >y itself and contuins 3,963 square niles. It is distant from Manila a Title more than 100 miles. Along the hores of this island are more than 30.h)0 acres of mangrove swamps, with urge trees in practically virgin growth, onservntively estimated to yield 50,KH) tons of bark readily convertible nto approximately 17,000 tons of iitch. Just why this growth should inve remained untouched for so long s not explained. Monks Carved Church Seats. Church seats carved by monks are . o be seen within the walls of the an lent church at Clodock on the borders >f Monmouthshire. The edifice was >ullt some eight centuries ago and for nany years it had interesting relations vith Lantliony Abbey while Ft was the nonks of the adjacent monastery that lid much of the beautiful carving withit its walls. The tine tower is now so lilapidated that it must be speedily restored if it is to be saved from ruin. Rules Only for the Weak. j It is one of the weaknesses of mondial that it is forever establishing ules, programs, formulae. They serve heir purposes for the guidance of orlinnry minds. But the pioneers of bought ride rough-shod through the I tilers. They gain the ends they desire B y refusing to ho directed by what | wneono else lias thought before them, >y what teachers have insisted upon is binding.?Exchange. Best Kind of Play 16 Work. One of tin; best kinds of play is vork. Many of the elements of play nter into work if it is performed in lie right spirit. The most satisfying 'arms of play tire those in which interest is excited; competition, with desire :o succeed and accomplish some deflate end, makes the game worth pinyag. Work Is fatiguing and distasteful when it is lucking in these eleucnts. Take Pains. ' (lentils has been ilnltnnil no nr> Inft. a who suffer. It should HjJ ^ Mpyou^oo gg Take ^ f GARDUI raThe Woman's Tonic ra ?| ? Mrs." N. E. Varner, ol J i] I I Hixson, Tenn., writes: K jjd g| "I was passing through P Ijl the . . . My back and I sides were terrible, nnd ri^ my suffering indescriba- FT ble. I can't tell just how fckT gf.V and where I hurt, about fej ^ all over. I think ... I { S began Cardui, and my y pains grew less and less, I p fa until 1 was cured. I am ' W4M remarkably strong for a woman 64 years of age. 1 do all my housework." Dr. Virgil R. Hawkins DENTIST y OFFIT.K UPSTAIRS IN ITn;nn C p n FOSTF.R RUII.DING u,,,u,l? ^ c lite capacity for taking pains, and tnl?nt, which Is a sort of second cousin if genius, has the same characteristics, ibserves an educator. One who will ake pairs enough will meet with a neasure of success. And no one who lellttles the need of patient, plodding vork is likely to succeed, no matter vhat his endowments. < At Sunday School. c "Give an account of Balaam," said he teacher. "Balaam was a prophet , vho lived a long way off," replied the itudent. "After a while he went out !or a ride on his donkey, and he got fery angry with the donkey and hit " llrn, and a voice from heaven said, . You must not hit the donkey; It is loly ground.'" Making Bulgarian Milk. The milk of the Bulgarians, well known all over the world for its superior nutritive quality, is made by exposing it to the sun, the rapid development of the germs under the action of the ultra violet rays being such that when it heroines dry they are in highly concentrated form. Moss Is Valuable. "Moss" is the popular name for several kinds of smail llowerless plants which flourish in damp places. In mountainous and wet districts tracts )f moss are of great service in retainng the water und preventing suddeD lOOUS. Too Particular. Tho girl who thinks more of her georgette crepe waist than she does of her heau and refuses to permit It to pet mussed will never march to the well-known tune of Mr. Mendelssohn. ?Florida Tiiues-Union. Some Towers. The height of the Eiffel tower, Purls, Is t)S<> l'eet; of the Blackpool tower, r>2(? feet; of New Brighton tower, r.TO feet, ami of the Wool worth building, New York, 7f>0 feet. Queer Place for Meteorites. One of the remarkable features of the ocean's floor is tho fact that In Rome plaees It is covered with the dust of meteorites. Silent Applause. Many n vaudeville aotress seems bo think she's a big thir.g because she Kings through her nose, like un ele- > pliant.?Exchange. Vehicles Rear Owners' Names. In England all carts and wagons must ber.r the owner's name and address before being used In u public highway. | An Ambition and (f \ ""J^HF, needs of the South are ider f J of the Southern Railway i the growth J the upbuilding of tbe other. Jt J The Southern Railway aaka no farorr f) t accorded to othera. I } The ambition of the Southern Railwaj J unity of interest that is born of co-operatic / ? 3 the railroads; to seeperfected that fair and fi 1 ' tnent of railroads which intrites tbe coti ( agencies: to realize that liberality of treatt V to obtain the additional capital needed for th V/ enlatgrd facilities incident to the demand I service; and. finally? i To take Its niche In the body politic i r other great industries, with no more, but 1 \ nghts and e<jual opportunities. "^The Southern Serve^ ISJoti to all that are interested in Veals, E. R. Godshall's marl you with the best prices, a the best fresh meats will p market afford?. Call us at i E. R. GODSHAL PHONE 52 SERVICI ran be used as an Ambulance, for deliv sions. Especially adapted for long dist? vhere wifchin thirty miles of Union FRI BAILEY UNDEI Office Phone 106 R It Helps! JI ?{ There can be no doubt I b ^ 1 as to the merit of Cardui, K a the woman's tonic, in k the treatment of many m troubles peculiar to ^ i RX women. The thousands v mL of women who have been , W helped by Cardui in the p I past 40 years, is conclu- g fi sive proof that it is a j H frrtnd modicifiA fr?r H . a Record j y> itical with the needs \ and aucccaa of one meana , \ I ! \/ ?no tpecial prltllese not i r Company ! to are that J >n between the public and , rank policy In the oianare- ? ifidence of eo'crnmental I c nent which will enable It I j e acquisition of better aod ' /a for Increased and better f 1 of the South alonyalde of J with erj-jal libettlea. equal y the South." V-^.A-cv ice! sellings Hogs, Cattle or ^et is always looking for nd also those who want ret the best the local 52, opposite post office. L'S MARKET Lr CAR er>nK Caskets and on Funeral occainee calls. We deliver Caskets any;e of charge. STAKING CO. Residence Phone 88 Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless bill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the ell known tonic properties of QUININE nd IKON. It acts on the Liver, Drives ut Malaria, Enriches the Blood and llikls lir> tll#? Wlml. Rirct.m ?.? ? ? " ~ Wj'"-"" >? ?"? A rudder has been patented, nornally within the hull of a vessel, but . hieh can be projuected through the iow to aid in steering. ^o. 666 rhia ia a prescription prepared especially r MALARIA or CHILLS &. FEVER. ive or aiz doaea will break any case, and taken then as a tonic the Fever will not (turn. It acts on the liver better than alomel and does not gripe or sicken. 2So Government scientists in India ave succeeded in making paper from liree new materials, leaves of a vest Australian plant, timber from 'ast Africa and bark of a tree found n Rhodesia. RUB-MY-TISIWI 11 r 11 - - win cure Kncumatism., INeu-^ algia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne^ jsed internally or externally. 25c IF YOIJ re troubled with dandruff, itching ralp, and your hair coming out, we sk you to try IKaSg r MAUI MAHn HAIR TONIC n our guarantee that it will give ou relief and satisfaction or money efunded. Sold only by us, 50c and 1.00. Glymph'a Pharmacy, Union, S.