The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, September 14, 1917, Page 6, Image 6

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m? *. am ih? For Unit ^ month by uteri of U J^| Sfafca Tir> .fpJS. jt. Ask the five is suit< Ll ^JsiSife A Complete stock ij The Housewives of Union and Union County are i respectfully invited to call and inspect our line of Stoves and Ranges. Cooking is no longer a drudgery; it is a pleasure when your kitchen is equipped with one of our modern S tovps Our "King Bee" Oil Stove appeals to many. No trouble to start up. So clean, so handy and so economical that it wins its way to the housewife's heart. Beauty of it is, these are real stoves, big enough to accommodate a large family. Besides our Cook Stoves X1TA AO MMtr O B wc v-an.y <x line ui oiuves for heating purposes. The blasts of winter will be here in a short three months. Why shiver with cold when a small investment will keep you warm as a toast? Come, see us about Stoves. We can make attractive prices. Union Plumbing & Electric Co. Phone 205-J JIVaEzasor T?AOl MAHn ECZEMA REMEDY Sold on a guarantee for Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, and similar affections of the skin and scalp. Sold only by us, 50c and $1.00. Glymph's Pharmacy, Union, S. C. Innocence is like an umbrella. When once it is lost, it is useless to advertise for it. y It Costs Less to se Tires On Your of their lupreme mileage-giving qualitic ed Status Tires are the standard* of low why their sale* continue to forge ahead ; month. why user* of United States Tires last ; nited States Tires this year. vhy, sooner or later, you, too, will be a u es. nearest United States Tire dealer whic :d to your needs of price and use. I :a I CJ?n muea oiaies nr Are Good Tires l Tire for Every Need of Price and ( yal Cord' 'Nobby' 'Chain' 'Utco' 'J T'nftei? State* TfllSS anil THIS ACCESSORIES Hare All lite Sterling It iirth anil H ear that Make t'niteil State* Tire* Supreme Also tires far motor trucks, motor cycles, bicycles, and aeroplanes . of United States Tires Carr DIRECTIONS FOR KNITTING. Instructions Are Arranged by Red Cross Chaptetr. The following directions are issued by the Union Chapter of the Ameri can iveci i. ross lor Knitting tne sweaters, wristlets and mufflers. Sweater. Two hanks knitting worsted, gray. One pair amber or bone needles. Cast on eighty stitches. Knit two, purl two stitches for four inches. Knit plain until sweater measures twenty-three inches. Knit twenty-eight stitches, bind off twenty-four for neck, loose. Knit twenty-eight stitches. Knit five ridges on each shoulder, cast on twenty-four stitches. Knit plain for twenty-one inches. Purl two. knit two stitches for four inches. Sew up sides, leaving nine inches for armholes. Two rows single crochet around neck and one row single crochet around the armholes. Directions for the Wristlet. One-half hank knitting worsted, gray. One pair amber or hone needles. Cast on fifty-two stitches. Knit two, purl two for 12 inches. Sew up, leaving two-inch space for thumb three inches from top. Directions for the Muffler. Two hanks knittinrr wnrclnrl trrav r ' ? One pair amber or bone needles. Cast on 50 stitches or 10 inches. Plain knitting for 68 inches. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu-' ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c CARD OF THANKS. We wish to express our thanks to the many friends who so ably assisted us when our home and contents were destroyed by fire. May (?od bless each and every one of them and protect them from harm. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hall. When crediting a man with his good intentions, let us remember that in order to get them cashed they must be backed by good deeds. Recommended by Doctor Cothram Dr. T. E. Cothram 13 a well-known {>harmacist of Alexis, Ala. And when le gets bilious or needs a purgative medicine, what do you suppose he does? Out of his whole big stock of liver medicine he selects and uses Granger Liver Regulator. Ho says '"There is none hotter." That's a pretty strong endorsement, don't you think, from a man who knows all about the merits of the different medicines on the market? Granger Liver Regulator is purely vegetable, docs not gripe nor irritate the delicate lining cf the stomach and bowels and always gives quick and pleasant results. It is the best system purifier known. Your druggist can supply you?25c for large box. Accept no substitute. I mm ied by J. L. Bolton LIEUT. FIT/SIMMONS IS KILLED IN FRANCI Washington, Sept. 8.?The