The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, October 12, 1917, Page 7, Image 7

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I ,? J Now Is a Good Tim To Ti Mfld weather aid treatment, h Don't be misled into thinking that \ .your Catarrh is gone. The first touch > of winter weather will bring it back 1 with all its discomforts. > But this is an excellent time to f thoroughly cleanse the blood of the ? germs of Catarrh, and be forever rid of the troublesome sprays and 3 douches that- ran * ?v?v. <.ui( jrwu. I S. S. S.t the great blood purifier, * searches out the germs of Catarrh'( Wy jm9.x ? A w&lS Cattle relish the I wet Bucke QUCKEYE HULLS, after 1 or twelve hours, acquire the succulent ensilage od< Simply feed r???i m> mjc?i W m COTTONi H K nuL , UNTLE properly and your stock will 1 other roughage. Once they ) they will not be satisfied with There is every reason why ; Buckeye Hulls. They are all worthless as forage; no dirt, t Other Advc Buckeye Hulls cost much less per T ton than old style hulls. T Buckeye Hulls allow better assimilation of other food. T Every pound goes farther. Mr. L R. Farmer, Louisville, Ga. that he has used no other hulls year and gets good results. C ered with cough since using B i To secure the best results and to develop thoroughly twelve hours before fet wetting them down night and morning for this cannot be done, wet down at least feed the hulls dry, use only half as much Book of Mixed Gives the right formula for every co South. Tells how much to feed for tening, for work. Describes Buckey* using them properly. Send for your | Dept. K The Buckeve Co ^ ? Atlanta Birmingham Croat mm Auguota Char lotto ' Jachoon SPECIAL R( TXT 1 ^ ^ ' vv e nave 1 ui SPECIAL RC That we w One Gallor At $1.00 p Not more than Fr be sold to any c P^Come Quid in on this sj Union Plumbing Peoples Und< Funeral Directors Automobile Equipment Fur Calls Answered Pror H. W. EDGAF Phone Ml IIF YOU NEE You can get it from the Re . ? - - ~ selling tnem all kinds of S Sacks, Brass, Copper and E old Boilers or Engines or them to us as we will pay t for everything. Write or RELIABLE < Phone No. 322 e eat Your Catarrh ? vhich infest your blood, and chases a hem entirely out of your system. It e s by far the most satisfactory treat- J: nent for the disease, because it * eaches down to its very roots and grets at the cause. Write to-day for a ull information, and expert medical T idvice regarding the treatment of w rour own case. Take advantage of a his chance to-day. Address Swift u Specific Co., Dept. G Atlanta, s ? ? b 7' ci c sweet odor of 7 ye Hulls ? ' a aeing wetted down for ten Sl a taste or odor similar to w >r that cattle like so well. F bi ni ?YF = ls k ike them better than any si are accustomed to them, T 1 anything else. P1 ol /our cattle should relish 01 roughage; no lint that is d< rash or dust. al J< xntages a heytake less space in the barn. ol hey are sacked?efty to handle. M hey mix well, when wet, with p other forage. , may a: C but Buckeye for the past ows have not been both- M 1ickeye Hulls. R the ensilage odor, wet the hulls tding. It is easy to do this by A the next feeding. If at any time Ij ol thirty minutes. If you prefer to w 1 by bulk as of old style hulls. bi Feeds Free mbination of feeds used in the maintenance, for milk, for fat- is i Hulls and gives directions for vi copy to the nearest mill. vv tton Oil Co. Dept. k J1 od Little Rock Metnpkim macon Smlma I S( W nt C( al M)F PAINT I , ___ 5 Gallons of )OF PAINT J ri ill sell in i Buckets i' P ?m er ballon ve Gallons will sl >ne customer "? ir k if you want t] fecial offer ^ e: b &Flnntrin fin ww W ?. I I \* W W CI drtaking Co. and Embalmors h niahed When Deaired. ? nptly Day or Night c t, Manager, ? Old Postofftce Building SO MONEY liable Junk Company by erap Iron, Rags, Bones, lubber. If you have any old Automobiles bring ;he highest market price call tt JUNK CO. Union, S. C. j LOCKHART JUNCTION Lockhart Junction, Oct. 8.?Tho eather the past week has been fine >r gathering. Cotton has just taken start to open in some places. A reat many are talking of its opening ) slowly. Well, the most of the cot>n is late. I see now that the fields re getting white everywhere I go. he busy season is on at last and there ill be a rush from now on until it is 11 picked out. The price is tending pwards it seems and I hear some few ay they are going to get 30 cents for heir cotton. Well, I believe it will ring that if it is not marketed too ast. This writer met Messrs. W. C. Fauett, A. A. Adams and M. E. Hill, etter known as "Frog Eye." These re soldier boys who have been home ar a while on furlough. These young ?en are from Pinkney township, but ut Mr. Hall. He is from North Carlina. They are with Co. E of Union