death oJ First Lieut. William T. Fitzsimmons medical corps, U. S. A., killed Thurs day when German aviators bomber hospitals behind the lines in France was announced in a dispatch receivec by the war department tonight frorr the military attache of the Americar embassy at London. It was the first news the depgrti ment had received about the attacl upon the hospitals. No mention wai made in the message of other Ameri cans reported killed in press cables. Lieut. Fitzsimmons joined th< army medical forces at Kansas City his home, last May and recently was attached to the British forces. H< was just 20 years of age and a grad uate of Kansas University. Shortlj before entering the army he had re turned home after spending a yeai doing hospital work in France. There are a number of youthfu crown princes scattered about Europr who may not have any jobs to til when they grow up. WACO "TONIC Moufir fnila f A r\yn\TA if a mnwUa w I *1 V* VA AMtlU VV pi VTO IVO lll^ilVO such complains a-s Indigestion, Malaria, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Thai Tired Feeling. Neuralgia, Constipation, Heart Trouble, Eczema, Sick Headache, Catarrh and Nervousness Price 50c per bottle at (Old Milhous Drug Store) NAT MORGAN AND SAM LAYTON COULD BARDLY STAND ALONE Terrible Suffering From Headache, Sideache, Backache, and Weak new, Relieved by Cardui, Says This Texas Lady. Gonzales. Tot,? Mrs. Minnie Philpot, of thla place, writes: "Five years ago I was taken with a pain In xny left side. It was right tinder my left rib. It would commence with an aching and extend up into my left shoulder and on down Into my back. By that time the pain would be so severe I would have to take to bed, and suffered usually about three days .. .1 suffered this way for three years, and got to be a mere skeleton and was Rn woftlr T ennlH hnrrilv ntnnrl tlnna Was not able to go anywhere and ha<J to let my house work go...I suffered awful with a pain In my back and I had the headache all the time. I just was unable to do a thing. My lift was a misery, my stomach got In an awful condition, caused from taking so much medicine. I suffered so much pain. I had just about given up all hopes of our getting anything to help me. One day a Birthday Almanac was thrown in my yard. After reading Its testimonials I decided to try Car dul, and am so thankful that I did for I began to Improve when on the second bottle...I am now a well woman and feeling fine and the cur? has been permanent for It has bees two years since my awful bad health. I will always praise and recommend Cardul." Try Cardul today. ?3 71 PACOLET, ROUTE 2 Pacolet, Route 2, Sept. 10.?Miss Maggie MeBride entertained a few of her friends Sept. 6th at a birthday party. All reported a nice time. Miss Marie Storey has returned to her home in Spartanburg after spending the summer at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Storey. Miss Ada Conrad of Pacolet spent a few days with Miss Minnie MeBride last week. Mrs. Walton Tweed and Miss Myrtis Tweed spent the week-end with relatives near Jonesville. Messrs. L. L. Vaughan and T. H. Mabry were in Union Saturday on business. Mrs. Walter Cameron has returned to her home in Newberry after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. West spent Sunday with relatives at Sulphur Springs. Misses Gladys Mabry and Ruth Gallmon spent the week-end in Jonesville. Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman and Mr. Boyd MeBride spent Sunday with their parents on this route. Mrs. Susie Smith of Union spent last week with her sister, Mrs. F. A. Gallman. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ward visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gallmon vis ited in Jonesville Sunday. Miss Lavenia Littlejohn of Caffney, Route 4. spent the week-end with Miss Clara Evans. Trio. HERE IS A STORY THAT IS RATHER GRUESOME In one of the companies there is an enlisted man whose name will not he given here. He is one of the foremost embalmers in the country, and perhaps, in the world. He is, in addition a graduate in surgery and chemistry, and knows painting and sculpture. He studied all these things in order to become what he is?the fore' most embnlmer. He is connected' with one of the leading undertaking establishments in New York city, and his salary is $10,000 a year. It has happened more than once that a person has been killed by accident, resulting in facial disfigurement. This embalmer had been able to rebuild the " ilisfigured features, with wax and naint, so that one not knowing