ompany. Mr. Frost Walker is their aptain. They have been moved from 'olumbia to Greenville. They all look rell, and say they are treated well. I as glad to meet these young men as know them all and I will say, Boys, e good and let it be said of you if ou should live to come back that you re the same good boys; have that ime good name that you went off ith. I attended the box supper at the air Forest or Page school house as etter known now, last Saturday ight. This was given by the little unbeam girls, Misses May Johnson nd Myrtle Reaves are the leaders of lis Sunbeam band. These girls have leir meetings every Sunday ' afteraon at the school house. They read le Bible and other things of interest, 3 they tell me they work for misons. They are doing a good work. , here was a large crowd at the sup- ] er and they made a nice little sum f money. There was fun for every- ; le. Mrs. I.eister of Jonesville ren- , jred some fine music on the piano; j Iso making recitation. Miss May uhnson gave a recitation. There was . cake walk, a guessing contest and ;her amusements. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Kelly, Mr. and , [rs. A. luce Gault and Miss Margaret owler motored to Chester Sunday. Miss Ella Earglo and Miss Sallie unningham, who are teaching school i Leeds, spent the week-end with [rs. W. H. Page and Mrs. Lester eeves. We hear today that Mr. R. W. dams, who lives near Kelton, fell T a load of wood he has on his agon and the wagon ran over him, ruising him up pretty badly. We are i hopes he is not seriously hurt. I must say for Mr. W. H. Page, who township commissioner of .Tonesille township, has had some good ork done on the road near Lockhart unction on what is known as the Orr ill. The neighbors around in this iction helped. Has dragged down and idened out this road. So now two utomobiles can pass and it is not ear so steep. Again, he is the only immissioner that I have seen with a novel. He doesn't only superintend ut gets down in the ditch himself ith his shovel and helps. Well, we don't read any more from ur correspondent writer, G. T. G. ie was a faithful writer to The Times ut he is gone now and it does appear > me that there will be or is an cho of his voice that will live nroughout endless ages. I heard some ay there were going to clip his last itter and keep in memory of him. low you seed our good works follow s, as the wise man said, "A good ame is better to be chosen than erreat iches. I see that the editor, L. M. Rice, 'ill get out a daily paper. I think lat is the thing. Why shouldn't Un>n have a daily paper as well as other laces ? Moxy. FIGHTING SAME BATTLES. A splendid spirit of patriotism was hown by white troops toward the egroes being mobilized at Camp Jack:>n yesterday. When a train bearlg several hundred negroes drove into le camp the white troops broke sponineously into lusty cheering, which 'as taken up along the line until it ictended far away into the lines of arracks.?The State. SUFFERING AND SURGERY *n be avoided by using JiVsEEsaar MAOK MAWK PILE REMEDY RoliouA *us_ ~:i -i. *?v??vtv jvuiocii \jx. una anuiviit ?v ome. Easy to use and thoroughly spendable. Sold only by us 50c and 1.00. Glymph's Pharmacy, Union, 8. >R. I. MURRAY HAIR Dentist Office: 507 Chapman Building Phone 1569 spa bt a mbiiur a r> ? - u* Vi MONET TO LEND on FARM LANDS J00 to $10,000?Twenty year* time. See JNO. K. HAMBLIN Lawyer Office 2nd door Eae^ of Poatettee. r Pttee Cored in 6 to 14 Daya oar dranlit will refaiU monay M PASO INTSiBNT liDi la car# mvmn of Itfthtav, liad. BUodJaa or Protradio* PUoa la to 14 dara. be ftrat application cive* Haae aad let & i ALMOST LIKE A MIRACLE WAY TANLAC WORKED Mrs. Evans Says Those Terrible Spells Have Been Relieved. SUFFERED 12 YEARS Very First Dose of Tanlac Made Slight Change for Better?Is Unusual Statement. After suffering: twelve years, the last several months of which was so severe she believed herself on the verge of the grave, Mrs. Ella Evans, of Iva, S. C., R. F. D. 4, in June, 191G, had obtained so much relief from Tanlac that "it seemed almost like a miracle the way Tanlac worked," according to her description. Mrs. Evans gave the following statement regarding the benefit Tanlac gave her: "I suffered from a very bad case of stomach trouble for twelve years before I began taking Tanlac, and it seemed that no medicine would break up my trouble. I frequently would have terrible spells when my nenrt, nerves and stomach would all get out of order at the same time. I suffered ternoie pain then. I had begun to fear I'd never be well again. "At night I could not sleep well and I was so weak I could hardly be up. Really it seemed that my whole system was out of order in every way and I got no better, though I had the best medical attention. "Some of .my relatives persuaded me to take Tanlac. I have just finished my first bottle and just a short time ago I ordered the second. I am a great deal stronger now in every way and I've not had one of those tern- z ble spells since I started taking Tanlac. My heart, nerves, stomach, liver and bowels have been regulated by the Tanlac. I have a good appetite, too, now. "The very first dose of Tanlac made a slight change for the better, and in my case it seemed almost like a miracle the way Tanlac worked. In everyway Tanlac has made my health better and I am so happy, for I believe I am on the road to recovery. I sure will continue to take Tanlac, for it certainly is wonderful." For sale by Palmetto Drug Co., Union; Buffalo Drug Co., Buffalo; K. D. Bailey, Carlisle; B. G. Wilburn & Son, Cross Keys; Jonesville Drug Co., Tonesville; Lockhart Mills Store, Lockhart, R. J. Fowler, Monarch. DON'T RISK NEGLECT. Don't neglect a constant backache, sharp, darting pains or bladder disorders. The danger of dropsy or Bright's disease is too serious to ignore. IJ?e Doan's Kidney Pills as have yo^jr^friends and neighbors. A Union case. Mrs. R. N. Sprouse, 263 W. Main St., Union, says: "I was in a bad way with kidney trouble. I felt nerVAIlc on/1 mir ViaoHU 1 ?wWO * ? iiij nvoien waa auaiit'rt'd. The pains in the small of my back were terrible and they seemed to bother me more at night. There were other distressing kidney disorders, which annoyed me greatly. I doctored for six months and finally a friend told me to try Doan's Kidney Pills. I got some from the Palmetto Drug Co., and after I had taken one box, I felt relieved. I kept on until I had used six boxes and by that time all signs of kidney complaint left me." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs. Sprouse had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT. i'aurens, Oct. 5.?Mrs. T. E. Tod*;, of Laurens, has informally announced the engagement of her cousin, Miss Dorcas Ray Calmes, to Mr. Robert A. Cooper. The wedding will take place next month at the home of the bride's uncle, who lives in Mississippi and ; will be a quiet home affair. This a 1nouncement is of cordial interest throughout South Carolina. Miss Calmes is widely known in social circles and educational circles, having, since her graduation from Winthrop College, taught at Albermarle, N. C., in he rhome town of Laurens and in Columbia. Mr. Cooper is a leading lawyer and was for several years solicitor of the 8th judicial circuit. In the political and public life of the county and state he has been prominent for several years. ? RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu?f ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, King-Worm, Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c If ycu have a hog, keep your eye on him, feed him, treat him tenderly, love him. In the days to come his very squeal will be melodious. KJt n. l? magnoua, oaim LIQUID FACE POWDER. dfe. The beauty secret of women who know how VTnk to take care of the coraple*ion. Cannot be I detected. Heals Sun* ^ burn, stop* Tan. Soothing, c00'?* refreshing. . ^ r? ftsayls liithtr ?*tt) firrYr ItsMp UwkCe. SOSo^hFlShauBinlfce.RY. | The Teach of Personal Experience come the up-to-date successful man ( the strongest advocates of the man who has Learned by Ex] and t Vi on if io r V* A A VA VUVil AW AO V> Profit by the teachings of Expt Start an account today. THE "PLANE" FACT THAT WE WC INTO EVERY ONE IS THAT WE HA YOU EVER SAW. WE CAN'T AFFORD ANYTHING BUT THE BEST, AND PEO AFFORD TO BUY ANYTHING BUT TI ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST IN THE PRICES ARE RIGHT. D AiIaii DihIJam* ( Dclliuy DUIIUUIS 1 Phone t-A 106 IFLOJ | $12.00 Pei 1 Is the Cheap< 1 Product on th( 8 g luuay I Eat A Plenty But \ Come To S fJ.M.JETl Whenever You Need a General Tonic P. , Take Grove's. . * !Kh1 ? ? ^ M . ion en v ine uia Duoaara urovt'i 1 sateless chill Tonic it equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the Tbt Ml well known tonic properties of QUININB Beca?*? and IRON. It acta on the Liver, Drives Tiva as out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents, took for Sj^SJj lings too high in cost for )f today. Invariably bank account is the perience ften Too Late. jrience? TlW^lllrj R t<3HT IN EQUALITY V^'PRi^ >UL1> LIKE TO HAMMER VE THE BEST LUMBER TO SELL OUR PATRONS PLE WHO KNOW, CAN'T IE BEST. THE BEST IS LONG RUN. AND OUR Supply Co. U R I 1 r Barrel) I 3st Food | 3 Market | Don'! Waste. I See IVie | CT1*^ W? ? ur. | ting for peace is the old-fashv&y of Retting it. Im That Dm Net Affect tte Need of ita tonic and laxative effect, tAXAtOMO QUINlNKIa better than ordinary and doea not canaa nervaoMaaa net n head. Remember the fall nam's and the signature of 8. W. G&OVR. 30c.