better ^ would never dream the features had been marred. He has done this re[ peatedly, in New York and other cities, , and by those who know him and his - work he is rightly regarded as one of 1 the world's greatest artists. It is a , rather gruesome line of endeavor, 1 some may think, hut it was his own i choice, and he has gone to the very l top in it. Today he is an enlisted man in the getting $30 a month. YesterC pay he was in charge of a squad of ? men who were engaged in cleaning - a company street, and he was giving his undivided attention to the work ; and making a good job of it indeed. , Some of those who knew him and ? ms nisiory couiu not neip but express ? the hope that there would be no call - for his professional skill while he is r in the army.?Spartanburg Herald. r THAT MORNING LAMENESS. If you are lame every morning, and 1 suffer urinary ills, there must be a cause. Often it's weak kidneys. To ' strengthen the weakened kidneys and avert more serious troubles, use Doan's Kidney Pills. You can rely on a Union man's testimony, i R. S. Foster, wheelwright, 95 W. Main St., Union, says: "Years of t hard work brought on inflammation of ' the bladder and kidney trouble. I ' could hardly get out of bed mornings, ' I felt so stiff and lame. My kidneys acted too freely, obliging me to get up several times at night and the secretions burned in passage. When I reai. ' about Doan's Kidney Pills, I got a : supply from the Palmetto Drug Co. I felt relieved after I had taken a few doses and one box rid me of backache. I was soon fixed up in good shape." I />A. -it * - * . , i me ouc at ail aeaiers. uon t, sim, ply ask for a kidney Temedy?pet Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mr. Foster had. Foster-Milburn Co., , Props., Buffalo, N. Y. 36-2' Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malar in,enriches the blood.and builda up the ay atem. A true tonic. Por adulta and children. 60c NOTICE OF SALE. ! State of South Carolina, Union County. Common Pleas. I Citizens National Bank, Plaintiff, vs. , Ben (iood, Defendant. Pursuant to an order of the Court ( of Common Pleas for said County, I "will, on the 1st day of October next, * ihAinff C'.i1gc/1 a XT rlnrinir lonrol VtAii re a f " fN ,V8M1 U1 sale, before the Courthouse door in Union, S. C., sell at public auction, the following lot or parcel of land, to wit: "All that certain lot or parcel of land, ; situated in Jonesville township, said i County and State, with the house t thereon, now owned by the defendant I Ben (lood. [ Terms of Sale: Cash, purchaser to 1 pay for papers. ' . W. W. JOHNSON, , Judge of Probato and Kx-Officio Mas5 ter. Sept. 7, 1917. 37-3 [ With twenty thousand dentists orl ganized to assist the United States government by repairing defects in l the chewing apparatus of recruits, young men with troublesome molars L may become soldiers "in spite of their teeth." WRIG ( "After I Vv every \ vNNS. meal" J W J tmg / pVl it ^? ^ m J I iH AT name on the h m 1 Motor Truck means ' > tion to the man who c means plenty of power, end economy in operation, the u,: truck user wants and app the man who buys an Int '4 invests his money instead | up the International and n || as you can. It pays. International Harvester < (tncorpor p| We sell International Mc Model H of 1,500 pounds cap |jj pounds capacity. We can sup] gt business requires. We* give < I service a motor truck owner I let us show you the Internation II or write and we will conic to y< % R. H. NESBI1 ^ 13 Main St. IF" YOU NEE1 You can get it from the Reli selling them all kinds of Sci Sacks, Brass, Copper and Ru old Boilers or Engines or < them to us as we will pay th for everything. Write or a RELIABLE ?J Phone No. 322 LEYS The goody that Is1 beneficial to teeth and stomach is best for children. Wrigley's Is Helpful to all ages. It massages and strengthens i the gums. ^ keeps teeth \ clean and J breath sweet. I aids appetite J and digestion. The Flavor _ Lasts ood of the International a lot of genuine satisfaciwns an International. It urance, reserve strength, kind of service a motor reciates. It means that ernational Motor Truck 1 of spending it. Look lake the change as soon Company of America atcd) >tor Trucks in two sizes ? acity and Model F of 2,000 [)ly any kind of a body your >ur customers the kind of appreciates. Come in and at Motor Truck. Telephone >u. rT AUTO CO. Union, S. C. J "8 D MONEY able Junk Company by rap Iron, Rags, Bones, bber. If you have any M Automobiles bring e highest market price ill fUNK CO. Union, S. C.